



1. He sold or exchanged some of the milk in the towns nearby for other food and made cheese and butter for the family with what __________(leave).(2015广东)

2. we __________ (tell) that our rooms hadn’t been reserved for that week, but for the week after.(2014广东)

3. Tai Chi _________ (call) “shadow boxing”in English. (2014辽宁)

4. Tea in China was traditional drank from cups without handles.(2013Ⅱ)

5. Suddenly the arrows were flying down at us from the sky---they were looked like rain.(2014陕西)

6. He born in a poor family,but only received a limited education in his childhood.


A. 主动语态表示主语是动作的____________

B. 被动语态表示主语是动作的____________。








1) We speak English.

2) Everybody respects them.


1) They bought ten computers last year.

2) The people supported him.


1) We will discuss the question at the next meeting.

2) If the weather permits, we will complete the work on time.


1) Susan is cooking dinner.

2) They are building nine parks.


We would discuss the question the next week.


1)We were building several new high roads.

2) They were designing the car.


1) We have planted some trees around the lake.

2) Someone has turned off the light.


1) She had cleaned the kitchen.

2) We had decorated the room.


I must finish the work today.


We must finish the work today.



1.I have given him the book.




2. I have asked him to help you.


3.We saw a stranger enter the hall.


归纳:S+V+O+C(主语+谓语+宾语+补语)结构改为被动句应将主动句的宾语变为被动句的主语,补语不变;不带to的不定式作宾补改为被动句时必须带to. 4.The old man will take care of the girl.




(一) Please finish the following exercises:

1. In the near future, more advances in the robot technology _____________ (make) by


2.Experiments of this kind _________________ (conduct) in both the U.S and Europe well before the Second World War.

3. After getting lost in a storm, a member of the navy team _______________ (rescue) four days later.

4.The church tower which __________________(restore) will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.

5.This coastal area ______________(name) a national wildlife reserve last year.

6. Linda, make sure the tables ______ (set) before the guests arrive.

7. People say that a smile can ____ __________(pass) from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so.

8. When research __________(assign), the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with minimum guidance.

(二)、Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1.Look! A frog is swallowed(吞没)by a snake over there.

2.Some fruits were bought his friend (by him) yesterday.

3.Is the bridge going to completed before the end of this year?

4.The problem has been paid enough attention.


1. 只有及物动词才有被动语态。但cost, have, own, last, lack, agree with, suffer from, belong to等及物动词或及物的短语动词也没有被动语态。




well, badly, easily等副词连用时,表示主语内在品质或性能,是不及物动词,这时不用被动语态,常见的有:write, read, clean, sell, wash, cook等。如:


1) 这本书是用这支笔写的。

2) 这支笔写字很快。

3) 这新书很畅销。

4) 这新书卖完(sell out)了。

3. 不及物动词(vi.) 如:happen, take place, appear, disappear, …

Eg: Great changes ______________ (take place) in my hometown in the past ten years.

4. 连系动词(Link.v.) (+ 形容词/名词)如:be, look, seem, feel, sound, smell, taste, get, turn, become…

Eg: The song sounds beautiful.

The cloth feels soft.

5. 在“n/pron + be + adj + to do”结构中。

常用的形容词有easy, difficult, hard, nice, pleasant, 等。

翻译句子:1. 他是个容易相处的人。


6. 3需要need/want/require doing/ to be done

2值得be worth/deserve doing

1受责备be to blame

翻译句子:1. 屋子需要打扫。

2. 这本书很值得一读。

3. 他应该为这次事故受到责备。

六、Fill in the blanks

(一) 单句填空

1.I’ll go to the library as soon as I finish what I ________ (do).

2.The book ___________ ( write) by Lu Xun in 1920.

3.The cloth _________ (wash) well.

4.It is the most instructive lecture that I ____________ (attend) since I came to this school.

5.The hospital _____________(build) next year.

6.In the last few years thousands of films _____________ (produce) all over the world.

7.He __________ (allow) to play computer games last night.

8.The boy _______ (tell) not to go to the net bar as usual. 9.He _____________ (ask) to the party last Sunday, but he didn't go there.

