


AIDS Campaign to Focus on Migrants, Students

For most migrant workers, AIDS may seem remote and alien. But this situation will soon be a thing of the past.

Migrant workers and university students will be listed as two major target groups of the AIDS prevention education campaign, a senior official from the Ministry of Health told a seminar in Beijing on Saturday.

The move will give a huge boost to China’s war against AIDS. Migrant workers, many of them poorly educated, usually have little if any knowledge of this deadly infectious disease. Mainly in their 20s and 30s, they are in a sexually active age group. Considering the fact that many migrant workers live away from their spouses, it is obviously urgent to inform them on how to stop the spread of AIDS.

The identification of university students as a major target group for HIV/AIDS education also makes sense. Though well educated, they usually have had little or no sex education at middle school. The near non-existence of sex education and their sexually active nature make students, who also tend to be more liberal in their sex lives, an at-risk group.

In the past, only intravenous drug users and prostitutes were considered at-risk or high-risk groups. When China’s first AIDS case was detected in 1985, it was thought to be something associated with “capitalist evils”, or an exotic disease about which China need not worry. According to official statistics, China now has 840,000 people infected with HIV and more than 80,000 AIDS patients.

Considering the huge population, abysmally low public awareness about HIV/AIDS and the frail public health system, China faces an uphill battle against this fatal disease. Prevention through education has proved to be the most effective weapon to curb this deadly scourge, which, if not checked, will result in catastrophe. Although China discovered this method a little late, which is the reason why much of society is ill informed, it has begun to change tack in recent years.








过去,只有静脉注射的吸毒者和妓女才被视为危险人群或高危人群。当1985 年中国发现第一例艾滋病病例时,它被视为与“资本主义罪恶”相关的事物,或一种中国无需担心的外来疾病。根据官方统计数据,中国目前有840,000 人感染了人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV),还有超过80,000 的艾滋病患者。






















1.may seem:多数译者没有体会到,这种结构实际上要表达的是转折的意思,也就是说,“情况可能如此,但是…”如下面这句话:”She may seem happy,…”即使没有说出后半句,听的人也会明白其中所包含的“其实不然”的意思。所以译成“似乎是遥远陌生的”,就没有表达出这层含义。

2.mainly in their 20s and 30s:20 到29岁是in their 20s,30到39岁是in their 30s,因此不能翻译成“20到30岁”,“20到30岁之间”,“20至30岁这个年龄段”等等。牵涉到数字的翻译,要特别谨慎。贸易往来中一个粗心的数字错误,就会造成巨大的损失。这次译文中,有人把”Saturday”译成了星期日。如果是去赴情人的约会,一日之差至少会引起不少口舌。

3.sexually active:不必具体成“性行为较频繁”,“性活动旺盛”,“频繁的性冲动”等。在进行翻译的时候,原文提法笼统的,一般译文也笼统,译者不应以自己的理解加以具体化。

4.sexually active nature:此处nature不是指“天性”,而应为“特点”,为什么大学生会有“性活跃的天性”?只能说有此特点。要注意同一个英语单词在不同的上下文中的确切含义,尽可能找到较为贴切的汉语加以表达。

5.tend to be more liberal in their sex lives:“tend to be”是“具有某种倾向”的意思,这是在发表一种看法,而不是讲述确凿的事实,所以翻译时应该表达出来。

6.at-risk group:如果中文翻译成“危险群体”,含义是比较模糊的,我认为应该译成“易感群体”,或“易受侵害群体”,因为“危险群体”也可以是对别人有危险而自己并没有多少危险的群体。

7.在翻译时要注意体会原文中的提法是否有褒贬的意思,应选择相应的汉语词汇。如“tend to be more liberal in their sex lives”,原句只是在表明一个看法,作者并没有对此加以褒或贬,如果翻译成“生活比较放纵”,“在过性生活时易采取自由放任的态度”,不仅意思不够准确,同时所用的汉语含有贬义。



