



当前高考及其他中学阶段各种考试采用的听力测试题型主要为三种:短对话、短篇以及长对话。答题形式有两种:多项选择题(Multiple Choice)和填空题(Spot Dictation)。其中填空题有的空格要求考生听懂长对话内容,填其“意义”而不是细节性的具体单词。





A. On March 2

B. On March 3

C. On March 5

D. On March 8




A. They’d better not go riding.

B. Riding a bike is a great idea.

C. It’s not good riding in the rain.

D. They can go riding half an hour later.



[注] 听短对话时切忌走神。万一走神,比如说第4题没听清楚,你的本能反应是想再听,想回忆——但根本不可能,所以此刻只好猜题。猜题还有1/4的希望;反思的话,不巧把第5题也给漏掉!

★听短文。听短文时要学会“记要”(taking notes)。记要有两类,一是用符号记下关键信息(如数量大小、时间顺序等);一是用具体文字记。这是因为短文耗时长,有人会“前听后忘记”。另外一个决窍是“超前”浏览短篇的选项。如:

A. Why a company lost its customers.

B. Why a company went out of business.

C. How a company went from bad to worse.

D. How a company got out of its difficult situation.

考生一扫描就意识到该题指全文中心思想,并立即分辨出问题要么问理由(针对why), 要么讲过程(针对how)。

★听长对话。听长对话也应该有个“超前”扫描,先对对话话题有个印象。在对话实行时要注意“细节”(detail)和“关键词” (key words),必要时也得作“记要”:用铅笔,在试卷边(test paper margin)记一下。Taking notes的技巧能够从《高中英语(新世纪版)》高三年级的课本中去找。





1. 每次训练宜一气呵成。高考听力是一气呵成,中间无间歇的。

2. 每次训练要尝试“超前”技巧。

3. 听完,对好答案,要反思,查一查自己丢分的道理,查一查自


(二)抓基本功。选择材料,学习听取“意群”(sense group),听“连读”(liaison),听“重读”(stressed words)以及“略

读”(reduction)。为什么?因为当前高考听力并不采用“真实语言材料”(authentic material)。在真实生活中的对话,处处用到上述4





怎样上好高中英语听力课 一、听前做好充分准备 听前的准备工作是非常重要的,一般情况下老师只是留几分钟时间让学生自己看要回答的问题,或在多媒体课件上列出一些听力内容中的生词、词组后就让学生听了。听完后直接对答案。我觉得这样做,对于那些内容简单的材料还可以,但内容稍微难一点就不行了。对于那些内容较难的听力材料,我们除了做以上工作外还应该给学生讲解一些关于听力材料的背景知识,把它当作听前的热身。例如,我在讲高一下册(人教版)22单元“a world of fun”的听力部分的时候,我先让学生们看问题和与它相对应的选项,在他们看完以后,我让他们猜测听力材料的大致内容。多数同学猜不出来,少数能猜出来的同学也不敢回答。这时我在黑板上列出了以下一些关键词。 building a new theme park chairman two large companies lots of fun company merry rides limited company representative mrs johnson mr andersen 然后我又鼓励学生们猜测听力内容的大概意思的时候,很多同学能够积极主动回答,并能把它的大致意思说出来。这样学生在听的时候就容易多了,也有助于培养学生们的自信心和逻辑推理能力。同时也真正做到了以学生为主体的探究型学习。 二、听中要适时停顿 在做听力练习的时候适时停顿是非常必要的,它在向学生暗示:停顿处是文章的重要之处,也是回答问题的关键之处。这样可以集中学生的注意力。在适时停顿的时候,顺便让学生重复刚刚听过的单词或句子效果会更好一些。通过这样做不仅提高了学生们在听力时把握关键词的能力,而且有助于学生口语表达能力的提高。同时也加强了师生之间的互动。 三、听后要总结 通常情况下,我们上听力课的时候,听完内容,做完课后练习就没事了。我个人认为在听完材料后,教师可以让学生对听力内容作一个简短的复述或讨论,教师对他的回答做出总结并给予积极中肯的评价。这样的活动不仅会激发学生参与课堂教学活动的兴趣和勇气,而且也实现了民主、宽松、和谐的教学氛围。四、要善于处理和活化教材 “教学有法,教无定法”对于那些比较难懂的听力材料,教师要敢于并且善于处理。例如在讲到高一下册第18单元new zealand听力的时候,它是讲关于dolphin island 的地理位置,内容比较难,如果按照教材设计讲,学生听完后做题是比较困难的。我在讲这课的时候就没使用教材的练习题,而是自己把听力材料中较难的句子摘出来,把它们设计成填空练习,让学生边听边填空。例如,dolphin island is a small country that lies about 1500 kilometers _____ the coast of ___ , in the middle of ____ ____ ____. the highest mountain ondolphinisland,mountashton ____ _____ _____ , is a dead volcano.dolphinisland has only four cities: the town of ashton creek lies in the _____, _____ in the southwest, turnpike in the ______ and epsom on the eastern coast, about___ kilometers from ashton. 我所列出的句子都是听力材料中的重点和难点。并且所设置的空格都是学生们所熟悉的单词。这样学生在听的时候就有的放矢,有利于提高学生的课堂注意力,同时也增强了学生的学习积极性。