10.The story ___________ (sound) very interesting.


1. Airplanes are slowly driving me mad. I live near an airport and the passing planes can ___1____(hear) day and night. The airport ___2_____ (build) years ago, but for some reasons it could not ___3____(use) then. Last year, however, it ___4______ into use. Over a hundred people must have ___5_____(drive) away from their homes by the noise. Sometimes I think this house __6_______ (knock) down by a passing plane. I _____7_____(offer) a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here. Everybody says I must be mad and they are probably right.

2. Welcome to our school. I’d like to introduce you plan s for our school. A lot of work ____1________(do)in the past few years. The library ________2______ (complete) and is ready for use. But we still have to do more work.

A new biology lab _____3______(build)this year. But we don’t have enough money for the equipment. Students in all grades ______4_______(collect) money. The money which is collected _____5______ (spend) on new equipment.

At present, a plan _____6________ (make) for a party at the end of the term, at which wonderful performances ____7_____ (put) on.

The gardens of the school _________8 _______(improve)this year. New trees ________9______ (plant)which will soon give shade in summer. The whole school ______10 ________ (paint) during the summer holidays. In fact, our school is becoming more and more beautiful.

中考初三专项复习被动语态学案 (4)

中考初三专项复习被动语态学案 初三被动语态 一、学习目标 1.掌握被动语态的结构 2.掌握从主动语态转换成被动语态的方法 观察句子 A recorder is used in our English class every day. Football is played all over the world. A camera is used for taking photos. A bank was robbed yesterday. A man-made satellite was sent up into space last year. The tree must be planted on the ground. The ground will be covered with trees in a few years’time. They will be sent to the hospital right now. A talk will be given soon. Look and find out the similarities (相同点): Football is played all over the world. A camera is used for taking photos. A bank was robbed yesterday. A man-made satellite was sent up into space last year. The tree must be planted on the ground. The ground will be covered with trees in a few years’ time. They will be sent to the hospital right now. A talk will be given soon. 二、知识讲解 Conclusion: (一) 当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者, 或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时, 或者只需强调动作的承受者时, 要用被动语态。 被动语态:主语是动作的承受者 被动语态的构成:be +动词过去分词


高一英语课前作业A 姓名班级组别编制时间编号43 审批课题:Unit 3 Grammar 现在完成时的被动语态 【学习目标】 1.现在完成时被动语态的构成 2. 现在完成时被动语态的主要用法3.使用现在完成时的被动语态需要注意的问题 【重点难点】 能够熟练运用现在完成时被动语态。 【课前预习】现在完成时被动语态的结构就是现在完成时态和被动语态结构的叠合,即“have + been + 动词过去分词”。试比较以下几组句子的谓语结构: 1. 主动:He has repaired the machine for two hours. (他修理这台机器已有两小时了) 被动:The machine has been repaired for two hours. (这台机器已修了两小时了) 2. 主动句:The teacher has borrowed the books. (老师把那些书借走了) 被动句:The books have been borrowed by the teacher. (那些书被老师借走了) 【完成目标】 目标一:现在完成时被动语态的构成。 1.现在完成时被动语态的肯定式: 由________________________________________________________________________构成。例如:Two windows have been broken.两个窗子被打破了。 2. 现在完成时被动语态的否定式: 由________________________________________________________________________构成。例如:The car has not been repaired.这辆汽车还没有修好。 3. 现在完成时被动语态的一般疑问式: 由________________________________________________________________________构成。例如:①─Has her work been finished?她的工作完成了吗?─Yes,it has.是的,完成了。 ②─Have the cars been repaired?这些汽车修好了吗?─No,they haven't.不,还没有。 4. 现在完成时被动语态的特殊疑问式: 由________________________________________________________________________构成。例如:How long has her work been finished?她的工作完成有多久了?