大学英语四级新题型模拟训练(翻译) 1. A lot of people nowadays have muscular problems in the neck, the shoulders and the back ____________________________(主要是由于工作中的压力和紧张造成的). 2. More than 3 million children have health insurance now, and ___________________________ (超过250万的家庭已经摆脱贫困). 3. _____________________________________________ (除主席之外的所有董事会成员都投票赞成我的建议)to set up a branch office in the suburbs. 4. The emergence of e-commerce and the fast-growing Internet economy are ________________ (为中国的国内外贸易提供了新的增长机遇). 5. The population of elderly people is increasing rapidly because people are living longer than before._________________________________(发达国家尤为如此). 1. mainly due to stress and tension in their work 2. more than two and a half million families have been lifted out of poverty 3. All the board members except the Chairman voted for my proposal 4. providing new growth opportunities for China's foreign and domestic trade 5. This is especially true of developed countries 【


翻译练习2 1.It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. 2.Rommel came roaring along the coast, all fueled up and rearmed with masses of stuff he captured at Tobruk. 3.Quite overwhelmed, she looked up at him in mingled wonder and enmity without daring to raise her head. 4.Motionless, the two men stared with astonishment at her from the other side of the room. 5.With a basket in her hand, she trudged up the alley to her lodging. 6.Spring has so much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves, and the coursing of its streams, and in its sweet restless seeking. 7.The author finds out that good intentions alone are not enough when his attempt to be kind to an old man leaves them both feeling worse than before. 8.Consequently, the International Currency Fund Organization has given up most of its prudential views, changing its attitude dramatically from giving a warning to the public in December to give its hurried support to those pessimistic views to giving an optimistic analysis in its spring report. 9.When people knew that the water would become worse and worse if they didn’t take any action, they decided to parade the streets where the plants were located, on the day when the local parliament would be held in order that they could make the whole society pay more attention to the matter of water pollution. 10.There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.360docs.net/doc/276540817.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) 1: The truck driver is __________________________________(对这起交通事故负全责). 2:In the court, the defendant ____________________________(声称自己是清白的). 3:Unemployed, John ________________________________(几乎无法维持生计). 4:________________________________(中国政府声明任何情况下都不首先) use nuclear weapons. 5:___________________________(要想他人尊重你),you should learn to respect them first. 答案: 1: The truck driver is _ responsible for the transportation accident. _( 对这起交通事故负全责). 2:In the court, the defendant _ claims himself innocent _( 声称自己是清白的). 3:Unemployed, John _ nearly couldn’t live on himself _( 几乎无法维持生计). 4:_ Chinese Government declares that under no circumstance will China _( 中国政府声明任何情况下都不首先) use nuclear weapons. 5:_ If you want to be respected by others _( 要想他人尊重你),you should learn to respect them first. 1.The club __________ (采用一套新的制度)concerning its membership. 2.My parents are ________ (不同意)our picnic plan. 3.The swimmer caught in the whirlpool__________ (挣扎着避免溺水. ) 4.The carpet was __________ (固定在地板上)with tacks. 5. ( 2 天了都没有走出沙漠,又没有水喝)__________his thirst was unquenchable. 答案: 1.dopted a new set of rules 2.averse to 3.struggled to keep from drowning 4.fastened to the floor 5.Having been in the desert without water for two days 1. (只要看一眼这封信)____________ ,will convince you that you have been taken in. 2. Please don’t stand in the kitchen, you’re________________ (挡路了). 3. ________ (如果暴露在空气中), iron will react with the oxygen of the air. 4. ________ (对听到的事情感到震惊), he placed both his hands on his mouth. 5. We’d better struggle for the future ________ (而不是为过去而懊悔). 答案:


英语句子翻译专练 七年级全册: 1.这两个男孩是双胞胎,他们看上去长得一样。 These two _________ are _________. They _________ the _________. 2.请问,这些用日文怎么说? ________ me, what _______ these ________ _________? 3.这幅画里你能看见什么? What ________ you _______ _________ the ______________? 4.仔细听这首英文歌。 _________ ________ this _________ song __________. 5.我想我不知道答案。 I _________ I ________ ________ the __________. 6.露西是个新生,请照顾她。 Lucy is a .Please her. 7.你家的电话号码是多少? your number? 8.你是像你爸还是像你妈? you your dad your mum? 9.--------你们的教室在哪儿?-------请走这边。 --------W here’s your classroom?-------Come ,please . 10.我骑自行车上学。 I school my bike. 11. 杰克和他的朋友们喜欢在河边玩。 ________________________________ 12. 教室里的椅子是什么颜色的? ________________________________ 13. 我要一件像这样的毛衣。 ________________________________