高中英语听力试讲教 案

听力课试讲教案 Grade level: First grade of high school Lesson type: Listening Duration: 45 min Teaching objectives 1) Enable students to master different listening skills 2) Help students to learn more about ….. Teaching aids: Multimedia devices; blackboard Teaching important and difficult points 1) Help students to understand the listening material 2) Encourage students to apply listening skills when listening to the material Teaching procedures Step 1 Warming-up (2min) Show some pictures to the students and have a free talk with the students. Step 2 Pre-listening (5min) Organize the students to have a brief discussion about the topic. Invite some students to share their ideas with the class. Predict the main idea of the passage. After that, present new words and expressions to the students. Step 3 While-listening (25min) 1) Listen for main idea Ask Ss to listen to the passage but do not look at the questions, ask them to get the main idea of the passage. Invite students to share their ideas. 2) Listen for answers to the exercises/detailed information Ask Ss to listen to the passage again. This time ask them to try their best to get answers to the questions. After listening, check whether Ss get the correct answer, and ask why. 3) Play the tape again, focus on the part where they did not get the right information. Do you have any questions? Step 4 Post-listening (10min) Show them the listening text and ask them to read it aloud together. Step 5 Summary (2min) In this period, we mainly focus on the lis tening ability. It’s very important. If your listening is poor, you’d better practice more. The more you listen to English, the better your listening is. Remember: Practice makes perfect. Step 6 Homework (1min) 1) Read the listening texts again and try to retell the passage in your own words 2) Search more information about …. 口语课试讲教案 Grade level: First grade of high school Lesson type: Speaking Duration: 45 min


听力: Models:top-down model, down-top model, interactive model 教案模板: Topic Teaching Aims: 1.Knowledge aim: The students will be able to know something about...; learn some new words and phrases. 2.Ability aim: The students will be able to develop their listening abilities such as listening for the gist, the specific information and predicting skills... 3.Emotional aim: The students will be able to know that they should…/ Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Teaching Aid: CAI Teaching Procedures: 1.Step 1: lead-in Play the song “…” and ask students to talk something about it. 2.Step 2: pre-listening Introduce… Go through the new words and phrases. 3.Step 3: while-listening Ask students to listen to the tape and then answer the questions: Who, When, Where, What. Listen to the tape again, ask students to choose the correct answers. Do the dictation. 4.Step 4: post-listening Let students discuss the story in pairs and then retell the story. 5.Step 5: Summary (or consolidation) 6.Step 6: Homework Recites the words


