



Questions in interviews with foreign teachers


学习资料 精品文档外教面试提问参考 1.Brife introduction(how do you feel about China &Yichang)and self introduction. 2.Can you say something about your last job?What did you achieve from it? Why did you leave? 3. You had mentioned you have been to China for 6 months, and which cities did you go? And what impressions did those cities make on you? 4. Do you consider your teaching to China as a journey? So would you leave this our school when you find there is not as many entertainments as you think here in Yichang? 5 As a primary school teacher , you should use a lot teaching methods to inspire students, an what kind of new teaching methods do you like,how will you use it in your class? 6.What is your expectation about the new job?Salary?Bonus and so on? 7.What is your plan in the coming semester? 针对外教的提问补充: 1)What materials have you taught in China? 2)How to motivate stud ents when they feel sl eepy or get bored? 3)Can you handl e a low-level class without an assistant? How? 4)Do you design games yourself? Describe one game you d esigned and what kind of l esson the game is suitabl e for?


常见的20个英语面试问题 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Why did you leave your last job? 3. What can you offer us that others cannot? 4. What are your strengths? Best skills? 5. What is your major weakness? 6. What qualifications do you have that you feel would make you suessful here? 7. What are your career goals? Future plans? 8. What do you know about this pany? 9. How many people have you managed/supervised in your recent positions?

10. What things are most important to you in a work situation? 11. In your last position, what were the things that you liked most? Liked least? 12. Why are you seeking a position with our pany? 13. Why are you leaving your present job? 14. Give me an example from a previous job where you have shown initiative. 15. Why should I hire you? 16. Have you ever been fired and why? 17. If you had a choice, would you prefer to work alone or as part of a team? Why? 18. What are your hobbies?


外教聘用过程中的相关问题 1.外国文教专家、外籍教师是指哪些人? 外国文教专家是指应聘来华从事教育、科技、新闻出版、文化、艺术、体育、科学、经济、管理、商贸、财会、税务、金融、法律等工作的外籍专业人员。应具有大学学士及以上学位、有两年以上工作经验。 2.招聘外籍教师一般需要提前多久? 由于外国人习惯提前计划,外籍教师需要办理一些必要的手续,以及生活上的准备,招聘单位最好提早2个月开始开展招聘外籍教师准备事宜。 3.聘请单位必须具备什么条件才能招聘外籍教师? 聘请单位首先必须具备有申请外国教师到中国的许可,即已经取得了国家外专局颁发的《聘请外国文教专家单位资格认可证书》。获此认可证书后,才能方便的帮助外籍教师办理到中国的签证。 4.聘请单位一般应该提供外籍教师什么样的福利呢? 通常学校应提供外教免费的住宿。 5.哪些政府部门负责管理外国专家的工作? 中国国家外国专家局是中国管理外国来华工作的中央政府职能部门。各省、区、市外事办公室和地方外国专家局是管理地方外国专家来华工作的地方政府职能部门和服务部门。外国文教专家管理工作涉及的地方主管部门包括地方政府外事办公室、教育厅(委、局)、公安厅 6.哪些政府部门负责签发聘请外国专家确认件? 国家外国专家局,以及各省、自治区、直辖市外事办公室和国务院各部委、直属机构、事业单位、专业总公司国际合作司(外事司)向来本地区、本部门工作的外国专家签发聘请外国专家确认件,其他任何部门无权签发。 7.在外国专家工作中怎样执行我国的宗教政策? 我国的宗教政策是公民享有宗教信仰自由,国家对正常的宗教活动予以保护。我国任何宗教团体和宗教事务坚持独立、自主、自办的方针,不受外国势力的控制和支配。


