元音字母 a ,i,o,u 的发音规则的教学设计

元音字母 a ,i,o,u 的发音规则的教学设计
元音字母 a ,i,o,u 的发音规则的教学设计


教学内容: 字母a / i / o / u的发音规则











掌握字母a/i/o/u在开音节与闭音节的发音规则,通过训练,学生能够做到“看词读音”, “听音拼词”.

Teaching procedures:

Warming up


⑵Sing a song “ ABC”song

⑶Look at the screen, say the letters quickly.


T: Do you know how many letters do we have?

Ss: 26

T: Great! How many vowels do we have? And what are they? Do you know?

Ss:Five. Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu

T: Excellent! Today we will learn something about them. Presentation

1. Learn the pronunciation of “a-e” and “a”.

⑴ Read the words: cake, face

⑵ Observe the two words, and say what they can find.

These words contain the letter “a-e” and “a-e” pronounce /e?/.

⑶ Read the word: cat

⑷Think the question: the letter “a”still pronounces /e?/ ? Ss find the answer. “a” pronounce /? /

⑸According to the rules, work in four, try to read the

following words: cake face make bag cap cat.

⑹ Call some students to read together.

⑺Put the words into the correct baskets. /e?/ or /? /

2. Learn the pronunciation of “i-e” and “i”

⑴ Read the words: like, white

⑵ Observe the two words, and say what they can find.

These words contain the letter “i-e” and “i-e” pronounces /a?/.

⑶Read the word: pig

⑷Think the question: the letter “i”still pronounce /a?/? Ss find the answer. “i” pronounce / i /

⑸According to the rules, work in four, try to read the following words, then show it.

five kite like six big pig

⑹Pick the apples: put the apples in two baskets “i”and “i-e”.

⑺ Find the baby’s home: classify the words in its pronunciation / a? / or / i /

3. Learn the pronunciation of “o-e” and “ o”

⑴ Students say the words: nose, open

⑵ Students observe the two words, and say what they can find. These words contain the letter “o-e” and “o-e” pronounces /?? /

⑶Read the word: dog

⑷Think the question: the letter “o”still pronounce /??/? Ss find the answer. “o” pronounces / ? /

⑸According to the rules, try to read the following words:

hope note nose dog box hot

⑹Pick the apples: put the apples in two baskets “o”and “o-e”.

4. Lea rn the pronunciation of “u-e” and “u”

⑴ T: What’s this?

Ss: It is a cat.

T: What colour is it?

Ss: It is white.

T: It is a white cat.

Ss practice the sentence.

T: Do you like the cat? I like the cat. It’s cute.

Ss read the sentences loudly.

⑵ Pronounce the word: use, use a pen , excuse,. Excuse me.

I lost my cat.

⑶ Pronounce the words: use cute excuse

⑷ Observe the two words, and say what they can find.

These words contain the letter “u-e” and “u-e” pronounces / ju?/.

⑸ Spell the words: cut bus cup up

⑹Think the question: the letter “u” still pronounce/ ju?/? Ss find the answer. “u” pronounces / ? /


①List some words contain the letter “ u”.

②Find their home , divide the words into “ u-e”and “u”

③Read and judge the words.

④Choose the different ones.

5. Summing up

a-e [ ei ] cake i-e [ai] like

a [ ? ] cat i [ i ] big

o-e [?u] note u-e [ju:] cute

o [ ? ] dog u [Λ] duck

6. Homework:

Summaries the pronunciation of “e-e”and “e”, then list some words contain “e-e” and “e”.

7. Blackboard design

a-e [ ei ] i-e [ai] o-e [?u] u-e [ju:]

a [ ? ] i [ i ] o [ ? ] u [Λ] Reflection:

本节课是一节纯语音课。在之前的教学中,我们没有尝试整节课上成语音课。因此,这也是第一次尝试。因为是第一次上语音课,心理没有底,也不知道一节课到底要讲多少的内容。于是,我做了一次大胆的尝试。字母a/i/o/u的发音其实早在四年级上册的时候就讲过,但因为是分散在每个单元Let’s spell 中的,学生在整体上没有概念。另外,根据艾宾浩斯的遗忘规律,学生早已忘记的干干净净。授课过程中也出现了许多问题:1. 应变能力与处理突发事件的能力较弱。2. 自身的口语水平还需要加强练习,做到发音标准,吐词清晰。 3. 教师的教学指令还需要规范,丰富课堂教学指令。4.学生对音标的认读还存在问题。因此,学生可以尝试的记忆音标,甚至可以写写音标。尽管这节课中存在很多不完美的地方,但鉴于是第一次尝试,总体效果还比较满意。在以后的教学过程中,我会努力探索各种课型,不断尝试,取别人之长,补自己之短。


