


he future I hope to be your guide again and take you around more tourist sites.


Thank you!



Every guest , everybody are good , I represent (代表)a driver first,the travel service who represents XX welcomes everybody arriving in beautiful sea town- - Dalian , I am a tourist guide of XX travel service member, I am called Meng Li Na , everybody lets my small Meng can.

Front’s be a driver X master, the X master driving experience having many years , the driving technology is excellent(驾驶技术高超), is at ease therefore everybody can be complete in the process of bridge crane(所以大家在行车过程中可以完全放心).

This several day is served for everybody by our and X master then right away.

There is a sentence in China as the saying goes regards:

Construct such that the same boat spends for a century.

Today we will be: Repair same car dealer’s for a century.

Everybody knows each other well from not being acquainted for to meeting in all of us being gone to from different place ride in in the same vehicle with a destination, this is really one kind of very marvellous and fine as well preordained relationship , lets us carry this fine preordained relationship through to the end so right away.

That Little meng first here wish everybody trip to Dalian happy, hope we Dalian good mountain, good water, good tourist guide, good driver bring a portion to a portion good state of mind, make everybody with face to face Dalian expectation and long for but come with face to face Dalian satisfied and linger around but return to.

Bless everybody Shu eating in Dalian finally中国有句俗话说的好:百年修得同船度。






That trip to Dalian to master of here will have been over.

Believe in more of Dalian public square , big of greenbelt area, clean appearance of a city and Euro-style city construction are stayed by you deeply impression, keeps an incense especially among the Dalian seafood lip and tooth definitely as early as you.



Little meng thanks everybody’s all the way support to my job and understands that also in here.

Hope that everybody gets chance to come to Dalian again, small Meng and my location (所在)XX travel service will be that you provide (提供)the service using more well.

Wish everybody’s returning journey all smooth God-speed finally! 最后祝大家归途一切顺利一路平安


(Farewell speech)

Respected https://www.360docs.net/doc/1a3458481.html,ls, leader of People-to-People Forensic Science delegation and Mrs.

Mills.Respected Mr.Lucas, leader of the delegation and Mrs.Lucas.

Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends.

Time goes so quickly and your trip to China is drawing to a close.

Tomorrow morning our friends will be leaving Guangzhou for Hong Kong by train.

Before wee part, I would like to say a few words.

Entrusted by the Ministry of Public Security, Miss Chao and I took on the responsibility of doing logistics on behalf of the China Civil International Touristt Corporation during your stay in China.

Your duration of stay in this country was only two and half weeks ` time.

You visited Beijing, which is the capital of the People` s Republic of China, Then the delegation was divided into two teams.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1a3458481.html,l` s team went to Shenyang and Guilin and Mr.Lucas ` team toured Shanghai and Hangzhou.

Shanghai and Shenyang are industrious cities, while Guilin and Hangzhou are scenic spots.

In China people usually say : up above there is paradise, down below there are Suzhou and Hanggzhou.

Guilin claims to be second to none in scenery.

(Guilin scenes are the finest under heaven.) In 1985 an English newspapar “China Tourism news” sponsored a poll for the Chinese people to select the ten most popular scenic spots in China.

The West lake of Hangzhou, and mountains and waters of Guilin were on the top of the ten.

Finally, the two teams came to Guangzhou by air in different directions.

While the delegation members were in China, they exchanged the technical information with the Chinese professional counterparts about forensic sciences, visited several criminal science and technology research institutes, the China Criminal Police College, a jail and hospital.

The accompanying persons toured some unique place.

Examples of these were a township, an arts and crafts factory, a kindergarten, jade factory and ivory carving factories, and carpet factory.

The whole delegation also toured the grounds of some famous historical spots in China.

They had several banquets and tasted the different varieties of Chinese food in different places.

It is our belief that everything was covered, and your trip to this country was worth “all the tea in China.” You were in good hands and good company.

While you were and are in China, the delegation members have been very co-operative, friendly, and understanding .

We appreciated that very much .

This is because that friendship does not go on way, it goes both ways.

Friendship always benefits.

When you lead a delegation of 65 people with the assistance of our American and Canadian friends, it is easy.

As the Chinese saying goes: “Nothing is more delightful than to meet friend from far away.””A visit by friends from afar bring

special joy.We tend to do well those things we do often.”

Once your former President Abraham Lincoln said: ”You can please some of the people all of the time, some of the other people some of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time.”

However, this is the beginning of our friendship.

We believe that this friendship will continue to grow in the furture.

Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Happy to meet, sorry to depart and happy to meet again.

Upon your arrival in the United States of America and Canada, would you please send our best regards to your family members, your relative, your friends, and your colleagues.

