


喇叭形坡口 flare groove

锁底坡口 single bevel groove with backing locked

坡形板边tapered edge



焊缝符号 welding symbol

焊缝金属weld metal

填充金属filler metal

熔敷金属 deposited metal

焊缝表面 weld face/ face of weld

焊缝背面back of weld

焊缝轴线axis of weld

焊缝尺寸size of weld

焊缝宽度 weld width/ width of weld 焊缝长度 weld length/ length of weld

熔深 penetration/ depth of penetration

焊缝成形 appearanee of weld

焊缝成形系数 form factor of weld

余高 rein forceme nt/ excess weld metal

背面余高 root reinforcement

削平焊缝 flush weld/ weld machined flush

对接焊缝butt weld


焊脚 leg/ fillet weld leg

角焊缝断面形状 profile of fillet weld

平形角焊缝flat fillet

凸形角焊缝 convex fillet weld

凹形角焊缝 con cave fillet weld


侧面角焊缝 side fillet weld/ fillet weld in paralle lshear

焊缝有效长度 effective len gth of weld 焊

缝厚度 throat depth/ throat thickness 焊缝

计算厚度 theoretical throat

立角焊缝 fillet weld in the vertical position

横角焊缝 fillet weld in the horizontal position

正面角焊缝 front fillet weld/ fillet weld in normal shear

焊缝实际厚度 actual throat

平角焊缝fillet weld in the flat position 焊波ripple 斜角焊缝oblique fillet weld

连续焊缝continuous weld

断续焊缝intermittent weld

连续角焊缝continuous fillet weld

断续角焊缝intermittent fillet weld

交错断续角焊缝staggered in termitte nt fillet weld 并列断续角焊缝chain in termitte nt fillet weld

