

Leonardo da Vinci and his Mona Lisa


Leonardo da Vinci (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519, Old Style)

Leonardo da Vinci was born at a small town near Florence,where he was apprenticed to a painter.Da Vinci spent most of his childhood in his grandpa's farmland.He loved nature as well as art. The young Da Vinci was brilliant and intelligent and he had various interests such as singing and playing flute. He showed his great talent for painting when he was very young.

Da Vinci's father supported him in painting and sent him to Florence ,when Da Vinci was 14 years old then, and learned from the great artist Andrea del Verrocchio.Verrocchio's home was at the famous centrum of art in that area, and many humanists at that time would like to pay a visit there, from which Da Vinci made acquaintances with many well-known artists, humanists and scientists.

From 1482 to 1499, Da Vinci enjoyed his most peaceful time in art career in Milan. To avoid the war, Da Vinci left Milan to other city like Venice and did some study in science.

In 1500, Da Vinci went back to Florence and began his creation of the great painting Mona Lisa. The prototype of the painting is the wife of Venice Duke.Along with The Last Supper and The Virgin of the Rocks, Mona Lisa Smile was another masterpiece of Da Vinci.

Da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. His genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance Man, a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly and inventive imagination". He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. According to art historian Helen Gardner, the scope and depth of his interests were without precedent and "his mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote"

Da Vinci was, and is, renowned primarily as a painter. Among his works, the Mon. a Lisa is the most famous and most parodied portrait and The Last Supper the most reproduced religious painting of all time, with their fame approached only by Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam. Leonardo's drawing of the Vitruvian Man is also regarded as a cultural icon, being reproduced on items as varied as the euro coin, textbooks, and T-shirts. Perhaps fifteen of his paintings survive, the small number because of his constant, and frequently disastrous, experimentation with new techniques, and his chronic procrastination.Nevertheless, these few works, together with his notebooks, which contain drawings, scientific diagrams, and his thoughts on

the nature of painting, compose a contribution to later generations of artists compare favorable with only by that of his contemporary, Michelangelo.

Mona Lisa(1503–1505/1507)—Louvre, Paris, France

Leonardo used a pyramid design to place the woman simply and calmly in the space of the painting. Her folded hands form the front corner of the pyramid. Her breast, neck and face glow in the same light that models her hands. The light gives the variety of living surfaces an underlying geometry of spheres and circles. Leonardo referred to a seemingly simple formula for seated female figure: the images of seated Madonna, which were widespread at the time. He effectively modified this formula in order to create the visual impression of distance between the sitter and the observer. The armrest of the chair functions as a dividing element between Mona Lisa and the viewer.

The woman sits markedly upright with her arms folded, which is also a sign of her reserved posture. Only her gaze is fixed on the observer and seems to welcome them to this silent communication. Since the brightly lit face is practically framed with various much darker elements (hair, veil, shadows), the observer's attraction to it is brought to even greater extent. The woman appears alive to an unusual measure, which Leonardo achieved by his new method not to draw the outlines, "mainly in two features: the corners of the mouth, and the corners of the eyes" , as firmly as that had been the use.

The painting was among the first portraits to depict the sitter before an imaginary landscape and Leonardo was one of the first painters to use aerial perspective. The enigmatic woman is portrayed seated in what appears to be an open loggia with dark pillar bases on either side. Behind her a vast landscape recedes to icy mountains. Winding paths and a distant bridge give only the slightest indications of human presence. The sensuous curves of the woman's hair and clothing are echoed in the undulating imaginary valleys and rivers behind her. The blurred outlines, graceful figure, dramatic contrasts of light and dark, and overall feeling of calm are characteristic of Leonardo's style. Owing to the expressive synthesis that Leonardo achieved between sitter and landscape it is arguable whether Mona Lisa should be considered as a traditional portrait, for it represents an ideal rather than a real woman. The sense of overall harmony achieved in the painting—especially apparent in the sitter's faint smile—reflects the idea of a link connecting humanity and nature. Mona Lisa has no clearly visible eyebrows or eyelashes. Some researchers claim that it was common at this time for genteel women to pluck these hairs, as they were considered unsightly. In 2007, French engineer Pascal Cotte announced that his ultra high resolution scans of the painting provide evidence that Mona Lisa was originally painted with eyelashes and with better visible eyebrows, but that these had gradually disappeared over time, perhaps as a result of overcleaning. For modern viewers the nearly missing eyebrows add to the slightly abstract quality of the face.

There has been much speculation regarding the painting's model and

landscape. For example, that Leonardo probably painted his model faithfully since her beauty is not seen as being among the best, "even when measured by late quattrocento (15th century) or even twenty-first century standards."

Da Vinci, one of the three major artistic masters of the Italian Renaissance, also the whole European Renaissance's most perfect representative.In Leonardo's paintings, he added the people's images and their inner spirits to the the painting essence,and he also adhered to the "protrusion for the figures is the primary goal of the paintings", meanwhile,stressed that "appearance could show human nature and reveal his sin. "In addition,Leonardo da Vinci also pointed out that the human body is the most beautiful natural objects, "who do not respect life, who do not deserve to enjoy the live," this idea is a intense irony for the Asceticism of the Middle Ages.It is these ideas that make him become a symbol of the Human nature awakening.So, when we admire the Mona Lisa we are not only appreciating a portrait of a typical and ordinary woman in that time, and not only appreciating the virtuosity of Leonardo da Vinci as a painter, but also digesting the connotation of Humanism in Renaissance. It is the reason why the Mona Lisa shows an eternal smile which is never racked as a mystery, and always attract people of different ages to explore and find its magic.