高三英语语法专题复习------被动语态 一、时态与高考(语法填空与改错) 1. He sold or exchanged some of the milk in the towns nearby for other food and made cheese and butter for the family with what __________(leave).(2015广东) 2. we __________ (tell) that our rooms hadn’t been reserved for that week, but for the week after.(2014广东) 3. Tai Chi _________ (call) “shadow boxing”in English. (2014辽宁) 4. Tea in China was traditional drank from cups without handles.(2013Ⅱ) 5. Suddenly the arrows were flying down at us from the sky---they were looked like rain.(2014陕西) 6. He born in a poor family,but only received a limited education in his childhood. 归纳: A. 主动语态表示主语是动作的____________ B. 被动语态表示主语是动作的____________。 被动语态构成:___________________________. 二.什么时候用被动语态 1.强调动作的承受者 2.不知道动作的发出者 3.没有必要说出动作的发出者 三、八大时态的被动语态 请把下列句子改为含有被动语态的句子: 1) We speak English. 2) Everybody respects them. 1.一般现在时被动语态:_______________________________ 1) They bought ten computers last year. 2) The people supported him. 2.一般过去时被动语态:_______________________________ 1) We will discuss the question at the next meeting. 2) If the weather permits, we will complete the work on time. 3.一般将来时被动语态:_______________________________ 1) Susan is cooking dinner. 2) They are building nine parks. 4.过去将来时被动语态:_______________________________ We would discuss the question the next week. 5.现在进行时被动语态:_______________________________ 1)We were building several new high roads. 2) They were designing the car. 6.过去进行时被动语态:_______________________________ 1) We have planted some trees around the lake. 2) Someone has turned off the light. 7.现在完成时被动语态:_______________________________ 1) She had cleaned the kitchen. 2) We had decorated the room.


高中英语语法《现在完成时的被动语态》教学设计 一、教材分析 本节课的授课内容为被动语态中的一个重点也是难点的内容:现在完成时被动语态的学习及其应用。对于该内容学生半知半解,加上语法容易让人觉得枯燥,学生对此内容有排斥畏难心理。所以教学中将语法知识的传授和语言基本技能的学习结合到一起,注重学习语法与语言的运用。采用任务型教学法、情景教学法和小组合作探究学习法,让学生亲身去感知、领悟知识和运用知识,从而扩大课堂的语言输入量及学生的语言输出量,使其内容更加丰富,降低了语法学习的难度,同时也使语言学习和运用语言的过程成为一种栩栩如生的互动体验,提高了学习效率。 二、学情分析 授课对象为高一级的学生,他们来自全区各地初中,大部分学生的基础知识仍然较为薄弱,运用英语进行交际活动的能力较差,主动学习的动力不够,然而他们学习比较认真,渴求知欲旺盛,思维比较活跃。部分学生的基础较好,能主动配合老师。所以只有设臵使他们感兴趣的活动,利用发生在学生身边的事情——教室的环境布臵和学校艺术文化节作为语法学习的载体,因材施教,让学生明白所学语言知识的实用性,这样才能激发学生学习的积极性,并在师生互动、生生互动中实现教学任务和目标。 三、教学目标 知识与技能:1.让学生弄清楚现在完成时被动语态的结构和用 法; 2.重点是现在完成时被动语态的应用。 过程与方法:1.培养学生自主学习、协作学习和探究的能力; 2.培养学生分析问题、解决问题、归纳问题的能 力。 3.提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力。

情感价值观:通过本节课的学习,培养学生热爱学校积极参与 学校活动的情感。 四、教学重点和难点 现在完成时被动语态的基本构成与实际应用。 五、教学策略和方法 本节课的教学以学生为中心,以教室的环境布臵和学校艺术文化节为载体,使课堂教学过程成为学生自主地进行信息加工、知识意义构建、归纳能力发展的过程。教师在教学过程中则适时介入,引导、启发、组织、帮助、促进。随堂进行小组指导,一方面参与学生的讨论,更给学生以个别辅导,以帮助学生解决学习过程中的难题。通过演示法把制作的课件、学生的作文等显示给学生看,便于学生对知识的把握,并从中获得启迪,从而解决问题。通过小组协作法分析问题、解决问题,从而内化而形成学习成果,并将其在全班学生中展示,使学生获得成功的喜悦,从而激发学生的后续学习热情。通过任务驱动教学法将所要学习的新知识隐含在语言操练之中,学生通过对呈现的图片进行分析、讨论,并在老师的指导、帮助下用本节课的语法对图片进行描述,以达到对语法项目的操练,最后通过任务的完成而实现对所学知识的意义建构。 六、板书设计 现在完成时被动语态的基本结构:have/has been done 七、教学过程 Step1 Revision (复习)(6分钟) 本单元学习的话题是计算机,计算机的应用很广泛,让学生在阅读里面找出介绍计算机应用的句子,并齐读句子:?The computers have been used in communication, finance and trade. ?The computers have been put into robots. ?It has been used to make mobile phones as well as help with