少儿英语外教一对一,八大典型英语面试问题及回答 Type 1: “Why did you decide to seek a position in this company?” “You are a top company and I am convinced there would be no better place to work. You provide your employees with an open working environment based on team work.” Typ e 2: “Why did you leave your last job?” (Hint: Don’t lie and don’t speak badly of your past employer) “I felt there was a lack of potential for upward mobility, I needed a more challenging job” Type 3: “How would you describe your ability to work in a team?” ”As part of my college basketball team I learned we must work together. My individual training in the gym contributed to the team’s overall success. I like a mix, with a group I get the group input, but some projects are done better if just one person i s working on them” Type 4: “What skills have you developed in your previous roles?” “During my internship I worked for a few days in each of the departments of a company. This gave me a great insight into management techniques and how a big organisation wo rks” Type 5: “Would you be willing to travel in this job?” “I understand that in order to build a good long term relationship with our customers it sometimes necessary to travel. I am more than willing to do this” Type 6: “Describe your leadership skills?” “It is important to take everyone’s opinion into account and give them the opportunity to excel. My role, as I see it, is organise and get things in order”

外教面试问题 - 双语版

外教面试问题Questions in interviews with foreign teachers I基本信息Basic Information 1姓名Name 2年龄Age 3家庭Family 4母语Mother Tongue II签证Visa 1在xx多少年 Howlonghaveyou been in China? 2预期还要待多久 How long can you stay in China? 3持什么签证 What’s kind of visa do you have? 4是否需要提供工作 签证 Should we provide Working visa for you?

5是否喜欢在中国工作Areyouwillingto work in China? III教育和工作背景Education and Working Background 1是否教育对口 What’s your studying Program in college? 2是否有教育经验 Doyougetteaching experience before? 3以前教过什么课程, 教多大孩子,成果怎样What’ssubjectsdo you teach before?How oldarethe students?Howisthe teaching performance? IV宗教信仰和风俗忌讳Religion and Custom 1工作时间 Working Time 2饮食 Food

3行为习惯 Behaves V工作要求Demands 1全职还是兼职 Full-time or part-time 2薪资期许 Salary Expectation 3能否及时到岗Canyoustartworking ASAP? VI其他要求Other requirements


应聘外教助教面试自我介绍 这是一篇由网络搜集整理的关于应聘外教助教面试自我介绍的文档,希望对你能有帮助。 今年22,我平时喜欢看书和上网浏览信息.我的性格比较开朗,随和.能关系周围的任何事,和亲人朋友能够和睦相处,并且对生活充满了信心.我以前在xxx实习过,所以有一定的实践经验.在外地求学的四年中,我养成了坚强的性格,这种性格使我克服了学习和生活中的一些困难,积极进取的良好心态. 成为一名体育教师是我多年以来的愿望,所以我想从体育助教做起,慢慢积累经验。如果我有机会被录用的话,我想,我一定能够在工作中得到锻炼并实现自身的价值.同时,我也认识到,人和工作的关系是建立在自我认知的基础上的,我认为我有能力也有信心做好这份工作.体育教师是一个神圣而高尚的职业,希望大家能够认可我,给我这个机会! 篇二: 尊敬领导: 您好! 我叫xxx,是一名xx大学xx系xx届毕业生。经过四年的认真学习和不懈努力,我已具备了系统的专业知识和一定的教学实际能力, 现在正准备以高昂的热情与所学的知识入到社会之中,服务于教育事业,实现自身的价值。 贵校良好的管理体制,浓厚的教学氛围和积极进取的精神使我将其作为自己的首选目标,相信在贵校领导的帮助指导下,通过自身的努力,

我会成为一名合格的人民教师,希望贵校能给我提供一个施展才华的机会,让我从助教做起! 我的家乡在xxx,纯朴的乡情给予了我善良的品质,艰苦的条件培养了我知难而上乐观自信的精神。这些都令我获益良多。 大学的四年时光里,我本着自强不息,学以致用.思想方面我积极向党组织靠拢,心集体,团结同学,并加入“xx”协会,多次参加了义务劳动和社会活动。同时我也积极参 加中小学实践教学,足球赛等课外活动。力求使自己成为高素质的复合型人才! 我相信命运之神会垂青有准备之人,回首过去深感母校培育之恩,注目将来唯有以学 识与真诚回报祖国的教育事业。我将以爱心,热心,敬业之心来实现自己的奋斗目标:做一名合格的人民教师。 篇三: 大家好,我叫xxx,是一名大四的学生。如今已经保送为本校的研究生,实践相对充裕,因此想利用这些时间实现自己的愿望,成为一名传道授业解惑的老师,非常能通过面试成为贵校的一名英语助教。 我性格爽朗,但做事严谨,奉献的宏愿刚好佐证了我对教育事业的执着。我希望我能把爽朗的笑声带进学生的生活,把严谨的态度带入学生的课堂,让学生执着于自己的选择,做一个有奉献精神的人,同时,我会尽全力将自己擅长的投入教育事业,最终实现自己的价值。别人不愿做的,我会义不容辞的做好,别人能做到的,我会尽全力做到更好。我希望贵校能为我提供一个实现梦想的舞台,我将用舒张压的热情证实您的选择。 篇四:助教面试自我介绍范文