1 我的电脑已经坏了一个月了。 2 你觉得冷吗? 3 这件衣服摸着又柔软又平滑。 4 赵氏一家都是本地人。 5 那个孩子似乎对故事书一点兴趣都没有。 6 他妈妈上个月突然生病了。 7 他比他的哥哥矮很多。 8 你将来想当发明家吗? 9 你们的梦想最后实现了吗? 10 你长得比以前壮实多了。 11 比赛将持续一个半小时。 12 我的工作是照顾三个小孩。 13 现在你最好保持安静。 14 他在战争中证明了他的英勇。 15 他总是表现得很完美。 16 我对这本小说一点都不感兴趣的,它很无聊。 17 这是李华的书,你的书在哪里啊? 18 交通灯什么时候会变绿灯啊?哦,现在已经是绿灯了啊。 19 这就是你昨天缺席的原因吗? 20 电影院里真安静啊,现在在演什么电影啊? 21 现在已经五月二十五号了,你们都准备好即将到来的高考了吗? 22 什么时候该我啊?我已经准备好表演了。23 你们什么时候能准备好开始工作啊? 24 我最近一直忙着参加考试呢。 25 我很久没有见你哥哥了,他在忙什么啊? 26 孩子们,现在该是你们上床睡觉的时间了。 27 昨天晚上广场上有很多人。 28 你到实验室的时候,谁在里面啊? 29 你根本没必要给他道歉的。 30 我们今天晚上会有一个访客来。 31 爸爸昨晚来看我的时候我刚好和好友出去买东西了。 32 最近我的电脑运作不怎么良好。 33 你们去年旅游了几个月啊? 34 我们必须好好学习,天天向上。 35 铃声响了,孩子们冲出了教室。 36 昨晚这里发生了一起车祸。 37 树叶通常在秋天的时候掉落。 38 他们等了几天就是为了买一张火车票。 39 这个钢笔书写流利吗? 40 他们已经谈了几个小时了? 41 六年前我在西安外国语大学读书。 42 很抱歉,但是我们的会议将不得不再持续一个半小时。 43 我说话的时候你们最好看着屏幕。 44 1776年,英国伦敦爆发了一种严重的疾病。


凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务! 第 1 页 共 1 页 2017考研英语翻译模拟练习题(2) There is no question that science-fiction writers have become more ambitious, stylistically and thematically, in recent years. (1) (But this may have less to do with the luring call of academic surroundings than with changing market conditions —a factor that academic critics rarely take into account.) Robert Silverberg, a former president of The Science Fiction Writers of America, is one of the most prolific professionals in a field dominated by people who actually write for a living. (Unlike mystery or Western writers, most science-fiction writers cannot expect to cash in on fat movie sales or TV tie-ins.) (2) (Still in his late thirties, Silverberg has published more than a hundred books, and he is disarmingly frank about the relationship between the quality of genuine prose and the quality of available outlet. )By his own account, he was “an annoyingly verbal young man ” from Brooklyn who picked up his first science-fiction book at the age of ten, started writing seriously at the age of thirteen, and at seventeen nearly gave up in despair over his inability to break into the pulp magazines. (3)( At his parents ’ urging, he enrolled in Columbia University, so that, if worst came to worst, he could always go to the School of Journalism and “get a nice steady job somewhere ”.) During his sophomore year, he sold his first science-fiction story to a Scottish magazine named Nebula. By the end of his junior year, he had sold a novel and twenty more stories. (4) (By the end of his senior year, he was earning two hundred dollars a week writing science fiction, and his parents were reconciled to his pursuit of the literary life. )“I became very cynical very quickly,” he says. First I couldn ’t sell anything, then I could sell everything. The market played to my worst characteristics. An editor of a schlock magazine would call up to tell me he had a ten-thousand-word hole to fill in his next issue. I ’d fill it overnight for a hundred and fifty dollars. I found that rewriting made no difference. (5)( I knew I could not possibly write the kinds of things I admired as a reader —Joyce, Kafka, Mann —so I detached myself from my work.) I was a phenomenon among my friends in college, a published, selling author. But they always asked, “When are you going to do something serious?” —meaning something that wasn ’t science fiction —and I kept telling them, “ When I ’m financially secure.” 答案 1.但是这一点与其说是与学术环境具有诱惑力的召唤有关,还不如说是与变化的市场状况有关——一这是一个学术评论家很少考虑的因素。 2.还不到四十岁,西尔弗伯格就已出版了一百多本书籍,而他对真正散文的质量与应时之作的质量之间的关系十分坦诚,毫无掩饰。 3.在他双亲的敦促下,他报考了哥伦比亚大学,所以即便最糟他也能进入新闻学校,“将来总可以有一份稳定的好工作。” 4.到大四结束的时候,他每星期写科幻小说已经可以赚两百美元了,而他的双亲也接受了他对于文学生涯的追求。 5.我知道我写不出作为读者的我所喜欢的东西,就像乔伊斯、卡夫卡、曼恩的作品,所以我不再那么关注我所写的东西。 总体分析 本文介绍了科幻小说家罗伯特·西尔弗伯格。文章先指出科幻小说的繁荣与市场需求关系紧密,接着通过介绍多产的科幻小说家西尔弗伯格的创作经历予以说明。 本文考查的知识点:后置定语、插入语、比较结构、同位语、上下文中词义的选择,等。