Today,Mona Lisa 's smile has become a symbol with multiple meanings, and also as a mystery what could cause people's infinite imagination. We do not know whether the master could predict that the painting would have been repeatedly studied and praised for centuries,at the moment he finished it. Faced with this works , people wonder what makes it become so supernatural and attractive.The heroin was just an ordinary woman , at best, her husband was a wealthy merchant. On appearance, she can only represent a maximum standard of beauty for that era. This is a portrait of an ordinary woman , perhaps it is so famous just because of being created by the master. When the painter exhausted several years of effort and poured his superb skills and overall aesthetic ideals into the painting , the figure in this painting could show her elegant posture and subtle smile to the world ,which just surpass the fashion and mien of that times and as well represent the soul of the art. This is the unique charm of the Renaissance — humanism. Mona Lisa witnessed it , and thus became a symbol of a new era and went down in history.


中外美术鉴赏 论文题目:《蒙娜丽莎》赏析 学院:酿酒与食品工程学院 专业:食品科学与工程 年级:食科131 学号: 1307040183 学生姓名:曾庆海 班级:中外美术鉴赏2-- 5、6班2016 年 6 月 6 日

《蒙娜丽莎》 14—16世纪的西欧和中欧打破了中世纪的基督教的束缚,掀起了一股文艺复兴运动。此运动首先诞生于意大利,以人文主义为指导思想,注重人的情感,把人放在一个至关重要的中心,在这种思想引导下的美术作品以赞美人生、赞美人体、赞美自然为宗旨,在宗教题材的作品中贯穿现实的世俗精神。15世纪末至16世纪中叶,意大利文艺复兴达到全盛,出现了“文艺复兴三杰”列奥纳多-达-芬奇、米开朗基罗-博那罗蒂、拉斐尔-圣乔奥,而达芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》就是这个时期最为重要的代表性作品之一,也是现在人们最熟悉的艺术作品之一。 达芬奇,意大利文艺复兴时期杰出的画家、自然科学家、哲学家和工程师。达芬奇主张绘画以自然为师,美术作品要表现出自然的神美与气质。他笔下人物,消除了中世纪绘画的抽象呆板僵冷的面孔,将现实中活生生的人物在美术作品中刻画得传神。《蒙娜丽莎》便是其传世杰作。在这幅作品中,达芬奇发挥了他高超的艺术造诣,融博大精深、完美而又富有哲理的意旨为一体,蒙娜丽莎的神迷微笑给世人留下了无限美好的遐思。 在带有一排柱子的阳台上,画中人物坐在挟手椅子,大体上面向着正前方。薄薄的黑沙蒙住微有波纹的粟色秀发,轻掩面颊,复盖于肩上,再由肩至肘缓慢垂落,直达交搭的双手。洋溢着奇妙,温柔,似乎在设想消除悲哀的眼,充满睿智,神秘的凝视着什么。由于她的嘴唇左角稍稍显露的阴影,呈现出所谓的“谜的微笑”。她唯一的饰物就是胞襟上的细金线刺绸,花纹是极其精致的正八角形与细长的六角形组成的体系。柔软、肉感的手,是构图的关键,由于它使得作品成为统一的整体。 这爱姣的来源,当然是脸容的神秘,其中含有音乐的“摄魂制魄”的力量。音乐上一个旋律的片段,两拍子,四音符,可以扰乱我们的心绪以至不得安息。它们会唤醒隐伏在我们心底的意识。一个声音在我们的可以连续延长至无穷尽,并可以引起我们的思想与感觉的颤动。在音阶中,有些音的性质是很奇特的。完美的和音给我们以宁静安息之感。但有些音却恍惚不定,需要别的较为明白确定的音符来做它的后继,以获得一种意义。像音乐家们所说的,它们需要一个结论。不少歌唱家利用这美,故意把要求结论的一个音符特别延长,使听众急切等待着那答语。所谓“音乐的摄魂制魄的力量”,就在这恍惚不定的音符上。它呼喊着,等待着别个音符的应和。这呼喊即有销魂的魔力与神秘的烦躁。蒙娜丽莎的脸上,不就有这种潜在的力量,与音乐飘忽的旋律同样的那种神秘性吗? 这神秘正隐藏在微笑中,尤其在蒙娜丽莎的微笑之中!单纯地望两旁抿去的口吻便是指出这微笑,还只是将笑未笑的开端。而且是否微笑,还是疑问。口唇上的皱痕,是不是她本来面目上就有的?也许她的口唇原来即有这微微的往两边抿去的线条?这些问题是很难解答的。可是这微笑所引起的疑问还多着呢!是不是一个和蔼可亲的人的温婉的微笑,或是多愁善感的人的感伤的微笑?这微笑,是一个莫测高深的神秘。 再看表情上最重要成分的眼睛,达.芬奇所画的,却是蒙娜丽莎的一对没有瞳子的全无光彩的眼睛。据此,有些美术使家认为,那是当时达.芬奇没有画完此作。其实不然。无论哪一个平庸的艺术家,也决不会在肖像的眼睛中,忘记加上一点鱼白色的光;这平凡的点睛技术,也许使达.芬奇故意摒弃的呢!而如此一来,这副蒙上了一层怅惘情绪的眼睛,正好与她似笑非笑的脸容协调一致了。