外教支招:英语面试问题及回答 Job interviews can be scary at the best of times. Even more so, if you're a non-native speaker still learning English, they can be a truly terrifying experience. What if the interviewer uses vocabulary you're not familiar with? How will you respond if you are asked something you haven't practiced for with your teacher beforehand? Knowing what to say, and perhaps more importantly, what NOT to say, can work miracles for your confidence levels and allow you to show your best side when it really matters. 即使在你状态最佳时工作面试也有些可怕。更何况,如果你的母语不是英语,还处在学习英语的阶段,它们能成为真正吓人的经历。如果面试官用你不熟悉的词汇怎么办?如果你被问了一些你没有事先和老师练习过的问题怎么办?知道要说什么,或许更重要的是,知道不该说什么,会奇迹般地提高你的自信并在关键时刻帮助你展示你的最佳风采。 This article explores the most common job interview questions which you are likely to encounter while job-hunting. Underneath each question, I've included a short explanation of what the question really means and how to give the best possible answer. There are also some useful examples to show what grammatical forms you can use for each answer. 这篇文章将讨论你在找工作时可能遇到的最常用的工作面试问题。在每一个问题下面,我添加了这个问题真正含义的解释并给出了最佳答案。这还有一些有用的例子来说明你应使用的语法形式。 今天,我们就专门针对跳槽群体,聊一聊面试时常问的10个问题,并给出一些回答方面的建议。 >>Question 1: Can you tell me something about yourself? 问题1:能介绍一下你自己吗? 回答这个问题的时候,要重点突出与这个工作岗位相关的个人信息,比如,你做过什么工作,擅长什么,对职业发展有什么期望,等等。 【回答范例】 I like to manage people and be involved in interesting projects. I have been working for IBM for the past six years, but I am looking for a new challenge right now. I like to do sports, especially athletics. I spend free time with my wife and kids. >>Question 2: Why did you apply for this job? 问题2:你为什么应聘这个工作? 回答这个问题的关键是,你要多说说对这家公司和这个职位的了解,也不是接着介绍你自己。所以,面试之前要做功课,上这个公司的网站好好了解一下背景,对于应聘的职位也要有个基本的了解。 【回答范例】 >I really like the job description and the working duties on this position. I


外教面试问题 -标准化文件发布号:(9556-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

外教面试提问参考 introduction(how do you feel about China &Yichang)and self introduction. you say something about your last jobWhat did you achieve from it Why did you leave 3. You had mentioned you have been to China for 6 months, and which cities did you go And what impressions did those cities make on you 4. Do you consider your teaching to China as a journey So would you leave this our school when you find there is not as many entertainments as you think here in Yichang 5 As a primary school teacher , you should use a lot teaching methods to inspire students, an what kind of new teaching methods do you like,how will you use it in your class is your expectation about the new jobSalary Bonus and so on is your plan in the coming semester 针对外教的提问补充: 1)What materials have you taught in China? 2)How to motivate students when they feel sleepy or get bored? 3)Can you handle a low-level class without an assistant How 4) 5)Do you design games yourself Describe one game you designed and what kind of lesson the game is suitable for 6)