第二章五个元音字母的两种发音规则 一、五个元音字母Aa、Ee、Ii、Oo、Uu有两种发音: A says [ei] & [?] ; E says [i:] & [е]; I says [ai] & [i]; O says [?u] & [?]; U says [ju:] & [Λ] 总结归纳:五个元音字母有两种发音,一种是长音:即字母本身的读音;一种是短音,通过下列口诀记忆(五个元音字母发短音的记忆口诀): Aa for apple [?] [?] [?]; Ee for egg [е][е][е]; Ii for is [i] [i] [i]; Oo for orange [?] [?] [?]; Uu for up [Λ][Λ][Λ]. 二、五个元音字母的发音规律: 1)以“一个元音字母+一个辅音字母+e”结尾的词简称为“元辅e”结构。以”一个或几个辅音字母+一个发音的元音字母“结构的单词简称”辅元“结构。“元辅e和辅元结构中,元音字母都读长音(即字母名称音),这两种结构叫做重读开音节。 2)以“一个元音字母+一个或两个辅音字母”结尾的词简称

为“元辅或元辅辅”结构,元音字母读短音,这种结构的词叫做重读闭音节。 3)五个元音字母在开音节单词中读第一种读音:即字母本身的读音;五个元音字母在闭音节的单词中读第二种读音:即口诀里面的读音。 总结归纳:五个元音字母在开音节单词中读长音,即字母本身的读音;五个元音字母在闭音节单词中读短音,即口诀里面的读音。简称为:“开长闭短”。 三、元音音素发音练习 1.写出下列单词所含元音字母音标并拼读 dad /d__d/ hat /h__t/ bag /b__g/ kate /k__t/ same /s_ _m/ plane /pl__n/ bed /b__d/ spell /sp__l/ egg /e__g/ Pete /p__t/ he /h__/ pig /p__g/ hit /h__t/ sick /s__k/ kite /k__t/ like /l__/ write /r__t/ box /b__ks/ boss /b__s/ not /n__t/ go /g__/ old / __ld/ note /n__t/ nut /n__t/ must /m__st/ sun /s__n/ cute /k__t/ use /__z/ excuse /__k'k__z/ 2.写出下列单词的音标并读出来 am__ thanks __ Jack __ Dale __


元音字母A的发音规则 A/a的发音比较复杂,归纳起来有9种情况: 在重读开音节中读[ei]。例如: plane[plein]radio[’reidiEu] wake[weik]paper[’peipE] 但要记住一个例外:have读做[hQv]而不是[heiv]。 在-ange组合中读[ei]。例如: change[tSeindZ]strange[streindZ]arrange[E’reind3] 在重读音节前的闭音节中一般读[Q]。例如: activity[Qk’tiviti]transcription[trQns’kripSEn] 有时也读做[E],例如: accept[Ek’sept]Atlantic[Et’lQntik] 在非重读音节中读做。例如: substance[’sVbstEns]breakfast[’brekfEst]woman[’wumEn] 在“a-I-辅音字母不发音的e”的非重读音节中一般读做[i]。例如- comrade[’kOmRId]courage[’kVridZ] 但是,“一ate”中的a不论重读还是非重读都读[ei],例如: cal culate[’kQlkjuleit]late[1eit]hesitate[’heziteit] 这里有两个例外,一是separate的形容词形式,读做[’sepErit],另外一个是clim ate,读做[’klaimit]。 在wh后面读[O]。例如:

what[wOt]whatever[wOt’evE] whale是例外,这个单词按照重读开音节读做[weil]。 在W后面读[O:]c例如: water[’wO:tE]watch[wO:tS]wander[’wO:ndE] wave和wake是例外,要按照重读开音节分别读做[weiv]和[weik]。 在l前面读[O:]。例如: chalk[tSO:k]tall[tO:1] always[’O:Lweiz]talk[tO:k] 但是,shall[SQL]valley[’vQli]shallow[’SQlEu]中读做[Q],wallet读做[’wOli t]。 下列情况下,a发[A:]的音: ①在s之前,例如: class[klA:s]grass[grA:s] fast[fA:st]basket[’bA:skit] 例外有两个,haste[heist]和taste[teist],另外passage按照重读闭音节规则读音,读做[’pQsidZ]。 ②在“m/n 辅音字母”之前,例如: advance[Ed’vA:ns]France[fra:ns]dance[da:ns] 例外的是grand[grQnd] ③在th之前,例如: path[pA:T]rather[’ra:DE] ④在lm之前,例如:

元音字母组合发音表 很全

元音字位置母组合 重读 在W后 ar 非重读 er or重读 非重读 重读 在W后 非重读 ur ir aai重读 非重读 重读 重读音节 非重读音节 au al

air are ay ea重读音节非重读音节特殊 ee ear读音例词[a:][?:][?] [?:][?] [?:][?:][?] [?:][?] [?:][ei] [i] [?] :][ ?: ? [? :][ l] [?:][e?] [e?] [?:][ei]

[i:][e] [ei] [i?] [i:][i?] [?:][e?]mark carve article party market March farm hard warm warn reward war grammar service certain serve worker farmer teacher form important corner horse work word world worth mirror doctor forbid forget church Thursday nurse turn return surprise surround mur thirsty dirty first girl tailor remain grain sail praise raise brain captain certain cause walk ball all talk

always almost already although draw dawn saw fair affair hair upstairs taught caught daughter naughty delay play say way today Sunday Monday repeat leaf lead peace disease cream sweater thread headache heavy breakfast great greatly break real idea theatre sleep freely weed steel degree appear clear near hear dear ear heard learn earn early search wear bear swear pear例外said[e]aunt[a: ]half[a: ]alms[a: ]are[a: ]laugh[a: f]says[e]augh heart[a: ]eei


元音字母E的发音规则。 E/e以及E/e与其他字母的组合在英语单词中出现的很多,它们的读音规则有如下几种: (1) 在重读开音节中,e一般读做[i:]或[i ?]。 ① [i:]例如:she he these ②[i?]例如:zero['zi?r?u] hero ['hi?r?u] serious['s??r??s] (2) 在重读闭音节中,e一般读[e], 例如:set[set] bed [bed] ten[ten] Pen[pen] (3) 在非重读音节中,e一般读做[i]或[?]。 ① [i]例如:enemy['en?mi] eleven [i'lev(?)n] excuse[?k'skju?z] ② [?]例如:student['stju?d ?nt] open ['?up?n] children ['t??ldr?n] (4) e与其他字母组合的读音: ① ea一般可以读做: [i:]例如:read [ri:d] seat[si?t] meat [mi?t ] repeat [r?'pi?t] [e]例如:bread[bred] weather ['wee?] breakfast[ 'brekf?st] [i?]例如:real ['ri?l] idea [ai'di?] theatre['θ??t?] [ei]例如:great [greit] break[breik] ② ee一般读做[i:], 例如:meet[mi:t] jeep [d?i?p] see[si:] sheep[?i?p] sleep[sli?p] ③ er在重读音节中一般读做[?:], 例如:term[t??m] verb[v??b] certain['s??t(?)n], 在词尾一般读做[?], 例如:teacher ['ti?t??] worker ['w??k?] clever['klev?] ④ ear一般读做: [?:]例如:early['??li] earth [??θ] learn[l??n] [e?]例如: bear [be?] wear[we?] [i?]例如:hear [h??] near [n??] dear [d??] [a:]例如:heart[hɑ?t] ⑤ eer一般读做[i?], 例如:pioneer [pa??'n??] engineer [end??'n??] ⑥ eir一般读做[e?],例如:their[ee?] ⑦ ere一般读做: [e?]例如:where [we?] there[ee?;]


元音字母组合发音表- 很全

元音字 母组合 位置读音例词例外 ar 重读[a:]mark carve article party market March farm hard 在W后[?:]warm warn reward war 非重读[?] grammar er 重读[?:]service certain serve 非重读[?]worker farmer teacher or 重读[?:]form important corner horse 在W后[?:]work word world worth 非重读[?] mirror doctor forbid forget ur 重读[?:]church Thursday nurse turn return 非重读[?]surprise surround murmur ir 重读[?:]thirsty dirty first girl a ai 重读音节[ei]tailor remain grain sail praise raise brain said [e]非重读音节[i]captain [?]certain au [?:]cause aunt [a:] al [?:]walk ball all talk half [a:] alms [a:] [?:l]always almost already although aw [?:]draw dawn saw air [e?]fair affair hair upstairs are [e?]dare glare share compare careful are[a:] augh [?:]taught caught daughter naughty laugh[a:f] ay 重读音节[ei]delay play say way today says [e]非重读音节[i]Sunday Monday e ea [i:] repeat leaf lead peace disease cream [e]sweater thread headache heavy breakfast 特殊[ei]great greatly break [i?]real idea theatre ee [i:]sleep freely weed steel degree ear [i?]appear clear near hear dear ear heart [a:] [?:]heard learn earn early search [e?]wear bear swear pear