我喜欢达芬奇的蒙娜丽莎450字作文范文我最喜欢的一幅名作是达芬奇画的作品——《蒙娜丽莎》。前几天,我们学了一篇课文叫《达芬奇作画》说达芬奇画了一幅名作叫《蒙娜丽莎》。达芬奇一生中画了许多作品,如《最后的晚餐》,《圣告图》,《岩石上的圣母》,《蒙娜丽莎》等,但是我最喜欢的还是《蒙娜丽莎》。蒙娜丽莎被达芬奇画的是那么赋有神韵,那么出神,大大的眼睛,长发披肩。两边的嘴角稍稍往上一翘,笑一笑,就有许多人在这“笑”上有了不同看法。 500年来,人们一直对《蒙娜丽莎》神秘的微笑莫哀一是。不同的观者在不同的时间去看,感受似乎就不同。有时觉得她笑得舒畅温柔,有时又显的严肃,有时像是略含悲伤,在一幅画中,光线的变化不能像在雕塑中产生那样大的差别。但在蒙娜丽莎的脸上,微暗的阴影时隐时现,因此才会有令人捉摸不定的“神秘的微笑”。哈佛大学神经科专家玛格丽特利文斯通博士说:“蒙娜丽莎的微笑时隐时现,是与人体视觉系统有关,而不是因为画中人物表情神秘莫测。美国马里兰州的约瑟夫鲍考夫斯博士认为:“蒙娜丽莎压根就没笑,她的面部表情很典型的说明她想掩饰自己没长门牙。”……看来人们对这一丝丝的微笑就有了许许多多的看法。

我喜欢蒙娜丽莎的原因就是因为她神秘,她的微笑是那么的神秘莫测,让人捉摸不透,让人们一直都怀着一个好奇心去琢磨她,研究它,让人们永远的记住她——《蒙娜丽莎》。 我最喜欢的一幅名作是达芬奇画的作品——《蒙娜丽莎》。 前几天,我们学了一篇课文叫《达芬奇作画》说达芬奇画了一幅名作叫《蒙娜丽莎》。 达芬奇一生中画了许多作品,如《最后的晚餐》,《圣告图》,《岩石上的圣母》,《蒙娜丽莎》等,但是我最喜欢的还是《蒙娜丽莎》。 蒙娜丽莎被达芬奇画的是那么赋有神韵,那么出神,大大的眼睛,长发披肩。 两边的嘴角稍稍往上一翘,笑一笑,就有许多人在这“笑”上有了不同看法。 500年来,人们一直对《蒙娜丽莎》神秘的微笑莫哀一是。 不同的观者在不同的时间去看,感受似乎就不同。


教育电影观后感 虽然学过了很多专业课,但我还是觉得自己无法写出比较专业的论文来表达自己的感想。所以还是选择写关于看过的电影的一些感想,第一次这样关心教育的眼光来看电影,的确看到了不一样的世界。 老师在大一的时候给我们放了很多电影《大一新生》、《小孩不笨》、《放牛班的春天》,也许是因为自己还不够“老”,不理解其中的意义。但是到了大二又看了《死亡诗社》以及《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》忽然觉得明白了很多,关于当一个教师,关于教育。 简介一下《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》,背景是五十年代的美国,一个被誉为“没有男子的常青藤”的卫斯理女子学院,来了一个艺术史女教师,一个接受了自由改革思想,想让女性重新找回自我,不要做男人或者是婚姻的附庸的女子。这个学院里的学生都是家庭非常好的,这些女孩子从小也都接受了良好的教育,他们可以做得更好,但是他们却个个都被塑造成想尽快结婚,嫁个好男人的家庭主妇。难道这真是她们想要的吗? 有些人把《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》比作女版的《死亡诗社》,但是最不同的是过程也是结果,她胜利了,赢得了同学们的理解,改变了她们的世界观和人生观,让她们重新审视这个世界。而不像《死亡诗社》的惨烈,甚至有流血的牺牲。 这些教师是令人尊敬的,他们是负责任的教师,不仅教的是知识,更是思想,灵魂。他们个性鲜活,教法独特,富有激情,致力于学生真正的理解,并不是单纯的记得。鼓励学生,激发学生自己思考的能

力。 影片中学生们的改变是令人热血沸腾的,看着那些在教师们的激发下鲜活,飞扬的笑容,身姿。那群暴力,冷漠的孩子,站在一起合唱出美丽的声音;那些只知道背别人对画的评价的女生,最终画出了属于自己的向日葵;那些被教室课本束缚的男孩撕下课本,在操场上奔跑喧闹。我由衷的感到高兴。 但是当这样的一个教师并不是难么容易的事,我出生在一个教师家庭,父母都是教师,经常见他们讨论一些在他们嘴里背称为“油盐不浸”的学生。也许没有教师不关心自己的学生,但要一位教师了解他们的学生,并不是容易的事,也不是一朝一夕的事。特别是对于一些老师来说,理解比他们小很多岁的学生,更不是一件容易的事。 就如老师在课上说的课改会举步维艰,更不必说像影片所处的那个时代与旧思想,旧权威作斗争。 《死亡诗社》让我们看到一个更加真实的世界。是所有的革新最终都被人接受的吗?在更多的时候,新生的思想都被所谓的权威扼杀。 剧中的尼尔,每次不情愿却不得不对自己父亲说“Yes,sir”的时候,都让我想到当年的自己。 每个人都经历过青春的成长和叛逆,社会,学校和家庭所创造的环境使我们慢慢磨平了自己的棱角,每一个学生都反对教条化的学习方式,但是,现实中的我们正在接受这样的教育方式。或许我们的生活中有人勇敢地站出来走自己的道路,但绝大部分人只好随波逐流,


