


Topic 1A

Opportunity cost机会成本The highest-valued alternative that we give up to get something ?the opportunity cost of the activity chosen.我們为了得到一些東西而放弃的

E xplicit cost显性成本 is a cost that involves actually laying out money.花钱

I mplicit cost隐性成本 does not require an outlay of money; it is measured by the value, in dollar terms, of the benefits that are forgone. 非实质性

Marginal Benefit边际收益指如果再多销售一单位的产品将会得到的收益,或目前最后卖出的一单位的产品所得到的收益。边际收益在实现利润最大化中是一个非常重要的经济量,一般认为当边际收益等于边际成本时企业达到利润最大化

Marginal Cost边际成本is the change in the total cost that arises when the quantity produced has an increment by unit.指的是每一单位新增生产的产品(或者购买的产品)带来的总成本的增量

MC > MR ?an incentive to do less of that activity少刺激消费活动

MB> MC ?an incentive to do more of that activity多刺激消费活动

Production Possibilities Frontier PPF生产可能性边界is a graph representing production tradeoffs of an economy given fixed resources(假设、概念、图、移动)用来表示经济社会在既定资源和技术条件下所能生产的各种商品最大数量的组合,反映了资源稀缺性与选择性的经济学特征

Topic 2A

Law of demand需求法则Other things remaining the same, the higher the price of a good/service, the smaller is the quantity demanded.假设其他因素不变,当一物品价格增加,其需求量会下降

Law of supply 供给法则Other things remaining the same, the higher the price of a good/service, the greater is the quantity supplied.假设其他因素不变,当一件物品的相对价格上升时,其供给量会上升

Equilibrium 平衡It means no shortage or surplus in the market.市场中没有短缺或过剩


Factors that bring changes in demand.使需求变化的因素

Income,Climate[水土,气候],Age of the people,T echnology,Price of substitutes[替代品],Advertising,Prices of related goods ,Expected future prices,Expected future income,Preferences[偏好],Population

Factors that bring changes in supply.使供给变化的因素。

Climate[水土,气候],Technology,Expectations of producers[生产者期望],Expected future prices,The number of suppliers,Prices of the factors of production

Shifts in demand curve and shifts in supply cu rve需求曲线的变动和供给曲线的变动

Substitutes and Complements替代品和互补品

Diminishing Marginal Returns边际效用递减规律is the decrease in the marginal (incremental) output of

a production process as the amount of a single factor of production is incrementally increased, while the amounts of all other factors of production stay constant.指在投入生产要素后,每单位生产要素所能提供的产量增加发生递减的现象。

消费者剩余(Consumer Surplus)是指购买者的支付意愿减去购买者的实际支付量。

Topic 2B

Price Elasticity of Demand需求价格弹性measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded to a change in price.衡量需求的数量随商品的价格的变动而变动的情况。

Price Elasticity of supply供给价格弹性measures the responsiveness of the quantity supplied to a change in price.指供给量相对价格变化作出的反应程度。

Elastic, Unit elastic, Inelastic, Perfectly elastic, Perfectly inelastic (根据弹性系数、图形判断)


需求价格弹性系数= 需求量变动的百分比/ 价格变动的百分比。设:Q 表示一种商品的需求量;P 表示该商品的价格;DQ表示需求量变动值;DP表示价格变动的数值;Ed表示价格弹性系数,则:Ed=(△Q/Q)/(△P/P)



恩格尔定律(Engel's law) is an observation in economics stating that as income rises, the proportion of income spent on food falls, even if actual expenditure on food rise.一个家庭收入越少,家庭收入中(或总支出中)用来购买食物的支出所占的比例就越大。

Topic 3

Characteristics of each market structures每个市场结构特征

Perfect competition(完全竞争): demand curve需求曲线、

Short-run Decision短期决策是指企业为有效地组织现在的生产经营活动,合理利润经济资源,以期在不远的将来取得最佳的经济效益而进行的决策

Long-run Decision长期决策

Perfect competitive market 完全自由竞争市场

①买卖众多Many buyers and sellers.②产品同质All firm selling identical products.③进出自由No barriers to new firms

entering the market. ④Sellers and buyers are well informed about prices Perfect information信息完全

Monopoly 垄断

①One supplier ②Produces a good or service for which there are no close substitutes

③High barriers to entry ④Firm is a price maker

Monopolistic Competition 垄断竞争

①Features of both competition and monopoly ②A large number of firms.③Each firm produces a differentiated product.④Product Differentiation: Firms compete on product quality, price, marketing and branding. Monopolistic competitive firms seek to differentiate their products in any one, or a combination

Oligopoly 寡头

①High barriers to entry ②A small number of firms ③Firms are price makers

④Interdependency ⑤Temptation to cooperate/collude, to increase joint profit.

opportunity cost:机会成本,需考虑

sunk cost:沉没成本,不受决策影响的成本,表现为过去已经支付费用或根据过去的决策将来必须支付的费用。Fixed cost:固定成本,不随产量变化而变化

Variable cost:可变成本,随产量增加而增加


Shut-down point停止营业点

?The firm is indifferent between producing and shutting down temporarily.

?The output and price at which the firm just covers its TVC.

?P=A VC is at its minimum.

?MC curve cuts A VC curve.

?It incurs a loss equal to TFC.

Monopoly(垄断):三级价格歧视Price Discrimination价格歧视




Selling different units of a good or service for different prices.

