


China’s education system is like one of the country’s famous bullet trains: it

travels at a break-neck speed and doesn’t stop 1 it reaches its destination—the gaokao. As the information rushes by outside the windows, students have to absorb as much of it 2 they can, and no accommodation is made for those 3 can’t keep up. Not even a student’s illness, it seems, will slow down the train.

A recent report on CCTV showed several students diligently doing their homework 4

receiving IV treatment ( 静脉输液治疗) at a hospital in Wuhan.

The hospital had set 5 a study area for the students in response to parental concerns that their

sick children were falling behind in their schoolwork. A primary school girl named Jingjing said, “There’s not enough time to complete the homework if I do it after the two-hour [IV] treatment. So I

have to do my homework while I’m in the hospital.”

This pressure 6 (keep) up with homework, projects, essays and tests, even when ill, defines the traditional education system both in China and abroad. But Western countries

have become more flexible in recent decades and have tried to focus more on the individual needs of students. One popular trend in the West is called “personalized learning”.

Personalized learning involves teachers adapting the way students are taught and the things

they are taught 7 each student can learn at his or her own pace. The idea is to give students more control over their education and, so, make the learning experience more relevant and less stressful.

However, personalized learning comes with its own set of problems. Is 8 possible for a teacher to give a different lesson for each student when there are thirty-five students in the class? And if students are allowed to learn at their own pace, won’t they

just become lazy? So far, no one has come up with good answers.

9 is clear, though, is that China has to find a way to take some of the pressure off

its students. Perhaps some form of personalized learning would help. It would certainly be preferable to having hospitals 10 (provide) study areas for students who get sick on the “train.”

This past October marked 65 years since the first publication of Charles M. Schulz’s Peanuts

(查尔斯·舒尔茨的《花生漫画》). Decades have passed, yet the diffident (缺乏自信的) and sometimes miserable Charlie Brown still holds a place in the hearts of millions of readers. With the

release of the new Peanuts film at the beginning of this month, it is the perfect time 11 (reflect) on the legacy of

Charlie, Snoopy and the gang.

12 Charles Schulz retired, the Peanuts syndication had expanded from seven to over 2,600 newspapers. Every Sunday, Schulz’s original drawings were transferred into negative prints (明暗与实际相反的印刷), and used to distribute the 13

(late) story across the globe.

But before there could be a Charlie Brown, there 14 be a Charles M. Schulz. Friends of Schulz’s described him as “gentle, shy and a constant worrier.” With a lot in common, the beloved character and its creator 15

nearly inseparable. Both of them had their fair share of failures in youth. In the 1940s, Schulz suffered even bigger losses—his mother was diagnosed 16 cancer and fellow soldiers lost their lives in World War II. He integrated all of the failures

and losses into his comic strips, 17 (make) Charlie Brown an anti-hero ( 非正统派主角) in a children’s cartoon. Schulz’s son Craig said his father often told people, “If you read the comic strip, you know 18 I am.”

19 some comic strip artists used large teams to create their works, Schulz worked primarily alone or with limited help. He poured his art and soul into Peanuts, spending years of his life at his desk. In the 50-year-long syndication of the series, the first time the comic strip ran reruns was for a break for Schulz’s 75th birthday.

Appreciation of the comic strip hasn’t lessened up to now—15 years after Schulz passed away. The heartfelt truths in Peanuts keep audiences engaged in the stories. Schulz hoped that the humility brought to youth would carry on to their later life and repeat for each generation. The importance of Schulz’s effort is visible today in all the works 20 inspired.

I.Blank Filling


Building a lasting social relationship

A.Pronouns offer an insight into whether people see themselves as individuals or as part of a


B.If you are speaking in a person context, you’re speaking about something that’s of relevance to


C.Their research also found that “we-talk” is helpful for resolving conflicts.

D.Self-centered people are found to be indifferent to many things in society and other people

because all their concentration is only on themselves and their needs.

E.This analysis of “we-talk” suggested that the frequent use of “we” and “us” is linked to happier

and healthier relationships.