端接焊缝edge weld

卷边焊缝flanged edge weld

塞焊焊缝plug weld

纵向焊缝Iongitudinal weld

横向焊缝transverse weld

环行焊缝girth weld/ circumferential weld

螺旋形焊缝spiral weld/ helical weld

密圭寸焊缝seal weld

承载焊缝strength weld

联系焊缝connective weld

定位焊缝tack weld 焊根weld root/ root of weld

焊趾weld toe/ toe

圭寸底焊道sealing run (after making main weld)/ back weld

打底焊道backing weld (before making main weld)/ ba ck weld

根部焊道root pass/ root run

填充焊道filling bead

盖面焊道cosmetic bead/ cover pass

回火焊道temper bead/ annealing bead

熔透焊道penetration bead


焊接接头welded joint

接头形状joint geometry

等强匹配接头equal matchi ng weld joint

低强匹配接头un dermatch ing weld joint

超强匹配接头overmatch ing weld joi nt

接头根部root of joint

对接接头butt joint

焊道bead/ run/ pass

I 形对接接头square butt joint

V 形对接接头single V butt joint

U 形对接接头single U butt joint

J 形坡口接头single J butt joint

双V形对接接头double V butt joint

双单边V形对接接头double bevel butt joint/ K groove butt joi nt

带钝边U形对接接头double U butt joint

带钝边J形坡口接头double J joint

角接接头corner joint

T形接头T joint

斜T 形接头inclined T joint

十字接头cruciform joint/ cross-shaped joint

三联接头joint among three members

搭接接头lap joint

套管接头muff joint/ sleeve joint

双盖板接头double strapped joint

盖板接头strapped joint

端接接头edge joint

锁底对接接头lock butt joi nt 斜对接接头oblique butt joint

混合接头mixed joint/ composite joint

有间隙接头open joint

无间隙接头closed joint

焊接电弧welding arc

电弧形态arc shape

电弧物理行为arc physics behaviour

弓丨弧striking arc

引弧电压striking voltage

电弧气氛arc atmosphere


热阴极hot cathode

冷阴极cold cathode

阴极斑点cathode spot

阴极区cathode region

阴极区电场强度inten sity of the electric field in t he cathode regi on

阴极压降cathode drop

卷边接头flanged edge joint 阳极anode

阳极斑点anode spot

斑点压力spot pressure

阳极区anode region

阳极区电场强度inten sity of the electric field in t

he anode regi on

阳极压降anode drop

弧柱arc column/ arc stream

弧柱压降voltage drop in arc column

弧柱电位梯度pote ntial gradie nt in the arc colu mn 弧焰arc flame

弧心arc core

硬电弧forceful arc/ hard arc

软电弧soft arc

旋转电弧rotating arc

脉冲电弧pulsed arc

脉冲喷射电弧pulsed spray arc

起皱现象puckering phenomena

起皱电弧puckering arc

起皱临界电流puckeri ng critical curre nt 压缩电弧compressive arc

磁控电弧magnetic controlling arc

电弧力arc force

电磁力electromagnectic force

电磁收缩效应pi nch effect

电弧飘移wandering of arc

电弧稳定性arc stability

电弧静特性static characteristic of arc

电弧动特性dynamic characteristic of arc 最小电压原理prin ciple of minimum voltage 电弧挺度arc stiffness

电弧偏吹arc blow

磁偏吹magnetic blow

阴极清理作用clea ning action of the cathode 电弧自身调节arc self-regulati on 挖掘作用digging action 极性效应polarity effect


熔滴比表面积specific surface of droplet

熔滴过渡metal transfer

间接电弧in direct arc

粘性熔渣viscous slag

氧化物型熔渣 oxide melti ng slag

盐型熔渣 salt melting slag

盐-氧化物型熔渣 salt-oxide melti ng slag

熔渣流动性 fluidity of the slag; slag fluidity

熔渣 solidified slag

多孑L 焊渣porous slag

玻璃状焊渣vitreous slag

自动脱落焊渣 self-releasi ng slag

脱渣性 slag detachability

焊接设备 welding equipment; welding set

焊机 weldi ng machi ne; welder

电焊机 electric welding machine; electric welder

焊接电源 welding power source

焊接热循环 weld thermal cycle

焊接温度场 field of weld temperature; weld temperat ure field

准稳定温度场 quasi-stati onary temperature field

焊接热源 welding heat source

点热源 point heat source

过度频率 transition frequency

粗滴过渡 globular transfer; drop transfer

短路过渡 short circuiting transfer 喷射过

渡 spray transfer

旋转喷射过渡 rotati ng spray transfer 脉

冲喷射过渡 pulsed spray tran sfer 爆炸过

渡 explosive transfer 渣壁过渡 flux wall

guided transfer 熔池 molten pool

沸腾状熔池 boiling molten pool



渣系 slag system

渣系相图 slag system diagram

碱性渣basic slag

酸性渣acid slag

碱度 basicity

酸度 acidity

长渣 long slag

短渣 short slag

线热源linear heat source

面热源plane heat source

瞬时集中热源in sta ntan eous concen trati on heat sourc e

热效率thermal efficiency

热能集中系数coefficie nt of heat flow concen trati on 峰值温度peak temperature

瞬时冷去卩速度mome ntary cooli ng rate

冷却时间cooling time

置换氧化substitutionary oxydation

扩散氧化diffusible oxydation


先期脱氧precede nt desoxydati on

扩散脱氧diffusible desoxydation

沉淀脱氧precipitation desoxydation

扩散氢diffusible hydrogen

初始扩散氢initial diffusible hydrogen

100 C残余扩散氢diffusible hydrogen remai ned at 10

0 C 残余氢residual hydrogen

去氢dehydroge nati on

去氢热处理heat treatment for dehydrogenation

脱硫desulphurizati on

脱磷dephosphorizati on



一次结晶组织primary solidificati on structure

二次结晶组织sec on dary solidificati on structure 联生结晶epitaxial solidification

焊缝结晶形态solidificati on mode in weld-bead


多边化边界polygonization boundary

结晶平均线速度mea n solidificati on rate

针状铁素体acicular ferrite

条状铁素体lath ferrite

侧板条铁素体ferrite side-plate

晶界欣素体grain boundary ferrite; polygonal ferrit e; pro-entectoid ferrite

粒状贝氏体granular bainite

板条马氏体lath martensite

英语词汇学 术语解释

.' Lexicology the is into linguistics, inquiring a branch of origins and meanings of words. Morphology different their and the : study of morpheme forms. Semantics the study of word meaning. :Etymology: the study of the origin of words, and of their history and changes in their meaning. Stylistics : the study of the variation in language which is dependent on the situation in which the language is used and also on the effect the writer or speaker wishes to create on the reader or hearer Lexicography : the compiling of dictionaries. Synchronic study one or words at a : the study of word particular point in time. Diachronic study studies which to : an approach lexicology how a word (or words) changes over a period of time.


