

英语翻译1301 2013011275

The specific analyzes of characters of Hamlet Hamlet is a humanist of which involved in the contradictory of ideal and reality, and a person who has some beautiful views on the world human and society . But the cruelty and hideous of the real world have destroyed his expectation and broke his faith of humanism. As a humanist ,his hesitation on the way of revenge indicated the great gap of power between the humanism and feudalism. The author is aim at pointing out his introspection of The Renaissance and preoccupation of fate of human and our society. Humlet is the model of humanism idealist in the period of Renaissance. Although he wears the black suits , been serious at the first time when he showing up as a melancholy prince. But before story begins he is a happy prince studied in the Wittenburg, the headquarter of humanism. He has a fully rational faith to human. The mankind ,how a amazing craft he is, how nobly his rational is, what a great power and glamorous character he has , behaves like an angle, be intelligent as a god, the essence of the world and universe. But the world changed so fast, the sudden death of his father ,the idealized king in his mind, broke his life. His

contemptible uncle Claudius took over the position and forced Hamlet’s mother married with him. The ideal love of his parent was broken.

The disgrace of his mother and the grand wedding ceremony remind him realized the fatal blemish of his people and country. Likewise, the old ministers and new nobility’s flatter to new king made him experienced more about the fickleness of the world. Hamlet has already been caught in the sadness and melancholy by s the misfortune of the world and suffering of life. What’s worse, there were some thing more cruel like conspiracy of murder, of which had a great shock on his faith. With great shock and anger, the melancholy prince has fall in to a deeper scale from the suffering, and he realize that it is a time of displace and chaos. In that hash time, he undertook the historic responsibility consciously. ‘Oh, as I’m so unfortunate like this, how can I take the responsibility of fixing the world ?’

The revenge of Hamlet is not only to kill the Claudius’s body , but to wipe out the dark society which represented by the Claudius;

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,

The oppressor's wrong,the proud man's contumely, The pangs of despised love,the law's delay,

The insolence of office and the spurns.

That patient merit of the unworthy takes,

When he himself might his quietus make,

With a bare bodkin?

The earth,seems to me a sterile promontory

This most excellent canopy

The air,look you,this brave o'erhanging firmament

This majestical roof fretted with golden fire-why,

It appeareth no other thing to me than a foul and

pestilent congregation of vapours.

‘A foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.’ caused by Claudius, the fellow minsters also the accomplices while taking some actions to protect their benefits. Even his mother and his lover Ophelia were utilized by dark-force, came to be sacrifices unconsciously because of their ignorance. The counterpart force is in a large scale, but also a invisible power. Hamlet’s view of insight is sharp and deeper, but he still fall into the vicious

circle of thinking.

He is living a world totally different from the ideal world, existing or death is actually a very complicated problem to him. It’s also the misfortune and helplessness of humanism idealists. The time of displace and chaos in the society necessary labour pains of a society when it transmit into capitalism from feudalism. The politeness between lord and its ministers has gone, constitution vanished, ethic corrupted, society slopped down, but the castle of feudalism became more fastness.

The newly-developed third power are just in germination, haven’t been known by humanism idealists. The repeatation of history is unwillingly but real principle of humanism idealist. Humanists is not politics but a idealist, they have great ambition, pure goal, consist faith and firmly mind, never to achieving the goal by anyway as they can even the evil methods. When Hamlet prove this frighten vice wittily by the game-in-game play, he was able to revenge directly. but when Claudius preying to the god in a panic, he is not to kill Claudius directly but to waiting for the moment that his evilness totally emerged, and then he rises up the blade of justice to execute the evils. This kind of

behavior can not be defied as his religious emotion and his indecisive. It isn’t a bloody conspiracy of imperial harem but a good man’s necessary action of a humanism idealist. At last, Hamlet asked Heritio to quarrel the country the whole term of this mass. It indicates that Hamlet may not regard simple civilian equally,and dislike then as his saying ’ a civilian is dare to kick nobility’s heel.’ , humanism idealist overworship the power of a single person. Although old Hamlet worried about his prestige in the country, even the pirates also offered him help and shown him respect, it’s impossible for him to attacked imperial palace like Leotis leading a group of nutters and came into stage with the applause of them. Because it’s far away from a real humanism looks like. Until it came to 19th century we are able to find some scenes about the civilians attacking the palace, cathedral and prison in the biography of Dickens and Hugo, those are necessary event of historical evolution.

The ideal faith of humanism is the nobility and grace of human, pure and graceful, brave and endure, infused with enthusiasm and smartness, required equality and self-esteem. But in this kind of cruel reality, the

humanity was so evil , so contemptible, changeable and lonely. But Hamlet had never lost the faith of the human in humanism idealist’s eyes, as human is the essence of the universe and superior than any others over the world. He has fight for this a sort of faith at expense of his life. The faith, is the reason why we survive generations by generations and fight for.

On the other hand, Hamlet just regard love as a mineral part, some one even suspects his love to Ophelia. It’s obviously unfair to him. We never consider that the Shakespeare created his protracted character consciously , because he never be protracted when he kill the Bornuis , tow of his friends and jump out in the funeral of Ophelia. This outcomes is more convincible when we dividing it in tow aspects. First , the love to his mother, that’s why the saying of Freud is valuable. Hamlet often mentioned his mother in the play, thus we can find what a shock to him as his mother lost her chaste. This is not about what his uncle has done what he eager to do, so that he scared by himself with good heart, but the truth of his mother’s remarry failed him to believe the women again. This kind of overall understanding of this matter was tangled with

the worship of women, thus he trapped in endless sadness and failed to do anything.