篇一:高中英语听说课的教学设计 高中英语听说课的教学设计及案例分析[1]陈小萍.巧设教学情境激活高中英语课堂--以一节听说课教 学设计为例[j].中小学教学研究,2013,(11):23-26.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-5728.2013.11.012. (一)听和说教学内容设计 1.听的教学内容设计:听力教学的内容一般应包括: ⑴语音训练 语音训练包括对听音、重读、意群等的训练,增强学生的语音辨别能力,对于造成听力困难的语音应专项训练。如:bed—bad, ship—sheep, chip—cheap, pin—pen, sit—seat 训练应从词到句,再到文。 ⑵听力技巧训练 听力技巧包括听大意、听具体信息、猜词义、听细节、听隐含之意等。听力教学应包含训练这些技巧的各种听力活动。 ⑶听力理解训练 听力技巧的培养是为理解服务的,除了语音和技巧的训练之外,听力教学更多的应是通过各种活动训练学生句子和语篇的理解能力,使学生的理解由“字面”到“隐含”再到“应用”,理解步步加深。 2.说的教学内容设计:说的教学内容一般应包括: ⑴发音 错误的发音会造成理解困难,甚至使听者无法理解,因此说的教学内容首先应是正确的发音,包括音节、重读、弱读、连读、送气减弱、意群、停顿、语调等。 ⑵语法、词汇 合乎语法的句子才容易理解,用词准确,有助于理解。缺乏必要的词汇常使说话者难以准确地表达自己的思想。因此说的教学应包含一定的词汇和语法教学。 ⑶交际功能 通过说的教学,学生应能掌握“问候”“道歉”“抱怨”“邀请”“建议”“致谢”“信息询问”“征求意见”等各种交际功能。 ⑷释疑技巧 mean...?”要求对方解释自己说过的话可以用升调重复对方的话,等等。 ⑸文化知识 交际不仅依赖于语言的准确性,同样依赖于语言的得体性。这就要求,说话者有必要了解一定的文化知识,使自己的语言符合其所适用的文化氛围,符合其所处的语言环境,符合其所担任的角色。 (二)听说课的教学模式 为了更好地上好听说课,我们要掌握听说课的要领: 1) 听前:准备要充分,教师提前预设问题,为听力教学作好充分的铺垫。 ①扫清重要词汇障碍,做好背景知识、初步感知语言知识的导入。 ②利用课本资源进行听力预测:充分利用课本图片,通过听前讨论图片、根据图片回答问题等,培养学生听前看图进行听力预测的 习惯;浏览文字:预习听力的题目、题干,图片、表格、选项、判断正误句子等。 ③教师创造性地使用练习:教师要根据学情及听力难易度,整合教材中的听力题目,做到让学生听有所获。 2) 听中:知识输入要合情、听力操作要合理:


第一部分:听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节:请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。每段对话仅 读一遍。 1.Whatdoesthemanwanttodo? A.TogooutwithSally.B.ToseeSally.C.TotalktoSally. . A. A. 6.WhatisMikegoingtodo? A.Toseeamovie.B.Toattendaparty.C.Tolookafterababy.7.Wherewillthechildrendopicnic? A.Onthetopofamountain.B.Onasmallisland.C.Neartheirhouse.8.Howwillthechildrengothere?

A.Bybike.B.Bybus.C.Bycar. 听第7段材料回答第9至11题。 9.Whatarethespeakerstalkingabout? A.Traveling.B.Trainenginesmaking.C.Hobbies.10.Whichcontinentdoesthemanprobablylivein? 12. A..A A.Oneofhisclassesfinishedearly.B.Hewantedtogetsomestu dyingdone. C.ThelibraryhadaspecialdisplayontheRevolution·16.Aftergettingthebooks,whatdidthemando?

A.Checkedthemout.B.Puttheminhisbookbag.C.Returnedth emtotheshelves 17.Accordingtotheman, whathappenstoallthebooksinthelibrary? A.Theyaremarkedwithcoloredlabels.B.Theyareinspectedby A.C.To A. ll-l5:BBACAl6-20:BCCAC 听力原文: Textl M:IfyouseeSally,canyouaskhertophoneme? W:Sure.I'llbeseeingherthisevening,SoI’lltellherthen.


Unit1 Friendship 听说教学 I. Teaching content analysis 1.Teaching content: Unit1 Friendship 2.Teaching objects:Senior one students 3.Type: listening and speaking II. Teaching aims: 1.About knowledge ①To be able to express agreement or disagreement. ②To be able to understand how to make friends and how to get along with opposite sex friends. 2.About skills ①To be able to get information and views from the listening content. ②To be able to express one’s attitude about friendship. 3.About affection ①To be interested in learning English and be confident. ②To be able to cooperate with others in group activities. III. Teaching important points ①To be able to get information and views from the listening content. ②Get students to learn different listening skills. IV. Teaching difficult points ① Develop students' listening ability. ②To be able to understand how to make friends and how to get along with opposite sex friends. V. Teaching methods: Task-based teaching method,Audio-lingual method VI. Teaching aids: PPT, tape recorder, blackboard and text books VII. Teaching procedures Step1.Lead-in play a music T:If they have meet any problems in friendship? S:Yes. Step 2: Pre-listening T:Now let me show you some new words or phrases and then illustrate them. Step 3: While-listening T:Now please listen to the tape and think about a question . Predict what is the trouble with Lisa? T:OK.I want to ask somebody to tell us whai is the trouble with Lisa? S:She has teouble about friends. T:Yes,very good you heard a key word friend. You are teenagers so you must have the expierence that have trouble with friends.So later we will help Lisa to make a solution to thie problem. T:Listen to the tape and try to spell the words as you can hear their pronunciation.