英文元音字母A的发音规则 Aa的读音一共有九种:[ei] ,[?],[e],[?],[?:] ,[?], [a:],[i],[??] 1.以一个元音字母(a、e、i、o、u)结尾的重读音节中读[ei],发本身的字母音。 例如: range[英][reind?] arrange[英][??reind?] exchange[英][iks?t?eind?] educate[英][?edju:keit] plane[plein] wake[weik] name [neim] age [eid?] ate [eit] case [keis] radio[`reidiou] 但要记住一个例外:have[h?v] 结尾R不发音 danger[英][?deind??] paper[英][?peip?] 2.在重读闭音节中读[?] (英语重读闭音节就是闭音节为重读音节的音节,重读闭音节中元音字母不是发它本 身的字母音,而是发短元音。)这是由于音节尾部的辅音字母使然。 例如: add[英][?d] glad[英][ɡl?d]salary[英][?s?l?ri] shall[英][??l] natural[英][?n?t??r?l] manifold[英][?m?n??f??ld] am [?m] bag [b?ɡ] at [?t] activity [?k?tiviti] transcription [tr?n?skr?p??n] 3.在字母any中读 [e] 例如: any [?eni] many [?meni] anyone [?eniw?n] 4.在非重读音节中读[?] 例如: woman[英][?wum?n] vegetable[英][?ved?it?bl] About [??baut] around[??raund] 5.读[?:] 例如: recall[英][ri?k?:l] All [?:l] fall [f?:l] 6.在[w]后面读[?] 例如: wash[英][w??]watch[英][w?t?]want[英][w?nt] Washington[英][?w??i?t?n] wander[英][?w?nd?] squadron[英][?skw?dr?n] 7.读[a:] 例如: father[英][?fɑ:e?]fast[英][fɑ:st] chance[英][t?ɑ:ns] dance[英][dɑ:ns] pass [pa:s], last [la:st], 8.在非重读音节中读[i] 例如: bandage[英][?b?ndid?] climate[英][?klaimit]palace[英][?p?lis]


元音字母组合的发音 元音字母可以相互结合构成字母组合,如ai;元音字母也可以和辅音字母结合构成元音字母辅音字母组合,如aw;此外元音字母还可以和辅音字母r构成——r音节和re音节,如ar、are等。元音字母组合在重读音节和非重读音节中的读音不同,有一定规律。 字母A的字母组合的读音规则 1、a在重读音节中的读音规则 (1)a在重读音节中,读[ei] (2)a在闭音节中,读[?] (3)在“[w]+a”中,a读[?] (4)在“a+ss\st\sp\sk\th\f\n”时,a读作[a:] (5)在"a+nge"中,a读[ei] 2、a字母组合在重读音节中的读音规则 (1)在一般情况下,“ar”在单词中发[a:]音 (2)在“w + ar”的情况下,ar读作[?:] (3)“ai”,“ay”在单词中一般读作[ei] (4)“al”在某些情况读作[?:l] 字母E的字母组合的读音规则 1、e在重读音节中的读音规则 (1)e在开音节中一般读作[i:] (2)e在闭音节中读作[e] 2、e字母组合在重读音节中的读音规则 (1)“er”在单词中一般读作[?:] (2)“ear”,“ere”在单词一般读作[i?]或[ε?] (3)“ea”在单词中一般有三种发音:[i:],[ei]或[e] (4)“ee”在单词中一般读作[i:] (5)后缀“-er”一般读作[?],后缀“-est”一般读作[ist] (6)“ew”一般读作[ju:] 字母i的字母组合的读音规则 1、i在重读单节中的读音规则 (1)i在重读开音节中一般读作[ai] (2)i在闭音节中一般读作[i:] (3)在“i + nd \ ld \ gh \ ght”中,i读作[ai] 2、i字母组合在重读音节中的读音规则 (1)“ia”,“ie”,“io”在单词中常读作[ai?] (2)“ir”在单词中一般读作[?:] 字母o的字母组合的读音规则 1、字母O在重读音节中的读音规则 (1)O在开音节中一般读作[?u] (2)O在闭音节中一般读作[?] (3)在“O + st \ ld”中,O常读作[?u] (4)在“O + m \ n \ v \ th”中,O常读作[?] 2、O字母组合在重读音节中的读音规则 (1)“oa”在单词中一般读作[?u] (2)“OO”在单词中一般有两种发音:[u:]或[u],特别是在“OO+k”或含room的合成词中一般读作[u] (3)“oi”,“oy”在单词中常读作[?i] (4)“or”在[w]后一般读作[?:],此外,也有读作[?:] (5)“ou”在单词中一般读作[au],[u:]或[?] (6)“ow”在单词中一般读作[?u]或[au] 字母i的字母组合的读音规则 1、u在重读闭音节中的读音规则 (1)u在开音节中一般读作[ju:]或[u:]