一般将来时的被动语态教案 一、教学目标 知识目标:让学生在初中被动语态学习的基础上认识学习一般将来时被动语态的结构和用法。 能力目标:通过演绎归纳法让学生能够结合真实语境正确应用一般将来时被动语态。 情感目标: 在学习过程中,让学生学会探究合作,小组讨论等,以培养学生的集体合作精神;并且能够产生对于英语语法的兴趣。 二、重点难点 如何让学生更好的掌握一般将来时被动语态的结构和用法以及如何培养学生自主学 习和提高学生对于语法学习的兴趣。 三、学情分析 学生在初中阶段已经学习了被动语态,但是并没有将将来时被动语态单独提出来讲解,所以可能会有所混淆。更有甚者,可能有些学生将被动和主动都没有分清楚。 四、教学方法 演绎归纳教学和任务型教学 五、教学过程 Step1 Grammar revision Ask students what the form of the passive voice is and show them on the blackboard. 基本结构:be + p.p. 一般现在时被动语态:am/is /are + p.p. 现在进行时被动语态:am/is/are + being + p.p. Then ask students to fill in the following blank with correct passive voice. 1.Their house _________(paint) and they have to live in their parents home. 2.Visitors _________ (request) not to take photos here. 3.In some parts of the world, tea _______(serve) with milk and sugar. 4. A new railway ________(build) at present. Step2 Grammar learning 1.Show some sentences which use the future passive voice and ask students to observe the underlined parts. 1)The 31th Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. 2)Many athletes are going to be sent to there to compete for medals. 3)These desks and chairs are to be repaired tomorrow. 2.Ask the students what tense is used in these sentences. And then tell them they use the future passive voice. Show the form of the future passive voice on the blackboard. 将来时被动语态:shall/will + be + p.p.或者am/is/are + be to + p.p. 或者am/is/are + going to be + p.p. 3.Ask students to turn back to page9-10, and try to find the sentences which use the future passive voice from pre-reading and reading. If necessary, they can translate the sentences into Chinese. 4.Finish Exercise2 on page 13 and learn about the rule for the Olympic Games. Step3 Practice 1. I promise that this matter _____ next week. A. will be taken care B. will take care of

高中英语 现在完成时的被动语态学案

高中英语现在完成时的被动语态学案 (语法复习) 1、复习被动语态1) 被动语态的结构:be + p、p、2) 一般现在时被动语态的结构:am/is/are (not)+p、p、3) 一般过去时被动语态的结构:was/were (not)+p、p、4)含有情态动词被动语态的结构: can/could/may/might/will/would/shall/should/must/need(not )+be + p、p、5)一般将来时被动语态的结构:will (not)/be (not) to+ be+ p、p、 2、用所给词的正确行使填空1) Running races (hold) on the playground yesterday、2) Food (serve) between12:00 and14:00 every day、3) Nobody can (allow) to enter the stadium without a ticket、4) Whoever breaks the law, he (punish)、Suggested answers:1) were held2)

is served3) will be allowed4) will be punished Step2 语法学习 1、DiscoveringLook at the following sentence, paying attention to the underlined part、EXAMPLE: Over time I have been changed a lot、 Go back to page18 to read the passage Who am I ?, pick out the sentences in the present perfect passive voice and translate them into Chinese、 2、ThinkingLet students look at the tense used in the sentences they picked out and think over this question: What is the structure of the present perfect passive voice? 3、 Summing upThe structure of the present perfect passive voice is “have/has+ been + p、p、”、 It is a combination of the present perfect tense (have/has + done) and the passive voice (be + p、p、)、Turn to page87 and look at the chart of the present perfect passive voice、现在完成时的被动语态的构成(以动词ask为例)肯定式 否定式疑问式I havebeen asked…You have He/She/It hasWe haveYou have They haveI havenot been asked…You have He/She/It hasWe haveYou have They have Have I Have you