F.They found that too much “I-talk” was an accurate linguistic marker for the likelihood that

someone is feeling stressed or experiencing negative emotions.

We all know that friends are special people who we share our lives with, and

who share their lives with us in return. But seeking friends and keeping the friendship going are never easy.

According to research recently published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, the key is to use “we-talk”.

Led by University of California psychologist Megan Robbins and her colleagues, the researchers reviewed and analyzed 30 different studies involving over 5,000 participants. 21

The word “we” moves people from an individual position into a partnership, which makes us more interdependent. “ 22 Word use is a window into what people are thinking and feeling without asking them,” Robbins told Science Daily.

23 The primary point is that interdependence may bring about

supportive and relationship-centered behaviors and positive perceptions of the partner – especially important in times of stress and disagreement.

Contrary to “we-talk”, there is “I-talk”, which refers to the frequent use of first-person singular pronouns, such as “I”, “me” and “mine”, when writing or speaking. Earlier this year, researchers analyzed a set of data that came from 4,700 people in Germany and the US. 24 As you can see from the two studies, too much “I-talk” can make you feel depressed. But “we-talk” can encourage you to become more positive and create a chain effect of healthy interdependence with others.

So next time you’re talking to a friend, try using more “we-talk”. You may find yourself feeling more positive – and the effect it will have on your friend will be positive as well.

A.These questions may well get clearer and clearer during the process of academic


B.The introduction should function as the hook which draws the reader in and holds

his attention.

C.It is a formal skill, which requires precision and accuracy, and is perfected by

continuous and dedicated practice.

D.If one is hesitant to answer even one of the aforementioned questions, one had

better not write at all!

E.It may take one a considerable period of time to know the skills of academic

writing, even long after his/her college graduation.

F.It is a time-consuming activity and demands patience and perseverance.


The art of academic writing is not easy to master. 25


英语试卷 第1页(共18页) 英语试卷 第2页(共18页) 绝密★启用前 上海市2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英 语 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Who has given up smoking? A. Jack. B. Frank. C. The woman. 2. Why does the woman apologize to the man? A. She broke his telephone. B. She didn’t take him to the hospital. C. She forgot to tell him the message. 3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Salesgirl and customer B. Passenger and driver C. Wife and husband. 4. What is the woman’s opini on about the course? A. Too hard B. Worth taking C. Very easy. 5. What is the woman doing? A. She is apologizing B. She is complaining C. She is worrying. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出虽佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.Who wants to attend a US university? A. A daughter of the man’s friend B. The man’s daughter C. The man’s friend 7. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a classroom. B. Over the phone. C. At a language center. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What was the woman disappointed at? A. The speeches. B. Samantha's pronunciation. C. The result of the competition. 9. What do the man and the woman disagree on? A. Whose speech was better. B. Whose pronunciation was better. C. Whose speech was meaningful. 听第8段材料,回答第10、12题。 10. What is the woman doing? A. Complaining about campus food. B. Seeking comments on campus food. C. Pushing for changes in campus food. 11. What does the man think of the campus food? A. Acceptable. B. Excellent C. Unsatisfied. 12. What is the man unhappy with? A. The vegetable. B. The closing time. C. The soup. 听第9段材料,回答第13、16题。 13.What does Jan consider most important when he judges a restaurant? A. Where the restaurant is. B. Whether the prices are low. C. How well the food is prepared. 14.When did Jan begin to write for a magazine? A. After he came back to Sweden. B. Before he went to the United States. C.As soon as he got his first job in 1982. ------------- 在 --------------------此 -------------------- 卷--------------------上 -------------------- 答-------------------- 题--------------------无 -------------------- 效---------------- 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ ___________