课题:欧洲文艺复兴时期绘画----达芬奇《蒙娜丽莎》 教学目标: 1、知识目标:欣赏、总结达芬奇艺术生平及其名作《蒙娜丽莎》,并能结合现代社会的发展去评价和联想。 2、情意目标:提高学生审美情操,对世界文化的热爱之情;培养学生开放的心理、主动和积极的参与心态,自信及成功的体验。 3、能力目标:培养学生独立学习、思考、实践的能力,协作的能力,解决问题的能力;培养学生的美术欣赏能力和评价能力。 教学重、难点: 1、达芬奇艺术生平及名作《蒙娜丽莎》的欣赏、总结。 2、学生良好心理的培养。 教学用具: 多媒体电脑、课件、学生用资料等 教学方法: 讨论法、总结、讲解、演示、启发与鼓励等 教学过程及内容: 一、组织教学 二、实践导入新课(高中生应积极参加实践活动,亲自获得一些直接经验,培养自己综合运用知识,主动探索新知识和创造性解决问题的能力)。 1、以《达芬奇密码》的视频导入课程的主要人物。 2、再演示几张最动人微笑的图片,引出课题。 三、讲授新课 一)文艺复兴的背景及美术 文艺复兴是14世纪在意大利城市兴起,16世纪在欧洲盛行的一个思想文化运动,带来一段科学与艺术革命时期,揭开了现代欧洲历史的序幕,被认为是中古时代和近代的分界。 文艺复兴时期的美术,由于这时期倡导以重视人的价值为核心的人文主义,美术家们的思想逐渐从长期的基督教神学的桎梏中解放出来,敢于探索,一方面从希腊、罗马的古典艺术中

吸取营养;另一方面通过实践和科学的探索,发明了透视法,解决了在平面上真实地表现三度空间的方法 意大利文艺复兴是艺术空前繁荣的时期,涌现出一批杰出的艺术大师,特别是被称为“文艺复兴三杰”的达·芬奇、米开朗基罗和拉斐尔。 而列奥那多·达·芬奇是“文艺复兴时代最完美的代表人物”,达·芬奇的绘画把人文主义思想内容和现实主义的表现手法完美地结合起来,使绘画艺术达到了前所未有的高度。 二)、达芬奇艺术生平的总结(学生讨论并积极发言,老师引导并用脑总结)。 1、达芬奇简介 列奥纳多·达·芬奇 (1452-1519) 意大利文艺复兴时期最负盛名的艺术家、雕塑家、建筑家、科学家、文艺理论家、大哲学家、诗人、音乐家和发明家。他出生于佛罗伦萨郊区的芬奇镇。其父为律师兼公证人,母为农妇,他15岁来到佛罗伦萨,学艺于韦罗基奥的作坊。他是一位天才,他一面热心于艺术创作和理论研究,研究如何用线条与立体造型去表现形体的各种问题;另一方面他也同时研究自然科学。 关于达芬奇的小故事 达·芬奇从小就表现出了绘画天赋,于是父亲就把他送到好友,著名画家和雕刻家佛罗基阿的画坊当学徒。达·芬奇来到画坊以后,老师佛罗基阿就拿来一个鸡蛋让他画,达·芬奇很快就画了几张,可是老师让他继续画,一连几天都是如此。达·芬奇终于不耐烦了,认为教师小瞧了他,让他画这么简单的鸡蛋。教师看出了他的心思,意味深长地说:“这个蛋可不简单,世上没有两个完全相同的蛋,即使是同一个蛋,由于观察角度不同,光线不同,它的形状也不一样啊。”达·芬奇恍然大悟,原来老师是为了培养他观察事物和把握形象的能力呀。从此以后,他废寝忘食地训练绘画基本功,学习各类艺术与科学知识,为他以后在绘画和其它方面取得卓著的成就,打下了坚实的基础。 2、达芬奇的创作成就 代表作:《最后的晚餐》、《蒙娜丽莎》 《最后的晚餐》


艺术作品欣赏— 蒙娜丽莎的微笑之谜

人们一直对《蒙娜丽莎》的神秘微笑莫衷一是。不同的观者在不同的时间去看,似乎都有不同的感受。有时觉得她笑得舒畅温柔,有时又显得严肃,有时像是略含哀伤,有时甚至显出讥嘲和揶揄。在一幅画中,光线的变化不能像在雕塑中产生那样大的差别。但在蒙娜丽莎的脸上,微暗的阴影时隐时现,为她的双眼与唇部披上了一层面纱。而人的笑容主要表现在眼角和嘴角上,达芬奇却偏把这些部位画得若隐若现,没有明确的界线,因此才会有这令人捉摸不定的“神秘的微笑”。 在不同角度不同光线下欣赏这幅画,人们都会得到不同的感受。那微笑时而温文尔雅,时而安详严肃,时而略带哀伤,时而又有几分讽嘲与揶揄,神秘莫测的微笑显露出人物神秘莫测的心灵活动。 我们现在看到的《蒙娜丽莎》是棕褐色调,略带些青绿色相,色彩简洁而沉静,朴素而凝重。我们以为画向来如此,其实不然。据达.芬奇同时代人对此画的描述,当时的画是色彩鲜艳,调子明快的,什么时候变成了现在的样子呢?当年法王得到了《蒙娜丽莎》,为了更好地保护它,在表面涂了过多的光油;历经数百年光阴,光油变成了暗褐色,像我们目前看到的色彩;画表面已经开裂,形成了蛛网般的细密纹理。保存状况不佳,那是令人惋惜的;然而,我们宁愿承认当今的《蒙娜丽莎》。单纯浑厚的色调与人物沉静内敛的精神气质相得益彰;深暗的衣饰、迷蒙的背景将人物脸庞及双手衬托得响亮动人;而均匀的裂纹则给人物增

