

Relator: The broad square center is standing erect a statue, he is the joyful prince! Autumn, north the swallow moves to the south, the process square, sees the joyful prince's statue. Group swallow: Which is the space most beautiful god, Venus!

Which is the ground most outstandingly talented person, the joyful prince!

Swallow armor: His stature is really big, is indomitable spirit likely the iron tower! Swallow second grade: His clothes good attractive, puts the ray glittering!

Swallow third: His look is much spirited, is inlaying two sapphires!

Swallow Ding:His smiling face is most enchanting, world of ice and snow warm will of the people! Group swallow: Which is the space most beautiful god, Venus!

Which is the ground most outstandingly talented person, the joyful prince!

Prince: Thanks! The lovable swallows, the weather has been more and more cold south, you also wanted to fly!

Group swallow: Yes, the day has been cold, we had to arrive Egypt to winter.Next year will be bloomy spring, we will accompany you again.Goodbye, joyful prince!

Prince: Goodbye, the swallows, wish you bon voyage!

Relator: The swallows one all flew away, only then a small swallow in airborne is circling, finally it has stopped down.

Prince: Hasn't the small swallow, you walked how ha?

Small swallow: I must remain down accompany you! We all walked, you can lonely.

Prince: Here winter is very cold, you cannot bear, walks quickly, small swallow!

Small swallow: (Thinks) that I today well accompany you, I will go to Egypt tomorrow. Relator: The curtain of night arrives, the small swallow rests under the prince statue.Suddenly, several drop of water drops fell down, the small swallow looks up, originally is prince's tears. Small swallow: (The awake zhong sleepy eyes, feel surprised.) Did the prince, how you cry? Prince: I am living when carefree, the fencing plays chess in the royal palace.

Is every day merry forgets the date and time, everybody called I am the joyful prince. After I died the parents sorrowful not already, models a statue to stand in here.

Thought originally world happy peaceful, under the entire day photograph I live equally joyfully, but I see the innumerable person's pain to weep with grief actually.

You looked alley deep place that hut, the dressmaker is raising the lampwick produces in a hurry clothes.

(Dressmaker goes on stage)

the dressmaker: My pitiful child, you must certainly persist that, waits for me to sew clothes, attains the wages, I might see a doctor to you.

Prince:Looks! On the bed lies down the child who falls ill, family poor Doctor Qian Zhao has not been diagnosing.

In her heart is how sad, the tears have soaked in the hand upper and lower garments. Although my heart is the lead does, may not be able to bear the tear fall like the rain. The small swallow, please my sword hilt on gem, send to for the no use to mother helps in an emergency.

Relator: The small swallow saw the joyful prince's sad appearance, is not cruel enough to. Small swallow: The prince prince real good intention, I hope gives you to work as the messenger. Relator: The small swallow the calligraphy stroke leaves the ruby from the sword hilt, delivers on the dressmaker table which works.As soon as the dressmaker gains ground, visible ruby. Dressmaker: Is which person of good intention delivers, really was too thanked! The child, you could be saved!

(The small swallow flies back to the prince side.)

Prince: The small swallow, dawn, in a big hurry left Egypt!

Small swallow: The dear princes, will let me again accompany you, I go to Egypt tomorrow. Relator: The small swallow accompanied the prince one day.

Relator: The late autumn night comes very much early, the autumn wind rustlings, the people all hid in, only then ......

Prince: The small swallow, you looked quickly that, has nearby an old human wall to stand. Front is putting a bowl, trembles one all day.

Old person: Feels sorry for my this old man pitifully, for money! The day too is cold ...... Prince: The weather too cool pedestrian is thin, nobody bestows well pitiful.

Delivers him a sapphire, spends the old age relieved.

Small swallow: (Cries to say), I cannot that do, such you are not outstandingly talented. Prince: Listens to me! He needs to help!

Small swallow: (Said sorrowfully) good, my good intention prince, I is willing to be you the messenger.