高中英语听说教案 【篇一:高一英语听说教学设计】 高一英语听说教学设计 内容: 高一学生刚从初中过来,对高一英语的教学很难适应,尤其是听说课,在语音语调和朗读能力上都难以适应。请各位教师谈谈高一英语听说课的教学,理论结合实际,以培训学习的知识为理论,设计一堂高一英语的听说课,要说明设计的目标效果。 内容: 二、教材分析: 本节课是北师大版高一必修module 2 unit 6的第二课时,即lesson 2 great buildings, 是一节听说课。它要求学生听3段关于外国的几个great buildings的录音, 然后做若干道听力练习,最后分组讨论学生身边的great buildings。课本上的练习都是填空题,比较单一,根据听力内容和学生实际,我又增加了选择、判断和问答3种题型。 三、教学目标: 1. 知识目标: (1)让学生掌握本节课的一些重要词汇和短语:castle, marble, feature, statue, architect, fairytale, cafe, sort of ... (2)让学生了解国内外几处great buildings 的相关知识。 2. 能力目标: (1)提高学生的听力水平。 (2)培养学生说的能力。 3. 情感目标: 让学生认识到这些great buildings 的经济价值和文化价值,从自己的日常生活中去保护这些great buildings。四、教学重点和难点: 1. 教学重点: (1)掌握本节课的重要词汇和短语。 (2)如何从听力录音中获取有效信息。 2. 教学难点: 如何让学生运用所学的词汇和短语去描述和讨论自己身边的一些great buildings。 六、教学过程:


必修五unit3 life in the future听说课教学设计 教学目标:通过听一段对话,对大意有整体印象,并能获得部分细节信息。 教学重点:听对话时,既要注意大意,又要注意细节。通过练习,训练学生的基本语言技能。 教学方法:1.listening 2.pair work 教具准备:多媒体 教学流程: 第一步:作业检查及引入话题(分组辩论) 1.Ask Ss to have a debate on whether people can live on Mars. 2.Teacher gives comments on both sides,saying : both of you have given sound reasons to support your arguments. And now let’s listen to an interview between Li Qiang and Walker Hiller, who is to build a town on Mars. 第二步:听力训练(一)(双人活动) Listening and speaking(page23) 1.Get the Ss to get through Exercise1.

2.First, listen for the Ss to finish Exercise1 3.Second,listen for the Ss to finish Exercise2 4.Third,listen for the Ss to put down the question in it that are used to make predictions. Can you imagine how that’ll be achieved? Is it likely that you can find and use water? I wonder if...? How health will the people be, I wonder? 5.Get the Ss to exchange their information to correct their answers? 第三步:口语活动 1.(pair work)Ask Ss to list some questions about what life will be like in you hometown in 1000 years’time, using the expressions above to help them. 2.(pair work) Interview Situation : Suppose you’re in a newly-elected major, and now is being interviewed on TV. The host is raising some questions on your plan for the coming five years. Have the Ss to make up the interview in pairs, trying to use the