添了神秘气息,让我们欣赏她时带上更多的崇敬与神往。有人想通过现代科技手段除去表面油垢,恢复原先明丽的色彩;只是担心技术不过关,怕损伤画面。其实,倘若真的修复了,我们反倒会觉得陌生以至难以接受。 蒙娜丽莎,这是一个永远探讨不完的问题。人们无止境地探讨她那难以觉察的、转瞬即逝然而亘古不变的微笑,那洞察一切而又包容一切的眼神,那端庄沉稳的姿态,高贵而朴素的装束,以及无懈可击的完美构图。人们惊叹:列奥纳多,惟有列奥纳多,上帝一样的智慧,才能采集那么多美的元素,将众多美好合为一个完美。于是,美、智慧、永恒,三位一体,极致的搭配,再无超越的可能。就这样,蒙娜丽莎带给人们无限美好的遐想,也给人们无限沉重的压力。人们既愿意栖身她的庇荫,吸取滋润的营养;又渴望走出她的阴影,呼吸自由的空气。多少年了,无数醉心绘事的人,都为这一重矛盾所困扰。 我们长久端详着画面,首先会被那绝妙的光影效果所折服,层层退晕呈现出丰富的空间以及逼真的质感,无界线的形体转折及色彩变化,比同时代人领先了几个世纪。真正让人惊叹的还不是技巧,那时隐时现的神秘微笑才令人销魂。那笑容太浅淡了,离得再近也看不真切;然而,只要你看到画,无论距离多远,都能感到微笑的存在。微笑不仅体现在翘起的嘴角,而是遍及脸上每一部分肌肤,甚至画面的各个角落,以至观者在欣赏蒙娜丽莎的同时,内心也装满了微笑。面对真迹的感受是别处无法取代


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/2517836810.html, 达芬奇艺术赏析 作者:李子杰 来源:《青年生活》2019年第05期 摘要:人们用美丽的词赞扬达芬奇——“文艺复兴时期第一流学者”。达芬奇是旷世奇才,他不仅仅是伟大的画家,还是思想家、发明家等,但最伟大的地方在于画家,因为他的作品是最伟大的。 关键词:文艺复兴;人文主义;达芬奇 前言 文艺复兴初期的艺术创作有两个特点:①把中世纪神的形象变成人的形象。②在绘画中运用透视关系,以便表现一个真实的人。这些特点已经接近成熟,随即巨人出现了三位:达芬奇、米开朗基罗和拉斐尔。达芬奇是文艺复兴时期一个博学者,他一边热心研究如何用线条与立体去造型表现形体,一边研究自然科学[1]。为了真实的从画面中表现出人体,他运用生物 学以及透视等其他科学加入到画面中,使得画面给人一种强有力的冲击力。他的天赋或许比同时期的其他人物都高,这使他成为文艺复兴时期人文主义的代表人物的原因,给后人留下了众多传世名画,以及研究成果。他的艺术实践和科学探索精神对现代产生了重要而深远的影响。 一、《蒙娜丽莎》 《蒙娜丽莎》是一幅表现人、歌颂人的作品,是文艺复兴时期人文主义思想的最集中的体现,这个作品具有划时代的意义。在文艺复兴初期绘画作品把神的形象变成人的形象,比如曼特尼亚的《哀悼基督》,他画的耶稣是一个穷人,圣巫是一个老太太,但是作品中加了一件神的外衣,所以还是表现神,但是在达芬奇的作品中却歌颂一个普通的人。《蒙娜丽莎》的模特是一个货商的妻子,是一个普通的人,所以他开拓了一个新的时代。不仅如此,他表现的人,达芬奇前面的艺术家从来没有像蒙娜丽莎那样的真实,从以下几点可以表现:①蒙娜丽莎的眼珠。无论坐在什么位置上都能感觉蒙娜丽莎在看你,表现了一个活人的眼睛。②作品中的手具有重量感,生命感。画人难画手,但达芬奇把手表现的非常真实,中指在微微的翘起,好像是在听音乐打拍子。③蒙娜丽莎的笑容会变,有时是温柔的笑;有时是严肃的笑,甚至目光都是严肃的;有时是哀伤的笑,眼睛是哀伤的[2],因为作者画这幅画的时候他们刚刚死去了自己 的孩子,所以模特是强颜欢笑,取其“蒙娜丽莎式的微笑”。我们表达不出她到底是一种怎样的微笑,因为语言是简单的而艺术是复杂的,语言不可能把艺术的一切表现出来,其意韵是说不出来的。《庄子·天道》中这样写到“意之所随者,不可以言传也”。正是这样的一个微笑,需 要观者认真体会。瓦萨里这样评价“画中的头像显示出艺术的摹仿自然到何等程度,人们一眼便可看出,每一个细节都画得十分到家,水灵的眼眸脉脉含情,就像生活中常常见到的,双颊白里透红,还有眼睫毛,一切都巧夺天工。眉毛,如有的地方密,有的地方稀,与随着毛孔卷曲的头发一样,再逼真不过了。鼻子红润柔软,鼻孔好看,像在呼吸。嘴微微的张开,嘴角和