Relator: The small swallow calligraphy stroke leaves a prince's eye, flies in front of the old beggar, puts the gem to in his bowl.The old person gains ground the discovery sapphire. Old person: This is which person of good intention delivers, really was too thanked! Prince: The small swallow, dawn, in a big hurry left Egypt!

Small swallow: The prince prince do not be impatient, I will go to Egypt tomorrow. Relator: The small swallow has accompanies the prince one day.The twilight arrives.The dark night added on the sharp sword to the autumn wind, the day has been colder.

Prince: The small swallow, comes, to have a girl quickly to sell the matches.

The rain water drips wet is unable to sell, worried the girl cries.

This gem gives her, evening goes home the confession.

mall swallow: (Cries to say) I cannot such manage, (shook the head) not the eye, your any also could not see.

Prince: The small swallow, must be obedient, the girl compares me to need it!

Relator: The swallow has pecked prince's another eyeball down, is holding it, puts gently the gem to the little girl hand in.The little girl looks at the sapphire, smiles through tears. Little girl: This glass is really attractive! It was certainly very valuable, gives mother, the daddy cannot certainly hit me.Thanks you, small swallow.(She stands, a group smiles paohui the family to go.)

Prince:The small swallow, the day has been more and more cold, leaves in a big hurry Egypt! Small swallow: You have given the eye others, I could not walk.I must see the matter said listens to you, I make your eye.

Relator: In the bone-chilling cold cold wind, the small swallow accompanies continuously in prince's side, saw oneself the matter narrates gives the prince, several days have passed by ......

Prince: The small swallow, thanks you, gives me to narrate the world sadly daily happy.

You let me see in Nile River has soared waterfowl,

You let me see pyramid then walked slowly and aimlessly a step camel.

You let me see the vermilion gate sought pleasure powerful and wealthy,

You let me see the street corner has been dstitute and homeless disaster victims.

You have lightened a beacon light in mine heart ......

Small swallow: Actually harmed on your body gold foil one piece by piece all to give the poor person.

Prince: Although my semblance has lost the brilliance,

But the poor person is not povertying, in my heart is happier than anything.


Small swallow: ! Snowflake! The winter naive arrived.The prince, takes care, I had to walk ......

Prince: Very happy you finally had to go to Egypt.The small swallow, I no longer have been also outstandingly talented, forgets me!

Small swallow: Although you no longer are outstandingly talented, may you be greater in mine heart.

I go to Egypt, I had to die.I did not regret remains down accompanies you, I sad cannot only again work as your eye.Very much takes care, prince! Next year also will be able to have other swallow to make your eye.

Prince: Small swallow, small swallow!

Relator: Small swallow first one crooked, died.Only listened to a bang, prince's heart check to become two half, prince's statue fell to the ground loudly.

Next day, municipal government's officials arrive the square, discovered ground has the swallow and the garrulous stone which died, they towed the swallow and the joyful prince

The second year spring, the swallows flew.They to the square in, have not seen the joyful prince, but still gathered round the statue the base to sing and dance.

Group swallow: Which is the space most beautiful god, Venus!

Which is the ground most outstandingly talented person, the joyful prince!


The Happy Prince Oscar Wilde High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt. HIGH above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt. He was very much admired indeed. ‘He is as beautiful as a weathercock,’ remarked one of the Town Councillors who wished to gain a reputation for he added, fearing lest people having artistic tastes; ‘only not quite so useful,’  should think him unpractical, which he really was not. ‘Why can’t you be like the Happy Prince’ asked a sensible mother of her little boy who was crying for the moon. ‘The Happy Prince never dreams of crying for anything.’ muttered a ‘I am glad there is some one in the world who is quite happy,’  disappointed man as he gazed at the wonderful statue. ‘He looks just like an angel,’  said the Charity Children as they came out of the cathedral in their bright scarlet cloaks, and their clean white pinafores. ‘How do you know’ said the Mathematical Master, ‘you have never seen one. ‘Ah! but we have, in our dreams,’ answered the children; and the Mathematical Master frowned and looked very severe, for he did not approve of children dreaming. One night there flew over the city a little Swallow. His friends had gone away to Egypt six weeks before, but he had stayed behind, for he was in love with the most beautiful Reed. He had met her early in the spring as he was flying down the river after a big yellow moth, and had been so attracted by her slender waist that he had stopped to talk to her. ‘Shall I love you’ said the Swallow, who liked to come to the point at once, and the Reed made him a low bow. So he flew round and round her, touching the water with his wings, and making silver ripples. This was his courtship, and it lasted all through the summer. ‘It is a ridiculous attachment,’ twittered the other Swallows, ‘she has and far too many relations;’ and indeed the river was quite full of Reeds. Then, when the autumn came, they all flew away.