2021年衡水中学高中英语新高考外刊知识学习讲义(002)Apple has unveiled digital wellbeing tools to help people reduce the time they spend glued to their screens. 苹果公司推出了一款数字健康工具,以帮助人们减少沉迷于手机的时间。 1unveil sth to show or introduce a new plan, product, etc. to the publicfor the first time(首次)展示,介绍,推出;将…公诸于众SYN reveal ◆They will be unveiling their new models at the Motor Show.他们将在汽车大展上首次推出自己的新型汽车。 A new app called Screen Time will offer iPhone and iPad users a dashboard highlighting how much time they have spent using which apps, how many notifications they receive, how often they pick up their device and how their usage patterns compare to the average. 这款名为“屏幕时间”的新应用面向的是苹果手机和苹果平板电脑的用户,将会用数字仪表板的形式显示出用户使用哪一款应用消耗了多少时间,用户收到了多少个通知,以及他们拿起手机的频率,还有他们的使用模式和平均水平的对比。


2019 年各地高考模拟卷古达诗歌赏析试题汇编 (湘潭市2019届高三第三次模拟)阅读下面这首金诗,完成1~2 题。 甲午除夜① 元好问 暗中人事忽推迁,坐守寒灰望复燃。已恨太官余麯饼②,争教汉水入胶船 ③?神功圣德三千牍,大定明昌④五十年。 甲子两周今日尽,空将衰泪洒吴天。 【注】① 金天兴三年(1234 年)一月十日,金哀宗在蒙古与南宋的夹击之下,自缢身死。除夕之夜,元好问被蒙古军羁押在山东聊城,独坐斗室之中,感慨万千,写下了此诗。② 麯饼:《晋书·愍帝纪》:“京师饥甚,太仓有麯数十饼,麴允屑为粥以供帝。”③ 胶船:传说周昭王南攻楚国,准备渡过汉水,当地人以胶粘船以进,至中流,胶溶船解,周昭王遂滑水而死。④ 大定明昌:是金鼎盛时期。 1.下列对这首诗的赏析,不正确的一项是(3 分) A. 首句中的“人事”“推迁”表现了金朝灭亡的事实,“忽”字表现了其灭亡速度之快。 B. 第二句,“坐守”表现了诗人被羁押的处境,又运用比喻表现了诗人的强烈愿望。 C. 颔联用典,用“已恨”“争教”联结,以晋愍帝和周昭王类比哀宗;痛切之感,溢于言表。 D. 颈联回顾了全盛时期的金朝;“三千牍”言哀宗功绩已记载于史册,“五十年”言时间之久长。 2.后人评价元好问的诗歌“笔笔皆为血泪,字字饱含悲愤”。请结合本诗简要概括。(6 分) (长郡中学2019届高三高考模拟押题卷)阅读下面这首汉诗,完成3~4 题。 秋风辞 ① 刘彻 秋风起兮白云飞,草木黄落兮雁南归。 兰有秀兮菊有芳,怀佳人兮不能忘。 泛楼船兮济汾河,横中流兮扬素波。 箫鼓鸣兮发棹歌,欢乐极兮哀情多。 少壮几时兮奈老何! 注①:刘彻即汉武帝,公元113 年,汉武帝刘彻带领群臣到河东郡汾阳县祭祀后土,途闻南征将士喜报,进而“顾祝帝京,忻然中流,与群臣宴饮,自作《秋风辞》”。 3.下面对诗歌的赏析,错误的一项是(3 分) A. 开篇二句以秋日最具特色的四个意象点明了季节时令特点,色彩斑斓,动静结合,勾勒出了一个清旷幽远、萧瑟凄凉的意境,奠定了全诗的情感基调。 B. 五、六、七句铺写诗人与群臣共同宴游的场景,“泛、济、横、扬、鸣、发”等动作一一排列开来,将“忻然中流”的热烈场面彩绘得声情并茂。


