越狱》剧本中英对照 (15)

Previously on Prison Break:
保证24小时监视住他 I want him under 24-hour surveillance.
他们行刑的时候我必须在那里 I have to be there when they kill this man.
最少你也看看他的案子 The least you could do is review his case.
Terrence Terrence
有件事我不明白 The thing I can't quite figure is
这事变得这么糟 with the crap storm this thing's become
为什么他们还没杀了你 why they haven't killed you,
好好享受 Have at it.
出于对你的尊敬 Now, out of respect for what you once were,
我可以让你少点麻烦 I'm going to let you walk away.
还是把这玩意交给我吧? Why don't you just hand me that shank you're holding?
我不知道你为什么需要这东西 I'm not even sure why you need it.
谢谢 Thank you.
钥匙就在你的收件箱里 Your keys, they were right over there by your in-box.
有个维修工在外面等着你 Well, you got a maintenance guy waiting outside here,
他说你让他来换锁的 says you want him to change the locks.
要我把他打发走吗? Want me to call him off?
不 让他进来 No, send him in.
这是你最后的机会 Tweener It's your last chance, Tweener.
Scofield和他一起在PI干活的 他们准备越狱 Scofield and his whole PI crew, they're escaping.
你明白我不能让你离开这里的 You know I can't let you leave here, boss.
是狗 Dogs
我明白了 那么多次 The numerous times I've been apprehended
我都躲不开那些警察 while trying to elude the authorities,
都是因为这些该死的狗 it's always because of the damn dogs.
这一生你可以摆脱任何东西 Turns out you can run from just about everything in your life
除了你独特的体味 except your own particular stink.
没错 我们当中某些人要臭得多 Yeah, well, some of us stink more than others.
你也能香喷喷的 Kinte, you can smell like a bouquet of bonbons,
但除非你身上没味了 but unless you get rid of your smell
要不然就等于警察递上条子 you might as well send a note to the police
给出方向还有车费 with directions and some cab fare.
Theodore说的没错 伙计 You know, Theodore's right, man.
我们要清理牢房 We gotta scrub down our cells.
那床位呢? 枕头 床单 所有东西 -What about our bunks? -Pillows, sheets, everything.
要么去掉你身上的味道或者改了它 Either get rid of your smell or change it.
我们还有多少时间? Well, how much time we got?
John? John?
3天 要进入PI的守卫室 -Three days.That's the soonest I could get us
那已经是最快的了 into the guards' room for PI.
到那时候可以搞到剩余的警服吗? You think you'll have the extra suits by then?
可能 明天就会运到 Probably. They should be here tomorrow.
很好 那样我们行动就有保证了 Good, so we're good to go.
我们剩下要解决就是 All we got left is figuring out
怎么穿过医务室的那道门 how to get through that door in

the infirmary.
还有怎么把Linc弄出那间房 How to get Linc out of that box.
三天内你能做完吗? -And you can do that in three days?
三天时间已经很多了 -Three days should be plenty of time.
我们得出去 We got to get out of here.
马上 Now.
越狱 第20集
我不知道他怎么找到的 他确实找到了 I don't know how he found it. He just did.
那个洞就敞在那儿? So the hole's just sitting there?
我已经尽可能盖住了 I covered it the best I could,
不过发现Bellick失踪 but it's just a matter of time
只是时间问题 before someone discovers Bellick's missing.
Bellick失踪了是什么意思? What do you mean Bellick's missing?
好了 好了 Okay, okay, okay.
Fox River是个很大的地方 Fox River is a big place.
或许一时半会儿他们还没注意到 Maybe they won't notice for a while.
没有Bellick的命令 那些人什么也不会做 Nothing happens around here without Bellick's say so.
有人会发现他失踪了 Somebody is gonna notice that he's missing.
他们发现了 就会关闭这里 And when they do, they're gonna close this place down
直到他们找到他 until they find him.
我们该怎么做? What are we gonna do?
天一黑 As soon as it gets dark
我们就行动 今晚? we go.Tonight?
帅哥 今晚我们可没准备好 -Pretty, we ain't ready to escape tonight.
越狱已经开始了 Escape already started.
从Bellick发现那个洞就已经开始了 It started the minute Bellick found that hole.
他们发现他失踪就结束了 And it's gonna end the minute they figure out that he's missing.
那你就留下! Then stay!
我一定会看早报 I'll be sure to read the papers in the morning.
看看你们 See how many years you got when they realized
被发现后 which crew was working in
要再坐多少年 that room and dug that hole.
那现在怎么办? So what's the play, man?
你今晚能准备好飞机吗? Do you think you can have the plane ready by tonight?
可以 Sure.
你负责厨房 对吗? 是 -You had kitchen duty, right? -Yeah.
你用什么擦地板? What'd you use to scrub down the floors?
我想是过氧化氢之类的东西 I don't know. I think it was some peroxide, or something like that.
会有用的 多弄些来 That'll work. Get as much as you can.
我去搞到医务室的钥匙 I'll work on getting us that key to the infirmary.