Oligopoly(寡头): The Kinked Demand Curve Model 弯折的需求曲线模型

Topic 4A

GDP, methods of measuring GDP(Gross Domestic Product)衡量国内生产总值的方法

Nominal(名义) GDP is the production of goods and services valued at current prices是用生产物品和劳务的当年价格计算的全部最终产品的市场价值

Real(实际) GDP is a macroeconomic measure of the value of economic output adjusted for price changes 是用从前某一年作为基期的价格计算出来的当年全部最终产品的市场价值

Economic growth经济增长is the increase in the market value of the goods and services produced by an economy over time

Topic 4B

Business cycle经济周期is the periodic but irregular up-and-down movement in production.(概念、画图、解释)

Unemployment rate失业率is the percentage of the labour force that is unemployed.

Four types of unemployment四种类型的失业

①Structural unemployment结构性失业②Frictional unemployment摩擦性失业

③Cyclical unemployment周期性失业④Seasonal unemployment季节性失业

Full employment充分就业is that when everyone who wishes to work at the going wage-rate for their type of labor is employed.( Natural rate of unemployment自然失业率)

Topic 5

Inflation通胀is an upward movement in the average level of prices.指一般物价水平在某一时期内,连续性地以相当的幅度上涨的状态,又称为物价上升。

Difference between anticipated(预期) and unanticipated(非预期) inflation: Anticipated Inflation is inflation that has been, on average, correctly forecast. While unanticipated Inflation, is Inflation that catches people by surprise.

CPI[Consumer Price Index]消费物价指数measures changes in the price level of a market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households. 是反映与居民生活有关的产品及劳务价格统计出来的物价变动指标,以百分比变化为表达形式。

Demand pull inflation需求拉动通货膨胀is inflation that results from an initial increase in aggregate demand.

Cost push inflation成本推动型的通货膨胀is inflation that results from an initial increase in costs.

Wage-price spiral工资-价格螺旋是一种工资提高了,商品售价也节节升高的现象。

Topic 6

Multiplier乘数and Multiplier effect乘数效应is a factor of proportionality that measures how much an endogenous variable changes in response to a change in some exogenous variable.

Topic 7A

Theories of International trade国际贸易理论

①Theory of absolute advantage(绝对优势理论): A country has an absolute advantage over another in the production of a good if it can produce it with fewer resources (lower costs) than the other country

②Theory of comparative advantage(比较优势理论):A country has a comparative advantage over another in the production of

a good if it can produce it at a lower opportunity cost(i.e. If it has to forgo less of other goods in order to produce it)

Balance of Payments(BOP)国际收支平衡表:

Current Account(经常项目): is one of the two components of its balance of payments.

※Main items: Goods,Services,Income,Current transfers(经常项目转移支付)

Capital Account(资本项目): is one of two primary components of the balance of payments.

※Main items: Capital transfers(固定资产所有权的转移)[Government&Other],Acquisition/disposal of non-produced, non-financial assets(各种无形资产如专利,版权,商标,经销权以及租赁和其他可转让合同的交易。)

Terms of Trade(贸易条件) :The ratio of export prices to import prices.


Trade barriers(贸易壁垒): ①Tariff关税②Subsidies津贴(给本国出口企业)③Quotas配额数量

④Embargoes禁运数量⑤Cartels卡特尔⑥Nontariff barriers非关税壁垒(技术壁垒、环保)

Arguments in favor of restricting trade(限制贸易的争论):

①Infant industry argument ②To reduce reliance of foreign goods ③To prevent ‘dumping[倾销]’ and other unfair trade practices ④To prevent the importation of harmful goods ⑤To reduce the influence of a trade on consumers tastes ⑤To take account of externalities ⑥To prevent the establishment of a foreign-based monopoly

Arguments in favor of free trade(支持自由贸易观点):

a) importance of international trade; 国际贸易的重要性

?Increase exports lead to an increase GDP.

?Increase in economic growth.

?Increase in employment opportunities for locals.

?Export-oriented industries have the opportunity to enter new markets allowing them to: grow in size;

encouraging specialisation of tasks; economies of scale.

b) problems of protection保护问题&Arguments against trade protection支持反对贸易保护

①Protection as ‘second-best’②Retaliation报复③Bureaucracy官僚主义

④Protection may allow firms to remain inefficient.效率低下

Topic 7B

Exchange rates: The value of one currency’s currency in terms of another country’s currency.

Fixed exchange rate 固定汇率(1944,布雷顿森林体系)A country’s government or central bank sets exchange rates Floating exchange rate 浮动汇率(1976,牙买加体系)Set by the interaction of the forces of demand and supply

(1)Clean float: no government intervention 清洁浮动 (2)Dirty float: government intervention 肮脏浮动

Managed exchange rate 管理汇率Basically set the demand and supply, but with intervention by central bank to influence the rate.

Demand and supply in exchange market(需求和供给的外汇市场): 能分别说明以下3个因素对一国货币的需求、供给产生什么影响——对汇率产生何种影响

Interest rate 利率Other things remaining the same, the higher the exchange rate, the smaller is the quantity of currency demanded in the exchange market.

Export and import 进出口Other things remaining the same, the appreciation[升值] of the currency increases the quantity of export ,the depreciation [贬值] of the currency decreases the quantity of import.

Expected future exchange rate 预期未来汇率的变动Other things remaining the same, the higher the Expected future exchange rate, the bigger is the quantity of currency demanded in the exchange market.