科技术语翻译的规范与统一 作者:古龙 2009-07-04 一、引言 在科技飞速发展的今天,新理论、新概念、新材料、新技术、新工艺、新设备等不断产生,这样新的术语也不断涌现,并且,其产生和传播速度之快、渠道之多、数量之大前所未有。什么是术语?列福而马茨基在1965年《语言学引论》中给术语的定义是:“术语是专业的、其意义受限制的词,这些词作为对概念的准确表示与事物的称名趋于单义。”另一位学者盖德认为:“术语是充当定义功能并以严格的系统性、单义性、在该科学范围或者知识领域内无同义词为特点的词汇。”通俗的说术语就是描述某一个学科系统知识的关键词。因此前苏联科学家索伯列夫说:“翻译技术著作的基础是专门术语。”我们在阅读一些科技文献时,有时会碰到一些难以理解的术语,是因为这些术语有若干个翻译让我们不知所云。比如“Compact Disk”就有“镭射碟”,“镭射唱片”,“激光碟”,“激光盘”,“光盘”等翻译。我国是一个历史悠久的国家,自古以来就十分重视语言文字的规范和统一,主张“书同文,车同轨”。孔子日:“名不正则言不顺,言不顺则事不成”。可见对于科技术语,只是“书同文”还不够,还要“物同名”。语言文字一样,在交流中表达同一事物的名称不一样,一物多名,仍难以交流。因此,科技术语的规范与统一是非常重要和必要的。

二、产生术语翻译差异的主要原因 产生术语翻译的原因很多,有主观的原因,也有客观的原因。这里我们从三个方面讨论。 1.译者间缺乏交流或缺乏专业知识 不管是科技专家还是翻译专家,如果在翻译和定名时各自为战,这样就很容易造成科技术语翻译的混乱现象。很多术语出现多种翻译就是由于学科间、行业间、专家个人间各自翻译、定名未经协调统一造成的。比如Internet刚出现不久就有“国际互连网”、“互连网”,“全球互连网”、“交互网”、“因特网”、“国际电脑网络”等多个翻译。译者在翻译有关术语时,一定要懂得相关的专业知识,否则会造成误译。有些术语在不同的行业有不同的含义。比如Cell,在生物专业是“细胞”;电气专业“电池”;电子行业“元件”;机械行业“容器”;通讯行业“手机”;统计力学专业“相格”等。2.科技知识的快速翻新 当今世界已进入信息化和知识经济化时代,科学技术发展迅猛,每时每刻都产生大量的科技术语。而且他们越来越多地进入普通人的日常生活中去。据说,近2O年新产生的术语是有史以来所有术语的2O倍。面对如此庞大的术语数量以及新生的科学分支,我们不可能一开始对每一个新产生的术语有深入的了解。因此,在术语产生初期会出现几种不同的译


1.素质教育:Quality Education 2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient 3. 保险业:the insurance industry 4. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas 5. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears 6. 不良贷款:non-performing loan 7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting 8. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas 9. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents 10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers 11. 出口信贷:export credit 12. 贷款质量:loan quality 13. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans 14. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks 15. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project 16. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction 17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels 18. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions 19. 费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes 20. 跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing 21. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects 22. 国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets 23. 过度开垦:excess reclamation 24. 合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects 25. 积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy 26. 基本生活费:basic allowance 27. 解除劳动关系:sever labor relation 28. 金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision 29. 经济安全:economic security 30. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the deficit to spend more on development 31. 扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand 32. 拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth 33. 粮食仓库:grain depot 34. 粮食收购企业:grain collection and storage enterprise 35. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds 36. 粮食销售市场:grain sales market 37. 劣质工程:shoddy engineering


