

The Characteristic of Tess

Abstract : Tess, the protagnist of Hardy′s Tess of D′Urbervilles, an innocent country girl brought up with the traditional idea of womanly virtues, suffers the poverty and denunciation of the society. In most people ′eyes, Tess is a bad woman without morality, she is a mistress, a criminal. Maybe the whole life of Tess is ended up with tragidy, but her brave to the evil, persistent to the truth ,pursue to her love represent she is the model of modern time. To Hardy, Tess is the daughter of nature, she mixes the pure with resolute. Although Tess is hanged at the end, she is lucky because she is free from this earthly world. No one can be the perfect one, the weakness of Tess makes her a real person, which is showed vividly before us.

Key words : nature, pure, brave, weakness, rebell



I. Introduction

Tess is a poor girl, whose life is linked with two men, who pulled her to the verge of death. Tess is a kind woman, but not a perfect one. She has some sympathetic and admirable qualities as well as lots of inevitable weakness. Tess is a real person, in my eyes. Her lifestyle, feelings and thoughts as well as the tragedy ending all symbolize the reality of that time and earn our sympathy. Tess falls down during the fight against the fate, the society and herself. God teases his play with Tess, who wins finally ? It seems that God is the winner, because he took the life of her. But what Tess left is more valuble than herself. She really did what nobody at that time dares to do.

II The character of Tess

A. The daughter of Nature

There are two m eanings of “Nature”. First, it means “the physical power causing all the phenomena of the material world”, it ref ers to the environment in which Tess grows up. Tess is a lily in the wild. She grows up in a beautiful and pictuesque country. She loves life and all the live things in the nature. After the death of the only horse in her family, Tess claimed that it was her fault, she needed to do something to support the whole family. Tess is a child full of responsibility.

The other is “a thing′s or a person′s innate of essential qualities or character”, this one is related to Tess′beauty and some good qualities when she was born. Although life is hard, the inner of Tess is bright and jolly. Her face is always wearing a smile. So, truly, she is the daughter of her surrounding envirenment. 169In the end of the novel, after Tess killed Alec, she escaped with Angle, they came into an alter that is a stonehenge near Salisbury in the plain, dating back to the pre-history time. The center of it is a big “altar”, where is used to put sacrificial offerings in some ceremonies. It was here that Tess had a rest because of tireness and it was also here that Tess was arrested. In the Bible, aler is used for giving sacrificals to the God and doing prey. It is viewed as a holy place. Anything put on it must be pure, such as the lamb, little child. That Tess lies on it means she gives her life to the God and she assures that she is pure and innocent.

B. Brave warrior

Tess doesn’t go for looks,d oesn’t go for wealth, but she goes for someone who makes her smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. This is the portrayal of Tess. Alec is rich, but she hates him from beginning to end. Angle wants to be a farmer; she falls in love with him and suffers the ugliest things on her own. She is a murderer, what’s more, a warrior.

(1)The warrior of herself

She is independent and doesn’t want to be the slave of wealth. She prefers working to selling her soul to make money. When her stupid mom told her to wear her beautiful dress, she refused. On their way to Alec′s house, Alec showed his dandy nature. Tess, a tender girl, would rather walk than sit on the carriage to express her angry. Staying a whole night with Alec, Tess realized that Alec is a rat. She went home after Alec impregnated her. An unmarried mother with a child is not received by her neighbors. Tess, the stanch young woman, bore all the gossips. After the baby died, she didn′t indulge in the sadness, she decised to turn a new leaf of her life. She sets out confidently. She killed the evil in her deep heart. Tess also has a hidden nature — the longing for living. It is the intense desire that forces her to live and work after tremendous disasters, such as her son′s death, Angel′s abandonment. She preferred to work on a farm rather t han asking Angel′s parents for help. She loved Angel so deeply that she wrote to him to beg his forgive.

(2)Brave fight against Alec

Although Tess was in trouble, she didn′t desert her conscience. As an impure woman, she didn′t surrender to the wealth and pow er of Alec. After Alec impregnatee her, Tess left the big mansion resolutely. A long time later, she met Alec,now a parson. her hatred to him never reduced. She despised him and condemned his hypocrisy.

Finally, Alec deceived Tess that Angel would never come back. This action builded up Tess′s hatred when she saw Angel. Tess was so despirated that she killed the rat. Tess is not strong enough to fight against Alec. She has no money, her father died, her noble background has become the history. Comparing Alec, she is too small in every aspect. But the potential hidden in her soul is great. She can′t beat Alec, but she can take away his life. Without life, what he owns is nothing. Although Tess was hanged, she won the game between them.

(3)rebell to the social environment

Tess didn′t want to be driven by secular, she choose her road under her willing and let others gossip. As one of the most rebellous females in Victorian, Tess disdains and denies the religion. A serials things happen to her made her doubt the nature of the material world. She asked herself : Woman's chastity, really time has lost, forever has lost? All organisms have the ability to restore the source, why shouldn't the sole maiden's chastity have t his kind of ability?” (Thomas Hardy, 164)“why the sun do shine on the just and the unjust alike?”(Thomas Hardy, 184)After her father died, her family is poorer. Turning back to the discrimination around her, Tess became Alec′s mistress. Angel′s back showed his forgive, the burden didn′t relieve, Tess′s spirit callap se, she killed Alec, which broke the law,and escaped with her true husband. This action was condemned by the society. Tess killed the rat, she should compensate her life. What about Alec′s rat action. No respond. Alec is a parson, a good man. Tess scoffed the fools who believe they are just and correct.