Supply of dollars

Millions of Australian dollars

S 0.850.75


E x c h a n g e r a t e (U S p e r A u s t r a l i a n d o l l a r )Appreciation of the dollar Figure 7.5B Using a diagram explain the concept of the Law of Supply

Topic 8

Monetary policy instruments(货币政策工具):

Reserve asset ratios 法定准备金率 (RARs) ,

Open market operations(OMOs)公开市场操作 is an activity by a central bank to buy or sell government bonds on the open market.

Easy monetary policy(宽松的货币政策)

Aim: Provide economic stimulus, when the economy is in a recession ,

How: ①Central bank buys bonds ②ESA balances rise ③Cash Rate decrease

④↑Credit availability & ↑(MS) ⑤ Interest rates decrease

Tight monetary policy(从紧的货币政策):

Aim: Slow the economy down, when the economy is overheating.

How: ①Central bank sells bonds ②ESA balances fall ③Cash Rate rises

④↓Credit availability & ↓(MS) ⑤Interest rates rise

Topic 9A

Budget balance: budget surplus, budget deficit, balanced budget


Discretionary Fiscal Policy(审慎的财政政策): Changes in tax, spending policy requiring legislative, or administrative action by the government or Parliament.

Non-Discretionary Fiscal Policy(非审慎的财政政策): Built-in (Automatic) stabilisers自动稳定器

①Progressive tax and累进税率制度②unemployment benefit systems 失业救济制度

Expansionary fiscal policy(扩张性财政政策):

Aim:①To provide an economic stimulus and return economy to full employment ②Use when a recessionary gap exists How:①Increase Government Expenditure ②Decrease Taxes ③Combination of both measures

Effect:①Increases GDP ②Reduces recessionary gap ③Reduce unemployment

④Results in budget deficit if budget was balanced

Contractionary fiscal policy(紧缩性的财政政策):

Aim:①To slow the economy down and return to full employment ②Use when a inflationary gap exists

How:①Decrease Government Expenditure ②Increase Taxes ③Combination of both measures

Effect:①Reduce GDP ②Reduces Inflationary gap ③Results in budget surplus if budget was balanced

Topic 9B

Microeconomic reform微观经济改革Government policies which deregulate, or re-regulate markets for goods, services or factors of production.

Objectives of microeconomic reform微观经济改革的目标

①To raise the supply potential of the economy

②Microeconomic reform aims to reduce interference with price signals in the labour and products markets in order to increase competition and therefore enhancing allocative economic efficiency, operational efficiency, and dynamic efficiency.

③Stabilise external debt and increase the efficiency with which the capital stock is used, reducing demand on domestic saving without reducing living standards.

Deregulation(解除管制):is the removal of administrative processes which either formed a barrier to entry in a market or prevented a market from operating efficiently.

※Example①Telecommunications ②Airlines (1990) ③Financial Sector (late 1980’s)

Privatization(私有化):is the process of taking a GBE ( Government Business Enterprise) and putting it into public hands. ※Example:Prison system,Airports,Electricity

Tariffs(关税):A tariff is a tax on an import. Under an agreement with APEC, many countries agreed to try and phase out all tariffs

Competition policy(竞争政策):is that promotes or seeks to maintain market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct by companies.

Topic 10市场失灵

Market Failure : The inability of an unregulated market to achieve allocative efficiency in all circumstances.

表现:(1) there exists monopoly or imperfect competition market, make its are not always produce the most effective results.

(2) the market behavior of the externalities may produce negative spillover effect.

(3) the market mechanism can guarantee the supply of public goods.

(4) the incompleteness of the market information or asymmetry caused by the uncertainty in the economy.

(5) market as a result of the income distribution effects on political or moral can't accept it.

Public goods: Goods and services that would not be provided by the market system, as they are invisible. Characteristics:①Indivisible ②Non-exclusive ③Non-competitive

结果: Since revenue cannot be collected “according to usage”, the market will not supply public https://www.360docs.net/doc/106589931.html,ernments will provide public goods by taxing the public. Tax is not proportional to use.

措施:Governments will provide public goods by taxing the public.

举例: The excessive use of public resources; Traffic jam ; F ishing in open sea;Examples of public goods are:

Roads, street lighting, parks, public toilets, and the services provided by police and national defense.

Free Riding: Using public goods without paying.

Externality(外部性): is the effect on a third party who is not part of the transaction


结果:①Marginal social cost > Marginal private cost ②Cost of production is not borne by firms

③Society pays the cost of private production ④Pollution

举例:①Smoking ②Toxic waste ③Air pollution ④Burning fossil fuels

措施:①Taxes ②Emission charges ③Licenses ④Marketable permits


结果:①Marginal social benefit > Marginal private benefit ②Quantity produced is less than the amount society desires.

③Society does not realize all the benefits associated with firm’s production.