高考英语听力测试技巧点拨 史上最牛英语口语学习法:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 太平洋在线英语,可免费体验全部外教一对一课程:https://www.360docs.net/doc/1918631179.html, Part 1上海高考英语听力题型 听力占英语试卷的1/5分值,具有极强的时间效应,不具备复制性。语速每分钟110-120个词Section A有10道题组成,男女对话,一个来回,然后提问。 Section B是三个部分中得分最低的,有两篇短文组成,每题两分,分值较高,有一定难度。 Section C有两个长对话组成,每个对话有7至8个来回,第一段长对话只要求填入一个单词,第二段要求填入不超过三个单词的内容。 Part 2上海高考英语听力测试解读 一、命题依据 《上海市英语课程标准》对小学、初中和高中各个阶段的学习要求提出了听、说、读、写的语言技能和态度情感的学习要求,其中对听的要求分为五级和六级。五级的要求是:1)能正确理解课内外师生之间或学生的信息传递;2)能听懂日常生活中交谈内容;3)能听懂外籍人士谈话大意及他们就一般性内容的演讲大意;4)课外视听量不少于90小时。六级的要求为:1)能听懂外籍人士所做报告的大意;2)能从广播、电视、电影等有声媒体中获取信息;3)课外视听量不少于100小时(累计)。 二、素材特点 一般来说,听力理解的语言材料有别于阅读材料,语言结构不如书面语言那么严谨,属于交际性语言。它来源于生活,体现生活,和我们日常生活有密切联系,具有口语特征,诸如犹豫、停顿、重复、思考、重音、略音、拖长音、被打断、语序颠倒等,句子简短,冗余信息多。 听力语言材料的内容主要涉及日常生活、文化教育、风土人情、时事和科普常识等方面。常见的日常生活的话题有:问候、邀请、看病、约会、购物、通知、问路、打电话、谈论天气、询问时间、自然灾害、新闻报道等内容。听力语言材料的长度适宜,既有足够的信息量供试题设计问题,又不会给考生增加记忆负担,最长的一段语言材料只有180个词左右,最短的对话也创设了一个较明确的语境。 三、考察重点 作为中学英语教学成果的检测手段,高考英语对学生听力方面的测试,其问题和选项的设计,无不体现了《课程标准》的这一基本要求。它重在检测学生对细节性信息的捕捉能力,其次适量考查其运用细节性信息作简单计算、归纳和推断的能力。单单从信息的性质角度上,我们对高考英语听力试题进行分析,可以把高考听力的测试内容的考察重点归纳为二个大类: 1、考查显性信息的捕捉和运用能力


高中英语听说读写课教案、反思及评议(1) NSEFC Module 4 Unit 2 Working the land Period 5 Listening, reading, speaking and writing 一、教学课型: 听说读写课 二、教材分析 1.教材处理 这节课是本单元的第五课时,学生在extensive reading部分已了解了“Chemi cal or Organic Farming?”的有关情况,为本节课的听说读写训练作了铺垫。虽然学生对chemical farming和organic farming有了一定的理解,但是要求他们把相关内容用英语表达出来仍有一定的难度。本节课的目的是让学生通过听、读活动,从语言材料中获取相关的信息,并通过对信息的加工和处理,提高他们的说、写能力。 2.教学目标 1)Develop students’ listening, reading, speaking and writing ability. 2)Let students learn some expressions of persuation. 3)Get students to learn to design a poster by advertising the safety and i mporance of eating “green food”. 3.教学重难点 1) Get students to listen and understand the listening material. 2) Get students to learn how to persuade others by using the functional it ems for persuasion 3) Get students to learn to design a poster by advertising the safety and i mporance of eating “green food”. 4.教学方法 1) Task-based teaching and learning 2) Cooperative learning 3) Discussion 5.教具:Multi-media project; tape-recorder; cabbage; towel 三、教学设计 (一) 总体思路 1.这节课的目的是提高学生的听说读写综合能力。以一根主线下来,从听力中chemical farming的缺点到说、读、写部分的green food的优点,从语言的输入到语言的