翻译练习二 Sentence Translation:E-C &C-E Translation Direction:Please translate the following sentences. When you translate, please pay attention how to translate the italicized words. 1.The happiness of having such a sister was their first effusion, and the fair ladies mingled in embraces and tears of joy.(J.Austen: “Northanger Abbey”,Ch.15,V II) 2.It is my conviction that though men may be no more wicked than they always have been, they seem less likely to be ashamed.(J.W.Krutch: “The New Immorality”) 3.I saw that his face was pale. I followed his eyes and looked across the room to a woman who was setting a tray of dringks before some customers.(R. Zacks: “The Date Father Didn`t Keep”) 4.Father passed his hand over his face.(idem) 5.I was truly dumbfounded by this deep fury that possessed her whenever she looked at me.(J.H.Griffin: “Into Mississippi”) 6.In those years the Republicans were in. 7.A week after his prelude to the President`s visit, China was in. 8.The volume of trade has increased tremendously to the advantage of both countries. 9.Independent observers have commented favourably on the achievements you have made in this direction.


大学英语四级翻译理论部分 四级翻译部分为汉译英,共5个句子,一句一题,句长为15-30词,句中的一部分已用英文给出,考生需根据全句意思将汉语部分译成英语,考试时间5分钟。翻译题重点考察考生对语法结构及常用英语表达习惯的掌握情况。 根据近几年的翻译真题来看,针对某项语法重复考察率比较高,所以对曾经考察过的语法点依然不可松懈。下面所提一些重点语法项目,并提出一些建议,希望对大家的备考有所帮助。 (1)句型以及其倒装使用 2008年6月翻译真题第91题: . (Key:Not until he accomplished / finished the mission ) 建议:以此类推,掌握如下常用句型(以倒装方式给出) Not only ……..but also…… So ( Such )…that……。. Not until………。 Neither…..nor……。. Hardly …..when……。. No sooner ……than……。 Only by /through /in …., …………。. 例:(key:did he charge me too much) The university authorities did not approve the regulation, __________ (也没有解释为什么)(11.6) neither did they account for the reason / neither did they explained why / the reason

(2)从句 a. 定语从句 2008年12月翻译真题第87题: (Key :which/that they haven’t found answers to) The field in which we can cooperate b. 状语从句 答案 1.if it’s convenient for you 2What people don’t realize 3What most parents are concerned about 4decided to start their own business 5decided to quit the match 2008年6月第90题: ______________(与我成长的地方相比) this town is more prosperous and exciting. (key : Compared with the place where I grew up) 注意,答案中除过去分词(compared with …)做伴随外,还含有where引导的定语从句。 18.12) decided to start their own business 2. Because of the leg injury, the athlete (决定退出比赛)(07.6) 3. Last week the boy and his friends celebrated his twentieth birthday, (尽情地唱歌跳舞)(06.6) singing and dancing to their hearts’ content b. 动词不定式做目的状语