翻译是把一种语言里已经表达出来的事物用另一种语言准确流畅地进行重新表达的过程。与其他题材的文章相比,科技专业文章在内容、表达形式和风格上有很大的差别,具有科技性强、专业性强、逻辑严密、表达要求简练的特点,在翻译上力求准确全面、严谨明确和通顺简练。 1科技英语翻译遵循的基本原则 从科技文章的特点来看,大多具有以下几个特征:述说事理、逻辑性强、结构严密、术语繁多,语言严谨、数据精确。这就要求译文必须概念清楚、条理分明、逻辑正确、数据无误,尤其对定义、定律、公式、图表、结论等更应特别注意。科技英语作为特殊英语的一个分支,在词汇构成、遣词造句等方面都有其自身的特点,其语法结构不十分严密、语言习惯和汉语也有不少差别、词汇量大、词语繁多,因此科技英语翻译起来比较困难。另外,科技文章比较重视叙事逻辑上的连贯及表达上的明晰与畅达; 避免行文晦涩,避免表露个人感情,避免论证上的主观随意性。因此,科技英语翻译力求少用或不用描述性形容词以及具有抒情作用的副词、感叹词及疑问词,而是大量使用科技词汇、专业技术用语,译者应尊重客观事实,不能随意改动数据、回避不易翻译的文字,更不能加进自己的主观想象,进行自由翻译。 我国著名翻译家严复提出的“信、达、雅”三准则一直为不少翻译工作者所接受。 “信”指的是译文要忠实于原文,“达”是指译文的通顺达意,“雅”指的是译文的用词修辞。三准则体现了译文和原文信息等值这一基本要领。 “信、达、雅”的翻译准则对各种英语文体的翻译实践都具有指导意义,是衡量一篇译文好坏的标准,也同样适用于科技文献的翻译。由于科技文章特有的文体特征,与其他类文章相比,其“达”和“雅”的内涵不同,它要求在准确传达信息的基础上,使译文更加简洁明快,流畅通顺。2科技英语翻译的基本方法


学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考 English Lexicology(英语词汇学) 1.English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages.英语词汇学旨在调查和研究英语单词和单词的等价物的形态结构,其语义结构、关系、历史发展、形成和用法。 2.English Lexicology is correlated with such linguistic disciplines as morphology(形态学), semantics(语义学), etymology(词源学),stylistics(文体论)and lexicography(词典学) Chapter 1--Basic concepts of words and vocabulary 1.Word(词的定义): A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentence 词语是语言最小的自由形式,拥有固定的声音和意义以及句法作用。 2.Sound and meaning(声音与意义): almost arbitrary, “no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself”词语是一个符号,代表着世界上其他的事物。每种世界文化已经赞成一定的读音将代表一定的人,事,地方,特性,过程,行动,当然是在语言系统之外。这种象征性的联系几乎总是主观的,并且“在代表事物和思想的声音和实际的事物和思想之间没有法定关系” 3.Sound and form(读音和形式):不统一的四个原因(1)the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans,which does not have a separate letter to represent each other内因是因为英语字母表采用罗马字母,罗马字母没有独立的字母代表每个读音,因此一些字母代表两个读音或者组合在一起发音。 (2)the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years另一个原因是发音比拼写的变化快,在一些时候还拉开了距离。在最近五百年里,尽管口语发音已经出现了显著的变化,却没有相应的拼写变化。 (3)some of the difference were created by the early scribes第三个原因是一些早期的书写员发明了一些不同。(4)the borrowings is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary最后借词来了,这是丰富英语词汇的重要途径。 (5)printing印刷已经变得非常普及。它有助于固定单词的拼写、standardization标准化使得拼写不容改变。、dictionary字典在拼写终结中得到好处。 —Old English,The speech of the time was represented very much more faithfully in writing than it is today. 古代英语中的口语比今天更忠实的代表书面语 —The written form of English is an imperfect representation of the spoken form。英语的书写是发音形式不完善的代表 4.What is vocabulary? (1)Total number of the words in a language一个语言的单词综合 (2)Words used in a particular historical period 特殊历史时期使用的单词 (3)All the words of a dialect,a book ,a discipline...某个方言,书籍,学科中的所有单词 5.Classification of English Words:英语词汇由所有种类的词汇组成。它们可以根据不同的标 准或者不同的目的进行分类。 By use frequency:basic word stock&nonbasic vocabulary根据使用频率,单词可以分为基础词和非基础词。 By notion:content words&functional words可以根据概念分成实词和虚词