被动语态 授课人:授课时间: 一、语态概述 英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。巧记为:主动、主动、主去动。 例如:Many people speak English. 谓语:speak的动作是由主语many people来执行的。 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。巧记为:被动、被动、主被动。例如:English is spoken by many people.主语English是动词speak的承受者。 He opened the door.他开了门。(主动句) The door was opened.门被开了。(被动句) 判断:你来判断哪个是主动哪个是被动? We call the doctor. People don’t play football here. The truck was cleaned yesterday. Mr Chen teaches us English. The classroom was cleaned. 二、被动语态的构成:be+动词的过去分词+by sb(be+done) 一般现在时:am/is/are+taught 一般过去时:was/were+taught 一般将来时:will/shall be+taught 现在进行时:am/is/are being+taught 过去进行时:have/has been+taught 现在完成时:have/has been+taught 含有情态动词的被动语态:can/may/must/should... +be done

歌诀是:被动语态be字变,过去分词跟后面。 三、主动变被动的方法 口诀:主变宾,宾变主,By 句尾跟 Be 字变,Vpp跟后面 一、选择题(2×15=30分) 一、选择题(2×15=30分) ( )1._____ a new library _____ in our school last year? A. Is; built B. Was; built C. Does; build D. Did ; build ( )2. An accident ____ on this road last week. A. has been happened B. was happened C. is happened D. happened ( )3.Cotton(棉花)____ in the southeast of China. A. is grown B. are grown C. grows D. grow ( )4.So far, the moon ____ by man already.A. is visited B. will be visited C. has been visited D. was visited ( )5.A talk on Chinese history _____ in the school hall next week. A. is given B. has been given C. will be given D. gives ( )6.How many trees ____ this year? A. are planted B. will plant C. have been planted D. planted ( )7.A lot of things ____ by people to save the little girl now.


初二英语被动语态 一、语态概述 英语的语态是通过动词形式的变化表现出来的。英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。巧记为:主动、主动、主去动。 例如:Many people speak English. 谓语:speak的动作是由主语many people来执行的。 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。巧记为:被动、被动、主被动。 例如:English is spok en by many people.主语English是动词speak的承受者。 判断:看我上面举的例子,你来判断哪个是主动哪个是被动? He opened the door.他开了门。(主动句) The door was opened.门被开了。(被动句) 说明:好了,现在我们对被动语态的句子形式有了一个形象的认识,但英语句子是千变万化的,这时就需要你有“火眼金睛”了。下面老师就来具体讲一讲被动语态的构成。 二、被动语态的构成 被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。人称、数和时态的变化是通过be的变化表现出来的。现以teach为例说明被动语态在各种时态中的构成。 说明:别看英语中一会儿主动被动一会儿现在时一会儿过去时啥的,好像看得咱们眼花缭乱啦。其实呢,这么一堆东西归纳起来,就两点:时态和语态。 一般现在时:am/is/are+taug ht 一般过去时:was/were+taug ht 一般将来时:will/shall be+tau ght 现在进行时:am/is/are being+taug ht 过去进行时:have/has been+taught 现在完成时:have/has been+taught 歌诀是:被动语态be字变,过去分词跟后面。 说明:那么,什么时候用被动语态呢?简单的说,凡是汉语中带“被”的句子,都能转换成英语的被动语态。 三、被动语态的用法 (1)不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。 例如: Some new computers were stolen last night. 一些新电脑在昨晚被盗了。(不知道电脑是谁偷的) This book was published in1981.这本书出版于1981年。 (2)强调动作的承受者,而不强调动作的执行者。 例如:the window was brok en by Mike.窗户是迈克打破的。 This book was written by him.这本书是他写的。 Eight hours per day for sleep must be guaranteed.每天8小时睡眠必须得到保证。 歌诀:谁做的动作不知道,说出谁做的没有必要; 动作承受者需强调,被动语态运用到。 主动态和被动态指的是动词形式,是词法概念;而主动句和被动句则指的是句子结构,从 而是句法概念。所谓主动句就是由主动态动词(词组)作谓语动词的句子,而被动句则是由被动态动词(词组)作谓语动词的句子。 补充内容: 四、主动语态变被动语态的方法