其余人想办法 The rest of you find whatever you can
除掉牢房里的味道 to get rid of the scent in your cells.
如果进不了守卫室 所有努力都白费 None of this matters if we can't get in the guards' room.
晚饭后 大门敞开 列队的时候我们就出发 We're gonna leave after dinner, during tier time when the gates are open.
7点 一个接一个 走我那间房 7:00, one by one, through my cell.
现在 我们该走守卫室 Whoa, whoa. No, we were supposed to go through the guards' room.
那会在他们发现我们失踪之前 That was going to give us a

head start,
争取到更多时间 hours before they even found out we were missing.
走你的房间 我们没有足够时间逃走 We leave through your cell, we ain't got no lead time.
7点到8点 那只有...60分钟 -7:00. Count's at 8:00, that's only... -Sixty minutes.
60分钟时间越过那堵墙 Sixty minutes to get over that wall
离这里越远越好 and as far away from here as possible.
他们会截住我们 They'll be right on our asses.
别说话了 快走 Quit your talking and start your walking.
犯人们 放风时间结束了 Ladies, yard time is over!
他们已经在我们后面了 They already are.
走 走 Come on, let's go. Hurry it up. Single file.
你明白 有件事 You know, there's one thing
我们还没谈到 你哥的问题 we didn't talk about out there.
我是说 他正处于24小时监视下 Your brother.I mean, he's under 24-hour surveillance.
我只是说 如果今晚你救不到他 I'm just saying, if you can't get to him by tonight,
我们还是得走 你明白不是? we still have to go, you know that, right?
GUARD: Lock it down.
嗨 老大 Hey, boss.
你要干什么? What do you want?
我弟弟在普通区 My brother's in Gen Pop.
他不知道我遇到了车祸 He's got no clue I was in an accident.
怎么了? So?
那有没有什么办法我能给他捎个信? Well, is there any way I can get a message to him?
有的 Yeah.
写在你的遗嘱里 Put it in your will.
你确定这几点有联系? And you're sure all those dots connect?
对 Okay.
谢谢 Thank you.
和谁打电话? -Who was that?
一个在公司的朋友 处理过很多我公司的生意 -A friend of mine at the title company, handled a lot of my firm's business.
她查到了Blackfoot那个电话号码 对应的地址 She dug up an address for that phone number in Blackfoot.
在哪儿? Where is it?
在哪儿没什么意思 有趣的是怎么来的 It's not the where that's interesting, it's the how.
调查显示蒙大拿那块地方 It turns out our little place in Montana
是由一家海外控股公司 以二百万买下的 was purchased for $2 million by an offshore holding corporation.
对于这种交易 Well, that's pretty standard for a transaction that size,
很正常 是吧? though, right?
是的 只是这家控股公司 Sure. Only this holding corporation
是由一家信托投资公司提供资金 was bankrolled by a trust.
公司是Terrence Steadman投资的 A trust financed by the estate of Terrence Steadman.
看上去我们得去一趟Blackfoot Looks like you and I are going to Blackfoot, Montana.
今天你见过Bellick了吗? -Have you seen Bellick today?
没有 怎么了? -No.-Why?
Mack问到的 我想他还没来吧 -Mack was asking.-I guess he ain't showed up yet.
可能只是迟到了 He's probably just late.
Bellick?这8年我可从没比他早过 Bellick? I haven't beat that guy to work in eight years.
Scofield 不要停 快走 Scofield, this ain't Gibsons. Move.

始问问题了 They're already starting to ask questions, man.
我们在7小时逃不出去的 We're not gonna make it out of here in seven hours
他们会发现的 without them finding the answers.
我们要的过氧化物怎么样了? How we coming with that peroxide?
负责院子的时候我要用 I'm gonna need it before we meet up for yard duty.
可能不用到那时候 Probably not till later.
能告诉我做什么用吗? You wanna tell me what you need it for?
Makkos 你还吃这些芽甘蓝吗? Makkos, you going to be eating them there Brussels sprouts?
不吃 No.
你介不介意我... -You mind if I...
自己拿吧 -Take them.
闻起来就是垃圾 They smell like crap.
现在还是吗? Do they, now?
怎么了? What's up?
要是你... -Yo, if you got...
今晚 -Tonight.
什么? -What?
计划有变 -Change of plans.
为什么 发生什么事了? -Why, did something happen?
去找Sucre 他会告诉你要做那些准备 -Just find Sucre. He'll tell you what you need to do to be ready.
能不能...? 今晚 -But what about the... -Tonight.
究竟发生什么事了? MAN: What the hell's going on?
总统改主意了 The President changed his mind.
我们得到保证他会投反对票 We were given assurances he would veto the energy bill.
保证只能说明 Assurances can tell you everything
一个人想要做什么 that a man is going to do
可不能保证一觉醒来他不会改主意 untiI he wakes up in the morning and changes his mind.
那把它改回来 -Then change it back.
我想你还没明白 -I don't think you understand.
总统... 你习惯了我们的支持? -The President... -Have you enjoyed our support?