《蒙娜丽莎》是一幅享有盛誉的肖像画杰作。它代表达·芬奇的最高艺术成就,成功地塑造了资本主义上升时期一位城市有产阶级的妇女形象。画中人物坐姿优雅,笑容微妙,背景山水幽深茫茫,淋漓尽致地发挥了画家那奇特的烟雾状“无界渐变着色法”般的笔法。画家力图使人物的丰富内心感情和美丽的外形达到巧妙的结合,对于人像面容中眼角唇边等表露感情的关键部位,也特别着重掌握精确与含蓄的辩证关系,达到神韵之境,从而使蒙娜丽莎的微笑具有一种神秘莫测的千古奇韵,那如梦似的妩媚微笑,被不少美术史家称为“神秘的微笑”。 "Mona Lisa" is a renowned portrait masterpiece. It represents the highest artistic achievements of Leonardo da Vinci, succeeded in shaping the rise of capitalism propertied classes during a city image of women. Stick figures sitting elegant, subtle smile, background landscape deep fog, vividly played a painter that strange smoke-like "unbounded gradient coloring"-like strokes. Painter trying to make people rich inner feelings and beautiful shape to achieve clever combination, for the portrait face in the corner of the lips and other key parts of their personal feelings, but also special emphasis on precise and subtle grasp the dialectical relationship, to charm of the environment, so that the Mongolian Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile has one kind of rhyme through the ages, that dream-like charming smile, by many art historians as "the mysterious smile." 它的拥有者法国政府把它保存在巴黎的卢浮宫供公众欣赏。 Its owners the French government to save it in the Louvre in Paris for the public to enjoy. 微笑之谜 500年来,人们一直对《蒙娜丽莎》神秘的微笑莫衷一是。不同的观者或在不同的时间去看,感受似乎都不同。有时觉得她笑得舒畅温柔,有时又显得严肃,有时像是略含哀伤,有时甚至显出讥嘲和揶揄。在一幅画中,光线的变化不能像在雕塑中产生那样大的差别。但在蒙娜丽莎的脸上,微暗的阴影时隐时现,为她的双眼与唇部披上了一层面纱。而人的笑容主要表


MONA LISA SMILE When I was young, I saw the name of the film, I thought it was related with the works of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa Smile. In fact, is a very successful educational film Catherine – Watson, a woman graduated from the University of California at Berkeley, came to a well-known women's college as a professor. Catherine found that the education is not to teach students how to get the knowledge in their needs, The success was defined as marriage by school. Catherine did not like other teachers, she not only challenge some of the practices of the school rules, but also encouraged students to explore their interests. Ultimately, she won the respect of the students by her knowledge and warm personality! In the past, I will comply with the rules. And not try my best to fight for future! I was moved deeply by Catherine! I hold the opinion that we should learn from this teacher like Catherine.We must learn to stick to our dreams, and try our best to make our dreams come true!


达芬奇与《蒙娜丽莎》 达芬奇与《蒙娜丽莎》 ------用高中生心理学指导美术课教学 四川省双流县华阳中学 徐泽锋 课 型:高一美术欣赏课 授课班级:高一、一班 授课教师:徐泽锋 授课时间:1课时 设计思路:二十一世纪,伴随着我国社会主义现代化 经济建设的不断深入,人才特别是儿童青少年成才问 题越来越突出 ,已成为我国经济发展的制约因素。 社会要求人才不仅应具备良好的科学文化素质,而且 人才应一专多能,并具备良好的身心素质。本课的教 学,就是在这样的指导思想下,用心理健康教育思想 和高中生心理学来指导美术欣赏课教学,试图寻求学 科教学与心理教育的最佳结合点,使学科大综合,找到一种师生互动、平等轻松且创新性、实践性很强的课型。 教学目标: 1、知识目标:欣赏、总结达芬奇艺术生平及其名作《蒙娜丽莎》,并能结合现代社会的发展去评价和联想。 2、情意目标:提高学生审美情操,对世界文化的热爱之情;培养学生开放的心理、主动和积极的参与心态,自信及成功的体验。 3、能力目标:培养学生独立学习、思考、实践的能力,协作的能力,解决问题的能力;培养学生的美术欣赏能力和评价能力。 教学重、难点:1、达芬奇艺术生平及名作《蒙娜丽莎》的欣赏、总结。 2、学生良好心理的培养。 教学用具:多媒体电脑、课件、皮尺、学生用资料等 教学方法:讨论法、实验活动、总结、讲解、演示、启发与鼓励等 补充说明:教案中【】内文字表示课堂设计由《高中生心理学》的相关知识作参考 教学过程(https://www.360docs.net/doc/2517836810.html, ): 说明:1、本课教学设计是根据美国心理学家加涅(R.M.Gagne )关于学习过程的8个环节:动机、了解、获得保持、回忆、概括、操作和反馈,并结合学习目的、计划、自学和创造和高中生的年龄特征而设计的。 2、在上课前一月中,已安排充分的时间让学生自己在图书馆、网上等查阅有关本课内容的资料,并整理和总结【高中生学习的主动性增强,独立分析和解决问题的能力有很大提高,依赖性减少】 一、 组织教学 二、 实验引入新课【高中生应积极参加实践活动,亲自获得一些直接经验,培养自己综合运用知识,主动探索新知识和创造性解决问题的能力】 1、实验内容:手展长 = 身高? 2、方法:请6名同学分成两组,每组由一名同学当模特,其他两名同学用皮尺测量手展长及身高长度。教师用电脑统计数据并总结结论。 3、展示达芬奇此比例图手稿图片,引出课题。