2012高考英语单选题语法分类汇编 一、冠词 【2012全国卷II】⒎ He missed ___ gold in the high jump, but will get ___ second chance in the long jump. A. the; the B. 不填; a C. the; a D. a; 不填 【答案】C 【2012安徽】21. Carl is studying food science at college and hopes to open up _____meat processing factory of his own one day. A. / ;a B. / ;the C. the ; a D. the ; the 【答案】A 【2012重庆】24. Sam has been appointed _______ manager of the engineering department to take ____ place of George. A./,/ B. the,/ C the; the D./, the 【答案】D 【2012全国】22. Sarah looked at finished painting with satisfaction. A.不填;a B. a; the C. the; 不填 D. the; a 【答案】C 【2012山东】29. Being able to afford ______ drink would be ______ comfort in those tough times. A. the; the B. a; a C. a; 不填 D. 不填; a 【答案】 【2012江西】21. The Smiths don’t usually like staying at ___ hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by ____ sea. A. /; a B. the; the C. /; the D. the; a 【答案】C 【2012辽宁】21. I woke up with ______ bad headache, yet by ____ evening the pain had gone. A. the; the B. the; an C. a; the D. a; an 【答案】C 【2012四川】18. We are said to be living in ____ Information Age, ____ time of new discoveries and great changes. A. an; the B. 不填; the C. 不填; a D. the; a 【答案】D 【2012浙江】2. The development of industry has been _____ gradual process throughout _____ human existence, from stone tools to modern technology. A. 不填; the B. the; a C. a; 不填 D. a; a 【答案】C 二、名词 【2012全国卷II】⒚ The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are in great ___ in this city.


上海高考英语题型训练: 中译英 2020高三第一学期期末质量抽查 V Translation (15 分)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 松江 72. 他很少意识到与他人交流的重要性o (Seldom) 73. 大学扩招了,这就意味着更多人能有机会接受商等教弃。(access) 74, 应该善待为国家做出巨大贡献的人,这样他们才能全身心投入到工作中去.(in order that) 75. 这本漫画书内容新颖,价格合理,在此次书展上大受追捧,连老年读者都赞不绝口。(It...) 72. Seldom does the realize the important of communicating with others. / Seldom is he aware of the significance of ... 73. The universities have increased their enrollment, which means more people have access to higher education. 74. People who make great contributions to the country should be well treated, in order that they can fully devote themselves to the work. 75. It is the creative content and reasonable price that make the comic book very popular at the book fair and even the elderly readers think highly of it. 崇明 72. 出于好奇,杰克向村民们打听了这座城堡的历史。(curiosity) 73. 我们最好分析一下公司最近几年发展减缓的原因。(analyze) 74. 人人都该意识到,减少人类活动对环境的负面影响是很有必要的。(it) 75. 我决心已定,无论你怎么劝我,我也不会同意放弃这个通过夜以继日的努力工作才获得的机会。(however) 72. Out of curiosity, Jack asked the villagers about the history of the castle. 73. W e’d better analyze(the reasons) why our company’s development has slowed down in recent years. / We’d better analyze the reasons for the slow-down of our company’s development these years. 74. Everyone should realize that it’s quite necessary to reduce th e negative effect that human activity has on the environment. 75. I have made up my mind, however you try to persuade me, I won’t agree to give up the opportunity that I got after workin 宝山 72. 无论时走路、骑车还是开车,遵守交通规则都很重要。(follow) 73. 只有发展好、运用好、治理好互联网,才能使其更好地造福人类。(Only) 74. 鼓励你,给你建议,并提出有建设性的问题的人被称作人生教练或导师。(helpful) 75. 生命充满了挑战,但是只要你有学习新事物的意愿,就能得到克服障碍的正确态度。(willingness) 71. This passage is about the advantages and challenges of starting a business. On one hand, a boss can get financial rewards and independence avoiding control from others. On the other hand, a boss must have passion for his own business, good




