
含义 宾语举例
遵守 the law/ related rules
获取 knowledge/ skills
提供 job opportunity
分配 allocate money/resources to…
提升,增加 efficiency/crop yield
审查 films/books
解决 a problem/a situation
节约使用 resources/ fresh water
培养 creativity/skills/interest
遏制 crime/nuclear weapon
削减 expense/budgets
拆掉 buildings
展现 talent/abilities/potential
传播 ideas/thought
借鉴 the experience of other
提高 citizens’ awareness
消除 poverty/injustice
增进,美化 The cityscape / infrastructure
扩大 The market for products
丰富 one’s knowledge/ biodiversity
确保 social stability/ ethnic unity
建立 a system / an institution
扩大 one’s outlook / domestic
开采,使用,开发 Natural resources/one’s
探索 outer space/ other cultures
实现,完成 fulfil one’s potential

(大规模地)产生 employment
实施 a policy
结合 incorporate students’ suggestion
强化 regional cooperation/cultural
降低 costs/expectations
维持 close links/social order
给……动力 motivate students to think

employees to work
塑造 one’s character
优化 the distribution of resources
比…更重要 例句:at this moment, the
concern about
overrides its other
从事 scientific research
成倍增加 people’s choice/employee’s
对…构成(挑战、威胁等) pose a threat/challenge to
保护某种资源 natural resources/cultural
促进,推动 Healthy lifestyle/cultural
追求 maximum profit
循环利用 waste/rubbish
改革,改造 a system/ ciminals
增强 family bonds/economic
释放 stress/prisoners
减轻 poverty/traffic jam
消除 the barrier/discrimination
保障(后面多跟抽象概念) political and social stability
转移 one’s attention to
加速 pace of life/economic growth
激发 imagination/creativity
有机结合 synthesise the asian and western
超越(某种界限) national boundaries/races
升级 the facilities/skills
珍视 the cultural heritage/the local

Misunderstanding/psychological Strain/a vicious cycle
毒害 The minds of children
降级 The quality of sth.
消耗 Natural resources/ the ozone
无视 Traditions/the law
歪曲 Facts/truth
扰乱 Social order
导致…进一步恶化 Economic
侵蚀 The cultural identity of a nation
’s confidence
激化 Antagonism/conflicts
Unemployment/inflation/ debate/alienation from one
阻碍 The development of….
把某事物强加于某人 Impose their own will on their
侵犯 Citizen’ rights/ intellectual
涉及 Uncertainties/ the recognition

孤立,隔绝 A nation/ prisoners
One’s future/ economic prospects
惩罚 Criminal acts
限制 One’s freedom
反思 Their policy/their strategy
消弱(自信等抽象名词) One’s confidence/ one’s

求 Hegemony/opportunities
破坏(原本很好的东西) The cityscape
扼杀 Creativity/potential/economic
…to limit(是固搭) Stretch natural resources to the limit
屈从于 Temptation/ peer pressure
玷污 One’s reputation/one’s image
侵犯 The law/citizens’ rights

对….有吸引力 These TV shows are designed to
mainly to viewers aged
带来 Together these factors brought
实施,从事 Due to the growing public
more research on the
house effect has been
与…冲突 The latest report clashed with
应对,处理=handle In some businesses, employees
处理掉 We forget that this is a source
raise this awareness in the
借鉴 Those who have spent some
traveling to other places
personal resources to
把…放在优先位置 The government should give
to the development of
economy rather than to the
努力解决某个问题 The city government has been
干扰,干涉 Supervisors should try not to let
personal worries interfere
对…失去了解,控制 Those who get addicted to junk
tend to lose track of their

合理 In today’s media, some reports
do not make any sense.
people just keep
弥补 To the master, no amount of
can make up for the
选择(去做某事) Due to the stiff competition at
an increasing number of
have opted for early

参与 Parents should encourage their
to participate in group
as that will make
more co-operative
克制(不去做某事) It would be difficult for children
refrain from playing a video
once they get addicted to
与…不同 This product differs from other
in cost and