是的 很好 -Yes. -Good.
我们可不想 让您认为这是理所应当的 We certainly wouldn't want you to take it for granted.
你在威胁我? -Are you threatening me?
怎么了? -Why?
你怕了? Do you feel threatened?
Caroline 我们都是过来人 Caroline, we've all been through this before,
政治道德的潮涨潮落 the ebbs and flows of political conscience,
但最后,我们能得到我们想要的 but we've found at the end of the day we get what we want.
只是谁来帮我们的简单问题 It's simply a matter of who helps us get it.
如果你连说服一个蹒跚的老白痴 If you can't convince a doddering old fool
完成他的第二个任期都做不到 finishing up his second term
而这又是对国家经济最有利的做法 what the best thing is for this country's economy,
大概你不是我们想要的那种帮手 perhaps you're not the kind of helper we're looking for.
Sara... Sara...
我在想... -I was thinking about something...
够了,Michael 谎言,巧合 -Enough, Michael.
故事,所有的所有,够了 Enough with the lies and the coincidences and the stories, all of it.
- 不是像你想的那样的 - 我知道你干了些什么 -It's not what you think. -I know what you did.
问题是,你够男子汉来承认吗? The questi

on is, are you man enough to admit it?
钥匙 The keys.
恭喜 Congratulations.
这是你第一次跟我说实话吗? Is that the first time you've been honest with me?
不是... 那是第二次? -It's not... -The second?
你想要什么,Michael? What are you after, Michael?
是毒品吗? -Is it drugs?
是针么? Is it needles?
都不是 -Neither.
那是什么? Then what?
请相信我从来不想... Please understand that I never meant...
从来不想把你也卷进来 I never wanted to involve you in this.
哼,这点你做得很烂 Well, you've done a pretty poor job of that.
我来这儿是要告诉你 I came here to tell you something.
我要把我哥哥弄出去 I'm getting my brother out of here.
今晚 Tonight.
而且我需要你的帮助 And I need your help.
Michael,呃,坦白地说 为了你自己着想 Michael, honestly, for your own good,
- 别再说下去了 - 你知道他是清白的 don't say anything more.You know he's innocent.
照你说的那么做他就不是了 Do what you're talking about and he won't be.
但他会活下去 But he'll still be alive.
你明白我必须上报 You understand that I'm required to report
你所告诉我的一切 everything you're telling me.
- 是的 - 那你为什么要告诉我? -Yes. -Then why would you?
因为你是唯一能帮忙的 Because you're the only one that can help.
还有你想帮忙解决这个问题 And because I know you want to be part of the solution.
嗯,教唆不是解决方法 Yeah, aiding and abetting is not part of the solution.
在像你那样了解这个案子之后 Neither is doing nothing knowing
无所事事也不是解决方法 what you know about his case.
你怎么能这样说? How dare you put this on me.
我做了力所能及的 我把消息传给了我父亲... I did what I could. I gave my father the information...
没有冒犯你父亲的意思 No offense to your father,
但陷害Lincoln的那些人 but the people who are framing Lincoln,
只能说他们位高权重 let's just say they have a higher security clearance.
- 那么现在这是个阴谋了? - 我不是来辩论的 -So now it's a conspiracy? -I didn't come here to have a debate.
你在请求我违反法律 -You're asking me to break the law.
我在请求你犯个小错误 -I'm asking you to make a mistake.
不是去伤害谁,不是去偷盗 Not hurt anyone, not steal anything.
只是... Just
忘记锁门就行了 forget to lock up.
今晚离开的时候不要锁门 Leave the door unlocked when you leave tonight.
就这样 That's it.
拜托了 Please.
你们就从这儿逃出去? This is where you're breaking out of?
这间屋子? This room?
门周围的玻璃跟报警器是连在一起的 There are alarm contacts on the glass surrounding the door.
要不然我不会要你去... Otherwise, I wouldn't need you to...
我是你计划的一部分 I was part of your plan.
这都是装出来的? -Was it all an act?

一开始 -At first,
是的 yes.
我必须要到这儿 I needed to be here.
但后来我想跟你在一起 -But then I wanted to be here with you.
没错 -Right.
而且知道你永远不会相信这太痛苦了 And it's killing me to know that you'll never believe that.
不管你怎么看我 Whatever you may think of me,
这是关于Lincoln的 this is about Lincoln.
别让他为我的错而受到惩罚 Don't make him pay for my mistakes.
谁? Yeah?
嗨,是我 Hi, it's me.
进展加速了 There's been an acceleration.
多快? -How fast are we talking about?
很快 今晚 -Fast, Tonight,
狗娘养的 Son of a bitch.
我想你是在说没问题? I think what you're trying to say is, ''No problem''?
是啊,没问题,会解决的 -Yeah, of course. It'll be taken care of.
很好 -Good
车? -The van?
在Fitz大街上等着,200码远 -Waiting up Fitz Street, 200 yards
在老磨房后面? Behind the old mill?
在老磨房后面,我知道了 Behind the old mill, I got it.