科技英语中专业术语的 翻译 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

科技英语中专业术语的翻译 1.意译:根据科技术语的含义,将其翻译成汉语里和它完全对等的名词就叫意译。对单个词语来说,意译也就是直译。意译法是最常用的翻译方法,它能使读者直接了解术语的含义。例子如下: ①firewall ........ :防火墙 ②data mining .......... :数据挖掘 ③automatic program control ....................... :自动程序控制 2.形译:英语中有些科技术语的前半部分是表示该术语形象的字母或单词,翻译成汉语时可把这一部分翻译成表示具体形象的词,或保留原来的字母,这就叫形译。例子如下: I .-.bar ... 工字钢、工字条;O .-.ring .... 环形圈;twist .....-.drill .....麻花钻;X .-.Ray ...X 光;α.-.brass ..... α黄铜[1] 3.音译:根据英语发音翻译成汉语里相应的词。科技英语中某些有专业名词构成的术语、单位名称、新型材料的名称等,在翻译时都可采用音译法。例子如下: gene .... 基因;quark ..... 夸克;Pentium ....... 奔腾 celluloid ......... 赛璐璐;nylon ..... 尼龙 Hertz .....(Hz )赫兹(频率单位);lumen .....流明(光通量单位) 4.缩写词:英语首字母缩写词在科技新词中占很大比重,这类词如果译成汉语,就显得拖沓冗长,因此很多情况下干脆不翻译。例子如下: CPU ...:.C .entral Processing Unit ....................(中央处理器) ASCII .....:.American S .........tandard ....... C .ode ... for ... I .nformation .......... I .nterchange .......... (美国信息交换标准码) ATM ...:.A .synchronous ........... T .ransfer ....... M .ode ... (异步传输方式) 一些国际组织的缩写也常采用这种办法。例子如下: WTO ...(国际贸易组织);UNESCO ......(联合国教科文组织);WHO ...(世界卫生组织);IOC ... (国际奥委会)


1.科学发展观the Outlook of Scientific Development(也有一说outlook 应为conception,有兴趣自己 去查字典了解了解两词的区别【谢谢方雪梅同学的讨论】) 2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order 3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefit 4.推动树立以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观foster a new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination 5.主张形成以尊重多样性为特点的新文明观foster a new thinking on civilization that respects diversity 6.新能源观new thinking on energy development 有关先进文化的词汇 1.古为今用、洋为中用 旧译let the ancient serve the present, let the foreign serve the national 现译draw from past and foreign achievements 2.文艺工作cultural and art work; work in the cultural field 3.牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向firmly keep to the direction of an advanced culture/cultural advancement 4.文化与经济和政治互相交融interaction between cultural work, and economic and political activities cultural elements/factors intermingle with economic and political factors 5.民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化 a socialist culture that is distinctly Chinese, pro-science and people-oriented 6.弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化promote mainstream values and uphold cultural diversity 7.以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以崇高的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人Equip/empower people with scientific theories, guide them with correct opinions/ convey to them right messages/provide them with correct media guidance, imbue them with a noble spirit and inspire them with excellent/fine works 8.具有中国气派的社会主义文化Chinese-style socialist culture; socialist culture with Chinese appeal 9.越是民族的,越是世界的The pride of a nation is also the pride of the world. What's unique for a nation is also precious for the world. When you are unique, the world comes to you.