2020年国考面试模拟题:整顿“黑外教”亟 待斩断非法利益链 2020年国考面试模拟题:整顿“黑外教”亟待斩断非法利益链 近日,央视记者调查外教市场发现,外教不仅价格不菲,而且一些英语外教母语非英语。多家培训机构拒绝查验外教资质,称外教身份属于商业机密,有一家机构甚至不知道什么是外国人工作许可证。 近日,北京三中院对刘某娟等三人涉嫌组织他人偷越国境案作出终审判决。一教育公司监事刘某娟和两名员工,以虚构的入境事由介绍外国人入境并将对方以劳务派遣的形式派到多家幼儿园非法务工,3人因组织他人偷越国境罪分别获刑一年半至两年。 黑外教案频发,但真正被发现并审判的毕竟只是少数,还有相当一批黑外教依然活跃在讲台上。外教原则上得是母语国的,但多家英语培训机构发布的教师资料显示,一些外教并非来自英语国家。广告语里明明说的是英国人教学,但是消费者却发现是一个有着浓重东南亚口音的外教在上课,失望至极外教队伍鱼龙混杂,一些滥竽充数者不仅没教学方法、责任心不强,甚至普遍存在发音不清、语法不通、拼写不准等问题,导致有的孩子小小年纪就学了一口带有浓重地方口音的英语。 黑外教在国内的盛行,国内教育机构首当其冲。外教授课已经成为很多幼儿园招生的一大噱头,动辄打出双语教育的旗

号,挂出双语幼儿园的名称进行宣传和招生。而一旦有了双语加持,就会身价倍增。那些不愿让孩子输在起跑线的家长,出于对双语教学和外教的盲目迷信,就算挤破头也要把孩子送进去。从某种意义上讲,外教成了一些幼儿园装点门面和牟利的道具。只要这种教育形象工程不破除,黑外教就很难绝迹。 现实中,幼儿园等教育机构常常和某些中介公司大力合作,形成了一条稳固的利益链,或者对外教资质来源睁一只眼闭一只眼,或者索性共同包装,蒙骗家长和孩子。为谋取利益,一些中介机构推荐无教学资质的外国人从事外教工作,还有不法分子将目光瞄准境外,以虚假证明组织外国人入境当外教。 面对黑外教乱象,日前教育部等六部门发布的《关于规范校外线上培训的实施意见》中,就明确提出聘用外籍人员须符合国家有关规定,要在培训平台和课程界面的显著位置公示培训人员姓名、照片和教师资格证等信息,公示外籍培训人员的学习、工作和教学经历。然而,现实中却并未执行到位。央视记者在多家培训机构提出要查验外教资质时,都遭到了拒绝,有机构甚至表示外教身份属于商业机密。 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。规范外教市场仅仅靠公示监管还不够,必须利用法律利剑斩断利益链。根据《外国人入境出境管理法实施细则》的规定,未经相关主管部门批准私自谋职的外国人,在终止其任职或者就业的同时,可以处1000元以下的罚款;情节严重的,并处限期出境。对私自雇用外国人的单位和个人,在终止其雇用行为的同时,可以处5000元以上、50000元以下的罚款,并责令其承担私自雇用的外国人的全部遣送费用。


外教面试提问参考 1.Brife introduction(how do you feel about China &Yichang)and self introduction. 2.Can you say something about your last job?What did you achieve from it? Why did you leave? 3. You had mentioned you have been to China for 6 months, and which cities did you go? And what impressions did those cities make on you? 4. Do you consider your teaching to China as a journey? So would you leave this our school when you find there is not as many entertainments as you think here in Yichang? 5 As a primary school teacher , you should use a lot teaching methods to inspire students, an what kind of new teaching methods do you like,how will you use it in your class? 6.What is your expectation about the new job?Salary?Bonus and so on? 7.What is your plan in the coming semester? 针对外教的提问补充: 1)What materials have you taught in China? 2)How to motivate students when they feel sleepy or get bored? 3)Can you handle a low-level class without an assistant? How? 4)Do you design games yourself? Describe one game you designed and what kind of lesson the game is suitable for?