a film review on Mona Lisa Smile Based on the background in 1953-1954 in Wellesley college, the movie seems to a charming picture with a famous women's-only college, smart girls and a delicate school campus, everything has kept well, even though it just looks like how it performs, until a "wonder teacher" graduate from UC Berkeley, Katherine Ann Wasten, come to the school, which is famous for tradition. Certainly, when it comes to this film we can not deny that women's position in the past can always be a hot topic. However, taking current situation about fairness beween males and females into consideration, I still think this theme must be an excellent one as the film not only discuss things in the past but also make audiences resonate, especially females. The plots just always suit everybody to reveal their distinctive characters, in which Katherine is the most out-standing. It seemed that she used her art lessons as a vehicle to put across her opinion to young women that women were not born to become housewives and mothers. Katherine wanted to make a difference and do more things in life rather than solely adopt the roles of wives and mothers. I can never forget, in one scene of the movie, she showed her students four newspaper ads, and asked what future scholars would think of the idea that women were born to be housewives and mothers. The first time I have seen this movie, I have to sign about how satisfactory the movie present to us! Beautiful frame, perfect plot and distinctive characters convey us a real dream just like Mona Lisa Smile.


Film Review --Be ourselves The story took pace in 1953, when the second women's liberation gradually arisen. However, some educational institution in American, expecially Wellesley College, the most conservative college in the nation, still tenaciously performed the mission that male society endowed: to cultivate women with both moral integrity and professional competence. When Katherine Watson, a first –year teacher from Oakland State, who always sought truth beyond tradition, got a position in the Art History department in Wellesley College, contradiction between her feminist thought and students under the influence of male chauvinism was stirring. Most of students in Wellesley College were well educated with fine family background. They gave Katherine a caution in the first class. In their mind, the definition of success was to marry a good man and the role they born to fill was to be a good wife. In this conservative situation, Katherine tried to open her students’ mind to do whatever they want. She encouraged her students to be themselves, to become professionals in field they loved, to improve their economic futures. It seemed that she used her art teaching as a vehicle to put across her opinion to the young women that women were not born to become housewives and mothers. Katherine wanted to make a difference and do more things in life rather than solely adopt the roles of wives and mothers. I can never forget she showed her students carcass by Soutine 1925, and said, “There’s also no textbook telling you what to think”. In those girls opinion, the carcass can not be called art; “there is something aggressive about it and erotic”. I asked myself, what is art? Can a conservative artist become a successful artist?


Leonardo da Vinci and his Mona Lisa 2011级英语一班马佳学号:201152010111 Leonardo da Vinci (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519, Old Style) Leonardo da Vinci was born at a small town near Florence,where he was apprenticed to a painter.Da Vinci spent most of his childhood in his grandpa's farmland.He loved nature as well as art. The young Da Vinci was brilliant and intelligent and he had various interests such as singing and playing flute. He showed his great talent for painting when he was very young. Da Vinci's father supported him in painting and sent him to Florence ,when Da Vinci was 14 years old then, and learned from the great artist Andrea del Verrocchio.Verrocchio's home was at the famous centrum of art in that area, and many humanists at that time would like to pay a visit there, from which Da Vinci made acquaintances with many well-known artists, humanists and scientists. From 1482 to 1499, Da Vinci enjoyed his most peaceful time in art career in Milan. To avoid the war, Da Vinci left Milan to other city like Venice and did some study in science. In 1500, Da Vinci went back to Florence and began his creation of the great painting Mona Lisa. The prototype of the painting is the wife of Venice Duke.Along with The Last Supper and The Virgin of the Rocks, Mona Lisa Smile was another masterpiece of Da Vinci. Da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. His genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance Man, a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly and inventive imagination". He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. According to art historian Helen Gardner, the scope and depth of his interests were without precedent and "his mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote" Da Vinci was, and is, renowned primarily as a painter. Among his works, the Mon. a Lisa is the most famous and most parodied portrait and The Last Supper the most reproduced religious painting of all time, with their fame approached only by Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam. Leonardo's drawing of the Vitruvian Man is also regarded as a cultural icon, being reproduced on items as varied as the euro coin, textbooks, and T-shirts. Perhaps fifteen of his paintings survive, the small number because of his constant, and frequently disastrous, experimentation with new techniques, and his chronic procrastination.Nevertheless, these few works, together with his notebooks, which contain drawings, scientific diagrams, and his thoughts on