Section A Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. (A) My Stay in New York After graduation from university, I had been unable to secure a permanent job in my small town. So I decided to leave home for New York, (25)______I might have a better chance to find a good job. (26) ______ (earn) some money to pay the daily expenses, I started work in a local caféas a waiter. I believed that (27) ______ ______ ______ I was offered a good position, I would resign at once. Over time, the high cost of living became a little burden on my already (28) ______ (exhaust) shoulder. On the other hand, my search for a respectable job had not met with much success. As I had studied literature at university, I found it quite difficult to secure a suitable job in big companies. Mother had just said that (29) ______ I wanted to have a better career advancement, I had to find work in the city. Perhaps (30) ______my mother had told me was deeply rooted in my mind. I just did as she had expected. Soon I had lived in the city for over six months but I still did not like it. Apparently, I had difficulty (31) ______ (adapt) myself to life in the city, let alone finding a job to my delight. After nine months of frustration, I eventually decided to go back to my small town. Not until I returned (32) ______I realize that a quiet town life was the best for me. 主旨大意:本文主要讲述主人公毕业后的一段生活经历,主人公觉得在大城市的打拼并不尽如人意,还是小镇生活比较适合自己。 25. where. 本题考察定语从句,先行词为New York。 26. To earn. 本题考察非谓语,考察点是动词不定式表目的,在咖啡馆做侍应生的目的是赚钱。 27. as soon as/ as long as. 本题考察状语从句。考察点是时间状语从句“一旦……”,本题设3个空格,也是一种提示。 28. exhausted. 本题考察非谓语,考察点是分词做形容词使用。句子不缺动词,做给动词只能做非谓语,exhausted主语是人,所以用-ed。 29. if. 本题考察状语从句。考察点是条件状语从句,分析句意可知有“如果”的意思。 30. what. 本题考察主语从句。考察点是what做宾语。 31. adapting. 本题考察非谓语。考察点是非谓语做宾补。固定搭配have difficulty doing sth。 32. did. 本题考察倒装句。Not until放句首,部分倒装“助动词+主语+动词”。


衡水中学满分英语作文模板大汇总(全) 第一部分:如何引出话题 1)对立法:先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法,适用于有争议性的主题。 *1+ When asked about..., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that …. But I think/view a bit differently. 当被问及道......的话题,大多数人认为,但是我却持有一点反对意见。 *2+ When it comes to ...., some people believe that…. Others argue/ claim that the opposite/reverse is true. There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements, but I tend to the former/latter. 一提到....一些人相信....然后另一部分人却不这么认为。这两种观点都有相对正确的地方,但我更倾向于前者(后者)

*3+Now,it iscommonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that..... They claim/ believe/argue that ... But I wonder/doubt whether..... 现在,普遍的观点认为...他们坚信....但我对此却表示怀疑... 2)现象法:引出要剖析的现象或者问题,然后评论。 [1] Recently the rise in the problem/phenomenon of ... has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/ worldwide concern. 近来有个现象(问题)不断发生...并且已经受到公众广泛关注。 [2] Recently the issue of the problem/phenomenon of ... has been brought into focus/into public attention. 最近关于....的现象(问题)已经进入了公众的视线。 [3] Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality ... is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/constantly.


《红楼梦》名著阅读高考模拟题汇编 《红楼梦》是高中必读名著,是近年来的高考热点。了解高考怎么考,对阅读可以起到风向标作用。许多高考题,设计十分巧妙,简直可以当做导读来用。 近年来一些优秀的阅读题汇编如下,按照难易程度排序,你能答对几道题呢? 1.2008年江苏卷 《红楼梦》中写道:“都道是金玉良姻,俺只念木石前盟。”请说说“金玉良姻”“木石前盟”的含义。 【参考答案】“金玉良缘”指薛宝钗有金锁,贾宝玉有宝玉,两人应结成姻缘。“木石前盟”指林黛玉前生为绛珠仙草,贾宝玉前生为神瑛侍者,两者有恩有义,今世应结成姻缘。 2.2011年江苏卷 《红楼梦》判词:“枉自温柔和顺,空云似桂如兰。堪羡优伶有福,谁知公子无缘。”判词所指是谁?“优伶”和“公子”指小说中的哪两个人物? 【参考答案】袭人;蒋玉菡、贾宝玉。 3.2012年江苏卷 “若问渠侬多少恨,数完庭榭堕飘花。一声你好香消散,别院笙箫月影斜。”这首诗末两句写了《红楼梦》中哪两件事?前一件事发生在大观园中的什么地方? 【参考答案】黛玉辞世;宝玉、宝钗成亲;潇湘馆。 4.2013年江苏高考 《红楼梦》中,抄检大观园时,在入画的箱子里寻出一大包金银锞子、一副玉带板子和一包男人的靴袜等物;在司棋的箱子里发现一双男子的锦带袜、一双缎鞋和一个小包袱,包袱里有一个同心如意和她表弟潘又安写的大红双喜笺。