举例:①Neighbours’ tidiness ②Education ③Technology Spill over

措施:①Subsidizing production ②For example subsidizing education will ensure greater positive externalities are realized. Distribution of income(收入分配):纠正收入分配不公的措施

①Provision of basic goods and services ②Transfer payments

③Progressive income tax ④Other taxes


International Economics, 8e (Krugman) Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 What Is International Economics About? 1) Historians of economic thought often describe ________ written by ________ and published in ________ as the first real exposition of an economic model. A) "Of the Balance of Trade," David Hume, 1776 B) "Wealth of Nations," David Hume, 1758 C) "Wealth of Nations," Adam Smith, 1758 D) "Wealth of Nations," Adam Smith, 1776 E) "Of the Balance of Trade," David Hume, 1758 Answer: E Question Status: Previous Edition 2) From 1959 to 2004, A) the U.S. economy roughly tripled in size. B) U.S. imports roughly tripled in size. C) the share of US Trade in the economy roughly tripled in size. D) U.S. Imports roughly tripled as compared to U.S. exports. E) U.S. exports roughly tripled in size. Answer: C Question Status: Previous Edition 3) The United States is less dependent on trade than most other countries because A) the United States is a relatively large country. B) the United States is a "Superpower." C) the military power of the United States makes it less dependent on anything. D) the United States invests in many other countries. E) many countries invest in the United States. Answer: A Question Status: Previous Edition 4) Ancient theories of international economics from the 18th and 19th Centuries are A) not relevant to current policy analysis. B) are only of moderate relevance in today's modern international economy. C) are highly relevant in today's modern international economy. D) are the only theories that actually relevant to modern international economy. E) are not well understood by modern mathematically oriented theorists. Answer: C Question Status: Previous Edition 5) An important insight of international trade theory is that when countries exchange goods and services one with the other it A) is always beneficial to both countries. B) is usually beneficial to both countries. C) is typically beneficial only to the low wage trade partner country. D) is typically harmful to the technologically lagging country. E) tends to create unemployment in both countries. Answer: B Question Status: Previous Edition


词汇表(备查) 微观经济学词汇 宏观经济学词汇 微观经济学(Microeconomic) 需求(D)Demand 供给(S)Supply 价格(P)Price 产量(Q)Quantity 均衡(E)Equilibrium 弹性(E)Elastic ity 平均A verage 边际Marginal 成本Cost 收益Revenue 总Total 效用Utility 边际效用(MU) 长期平均成本(LAC) 短期平均成本(SAC) 总成本(TC) 固定成本(FC) Fixed cost) 平均固定成本(AFC) 可变成本(VC)V ariable cost) 平均可变成本(A VC) 平均成本(AC) 边际成本(MC) 平均收益(AR) 边际收益(MR) 边际产品(MR)Marginal Revenue 劳动(L)Labor force 收入(I)Income 宏观经济学(Macroeconomics) 国民生产总值Gross National Product 国内生产总值Gross Domestic Product 总需求(AD)Aggregate demand 总供给(AS)Aggregate supply 消费(C)Consumption 投资(I)Investment 政府支出(G)Government expenditure 出口Exports

净出口(Nx)Net Export 货币Money 边际消费倾向(MPC)Marginal propensity of consume 边际储蓄倾向(MPS)Marginal propensity of save 边际进口倾向(MPm) Marginal propensity to import 汇率Exchange rate 预期Expectation


【经济人】 从事经济活动的人所采取的经济行为都是力图以自己的最小经济代价去获得自己的最大经济利益。 【需求】 消费者在一定时期内在各种可能的价格水平愿意而且能够购买的该商品的数量。 【供给】 生产者在一定时期内在各种价格水平下愿意并且能够提供出售的该种商品的数量。 【均衡价格】。 一种商品的均衡价格是指该种商品的市场需求量和市场供给量相等时的价格。 【供求定理】。 其他条件不变的情况下,需求变动分别引起均衡价格和均衡数量的同方向的变动,供给变动引起均衡价格的反方向变动,引起均衡数量的同方向变动。 【经济模型】。 经济模型是指用来描述所研究的经济事物的有关经济变量之间相关关系的理论结构。 【弹性】 当一个经济变量发生1%的变动时,由它引起的另一个经济变量变动的百分比。 【弧弹性】 表示某商品需求曲线上两点之间的需求量的变动对于价格的变动的反应程度。 【点弹性】 表示需求曲线上某一点上的需求量变动对于价格变动的反应程度。 【需求的价格弹性】 表示在一定时期内一种商品的需求量变动对于该商品的价格变动的反应程度。或者说,表示在一定时期内当一种商品的价格变化百分之一时所引起的该商品的需求量变化的百分比。【需求的交叉价格弹性】。 表示在一定时期内一种商品的需求量的变动相对于它的相关商品的价格变动的反应程度。或者说,表示在一定时期内当一种商品的价格变化百分之一时所引起的另一种商品的需求量变化百分比。 【替代品】 如果两种商品之间能够相互替代以满足消费者的某一种欲望,则称这两种商品之间存在着替代关系,这两种商品互为替代品。 【需求的收入弹性】 需求的收入弹性表示在一定时期内消费者对某种商品的需求量变动对于消费者收入量变动的反应程度。或者说,表示在一定时期内当消费者的收入变化百分之一时所引起的商品需求量变化的百分比。 【恩格尔定律】。 在一个家庭或在一个国家中,食物支出在收入中所占的比例随着收入的增加而减少。用弹性的概念来表述它则可以是:对于一个家庭或一个国家来说,富裕程度越高,则食物支出的收入弹性就越小;反之,则越大。 【总效用和边际效用】 总效用是指消费者在一定时间内从一定数量的商品的消费中所得到的效用量的总和。边际效用是指消费者在一定时间内增加一单位商品的消费所得到的效用量的增量。 【边际效用递减规律】 在一定时间内,在其他商品的消费数量保持不变的情况下,随着消费者对某种商品消费的增