高中英语听力课堂教学反思 在从事高中英语教学的11年中,我有幸听了许多优秀老师的教学展示课、观摩课。这些课有些侧重于培养学生开口说英语的能力,更多地侧重学生阅读、写作能力的提高,几乎涉及了英语教学中的各个重点,使我受益非浅。但遗憾的是,很少有老师专门上过一堂符合实际教学的英语听力训练课。其实,我个人认为,在高中英语教学实践中,明确高中学生英语听力能力训练的意义,探究英语听力 教学的有效方法是尤为重要的。 一、高中学生英语听力能力训练的意义 从宏观角度来看,21 世纪是一个国际化的高科技经济时代、信息时代、智力和人才竞争的时代。尤其是中国加入 WTO 后,社会对外语人才(尤其是英语人才)的需求更加急剧上升。因此,教育也要跟上时代的变化而进行改革。随着我国基础教育课程改革的不断深入,对我们高中的英语教学提出了更高的要求。《高中英语新课程标准》中确立的高中英语课程的总目标即是:高中阶段要着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别要提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力;形成跨文化交际的意识和基本的跨文化交际能力。而基础教育阶段英语课程的改革重点是改变过去英语教学过分重视语法和词汇的讲解,忽视学生语言实际运用能力培养的倾向。其目标确立为是以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识的发展为基础,培养学生英语综合语言运用能力。 众所周知,听、说、读、写是学习和运用语言必备的四项基本技能,是学生进行交际的重要形式,是他们形成综合语言运用能力的重要基础和手段。而且“听”是人类交际活动中最基本的形式。根据美国外语教学法专家里弗斯(Rivers)和坦珀利(Temperly)1978年的统计,“听”在人类交际活动中所占比例为45%,“说”占30%,“读”占16%,“写”占9%。里弗斯(Rivers)


高中英语教师资格证 听说课教案 Revised on November 25, 2020

听力: Inferring推断,gist listening主旨,listening for details,dictation Models:top-down model, down-top model, interactive model 教案模板: Topic Teaching Aims: 1.Knowledge aim: The students will be able to know something about...; learn some new words and phrases. 2.Ability aim: The students will be able to develop their listening abilities such as listening for the gist, the specific information and predicting skills... 3.Emotional aim: The students will be abl e to know that they should…/ Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Teaching Aid: CAI Teaching Procedures: 1.Step 1: lead-in Play the song “…” and ask students to talk something about it. 2.Step 2: pre-listening Introduce… Go through the new words and phrases. 3.Step 3: while-listening Ask students to listen to the tape and then answer the questions: Who, When, Where, What. Listen to the tape again, ask students to choose the correct answers. Do the dictation. 4.Step 4: post-listening Let students discuss the story in pairs and then retell the story. 5.Step 5: Summary (or consolidation)


高中英语听力说课稿https://www.360docs.net/doc/1918631179.html,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

听力说课稿模板总结 教材:本次说课的内容是单元听力部分。 一、教学目标 1.语言知识目标:掌握听力材料中的关键单词和词组 2.能力目标: 抓住所听语段的关键词、理解话语之间的逻辑关系; 听懂材料中主要人物和事件并弄懂他们之间的关系; 掌握较好的听力方法,听之前看问题,对答案进行预测,学会做笔记。 3.情感态度目标: a. 通过让学生们听不同内容的听力材料来拓展学生的知识面,比如说音乐,影评,故事名言警句等,从而激发学生的英语学习兴趣; b. 鼓励学生每天听听力,达到由量变到质变的飞跃,从而培养学生的坚持不懈的品质。 二、教学重点、难点 教学重点: 学习并掌握文章中的重点单词和词组; 听短文,获取文章的关键信息,并回答问题。 教学难点:让学生掌握正确的听力技巧,学会预测,做笔记 三、教学对象 高一年级的学生,虽然已经掌握了一些基本的语言知识,但是听力部分比较薄弱,不善于获取听力材料中的关键信息,需要多加练习和老师的指导。 四、教学方法 1.任务教学法:同前 2.交际教学法:听完之后让同学们讨论相关的话题 3.多媒体教学法:同前 五、教学步骤 1.lead in 导入5 min 给出与话题相关的图片或者放视频,比如说: (这部分主要是为了导入话题,吸引学生的学习兴趣) 2. pre-listening 10 min 讲解听力中重点的单词和词组,比如说: (这是因为同学们只有掌握了关键的单词和短语,才能在听力的过程中更加快速地对关键信息作出反应,对于初学者来说是比较常用的一种教学模式。)单词讲解完之后给同学们一点时间看各个问题。 3.while-listening 20 min

高中人教版必修一unit1friendship 听力课堂

FRIENDSHIP LISTENING Teaching Plan 刘沛 2015/6/24

I.Analysis of teaching material 0 II. Analysis of learners 0 III.Teaching aims and objectives (1) IV.Important and difficult point of teaching (1) V.Teaching aids (1) VI.Teaching method (1) VII.Teaching process (2) VIII. 教学评价与反思 (3)