入画和司棋分别是谁的丫鬟?在处置入画和赶走司棋时,她们的主子各是什么态度? 【参考答案】惜春、迎春;惜春的态度是“立逼凤姐带了去”,“或打或杀或卖”,“一概不管”。迎春的态度是“含泪”劝司棋离开。 5.2014年江苏高考 《红楼梦》不同的版本中,凹晶馆联诗一回,黛玉的名句,一为“冷月葬花魂”,一为“冷月葬诗魂”。请从小说情节和主题两个方面,分别说明“葬花魂”与“葬诗魂”的依据。 【参考答案】“葬花魂”的依据:小说中有黛玉葬花的重要情节;表达女性精神在一个时代的毁灭。“葬诗魂”的依据:小说中多有黛玉吟诗的情节;表达对诗意消亡的哀悼。 6.2015年江苏高考 在《红楼梦》第四十回“史太君两宴大观园,金鸳鸯三宣牙牌令”中,鸳鸯说:“天天咱们说,外头老爷们吃酒吃饭,都有一个篾片相公,拿他取笑儿。咱们今儿也得了一个女篾片了。”鸳鸯她们要取笑的“女篾片”指谁? 请结合本回情节,归纳她的性格特征。 【参考答案】刘姥姥。朴实善良,善解人意;老于世故,精明狡黠;幽默风趣,性格诙谐;顺从讨好,偶有反抗。 7.2017年北京高考 请从《红楼梦》中的林黛玉、薛宝钗、史湘云、香菱之中选择一人,用一种花比喻她,并简要陈述这样比喻的理由。要求:依据原著,自圆其说。 8.2018年北京高考 从《红楼梦》《呐喊》《平凡的世界》中选择一个既可悲又可叹的人物,简述这个人物形象。要求:符合原著故事情节。150-200字。 9.2020年东城一模

全国各地高考英语 七选五分类汇编

51.【答案】E 【解析】根据下一句ready to offer you public speaking training and courses可知,开头说的是与public speaking 有关的问题,故选E。 52.【答案】B 【解析】根据第一句可知,演讲要集中在自己做过的成功的事情上,故选B。 53.【答案】C 【解析】本段第一句中提到lots of dos and don’ts, walk away!可知,如果有的培训讲太多的条条框框的话,最好不要理会这样的培训,故选C。 54.【答案】G 【解析】根据上一句Your brain is so full of what you’re going to be talking about 可知,给大脑灌输一套规则会使事情变得更糟糕。故选G。 55.【答案】A 【解析】根据treat you as a special one, with your own personal habits可知,本段讲的是“与众不同”,故选A。 5.课标I 第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项选项中有两项为多余选项。 Business is organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an organization that provides these goods and services. Most businesses seek to make a profit (利润) —that is, they aim to achieve income that is more than the costs of operating the business. __71__Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers. __72__ Business management is a term used to describe the techniques of planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business.__73__One is the establishment (制定) of broad basic policies with respect to production; sales; the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies; and accounting __74__The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments. Direction is concerned primarily with supervision (监管) and guidance by the management in authority.__75__ A. Control includes the use of records and reports to compare actual work with the set standards for work. B. In this connection there is the difference between top management and operative management. C. Examples of nonprofit business include such organizations as social service


III. Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. (A) Being alone in outer space can be frightening. That is one reason why astronauts on solo (单独的) space flights were given plenty of work to keep them___45___. They were also constant communication with people on the earth. ___46___, being with people from whom you cannot get away might be even harder than being alone. This is what happens on long submarine (潜水艇) voyages. It will also happen on___47___space flights in the future. Will there be special problem of adjustment under such conditions? Scientists have studied the reactions of men to one another during long submarine voyages. They have found that the longer the voyage lasts, the more serious the problem of___48___is. When men are___49___together for a long period, they begin to feel uneasy. Everyone has little habits of speaking and behaving that are ordinarily acceptable. In the limited space over a long period of time, however, these little habits may become very___50___. Apparently, although no one wants to be___51___all the time, everyone needs some degree of privacy. When people are enclosed together, they are in what is called a stress situation. That means that they are under an unusual amount of___52___or stress. People who are well-adjusted are able to___53___stress situations better than others. That is one reason why so much care is taken in___54___our astronauts. These men undergo a long period of testing and training. One of the things tested is their behavior under stress. 45. A. tired B. asleep C. conscious D. busy 46. A. So far B. After all C. However D. Therefore 47. A. long B. fast C. dangerous D. direct 48. A. fuel B. entertainment C. adjustment D. health 49. A. shut up B. held up C. brought up D. picked up 50. A. pleasing B. annoying C. common D. valuable

2016上海高考压轴卷 英语 含答案解析

2016上海市高考压轴卷 英语 (考试时间120分钟试卷满分150分) 第I卷(共103分) II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. (A) This report is about how to be polite. It (25)( examine ) how we can make our language more polite and how we can make sure we do not upset someone from another culture. The information can be accessed on the Internet. It has been found that words such as “would” and “could” can be used to help us to be polite. For example, it is much (26)(good) to say “Would you do this?” rather than “Do this!”. It is also suggested (27)it is useful to say “Please” and “Thank you”. People from the West like to use these words in cases where some people in Asia may not think it necessary. (28)( Say ) “sorry” if we interrupt or disa gree (29)someone also helps us to be polite. For example, when we disagree, we should say “I’m sorry, but I think you are(30)_(mistake)” rather than “You’re wrong!” In conclusion, we need to know the custom of a country so that we do not make others embarrassed. It seems that if people learn something about other (31)_ (culture) before they visit new countries, they (32) ( be) less likely to upset others. (B) An old friendship had grown cold. Where once there had been closeness, there was only strain. Now pride kept me from picking up the phone. Then one day I dropped in on another old friend, who’s had a long career as a minister and counselor. We were seated in his study----surrounded by maybe a thousand books and fell into deep conversation about everything from small computers to the tormented life of Beethoven.


高考模拟试题汇编理综二高考模拟试题汇编西 藏人民出版社 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB- BWYTT-19998


图书在版编目(CIP)数据 高考模拟试题汇编/《高考模拟试题汇编》编写组编. —拉萨:西藏人民出版社, ISBN7-223-01581-0 Ⅰ.高? Ⅱ.高? Ⅲ.化学(2)课—高中—习题—升学参考资料IV.G634 中国版本图书馆C IP数据核字(2003)第039452 号 高考模拟试题汇编(化学(2)) ———天利38 套高考模拟试题 作者《高考模拟试题汇编》编写组 责任编辑李海平 封面设计天利 出版西藏人民出版社 社址拉萨市林廓北路20 号邮政编码850000 北京发行部:100027 北京4717 信箱 电话:010 -、 印刷北京市金顺印刷厂 经销全国新华书店 开本8 开(787× 1092 毫米) 字数千 印张 版次2003 年7月第1 版第1次印刷 标准书号ISBN7-223-01581-0/ G·675 定价14 .80 元 版权所有侵权必究