中考被动语态详解 考情分析,中考对语态的考查侧重于以下几个方面: ①主动语态和被动语态的选择,含动词各种时态的被动语态形式, ②被动语态后的动词形式, ③主动意义表示被动意义的常见结构等等。 一、被动语态概念: 英语有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,而被动语态则表示主语是动作的承受者。当主语为动作的执行者时, 谓语的形式为主动语态; 当主语为动作的承受者时, 谓语要用被动语态。 e.g. Many people speak English. (主动语态, 句子的主语many people是动作speak的执行者) English is spoken by many people. (被动语态, 句子的主语English是动作speak的承受者) 被动语态的用法 (1)当不知道或没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时 Such books are written for children. 这些书是为儿童写的。 (2)强调动作的承受者,这时应用by短语 The cup was broken by David. (3)作客观说明时,常采用一种被动语态句型 It’s said / reported / + that …据说/据报道 It’s reported that it will rain tomorrow.据报道,明天会下雨。

二、主动语态被变动语态的方法 We Visited that factory last summer 主动语态 主语 谓语 宾语 状语 That factory was visited by us last summer 被动语态 主语 谓语 宾语 状语 (1) 把主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语。注意:如果主动句的宾语是代词,需将其由 宾格变为主格。 Tom killed him. → He was killed by Tom. (2) 把谓语变成被动结构(be +过去分词) They held a meeting yesterday. → A meeting was held by them yesterday. 他们昨天开会了。 (根据被动语态句子里的主语的人称和数,以及原来主动语态句子中动词的时态来决定be 的形式)。 (3) 把主动语态中的主语放在介词by 之后作宾语,将主格改为宾格。例如: All the people laughed at him. He was laughed at by all people. They make the bikes in the factory. The bikes are made by them in the factory. 歌诀是: 宾变主,主变宾,by 短语后面跟。 谓语动词变被动,be 后“过分”来使用。 三、各个时态的被动语态(3个一般,1个完成) 1、一般现在时的被动语态结构: →→


2019九年级英语专题训练 专题九被动语态 【基础再现】 【重、难、考、点】 1. 被动语态的结构和表达的意义 2. 被动语态的一些特殊用法 3. 动词各种时态的被动语态的形式以及主动语态表示被动语态意义的结构

【教学内容】 一、被动语态的用法 1. 不知道动作的执行者是谁。如: This watch is made in China. 2. 没有必要指出动作的执行者是谁 More trees must be planted every year. 3. 需要强调或者突出动作的承受者时 Chinese is spoken by more and more people in the world. 4. 句子的主语不是人 Many buses were washed away by the flood. 二、 主动语态变为被动语态 We Visited that factory last summer →主动语态 last summer →被动语态 主语 谓语 宾语 状语 三、带双宾的谓语动词变为被动语态 有些动词带有两个宾语,即直接宾语和间接宾语,变被动语态时,可把其中一个宾语变成主语,另一个留在被动结构谓语后面。需要注意的是:若把直接宾语变成被动语态的主语,需要在间接宾语之间加上介词“to ”。 eg. He often tells us interesting stories . (主动语态) ? ??.h i m by us to told often are stories g Interestin .him by stories g interestin told often are We (被动语态)