元音字母与常见元音字母组合的读音 一.与元音字母A相关的几种常见发音 (一)字母A的发音 1.* 在开音节中发[ei],发字母音,后面有不发音的e,即a_e结构face脸;grade年级;cake蛋糕;lake湖;make制造;take拿到;game游戏;case情况;snake蛇;name名字;plane飞机;date日期;plate盘子;age年龄 2.* 在闭音节中重读时发[?] dad爸爸; sad悲伤的;bag书包;lamp灯;can能;fan电风 man男人;and和;hand手;thank感谢;map地图;cat猫; fat肥胖的;that那个;hat帽子;rabbit兔子;family家庭 bank 银行 3.在闭音节非重读时发[?] away离开;asleep睡着的;sofa 沙发;another另一个;breakfast早餐about关于;around在附近 4.在ss, st, sk, sp, th, f前面时发[a:] Class课堂;fast快;ask问;grasp 抓住;father父亲;after 在...之后 5.在w或wh后面发[?] want 想要;water 水;watch 手表;what想要 6.发[e] any任何;many许多;

(二)与字母A相关的组合 1. ar组合:[a:] car小汽车;far远的;star星星;start开始;card卡片;scarf围巾;marker水彩笔;market市场;department store百货商店;art艺术park公园;apartment building公寓;hard努力地,硬的;arm胳臂;farm农场; 2. ai组合:[ei] rainy下雨的;train火车;wait等;waiter男服务员;waitress女服务员;tail尾巴; 3. ay组合:[ei] day天,日;today今天;play玩;may可以;May五月;say说;way 道路,方法;stay逗留 4. al组合:[?:] talk说话;walk走;chalk粉笔; 5. all组合:[?:l] all所有的; ball球;small小的;tall高的;wall墙; mall大厅;call称呼,打电话;fall秋天,跌落 6.air组合:[e?] air空气;hair头发;chair椅子stairs楼梯 7. aw组合:[?:] paws爪子draw画 二.与元音字母E相关的几种常见发音 (一)字母E的发音 1.* 在开音节中:发字母音[i:] be是;he他;she她;me我;we我们;these这些;Chinese汉语; 2. * e在重读闭音节中发[e] bed 床;red红色的;leg腿;spell拼写;hen母鸡;then那么;when什么时候;pen钢笔;ten十;dress女裙;let让;

最新 英语语音:元音字母E的发音规则

英语语音:元音字母E的发音规则 E/e以及E/e与其他字母的组合在英语单词中出现的很多,它们的读音规则有如下几种: (1) 在重读开音节中,e一般读做[i:]或[iE]。 ①[i:]例如:she he these ②[iE]例如:zero hero serious (2) 在重读闭音节中,e一般读[e],例如:set bed ten Pen (3) 在非重读音节中,e一般读做[i]或[E]。 ①[i]例如:enemy eleven excuse ②[E]例如:student open children (4) e与其他字母组合的读音: ①ea一般可以读做: [i:]例如:read sea meat repeat [e]例如:。bread weather breakfast [iE]例如:reaI idea theatre [ei]例如:great break ②ee一般读做[i:],例如:meet jeep see sheep sleep ③er在重读音节中一般读做[E:],例如:term verb certain,在词尾一般读做[E], 例如:teacher worker clever ④ear一般读做: [E:]例如:early earth learn [CE]例如:bear wear [iE]例如:hear near dear [A:]例如:heart ⑤eer一般读做[iE],例如:pioneer engineer ⑥eir一般读做[CE],例如:their ⑦ere一般读做: [CE]例如:where there [iE]例如:here mere ⑧ew大多读做[U:],例如:blew grew flew ⑨特殊词汇:clerk[kla:k] were[wE:]

元音字母 a ,i,o,u 的发音规则的教学设计

教学设计 教学内容: 字母a / i / o / u的发音规则 学情分析: 本节课的授课对象时小学五年级的学生。经过两年的英语学习,有了简单的英语基础知识和听说读写能力;同时,学生对英语学习有着较浓厚的兴趣,喜欢表达自己的观点,也具备初步的自主,合作,探究的能力。 授课教师:卢静 教学目标: 1.知识目标: 能够听懂,会读字母a/i/o/u在开音节与闭音节的发音,并利用发音规则拼读,拼写单词。 2.能力目标: 启发学生通过朗读单词,总结发音规律,让学生获得成就感,从而提升自主学习的能力。 3.情感目标: 鼓励学生积极主动的参与课堂,提高学习英语的积极性。教学重难点: 掌握字母a/i/o/u在开音节与闭音节的发音规则,通过训练,学生能够做到“看词读音”, “听音拼词”.

