
可能性测度下的CTL 符号化模型检测



模型检测技术已不能完全适用于复杂系统的验证三对可能性测度下CTL 符号化模型检测进行了研究三首先用多终端二值决策图和布尔公式分别描述系统模型和待验证性质,然后再对系统模型进行归一化和简化,最后利用不动点计算完成系统验证三该研究是对可能性测度下的模型检测技术和符号化模型检测技术的整合,不但能处理系统的不确定信息,而且保持了符号化模型检测对计算时空要求低的优点,对于复杂系统模型检测具有重要意义三

关键词:符号模型检测;可能性测度;CTL ;

多终端二值决策图中图分类号:TP301文献标志码:A doi :10.3969/j .issn.1007-130X.2018.11.013S y mbolic CTL model checkin g based on p ossibilit y measure

LEI Li -hui ,GUO Yue ,ZHANG Yan -bo

(Colle g e of Com p uter Science ,Shaanxi Normal Universit y ,Xi an 710119,China )Abstract :With the increasin g com p lexit y of s y stems ,it is ur g ent to deal with the uncertain informa -tion in the s y stems.Besides ,the state ex p losion p roblem is g ettin g more and more serious.Existin g model checkin g techni q ues are no lon g er suitable for the verification of such com p lex s y stems.We stud y s y mbolic CTL model checkin g based on p ossibilit y measure.Firstl y ,multi -terminal binar y decision trees (MTBDDs )and Boolean formula are res p ectivel y used to describe s y stem models and p ro p erties to be verified.Secondl y ,the s y stem models are normalized and sim p lified.Finall y ,s y stem verification is com -p leted b y fixed p oint calculation.Our work is an inte g ration of s y mbolic model checkin g and CTL model checkin g based on p ossibilit y measure ,which can not onl y handle uncertain information in s y stems ,but

also maintain s y mbolic model checkin g 's advanta g e of low demand for com p utation time and stora g e s p ace.It is thus si g nificant for the verification of com p lex s y stems.Ke y words :s y mbolic model checkin g ;p ossibilit y measure ;CTL ;MTBDD 1一引言






适用于复杂系统的验证三因此,对模型检测技术进?收稿日期:2018-06-09;修回日期:2018-08-24基金项目:国家自然科学基金(A011404)通信地址:710119陕西省西安市陕西师范大学计算机科学学院Address :Colle g e of Com p uter Science ,Shaanxi Normal Universit y ,Xi an 710119,Shaanxi ,P.R.China 一CN 43-1258/TP ISSN 1007-130X 一一一一计算机工程与科学

Com p uter En g ineerin g &Science 第40卷第11期2018年11月一Vol .40,No .11,Nov .2018一

文章编号:1007-130X (2018)11-2008-07万方数据