福州市高三质量检测11A 理科综合 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,满分300分,考试时间150分钟。 相对原子质量:-1C-12N-14O-16F-19Na-23 Si-28P-31S-32Cu-64 第Ⅰ卷 本卷共22题,每题6分,共132分。在下列各题的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题目的 1.在下列现象中,通过食物链而引起生态危机的是 () A.酸雨 B.温室效应 C.汞等有毒物质的浓缩 D.氮化物污染 2.英国科学家维尔莫特首次用羊的体细胞(乳腺细胞)成功地克隆出一只小羊,取名为“多莉”,以下 四项中与此方法在本质上最相近的是 () A.将兔的早期胚胎分割后,分别植入两只母兔子宫内,并最终发育成两只一样的兔 B.将人的抗病毒基因嫁接到烟草的DNA分子上,培育出具有抗病毒能力的烟草新品种 C.将鼠骨髓瘤细胞与经过免疫的脾细胞融合成杂交瘤细胞 D.将人的精子与卵细胞在体外受精,待受精卵在试管内发育到囊胚期时,再植入女性 子宫内发 育成“试管婴儿” 3.切除某动物的垂体后,血液中 () A.生长激素减少,甲状腺激素也减少 B.生长激素减少,甲状腺激素增加 C.生长激素增加,甲状腺激素也增加 D.生长激 素增加,甲状腺激素减少 4.把青蛙和小白鼠从25℃的室温中移至5℃的环境中,这两种动物的需氧量的变化是 () A.两种动物的耗氧量都减少 B.两种动物的耗氧量都增加 C.青蛙的耗氧量减少,小白鼠耗氧量增加 D.青蛙 的耗氧量增加,小白鼠耗氧量减少 5.图11-1是某二倍体(2N)动物体内有关细胞分裂的一组图像,下列说法正确的是 () 图11-1 A.动物睾丸中不可能同时出现上图所示细胞的①②③④ B.减数第一次分裂结束时染色体数目减半,所以次级性母细胞的染色体数始终为N条 C.上图所示的细胞中有8条染色单体的是①②③ D.上图所示的细胞中具有同源染色体的细胞只有①②③ 6.生活中的一些问题常涉及化学知识,下列叙述正确的是 () A.蚕丝、棉花和人造羊毛的主要成分都是纤维素 B.纯净的碳酸钡可作为医用“钡餐” C.酒厂可用工业酒精勾兑白酒 D.福尔马林是一种良好的杀菌剂,但是不能用来消毒饮用水7.有 M、R两种主族元素,已知M 2-离子与R+离子核外电子数之和为20,则下列说法不正确的 是 () A.M与子数之和一定等于19 B.M、R可能分别处于第二周期和第三周期 C.M、R可能分别处于第三周期和第二周期 D.M与R 的质子数之差可能等于7 8.将40℃的饱和硫酸铜溶液升温至50℃,或者温度仍保持在40℃加入少量无水硫酸铜,在这 两种 情况下均保持不变的是 () A.硫酸铜的溶解度 B.溶液中溶质的质量分数 C.溶液的质量 D.溶液中C u2+的数目 9.下列实验能够实现的是 () 蒸干在空气中完全燃烧 A.氯化铝溶液无水氯化铝 B.金属钠氧化钠 加入过量铁粉电解 C.硫酸铁溶液硫酸亚铁溶液 D.氯化镁溶液金属镁 10.如图11-2,液面上浮着一个空心铁球,数天后可观察到的现象是() ①铁球表面出现红色锈斑 ②铁球表面出现黑色锈斑 ③量筒内水位下降④量筒内水位上 升 A.①③ B.①④ C.②③ D.②④ 11.能在无色水溶液中大量共存的离子组是() +、Fe3+、Cl-、SCN-B.H+、Fe2+、ClO-、NO - 图11-2 A.Na 3 C.K+、Al3+、AlO-、S2- D.Mg2+、N H+、SO2-、Br 244 - 12.生物降解塑料能在微生物的作用下降解成二氧化碳和水,从而消除废弃塑 CH3CH2O 料对环境的污染。PHB塑料就属于这种塑料,其结构简式为? O CH C n 下面有关P H B的说法正确的是 () A.P HB是分子晶体,有固定的熔点 B.P HB的降解过程不需要氧气参加反应 C.合成P HB的单体是C H3C H2CH(O H)COOH D.通过加聚反应 可以制得P HB 催化剂 13.对可逆反应:2SO2(气)+O2(气)2SO3(气)(正反应为放热反应),下列判断正确的是 △ () A.2m o 量氧气反应可生成2molSO3 B.当S O2消耗速率等于O2生成速率时,反应达到化学平衡状态 C.当S O2 转化率不再改变时,反应达到化学平衡状态D.增大压强或者升高温 度,平衡都会向正反应方向移动