2. Consider two goods, books and hamburgers. The slope of the consumer's budget constraint is measured by the a. consumer's income divided by the price of hamburgers. b. relative price of books and hamburgers. c. consumer's marginal rate of substitution. d. number of books purchased divided by the number of hamburgers purchased. ANS: B 3. When considering her budget, the highest indifference curve that a consumer can reach is the a. one that is tangent to the budget constraint. b. indifference curve farthest from the origin c. indifference curve that intersects the budget constraint in at least two places. d. None of the above is correct; consumer preferences are bounded. ANS: A 4. Mike and Sandy are two woodworkers who both make tables and chairs. In one month, Mike can make 4 tables or 20 chairs, while Sandy can make 6 tables or 18 chairs. Given this, we know that a. Mike has a comparative advantage in tables. b. Sandy has an absolute advantage in chairs. c. Mike has an absolute advantage in tables. d. Sandy has a comparative advantage in tables. ANS: D 12. When economists make normative statements, they are a. speaking as scientists. b. speaking as policy advisers. c. adhering very strictly to basic economic principles. d. revealing that they are very conservative in their views of how the world works. ANS: B 15. A competitive market is a market in which a. an auctioneer helps set prices and arrange sales. b. there are only a few sellers. c. the forces of supply and demand do not apply. d. no individual buyer or seller has any significant impact on the market pric e. ANS: D 16. The line that relates the price of a good to the quantity demanded of that good is called the a. demand schedule, and it slopes upward only if the good for which the line is drawn fails to conform to the law of demand. b. demand schedule, and it slopes upward only if the demand for the good in question, relative to the demand for other goods, is increasing over time. c. demand curve, and it slopes upward only if there is a positive relationship between income and quantity demanded. d. demand curve, and it slopes downward as long as the good in question conforms to the law of demand. ANS: D 17. Suppose roses are currently selling for $40.00 per dozen, while the equilibrium price of roses is

微观经济学 名词解释和中英文对照

【经济人】 从事经济活动得人所采取得经济行为都就是力图以自己得最小经济代价去获得自己得最大经济利益。 【需求】 消费者在一定时期内在各种可能得价格水平愿意而且能够购买得该商品得数量。 【供给】 生产者在一定时期内在各种价格水平下愿意并且能够提供出售得该种商品得数量。 【均衡价格】。 一种商品得均衡价格就是指该种商品得市场需求量与市场供给量相等时得价格。 【供求定理】。 其她条件不变得情况下,需求变动分别引起均衡价格与均衡数量得同方向得变动,供给变动引起均衡价格得反方向变动,引起均衡数量得同方向变动。 【经济模型】。 经济模型就是指用来描述所研究得经济事物得有关经济变量之间相关关系得理论结构。【弹性】 当一个经济变量发生1%得变动时,由它引起得另一个经济变量变动得百分比。 【弧弹性】 表示某商品需求曲线上两点之间得需求量得变动对于价格得变动得反应程度。 【点弹性】 表示需求曲线上某一点上得需求量变动对于价格变动得反应程度。 【需求得价格弹性】 表示在一定时期内一种商品得需求量变动对于该商品得价格变动得反应程度。或者说,表示在一定时期内当一种商品得价格变化百分之一时所引起得该商品得需求量变化得百分比。【需求得交叉价格弹性】。 表示在一定时期内一种商品得需求量得变动相对于它得相关商品得价格变动得反应程度。或者说,表示在一定时期内当一种商品得价格变化百分之一时所引起得另一种商品得需求量变化百分比。 【替代品】 如果两种商品之间能够相互替代以满足消费者得某一种欲望,则称这两种商品之间存在着替代关系,这两种商品互为替代品。 【需求得收入弹性】 需求得收入弹性表示在一定时期内消费者对某种商品得需求量变动对于消费者收入量变动得反应程度。或者说,表示在一定时期内当消费者得收入变化百分之一时所引起得商品需求量变化得百分比。 【恩格尔定律】。 在一个家庭或在一个国家中,食物支出在收入中所占得比例随着收入得增加而减少。用弹性得概念来表述它则可以就是:对于一个家庭或一个国家来说,富裕程度越高,则食物支出得收入弹性就越小;反之,则越大。 【总效用与边际效用】 总效用就是指消费者在一定时间内从一定数量得商品得消费中所得到得效用量得总与。边际效用就是指消费者在一定时间内增加一单位商品得消费所得到得效用量得增量。 【边际效用递减规律】 在一定时间内,在其她商品得消费数量保持不变得情况下,随着消费者对某种商品消费得增加,消费者从该商品连续增加得每一消费单位中所得到得效用增量即边际效用就是递减得。


中南财经政法大学——学年第—-学期期末考试试卷 国际经济学(闭卷)卷 学院专业年级班级课堂号姓名 (单选,共20题,每题2分) 1, Under Ricardian model, If one country's wage level is very high relative to the other's (the relative wage exceeding the relative productivity ratios), then ( ) A.it is not possible that producers in each will find export markets profitable. B.it is not possible that consumers in both countries will enhance their respective welfares through imports. C.it is not possible that both countries will find gains from trade. D.it is possible that both will enjoy the conventional gains from trade. 2, According to Ricardo, a country will have a comparative advantage in the product in which its ( ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/106589931.html,bor productivity is relatively low. https://www.360docs.net/doc/106589931.html,bor productivity is relatively high. https://www.360docs.net/doc/106589931.html,bor mobility is relatively low. https://www.360docs.net/doc/106589931.html,bor mobility is relatively high. 3, If Australia has more land per worker, and Belgium has more capital per worker, then if trade were to open up between these two countries, ( ) A.Australia would export the land-intensive product. B.Belgium would import the capital-intensive product. C.Both countries would export some of each product. D.Trade would not continue since Belgium is a smaller country. 4, Under The Specific Factors model, At the production point the production possibility frontier is tangent to a line whose slope is ( ) A.the price of manufactures. B.the relative wage. C.the real wage. D.the relative price of manufactures. 5, The Heckscher-Ohlin model predicts all of the following except: A.which country will export which product. ( ) B.which factor of production within each country will gain from trade. C.the volume of trade. D.that wages will tend to become equal in both trading countries.