一个疑问,John One question, John.
你不想要个更大点的飞机吗? Don't you want a bigger plane?
只有三个座位 You only got three seats.
我原以为你说会有七八个人呢 I thought you said there were seven or eight guys.
其实,不是每个人都有票的 Well, not everybody gonna have a ticket.
你会告诉我谁吗? You gonna tell me who is?
三个到时候还活着的 The three of us still breathing.
随便什么机场,离Blackfoot近就行了 Whatever airport's closer to Blackfoot.
靠过道,靠窗,不重要 Aisle, window, it doesn't matter,
只要能上下一班飞机就行了 just get us on the next flight.
好的,我不挂 Yeah, I'll hold.
你好? Hello?
计划改变。我们要你今晚 Change of plans.We're going to need you
把她带到飞机跑道 to have a girl at the airstrip tonight.
今晚? Tonight?
我说得不够明白吗? Was I not enunciating?
不是,只是。呃... No, it's just that...
可能会很麻烦 Look, things could get messy.
那Mark在哪儿? So wear a smock.
Patterson和狱长的秘书 Is that his nympho secretary?
算了吧,伙计,就像你猜不到似的 Come on, man, like you wouldn't hit that.
我不知道,Vegas,凌晨两点吧,可能 但... I don't know, Vegas, 2:00 a.m., maybe, but
要是她的臀部不是那么大 if she didn't have such a big booty.
伙计,臀部是男人最大的弱点 Man, the booty is the man's biggest weakness.
我就知道我猜得中的 I know I would've hit it.
找到进医务室的路了? You find a way to the infirmary yet?
正在找 I'm working on it.
哟,今天见到Bellick了吗? -Yo, you seen Bellick today?
还没 -Not yet.
我有事儿要跟他说 I need to talk to him.
知道他去哪了吗? Do you know if he went somewheres?
我看起来像他妈吗? Do I look like his mother?
他还没来 The guy hasn't shown up yet.
你确定他还没来? You sure he ain't showed yet?

因为我觉得我今天早上见到他了 'Cause I thought I saw him here this morning, man.
Tweener Tweener!
这边要帮忙 -Need a hand over here.
好,我来了 -Yeah, I'm on it.
一切正常? -All right?
没事 -Fine.
就是,呃...只是有点疼,没别的了 It's just sore, that's all.
等活到我的年纪,你就知道了 You live to my age, you'll know all about it.
你的鸡圈进了几只狐狸,知道吗? You know you got a couple of foxes in your hen house, right?
你指什么? -Who are we talking about?
那个王八蛋和重生者 -The bastard and the born again.
他们都想逃出去 They both want out of here.
逃出去以前他们都会举止得体, 你那么想? They'll behave until then.Think so?
我昨天刚从T-bag手里抢下这个 I just picked this off of T-Bag yesterday.
如果我是十秒钟之后才在那儿 If I would've been there 10 seconds later,
他们就打起来了 they'd have been serving
Abruzzi现在就在停尸房了 Abruzzi with red sauce over at the morgue.
我知道你想当头头 I know you want to be shot caller and everything,
这没问题 and that's cool,
但你得会处理问题,伙计 but you got to handle things, man.
你明白我的意思吧? Are you picking up what I'm putting down?
嗯 -Yeah.
听着,就这次了,伙计 -Look, this is it, man.
这次不能再失误了 Ain't no do-overs this time.
不能再有问题了 Can't be no complications.
今晚我们越狱出去 We break out tonight,
要不然我们就永远出不去了 or we ain't never getting out.
我们收到了郡里的文件了 We got that paperwork in from the county.
Sara? -Sara?
好的。不好意思 -Yeah. Sorry.
- 从郡里来的文件 - 好,我知道了 -The paperwork from the county. -Right. I got it.
呃...帮我个忙 Do me a favor, could you take care of
能不能帮我处理了? that for me?
- 我得走了 - 没问题 -I got to get out of here. -Sure.
谢谢 Thanks.
- 等等,你要去哪? - 外面 -Where are you going? -Out.
在你的PI外套外穿上蓝色囚服 Put your blues on over your PI gear.
- 什么? - 照做就行了 -What? -Just do it.
你想告诉我们原因吗? You want to tell us why?
如果没时间拿到我们所要的衣服 If we don't have time to get the suits we need,
- 我们就得自己做 - 你这干吗,伙计? we're gonna have to make them. Yo, what the hell are you doing, man?
有人在这儿 We got company.
没事儿 It's okay.
他跟我们一起走 He's coming with us.
你说过“我们人太多了” Hey, whatever happened to, ''We got too many people''?
计划改变了,时间也是 When the plan changed, so did the timing.
我们会保证我们都能成功 -I'll make sure we all get through.
好吧,由于健康原因,那样的消息 -Well, for health reasons,information like that
应该更快地传出去 should be disseminated a little more pronto.
呃呃,雏儿 Uh-uh, Fish.

人意味着 One more person means there's one more thing
另一件事可能出错 that can go wrong.