【VIP专享】英语词汇学引论 术语翻译

Abberbation 缩写;缩略 Ablative case 夺格(即第五个或工具格)Absolute synonym 绝对同义词Accusative case 直接宾格 Acronym 首字母缩略词 Aderbial clause of concession 让步状语从句Affix 词缀 Affixation 词缀法 Alien 外国词 Alliteration 头韵 Alphabetical order 字母表顺序Amelioration 进化 Analogy 类比 Analytic language 分析性语言Anthropomorphic 拟人化的 Antonym 反义词 Antonymy 翻译关系 Approach to 方法 Archaism 古词 Arbitrary 任意的 Argot 黑话 Autosemantic 词本身有独立意义的 Base 词基 Back-formation 逆成法 Bilingual 双语的 Blend 拼缀词 Blending 拼缀法 Borrowed word 借词 Borrowing 借词 Bound morpheme 粘着形位 Briton 布立吞人 Capitalization 大写 Case 格 Classical element 古典成分 Clipping 缩短法 Collocability 词的搭配能力 Collocation 词的搭配 Colloquialism 口语词 Colloquial style 口语语体 Combining form 构词成分Complementaries 互补性反义词

Complex word 复合词 Compound 合成词 Compound word 合成词 Compounding 合成法 Concatenation 连锁型语义演变过程Conjugation 动词变位 Connotative meaning 内含意义 Context 语境 Contraries 相对性反义词 Conventional 约定俗成的 Converging sound-development 语音发展的一致性Conversion 转类法 Conversives 换位性反义词 Cosmopolitan character 国际性 Dative case 与格(第三格) De-adjectival 由形容词转变而来的 Declension 名词、形容词等的变格Degradation of meaning 意义的降格 Denizen 外来词 Denominal nouns :abstract 纯名词表示抽象意义Denominal nouns :concrete 纯名词表示具体意义Denotative meaning 外延意义 Derivative antonym 派生反义词 Deterioration 退化 Deverbal noun 由动词派生的名词 Diachronic approach 历时分析法 Diachronic dictionary 历史语言学词典Diachrony 历时分析 Dialect 方言 Double genitive case 双生格 Doublets 两词一组的同义词 Elevation of meaning 意义的升格Encyclopaedic dictionary 百科全书词典 Entry 词条 Etymology 词源学 Euphemism 委婉语 Euphony 语音的和谐悦耳 Existing word 现行的词 Exocentric word 离心结构合成词 Extension of meaning 意义的扩大 Figure of speech 修饰手段


科技文体崇尚严谨周密,概念准确,逻辑性强,行文简练,重点突出,句式严整,少有变化,常用前置性陈述,即在句中将主要信息尽量前置,通过主语传递主要信息。科技文章文体的特点是:清晰、准确、精练、严密。那末,科技文章的语言结构特色在翻译过程中如何处理,这是进行英汉科技翻译时需要探讨的问题。现分述如下: 一、大量使用名词化结构 《当代英语语法》(A Grammar of Contemporary)在论述科技英语时提出,大量使用名词化结构(Nominalization)是科技英语的特点之一。因为科技文体要求行文简洁、表达客观、内容确切、信息量大、强调存在的事实。而非某一行为。 Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacementof water by solid bodies. 阿基米德最先发展固体潘?脑?怼?lt;BR>句中of displacementof water by solid bodies 系名词化结构,一方面简化了同位语从句,另一方强调displacement 这一事实。 The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night. 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。 名词化结构the rotation of the earth on its own axis 使复合句简化成简单句,而且使表达的概念更加确切严密。 If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler, the heat loss, can be considerably reduced. 炉壁采用耐火砖可大大降低热耗。 科技英语所表述的是客观规律,因之要尽量避免使用第一、二人称;此外,要使主要的信息置于句首。 Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves. 电视通过无线电波发射和接受活动物体的图象。 名词化结构the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves 强调客观事实,而"谓语动词则着重其发射和接受的能力。 二、广泛使用被动语句 根据英国利兹大学John Swales 的统计,科技英语中的谓语至少三分之一是被动态。这是因为科技文章侧重叙事推理,强调客观准确。第一、二人称使用过多,会造成主观臆断的印象。因此尽量使用第三人称叙述,采用被动语态,例如:Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.应当注意机器的工作温度。而很少说:You must pay attention to the working temperature of the machine .你们必须注意机器的工作温度。此外,如前所述,科技文章将主要信息前置,放在主语部份。这也是广泛使用被动态的主要原因。试观察并比较下列两段短文的主语。 We can store electrical energy in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. We call such a device a capacitor, or a condenser, and its ability to store electrical energy capacitance .It is measured in farads. 电能可储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属极板内。这样的装置称之为电容器,其储存电能的能力称为电容。电容的测量单位是法拉。 这一段短文中各句的主语分别为: Electrical energy Such a device Its ability to store electrical energy