英语论文 哈姆雷特的性格浅析

毕业设计(论文) Analysis of the Character of Hamlet 学院:外国语学院 专业:姓名:指导老师:英语 xx 学号: 职称:教授 中国·珠海 二○一○年五月

xx学院毕业设计(论文) 诚信承诺书 本人郑重承诺:我所呈交的毕业设计(论文)Analysis of the Character of Hamlet是在指导教师的指导下,独立开展研究取得的成果,文中引用他人的观点和材料,均在文后按顺序列出其参考文献,设计(论文)使用的数据真实可靠。 承诺人签名: 日期:年月日

Analysis of the Character of Hamlet ABSTRACT William Shakespeare, the most remarkable playwright and a poet of England in the period of the Renaissance in European, an outstanding representative of humanitarianism, is one of the founders of modern European literature. Being one of the world’s greatest writers, he was recognized as the pinnacle of English Renaissance. In his works, Hamlet, one of the four tragedies, is considered the summit of Shakespeare’s art. Many characters were created by Shakespeare with unique creative technique in writing. These characters were alive with the unique personality, particularly in Hamlet, the image of Hamlet; the Prince of Denmark is most well-known. Hamlet is a prince with humanistic ideas. He has “The courtier’s, soldier’s, scholar’s eye tongue, sword,”he is “Th’expectancy and rose of the fair state, The glass of fashion and the mould of form,” However, he was dithery and delayed. His melancholy is the reason that makes the image has a monumental artistic charm. In this paper, the main target is to analyze the character of Hamlet. Through the overview of the plot of Hamlet, the main characters of Hamlet in Hamlet were shown---melancholy and delay have analyzed. As the representative of humanitarianism, how has Hamlet shown the psychology of hesitation in his revenge, and at the same time we should analyze how to realize his character of delay in the contradiction of his family and love. This thesis also analyzes the causes and the background of the formation of Hamlet’s character. In conclusion, in order to achieve a better understanding and excavation the literary value of Hamlet, the thesis summarizes Hamlet has melancholy, delay of the personality traits, and then expresses the view of the author in Hamlet, as well as the impact of this work. Deepening the analysis and understanding of the character in British and American literature, we can have a better understanding the social background at that time by analyzing Hamlet’s character. Key words: Hamlet Analysis of the character Melancholy Delay



哈姆雷特的人物分析 关键词:哈姆雷特复仇悲剧疯癫颠倒混乱的时代 摘要:本文主要分析了哈姆雷特遭受了一连串打击致使他对亲情、友情和爱情失望,从而改变了其原有的人生价值观以及在那个颠倒混乱的时代他的悲剧的必然性。 《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚四大悲剧中最著名的一出戏剧,同时也是莎士比亚创作生涯的高峰。《哈姆雷特》讲述了一个既复杂又简单的故事。说复杂是因为其情节十分的曲折,人物关系也错综复杂。说简单是因为它的主线可以用一句话概况——丹麦王子哈姆雷特为父报仇最终与仇人同归于尽。在这出著名的悲剧中,哈姆雷特和奥菲利亚这两个悲剧人物给我留下的印象最为深刻,这两个人同为疯子,只不过一个是装疯而一个是真疯。 哈姆雷特是丹麦的王子,在老国王未死之前,他就读于威登堡大学接受人文主义思想的熏陶,主张人与人之间应该平等互爱,相信人类的前途是光明的,相信依靠人的理性和力量能够创造美好的人生和理想的社会。哈姆雷特对美好事物的热爱的同事也对一切丑恶的事物表现出了憎恶。这样一位生机勃勃,抱有远大理想的王子本应该继承

着又对友情失去了信心。哈姆雷特不再相信友情,他更加的孤独了。 命运却并没有因此而放过他,他仅剩的爱情也岌岌可危,奥菲利亚确实是个好女人,她美丽善良又单纯,但她有一个致命的缺陷,那就是软弱并且没有主见,她过于听她父亲的话,就是这一缺陷葬送了他们的爱情。在哈姆雷特装疯期间,叔父克劳狄斯想要验证其真假,于是奥菲利亚的父亲便出主意让自己的女儿去验证一番,他们相信在恋人面前哈姆雷特会说真话或至少会露出马脚。于是奥菲利亚这个傻姑娘便真的去了。恋人的试探无疑是在哈姆雷特那血淋淋的伤口上又撒了一把盐,将他往绝望的深渊又推进了一步,也让他对女人彻底失望,不再相信爱情。 一系列伤天害理的事变突然发生,打破了哈姆雷特关于人生,世界,爱情,友谊,前途等的幻想。人类,并不美好,下贱的克劳狄斯一旦爬上王位,很多变开始对他阿谀奉承,为了利益而去巴结他;而为了篡位,弟弟居然暗杀自己的哥哥,人类不过是泥土捏成的生命,有着丑陋的心。爱情,也不坚贞,父王死去不到两个月,母亲变改嫁叔父。友谊,也不可靠,为了一己私利,好友接连背叛自己。纵目四望,奸王邪恶,群臣昏聩,朝廷腐败,上层堕落,这是一个颠倒混乱的时代。(朱维之,1982)本来美好的世界现在在他看来一切都是那