Make new friend,

But keep the old ;

One is silver,

And the other is gold.

Now I propose a toast:

To the friendship among the peoples of China, America and Canada

To the successful visit of the delegation to China

To your excellent co-operation and assistance during your stay in China

To the health of https://www.360docs.net/doc/1a3458481.html,ls, leader of the delegation and https://www.360docs.net/doc/1a3458481.html,ls

To the health of Mr.Lucas, leader of the delegation and Mrs.Lucas

To the health of all the delegation members , cheers.


编号:上海的英文导游词 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日 X X公司

导游词的宗旨是通过对旅游景观绘声绘色地讲解、指点、评说,帮助旅游者欣赏景观,以达到游览的最佳效果。下面是关于上海的英文导游词,分享给你们。谢谢支持。 上海玉佛寺英文导游词 Ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to visit a famous Buddhist temple---the Jade Buddha Temple. Before visiting the temple, I’d like to say a few words about the religious situation in Shanghai. Our constitution stipulates that every Chinese citizen is ensured the freedom of religious belief. There are four major religions in practice in Shanghai, namely, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, and Christianity, which is sub-divided into the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church. When it comes to Buddhist temples in China, they are usually classified into three sects, i.e. temples for meditation, for preaching and for practicing Buddhist disciplines. The Jade Buddha Temple is a temple for meditation, and is well-known


导游欢送词六篇 欢送词一 各位游客朋友: 我们的行程到这就基本结束了,和大家在一起相处的日子我觉得非常的开心。希望我给各位带来过的开心和欢乐。此时此刻,我想用4 个“源”字来表达我的心情:第一字是缘分的缘,我们能够相识就是缘,人常说百年修得同船渡,可以说我们是百年修得同车行。这次旅程也是百年修来的缘分啊,现在我们就要分开了,缘份却未尽。第二字就是财源的源,也希望各位朋友在以后的日子,财源如滔滔江水连绵不绝!第三个是原谅的原,在这次几天的旅程中,小张有什么做的不到的地方还请大家多多包涵多多原谅,多提宝贵意见,让我以后的工作能做得更好。最后是圆满的圆,朋友们,我们的旅程到这就圆满地结束了。预祝大家在以后的工作好、家庭好、身体好、心情好、今天好、明天好、不好也好、好上加好、来点掌声好不好!谢谢大家! 欢送词二 各位朋友,时间过得太快,短短x天已经过去了。在此,我不得不为大家送行,心中真的有许多眷恋。无奈,天下没有不散的宴席,也没有永远在一起的朋友,但愿我们还有再见的机会。 各位朋友在***期间游览了***风光;参观了***到了***并且品尝了****,有的朋友还购买了不少***的土特产,真可谓收

获多多。相信在各位朋友的生命中,从此将增添一段新的记忆,那就是**。但愿它留给大家的印象是美好的。 承蒙各位朋友支持,我感到此次接待工作非常顺利,心情也非常高兴,在此,我代表***向大家表示衷心的感谢!但不知大家的心情是否愉快?对我们的工作是否满意?好,如果是这样,我们就更高兴了!如果我们的服务有不周之处,一方面请大家多多包涵,另方面还望大家提出来,现在也好,回去写信也好,以便我们不断改进,提高服务质量。 有道是“千里有缘来相会”,既然我们是千里相会,就是缘份!所以,在即将分手之际,我们再次希望大家不要忘记,在这里有我与你们有缘而又可以永远信赖的同胞。今后如果再来,或有亲友、同事到**,请提前打声招呼,我们一定热情接待。 最后,预祝各位朋友在今后的人生旅途中万事顺意,前程无量! 欢送词三 各位朋友几天的行程,还有10分钟就要结束了,在此刻要和大家说再见的时候我真的还舍不得说那两个字,说真的这次旅程的成功离不开大家对我工作的支持与合作,几天里我们大家从相识到相知最后成为了朋友。我知道我有的地方还做的不够好,希望大家在最后的几分钟里给我提出宝贵的意见和建议。这样我会在以后的工作中更加的努力和学习。 最后祝愿大家走的时候带点我们**的佛气和**的灵气带