不带他 He is not coming.
- 这不是来讨论的 - 该死的不是 -It's not up for discussion. -The hell it ain't.
我欠他的 I owe him.
我什么也不欠你的 I don't owe you a damn thing.
你会... Well..
如果因为你不裁人 you're gonna if we get nailed
而让我们被抓住的话.... cause you didn't wanna cut down on the damn guest list.
别担心,不会有事的 Don't worry, it'll be fine.
嘿 Hey!
囚犯,等等 Hold up, cons.
我在PI更衣室地板上看见了血滴 I saw some drops of blood on the floor of the PI locker room.
现在谁来告诉我到底怎么回事? Now who's going to tell me what's going on?
我,老大 That'd be me, boss.
我,呃,在 I did it while I was
往屋里搬设备的时候弄的 loading some equipment back into the shed.
你去包扎一下 You make sure and get that patched up.
会的 Will do.
好吧 Okay.
走 Move it!
你没事吧? Are you okay?
能撑到今晚逃跑 Okay enough to make it out of here tonight,
我发誓 I swear.
Shell,是我 Hey, Shelly, this is... It's me.
作为我的监督人 我知道应该给你打电话 Listen, I know I'm supposed to call you as my sponsor,
以便当我... in case I have a...
Whoa !
好 Right.
我觉得我们应该开瓶香槟庆祝一下 I think we should break a bottle of champagne across its bow.
如果你晚上想把这个东西带回去 If you're intending to get this thing home for your anniversary tonight,
当成结婚周年庆的礼物的话 还是不要了 -I wouldn't recommend it.
少来 -No.
我想让你知道,我... Listen, I want you to know that I...
遇见你我感到很幸运 Well, I feel very fortunate to have met you.
对啊,我猜很少有建筑工程师 Yeah. I'm guessing not many structural engineers
来Fox River监狱 make their way into Fox River.
不,我不是指你的职业 No, no, I don't mean because of your vocation.
我是说你是个很好的小伙子 I mean because you're a decent young man,
来Fox River监狱的人 可没有那么好 and there are not many of those who make their way into Fox River.
公正的来说 其实还是有一些的 Well, for what it's worth, there are a few down there.
很高兴你这样说 Well, that's good to hear.
听着,我知道我以前没有说过 Listen, I know this goes without saying,
如果你需要什么的话 but if there's anything you need...
你只要知道我欠你个人情 Well, let's just say that I owe you one.
其实...你可以帮我做一件事 Actually,there is one thing you can do for me.
这么长时间以来,这些事情 So this whole thing, this whole time,
都和我没有关系 it was never about me.
只和爸爸有关 It was about Dad.
我不敢相信... I can't believe it.
Michael? Michael?
- Michael! - 怎么了? Michael! -What?
你有事情要告诉我吗? -You got something you wa

nt to tell me?
我刚告诉你,我们知道的 爸爸的事情都是谎言 Just told you everything we knew about Dad was a lie,
你连眼睛都没眨一下 and you barely blinked.
我们必须离开 We have to go.
- 今晚就走 - 你在说什么? Tonight.What are you talking about?
Bellick找到了洞口 马上走,不然就完蛋 Bellick found the hole, so either we go now or it's over.
- Michael... - 听着,我知道可能会很紧迫 Michael.Look, I know it's gonna be tight,
但我可以办到 but I can do this.
Michael,别这样 -Michael, stop it.
你锁上的这些链条,可以... -The chains on your locks, they're...
Michael! Michael! -我可以做到! -Michael! Michael! -I can do this!
听我说! Listen to me!
你走吧 -Go.
- 你必须走 - 别这样说 You gotta go. -Don't say that.
看看我! Look at me!
你不能这样做,时间不够 You can't do this. There's not enough time.
如果你留下来 他们会让你一直坐牢的 If you stay here, they'll nail you
你的一辈子就完了 and you'll rot in here.
我不是在求你,你必须这样 I'm not asking you, man, I'm telling you.
别管我 Leave me behind.
走 Go.
你他妈的在干什么? -What the hell you think you doing?
没事 -Nothing, man.
你想给那些 You trying to run something for those Wonder Breads
一起混的白佬 偷东西? -you been running around with?
不是你想的那样 -No, it ain't even like that.
告诉我,小子 Tell me something, boy.
你是得寸进尺 还是在搞什么明堂 Is you stepping or is you fetching?
我以为我告诉你 I thought I made myself clear
不要再插手生意的时候 已经说得很清楚了 when I said your punk ass was no longer in business.
这和生意没关系 This ain't business, all right?
这是为了私人交情 This is personal.
你怎么到这来的? 装成清洁工 What you got there anyway, some kind of cleaner?
你要来打扫什么 What you trying to clean up,
Franklin军士? Sergeant Franklin?