经济学专有名词 中英对照

经济学专有名词 A accounting:会计 accounting cost :会计成本 accounting profit :会计利润 adverse selection :逆向选择 allocation 配置 allocation of resources :资源配置 allocative efficiency :配置效率 antitrust legislation :反托拉斯法 arc elasticity :弧弹性 Arrow's impossibility theorem :阿罗不可能定理Assumption :假设 asymetric information :非对称性信息 average :平均 average cost :平均成本 average cost pricing :平均成本定价法 average fixed cost :平均固定成本 average product of capital :资本平均产量

average product of labour :劳动平均产量average revenue :平均收益 average total cost :平均总成本average variable cost :平均可变成本

B barriers to entry :进入壁垒base year :基年 bilateral monopoly :双边垄断benefit :收益black market :黑市bliss point :极乐点boundary point :边界点break even point :收支相抵点budget :预算 budget constraint :预算约束budget line :预算线budget set 预算集


微观经济学中各个字母缩写对应的中英文意思 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

P:价格Price Q:数量Number D:需求Demand S供给Supply E:均衡(或期望)Equilibrium 效用Utility TU:Total utility总效用 MU:Marginal utility边际效用 CS: Consumer surplus消费者剩余 MRS:商品的边际替代率Marginal rate of substitution L:劳动力Labor TP:总产量 AP:平均产量 MP:边际产量 MRTS:边际技术替代率 STC:短期总成本土地( Land)成本(Capital) 边际效用( Marginal utility)利润(Profit)长期(Long run)TFC:总不变成本Total fixed cost TVC:总可变成本Total variable cost TC:总成本Total cost AFC:平均不变成本Average fixed cost AVC:平均可变成本Average variable cost) AC:平均总成本Average total cost 平均成本(Average cost) MC:边际成本Marginal cost LTC:长期总成本Long run total cost LAC:长期平均成本Long run average cost SAC:短期平均成本Short run average cost LMC:长期边际成本Long run marginal cost SMC:短期边际成本Short run marginal cost TR:总收益Total revenue AR:平均收益Average revenue MR:边际收益Marginal revenue


Microeconomics - Key Terms Glossary Chapter 1 business cycle fluctuations in economic activity, such as employment and production economics the study of how society manages its scarce resources efficiency the property of society getting the most it can from its scarce resources equity the property of distributing economic prosperity fairly among the members of society externality the impact of one person’s actions on the well-being of a bystander incentive something that induces a person to act inflation an increase in the overall level of prices in the economy marginal changes small incremental adjustments to a plan of action market economy an economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households as they interact in markets for goods and services market failure a situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficiently market power the ability of a single economic actor (or small group of actors) to have a substantial influence on market prices opportunity cost whatever must be given up to obtain some item productivity the quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker’s time property rights the ability of an individual to own and exercise control over scarce resources rational people people who systematically and purposefully do the best they can to achieve their objectives scarcity the limited nature of society’s resources Chapter 2 circular-flow diagram a visual model of the economy that shows how dollars flow through markets among households and firms macroeconomics the study of economy wide phenomena, including inflation, unemployment, and economic growth microeconomics the study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in markets normative statements claims that attempt to prescribe how the world should be positive statements claims that attempt to describe the world as it is


国际经济学双语习题 3 International Economics, 8e (Krugman) Chapter 3 Labor Productivity and Comparative Advantage: The Ricardian Model 3.1 The Concept of Comparative Advantage 1) Trade between two countries can benefit both countries if A) each country exports that good in which it has a comparative advantage. B) each country enjoys superior terms of trade. C) each country has a more elastic demand for the imported goods. D) each country has a more elastic supply for the exported goods. E) Both C and D. Answe r: A

Question Previous Edition Status: 2) In order to know whether a country has a comparative advantage in the production of one particular product we need information on at least ________ unit labor requirements one A) two B) three C) four D) five E) Answe D r: Previous Edition Question Status: 3) A country engaging in trade according to the principles of comparative advantage gains from trade because it is producing exports indirectly more efficiently than it A) could alternatively. is producing imports indirectly more efficiently than it B) could domestically. is producing exports using fewer labor units. C) is producing imports indirectly using fewer labor units. D) None of the above. E) B Answe r: Previous Edition Question Status:


2019西方经济学专业考研院校排名及26所主流院校推荐 2019考研的考生开始备考了,但是对专业院校还不是很清楚,西方经济学专业主要研究20世纪30年代以来在西方主要国家流行的经济理论以及根据这些理论制定的经济政策。在西方国家,该课程是经济类相关专业的必修课,是学习相关课程的基础。该专业属于基础专业,适合为进一步深造细分专业打下良好的经济学基础。在就业方面,名校就业情况较好。 1.2019西方经济学专业考研院校排名 跨考教育老师整理了2019西方经济学考研院校排名。 2.2019西方经济学考研全国26所主流经济学院校推荐 厦门大学:近年来又有一批有海外留学(微博)经历、导师均为诺贝尔奖获得者的年轻名师加入,使得经济类研究生培养形成“传统+现代”相和谐的互补学习平台。 复旦大学:经济类学科在特色专业建设、人才培养模式创新实验区、国家级教学团队建设方面都走在全国前列,“1+1”交换交流互补研究班就体现了精髓

所在。 浙江大学:积极汇聚政府、行业、产业等方面的资源,开创了“企业实践+科研”双向互动培养模式的先河。 南开大学:在经济类学科人才的培养中形成了“中国+世界”的独特视角,实行聘用国外著名学者客串带班制度,使得全球化在学科内部得以实现。 西南财经大学:其地处西部经济中心成都的地理优势,使其经济培养又极具西部特色,深入调研农村经济的“基地化”培养模式将这一特色展现得淋漓尽致。 武汉大学:在经济类学科研究生培养中推进多元化导师队伍,实行复合导师制,这在众多经济类院校中独树一帜。 中山大学:经济学专业对学生的培养注重国际化,强调学生的国际化视野和全球观念,大力开拓对外交流的途径。采用双语教学。 吉林大学:教育特色可以概括为“第一线、应用性、高素质、技能型、零距离”。 湖南大学:经济类学科是在坚实的理科基础上发展起来的,培养形式具有严谨的理性化色彩,授课方式具有模型化特色。 中央财经大学:经济学院是我国经济学学科领域重要的科研创新基地,按照“优势突出、特色鲜明”的原则,顺应专业的发展趋势,大力整合资源,力图培养创新型经济人才。 江西财经大学:结合江西历史文化名城的优势,把借鉴国外先进经验和学习历史结合起来。 深圳大学:养原则为“宽学识基础,与就业零距离,应用学科与理论学科兼容,以应用学科为主”。 山西财经大学:重点学科重点建设,一般学科统筹建设。 浙江财经学院:以系列讲座“学术沙龙”为平台,邀请知名专家学者进行讲座,拓展学生的知识视野。 四川大学:经济学院在经济类学科的建设中探索建立了“以学院为管理重心,以教师为办学主体,以学生为育人中心”的管理运行新机制。 中国政法大学:经济文化中兼具浓郁的法治文化气息,用法治机理实行教学的“法式管理”,“厚基础、高素质、宽视野、强能力”。 中国农业大学:经济类学科建设有三大优势:师资、影响力和农业优势,具



经济术语 价格术语trade term (price term) 运费freight 单价price 码头费wharfage 总值total value 卸货费landing charges 金额amount 关税customs duty 净价net price 印花税stamp duty 含佣价price including commission 港口税portdues 回佣return commission 装运港portof shipment 折扣discount,allowance 卸货港port of discharge 批发价wholesale price 目的港portof destination 零售价retail price 进口许口证inportlicence 现货价格spot price 出口许口证exportlicence 期货价格forward price 现行价格(时价)current price 国际市场价格world (International)Marketpr ice 离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board 成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)C&F-cost and freight

public sector 公共部门,公共成分 economic channels 经济渠道 economic balance 经济平衡 economic fluctuation 经济波动 economic depression 经济衰退 economic stability 经济稳定 economic policy 经济政策 economic recovery 经济复原 understanding 约定concentration 集中holding company 控股公司trust 托拉斯 cartel 卡特尔 rate of growth 增长economic trend 经济趋势 economic situation 经济形势 infrastructure 基本建设standard of living 生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达 underdeveloped 不发达的 developing 发展中的


微观经济学原理曼昆名词解释 1.需求价格弹性(price elasticity of demand): 2.蛛网模型(): 对于生产周期较长的商品 供给的时滞性,需求的不是 动态模型分类,画图 3.边际效用递减(diminishing marginal utility)——基数效用论 不违反边际效用递减规律。因为边际效用是指物品的消费量每增加(或减少)一个单位所增加(或减少)的总效用的量。这里的“单位”是指一完整的商品单位,这种完整的商品单位,是边际效用递减规律有效性的前提。比如,这个定律适用于一双的鞋子,但不适用于单只的鞋子。对于四轮车而言,必须是有四个轮子的车才成为一单位。三个轮子不能构成一辆四轮车,因而每个轮子都不是一个有效用的物品,增加一个轮子,才能使车子有用。因此,不能说第四个轮子的边际效用超过第三个轮子 4.无差异曲线(indifference curve):一条表示给消费者相同满足程度的消费组合的曲线。 (2)特征:凸向原点越远越大不相交 5.边际替代率(marginal rate of substitution.MRS):——序数效用论 6.预算线(Budget line/ budget constraint)

7.吉芬物品(Giffen good):价格上升引起需求量增加的物品。 8.柯布道格拉 斯生产函数 稀缺性(scarcity):社会资源的有限性。 经济学(economics):研究社会如何管理自己的稀缺资源。 效率(efficiency):社会能从其稀缺资源中得到最多东西的特性。 平等(equality):经济成果在社会成员中公平分配的特性。 机会成本(opportunity cost):为了得到某种东西所必须放弃的东西。 理性人(rational people):系统而有目的地尽最大努力实现起目标的人。 边际变动(marginal change):对行动计划微小的增量调整。 激励(incentive):引起一个人做出某种行为的某种东西。 市场经济(market economy):当许多企业和家庭在物品与劳务市场上相互交易时,通过他们的分散决策配置资源的经济。 产权(property rights):个人拥有并控制稀缺资源的能力。 市场失灵(market failure):市场本身不能有效配置资源的情况。 外部性(externality): 市场势力(market power):一个经济活动者(或经济活动者的一个小集团)对市场价格有显著影响的能力。