达芬奇与《蒙娜丽莎》_高中美术教案_模板 ------用高中生心理学指导美术课教学 四川省双流县华阳中学徐泽锋 课型:高一美术欣赏课 授课班级:高一、一班 授课教师:徐泽锋 授课时间:1课时 设计思路:二十一世纪,伴随着我国社会主义现代化经济建设的不断深入,人才特别是儿童青少年成才问题越来越突出,已成为我国经济发展的制约因素。社会要求人才不仅应具备良好的科学文化素质,而且人才应一专多能,并具备良好的身心素质。本课的教学,就是在这样的指导思想下,用心理健康教育思想和高中生心理学来指导美术欣赏课教学,试图寻求学科教学与心理教育的最佳结合点,使学科大综合,找到一种师生互动、平等轻松且创新性、实践性很强的课型。 教学目标: 1、知识目标:欣赏、总结达芬奇艺术生平及其名作《蒙娜丽莎》,并能结合现代社会的发展去评价和联想。 2、情意目标:提高学生审美情操,对世界文化的热爱之情;培养学生开放的心理、主动和积极的参与心态,自信及成功的体验。 3、能力目标:培养学生独立学习、思考、实践的能力,协作的能力,解决问题的能力;培养学生的美术欣赏能力和评价能力。 教学重、难点:1、达芬奇艺术生平及名作《蒙娜丽莎》的欣赏、总结。 2、学生良好心理的培养。 教学用具:多媒体电脑、课件、皮尺、学生用资料等 教学方法:讨论法、实验活动、总结、讲解、演示、启发与鼓励等 补充说明:教案中【】内文字表示课堂设计由《高中生心理学》的相关知识作参考 教学过程(): 说明:1、本课教学设计是根据美国心理学家加涅(R.M.Gagne)关于学习过程的8个环节:动机、了解、获得保持、回忆、概括、操作和反馈,并结合学习目的、计划、自学和创造和高中生的年龄特征而设计的。 2、在上课前一月中,已安排充分的时间让学生自己在图书馆、网上等查阅有关本课内容的资料,并整理和总结【高中生学习的主动性增强,独立分析和解决问题的能力有很大提高,依赖性减少】 一、组织教学 二、实验引入新课【高中生应积极参加实践活动,亲自获得一些直接经验,培养自己综合运用知识,主动探索新知识和创造性解决问题的能力】 1、实验内容:手展长= 身高? 2、方法:请6名同学分成两组,每组由一名同学当模特,其他两名同学用皮尺测量手展长及身高长度。教师用电脑统计数据并总结结论。 3、展示达芬奇此比例图手稿图片,引出课题。 三、授新课 一)、达芬奇艺术生平的总结(学生讨论并积极发言,教师引导并用电脑总结)【培养高中生的系统概括力】


走出非洲观后感 第一篇:走出非洲观后感 走出非洲观后感 当时是在360浏览器里偶然看到的一个“女人一生必看的20部影片”而这部正在其中于是下载了回来隔了三四个月今天实在无聊才拿出来看女人确实应该看看。里面的女主角凯伦感觉和《飘》里面的斯嘉丽有一点儿相像可能都算是新时代女性的代表吧她们勇敢、自信、敢于反抗旧有的观念。 这部电影是以凯伦的婚姻和爱情为主线的。最开始因为他的情人欺骗了她不愿和她结婚令她很伤心随后她就向她情人的弟弟、她的朋友波尔?毕斯要求和她结婚她并不爱他只是想要一段婚姻想要她在非洲的农场有一个男主人。结果可想而知她和他在一起并不幸福。而丹尼斯的出现改变了她他们一起打猎、露营她觉得和他在一起很开心后来他们真的在一起了很久丹尼斯是真心爱她的。但新时代女性的代表总是表现的强势她们习惯占有所有事情都要按她们的想法来。在凯伦和丹尼斯相处期间有过一段争吵我很赞同丹尼斯的观点。凯伦是聪明的女子她知道丹尼斯每次离开不是都为了去打猎而仅仅是为了离开她觉得这违背了爱的真谛因为她认为爱就是占有她希望丹尼斯和她结婚觉得这样一来丹尼斯就是她的。而丹尼斯却不同意这个观点他说: “iwon’tbeclosertoyouandiwon’tloveyoumorebecauseofapiec

eofpaper.(我不会因为一张纸而和你更亲近或更爱你)”他说和她在一起是他的选择。是啊爱是美的本就不该有什么束缚。着名心理学家m?斯科特?派克说:”真正的爱是自由的选择。真正相爱的人不一定非要生活在一起充其量只是选择一起生活罢了。”相信最后凯伦一定懂得了这个道理吧! 除了爱情和婚姻之外凯伦对非洲那里的土着居民生活的关注是另外值得一提的。她有先进的思想她知道学习对于那里的孩子来说很重要我想这一点不止她一个人知道但是只有她为此而付出了努力和做出了行动。她对那里的人都很最后她一无所有却依旧想着要为那里的居民争取一块生存的土地所以当她要走的时候人们才会依依不舍这也是一种回报。 这也算是一部励志的影片虽然时间过去了几十年但凯伦的那股正直、坦率、善良、果敢、勇于打破旧观念的精神和她独立的品性是我们这些新世纪的女性同样需要学习的。我们是女人但很多时候我们需要像男人一样勇敢、强悍男人和女人分别需要做什么本就不应该有什么明确的界定我们也不应该对一个人有过强的依赖独立是一个人必须具备的良品质不能独立就永远不会有什么作为。 从现在起努力做一个独立自主的女性独立不一定非要在任何时候都强势一个成功的女人必然可以处理强与弱之间的关系而我希望我可以成为这样的女人这条路离我还很远很远但我会朝着这个方向一直走下去。