会议接待欢迎词 会议接待欢迎词范文,小编特意为你整理推荐会议接待欢迎词,欢迎阅读与借鉴。 会议接待欢迎词 【1】在全市接待系统联谊会上的欢迎词 尊敬的陈忆主任,各位领导、各兄弟区县的同志们: 大家上午好!微雨过,小荷翻,榴花开欲然。今天,我们相聚在东区金沙明珠,非常高兴地迎来了“攀枝花市、区、县接待工作联谊会”。在此,我谨代表东区区委、区政府向莅临我区的各位领导、各兄弟区县的同志们,表示热烈的欢迎!并借此机会向关心支持我区接待工作的各位领导、各位来宾表示衷心地感谢! 近年来,我区经济社会蓬勃发展,外在知名度和影响力明显提升,来我区视察调研、检查指导工作的领导、参观考察的党政代表团和寻求发展的客商纷至沓来,面对重要会议多、重大活动多、学习考察多得接待工作新形势,我们认真贯彻落实中央和省市区关于党政机关公务接待管理的规定,坚持围绕中心、服务大局、不断优化、细化工作流程,不断健全完善接待制度体系,积极构建领导重视、部门协作、整合的“大接待”格局,接待工作正逐步成为我区加强对外联系、积聚人气、扩大招商引资和展示开放形象的重要平台。但我区接待办于XX年才正式成立,接待工作正在进一步规

范和提高,本次联谊会在我们东区召开,为我们学习和借鉴市里、兄弟区县的经验和做法提供了难得的机会,必将推动我们接待工作的高效规范、优质发展。希望在座的各位领导、各位来宾,通过本次会议进一步了解东区,加强接待工作的交流与合作,增进友谊,我们愿与各位同仁一起共同推动全市接待工作水平的新提高。 最后预祝本次联谊会圆满成功,谢谢大家! 【2】A公司董事长×××致市政府有关领导和合作伙伴的欢迎词 尊敬的市政府领导、各方合作伙伴代表: 欢迎你们出席本公司成立20周年庆典暨新一届董事会就职典礼。我们十分高兴地迎接你们的到来。在此,我谨代表本公司,向各位领导和各方合作伙伴代表,表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢! 改革开放以来,广州的经济、社会获得了巨大的发展,焕发出生机勃勃,本公司是一家中外合资的企业,20年来的风雨历程,造就了20年来的辉煌业绩。此次庆典活动我们将以“为企业创造价值”为主题,让我们共同回顾本公司在20年来所经历的风风雨雨、所取得的辉煌成绩。 本公司的发展,除了公司全体成员的支持与我们自身的努力外,离不开各方,特别是市政府领导、合作伙伴B公司、D公司、和C公司等的资助与支持。我们真诚的希望,通过


上海英文版导游词 上海英文版导游词 发布时间:2020-03-15 上海,简称“沪”或“申”,是中华人民共和国直辖市,国家中心城市,超大城市,中国的经济、交通、科技、工业、金融、贸易、会展和航运中心,首批沿海开放城市。接下来是小编为您整理的上海英文版导游词,希望对您有所帮助。 上海英文版导游词1Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Did you sleep last night? Great. Im sorry, the baggage was delayed last night. As the baggage car broke down, we had to ask for another one. By the way, have you opened your luggage? No wonder its sunny outside. Our tour guide often said, /the guests brought the suhine in the bag./. I thank you for that. Good well. I have announced the schedule for breakfast. Today we will go to the old city of the sea, that is, the location of the Yu Garden and the Yu Garden mall. Our car is driving in the Bund. Your left is the famous Huangpu river. Well be here later. In order to save time, I would like to talk about Chinese garde and Yu Garden before I get to Yu Garden. In China, garde are divided into three major categories: Royal Garde, private garde and temple garde. Yu Garden belongs to private garde. Chinese garde have many skills, such as borrowing scenery, blocking scenery and so on. But they are all made up of four basic facto. These four facto are water, plants, buildings and rockery. Most of the private garde are in the south of the Yangtze River, just because there are many water sources and stones suitable for making rockery. Yu Garden is the Ming dynasty built more than 400 yea ago. The owner surnamed pan, is a senior official. He built this garden to please his parents and make them enjoy their old age. Therefore, the word /Yu/ of Yu Garden takes its meaning of /Yue Yue/. Its a pity that his parents could see Yu Garden fall and die. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the pan family was weak and its descendants sold the garden to the local guild. There is another reason why Yu Garden is famous. In 1853, a sword Club uprising broke out in Shanghai, and a hall was used as the headquarte. Today, Yu Garden is a must go place. So I suggest that there we must not become separated, the best you closely, okay? Here is the parking lot. If someone here, please remember the bus number three last number is 121. I think its best not to happen. I will be holding a small red flag, all of you will accompany Mr. Zhang dianhou. Are