被动语态学案 一.定义 英语中有两种语态主动语态和被动语态。在主动语态中,主语是动作的();在被动语态中主语是动作的()。People grow tea in Hangzhou. Tea is grown by people in Hangzhou. 助动词be +done 二.主动语态变被动语态的方法。 1.将主动语态的宾语改为被动语态的主语。 2.将主动语态的谓语动词改为“be+过去分词”结构。 (be+done) 3. 将主动语态的主语改为介词by之后的宾语,放在谓语动词之后(有时可省略),状语照抄。 顺口溜: 宾变主,主变宾,by加宾语后面跟,谓语动词变被动,be 后“过分”来使用。用啥时态看主动。“过分”不动“be” 要动 三.四种时态的的被动语态谓语动词的构成: 1)一般现在时:2) 一般过去时: 3)一般将来时:4) 过去将来时 练习 1. We plant trees every year.

2.We planted many trees last year. 3.She will teach Class 6. 4. She is teaching Class 6 四.完成以下练习。 填空 1. They produce silk in Suzhou. Silk ____ _________ in Suzhou. 2. The children will sing an English song. An English song ____ ____ _______ by the children. 3. Lucy sent a New Year Card to me last week. A New Year Card ____ ____ to me by Lucy last week. 4. The man is mending the car now The car ____ ____ _____ by the man now. 选择 1.Stamps______by people for sending letters. https://www.360docs.net/doc/111686767.html,e https://www.360docs.net/doc/111686767.html,ing https://www.360docs.net/doc/111686767.html,ed D.are used. 2.Two people _____in the car accident yesterday.(2016) A. hurt. B. being hurt C were hurt D. was hurt 3.A new bridge ______here next year. A.Will be built B.will build C.build D.will built 4. A new bridge ______here now. A.Will be built B.is building C.is being built D.is built


初二第六单元语法被动语态 一、语态概述 英语的语态是通过动词形式的变化表现出来的。英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。巧记为:主动、主动、主去动。 例如:Many people speak English. 谓语:speak的动作是由主语many people来执行的。 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。巧记为:被动、被动、主被动。例如:English is spoken by many people.主语English是动词speak的承受者。 判断:看我上面举的例子,你来判断哪个是主动哪个是被动? He opened the door.他开了门。(主动句) The door was opened.门被开了。(被动句) 说明:好了,现在我们对被动语态的句子形式有了一个形象的认识,但英语句子是千变万化的,这时就需要你有“火眼金睛”了。下面老师就来具体讲一讲被动语态的构成。 二、被动语态的构成 被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。人称、数和时态的变化是通过be 的变化表现出来的。现以teach为例说明被动语态在各种时态中的构成。 说明:别看英语中一会儿主动被动一会儿现在时一会儿过去时啥的,好像看得咱们眼花缭乱啦。其实呢,这么一堆东西归纳起来,就两点:时态和语态。 一般现在时:am/is/are+taught 一般过去时:was/were+taught 一般将来时:will/shall be+taught 现在进行时:am/is/are being+taught 过去进行时:have/has been+taught 现在完成时:have/has been+taught 歌诀是:被动语态be字变,过去分词跟后面。 说明:那么,什么时候用被动语态呢?简单的说,凡是汉语中带“被”的句子,都能转换成英语的被动语态。 三、被动语态的用法 (1)不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。 例如: Some new computers were stolen last night.


现在完成时的被动语态 语法点拨 概念引入 Over time I have been changed quite a lot Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations. 语法讲解 【高清课堂B2U2语法:被动语态】 Ⅰ被动语态的概念 1. 英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。 2. 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者 例如:Many people speak Chinese. 3. 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受着。 例如:上句可变为 _Chinese is spoken by many people. 为什么要用被动语态? a)当关注的是事情本身而不是动作的执行者,或者根本不知道动作的执行者时。如: The meeting was put off. My car has been moved. b)动作的执行者很明确时或强调承受者时。 The ceremony was reported in the news last night. If you break the school rules, you will be punished. c)当动作的执行者是“people”或“one” 时。 He is believed to have invented the computer. Advertisements are seen everywhere. d)修辞的需要,为了使句子更加简练、匀称 II. 被动语态的各种时态 1.一般现在时: 2. 一般过去时: 3. 一般将来时: 4. 现在进行时: 5. 过去进行时: 6. 现在完成时: 7. 过去完成时: 8. 过去将来时: 边讲边练:翻译句子 1. 全世界越来越多的人讲汉语。 Chinese is spoken by more and more people in the world. 2. 1949年中华人民共和国成立。 People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949. 3.明天将对这个问题进行讨论。