内蒙古科技大学 外国文学史作业哈姆雷特人物形象分析 张文0969150202 2011/11/6

哈姆雷特人物形象分析 《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚代表剧作,创作于1601年。剧作写的是丹麦王子哈姆雷特对谋杀他的父亲、骗娶他的母亲并篡夺了王位的叔父进行复仇的故事。哈姆雷特是体现作者人文主义理想的典型形象。剧作通过描写他与现实之间的不可调和的矛盾,和他在复仇过程中的犹豫彷徨、忧伤苦闷及其惨遭失败的悲剧结局,深刻地体现出人文主义者要求冲破封建势力束缚的强烈愿望,同时也揭示出英国早期资产阶级的局限性。而正是哈姆雷特的这种人文主义理想与现实的不可调和的矛盾导致了他人生悲剧的必然。 哈姆雷特国王刚去世未满两个月就改嫁丈夫的弟弟葛夫,而这个婚礼在当时引起全国人民的注意,。因为葛夫是个邪恶、性情卑劣之人,自然而然在人民的心里起了一个疑心,是葛夫谋杀了前任国王。他十分不明白为何母亲判作两人,在父亲去世未满两个月,就再婚了。他的母亲及新任国王试着让他快乐,但他依旧穿著丧服,不肯脱去,他怀疑叔父给他父亲致死的理由─被毒蛇咬死的真实性。他一直认为母亲和葛夫就是那毒蛇,共同谋害了他的父亲,这个疑虑使他心神不安。现在又有一个谣言满天飞,有一个十分像先王的鬼魂出现在午夜十二点时,他欲言又止,一下子就消失。于是哈姆雷特就前去观看,他看见了那鬼魂,于是追了去,来到一空地,鬼魂终于开口说道“儿啊!我是你的父王,我是被我的弟弟葛夫害死的,他趁着我睡着时,拿着毒草汁渗入我的耳里,使我悲苦的灵魂无法安睡。儿啊!你的母亲不能为我守节,证明她的虚伪,你可以为我报仇,但绝不能加害于



《哈姆雷特》第三幕第一场 To be, or not to be: that is the question: 活着还是死去:这是一个问题。 Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer 要做到高贵,究竟该忍气吞声 The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, 来容受狂暴的命运矢石交攻呢, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, 还是该挺身反抗无边的苦恼, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; 扫它个干净?死,就是睡眠—— No more; and by a sleep to say we end 就这样;而如果睡眠就等于了结了 The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks 心痛以及千百种身体要担受的 That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation 皮痛肉痛,那该是天大的好事, Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; 正求之不得啊!死,就是睡眠; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; 睡眠:也许要做梦:唉,这就麻烦了!

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come 我们一旦摆脱了尘世的牵缠, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, 在死的睡眠里还会做些什么梦, Must give us pause: there's the respect 一想到就不能不踌躇。这一点顾虑 That makes calamity of so long life; 正好使灾难变成了长期的折磨。 For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, 谁甘心忍受人世的鞭挞和嘲弄, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely 忍受压迫者虐待,傲慢者凌辱, The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, 忍受失恋的痛苦,法庭的拖延, The insolence of office and the spurns 衙门的横暴,做埋头苦干的天才、 That patient merit of the unworthy takes, 受作威作福的小人一脚踢出去, When he himself might his quietus make 如果他只消自己来使一下尖刀 With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear, 就可以得到解脱啊?谁甘心挑担子,


英语翻译1301 2013011275 The specific analyzes of characters of Hamlet Hamlet is a humanist of which involved in the contradictory of ideal and reality, and a person who has some beautiful views on the world human and society . But the cruelty and hideous of the real world have destroyed his expectation and broke his faith of humanism. As a humanist ,his hesitation on the way of revenge indicated the great gap of power between the humanism and feudalism. The author is aim at pointing out his introspection of The Renaissance and preoccupation of fate of human and our society. Humlet is the model of humanism idealist in the period of Renaissance. Although he wears the black suits , been serious at the first time when he showing up as a melancholy prince. But before story begins he is a happy prince studied in the Wittenburg, the headquarter of humanism. He has a fully rational faith to human. The mankind ,how a amazing craft he is, how nobly his rational is, what a great power and glamorous character he has , behaves like an angle, be intelligent as a god, the essence of the world and universe. But the world changed so fast, the sudden death of his father ,the idealized king in his mind, broke his life. His