C. Foolish coward

Everyone has his own weakness. Tess′s compromise leads to her tragedy.She first came to Alec′s house, the rat showed her around. Tess ate the strawberry given to her mouth by Alec. At the end, she lived with Alec as his mistress.

Tess ′s deep love to Angel also makes her a fool.Just as the saying goes “Women in Love is a Fool”. Tess adopts completely another kind of manner treating Clare. The relationship between lovers should be equal, but Tess constantly disparages herself and raises Clare. At the beginning of their love affairs, “she loves him extremely, she looks him as the g od.”(Thomas Hard, 261) “To her sublime trustfulness he was all that goodness could be - knew all that a guide, philosopher, and friend should know. She thought every line in the contour of his person the perfection of masculine beauty, his soul the soul of a saint, his intellect that of a seer……The compassion of his love for her, as she saw it, made her lift up her heart to him in devotion.”(Thomas Hard, 276) In front of love, Tess has lost herself, has lost the dignity. Just this kind of blind, unequal love make Tess drop the happy right as a wife, deepened her tragedy. At the night, Angel sleepwalked, wrapped Tess with a sheet, lifted her up from the bed and put her into a sarcophagus, as if she was a corpse. At that time, Tess should have waked him up, but she believed that it was her fault and she must get the punishment. Even though after Alec abandonted her, she still thought that it was her fa ult that made Angel′s leaving. She wrote to Angel, begging his forgive. Finally, Angel came back, she said nothing but “it is too late, it′s too late.” She forgived Angel easily. To go with Angel, she killed Alec, making herself a murderer. In view of this, in front of love, Tess just as a pupper losing her soul. Why didn′t she rebell Angel like Alec ? Why not leave Angel resolutely and have a new life ? Why didn′t she rise up to protect her rights ? Because her love. She lost the game between Angel, at the cost of her nature, her good qualities. Her timid makes her surrender to the fate and lose her direction.

III. Conclusion

People often say “Everything in life is a trade-off”. What does Tess get though her life? Her life is full of bumps and detours. She seems to escape from a tomb, but jumped into another abyss. The God gives Tess the highest soul of the women in Victorian time, she is noble and pure, but the reality actually gives her a humble blood. The unharmonious between the soul and the fresh caus ed Tess’s tragic fate. What impressed us is not Tess’s tragic destiny, it also include something nobel, worth and purity coming along. No matter how fate goes, the nobel and purity lies in the human nature will nerve fade. Although Tess bears so much, she gets eternal charm as soon as she comes out of Hardy’s Wesses novels. We love Tess, we praise Tess, we sympathize Tess. Tender is her and determinal, rebellous, sincere and brave nature touches us, purifies us. Tess is dead, but her image will remain in the heart of the readers without fading.