Teaching procedures: Warming up ⑴Greetings. ⑵Sing a song “ ABC”song ⑶Look at the screen, say the letters quickly. Lead-in T: Do you know how many letters do we have? Ss: 26 T: Great! How many vowels do we have? And what are they? Do you know? Ss:Five. Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu T: Excellent! Today we will learn something about them. Presentation 1. Learn the pronunciation of “a-e” and “a”. ⑴ Read the words: cake, face ⑵ Observe the two words, and say what they can find. These words contain the letter “a-e” and “a-e” pronounce /e?/. ⑶ Read the word: cat ⑷Think the question: the letter “a”still pronounces /e?/ ? Ss find the answer. “a” pronounce /? / ⑸According to the rules, work in four, try to read the following words: cake face make bag cap cat.


元音字母组合的读音规则 ai,ay 读/ei/,如w ai t, ai d;d ay, m ay. air,aer读/e?/,如air,f air; 'aer ial, 'aer oplane?. au,aw读/?:/,如c au se, 'au ral, l au nch, s au ce, l aw, d aw n. augh,ough读/?:/,如'd augh ter, c augh t, t augh t;ought,f ough t, th ough t。 ea,ee读/ i:/,如ea t, ch ea p;d ee p, n ee d. ei,ey 读/ei/,如v ei l, w ei g?h t;gr ey, th ey, con'v ey eu,ew(iew)读/ju:/,如'n eu tral, d eu ce;n ew, v iew, re'v iew. ear,eer读/i?/如ear, cl ear;b eer, d eer. ie,(c)ei读/i:/,如f ie ld, be'l ie ve;re'c ei ve, 'c ei ling. igh读/ai/,如h igh, li ght, m igh t, n igh t. oa读/?u/,如r oa d, s oa p, b oa t. oi,oy 读/?i/,如ch oi ce, oil;b oy, t oy. oo 1.读/u/: 在字母k前(b oo k,l oo k,t oo k)和在g oo d,f oo t,st oo d,w oo d,w oo l 及其派生词('g oo dness, 'f oo tball, 'w oo len等)中读/u/。 2.读/u:/: 在其余情况下读/u:/,如: c oo l,f oo d,l oo se,r oo m,z oo. 3.读/? /: 在flood,blood及其派生词('flood ing, 'blood less等)中读/? /. ou,ow 读/au/,如h ou se, l ou d;h ow,n ow, d ow n. oul 在could,should,would 中读/u/。 our读/au?/如our, s our, h?o ur. ue读/ju:/,如’T ue sday, 'val ue, pur's ue.