哈姆雷特中若干人物形象分析 莎士比亚地经典悲剧《哈姆雷特》塑造了众多活灵活现地人物,他们之中既有善良地, 懦弱地,又有狡猾地,阴险地. 哈姆雷特: 莎士比亚和他同时代地人文主义者一样,对“人”总抱有美好地看法.因而在塑造人物性格地时候,莎士比亚将哈姆雷特地复仇变为了一种哲理性地思考.在实施复仇地过程中,他反复想着“生存还是毁灭”这样地问题,总是耽于沉思冥想,步履为艰,明明有理由,有决心,有力量,有方法去复仇,却又迟迟不肯行动.如在第三幕第三场中,哈姆雷特放过了正在独自做祷告地克劳狄斯,在他看来,“现在他正在洗涤他地灵魂,要是我在这个时候结束了他地性命,那么天国地路是为他开放着,这样还算是复仇吗?不!收起来,我地剑,等候一个更惨酷地机会吧;当他在酒醉以后,在愤怒之中,或是在荒淫纵欲地时候,在赌博、咒骂或是其他邪恶地行为地中间,我就要叫他颠踬在我脚下,让他幽深黑暗不见天日地灵魂永堕地狱”.于是,好好地一次刺杀地机会就这样失去了,这其中地一部分原因在于哈姆雷特有着很强地宗教观念,而另一部分也在于他性格中地迟疑和懦弱.一方面他害怕自己杀人地末日审判,而另一方面他要掩盖自己地这种懦弱,为他不复仇地行为寻找道义上地借口. 每当遇到切实地问题地时候,哈姆雷特总会成为“思想地巨人,行动地矮人”,只会坐思右想,发表评论,在行动上显得极其迟缓和软弱.在哈姆雷特地性格中,另外突出地一点是喜欢把个别现象一般化,从一个小点就扩充到一个面,打击一大片人,最后更是伤害了他自己,甚至让他身边地人们都或主动或不自觉得离开了他.比如他与奥菲利娅地一段对话中 态度就很能说明问题———— 哈姆雷特:哈哈!你贞洁吗? 奥菲利娅:殿下! 哈姆雷特:你美丽吗? 奥菲利娅:殿下是什么意思? 哈姆雷特:要是你既贞洁又美丽,那么顶好不要让你地贞洁跟你地美丽来往. 奥菲利娅:殿下美丽跟贞洁相交,那不是再好没有吗? 哈姆雷特:嗯,真地,因为美丽可以使贞洁变成淫荡,贞洁却未必能使美丽受他自己地感化; 这句话从前像是怪诞之谈,可是现在地时世已经把它证实了.我地确曾经爱过你. 奥菲利娅:真地,殿下,您曾经使我相信您爱我. 哈姆雷特:你当初就不应该相信我,因为美德不能熏陶我们罪恶地本性.我没有爱过你. 奥菲利娅:那么我真是受了骗了. 哈姆雷特:进尼姑庵去吧!为什么你要生养一群罪人出来呢?我自己还不算是一个顶坏地人, 可是我可以指出我地许多过失;一个人有了那些过失,他地母亲还是不要生下他来地好.我很骄傲、使气、不安分,还有那么多地罪恶,连我地思想里也容纳不下,我地想象也不能给它们形相,甚至于我没有充分地时间把他们实行出来.像我这样地家伙,匍匐于 天地之间,有什么用处呢?我们都是些十足地坏人,一个也不要相信我们,进尼姑


《哈姆雷特》中的人物形象探析 1 引言 《哈姆雷特》作为莎士比亚杰出的四大悲剧之一,在文学史上有着不可小觑的分量。莎士比亚在这部不朽的剧作中寄托了他的人文主义理想,剧中哈姆雷特这一形象承载了深厚的历史文化底蕴和文艺复兴的时代精神。 1.1作者简介 威廉·莎士比亚,是文艺复兴时期英国杰出的思想家、作家、戏剧家,和诗人。他于1564年出生于一个富商家庭,曾经在“文法学校”读书,后因父亲破产,中途辍学。他21岁时到伦敦剧院工作,很快就登台演戏,并开始创作剧本和诗歌。他创作的大部分是诗剧,主要作品有《李尔王》、《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《威尼斯商人》等。他的作品是人文主义文学的杰出代表,在世界文学史上占有极重要的地位。人文主义文学着力描写现世生活,肯定人的权力,用个性解放反对禁欲主义,用理性反对蒙昧主义,这是人文主义文学的基本题材与主题。“在莎士比亚的作品中,他肯定人生、赞美人生,主张人有争取幸福美满生活的权利,以人的生活为中心,以市民生活为重要的描写对象。并提倡人性解放和自由,反对一切形式的封建桎梏,谴责资本主义的人生观和价值观。”(卞之琳 1989:125) 莎士比亚在1590年后的20余年内共写了三十七部戏剧,和一百五十四首

十四行诗。他的戏剧多取材于历史记载、小说、民间传说和老戏等已有的材料,反映了封建社会向资本主义社会过渡的历史现实,宣扬了新兴资产阶级的人道主义思想和人性论观点。莎士比亚一方面广泛借鉴古代戏剧、英国中世纪戏剧以及欧洲新兴的文化艺术,一方面深刻观察人生,了解社会,掌握时代的脉搏,所以他得以塑造出了众多栩栩如生的人物形象,描绘了广阔的、五光十色的社会生活图景,并使之以悲喜交融、富于诗意和想象、寓统一于矛盾变化之中以及富有人生哲理和批判精神等特点著称。 1.2作品简介 《哈姆雷特》写于1601—1602年,是莎士比亚的代表作。它的内容博大精深,在艺术上独具特色,充分显示出莎士比亚的不可比拟的艺术造诣。这部作品的结构复杂,情节跌宕起伏,生动形象。莎士比亚在《哈姆雷特》的创作过程中运用了大量的内心独白与人物旁白,充分表现出人物的内心情感世界。在对哈姆雷特进行描写时,一共有六个重要的独白,这些独白对整个戏剧情节发展,人物内心想法的表达发挥了重要的作用,可以说是这些独白为这部戏剧锦上添花。这部戏剧刻画出了非常多的人物形象。但是每个人物形象都有着自己独特的性格特色,每个人的语言风格都独具一格,甚至同一个人在面对不同对象、不同情况时语言风格都有所不同。例如,哈姆雷特有时候说话一针见血,有时又婉转晦涩,有时温和,有时粗俗。通过复杂多变的语言风格,读者可以看到一个栩栩如生的哈姆雷特形象。作品是生活的缩影,生活是作品的灵感的源泉,莎士比亚的人文主义思想和现实主义的创作特色在这部戏剧中体现得淋漓尽致。他通过对哈姆雷特这一人物形象的塑造,将自己心中的理想及对社会