主谓结构 说明:此结构是由主语加不及物的谓语动词构成, 常用来表示主语的动作。如,The sun rises. 1. 主语可有修饰语--- 定语,如,The red sun rises. 2. 谓语可有修饰语--- 状语,如,The red sun rises in the east. 翻译练习:1.你应当努力学习。 2.她昨天回家很晚。3.那天早上我们谈了很多。 4.会议将持续两个小时。5.在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。6.这种事情全世界各地每天都在发生。 7.1919 年,在北京爆发了“五.四”运动。8.每天八时开始上课。 9.这个盒子重五公斤。 10.五年前我住在北京。 11.爱丽丝很会游泳。 12.约翰的父亲昨晚去世了。 13.秋天有些鸟飞到南方去。 14.我的爷爷早晨起得很早。 15.每天下午有许多学生到图书馆来借书。参考答案: 1.You should study hard. 2.She went home very late yesterday evening. 3.That morning we talked a great deal. 4.The meeting will last two hours. 5.Great changes have taken place in my home town in the past ten years. 6.Things of that sort are happening all over the world every day. 7.The May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919. 8.Classes begin at eight every day. 9.This box weighs five kilos. 10.I lived in Beijing five years ago. 11.Alice swims very well. 12.John's father died last night. 13.In autumn, some birds fly to the south. 14.My grandfather gets up early in the morning. 15.Every afternoon a lot of students come to the library to borrow books. 主 系表结构 说明: 此结构是由主语+系动词+表语组成,主要用以说明主语的特征,类属,状态,身份等。系动词有 (1)表示特征和存在状态的be, seem, feel, appear, look, smell, taste, sound. (2)表示状态延续的remain, stay, keep, continue, stand. (3)表示状态变化的become, get, turn, go, run, fall, come, grow. 翻译练习:1.我的兄弟都是大学生。 2.冬季白天短,夜晚长。3.布朗夫人看起来很健康。


小学英语四会句子翻译练习: 1. 这是我的电脑。 2. 那是你的电脑。 3. 那是讲桌吗?是的,它是。 4. 现在几点了? 5. 现在两点。 6. 现在九点四十五。 7. 现在该上数学课了。 8. 这是你的T恤吗?不,它不是。 9. 它是什么颜色的?它是白色的。 10. 今天很暖和。 11. 让我们来踢足球。 12. 天气凉爽。 13. 天气冷吗? 14. 它多少钱?十元。 15. 它们多少钱?三元。 16. 它们是鸭子吗?不,他们不是。 17. 有多少匹马?十二匹。 18. 谁是你的英语老师?卡特先生。 19. 他长什么样?他又高有强壮。 20. 她文静吗?不,她非常活跃。 21. 她严格吗?是的,但是她非常和蔼。 22. 今天星期几?星期三。 23. 你们星期四有什么课? 24. 我们星期四有英语,数学和科学课。 25. 你周六都做什么?我周六看电视。 26. 你星期一午餐吃什么? 27. 我们吃西红柿,豆腐和鱼。 28. 你最喜欢的水果是什么?我喜欢苹果。它们是甜的。 29. 我喜欢水果。但我不喜欢葡萄。它们是酸的。

30. 你会做什么?我会扫地。 31. 我会做饭。 32. 我会浇花。 33. 你会铺床吗?不,我不会。 34. 你会用电脑吗?是的,我会。 35. 有两个卧室,一个厨房,一个卫生间和一个客厅。 36. 有一面镜子,一张床和一个大衣橱。 37. 衣橱在桌子旁边。 38. 许多衣服在衣橱里。 39. 公园里有森林吗?是的,有。 40. 有小河吗?不,没有。 41. 你什么时候吃晚餐?我晚上七点吃晚餐。 42. 你什么时候起床?我通常中午12点起床。 43. 你周末做什么?我经常看电视,去购物。 44. 有时候我看望外祖父母。 45. 你呢? 46. 我经常踢足球。 47. 有时候我去远足。 48. 你们正在吃午餐吗?是的,我们正在吃。 49. 它们正在吃蜂蜜吗?是的,它们正在吃。 50. 他正在下棋吗?是的,他在。 51. 她正在数昆虫吗?不,她不在。 52. 你怎样去上学,萨拉? 53. 我通常走路去上学。有时候我骑车去。 54. 我怎样才能到达中山公园? 55. 你可以坐15路公交车去。 56. 请问,电影院在哪里? 57. 它在医院旁边。 58. 在电影院左转,然后直走。它在左边。 59. 你周末打算做什么? 60. 这个周末我打算去看望外祖父母。