元音字母a,e,i,o,u的发音规则 语音对于口语来说是非常重要的.如果你的发音不准确,让别人听不懂,你就无法与别人交流。英语的26个字母中有A、E、I、O、U五个元音字母,它们在不同词汇中的读音是不同的。 A的发音规则。? A/a的发音比较复杂,归纳起来有9种情况: ?(1)在重读开音节中读[ei]。例如:? plane[plein] radio['reidi?u] wake[ weik] paper[’peip?] 但要记住一个例外:have读做[h?v]而不是[heiv]。?(2)在-ange组合中读[ei]。例如:?change[t?eind?] strange[streind?]arrange[ ?’reind? ] (3)在重读音节前的闭音节中一般读[?]。例如:? activity[?k’tiviti] transcription[tr?ns’krip ??n]?有时也读做[?],例如: accept[?k’sept]Atlantic[?t’l?ntik] (4)在非重读音节中读做[?]。例如:?substance[’s?bst?ns] breakfast['brekf?st] woman[’wum?n] (5)在“a—I-辅音字母(除r、w之外)+不发音的e”的非重读音节中一般读做。例如 comrade[’k?mrid]courage['k?rid?]?但是,“一ate"中的a不论重读还是非重读都读[ei],例如:? calculate[’k?lkjuleit]late[1eit]hesitate['heziteit]?这里有两个例外,一是separate的形容词形式,读做['sep?rit], 另外一个是climate,读做[’klaimit]。?(6)在wh后面读[?].例如: ? what[w?t]what ever[w?t’ev ?]? whale是例外,这个单词按照重读开音节读做[weil]。 (7)在W后面读[?:]例如: water[’w?:t?] watch[w?:t ?]wander[’w?:nd?] ? wave和wake是例外,要按照重读开音节分别读做[weiv]和[weik].?(8)在l前面读[?:].例如: chalk[t??:k] tall[t?:1] always[’?:lweiz]talk[t?:k] ?但是,shall[??l] valley[’v?li] shallow[’??l?u]中读做[?],wallet读做['w?lit].?(9)下列情况下,a发[a:]的音: ?①在s之前,例如:? class[kla:s]grass[gra:s] fast[fa:st]bas ket[’ba:skit]?例外有两个,haste[heist]和taste[teist],另外passage按照重读闭音节规则读音,读做[’p?sid?]。?②在“m/n+辅音字母”之前,例如: advance[?d’va:ns]France[fra:ns]dance[da:ns]例外的是grand[gr?nd]?③在th之前,例如: path[pa:θ] rather[’ra:e?] ④在lm之前,例如calm[ka:m] palm[pa:m] ⑤在lf之前,例如: half[ha:f] calf[ka:f] ?⑥在f之前,例如: staff[sta:f] after['a:ft?]afternoon[’ a:ft?nu:n] ? 元音字母E的发音规则。 E/e以及E/e与其他字母的组合在英语单词中出现的很多,它们的读音规则有如下几种: (1)在重读开音节中,e一般读做[i:]或[i ?]。??①[i:]例如:she he these ②[i?]例如:zero heroserious?(2)在重读闭音节中,e一般读[e],例如:setbed ten Pen (3)在非重读音节中,e一般读做[i]或[?]。?①[i]例如:enemy eleven excuse②[?]例如:studentopenchildren (4)e与其他字母组合的读音:?①ea一般可以读做: [i:]例如:read sea meat repeat [e]例如:bread weather breakfast [i?]例如:real idea theatre [ei]例如:greatbreak?②ee一般读做[i:],例如:meetjeep see sheep sleep ③er在重读音节中一般读做[?:],例如:term verbcertain,在词尾一般读做[?],?例


常用字母或字母组合发音规律 一.与元音字母A相关的单词: 1.[ei] a在开音节中:发字母音,后面有不发音的e face脸;grade年级;cake蛋糕;lake湖; make制造;take拿到; snake蛇;name名字; plane飞机;date日期; plate盘子; 2.[?] a在闭音节中: dad爸爸;sad悲伤的;bag书包;lamp灯;can能;fan电风扇; man男人;and和;hand手;thank感谢;map地图;cat猫; fat肥胖的;that那个;hat帽子;rabbit兔子family家庭3.[a:] ar组合: car小汽车;far远的;star星星;card卡片;scarf围巾;marker水彩笔market市场department store百货商店apartment building公寓; hard努力地,硬的;park公园;arm胳臂;farm农场; 4.[ei] ai组合; tail尾巴;rainy下雨的;train火车; wait等;waiter男服务员;waitress女服务员 5.[e?] air组合: air空气;hair头发;chair椅子stairs楼梯 6.[ei] ay组合: day天,日;today今天;play玩;may可以;May五月;say说; way道路,方法;stay逗留 7. [i] ay组合: Sunday 星期日Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六 8.[?:] al组合: talk说话;walk走;chalk粉笔; 9. [?:l] all组合: all所有的ball球;small小的;tall高的;wall墙; mall大厅; call称呼,打电话;fall秋天,跌落 10.[ a:s ]as或ass组合 ask问;class班级;glass玻璃杯;pass传递;grass草;last最后的; 11. [?] a在w后面 wash 洗what什么watch看,手表want 想要 12. [?:] aw组合 paws爪子draw画


元音字母的发音规律总结 1.字母a的发音规律: (1) 在开音节中读/ei/,也就是字母名称音。 如:name[neim] , plane [plein], baby[?beibi], cake[keik] (2) 在闭音节中读/?/。 如:bag[b?ɡ], hat [h?t],cap [k?p], map[m?p], black[bl?k], back[b?k] (3) 在/w/音后读/?/。 如:want[w?nt], what[hw?t], watch[w?t?], wash[w??], quality [?kw?liti] (4) 在f n sk ph sp ss st th前读/a:/。 如:after[?ɑ:ft?], plant [plɑ:nt], graph[ɡrɑ:f]图表, ask [ɑ:sk], grasp[ɡrɑ:sp], glass[ɡlɑ:s], fast[fɑ:st], father[?fɑ:e?] 试读下列单词: brave [breiv], cave[keiv], crazy [?kreizi], adverb [??dv ?:b], ant[?nt], swallow [?sw?l?u], quarrel[?kw?r?l], advance[?d?v ɑ:ns], disaster [di?zɑ:st?][美] [d??z?st?, -?s?s-]生词本 n.灾难;彻底的失败;不幸;祸患 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。 (1) anger A. platform B. shame C. chance D. wallet