哈姆雷特性格特征: 一个人文主义者的悲剧————————内心犹豫的忧郁王子这是一个充满矛盾的形象。哈姆莱特是古代丹麦的一个王子,他是一个人文主义形象,这和他在“威登堡大学”里所受的教育有着很大的关系。一方面他接受了人文主义的影响,心中充满了美好的理想,希望生活中的一切如理想一样完美。而现实生活的一系列意外打破了他的理想。他像一个思想家那样地思考许多哲学问题,却找不到答案。于是他要为父报仇,可是他内心又是矛盾,因为他想的不光只是为父报仇,而是扭转整个乾坤。在这样艰巨的任务面前,他想要行动也行动不起来。 最突出的特点是忧郁,一系列伤天害理的事变突然发生,打破了他关于人生、世界、爱情、友谊、前途等一系列人文主义的幻想,他以哲学家的深刻洞察力,解剖现实,深揭被掩盖着的社会罪恶,使其忧郁积重难返,从他穿着丧服登场,到古堡待父,到破相装疯,到戏中作戏,到后宫劝母,到海上窥奸,到墓场葬礼,到宫庭比武,一直到他最后毁灭,忧郁一直没有离开过他。 其次是犹豫,比如在剧中,哈姆雷特偶遇到叔父在为自己的罪孽祈祷时,复仇的想法只是在他脑中一闪而过,他不是义无反顾地一剑刺向敌人,而是在一旁作“To be, or not to be”的思想斗争,他觉得时机欠妥、方式不佳,他怕背负罪名。于是,他一直在延宕。他是哲学

家而不是实干家,他敏于思索而拙于行动,他在没有切实可行、十拿九稳的办法之前,只会冥思苦想,他从思考到行动需要一个比常人更为复杂的过程,等待时机,而时机不来,一旦到来,又坐失良机;幻想行动,却一拖再拖,空有报国之心,而无匡世的行动。 他的悲剧既有罪恶势力过于强大的客观原因,也有其内存性格弱点的主观原因。所以,哈姆莱特的悲剧是时代的悲剧,是人文主义者的悲剧。


《哈姆雷特》人物性格分析 1601年。剧作写的是丹麦王子哈姆雷特对谋杀他的父亲、骗娶他的母亲并篡夺了王位的叔父进行复仇的故事。哈姆雷特是体现作者人文主义理想的典型形象。剧作通过描写他与现实之间的不可调和的矛盾,和他在复仇过程中的犹豫彷徨、忧伤苦闷及其惨遭失败的悲剧结局,深刻地体现出人文主义者要求冲破封建势力束缚的强烈愿望,同时也揭示出英国早期资产阶级的局限性。而正是哈姆雷特的这种人文主义理想与现实的不可调和的矛盾导致了他人生悲剧的必然。 个月就改嫁丈夫的弟弟葛夫,而这个婚礼在当时引起全国人民的注意,。因为葛夫是个邪恶、性情卑劣之人,自然而然在人民的心里起了一个疑心,是葛夫谋杀了前任国王。他十分不明白为何母亲判作两人,在父亲去世未满两个月,就再婚了。他的母亲及新任国王让他快乐,但他依旧穿著丧服,不肯脱去,他怀疑叔父给他父亲致死的理由─被毒蛇咬死的真实性。他一直认为母亲和葛夫就是那毒蛇,共同谋害了他的父亲,这个疑虑使他心神不安。现在又有一个谣言满天飞,有一个十分像先王的鬼魂出现在午夜十二点时,他欲言又止,一下子就消失。于是哈姆雷特就前去观看,他看见了那鬼魂,于是追了去,来到一空地,鬼魂终于开口说道“儿啊!我是你的父王,我是被我的弟弟葛夫害死的,他趁着我睡着时,拿着毒草汁渗入我的耳里,使我悲苦的灵魂无法安睡。儿啊!你的母亲不能为我守节,证明她的虚伪,你可以为我报仇,但绝不能加害于你的母亲,就让她听天由命好了,让她受天良发现的责备好了。”就这样,鬼魂消失了,哈姆雷特答应为他父亲报仇。哈姆雷特要他的部属不准透露他遇见了鬼魂,但实际上他的精神已受到惊吓,他有点恍惚。一方面他害怕他报仇的计画引起叔父的疑心,另一方面又害怕叔父有加害于他的心态,于是他决定伪装于疯癫之下。他们认为他一定是太思念先王而如此的或是因为爱情的缘故。因为哈姆雷特爱慕一位名叫可莉的女孩,她是大臣的女儿,在他发疯之前,曾送过情书及戒指给她,在他发疯之后,更是有过之而不及,因此哈姆雷特的叔父及母亲都认为一定是爱情的缘故。可莉是个好女孩,并不因为哈姆雷特变成如此,而远离他,反而更加的怜悯他、关爱他。哈姆雷特心中有着疑惑,他开始怀疑他当日看见的鬼魂,以及他是否真要报仇,于是他找来一批伶人演戏,试探着叔父的反应。那些伶人照着哈姆雷特的指示上演了一出弟弟杀害哥哥的戏码,结果这出戏令叔父不悦,借故生病离席了,这举动更加让哈姆雷特信心大增,原来那鬼魂所言不假。当天夜里,王后将哈姆雷特唤去,告诉他,他的新父王是葛夫,不准在上演这令人不悦的戏码,哈姆雷特不悦,和母亲起了争吵,母亲害怕已疯癫的哈姆雷特,就在此时,躲在屏风后面的大臣喊了出来,反令哈姆雷特吃惊,拔了剑,刺了过去,杀死了可莉的父亲。这样一来,哈姆雷特被放逐了,但他已明确的把话说给母亲听,已引起她良心的谴责。葛夫将他送往英国,那时英国是丹麦的管辖之下,葛夫秘密的写了一封信要他们一到英国就杀了哈姆雷特。哈姆雷特早就发现事有蹊跷。于是偷了信将人名给改了,一到英国哈姆雷特就被释放了,不久后哈姆雷特搭船要回丹麦,结果那艘船被海盗船给攻打了,哈姆雷特刻意表现其英勇的行为,反被海盗们所佩服。海盗们要哈姆雷特将来在朝中可以酬谢他们的不杀之恩,于是他们带着哈姆雷特回到丹麦。一回到城内,哈姆雷特就听到可莉的丧礼,原来自从可莉的父亲被哈姆雷特刺死之后,她的神志就恍惚了,一日