I.Analysis of teaching material Friendship is the second unit in Book 1 of senior high school, the People’s Education Press. It is a multi-purpose text which aims at developing students’ integrated skills. This unit’s grammar focus is modal verbs. Students of senior high school have learned some basic knowledge of model verbs. By learning this class, students will have a systemic understanding of model verbs. This unit is close to our real life and its materials are quite interesting, making students enjoy their learning. II.Analysis of learners The advantages of Ss’’: 1. They are pretty active about what they are interested in. 2. They are willing to share and demonstrate themselves in public. The shortage of Ss: 1. Owing to the limited amounts of vocabularies, they always have difficulties in expressing thoughts and opinions in appropriate way. 2. Sometimes they devoted themselves to the hot topic which they were enthusiastic about so that they didn’t draw their attention on the knowledge we should learn but just focused on the topic.


高中英语听力在线听习题及答案 第一节(共5小题) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答相关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does Jim do? A.A teacher. B.An officer. C.A student. 2.What time did Suzy leave home? A.4:30. B.5:00. C.5:15. 3.What is the man’s suggestion? A.Going to the concert. B.Going to see a show. C.Just walking around. 4.How long has the rain lasted? A.5 days. B.6 days. C.7 days. 5.What opinion do they hold on their chemistry course? A.It’s well organized. B.It is satisfactory. C.It is unsatisfactory. 第二节(共15小题)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中 所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听 每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. Where does this conversation take place? A.In a library. B.In a school. C.In a bookstore. 7. Why is William Shakespeare mentioned in the conversation? A.He gave gifts to millions of people. B.He was a very wealthy man in his times. C.His signature is worth a lot of money. 听第7段材料,回答第8至11题。 8. What are the man and woman looking for? A.A comfortable hotel. B.A modern hotel. C.An inexpensive hotel. 9. Whom did the man and woman ask for help? A.A policewoman. B.A waitress. C.A passer瞓y. 10.Where could the man and woman find a hotel they needed?


高中英语听力教学新思路 万安中学:昌丽梅关键词:英语听力问题措施 随着新课程改革的深入,对学生听说读写等各种能力的要求也在不断提高。但在实际的外语教学中听说教学远远落后于读写教学,很多学生学习的还是“哑巴英语”,即只具备阅读和写作的能力,听说能力则很落后。实际上听说能力的滞后也严重影响了学生读写能力的发展。高考试卷中听力部分比重较大,对高中学生学习英语提出了更高的能力要求,也对教师的教学理念提出了新的要求和挑战。而在现实教学中,很多教师采用的仍然是“呈现题目-听录音-对答案”的陈旧模式,不仅不利于提高学生的听力理解能力,还有可能会挫伤学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性。那么,怎样训练学生的听力能力,提高学生的听力理解水平呢?下面,本人结合自己的教学实际谈谈几点看法。 一:学生在听力训练过程中表现出来的普遍问题: 1、听力姿势不端正。在听力训练过程中,有的学生习惯于趴着听,有的托着腮帮子听,有的闭着眼睛听,也有的玩着笔听等等。学生的这些过于放松的听力姿势容易分散他们的注意力,导致无法有效地捕捉听力材料的关键信息。很多信息可能会在脑海中一闪而过,却无法作短暂的停留。 2、缺乏“动脑动手”的习惯。听力并不是一个独立的过程,它是靠听觉来领会语言信息的复杂过程,其中包括接受信息、识别、判断和理解信息的几个层次的快速心理活动。所以在听力过程中,面要对纷繁复杂的听力信息需要做到耳到、眼到、口到、手到和心到。但其实很多学生没有养成边听边记、边听边算和边听边猜的习惯,脑海中闪现的信息会随着录音的结束变得模糊,以至于无法作出准确的判断。 3、遇到听力障碍,易产生消极的心理暗示。不少学生在面对较难的听力材料时很不自信,容易产生焦躁不安、紧张害怕的负面情绪,伴随着一些消极、不良的自我暗示,譬如:“这可怎么办啊?…什么都听不懂…考试不及格会…”这种顾虑重重心理状态严重影响到了学生真实听力水平的发挥,很多原本完全能够听懂的词句都变得陌生起来。如果这种情绪无法得到及时和有效的排遣而任其蔓延开来,那最终这场听力练习只能是草草收场。