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浅析《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝悲剧命运的根源的论文 摘要:《德伯家的苔丝》是英国文学巨匠托马斯?哈代的代表作。女主人公苔丝的悲剧和不幸是由多种原因造成的。本文以女性主义的角度为出发点,从两个方面分析导致苔丝悲剧命运的根源,即:教育和苔丝自身因素。 关键词:哈代;苔丝;悲剧命运;女性主义 一、引言 19世纪末出现妇女解放运动第一次高潮。而“哈代的作品中反映了与时代相吻合的女性解放的思想,而且在作品中,女性对传统道德观念和社会的反抗是非常激烈的”。托马斯?哈代大胆地将创作的目光投向农村,深入的关注普通农家的悲剧命运。他十分擅长刻画女性人物悲剧命运,旨在揭露男权社会给女性造成的伤害,批判男性中心主义。 二、托马斯?哈代及苔丝简介 托马斯?哈代是横跨19世纪和20世纪的著名小说家和诗人,英国批判现实主义文学的代表人物,被沃尔夫誉为“英国小说家中最伟大的悲剧大师”。其作品即承接英国维多利亚时代的文学精髓又体现二十世纪的文学创新,气势磅礴。以辽阔深远的背景与渺小的人物形象之间的巨大反差和动人的对比描写,给读者以深刻的印象和心灵的震撼。 《德伯家的苔丝》刻画了一个善良、坚强、自尊、宽容而美丽的女性形象——苔丝。由于天真无知而受到富家浪子的侮辱,身心饱受摧残。但“她并没有自暴自弃,怨天尤人,而是勇敢地面对挫折;为减轻家里的负担,应付虚荣的父母,她勇于承受重担,奔走于不同农场,养家糊口;对待爱情,她自尊又执着”。她被“认为是唯一的一位逃脱了决定主义的人”,颠覆了传统的伦理道德。哈代极力要摧毁的正是这种道德观念,让女性摆脱僵化的传统习俗的控制。他对“堕落女性”的处境给予了极大的关注,对苔丝给予了深切的同情和宽容,带给读者对妇女生存状态的反思。 三、从女性主义角度分析苔丝悲剧命运的根源 苔丝从一位天使般的少女到绞刑架上的杀人犯,是何种邪恶力量在逼迫、摧残、毁灭着这“有自我意志,完整个性的女性?”,把这一优雅迷人的高尚女性一步步推向死亡深渊?苔丝悲剧的根源何在?以下从女性主义的角度审视《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝被压迫的血泪史,剥下男权中心主义这张丑陋的外皮。 (一)教育。 英国女权主义思想家朱丽叶?米切尔在《妇女:最漫长的革命》中指出“歧视存在的基础是教育,而不是经济。在英国要求同工,首先要求接受同等教育,因为这一原因致使妇女从事社会地位较低的工作”。从这一理论出发,剖析苔丝走向悲剧的一个主要因素:教育的贫乏。 “她最早的职业梦想是成为一名教师,但天不遂人愿”。由于家庭贫穷,苔丝很早就步入社会,她做过很多体力活,而且是同工不同酬。因所受教育贫乏,她无法获取较高社会地位与收入的工作,个人与娘家均陷入极度贫困,最终不得不接受亚雷克庇护。“接受庇护”是当克莱尔归来,苔丝杀死亚雷克,走向毁灭的直接导火线。另一方面教育对于女性的重要影响,表现在提高女性心智与觉悟上。苔丝受骗失身带着委屈,饱含心酸地控诉“名门小姐们都了解该防备什么,怎样去防备,因为她们都读小说,小说中会谈到这些男人们的诡计,可我从没机会读小说,哪能知道呢”。中国有句古话“女子无才便是德”,同样说明男权控制下的整个社会对女性受教育的排斥。压迫女性的邪恶力量让女性心智处于不开化状态,使女性沦为其奴隶。在这传统观念笼罩下,苔丝的梦想只能是幻想。教育问题不解决,苔丝式的妇女悲剧将不可逆转,女性终为男权社会的牺牲品。正如西蒙?波伏娃所说:“女人在父兄所支配的家庭中,处于奴隶或仆人的地位,她始终是由男性做主而嫁给另外的男性。” (二)苔丝自身的因素。


德伯家的苔丝英文简介 As is known to all, Tess of the D'Urbervilles is the most famous novel of Thomas Hardy. Focusing on the tragic experience of its heroine Tess, the plot of story begins. Tess comes from a farmer’s family, the Durbeyfields. She has lived a poor bu t peaceful life. However, God, “The President of the Immoral” begins to play a cruel joke on this innocent girl. One day her father, John Durbeyfied learns that they are descended from the D’Urbervilles, an ancient family once renowned in England. Tess’s p arents are in an ecstasy of delight over the news. Her mother urges Tess to claim kinship with the remaining D’Urbervilles, so that Tess could marry a gentleman. Unwillingly, the girl comes in contact with the Stoke, D’Urbervilles. There she meets Alec D’U rbervilles, who shows off the estate and always seduces her. Having received a job of tending to chickens, Tess stays in the D’Urbervilles. Her tragic life has just begun. Before long the rich and guileful Alec manages to seduce the girl and make her pregnant. Being humiliated and resolute, Tess returns home. Despite the rumors all around, she gives birth to a child, who is called Sorrow but dies soon because of grave illness. For several weeks, Tess is overwhelmed by grief and sorrow. Nevertheless, without financial support, Tess has to leave home and goes to work as a dairymaid at a distant farm, where she meets Angel Claire. They have met each other before, and Tess has made a favorable impression on Angel. After Angel persistent pursuit of Tess, the two fall in love and become engaged. Then comes the wedding night, too honest to keep any secret, Tess admits about Alec D’Urbervilles and the child. She begs for forgiveness, but Angel leaves her in disgust. Tess again returns home alone, only find that her family remains impoverished and she even has no place to stay. In the meantime, Alec D’Urbervilles, the evil person appears again. He takes advantage of the Durbeyfields’ poverty and continues to tempt Tess. He promises to support her family, only as a means to make Tess dependent. At the end of hope, the girl jumps into the trap of the shameless man. However, the tragedy has not finished yet. Angel Claire, who is remorseful for his mercilessness, comes back, but to find the cruel reality. And his arrival makes Tess even more desperate. After Angel leaves, she stabs Alec in the heart and kills him. Then she follows Angel and escape with him. They manage to hide for a while in a wood before they come to Stonehenge, where she is arrested. She is hanged later. The turn of events and the moment of catharsis prove that the novel is a classic Aristotelian tragedy

英语论文 哈姆雷特的性格浅析

毕业设计(论文) Analysis of the Character of Hamlet 学院:外国语学院 专业:姓名:指导老师:英语 xx 学号: 职称:教授 中国·珠海 二○一○年五月

xx学院毕业设计(论文) 诚信承诺书 本人郑重承诺:我所呈交的毕业设计(论文)Analysis of the Character of Hamlet是在指导教师的指导下,独立开展研究取得的成果,文中引用他人的观点和材料,均在文后按顺序列出其参考文献,设计(论文)使用的数据真实可靠。 承诺人签名: 日期:年月日