上海介绍 上海,位于东海之滨,长江出海口处,是中国最大的城市,也是中国对外改革开放的一个窗口。 上海是一个不断发展日渐强盛的城市,是我国最大的商业、金融中心,也是西太平洋地区重要的国际港口城市。其内外联系广泛,交通、通讯比较发达,正在吸引着越来越多注意的目光。 上海是位于长江三角洲冲积平原,因吴淞江支流上海浦而得名。春秋时属吴,战国时当地渔民创造了捕鱼工具“扈”,称这一带为沪渎,东晋时在此筑沪渎垒以防海盗,故上海简称“沪”。上海是中国的历史文化名城,被誉为“江海之通津,东南之都会”。“两千年历史看西安,一千年历史看北京,一百年历史看上海”,上海是近现代中国的“缩影”,拥有厚重的历史底蕴。作为党的诞生地,更为这座城市增添了一份独特的光彩。这里荟萃了多少风云人物,孙中山、宋庆龄、毛泽东、周恩来、鲁迅、李鸿章、蒋介石、宋子文等许多名流的足迹散落在上海各处的不同住宅建筑里,蕴含着一段段耐人寻味的往事。 上海有一种任何城市都无法比拟的气质,就是她的"洋气"。1843年上海开埠,形成了她五方杂处、中西交融的文化特色。上海的新兴的金融证券、期货交易、外汇和技术等全国性市场的建立,确立了上海作为全国资源配置中心的地位,同时也加快了上海经济与国际接轨的步伐。2001年10月,APEC会议在上海举行,上海作为新世纪国际经济、金融、贸易中心之一的地位已初步确立! 今日的上海,是一座极具现代化而又不失中国传统特色的海派文化都市。繁华的大上海处处显现着她的独特魅力,令人着迷——外滩老式的西洋建筑与浦东现代的摩天大厦交相辉映;徐家汇大教堂圣诗声声,玉佛寺香烟袅袅;过街楼下的麻将老人,弄堂里的足球少年;群众剧场的沪剧、滑稽戏,大剧院的交响乐、芭蕾舞;老饭店的本帮佳肴,杏花楼的广式粤茶,云南路的各地小吃,红房子的法国大菜,小绍兴的三黄鸡,美国的肯德基;上海老街的茶馆,衡山路的酒吧,中西合璧,新欢旧爱,各有各的精彩。夜幕降临,霓虹闪耀,夜上海粉墨登场,和平饭店的爵士乐,豫园的丝竹音乐,让人追忆上个世纪二、三十年代老上海的旧梦,而现代迪斯科的节奏,遍地开花的网吧,又把人带回了21世纪的现代文明…… 迈入21世纪的上海,繁荣与开放在这里播种,东方明珠电视塔、金茂大厦、上海国际会议中心、浦东国际机场,无一不描绘着国际大都市的开阔前景,21世纪的上海,光荣与梦想在这里汇合,上海博物馆、上海大剧院、城市规划馆,无一不张扬着国际化大都市的广博情怀。新世纪的上海是现代化、国际化、时尚化的标本,她将热情地欢迎着世界各国朋友们的到来! 上海市概况 简称:沪 区号:021 邮编:200000


旅游英语欢送词 he future I hope to be your guide again and take you around more tourist sites. (如果你想去旅游,在浙江将来某天我希望成为你的向导又带你四处逛逛更多的旅游景点。) Thank you! (谢谢!) 英文导游欢送词 Every guest , everybody are good , I represent (代表)a driver first,the travel service who represents XX welcomes everybody arriving in beautiful sea town- - Dalian , I am a tourist guide of XX travel service member, I am called Meng Li Na , everybody lets my small Meng can. Front’s be a driver X master, the X master driving experience having many years , the driving technology is excellent(驾驶技术高超), is at ease therefore everybody can be complete in the process of bridge crane(所以大家在行车过程中可以完全放心). This several day is served for everybody by our and X master then right away. There is a sentence in China as the saying goes regards:


会议接待欢迎词 欢迎词:欢迎词是在接待迎送来宾开始时对其光临表示欢迎的致词。 格式: 1.称谓。 2.向出席者表示欢迎、感谢和咨询候。 3.概括已往取得的成就以及变化和进展。 4.放眼全局,展望以后。 5.结尾再一次表示感谢。 会议接待欢迎词范文 【范例一】 欢迎董事长亲临指导尊敬的XXX董事长先生,尊敬的贵宾们: XXX董事长先生与我们合资建厂差不多两年,今天亲临我厂对生产技术、经营治理进行指导,我们表示热烈的欢迎。两年来我们感到快乐的是,我们双方合资建厂、生产、经营治理中的友好关系一直稳步向前进展。我应当中意地指出,我们友好关系能顺利进展,是与我们双方严格遵守合同和协议、相互尊重和平等协商分不开的,是我们双方共同努力的结果。我相信,通过这次XXX董事长亲临我厂进行指导,能进一步加深我们双方相互了解和信任,更能进一步增进我们双方友好合作关系的进展,使我厂更加兴盛发达。最后,让我们以热烈的掌声,向董事长表示欢迎 【范例二】 在全市接待系统联谊会上的欢迎词 尊敬的陈忆主任,各位领导、各兄弟区县的同志们: 大伙儿上午好!微雨过,小荷翻,榴花开欲然。今天,我们相聚在东区金沙明珠,专门快乐地迎来了攀枝花市、区、县接待工作联谊会。在此,我谨代表东区区委、区政府向莅临我区的各位领导、各兄弟区县的同志们,表示热烈的欢迎!并借此机会向关怀支持我区接待工作的各位领导、各位来宾表示衷心地感谢! 近年来,我区经济社会蓬勃进展,外在知名度和阻碍力明显提升,来我区视察调研、检查指导工作的领导、参观考察的党政代表团和寻求进展的客商纷至沓来,面对重要会议多、重大活动多、学习考察多得接待工作新形势,我们认真贯彻落实中央和省市区关于党政机关公务接待治理的规定,坚持围绕中心、服务大局、不断优化、细化工作流程,不断健全完善


上海外滩英文导游词_外滩英语导游词外滩是上海的标志,许多游客去上海游玩都会去那里参观,导游带领各国各地的游客时,要用中英文做好解说。下面是学习啦带来的上海外滩英文导游词,仅供大家参考。 上海外滩英文导游词篇一游客朋友你们好! T o u r i s t s f r i e n d y o u a r e g o o d! 现在我们来到上海黄浦江畔的外滩,首先,我对各位的参观游览外滩表示欢迎,并预祝各位旅游愉快。 N o w w e c a m e t o S h a n g h a i b u n d a c r o s s t h e h u a n g p u r i v e r, f i r s t o f a l l, I t o y o u r v i s i t w e l c o m e d t h e b u n d,a n d w i s h e v e r y t r a v e l t i m e. 新外滩共有五条旅游路线,在您的左手边是被誉为万国建筑博览的壮观建筑群和宽敞的中山路,您的右手边是波光粼粼的黄浦江以及前程似锦的浦东陆家点缀金融贸易区,眼前为新颖独特的观光游览区。这建筑群、中山路、观光区、黄浦江、陆家嘴仿佛乐谱中的五线谱,勤劳上海人民则好似串串间符,正组成最新最华美的乐章,欢迎着各位来宾的光临。

N e w b u n d a r t i c l e w e r e f i v e t r a v e l r o u t e, o n y o u r l e f t i s k n o w n a s t h e a l l n a t i o n s b u i l d i n g e x p o g r a n d b u i l d i n g s a n d s p a c i o u s z h o n g s h a n r o a d, y o u r r i g h t h a n d s i d e i s t h e s h i m m e r i n g h u a n g p u r i v e r a n d t h e b e a u t i f u l p u d o n g l u j i a o r n a m e n t f i n a n c i a l a n d t r a d e z o n e, t h e e y e s f o r n o v e l a n d u n i q u e t o u r i s m r e c r e a t i o n a l a r e a.T h i s c o m p l e x,z h o n g s h a n r o a d, s i g h t s e e i n g a r e a,t h e h u a n g p u r i v e r,a s i f t h e m u s i c l u j i a z u i,S h a n g h a i p e o p l e a r e i n d u s t r i o u s s t a f f l i k e c l u s t e r s o f o p e r a t o r s,i s b e t w e e n t h e l a t e s t a n d m o s t c o l o r f u l m o v e m e n t, w e l c o m e t o t h e g u e s t s. 外滩它过去曾是上海老城厢外的一块芦苇丛生的荒滩地。 T h e b u n d i t u s e d t o b e S h a n g h a i r e s i d e n c e s o f t h e a r u i n e d r e e d l a n d. 1840年第一次鸦片战争以后,紧锁的国门被殖民者洋炮轰开了,上海也被迫辟为商埠。从那时起,各式各样的西洋式建筑随着殖民者的抢滩而纷纷耸立,至本世纪30年代初,上海已从海滨小邑一跃成为远东最大的