To be, or not to be—— that is the question; 生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题; Whether‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? 默然忍受命运的暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难, 通过斗争把它们扫清,这两种行为,哪一种更高贵? To die——to sleep—— No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. 死了;睡着了;什么都完了;要是在这一种睡眠之中,我们心头的创痛,以及其他无数血肉之躯所不能避免的打击,都可以从此消失,那正是我们求之不得的结局。

To die, to sleep—— To sleep——perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil Must give us pause: there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life; 死了;睡着了;睡着了也许还会做梦;嗯,阻碍就在这儿:因为当我们摆脱了这一具朽腐的皮囊以后,在那死的睡眠里,究竟将要做些什么梦,那不能不使我们踌躇顾虑。人们甘心久困于患难之中,也就是为了这个缘故; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, The insolence of office and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make



目录 摘要.......................................... (2) Abstract (3) 前言 (4) 一莎士比亚笔下的《哈姆雷特》 (5) 二哈姆雷特的忧郁性格社会原因 (6) 三哈姆雷特的忧郁性格根源 (7) 结语 (8) 参考文献 (9) 致谢词 (10)

摘要 《哈姆雷特》的作者莎士比亚是文艺复兴时期英国最伟大的剧作家和诗人,卓越的人文主义思想的代表,近代欧洲文学的奠基者之一。他被公认为英国文艺复兴的顶峰,是全世界最伟大的作家之一。在其创作的作品中,四大悲剧之一的《哈姆雷特》中丹麦王子哈姆雷特的形象最为著名。哈姆雷特是一个有着人文主义思想的王子,他有“骑士的眼睛,学者的辩舌,军人的利剑”,他是“国家所瞩望的娇花,时流的明镜,人伦的典范,举世瞩目的中心。”但在他性格中却有着犹豫不定,延宕的一面。但正是因为他的忧郁延宕才使得这一形象有着不朽的艺术魅力。本文主要是对哈姆雷特这一人物形象的性格浅析:通过概述《哈姆雷特》主要的故事情节,分析出哈姆雷特在《哈姆雷特》中呈现的主要性格——忧郁的性格特征。作为人文主义的代表哈姆雷特是如何在复仇中,表现出反复迟疑,犹豫不决的心理;同时有怎样体现了其处于亲情,爱情中矛盾,延宕的性格特征。论文还进一步的分析了形成哈姆雷特性格的成因和背景,从而总结出哈姆雷特忧郁,延宕的性格特征,进而表达出作者对《哈姆雷特》这部作品的看法以及作品对其的影响,达到更好的理解与挖掘《哈姆雷特》的文学价值,以及通过对《哈姆雷特》的人物分析,理解当时的社会背景,深化对英国文学作品中对人物性格的分析和理解。 关键词:哈姆雷特性格浅析忧郁延宕