Analysis of the Character of Hamlet ABSTRACT William Shakespeare, the most remarkable playwright and a poet of England in the period of the Renaissance in European, an outstanding representative of humanitarianism, is one of the founders of modern European literature. Being one of the world’s greatest writers, he was recognized as the pinnacle of English Renaissance. In his works, Hamlet, one of the four tragedies, is considered the summit of Shakespeare’s art. Many characters were created by Shakespeare with unique creative technique in writing. These characters were alive with the unique personality, particularly in Hamlet, the image of Hamlet; the Prince of Denmark is most well-known. Hamlet is a prince with humanistic ideas. He has “The courtier’s, soldier’s, scholar’s eye tongue, sword,”he is “Th’expectancy and rose of the fair state, The glass of fashion and the mould of form,” However, he was dithery and delayed. His melancholy is the reason that makes the image has a monumental artistic charm. In this paper, the main target is to analyze the character of Hamlet. Through the overview of the plot of Hamlet, the main characters of Hamlet in Hamlet were shown---melancholy and delay have analyzed. As the representative of humanitarianism, how has Hamlet shown the psychology of hesitation in his revenge, and at the same time we should analyze how to realize his character of delay in the contradiction of his family and love. This thesis also analyzes the causes and the background of the formation of Hamlet’s character. In conclusion, in order to achieve a better understanding and excavation the literary value of Hamlet, the thesis summarizes Hamlet has melancholy, delay of the personality traits, and then expresses the view of the author in Hamlet, as well as the impact of this work. Deepening the analysis and understanding of the character in British and American literature, we can have a better understanding the social background at that time by analyzing Hamlet’s character. Key words: Hamlet Analysis of the character Melancholy Delay


Tess of the D’Urbervilles(德伯家的苔丝) By Thomas Hardy 1891 Main character: 苔丝Tess 亚历克Alec,其父原名Simon Stokes,后冠以贵族姓氏D’Urbervilles 安吉尔·克莱尔Angel Clare Tess of the D'Urbervilles is the most famous novel of Thomas Hardy (托马斯·哈代). Tess comes from a farmer’s family. She has lived a poor but peaceful life. One day her parents learn that they are descended from(来源于) the D’Urbervilles, an ancient family once renowned in England. They urges Tess to claim kinship with(攀亲戚) the D’Urbervilles, so that Tess could marry a gentleman. Unwillingly, the girl comes to their house to seek help. There she meets Alec D’Urbervilles who manages to seduce (引诱) the girl and make her pregnant(怀孕的). Being humiliated(羞辱), Tess returns home. Nevertheless(但是), without financial support, Tess has to leave home and goes to work at a farm, where she meets Angel Claire. They fall in love and become engaged. Then comes the wedding night, too honest to keep any secret, Tess tells her husband the truth. She begs for forgiveness (原谅), but Angel chooses to leave for Brazil. Several years later, Tess and her family remains poor and she even has no place to stay. At that time, Alec D’Urbervilles appears again. He takes advantage of the poverty of Tess and promises to support her family. Tess has to live with her foe(仇人). However, Angel Claire regrets(后悔) and comes back. Tess thinks Alec is the person who makes her lose Angel Claire again. She kills Alec angrily. In the end, She is hanged(处以绞刑).