元音字母和元音字母组合在单词中的发音 Aa [e?] face name game cake take lake make snake skate plate date classmate taste able table baseball eraser pencil-case plane grape baby potato lady Aa [?] bag black fat dad fan back and hand has man ant at flat lamp lamb math matter pant canteen carrot jacket lady trash catch active that family cabbage apple kangaroo animal happy grandma grandpa grandmother have grandparents thanksgiving cat can hamburger panda thank taxi pants sandals Canada Saturday Halloween January piano Aa [a:]/ [?] ask basket basketball banana father eggplant pass class classroom grass glass afternoon grandfather classmate banana tomato grandpa answer father

Aa [e] many any Aa [?] want wash watch what washroom Aa [?] again about away assistant American banana China Canada England postman sofa panda breakfast kangaroo policeman ballon vegetable Ee [?] licence open problem student children squirrel grandparents Ee [i:] me she he we these Chinese Japanese the zebra people evening Ee [e] let leg red bed bedroom ten pen pencil pencil-case yes best vest nest desk egg eggplant end send elephant seven eleven twelve twenty yellow French member shelf vegetable dress fresh help helpful very welcome center letter tell collect insects empty them menu next November when twelfth hello guess seventeen strawberry umbrella watermelon member eleven expensive get second bedroom education


刘小伟:Miss Huang, 今天该介绍第2个元音字母的拼读规则了吧? Miss Huang: Yes. 老规矩,请同学们先仔细观察并朗读课本上含有e的单词: 1. he, me, she, we,evening, these, Chinese 2. bed, bedroom,desk, dress, egg, elbow 3. date, name, sale,same, take, these, June 4. below, beside,chicken, December 5. apartment, broken,camel, children 6. different, eleven,evening, listen 俞莹莹:(认真朗读了一遍)哦,我看出来了:第1组全是重读开音节词,其中前五个是绝对开音节词,后三个是相对开音节词,此时的e应该发/i:/。 Miss Huang: Right. 只看evening和Chinese的重读音节部分,那就是eve和nese,属于相对开音节嘛,前面那个e当然应该发其字母名称音了。那第2组呢? 金鑫:第2组全是重读闭音节词,此时的e常常发/e/。第3组全部是重读开音节词,词尾的e不发音。 Miss Huang: 对呀,确实没发音。你们一定还记得,相对开音节是以/"一个元音字母+ 一个辅音字母(r除外)+ 不发音的e/"结尾的重读音节,此时词尾的e当然就不发音了。 李诗慧:那后面几组是怎么回事呢?

Miss Huang: 哦,第4-6组是e在非重读音节中分别发/Ι/或//, 甚至不发音。孟海波:Oh, yes, 我全明白了!Okay, 该去做本单元的语音练习了!



兀曰 字母 组合 及发 音 Aa 的字 母组 合音 节在 单词 中的 发音 also salt always almost … - [:]saw law draw - [:]autumn August (注意laugh [⑺」]aunt 11 ^ ]) [:]all call ball wall walk 有时发[):l] - [ei] train tailor (注意said [-J」]) -[ei] day play today (注意says [?」? ] ; Monday 等词中,ay 为非重读音节发[1 ]) -[e M ] air hair chair - [:] taught daughter Ee [i:]的字母组合在单词中的发音 -[i:]] tea eat read team meat sea jeans pea peach wheat reach -[e] head bread health dead deaf sweat heavy breath heaven

-[i:] bee see meet sheep tree three jeep feet teeth knee fee - [i:]] receive ( - [i:] piece field believe 或[八1 '] quiet scienee) -[ju:] new few sew -[u:] blew threw flew (叶ew, l+ew) - [] pioneer volunteer - [] ear near hear dear clear -[e ;1] pear bear - [ei] eight weight Ii[ a]的字母组合音节在单词中的发音 - ['」1] sign -[“ 1] light night bright right fight flight (gh 不发音) - [■)1 j] diary dialogue - [■」1 ^] quiet scienee [i:] piece field believe - ["]toilet Oo字母组合音节在单词中的发音 -「'] boat coat (注意broad[ 丨--] board ?」"']) -[…“I] know row slow throw snow [「 屮how now cow crowd brown town flower down -[—]door floor (注意poor[【山J]) □ * - [ ] bought brought thought a ? -[]your four [H] our hour ['] colour neighbour -['」']about count [A ] you ng cou ntry touch trouble souther n [u:] group rout you