MAN ON TV: There's breaking news report with implications
in the race for the Presidency,
通讯记者Nancy Lou 有详细报道 Political correspondent Nancy Lu has the details,
Nancy? Nancy,
从副总统Reynolds的驻地 散播出的各种流言 NANCY: And rumors coming out of Vice President Reynolds' camp
透漏出竞选伙伴的初选名单 detail a preliminary short list of running mates
她能像预期的一样 获得党内提名吗? should she, as expected, win her party's nomination,
最令人意外的可能还是 这张名单包含了 Perhaps the biggest surpriseis the inclusion of
伊利诺斯的州长Frank Tancredi Illinois governor Frank Tancredi,
考虑他是因为 His consideration is attributed to his reputation
他对犯罪的强硬态度 for being tough on crime,
某种程度上 是因为他最近拒绝 And some point to his recent refusal
对Lincoln Burrows网开一面 to grant clemency to Lincoln Burrows,

个谋杀了副总统弟弟的凶手 the murderer of the Vice President's brother,
这一举措受到了... which was welcomed with deep appreciation
来自总统办公室的 广泛的赞赏和欢迎 from within the Oval Office,
谢谢 Nancy 本地新闻,一架钻井机... Thanks, Nancy,Locally, a jackknifed big rig...
你他妈的在干什么,John -What the hell are you doing, John?
上帝的吩咐 -Lord's work.
上帝让你把马粪 The Lord wants you to spread horse crap
撒在你的床垫上? all over your mattress?
我们这种凡人怎么能 怀疑上帝的意愿? It's not in our place to question his will.
明白吗? Are we clear?
不要再聊天了! Hey, hey, hey! Let's cut the noise.
打开88号! Open on 88!
哦,是什么? -Yo, what's that?
Avocado的卧具 -Avocado's gear.
他今晚从医务室回来 He's getting out of the infirmary tonight.
今晚? Tonight?
你有足够的时间 给他烤个蛋糕 So you got plenty of time to bake him a cake.
喂... Hey...
我听说你和Patterson 说起Bellick. I heard you were asking Patterson about Bellick.
你说你今天早晨看到他了? Said you thought you saw him this morning?
对,看到了 Yeah. I was.
不,是昨天 No, it was yesterday.
我昨天看到他的 That's when I saw him.
你确定? You sure?
恩 Yeah.
时间在这里都有点搅在一起了 You know, time just sort of blends together up in here.
好吧 All right.
关上88号 Close on 88!
我该怎么处理这个? SUCRE: What am I supposed to do with this?
倒进马桶里 Pour it in the toilet.
你付了一百美元从厨房 偷来的漂白剂 You had C-Note steal some peroxide from the kitchen
就是为了清洁马桶? so we can clean the toilet?
我们今晚必须 把自己弄进精神病区 We got to get all of us in the psych ward tonight
才能进入管道 to access the pipes.
一群穿蓝色囚衣的犯人 A bunch of cons wearing their prison blues
太显眼了 would stick out like a sore thumb.
但是住心理诊疗室的人 But the inmates in the psych ward all wear...
都穿... -白色 White.
漂白剂能把衣服漂白 -Peroxide acts as a bleach.
伪装 -Camouflage.
只剩几个小时了 Just a few more hours now.
似乎需要的东西都全了... Looks like we got everything we need.
除了你哥哥 Everything except your brother.
你把衣服弄好就行了 You worry about the suits.
我负责搞定Linc I'll worry about Linc.
你能,让我们单独待几分钟吗? -Could you give us a couple of minutes?
当然,总统先生 -Of course, Mr. President.
你可能知道我为什么来 -You probably know why I'm here.
如果我正在赌博 -If I were a betting man,
我知道该在哪里下注 I have a pretty good idea where I'd lay my chips.
是因为能源法案,Richard The energy bill, Richard.
你为什么改主意了? Why did you change your mind?
你已经说了几个月了 You've been saying for months

贿赂 it's so full of pork,
该狠狠打击了 现在却突然... the damn thing's ready to squeal, -and now all of a...
呵,法案是有瑕疵 但比什么都不做强 -Yes, the bill is flawed, but it's better than doing nothing.
说实话,我觉得有点好奇 And, frankly, I find it a little curious
你居然跑来让我否决一个 that you're here,telling me to veto a bill
你投赞成票的法案 you voted in favor of.
别岔开话题 You're on the way out.
我们中间要有人向前看 Some of us need to think ahead.
事实上,我最近 也往前看了看,Caroline Actually, I've been doing some thinking ahead as well, Caroline,
特别是想了想签署法案的事情 specifically, about my endorsement.
什么?! -What?
我正在考虑转变立场 -I'm considering making a switch,
站到参议员Challis一边 throwing my weight behind Senator Challis.
你不能这么做 -You can't do that.
不能吗? -Can't I?
Caroline Caroline
你为了政治而政治 you are everything that's wrong with politics.
你投票不是为了立法改革 You vote not to legislate change,
而是为了盈利 but to profit.
你竞选不是为了改变现状 You run not to make a difference,
而是为了提出索求 but to make demands.
你选我 You put me on your ticket
不是因为我们观点一致 not because I share your views,
只因为你需要女性高官 but because I didn't share your gender.