浅析《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝悲剧命运的根源 发表时间:2011-09-29T14:14:13.940Z 来源:《魅力中国》2011年6月下供稿作者:仪淑云 [导读] 《德伯家的苔丝》是英国文学巨匠托马斯?哈代的代表作。 ◎仪淑云 (西南民族大学外国语学院,四川成都 610041) 中图分类号:I06 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-0992(2011)06-087-01 摘要:《德伯家的苔丝》是英国文学巨匠托马斯?哈代的代表作。女主人公苔丝的悲剧和不幸是由多种原因造成的。本文以女性主义的角度为出发点,从两个方面分析导致苔丝悲剧命运的根源,即:教育和苔丝自身因素。 关键词:哈代;苔丝;悲剧命运;女性主义 一、引言 19世纪末出现妇女解放运动第一次高潮。而“哈代的作品中反映了与时代相吻合的女性解放的思想,而且在作品中,女性对传统道德观念和社会的反抗是非常激烈的”。托马斯?哈代大胆地将创作的目光投向农村,深入的关注普通农家的悲剧命运。他十分擅长刻画女性人物悲剧命运,旨在揭露男权社会给女性造成的伤害,批判男性中心主义。 二、托马斯?哈代及苔丝简介 托马斯?哈代是横跨19世纪和20世纪的著名小说家和诗人,英国批判现实主义文学的代表人物,被沃尔夫誉为“英国小说家中最伟大的悲剧大师”。其作品即承接英国维多利亚时代的文学精髓又体现二十世纪的文学创新,气势磅礴。以辽阔深远的背景与渺小的人物形象之间的巨大反差和动人的对比描写,给读者以深刻的印象和心灵的震撼。 《德伯家的苔丝》刻画了一个善良、坚强、自尊、宽容而美丽的女性形象——苔丝。由于天真无知而受到富家浪子的侮辱,身心饱受摧残。但“她并没有自暴自弃,怨天尤人,而是勇敢地面对挫折;为减轻家里的负担,应付虚荣的父母,她勇于承受重担,奔走于不同农场,养家糊口;对待爱情,她自尊又执着”。她被“认为是唯一的一位逃脱了决定主义的人”,颠覆了传统的伦理道德。哈代极力要摧毁的正是这种道德观念,让女性摆脱僵化的传统习俗的控制。他对“堕落女性”的处境给予了极大的关注,对苔丝给予了深切的同情和宽容,带给读者对妇女生存状态的反思。 三、从女性主义角度分析苔丝悲剧命运的根源 苔丝从一位天使般的少女到绞刑架上的杀人犯,是何种邪恶力量在逼迫、摧残、毁灭着这“有自我意志,完整个性的女性?”,把这一优雅迷人的高尚女性一步步推向死亡深渊?苔丝悲剧的根源何在?以下从女性主义的角度审视《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝被压迫的血泪史,剥下男权中心主义这张丑陋的外皮。 (一)教育。 英国女权主义思想家朱丽叶?米切尔在《妇女:最漫长的革命》中指出“歧视存在的基础是教育,而不是经济。在英国要求同工,首先要求接受同等教育,因为这一原因致使妇女从事社会地位较低的工作”。从这一理论出发,剖析苔丝走向悲剧的一个主要因素:教育的贫乏。 “她最早的职业梦想是成为一名教师,但天不遂人愿”。由于家庭贫穷,苔丝很早就步入社会,她做过很多体力活,而且是同工不同酬。因所受教育贫乏,她无法获取较高社会地位与收入的工作,个人与娘家均陷入极度贫困,最终不得不接受亚雷克庇护。“接受庇护”是当克莱尔归来,苔丝杀死亚雷克,走向毁灭的直接导火线。另一方面教育对于女性的重要影响,表现在提高女性心智与觉悟上。苔丝受骗失身带着委屈,饱含心酸地控诉“名门小姐们都了解该防备什么,怎样去防备,因为她们都读小说,小说中会谈到这些男人们的诡计,可我从没机会读小说,哪能知道呢”。中国有句古话“女子无才便是德”,同样说明男权控制下的整个社会对女性受教育的排斥。压迫女性的邪恶力量让女性心智处于不开化状态,使女性沦为其奴隶。在这传统观念笼罩下,苔丝的梦想只能是幻想。教育问题不解决,苔丝式的妇女悲剧将不可逆转,女性终为男权社会的牺牲品。正如西蒙?波伏娃所说:“女人在父兄所支配的家庭中,处于奴隶或仆人的地位,她始终是由男性做主而嫁给另外的男性。” (二)苔丝自身的因素。 1.性格的妥协性。 苔丝敢于大胆地反抗传统道德,追求幸福,是一个毫不妥协的反抗者。然而苔丝不能彻底摆脱传统道德对自身的羁绊,在她的性格中也包含着保守落后的伦理观念。苔丝是暴力的受害者,是无辜的。她明白这一点,但在受到乡里人非议时,她也认为自己是“有罪”的,必然造成她内心的自我折磨和谴责。 苔丝性格的妥协性还表现在她和克莱尔的关系上。恋人之间本是平等的,而苔丝却一味贬低自己,抬高克莱尔。这是多么浓烈﹑炽热却又卑躬屈膝的爱。她悲惨的过去,得不到克莱尔的宽容。面对克莱尔无情的抛弃,苔丝没有做丝毫反抗。克莱尔离去了,苔丝对他的爱却从未削减。一封封热情洋溢的信,却唤不回克莱尔冰冷的心。在爱情面前,苔丝失去了自我,失去了尊严。正是这种盲目的﹑不平等的爱,使苔丝放弃了一个妻子争取幸福的权利,深化了苔丝的悲剧。 2.自卑心理。 苔丝失身后的痛苦是巨大的,压力是多方面的,但必须指出,苔丝的自卑心理加剧了她的痛苦。 对于苔丝来说,她的许多痛苦都是心理上的。她往往从传统习俗﹑社会舆论上对自己的所谓“过去”作出道德上的判断,从而扭曲了自己的正常心理状态,并对自己的行为予以错误评价。苔丝无法卸掉身上背负的沉重十字架,她在忍受世俗舆论的同时,又受制于它的道德准则,毫不留情地审视自己、谴责自己,她在大胆反抗传统的同时,又囿于它的观念,而成为其维护者。“苔丝这种心理上的自卑,是世俗谬见在她身上发挥作用的体现,说明了苔丝自身在当时社会道德理境中培养起来的非正常心态。”苔丝正是这样给自己结成一张无形的道德罗网,把自己束缚起来。她的自我束缚的意识有其深刻的历史基础,是整个社会意识的具体表现。因此,苔丝的结局只能是悲惨的。 3.自我意识缺乏。 自我意识缺乏突出表现在苔丝对爱情的态度上。 苔丝第一次遇见克莱尔,就被他与众不同的神情所吸引。在哈代笔下,苔丝被描绘为一个完美的个体,代表了作者理想中的完整女性。但苔丝的性格中也包含了一些弱点,她总是处于爱情的纠葛之中,徘徊于两个男人之间。她经常考虑到别人的需要,却忽略自己的需