哈姆雷特人物分析 Revised as of 23 November 2020

矛盾复杂的性格彰显悲剧命运 ——哈姆雷特人物形象分析 ? 诞生于文艺复兴时期的文坛巨作《哈姆雷特》,以其生动丰富的情节,个性鲜明的人物形象,广阔的社会背景,集多种成分为一体的艺术特点,征服了当时乃至现代的无数读者, Birth of literary masterpiece takes Renaissance Hamlet, with its lively and vivid plot, distinctive character image, the broader social background, collect a variety of ingredients for the integration of artistic characteristics and conquered was even modern countless readers 尤其是主人公哈姆雷特矛盾复杂的性格,加之深刻的社会背景,更让人深思,不仅彰显了人物的个人悲剧,更是那个时代悲剧命运的真实写照。 Especially hero complex characters, Hamlet contradiction and profound social background, more let a person think, not only reveals the character's personal tragedy, but also tragic fate that era of portraiture. 开篇介绍 哈姆雷特是具有新型世界观的文武全才,是朵举世瞩目的娇花,如果登上王位,自然是开明君主的典范。在他身上,寄托着国家与民族复兴的希望,体现出资产阶级对统一国家的理想。 哈姆雷特性格特征。 哈姆雷特是一个处于现实和理想矛盾中的人文主义者,曾经对天地万物、人与社会都充满了美好的希冀。 但是现实的严酷与丑恶打破了他的美好理想,他的人文主义的信念破灭了。作为一个人文主义者,哈姆雷特在复仇道路上的犹豫,显示了他所代表的人文主义与封建势力的悬殊。借此表现了作者对文艺复兴运动的反思与对人的命运与未来社会的忧虑。本篇文章就是根据这种社会背景来分析哈姆雷特的性格特征。 一.完美理想主义者坠入残酷黑暗现实 Perfect dark idealists falling cruel reality ?


哈姆雷特英文读后感 第一篇:《哈姆雷特》英文读后感 shakspere created hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .in order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretented to be mad and suffered a series of misery. on the contrary, we can also say that hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before his revenge . if a country has no king, how can a country keep alive so, every thing has two sides, the bright side and adumbral side. every time we make a decision we have to think twice. ment: be careful with your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. too many uncessary mistakes. it is good that you looked at both the dark and bright sides of hamlet. thats quite objective and convincing. 第二篇:哈姆雷特的英文读后感 读后感 as one of four of shakespeare's most famous tragedies, in my view of hamlet is one of the most classic one. he was there all the tragic prince who had assembled at the poor. father was his uncle killed, mother remarry, was still married under a horizontal bar in front of carriage for armrest of his father's enemy, unfortunately died after lover crazy, finally together with his friends, mothers in this tragedy, was pletely engulfed. this series is derived from the desire of the tragedy and hatred. uncle's greed and desire made him contrary to justice these cults undertake irrational things, also attracted its own nephews could not be devoid of hatred, but also unable to avoid the curse of the seeds of their own destiny, until finally breaking up. but what about the little prince, in deep sorrow because of father's death, because of his father's ghost and the initiation of thoughts of revenge. so step by step plan, wants revenge for the father to their own, but tried again protection of his mother, but never thought about the accident continues, mothers, lovers, friends, they will be lost. shakespeare seems to use this text as the world reveal terrible hatred, it is a double-edged sword, a very sharp, also full of


【课外阅读】《哈姆雷特》人物性格分析 1601年。剧作写的是丹麦王子哈姆雷特对谋杀他的父亲、骗娶他的母亲并篡夺了王位的叔父进行复仇的故事。哈姆雷特是体现作者人文主义理想的典型形象。剧作通过描写他与现实之间的不可调和的矛盾,和他在复仇过程中的犹豫彷徨、忧伤苦闷及其惨遭失败的悲剧结局,深刻地体现出人文主义者要求冲破封建势力束缚的强烈愿望,同时也揭示出英国早期资产阶级的局限性。而正是哈姆雷特的这种人文主义理想与现实的不可调和的矛盾导致了他人生悲剧的必然。 国王刚去世未满两个月就改嫁丈夫的弟弟葛夫,而这个婚礼在当时引起全国人民的注意,。因为葛夫是个邪恶、性情卑劣之人,自然而然在人民的心里起了一个疑心,是葛夫谋杀了前任国王。他十分不明白为何母亲判作两人,在父亲去世未满两个月,就再婚了。他的母亲及新任国王让他快乐,但他依旧穿著丧服,不肯脱去,他怀疑叔父给他父亲致死的理由─被毒蛇咬死的真实性。他一直认为母亲和葛夫就是那毒蛇,共同谋害了他的父亲,这个疑虑使他心神不安。现在又有一个谣言满天飞,有一个十分像先王的鬼魂出现在午夜十二点时,他欲言又止,一下子就消失。于是哈姆雷特就前去观看,他看见了那鬼魂,于是追了去,来到一空地,鬼魂终于开口说道“儿啊!我是你的父王,我是被我的弟弟葛夫害死的,他趁着我睡着时,拿着毒草汁渗入我的耳里,使我悲苦的灵魂无法安睡。儿啊!你的母亲不能为我守节,证明她的虚伪,你可以为我报仇,但绝不能加害于你的母亲,就让她听天由命好了,让她受天良发现的责备好了。”就这样,鬼魂消失了,哈姆雷特答应为他父亲报仇。哈姆雷特要他的部属不准透露他遇见了鬼魂,但实际上他的精神已受到惊吓,他有点恍惚。一方面他害怕他报仇的计画引起叔父的疑心,另一方面又害怕叔父有加害于他的心态,于是他决定伪装于疯癫之下。他们认为他一定是太思念先王而如此的或是因为爱情的缘故。因为哈姆雷特爱慕一位名叫可莉的女孩,她是大臣的女儿,在他发疯之前,曾送过情书及戒指给她,在他发疯之后,更是有过之而不及,因此哈姆雷特的叔父及母亲都认为一定是爱情的缘故。可莉是个好女孩,并不因为哈姆雷特变成如此,而远离他,反而更加的怜悯他、关爱他。哈姆雷特心中有着疑惑,他开始怀疑他当日看见的鬼魂,以及他是否真要报仇,于是他找来一批伶人演戏,试探着叔父的反应。那些伶人照着哈姆雷特的指示上演了一出弟弟杀害哥哥的戏码,结果这出戏令叔父不悦,借故生病离席了,这举动更加让哈姆雷特信心大增,原来那鬼魂所言不假。当天夜里,王后将哈姆雷特唤去,告诉他,他的新父王是葛夫,不准在上