Job interviews can be scary at the best of times. Even more so, if you're a non-native speaker still learning English, they can be a truly terrifying experience. What if the interviewer uses vocabulary you're not familiar with? How will you respond if you are asked something you haven't practiced for with your teacher beforehand? Knowing what to say, and perhaps more importantly, what NOT to say, can work miracles for your confidence levels and allow you to show your best side when it really matters. 即使在你状态最佳时工作面试也有些可怕。更何况,如果你的母语不是英语,还处在学习英语的阶段,它们能成为真正吓人的经历。如果面试官用你不熟悉的词汇怎么办?如果你被问了一些你没有事先和老师练习过的问题怎么办?知道要说什么,或许更重要的是,知道不该说什么,会奇迹般地提高你的自信并在关键时刻帮助你展示你的最佳风采。 This article explores the most common job interview questions which you are likely to encounter while job-hunting. Underneath each question, I've included a short explanation of what the question really means and how to give the best possible answer. There are also some useful examples to show what grammatical forms you can use for each answer. 这篇文章将讨论你在找工作时可能遇到的最常用的工作面试问题。在每一个问题下面,我添加了这个问题真正含义的解释并给出了最佳答案。这还有一些有用的例子来说明你应使用的语法形式。 1."Tell us a bit about yourself." “介绍一下你自己” So, you've got a goldfish called Pebbles and you once met Serena Williams? Interesting stuff, but not really what they're looking for. This is where you want to give a concise, factual overview of your educational and professional history. 你有一个叫Pebbles的金鱼,你有一次见过Serena Williams?这些是挺有趣的,但不是他们所想知道的。在这个问题上你需要给一个关于你的教育和职业背景的简洁的事实概述。 Where did you go to college/university? What did you study? Have you taken any relevant postgraduate qualifications? How long have you been working in this field? What is your job role? Keep it short and stick to the facts. You'll have an opportunity to tell them how wonderful you are later. 你在哪里上的学院/大学?你学习了什么?你有没有相关的研究生证书?你在这个领域工作多久了?你的工作职责是什么?注意简洁,不偏离事实。以后你将有机会告诉他们你有多优秀。 Language to use: 使用的语言 Past simple: I completed a postgraduate diploma in journalism. Present perfect continuous: I've been working professionally as an engineer for six years. 2. "Why are you interested in working for this company?" “你为什么对为这个公司工作感兴趣?”


3.2.4 面试 为什么面试如此重要? 作为教务主任,你必须负责招聘新老师的所有相关工作。此外在聘用这些候选人后你将会与其一起紧密地工作,这也是为什么在整个面试过程中你必须表现得周到有致得重要原因。此外你的决策也将表现出你作为经理的能力水平。一个好的或者坏的决策将直接影响到你自己。你招聘来的新老师将不仅与你共事,还将与你的校长,你的同事,其他老师,学生共事。你必须对该教师能否做到以下几点负责: ●能够胜任工作 ●能够与同事融洽相处 ●能够与你良好共事 面试准备 在你开始面试前,你必须准备好一些提问,你可能还想对应聘者的简历和求职申请重新浏览一下,这将给你机会对其工作经历相关方面提问,例如: ●对于在XXX学校/公司工作,你最喜欢的是什么? ●对于在XXX学校/公司工作,你最不喜欢的是什么? ●谈谈你们学校/公司的经理/培训讲师。 你在面试中的表现 你在面试中的表现与应聘者在面试中的表现可谓同等重要。首先你要试着消除对方的紧张情绪,因为这可以帮助你从对方那得到更多真实的回答。但你也不要错误地让对方误以为你是一个很随便的职业经理人。记住在你评判对方是否符合职位要求的同时,对方也在判断这里是否是他/她理想的公司。如果任何一方发现不适合的可能,则应借此机会明确。在面试过程中你必须表现得彬彬有礼并考虑周到,因为你现在面试的人将来会为你工作。也有可能世事多变,将来你会为他/她打工。 如何面试可能雇用的候选人 教务主任往往被要求对候选老师进行一次面试。教务主任没有从事人力资源的经验,他们没有接受这方面的专业训练。以下是你在面试时应该做到的: 1.面试前,准备一些较笼统的问题。如,你认为你最大的资本是什么;你最喜欢什么样的 工作? 2.花一点时间浏览应聘者的简历以准备对一些具体问题提问。如,对于在XXX岗位工作, 你最喜欢的是什么? 3.与对方热情地打招呼,试着使对方轻松下来。在对方轻松的情况下,你往往会得到更多 真实的回答。