The Tragedy of Tess in Tess of the D’ Urberville Abstract:Tess of the D’Urbervilles is the famous British novelist and poet Thomas hardy’s masterpiece. It is known as the treasure of English literature and world literature. The novel describes a pure gir l’s tragic fate. This thesis tries to probe the inevitable factors and significance of her tragedy from the aspects of social environment, religion, moral, family, nature and so on. Key Words:tragedy; factor; Tess; Alec; Angel. Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) is one of the representatives of English critical realism at the time of the 19th century. In his whole life he published fourteen accomplished novel, forty-seven short stories, more than nine hundred poems. In his youth, Hardy had been greatly influenced by some liberal thinkers such as Darwin and John Stuart Mill. In his novels, Hardy incorporated many of these themes in order to portray a real world. Darwin’s challenge led Hardy to lose faith in Christianity, and this lack of faith gave his novels their tragic, bleak element. Tess of the D’ Urbervilles written by Thomas Hardy in 1891, is a tragic story of a beautiful country girl, Tess Durbeyfield, who is the daughter of a poor villager. She is a pure and loyal young woman. In order to support the poor family, she has to follow her parents’ advice and visit the so-called distant relative—D’Urbervilles. Later, she is seduced by Alec D’Urbervilles, the son of a rich merchant. From then on her destiny changes greatly. At last, Tess manages to elude Alec and gives birth to her baby, but she loses the baby finally. After the death of her baby, she leaves home and goes to work as a dairymaid at a distant farm, where she meets Clare, a pastor’s son. They fall in love and get married. On their wedding night Angel confesses to her the sins of his past, Tess forgives him and tells him her story with Alec, b ut Angel can’t accept the truth, he deserts her and leaves her to Brazil. After Angel’s leaving, Tess lives a very hard life. She meets Alec again and is pursued by him once more. Without hope for Angel’s back, Tess has no choice but go to Alec again. Unfortunately, Angel comes to find Tess and tell her he still loves her. Now, Tess hates Alec deeply. With deep sad she kills Alec and runs away with Angel. They live a


英语翻译1301 2013011275 The specific analyzes of characters of Hamlet Hamlet is a humanist of which involved in the contradictory of ideal and reality, and a person who has some beautiful views on the world human and society . But the cruelty and hideous of the real world have destroyed his expectation and broke his faith of humanism. As a humanist ,his hesitation on the way of revenge indicated the great gap of power between the humanism and feudalism. The author is aim at pointing out his introspection of The Renaissance and preoccupation of fate of human and our society. Humlet is the model of humanism idealist in the period of Renaissance. Although he wears the black suits , been serious at the first time when he showing up as a melancholy prince. But before story begins he is a happy prince studied in the Wittenburg, the headquarter of humanism. He has a fully rational faith to human. The mankind ,how a amazing craft he is, how nobly his rational is, what a great power and glamorous character he has , behaves like an angle, be intelligent as a god, the essence of the world and universe. But the world changed so fast, the sudden death of his father ,the idealized king in his mind, broke his life. His

《德伯家的苔丝》英文简介Summary of the Tess of d27Urbervilles

Summary: In the Victorian period, a rural clergyman in England tells Durbeyfield, a simple farmer, that he is descended from the illustrious d'Urberville family, now extinct; or maybe not. Durbeyfield sends his daughter Tess to check on a family named d'Urberville living in a manor house less than a day's carriage ride away. Alec d'Urberville is delighted to meet his beautiful cousin, and he seduces her with strawberries and roses. But Alec is no relation to Tess; he has gotten his illustrious name and coat of arms by purchasing them. Alec falls in love with Tess, seduces/rapes her, and she leaves, pregnant; back at home, the baby dies. Some time later, Tess begins work as a milkmaid, and there she meets her true love Angel Clare. Angel believes her completely innocent. They fall in love, but Angel does not learn of her previous relationship with Alec until their wedding night, and rejects her. Deserted by her husband, Tess meets Alec again, and poverty forces her to resume their relationship. Angel returns from travelling abroad, remorseful at his treatment of Tess, but finds her with Alec. Tess murders Alec in order to run away with Angel. They spend one night of happiness together, before she is arrested.