上海外滩英文导游词_外滩英语导游词 外滩是上海的标志,许多游客去上海游玩都会去那里参观,导游带领各国各地的游客时,要用中英文做好解说。下面是带来的上海外滩英文导游词,仅供大家参考。 上海外滩英文导游词篇一游客朋友你们好! Tourists friend you are good! 现在我们来到上海黄浦江畔的外滩,首先,我对各位的参观游览外滩表示欢迎,并预祝各位旅游愉快。 Now we came to Shanghai bund across the huangpu river, first of all, I to your visit welcomed the bund, and wish every travel time. 新外滩共有五条旅游路线,在您的左手边是被誉为“万国建筑博览”的壮观建筑群和宽敞的中山路,您的右手边是波光粼粼的黄浦江以及前程似锦的浦东陆家点缀金融贸易区,眼前为新颖独特的观光游览区。这建筑群、中山路、观光区、黄浦江、陆家嘴仿佛乐谱中的五线谱,勤劳上海人民则好似串串间符,正组成最新最华美的乐章,欢迎着各位来宾的光临。 New bund article were five travel route, on your left is known as the "all nations building expo" grand buildings and spacious zhongshan road, your right hand side is the shimmering 1 / 23

huangpu river and the beautiful pudong lujia ornament financial and trade zone, the eyes for novel and unique tourism recreational area. This complex, zhongshan road, sightseeing area, the huangpu river, as if the music lujiazui, Shanghai people are industrious staff like clusters of operators, is between the latest and most colorful movement, welcome to the guests. 外滩它过去曾是上海老城厢外的一块芦苇丛生的荒滩地。 The bund it used to be Shanghai residences of the a ruined reed land. 1840年第一次鸦片战争以后,紧锁的国门被殖民者洋炮轰开了,上海也被迫辟为商埠。从那时起,各式各样的西洋式建筑随着殖民者的“抢滩”而纷纷耸立,至本世纪30年代初,上海已从海滨小邑一跃成为远东最大的都市。 1840 years after the first opium war, keep the doors were opened, the colonists shelling Shanghai also forced to bi commercial port. From then on, all kinds of western architecture with the colonists were "" subordinate to the stands, 30 s, from Shanghai has little beach towns have had become the far east. The largest cities 眼前这些具有欧洲文艺复兴时期风格的建筑,虽然不是出自同一2 / 23


导游欢送词大全 导游欢送词是旅游行程的小结,终生难忘的送别是导游 接待工作的尾声。 我国的一位从事近40年导游的英文导游,在同游客告 别时,为体现“期盼重逢”,他说:“有句古语,叫做‘两山不能相遇,两人总能相逢’,我期盼着不久的将来,我们还 会在,也可能在贵国相会,我期盼着,再见,各位!”也许这位老导游的话和他的热诚太感人了,时至今日,每年圣诞 节、新年,贺年卡从世界各地向他飞来,有不少贺年卡,甚 至是他一二十年前接待的客人的贺年卡,上面工工整整地用 英文手写着“greetngsfromanothermountain”(来自另一座山的问候)。 由此可见,一篇讲艺术的欢送词,几句情深、意切,又 有文采的话,会给游客留下多么深远的印象!另外,还有一点要特别注意:有经验的导游在话别游客之后,他们都会等 “飞机上天,轮船离岸,火车出站,挥手告别”,才离现场,“仓促挥手,扭头就走”,会给游客留下“是职业导游,不 是有感情的导游”,是“人一走,茶就凉”的导游。我们千 万莫当此样的导游! 导游欢送词范文一 列位旅客伴侣: 我们的行程到这就根基竣事了,和××在一路相处的日

子我感受很是的欢快。但愿我给列位带来过的欢快和欢喜。 此时此刻,我想用4个“源”字来表达我的神色:第一字是 缘分的缘,我们能够体味就是缘,人常说百年修得同船渡, 可以说我们是百年修得同车行。此次旅程也是百年修来的缘 分啊,此刻我们就要分隔了,缘份却未尽。第二字就是财源 的源,也但愿列位伴侣在往后的日子,财源如滔滔江水连缀 一直!第三个是原谅的原,在此次几天的旅程中,小张有什 么做的不到的处所还请××多多包容多多原谅,多提珍贵定 见,让我往后的工作能做得更好。最后是圆满的圆,伴侣们,我们的旅程到这就圆满地竣事了。预祝××在往后的工作好、 家庭好、身体好、神色好、今天好、明天好、欠好也好、好 上加好、来点掌声好欠好!感谢××! 我们的旅程马上要竣事了,张导也要跟××说再会了。 临别之际没什么送××的,就送××四个字吧。首先第一个 字是缘,缘分的缘,俗话说“百年休的同船度。”那么和××几天的共处,算算也有百年修来的缘分哦!接下来这个字是原谅的原,在这几天中,张导有做的欠好的处所,但愿× ×多多包容,在这里说声对不起了!再一个自就是圆满的圆,此次行程圆满的竣事多亏了××对我工作的撑持和配合,小 张说声感谢了!最后一个字仍是源字,财源的源,祝××的 财源如同滔滔江水连缀一直,也祝××工作好,身体好,今 天好,明天好,此刻好,未来好,欠好也好,好上加好,给