流程参考: 1.面试提问 2.薪资及具体权利义务,学校对教学的要求等。 3.10分钟准备DEMO 4.10-15分钟DEMO课 1.Brife introduction(how do you feel about China &Wenzhou) 2.Can you say something about your first job?What did you achieve from it? Why did you leave? 2. the second job ……(Working hours group size core value) 3. There is nothing be mentioned on your CV between 2006-2011. What did you do?Where? 4. Why did you come to China to be teacher not economic? 5. You had mentioned a lot about teaching methods,what kind of new teaching methods do you like,how do you use it in your class? 6.What is your expectation about the new job?Group size age?Salary?Bonus and so on? 7.What is your plan in the coming 3years? 针对外教的提问补充: 1)What materials have you taught in China? 2)How to motivate students when they feel sleepy or get bored? 3)Can you handle a low-level class without an assistant? How? 4)Do you design games yourself? Describe one game you designed and what kind of lesson the game is suitable for?


1.外国文教专家、外籍教师是指哪些人? 外国文教专家是指应聘来华从事教育、科技、新闻出版、文化、艺术、体育、科学、经济、管理、商贸、财会、税务、金融、法律等工作的外籍专业人员。应具有大学学士及以上学位、有两年以上工作经验。 2.招聘外籍教师一般需要提前多久? 由于外国人习惯提前计划,外籍教师需要办理一些必要的手续,以及生活上的准备,招聘单位最好提早2个月开始开展招聘外籍教师准备事宜。 3.聘请单位必须具备什么条件才能招聘外籍教师? 聘请单位首先必须具备有申请外国教师到中国的许可,即已经取得了国家外专局颁发的《聘请外国文教专家单位资格认可证书》。获此认可证书后,才能方便的帮助外籍教师办理到中国的签证。 4.聘请单位一般应该提供外籍教师什么样的福利呢? 通常学校应提供外教免费的住宿。 5.哪些政府部门负责管理外国专家的工作? 中国国家外国专家局是中国管理外国来华工作的中央政府职能部门。各省、区、市外事办公室和地方外国专家局是管理地方外国专家来华工作的地方政府职能部门和服务部门。外国文教专家管理工作涉及的地方主管部门包括地方政府外事办公室、教育厅(委、局)、公安厅 6.哪些政府部门负责签发聘请外国专家确认件? 国家外国专家局,以及各省、自治区、直辖市外事办公室和国务院各部委、直属机构、事业单位、专业总公司国际合作司(外事司)向来本地区、本部门工作的外国专家签发聘请外国专家确认件,其他任何部门无权签发。 7.在外国专家工作中怎样执行我国的宗教政策? 我国的宗教政策是公民享有宗教信仰自由,国家对正常的宗教活动予以保护。我国任何宗教团体和宗教事务坚持独立、自主、自办的方针,不受外国势力的控制和支配。 对来华工作的外国专家个人的宗教信仰我们不干涉,他们可以到我开放的宗教场所以普通宗教信仰者的身份过宗教生活,但不允许他们在华布道传教,不得发展教徒,不得插手我国的宗教事务。


1. 面试提问 2. 薪资及具体权利义务,学校对教学的要求等。 3. 10分钟准备DEMO 4. 10-15分钟DEMO课 1.Brife introduction(how do you feel about China &Wenzhou) 2.Can you say something about your first job?What did you achieve from it? Why did you leave? 2. the second job ……(Working hours group size core value) 3. There is nothing be mentioned on your CV between 2006-2011. What did you do?Where? 4. Why did you come to China to be teacher not economic? 5. You had mentioned a lot about teaching methods,what kind of new teaching methods do you like,how do you use it in your class? 6.What is your expectation about the new job?Group size age?Salary?Bonus and so on? 7.What is your plan in the coming 3years? 针对外教的提问补充: 1)What materials have you taught in China? 2)How to motivate students when they feel sleepy or get bored? 3)Can you handle a low-level class without an assistant? How? 4)Do you design games yourself? Describe one game you designed and what kind of lesson the game is suitable for?