《德伯家的苔丝》文学评论 杨梦

《德伯家的苔丝》文学评论 汉语言文学(2)班杨梦 故事内容简介 五月下旬的一个傍晚,一位为编写新郡志而正在考察这一带居民谱系的牧师告诉约翰·德伯:他是该地古老的武士世家德伯氏的后裔。这一突如其来的消息,使这个贫穷的乡村小贩乐得手舞足蹈,他异想天开地要17岁的大女儿苔丝到附近一个有钱的德伯老太那里去认“本家”,幻想借此摆脱经济上的困境。实际上,德伯老太与这古老的武士世家毫无渊源关系,她家是靠放高利贷起家的暴发户,从北方迁到这里,这个姓也是从博物馆里找来的。苔丝到她家后,德伯老大的儿子亚雷见这个姑娘长得漂亮,便装出一片好心,让苔丝在他家养鸡。三个月后,亚雷奸污了她。苔丝失身之后,对亚雷极其鄙视和厌恶,她带着心灵和肉体的创伤回到父母身边,发现自己已经怀孕了。她的受辱不仅没有得到社会的同情,反而受到耻笑和指责。婴儿生下后不久就夭析,痛苦不堪的苔丝决心改换环境,到南部一家牛奶厂做工。在牛奶厂,她认识了26岁的安玑·克莱。他出身于富有的牧师家庭,却不肯秉乘父兄旨意,继承牧师的衣钵,甘愿放弃上大学的机会,来这里学习养牛的本领,以求自立。在劳动中,苔丝和安巩互相产生了爱慕之情。当安玑父母提议他与一个门当户对的富家小姐结婚时,他断然拒绝了。而苔丝的思想却十分矛盾,她既对安玑正直的为人、自立的意志和对她的关怀有好感,又自哀失身于人,不配做他的妻子。但强烈的爱终于战胜了对往事的悔恨,她和安玑结了婚。新婚之夜,苔丝下定决心,要把自己的“罪过”原原本本地告诉安玑。但一当她讲完自己与亚雷的往事之后,貌似思想开通的安玑·克莱不仅没有原谅她,反而翻脸无情,只身远涉重洋到巴西去了,尽管他自己也曾和一个不相识的女人放荡地生活过。被遗弃的苔丝心碎了。她孤独、悔恨、愤慨、绝望,但为了全家的生活,她只好忍受屈辱和苦难。同时,她还抱着一线希望,盼着丈夫回心转意,回到自己身边。一天,在苔丝去安玑家打听消息回来的途中,发现毁掉她贞操的亚雷居然成了牧师,满口仁义道德地正在布道。亚雷还纠缠苔丝,无耻地企图与她同居。苔丝又气又怕,随即给丈夫写了一封长信,恳求克莱迅速归来保护自己。克莱在巴西贫病交加,也历尽磨难。他后悔当时遗弃苔丝的鲁莽行为,决定返回英国与苔丝言归于好。但这时苔丝家又发生变故:父亲猝然去世,住屋被房主收回,全家栖身无所,生活无着。在这困难关头,亚雷乘虚而入,用金钱诱逼苔丝和他同居。克莱的归来,犹如一把利刃,把苔丝从麻木浑噩的状态中刺醒。在绝望中,她亲手杀死了亚雷,追上克莱,他们在荒漠的原野里度过了几天逃亡的欢乐生活。最后在一个静谧的黎明,苔丝被捕,接着被处绞刑;克莱遵照苔丝的遗愿,带着忏悔的心情和苔丝的妹妹开始了新的生活。 苔丝悲剧的社会背景 那么,苔丝的悲剧是社会悲剧?是的,哈代的创作时期是一个充满变化、动荡的时期。当时英国社会正经历着深刻的变化,由此而产生了各种尖锐的矛盾和危机。《苔丝》反映了作者对当时一些最严峻的问题的关切和同情。哈代在书中描绘了新兴的工业化和都市文明给古老、乡土的威塞克斯地区带来了冲击,揭露了禁锢众思想、强调贞洁、压抑妇女社会地位的虚伪道德。主人公苔丝所受的压迫是双重的。在自给自足的小家经济不能维持的条件下,她为了生活,不得不忍受农业资本家的剥削,并受到富家子弟的污辱。但是,使她陷入绝境的是当时社会的道德偏见。代表这种偏见的克莱尔对她的遗弃,使她精神上遭到更沉重的打击,失掉了生活的信心,终于成为资产阶级伦理道德的牺牲品。在人与环境激烈的冲突中,