快乐王子集读后感400字【快乐王子读后感600字】 《快乐王子》讲的是城市里有一个快乐王子的雕像,一天一只小鸟飞到了他的身上,开始帮他做好事。下面是为大家的快乐王子读后感600字,希望大家喜欢! 这个假期,我读了《王尔德童话》中的《快乐王子》。《快乐王子》讲述的是快乐王子和小燕子为帮助穷人而牺牲自己的故事。快乐王子活着的时候,在王宫里每天都过得非常开心,从不知道忧愁和贫穷是什么。他死后被变成雕像站在城市的上空,却看到了城市中一切丑恶与苦难。于是,他拜托小燕子把自己身上所有值钱的东西全送给了穷人。后来,小燕子被冻死了,快乐王子也因心碎而死去,但他们永远生活在天堂中了。 快乐王子在生前并不懂感情,他不知道眼泪是什么,他到死都是快乐的——如果欢愉就是快乐的话。 快乐王子在死后,他的臣仆们吧他高高地立在城中,使他能看见自己城市中所有的丑恶和贫苦。尽管他的心现在是铅做的,可他还是想哭。 他就这样认识了小燕子,让小燕子当他的信使,把他身上的所有宝石,金片都送给了穷人们,快乐王子变得暗淡无光。不久,小燕

子死去了,快乐王子的铅心也裂成了两半。他被推倒了,他的心与小鸟的尸体被上帝作为最珍贵的两件东西带回了天堂。 快乐王子是善良与美的化身,他的真诚、无私让我感动,他的悲惨结局更让我震撼!他是为了别人的幸福而死去的。这样的精神是多么崇高 他终于懂了真正的快乐,他有了一颗心,一颗懂了情感的心。 其中,最让我感动的是快乐王子把身上所有值钱的东西都请小燕子帮忙,送给了穷人,让别人得到了快乐,自己和小燕子却牺牲了。这虽然是一个童话故事,却告诉了我们一个简单的道理:要做一个乐于助人、善良、心灵美的人,我今后一定努力学习,热爱集体,关心他人,将来成为一个有用的人。 读完了这个故事,感动在我心中一点一点地蔓延了开去,真是无私的王子啊。他并没有死,他在天堂的城堡中,尽情地欢笑。 今天,我看了《快乐王子》这个故事,让我受意匪浅。相信大家都听过吧,这个故事很感人。《快乐王子》这个故事,之前我就看过,我很喜欢。现在我再次拿起这本书,细细品味着这本书的内容。