《哈姆雷特》(又名《王子复仇记》),戏剧家莎士比亚地名著. 沙翁笔下地“哈姆雷特”形象经久不衰,至今还在打动着人们、感染着人们和震撼着人们,不仅仅因其为悲剧人物观众而掬一捧泪水,真正地原因是“哈姆雷特”身上体现出来地追求“真、善、美”、鄙弃“邪、丑、恶”,忠贞爱情为正义而抛却私情、珍惜生命,为真理而甘于献身地人格魅力使然. 一、身临绝境,却不向邪恶妥协、反抗愤争地胆魄,勇于探索、追求真理地坚韧性格. 哈姆雷特正直、善良、情操纯洁,是一个具有进步思想倾向,具有美好理想地青年王子.这就注定他与那个时代发生激烈碰撞是命运也是性格使然. 哈姆雷特最初是生活在一个开明君主地宫廷,一个充满阳光、充满幻想地理想王国之中.父亲是一个理想地君主,英明治国,与母亲恩爱相处.哈姆雷特与奥菲利亚之间有着纯真地爱情,真诚地友谊.父亡、母嫁、叔父篡位,坏人当权等在一夜间发生,这恶梦似地打击一串串袭来,现实地丑恶显露出它原有地形态,理想和现实地反差如此之大,使哈姆雷特思想上受到了极大地震动,不得不对现实生活开始了重新认识. “人世间地一切在我看来是多么可厌、陈腐、乏味而无聊!哼!哼!那是一个荒芜不治地花园,长满了恶毒地莠草.” “这是一个颠倒混乱地时代,唉,倒楣地我却要负起重整乾坤地责任!” 忧郁与苦闷是哈姆雷特面临现实与理想不一致时地一种表现,但是,在痛苦地思索、彷徨中,也使他逐步变得深沉、清醒、坚定和敏锐.探索中,他很快地意识到:“决心地赤热地彩,被审慎地思维盖上了一层灰色,伟大地事业在一种考虑之下,也会逆流而退,失去行动地意义.”他考虑到:“生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑地问题,是默默忍受,或是挺身反抗,他地内心经历了一场激烈地思想斗争.父亲交给他地任务是复仇,严酷地现实需要他去行动,他也清醒地意识到自己“有理想、有决心、有力量”来完成复仇地任务,为此他采取了一切力所能及地行动,他装疯、刺杀御前大臣,改写密信,跳上海盗船直至最后决斗、处决奸王.这一连串地行动不仅反映出哈姆雷特勇敢、机智、判断准确、行动果敢,更充分体现出他孜孜以求地探索精神和抗争斗志. 二、忠贞爱情,却为了复仇继而“重整乾坤地事业,甘愿献出真爱乃至自己地生命 奥菲利亚是哈姆雷特心爱地人,一个心灵纯洁地姑娘,是美和善地化身,她在哈姆雷特性格发展中是个必不可少地陪衬.哈姆雷特对她倾注了全部地爱“超过了一千个兄弟对她地全部地爱”,而为复仇和“重整乾坤”地事业,哈姆雷特在关键地时刻,选择了自己地路,割断儿女私情,勇敢地与邪恶势力作不妥协地斗争,表现出献身精神. 哈姆雷特最终是与敌人同归于尽,而没有实现人文主义理想,他地悲剧也是人文主义者地悲剧,也是当时社会形态地悲剧. 哈姆雷特地人物形象还代表了文艺复兴时期先进人物地特色.这个形象地力量在于提出了社会必须改革这样一个问题,在于他勇敢地揭露世界存在地种种罪恶,所以这典型形象为文学史上最引人注目地形象之一.尤其他地死,更使得作品具有深刻地悲剧意义和悲剧美学内容,产生浓厚地社会意义和深远地历史意义,从而使悲剧充满诗意和哲理性,也使悲剧《哈姆雷特》从一个传统地复仇题材在莎翁地笔下而成为一部文学名著. 一、 有学者指出,如果在第一幕哈姆雷特王子就干掉了克劳狄斯地话,《哈姆雷特》一剧也就该闭幕了.也就是说,哈姆雷特地延宕在剧中并非是可有可无地,或不是哈姆雷特可以选择地.哈姆雷特地延宕是必然地,不可避免地.那么,哈姆雷特地延宕与他地悲剧地关系实质是什么呢? 在剧中,“延宕”既造成了哈姆雷特在克劳狄斯祷告时错失为父复仇地良机,同时延宕又是《哈