上海中英文导游词 【篇一:上海景点导游词(英文)shanghai travel and tours guide】 shanghai travel and tours guide located at the center of the mainlands coastline, shanghai has long been a major hub of communications, transportation, and international exchange. the municipality covers an area of 6,341 square kilometers and has a population of more than 13.5 million. shanghai is chinas largest economic comprehensive industrial base, and a famous historical and cultural city. the city consistently attracts investment and is seen as an ideal venue for business gatherings. it is also a must on any agenda during a tour of china. shanghai has fostered a comprehensive transportation network that incorporates land, sea, and air travel, as well as a convenient urban transportation system. more than 300 airlines serve the city, proving direct flights to more than 20 countries and regions. the addition of the shanghai pudong international airport, which went into operation in 1999, is expected to increase the annual passenger volume to some 20 million. special tourist trains running between shanghai and the neighboring provinces of jiangsu and zhejiang, as well as tourist bus routes along newly-constructed expressways, offer great convenience for regional travel. shanghai has more than 400 travel agencies to assist visitors, and the 127 star-rated hotels offer a total of 40, 000 guest rooms. visitors to shanghai are not only dazzled by the modern metropolis and gateway to a developing china, but are also able to immerse themselves in the unique shanghai culture, a combination of chinese and western elements. colorful festivals and celebrations dot the yearly shanghai activities calendar, such as the shanghai nanhui peach blossoms festival, shanghai international tea culture festival and shanghai china international art festival. shanghai has also introduced special tour packages aimed at the different interests of visitors, such as bicycling tours,


旅游英语欢送词_欢迎词 he future I hope to be your guide again and take you around more tourist sites. (如果你想去旅游,在浙江将来某天我希望成为你的向导又带你四处逛逛更多的旅游景点。) Thank you! (谢谢!) 英文导游欢送词【2】 Every guest , everybody are good , I represent (代表)a driver first,the travel service who represents XX welcomes everybody arriving in beautiful sea town- - Dalian , I am a tourist guide of XX travel service member, I am called Meng Li Na , everybody lets my small Meng can. Front's be a driver X master, the X master driving experience having many years , the driving technology is excellent(驾驶技术高超), is at ease therefore everybody can be complete in the process of bridge crane(所以大家在行车过程中可以完全放心).

This several day is served for everybody by our and X master then right away. There is a sentence in China as the saying goes regards: Construct such that the same boat spends for a century. Today we will be: Repair same car dealer's for a century. Everybody knows each other well from not being acquainted for to meeting in all of us being gone to from different place ride in in the same vehicle with a destination, this is really one kind of very marvellous and fine as well preordained relationship , lets us carry this fine preordained relationship through to the end so right away. That Little meng first here wish everybody trip to Dalian happy, hope we Dalian good mountain, good water, good tourist guide, good driver bring a portion to a portion good state of mind, make everybody with face to face Dalian expectation and long for but come with face to face Dalian satisfied and linger around but return to. Bless everybody Shu eating in Dalian finally中国有句俗话说的好:百年修得同船度。


2020上海导游词简介 上海,春秋属吴国。战国先后属越国、楚国,曾是楚春申君黄歇的封邑,故别称为“申”。晋朝时期,因渔民创造捕鱼工具“扈”,江流入海处称“渎”,因此松江下游一带被称为“扈渎”,以后又改“扈”为“沪”,故上海简称“沪” 。南宋咸淳三年(公元1267年),在上海浦西岸设置市镇,定名为“上海镇”。元至元二十九年(公元1292年),中央政府把上海镇从华亭县划出,批准设立上海县,标志着上海建城之始。以下是为大家整理的2020上海导游词简介,供大家参考学习。 2020上海导游词1 简称沪。地处中国长江入海口。上海全市面积达5800平方公里,人口1349万,其中市区人口约870万,是中国第一大城市,也是世界大都市之一。上海属亚热带湿润季风气候,四季分明。一、二月最冷,最低气温为-5℃至-8℃,通常七月最热,最高气温达35℃—38℃。每年六月中旬至七月上旬是梅雨季节。 上海古时为海边渔村。春秋为吴国地,战国时为楚国春申君封邑。宋设镇,始称上海。1927年设市。现为中国三大直辖市之一。