《快乐王子》教学设计 江汉区滑坡路杜洁 一、课前准备 1.教材分析 《快乐王子》是鄂教版五年级上册的一篇童话故事。文章借助王子的眼睛展现了人民的苦难生活。他有着一颗悲悯的心,他不忍心看着裁缝的儿子遭受疾病的煎熬;他怜惜有为的年轻人;他担心穷苦孩子的命运……于是,快乐王子求小燕子,让小燕子帮他把红宝石、两颗蓝宝石眼睛以及身上的金片送给城市里的穷苦民众。最后小燕子在寒冷的冬天,精疲力竭,死在王子的脚下,王子的心也随着小燕子的死裂开了。市长命令人把快乐王子的雕像拆掉,而上帝却认为快乐王子的心和小燕子是世界上最珍贵的东西。 快乐王子的那一颗真诚、善良的心让我们深深感动。他的那种牺牲自我帮助别人的精神震撼了我们的心灵,激活了我们对真诚和善良的向往之心。 设计将对文本进行取舍,从核心句段着力,以树立快乐王子形象为主线,展开教学,辐射其他目标,达成本课教学总体目标。 2.教学对象分析 本节课的教学对象是五年级的学生,他们纯真善良,对童话世界中的真善美充满向往,内心深处对人类纯洁美好的感情容易打动,因此,对本节课学习内容情感上有很好的准备。 3.教学目标分析 (1)知识与技能目标:理解课文内容, (2)过程与方法目标:有感情地朗读课文。 (3)情感态度价值观目标:感悟快乐王子的善良之心。 【教学重难点】 重点:理解这个城市的丑恶和穷苦,感受王子的不快乐。 难点:从王子帮助穷苦人的过程中,感受王子的真诚和善良。 5.教学方法 学生通过课前观看教师录制好的教学视频,学习本节课的教学内容,做好课前预习工作;课堂上,学生组成小组,共同讨论,协作完成教学任务,小组合作不能解决的问题也可以向教师请教;最后由小组代表与班级同学将自己小组成果与大家共同分享。 (二)搜集资料,制作课件 在对教学内容分析的基础上,备课组教师协商讨论,搜集相关资料,将授课内容制作成PPT课件,制作课件时尽量考虑色彩、内容,争取图文并茂,生动形象,能吸引学生的注意力。同时,针对本节课的教学内容,可以搜集一些相关的拓展性资源,比如:王尔德的创作特点,生活背景,欧洲国家人民当时的生活状况等,使学生对整篇文章的背景有更全面的了解。同时,搜索相关的练习题,供学生在课前预习后自我检测。 (三)视频录制 视频的制作方式很多,可以通过电脑或手写板将课件内容录频,生成视频课件。视频内容可以是教师对PPT课件内容进行讲解、展示或者注释;还可以由主讲教师像平常上课时一样直接讲课,由技术人员用摄像机进行录制生成视频;或者教师可以在学习网站上搜集查找本节课的教学视频。视频的时长一般保持在15分钟左右,过长会导致学生没有足够时间观看,过短又不能将教学内容全部呈现。最后由教师将准备好的学习资源上传到学习资源库中,供学生下载观看。 (四)学生观看视频 学生下载学习资源库中的视频资源进行观看,可以控制视频的播放进度,对于简单的部


《快乐王子》教学设计 【教学目标】 1、默读课文。 2、理解课文内容,感悟快乐王子的善良之心。 3、有感情地朗读课文。 【教学重难点】 重点:理解这个城市的丑恶和穷苦,感受王子的不快乐。 难点:从王子帮助穷苦人的过程中,感受王子的真诚和善良。 【教学课时】三课时 教学过程:(第二课时) 一、介作者,切入主题。 1、上节课,我们学习了英国作家王尔德的一篇著名童话故事,我们初读了课文,学习了生字词,了解了课文内容,并学习了课文的第一自然段。请同学们回忆一下,这篇课文主要讲了什么?(指名两个学生说) 2、从前,王子住在无愁宫里,悲哀进不去,所以大家都称他为——再读课题。课文第一自然段描写了快乐王子的雕像,让我们一起再读一读吧!(齐读) 3、他拥有这么高贵、华丽的外表,可他现在快乐吗?这节课,我们来继续学习。 二、浏览课文,感受王子的不快乐 1、王子现在还快乐吗?(生浏览课文,勾画相关句子) 2、能读一读书上相关句子吗? 三、理解这个城市的丑恶和穷苦,进一步感受王子的不快乐 1、王子看到了这个城市的哪些丑恶和穷苦,忍不住要哭?(板书:“看”) 2、让我们静下心来,默读课文5—19自然段,用横线划出相关句子 生默读课文5—19自然段,用横线勾画相关句子 3、同学们刚才都读得很认真,让我们一起交流一下吧! ①王子说有一个女裁缝,人很瘦,脸带病容,手指头上尽是针眼她正在给一个宫女做跳舞裙,她的小孩正在发烧,嚷着要吃橙子,母亲没钱,只能给他喝凉水。(板书:女裁缝) ②你从这个句子中什么地方读出女裁缝的穷苦呢? ③一个“瘦”,一个“病”,一个“尽”,一个“只能”,生动地刻画出女裁缝的穷苦和可怜!这就是这个城市的穷苦!你们理解得这么好,相信你们也一定能把这两句话读好,谁来读一读? ④她如此辛劳,却不能满足孩子吃橙子的这一小小愿望,她如此辛劳,却不能换来最基本的生活!这!就是王子眼中的丑恶!请全班同学一起读!(女生齐读女裁缝的句子) ⑤看到了这瘦弱的,脸带病容的女裁缝还在日夜不停地操劳,听到了孩子那一声声地叫嚷,王子心里难受极了,他忍不住要哭!谁接着读? (男生读:看到这个城市的丑恶和穷苦,我忍不住要哭。)