理想与现实的挣扎——《德伯家的苔丝》中克莱尔的人物形象分析 克莱尔就身处保守与进步、落后与先进两种力量激烈交锋的时代。作为一名知识青年,克莱尔接受资产阶级进步思想,有着美好的理想,行为和思想都具有现代倾向。小说一开始就把克莱尔的这种思想倾向展现在读者的面前,“乡社游行”中,三兄弟的打扮:“年纪最大的一个穿着标准的助牧师的服装:白领带、短背心和窄边帽。第二个是标准的大学生打扮。第三个年龄最小,那副外表很难说他的身份,眼神和服装里有一种不服拘管,不随俗流的神奇,表示他还没有找到他的职业的道路。”他洋溢着热情的青春活力,不顾哥哥们的反对,停下来与一群乡下姑娘跳舞,这种行为对于他们的身份来说是不符合规矩礼仪的。克莱尔瞧不起等级、财富等差异,对社会习俗和礼仪表示不屑。为获得精神上的自由回避宗教事业,决定从事比较艰苦的农业,而且到农村去学习各种农事劳动。能克服中产阶级的身份感跟奶场的工人打成一片,像理解朋友一样理解他们,不但不把他们当作所谓的乡下“哈甲”,而且能欣赏他们的性格和才能。克莱尔的这种思想与他的家庭是有很大的差距的。克莱尔的家庭是一个牧师家庭,在这个中产阶级家庭里,父亲是一位虔诚备至的牧师,母亲是一个对上帝敬畏有加的信女,两位哥哥都上了剑桥大学,再把那座学府当作通向教会工作的垫脚石,最后都成为牧师。克莱尔钦佩父亲老克莱尔对教会事业的虔诚和自我牺牲的精神,却也明白他的狭隘与局限。对两个哥哥看得更清楚,尽管两人“浑身上下无一处不是中规中矩”,却也看出两个人思想上的庸俗,在他们面前克莱尔我行我素,毫不掩饰因为农村生活而产生的变化。 克莱尔的思想特征不是某一段时期的言行能够体现的,我们可以从他经历的几个较大的人生转折中探究他的思想变化,大致可以分为三个阶段:与苔丝结婚之前,结婚之后,从巴西回来。 婚前,克莱尔有着追求自然、不符合礼教的天性,所以他能够抛开世俗成见,从无拘无束的大自然中选择配偶,爱上了纯真美丽的“自然的女儿”———苔丝,拒绝了父母为他订下的门当户对的亲事。他告诉他的父亲:“像我这样勤苦节俭的农民最好和什 么样的妇女结婚呢?”她“首先要会挤牛奶,取奶油,做鲜美的奶酪,懂得怎样让母鸡和小鸡孵蛋,临时出了事故能够指挥地里全部的工作人员,还懂得对羊和小牛做出评价。” 克莱尔是一个追求个性解放的知识青年,他摒弃森严的等级制度,背离世俗礼教,追求心心相印、真挚纯洁的爱情。他追求以爱情为基础的婚姻,是对虚伪保守的宗教道德的反抗。他对苔丝的爱情是纯洁的,炙热的,带着田园牧歌情调。他夸苔丝“那挤奶的姑娘真是个大自然的女儿,多么鲜活,多么天然纯真啊!”他对母亲夸耀苔丝“真是浑身洋溢着诗意;她就是诗的化身,她过的就是诗的生活———那种生活舞文弄墨的诗人只能在纸上写写罢了。”他尊重苔丝,抱着郑重婚姻的意图和她接近,克莱尔一次又一次地向苔丝求婚,却被苔丝一次又一次地拒绝。在遭拒绝时虽很痛苦,但克莱尔很耐心,虽然不明白苔丝为什么要拒绝自己,但是坚信自己的诚心一定会打动苔丝的。小说中有一段描写克莱尔抱四个女孩过水塘,他因为要帮助其中的一个女孩,而要同时帮助四个,“在他心里,这一番举动有四分之三是普普通通的与人为善。”他向苔丝表明自己的爱情:“娶三个利亚就是为了一个拉结。”正是克莱尔的真情和体贴使“宗教上发下誓愿,要拒绝一切诱惑,决不结婚”的苔丝克服了精神上的压力,重新鼓起面对生活的勇气,答应嫁给克莱尔。


哈姆雷特性格特征: 一个人文主义者的悲剧————————内心犹豫的忧郁王子这是一个充满矛盾的形象。哈姆莱特是古代丹麦的一个王子,他是一个人文主义形象,这和他在“威登堡大学”里所受的教育有着很大的关系。一方面他接受了人文主义的影响,心中充满了美好的理想,希望生活中的一切如理想一样完美。而现实生活的一系列意外打破了他的理想。他像一个思想家那样地思考许多哲学问题,却找不到答案。于是他要为父报仇,可是他内心又是矛盾,因为他想的不光只是为父报仇,而是扭转整个乾坤。在这样艰巨的任务面前,他想要行动也行动不起来。 最突出的特点是忧郁,一系列伤天害理的事变突然发生,打破了他关于人生、世界、爱情、友谊、前途等一系列人文主义的幻想,他以哲学家的深刻洞察力,解剖现实,深揭被掩盖着的社会罪恶,使其忧郁积重难返,从他穿着丧服登场,到古堡待父,到破相装疯,到戏中作戏,到后宫劝母,到海上窥奸,到墓场葬礼,到宫庭比武,一直到他最后毁灭,忧郁一直没有离开过他。 其次是犹豫,比如在剧中,哈姆雷特偶遇到叔父在为自己的罪孽祈祷时,复仇的想法只是在他脑中一闪而过,他不是义无反顾地一剑刺向敌人,而是在一旁作“To be, or not to be”的思想斗争,他觉得时机欠妥、方式不佳,他怕背负罪名。于是,他一直在延宕。他是哲学

家而不是实干家,他敏于思索而拙于行动,他在没有切实可行、十拿九稳的办法之前,只会冥思苦想,他从思考到行动需要一个比常人更为复杂的过程,等待时机,而时机不来,一旦到来,又坐失良机;幻想行动,却一拖再拖,空有报国之心,而无匡世的行动。 他的悲剧既有罪恶势力过于强大的客观原因,也有其内存性格弱点的主观原因。所以,哈姆莱特的悲剧是时代的悲剧,是人文主义者的悲剧。