英语翻译练习题20篇 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.这个专家所推荐的方法被证明是十分有效的。(prove) 2.对国家来说,保护生态环境和保持经济增长同样重要。(as...as) 3.如果有朝一日,学生能亲自参与到课程开发中,那该有多棒啊!(involve) 4.这本新发行的杂志不仅会影响青少年对时尚的看法,还会开启健康饮食的新潮流。(Not only) 【答案】 1.The method recommended by the expert proved (to be) very effective. 2.For/To a country, protecting the environment is as important as maintaining economic growth. 3.How great it is if one day students can be involved in the development of courses on their own. 4.Not only will the newly-released magazine influence teenager's opinions on fashion, but also it will start a new trend towards a healthy diet. 【解析】 【分析】 本题考查翻译句子,注意按括号内的要求翻译。 1.考查非谓语动词和prove的用法。The method 与recommend之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动,用过去分词作后置定语,prove用作连系动词,prove(to be)+adj表示“(被)证明是……的”,语境表明事情发生在过去,应该用一般过去时,故翻译为:The method recommended by the expert proved (to be) very effective 2.考查非谓语动词和as...as的用法。根据句意可知本句用动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数,as+adj+表示“同……一样……”,陈述的是客观事实,应该用一般现在时,故翻译为: For/To a country, protecting the environment is as important as maintaining economic growth. 3.考查感叹句和条件状语从句。根据句意可知本句用how+adj+it is形式的感叹句,同时用if引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”,be involved in表示“参与”,故翻译为:How great it is if one day students can be involved in the development of courses on their own. 4.考查倒装。not only…but also表示“不但……而且”,注意not only 和 but also后面都有主谓结构时,如果not only位于第一分句主语之前,则该分句要部分倒装;后一个分句,即but also后面不用倒装,故翻译为:Not only will the newly-released magazine influence teenager's opinions on fashion, but also it will start a new trend towards a healthy diet. 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.这场因无视规则引发的事故值得我们深思。(ignore) _________________________

八种时态练习题 + 六种基本句型翻译训练

八种时态练习题 + 六种基本句型翻译训练 一、辨形练习 1. Time flies. 2. Class begins! 3. The man doesn’t smoke. 4. We all laughed. 5. Everybody has arrived. 6. I am crying. 7. The sun rises. 8. Does it hurt? 9. The book sells well.(sell等词用主动形式表示被动意义) 以上9个例句均属于句型结构。 1. This is an English-Chinese dictionary. 2. The book is interesting. 3. The dinner smells delicious. 4. Everything looks different. 5. His face turned red. 6. He feel happy. 7. The weather becomes warmer. 8. I’m happy to meet you.9. They are willing to help. 以上9个例句均属于句型结构。 1. Who knows the answer? 2. She laughed at him. 3. He understands English. 4. Tom made cakes. 5. They ate some apples. 6. Danny likes donuts. 7. I want to have a cup of tea. 8. The teacher said “Good morning.” 以上8个例句均属于句型结构。 1. Lily passed her sister a new dress. 2. He cooked her a delicious meal. 3. She bought her husband a new watch. 4. He brought you a dictionary. 5. I told her nothing. 6. I gave him my pictures. 7. I gave him a hand. 8. He showed me how to run the machine.9. John sent Mary some flowers. 以上9个例句均属于句型结构。 1. We saw him go out. 2. I saw them getting on the bus. 3. They call him Bob. 4. They found the house dirty. 5. What makes him sad? 6. We keep the table clean. 7. They painted the door green. 8. He asked me to come back soon. 以上8个例句均属于句型结构。 1. They work hard. 句型 2. The flower is dead. 句型 3. Plants need water. 句型 4. He gives me some seeds. 句型 5. We should keep the plants in the shade. 句型 6. Many animals live in trees. 句型 二、翻译练习 1. 我会试一下的。 2. 昨晚睡得好吗? 3. 引擎坏了。 4. 这窗户关不上。 5 这笔写起来很流畅。 6. 你认识这些人吗? 7. 我不会用英语表达自己。8. 我们支付不起这样的价钱。 9. 介意等几分钟吗? 10. 希望我没说什么话伤害到你。