《英语词汇学》重要术语 One: 1. Native words 本族词 Words of Anglo-Saxon origin or of Old English are native words. 2. Loan words 借词 Words borrowed from other languages are loan words or borrowed words. 3. Slang words 俚语 Slang words are those words of a vigorous, colourful, facetious, or taboo nature, invented for specific occasions, or uses, or derived from the unconventional use of the standard vocabulary. 4. Function words 功能词 Function words are often short words such as determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, auxiliaries that serve grammatically more than anything else. 5. Content words 实义词 Content words are used to name objects, qualities, actions, processes or states, and have independent lexical meaning. 6. Free forms 自由形式 Forms which occur as sentences are free forms. Two: 1. Morphemes 语素 Morphemes are the smallest meaningful linguistic units of English language, not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms. 2. Allomorphs 语素变体 Allomorphs are any of the variant forms of a morpheme as conditioned by position or adjoining sounds. 3. Free morpheme 自由语素 Free morpheme is one that can be uttered alone with meaning. 4. Bound morpheme 粘着语素 Bound morpheme cannot stand by itself as a complete utterance and must appear with at least one other morpheme, free or bound. 5. Root 词根 Root is the basic unchangeable part of a word and it conveys the main lexical meaning of the word. 6. Affix 词缀 Affix is a collective term for the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme. 7. Inflectional affix 屈折词缀 Inflectional affix serves to express such meanings as plurality, tense, and the comparative or superlative degree. 8. Derivational affix 派生词缀 Derivational affix is the kind of affixes that has specific lexical meaning hand can derive a word when it is added to another morpheme. 9. Prefixes 前缀 Prefixes are affixes added before words.


科技英语中专业术语的翻译 1. 意译:根据科技术语的含义,将其翻译成汉语里和它完全对等的名词就叫意译。对单个词语来说,意译也就是直译。意译法是最常用的翻译方法,它能使读者直接了解术语的含义。例子如下:①firewall防火墙 ②data mining数据挖掘 ③automatic program control:自动程序控制 2. 音译:根据英语的发音翻译成汉语里相应的词。科技英语中某些由专有名词构成的术语、单位名称、新型材料的名称等,在翻译时都可采用音译法。例子如下: ●gene基因;quark夸克;Pentium奔腾 ●celluloid赛璐珞;nylon尼龙 ●Hertz(Hz)赫兹(频率单位);lumen流明(光通量单位) 3. 形译:英语中有些科技术语的前半部分是表示该术语形象的字母或单词,翻译时汉语时可把这一部分翻译成表示具体形象的词,或保留原来的字母,这就叫行译。例子如下: I-bar工字钢、工字条;O-ring环形圈;twist-drill麻花钻;X-ray X光;α-brass α黄铜[1] 4.缩写词:英语首字母缩写词在科技新词中占有很大的比重,这类词如翻译成汉语,就显得拖沓冗长,因此很多情况下干脆不翻译。例子如下: CPU:Central Processing Unit(中央处理器) ASCII:American Standard Code for Information Interchange(美国信息交换标准码) ATM:Asynchronous Transfer Mode(异步传输模式) 一些国际组织的缩写也常采用这种方法。例子如下:

WTO(世界贸易组织);UNESCO(联合国教科文组织);WHO(世界卫生组织);IOC (国际奥委会) 注[1]:指含锌量≤35%的铜锌合金。


Lecture 2 Basic Concepts in Translatology 翻译学基本用语: 源语/译出语source language(SL), original language 译语/译入语target language(TL), receptor language, receiving language 原作者SL author, original author 译者(笔译者)translator 译者(口译者)interpreter 读者/接受者reader, receptor, audience 文本text 原文/原著source text (ST), SL text, original text, original version/original work 译文target text, translation, target version, rendering, rendition 译本/译著translated text/translational work 源语读者source-language reader/SL reader 源语文化source-language culture/source culture 译语读者target-language reader/TL reader/receiving audience 译语文化target-language culture/target culture/receiving

culture 语境context 笔译written translation 口译oral interpretation/oral translation/interpreting 同声传译simultaneous interpreting 交替口译consecutive interpreting 翻译原则translation principle 标准translation criterion (复数形式为criteria) 翻译过程translation process 翻译程序/步骤translation procedures 反应/读者反应response/reader’s response 对应(部分对应/完全对应)(partial /full )correspondence 等值/对等equivalence 对等物(词语)equivalent 形式对等formal equivalence 功能对等functional equivalence 动态对等dynamic equivalence 等效equivalent effect 充分性adequacy 可接受性acceptability(acceptable, unacceptable, unacceptability) 可读性readability(readable)


lexicology 题型: 1.填空(30*1=30) 2.解释(10*1=10) 3.主观题(2*10=20) 4.分析词汇学现象(10) 5.翻译(15*2=30) 考点: Chapter 2 Language proper 1.Genetic classification p15: English belongs to the Low West Germanic branch of the Indo-European family. 2.Structural classification: synthetic language & analytic language p22 A synthetic language is one which shows the relation of words in a sentence largely by means of inflections(变音,转调). An analytic language is one which indicates the relation of words in a sentence by means of word order, prepositions or auxiliary verbs, rather than by inflections. Old English (OE 450-1100)synthetic language The history of English begins with the conquest and settlement of what is now England by the Angles, Saxons and the Jutes from about 450 AD. Characteristics of Old English: 1)They had complex inflectional systems for nouns, pronouns, articles, verbs, and adverbs. 2)They had great flexibility in sentence word order made possible by the extensive sets of inflections. Middle English (ME 1100-1500) The transitional period from Old English to Modern English is know as Middle English (ME 1100-1500), which is characterized by the strong influence of French following the Norman Conquest in 1066. Middle English developed rapidly toward becoming an analytic language. Modern English analytic language The English language from 1500 to the present is called Modern English. Characteristics of Modern English 1)Great Vowel Shift ※ 2)Inflections continued to disappear, making Modern English an analytic language. 3)The word order of English sentences became more and more firmly fixed.


术语翻译贡献者 Absolute Translation 绝对翻译 古阿德克( Gouadec) Abstract Translation 摘要翻译 古阿德克( Gouadec) Abusive translation 滥译 路易斯( Lewis ) Acceptability 可接受性 托利( Toury ) Accuracy 准确Adaptation 改编Adequacy 充分性Adjustment 调整 Analogical Form 类同形式 霍尔姆斯( Holmes) Analysis 分析 奈达( Nida )和泰伯( Taber ) Applied Translation Studies 应用翻译研究霍尔姆斯( Holmes) Architranseme (ATR) 元译素范·路文兹瓦特( van Leuven- Zwart ) Autonomy Spectrum 自立幅度罗斯( Rose) Autotranslation 自译 波波维奇( Popovic ) Back Translation 回译 Bilateral interpreting 双边传译凯斯( Keith )Class Shift 词类转换韩礼德( Halliday )Close Translation 贴近翻译纽马克( Newmark) Communicative Translation 传意翻译;交际翻 译纽马克( Newmark) Community interpreting 社群传译 Compensation 补偿赫维( Hervey )Competence 能力托利( Toury )Componential Analysis 语义成分分析奈达( Nida )Comprehensive theory 综合理论