小学五年级语文《快乐xx》教学设 计及反思 《快乐王子》是整篇童话按照事情的发展顺序,借助王子的眼睛展现了人民的苦难生活。下面就是我给大家带来的小学五年级语文《快乐王子》教学设计及反思,希望能帮助到大家! 小学五年级语文《快乐xx》教学设计一 教学目标 1.认识12个生字,会写10个生字。 2.能快速默读课文并了解大意。 3.能复述王子和燕子“舍生取义”的经历。 4.通过人物的语言和心理活动的描写,体会人物的心理变化的过程。 教学重点 1.通过体会人物心理变化来有感情地朗读课文。 2.理解“舍生取义”的真正含义 教学难点 抓住具体语言文字来体会xx的内心世界。 课时安排 2-3课时。 相关资料 1.作者简介 奥斯卡?王尔德(1854—1900年),19世纪末英国唯美主义的代表作家、诗人、剧作家和童话作家。生于都柏林的一个家世卓越的家庭。曾在英国牛津大

学攻读古希腊的经典著作,并开始文学创作活动。早在他的童话为世人所知之前,年仅二十四岁,他的诗作就荣获大奖。这对他后来的文学活动有很大影响。他的创作风格的形成则源于童话,1888年5月,他的第一部童话集《快乐王子及其它》出版,立刻轰动一时。1891年12月,他的另一部童话集《石榴之屋》问世。英国《典雅》杂志将他和安徒生相提并论,说他的《自私的巨人》堪称“完美之作”,整本童话集更是纯正英语的结晶。 2.作品解读——高贵的同情心就是宝石的象征 王尔德想告诉我们的是:快乐王子的快乐是建立在帮助穷苦人得到快乐的基础上的,有点先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐的意思.燕子被他感动,冬天放弃了飞往温暖的国度而冻死在他脚下。 他想帮助别人,而他又只有这浑身上下的宝贝,他倾其所有去帮助穷人,这种精神就是童话所要赞颂的把.机趣和戏剧性,像孪生般贯穿于他所有的童话中,也是他的童话最吸引人的地方。王尔德善于用华丽的笔法和生动的比喻造成机趣的描写风格,而他每一篇童话所贯穿的善良与美丽形象所经历的变迁——心的破裂与死亡,以及其中的对抗和冲突所产生的戏剧性的效果———紧紧扣住读者的心弦。王尔德将人性的至美归于至爱,像《快乐王子》个的王子和燕子;《夜莺与玫瑰》中的夜莺。几乎每一个童话都有一个因为至爱而变得至美的形象,体现了王尔德追求理想艺术的初衷,无愧为这位“为艺术而艺术”之始祖的佳作。 教学过程 第一课时 一、激发兴趣,导入新课 1.初读课文,整体感知。 2.读准课文中出现的生字,理解生词。 二、质疑问难,学习课文 1.简述课文讲述的是一件什么事情? 2.提出自己不理解的问题