导读:【课程功能】,本课程在经济学专业本科教学方案中为经济学学科基础课程,本课程与“西方经济学”、“政治经济学”等课程同为经济学的核心内容,课程内容简介,课程名称:经济学说史,课程类别:经济学专业学科基础课,主要内容:以经济学说的产生和发展作为研究对象,以及社会主义社会经济学的历史,探寻经济学说发展的规律与特点,【课程特色】,本课程以马克思主义为指导思想,按时间顺序考察经济学说的产生和发展,本课程2 经济学说史课程大纲 【课程功能】 本课程在经济学专业本科教学方案中为经济学学科基础课程,列为专业必修课。本课程与“西方经济学”、“政治经济学”等课程同为经济学的核心内容。 课程内容简介 【内容介绍】 课程名称:经济学说史 学分:3学分 课程类别:经济学专业学科基础课 主要内容:以经济学说的产生和发展作为研究对象,考察人类进入阶级社会以来,在奴隶社 会,封建社会、资本主义社会,以及社会主义社会经济学的历史,探寻经济学说发展的规律与特点。 【课程特色】 本课程以马克思主义为指导思想,按时间顺序考察经济学说的产生和发展。本课程20世纪50年代由中国人民大学经济学系在国内首先设置,并由中国人民大学鲁友章、李宗正教授为主编,编撰了国内第一本《经济学说史》高等院校统编教材,该教材1979年经修订再版,为国内最早的权威经济学说史教材。为适应经济学说史教学需要,1992年出版陈孟熙主编的《经济学说史教程》,将经济学说史考察范围的下限从19世纪末的马歇尔经济学说后延到20世纪30年代凯恩斯经济学说。该教材2003年又出版了修订后的第二版。2003年由姚开建主编出版了新的《经济学说史》,在原鲁友章、李宗正主编《经济学说史》、陈孟熙主编《经济学说史教程》基础上,将20世纪经济学理论的发展全部列入经济学说史课程体系。 【教学方式】 本课程作为本科生专业基础课,教学方式以讲授为主。教师以教材为基础,根据学生掌握经济学基础知识的实际情况,适当把握讲授内容的详略程度。教师在课堂讲授中,注意介绍和分析各历史时期各经济学流派和理论产生的背景,以及各经济学流派和理论之间的联系,突

经济学最全词典 中英对照

经济学词典 提供经济学词典.向他致敬! Ability-to-pay principle(of taxation)(税收的)支付能力原则按照纳税人支 付能力确定纳税负担的原则。纳税人支付能力依据其收人或财富来衡量。这一原则并不 说明某经济状况较好的人到底该比别人多负担多少。 Absolute advantage(in international trade)(国际贸易中的)绝对优势 A国所具 有的比B国能更加有效地(即单位投入的产出水平比较高等)生产某种商品的能力。这 种优势并不意味着A国必然能将该商品成功地出口到B国。因为B国还可能有一种我们所 说的比较优势或曰比较利益(comparative advantage)。 Accelerator principle 加速原理解释产出率变动同方向地引致投资需求变动的理论。 Actual,cyc1ical,and structual budget 实际预算、周期预算和结构预算实际预算的赤字或盈余指的是某年份实际记录的赤字或盈余。实际预算可划分成结构预算和周期预算。结构预算假定经济在潜在产出水平上运行,并据此测算该经济条件下的政府税入、支出和赤字等指标。周期预算基于所预测的商业周期(及其经济波动)对预算的影 响。 Adaptive expectations 适应性预期见预期(expectations)。Adjustable peg 可调整钉住一种(固定)汇率制度。在该制度下,各国货币对其他货币保持一种固定的或曰“钉住的”汇率。当某些基本因素发生变动、原先汇率失去合理依据的时候,这种汇率便不时地趋于凋整。在1944-1971年期间,世界各主要货币都普 遍实行这种制度,称为“布雷顿森林体系”。 Administered(or inflexible)prices 管理(或非浮动)价格特指某类价格的术语 。按照有关规定,这类价格在某一段时间内、在若干种交易中能够维持不变。(见价格浮动,price flexibility) Adverse selection 逆向选择一种市场不灵。指的是这样一种情况,即那些遭遇风险机会最多的人,最容易决定购买保险。推而广之,逆向选择指的是这样一种情况:就某产品而言,买方和卖方所掌握的信息不同。比如旧车市场。 Aggregate demand 总需求某一时期一个经济所计划或所需要开支的总数。它取决于总 的价格水平,并受到国内投资、净出口、政府开支、消费水平和货币供应等因素的影响。 Aggregate demand(AD)curve 总需求曲线在其他条件不变的情况下,体现一个经济中 人们所愿意购买的商品和服务的总量与该经济的价格总水平之间的关系的曲线。同其他需求曲线一样,总需求曲线背后也存在着一系列重要的经济变量,如政府开支、出口和货币供应,等等。 Aggregate supply 总供给某一时期一个经济中各企业所愿意生产的商品与服务的价