2019年英语专八考试翻译模拟训练4 Tombs and temples of ancient Egypt follow the Nile well into Sudan. Driving southward from Cairo into the valley, I entered a landscape that owed little to the present era. For the next 1,800 miles the thin blue ribbon of the Nile, flowing slowly north, unwound over brown soil and green fields, some only a few yards wide, others as broad as an Iowa cornfield. At the edge of the fields, rising in dramatic hills or stretching flat to the horizon, lay the brown barren deserts. The road followed the course of the Nile, now passing through the fields, now drawing a black line separating them from the desert. (参考答案) 尼罗河沿岸直到苏丹境内很远的地方,到处能够见到古埃及的坟墓和寺庙。我从开罗驱车南行,进入尼罗河河谷,这里的景色还没有受到多少现代的影响。从这里再往前一千八百英里,尼罗河像一条细细的蓝色丝带,缓缓流向北方,沿途穿过棕色的土地和绿色的田野,这田地窄的不过几码,宽的则赶得上美国伊阿华州的玉米地。田地外边是寸草不生的棕色沙漠,有的地方突然隆起像是小山,有的地方则平平地伸向地平线。公路是顺着尼罗河修筑的,有时穿过庄稼地,有时像是划的一条黑线,这边是庄稼,那边是沙漠。 汉译英 在中国,最重要的节日是农历新年。因为它是依据农历而来,所以大约比阳历新年晚了一个月。传统上,中国新年节庆约持续一个月,但为了不让工作期间中断太久,现在都已缩短为一个星期左右。中国农历年和西方阳历年有些相似之处,譬如像大扫除、全家团圆。所有的债务都要还清,这样新年才有个新开始。与家人、朋友共享盛宴,街


Passage 1 ?Research has shown that caffeine does indeed reduce sleepiness and can lead to better academic performance since students can spend more time studying. ?Despite its effectiveness in counteracting sleepiness, caffeine can have a negative impact on subsequent sleep, which for many students may already be compromised. ?Specifically, caffeinated beverages consumed near bedtime at night can prolong sleep onset and reduce sleep efficiency and depth, thus affecting both sleep quality and duration. ?Most of the research on how caffeine affects sleepiness/alertness has focused on coffee or no-doze pills. ?However, a new kind of caffeinated drink has become increasingly popular, namely functional energy drinks (FEDs). ?FEDs are marketed as products that can improve both mental and physical performance. ? In addition to containing caffeine, FEDs have other active ingredients such as taurine, glucose, and glucuronolactone. ?Exactly how these ingredients together affect alertness remains unclear. 研究表明,咖啡因确实可以减少嗜睡现象。由于学生能够用更多时间来学习,他们的成绩也会提高。 尽管咖啡因可以有效地缓解疲倦,但也会对正常睡眠产生负面影响,许多学生或许已是深受其累却有苦难言。具体而言,睡前饮用含咖啡因的饮料会使入睡时间变长,也会破坏睡眠效果,使人难以进入深度睡眠的状态,因而影响睡眠质量和时间。一直以来,大多数研究都关注咖啡或抗困倦药物中的咖啡因如何影响睡意/警觉性。然而,一种新型的含咖啡因饮料已变得越来越流行,这就是功能性能量饮料(FED)。这种饮料以改善心理状态,提升身体机能为卖点。除了咖啡因,功能性饮料还含有其他活性成分,如牛磺酸,葡萄糖及葡萄糖醛酸内酯。这些成分到底如何影响警觉性尚不清楚。