上海市建城历史始于元朝至元二十八年七月,即公元1291年8月19日,朝廷批准上海建县。此日定为上海建城纪念日,距今已有700多年历史。 由于上海地处长江三角洲,又扼长江出口,所以上海是中国重要的门户。十七世纪它已成为一个繁盛的港口。黄浦江上帆樯林立,中外船舶,来往如梭。但在旧中国,特别是1840年鸦片战争以后的100多年中,上海成为帝国主义对中国进行政治、经济、文化侵略的重要据点。1842年,英帝国主义强迫清政府签订了《南京条约》,将上海列为五个通商口岸之一。以后,美、法帝国主义也相继强迫清政府订立不平等条约,在上海强辟租界,霸占海关,驻扎军队,设立捕房,取得领事裁判权。在这种特权的保护下,他们大量倾销商品,开设银行、洋行、工厂,经营各种公共事业,贩卖毒品。那时的上海被称为“冒险家的乐园”。从此,上海逐渐变成一个工商业畸形发展的半殖民地半封建性质的城市。 今日的上海是中国最大的工业城市。建国以来,上海进一步发展了轻纺工业,同时迅速发展了重工业、冶金、石油化工、机械、电子等工业。近十几年来,上海的航空、航天、汽车工业也正在崛起,已成为能生产高精尖产品的综合性工业基地。上海的工业总产值占全国的十分之一,上海税利约占全国的五分之一。上海是中国最大的商业、金融中心,内外贸易额均居全国各大贸


上海概况英语导游词 篇一:英语导游词之上海概况原创 Shanghai wellmyfriends,welcometoshanghai.mynameis**.i’mgoingtobeyourtourguide.asanoldsayinginchinagoes:fatewillbringyoutog etherifyouaremeanttobe.itsureisfatethatwearesittingsidebysideinthesameb ustospendholidaytogether.Today,iwillbringyoutoappreciatethecharmofSha nghai. Beforewearrivingatourdestination,pleaseletmeintroduceShanghaibrieflyto you. Shanghai,locatedattheoutletoftheYangtzeRiverintotheseaineastchina,has17districtsandonecounty,builtin1291. ThetotalterritoryofShanghaiis6340.5squarekilometers. Shanghai'sterrainishighinEastandlowinwest,withadenserivernetwor k.ThemainriversareHuangpuriveranditstributarySuzhoucreek,chuanyangR iveranddianpuRiver.TheclimateofShanghaiisthenorthsubtropicalmonsoon climate. iguessallofyouhavealreadyheardthatShanghaiisaninternationalmetropolisb eforecomingtoShanghai.ofcourse,Shanghaiisthelargesteconomiccenterinc hina.


导游词欢送词范文4篇导游结束欢送词全陪导游欢送词(一) 各位朋友! 我们的旅程马上要结束了,王导也要跟大家说再见了。临别之际没什么送大家的,就送大家四个字吧。首先第一个字是缘,缘分的缘,俗话说“百年休的同船度,千年修的共枕眠”那么和大家7天的共处,算算也有千年的缘分了!接下来这个字是原谅的原,在这几天中,王导有做的不好的地方,希望大家多多包涵,在这里说声对不起了!再一个自就是圆满的圆,此次行程圆满的结束多亏了大家对我工作的支持和配合,小王说声谢谢了!最后一个字还是源字,财源的源,祝大家的财源犹如滔滔江水连绵不绝,也祝大家工作好,身体好,今天好,明天好,现在好,将来好,不好也好,好上加好,给点掌声好不好! 哈尔滨导游欢送词(二) 长春导游欢送词(三) 三日的长春游程很快的就过去了,我们大家在这三天里结下了深厚的友谊,马上就要分别了,心中有些不舍,但是“天下无不散的

宴席”。分离是必然的,但是这次的分离就是代表下次的相距。这是远处天边的落日已经把天染的通红,好象,它也明白我们的心思。不关怎样,小杨都会深深的为大家祝福,分别了,也没有什么好的礼物送给大家,只有心中殷殷的话语和深深的祝福。最后送大家一首歌曲《祝福》。祝福大家以后的人生道路上一路好走,工作顺利,开心,工资高涨。身体健康........... 游客朋友再见 大连导游欢送词(四) 经典导游欢送词(五) 虽然舍不得,但还是不得不说再见了,感谢大家几天来对我工作的配合和给予我的支持和帮助。在这次旅游过程中,还是有很多地方做得不到位,谢谢大家不但理解我而且还十分支持我的工作,这些点点滴滴的小事情使我很感动。也许我不是最好的导游,但是大家却是我遇见最好的客人,能和最好的客人一起度过这难忘的几天这也是我导游生涯中最大的收获。作为一个导游,虽然走的都是一些自己已经熟的不能再熟的景点,不过每次带不同的客人却能让我有不同的感受,在和大家初次见面的时候我曾说,相识即是缘,我