不要用道德来给我上纲上线 So don't take the moraI high ground.
我们都知道游戏是怎么玩的 We all know how this game is played.
Richard,拜托,我是... -Richard, please, I...
祝你愉快,Caroline -Richard! -Good day, Caroline.Richard!
Richard! Richard!
你知道我给老婆的 结婚周年礼是什么? You know what I got my wife for our anniversary?
什么? -What?
一条围巾 -A scarf.
这次周年庆对我来说很重要 Well, this is a big one for me.
我必须准备点特别的东西 I had to do something special.
我们把它搬到车上 Okay, let's get this thing down to the car.
我们三个一起 -We'll do it all together on three.-All right.
预备,1... -Ready? One. -Ready.
2...3 Two. Three.
不 Oh, no! Oh, no!
放下,放下 Put it down, put it down, put it down.
马上把Scofield叫来 All right, get Scofield up here right away!
奏效 It's working.
拿出来晾干 All right, get them out and get them dry.
要在列队前穿在里面 We got to get them on under our clothes before tier time,
大约45分钟 which is in 45 minutes.
你觉得其他人准备好了么? -You think everyone else will be ready?
别无选择 -We don't have a choice.
门开后就走 As soon as the gate's open, we go.
争取每一秒时间 And we're gonna need every second.
打开40号 Open on 40.
Scofield,狱长要见你 尽快 -Scofield, Pope needs to see you, ASAP.
现在? Now?
什么事? -What for?
成年礼,走吧 -A bar mitzvah. Let's go.
已经6:18 -It's 6:15, bro

你不能... You can't...-Now!
Hey, pretty, tick-tock.
请原谅 Excuse me a minute.
Sara,什么风把你吹来 Sara, to what do I owe the pleasure?
大概是来恭喜 I guess to congratulations.
不敢相信我在新闻上听到 Can't believe I had to hear about it on the news.
副总统的事 只是说说 Oh, the VP thing. Well, that's just talk.
- 是么? - 是的,你妈妈常说 -Is it? -Yeah. What was it your mother used to say?
"被邀舞总是感觉不错... ''It's always nice to be invited to the dance,
即使你没穿合适的鞋子" ''even if you don't have the right shoes.''
她还经常说 "你父亲是个骗人的混蛋" Yeah. She also used to say, ''Your father's a lying bastard,''
但我以为只是醉话 but I figured that was just the booze talking.
见到你总是很高兴,Sara You know, it's always nice to see you, Sara.
你有事相求 Is there something that you needed?
- 还是只为... - 告诉我 -Or did you just come by to... -Just tell me something.
你是否看了我给你的 Did you look at the information I gave you from Lincoln Burrows' attorneys?
- Lincoln的律师带来的资料 - 亲爱的,面对事实 Sweetheart, move on.
他们曾有机会 展示新的证据 The man's attorneys had a window to present new evidence,
但没有把握 they didn't.
现在窗口关闭了 Now that window is closed.
我只想知道 你是否看了资料 I just need to know,did you look at the information?
- 拜托,Sara - 回答我 -Come on, Sara. -Answer me.
我相信FoxRiver监狱改变了你 I swear, working at Fox River has changed you.
你总说要改变 You're always saying you want to make a difference?
在那种地方?太晚了 At that place? It's too late.
你该作个老师 就可以帮助那些人 You should be a teacher, so that you can get to these people
- 在他们进监狱前 - 你是否看了资料? -before they become... -Did you look at the information?
没有必要 I didn't need to.
我拥护法庭的裁决 I supported the findings of the court.
如果你对裁决有异议 找他们去! If you have a problem with the verdict, go after them.
在那之前,建议你 看一下那人的犯罪记录 But before you do, I suggest you look at the guy's rap sheet
问问自己 放Lincoln Burrows这种人出狱 and ask yourself if the world will be a better place
世界是否会更好 with Lincoln Burrows walking the streets.
我只问你 Just tell me one thing.
他们何时承诺你 副总统位子的 Did they promise you the vice presidency
签署死刑许可 之前还是之后 before or after you signed his death warrant?
我不和一个吸毒者和贼 讨论道德问题 I will not discuss morality with an addict and a thief.
你想谈现实,Sara? You want to talk reality, Sara?
我多少次出面 How many times did I use my influence to keep you
把你和垃圾男友们弄出狱 and one of your junkie boyfriends out of jail?
多少次? 3次,4次? How m

any? Was it three, four times?
我发誓,Sara 有趣的是... I swear, Sara, it's funny, you know?
当我歪曲法律时 你安然无恙 You have no trouble whatsoever with me bending the law,
尤其是歪向你的方向 especially when it's bent in your direction.
成熟点吧 Grow up.
你和Tweener谈了? PATTERSON: You talk to that Tweener kid?
他说搞混了日子 Yeah, he says he got his days mixed up, but I don't know.
- 我不这么想 - 怎么? -What? -Just something about the way he said it.
他的语气有问题 Oh, come on, man, Bellick's just taking a personal.