2019-2020学年新人教版高中英语高效学案:必修二 被动语态(附答案)

高考英语一轮复习——被动语态(附答案) I.考点分析 一、被动语态的形式 被动语态是非常严重的考点。并且我们发现与被动语态有关的考题每次都有2到3题。首先我们要了解被动语态的基本形式。 大凡现在时be done 现在进行时be being done 大凡过去时was/were done 过去进行时was/were being done 现在完成时have/has been done 过去完成时had done 大凡将来时will be done 将来过去时would/should be done 将来完成时will have been done 过去将来完成时would/should have been done going to结构going to be done be tobe to be done 情态动词情态动词+be done 不定式to be doneto have been done 二、被动语态在下列情况下可以使用:

1.只有及物动词或不及物动词+前置词才能用被动态结构;单独的不及物动词不能使用。 A great battle was fought. The babies were looked after by the nurse. 2.当不知到动作的发出者,或不简易指出动作的发出者时,可用被动语态。 The window is broken. The chemical works is equipped with sophisticated machines. The audience is requested to keep silence. 3.当我们对动作的接受者比动作的发出者更感性趣时,可用被动语态。 The five-year plan has been drawn up. Comrade Li was elected chairman. 4.由于某种分外的原因(如说话技巧、说话者的感情等),故意回避行为的发出者时,可用被动语态。 Any suggestions will be heartily appreciated. It is believed that there are about four million workers unemployed the U.S.A eachyear. 5.当谈及疾病时,可用被动结构。 His left lung is affected. She is confined to the room by illness. Tom was seized with sudden chest pain. 6.当由于工作或其它原因过度困乏时,可用被动结构。 He was completely exhausted after a long walk.


“师”之概念,大体是从先秦 时期的“师长、师傅、先生” 而来。其中“师傅”更早则意 指春秋时国君的老师。《说文解字》中有注曰:“师教 人以道者之称也”。“师”之 含义,现在泛指从事教育工作或是传授知识技术也或是某方面有特长值得学习者。“老师”的原意并非由“老”而 形容“师”。“老”在旧语义中 也是一种尊称,隐喻年长且学识渊博者。“老”“师”连用 最初见于《史记》,有“荀 卿最为老师”之说法。慢慢“老师”之说也不再有年龄的 限制,老少皆可适用。只是司马迁笔下的“老师”当然不 是今日意义上的“教师”,其 只是“老”和“师”的复合构词,所表达的含义多指对知识渊博者的一种尊称,虽能从其

身上学以“道”,但其不一定 是知识的传播者。今天看来,“教师”的必要条件不光是拥 有知识,更重于传播知识。“师”之概念,大体是从先秦时期的“师长、 师傅、先生”而来。其中“师傅”更早则意指 春秋时国君的老师。《说文解字》中有注曰:“师教人以道者之称也”。“师”之含义,现在 泛指从事教育工作或是传授知识技术也或是 某方面有特长值得学习者。“老师”的原意并 非由“老”而形容“师”。“老”在旧语义中也是一种尊称,隐喻年长且学识渊博者。“老”“师”连用最初见于《史记》,有“荀卿 最为老师”之说法。慢慢“老师”之说也不再 有年龄的限制,老少皆可适用。只是司马迁 笔下的“老师”当然不是今日意义上的“教师”,其只是“老”和“师”的复合构词,所表达的含 义多指对知识渊博者的一种尊称,虽能从其 身上学以“道”,但其不一定是知识的传播者。今天看来,“教师”的必要条件不光是拥有知 识,更重于传播知识。 要练说,得练看。看与说是统一的,看不准