- 我不想让那家伙被逮住 - 如果不是呢 -I don't want to get the guy busted. -And if he's not?
我是说已经6:30 还没人见过他 I'm just saying, it's 6:30, and no one's heard from the guy.
要通知狱长 We got to tell Pope.
好,我去 Okay. I'll tell him.
你叫去机场的出租车了么? VERONlCA: Did you call a cab for the airport?
- 还没有 - 为什么? No, not yet.
快点,还剩1小时 Why not? Come on, the flight leaves in an hour.
是的 Yeah. Yeah.
我想也许我们去 蒙大拿不是个好主意 I'm starting to think that us going to Montana might not be a good move.
你说什么? What are you talking about?
如果你是对的 凶手就在那房子里 What if you are right and the smoking gun is in that house?
你觉得他们会让我们 You think they're just gonna let us walk in there
- 就这样逮捕一个公民? - 瞧,Nick and make a citizen's arrest?
我不知道你最近 有什么协议 Look, Nick, I don't know what your deaI is lately,
但我要上飞机 无论有没有你 but I'm getting on that plane with or without you.
我不能让你去 I can't let you do that.
你一直是他们的人? All this time you were one of them?
谁是你的主子? Who's pulling your leash, Nick?
Steadman?Kellerman? Steadman?Kellerman?
看着我 Look at me.
我要你 I want you
记住我的脸 无论你要做什么蠢事 to remember my face when you do whatever the hell it is you're gonna do.
看着我 Look at me!
懦夫 You're a coward.
Scofield在外面 -Scofield's outside, sir.
OK -Okay.
拨打Bellick的所有号码 I want you to try every number we have for Brad Bellick.
先打家里的 Try his home first.
经常是他母亲接听 His mother usually answers.
Bellick夫人 Mrs. Bellick? Hi.
请稍等 One moment, please.
狱长找您 I have Warden Pope here for you.
Bellick夫人 Mrs. Bellick?
没有紧急事件 No cause for alarm, no, no.
我们没有见到他 We just... We haven't seen him,
我们想知道 他是否因为天气原因没来 and we were wondering if he might be home under the weather.
他今早泊车时 给您打了电话? So Brad called you when he pulled in this morning?
他说他在这? And he said he was here?
好 Okay,
谢谢,Bellick夫人 well, thank you, Mrs. Bellick.
会及时通知您 我们肯定他没事

We'll keep you posted. I'm sure he's fine.
找Radio Mack Radio Mack.
让他查Bellick的卡车 Have him check the parking lot for Bellick's truck.
找到后马上通知我 If he finds it, have him call me immediately.
这里是本部 This is base.
报告方位 What's your 20?
我怀孕了 I'm pregnant, Fernando.
我会生下你的孩子 I'm gonna have your son.
但我非常害怕 But all I know is, is I'm really scared.
我害怕独自面对 I'm really scared to do this alone.
John,为时不晚 MAN: John, it's never too late.
如果你深信耶稣基督 If you'll agree to accept Christ into your heart
痛改前非 他会宽恕你 and turn from your sin,
拯救你于冥冥 he will forgive you and save you in eternity.
我会把Fibonacci给你 I'll give you Fibonacci when the time is right.
当时机成熟 The time is right now.
现在就成熟 No, the time is right
不,时机在于 when you and I are
你我都身处墙外 both standing outside those walls.
我总有一天会出去 那时... I'm gonna get out of here someday, and when I do,
别以为我不记得 你家门前的样子 don't think I won't remember what your front steps look like.
我被召回 I'm being shipped back off.
我只要你一样东西 How many times I got to say it?
You only got one thing I need.
You only got one thing I need.
坏消息,Charles I've got some bad news, Charles,
你女儿患了食道癌 Your daughter's got esophageal cancer,
她想见你 趁还来得及 and she wants to see you while there's still time,
她还有多久? -How long does she have?
医院说1个星期 -Hospital says a week.
我读到泰姬陵 I read somewhere where the actuaI Taj Mahal
在早晨呈现粉色 在夜晚是白色 appears pink in the morning, milky white in the evening
在月光下是金色 and golden when the moon shines,
据说这些变化 The changes,
表征女人的情绪 they say, depict the different emotions of a woman,
我告诉你 如果今晚不把这个修好 Well, I can tell you something, if we don't get this thing fixed tonight,
我不想知道我妻子 会是怎样的情绪 I don't wanna know what kind of emotion my wife is gonna have
如果我空手而归 if I walk through that door empty-handed.
奇怪,就这样塌掉 It's strange. I mean, it just gave way.
拿起来时梁就折断了 We lifted it up, and the support beam snapped.
这是什么? -What's this?
支撑柱 -The support.
支撑住梁的其中一根 And the one that holds up that beam.
你拿下来的? You took it?
对不起 I'm sorry.
但我需要回到这里 But I needed to get back in here.
我不明白,为什么... -I don't understand. Why would you...
我要越狱 -I'm breaking out.
你要确保 我哥一起走 And you're gonna make sure my brother goes with me.