The happy prince快乐王子英文读后感

The happy prince The happy prince is a famous fairy tale written by Oscar Wilde. When I first heard the book’s name, I thought it must be an interesting story about the happy life of the prince or about the romantic love between the prince and princess. However, it was a sad story. The prince devoted himself to the happiness of others. I was greatly touched by what the prince and the little swallow have done. This book mainly tells the story about the happy prince and a swallow. They are the embodiments of the true, the good and the beautiful. In fact, the prince is just a statue standing high above the city. Once he was a happy prince living in the palace of Sans-Souci and he didn’t know what sorrow was. Now as a statue, his body was gilded with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt. He could see all the ugliness and all the misery of the city. He sympathized with the sufferings of the poor. The little swallow was going to Egypt to enjoy the warm spring. He was moved by the prince’s kindness. Later he became the messenger of the prince and was


快乐王子 在高高的城市上空,一根顶天立地的柱子上站立着快乐王子的塑像。他浑身上下贴满了一片片赤金叶子,眼睛含着两颗晶莹的蓝宝石,佩剑的剑柄上镶嵌了一颗大红宝石,闪闪发光。 他确实备受仰慕。“他像风向标一样美丽,”一位市议员发表看法说,一心想附庸风雅;“只是不怎么派得上用场啊。”他又补充了一句,生怕人们会认为他不讲究实际,因为他的确是一个务实的人。 “你怎么一点儿都不像快乐王子呢?”一位明白事理的母亲对自己无理哭闹的小孩儿说,“看看人家快乐王子,他从来不为芝麻点儿事又哭又闹。” “这世上有人活得很幸福,我深感欣慰呀。”一个失望的人打量着这尊快活的塑像,喃喃自语道。 “他看上去简直就是一个天使。”一群孤儿院的孩子说;他们身穿鲜亮的大红斗篷,系着洁白的围嘴儿,正从大教堂往外走。 “你们怎么知道的?”刻板的院长发问道。“你们又从来没见过天使什么样子。” “哦!可我们见过,我们梦见过。”孩子们回答说;刻板的院长把眉头皱起来,一脸的严肃,因为他很不赞成孩子做梦。 一天夜里,这城市飞来一只小燕子。他的朋友六个星期前都飞往埃及去了,但他拖延下来,只因他和最美丽的芦苇相爱了。他是在春天早些时候遇见她的,当时他追着一只大黄蛾子飞到了河边,一下就被她那纤纤细腰迷住了,忍不住停下来和她搭话。 “我可以爱你吗?”燕子问道;他喜欢单刀直入,有话直说。芦苇听了深深点了一下头。于是小燕子围着芦苇飞啊,飞啊,用翅膀轻触水面,激起一圈圈银色的涟漪。这就是他的求婚活动,整整持续了一个夏天。 “这真是一场可笑的恋爱,”别的燕子纷纷嘀咕说,“瞧那芦苇,不值一分钱,亲戚倒有一大群。”这倒是实情,河里长满了芦苇,一眼望不到头。随后,秋天来了,他们就都飞走了。 他们纷纷飞走后,他感到好不孤单,渐渐对他的恋人厌倦了。“她不懂得跟人家说说话,”他说,“而且我喜爱周游四方,夫唱妇随,我的妻子也应该喜爱到处旅游才是。” “你愿意和我走吗?”他最后和她说;可是芦苇摇了摇头,她恋家恋得难分难舍呢。 “我要飞往金字塔去了。再见吧!”他说走就飞走了。

31 快乐王子(剧本)

1快乐王子(剧本) 2场景:广场上 人物:快乐王子的雕(diāo)像?——穿着贴金箔(bó)?的衣服,佩带宝剑,剑柄(bǐnɡ)上装有红宝石,眼睛是两颗蓝宝石。小燕子、群燕、裁缝、老人、小女孩儿。[①快乐王子的雕像给你留下了怎样的印象?]3 秋天,北燕南迁(qiān),经过广场,看到快乐王子的雕像。 群燕:天上最美丽的神哪,是维纳斯!地上最英俊(jùn)?的人哪,是快乐王子!4[②这句用了什么手法来赞美快乐王子?] 燕子甲:他的身材真高大,顶天立地像铁塔! 5燕子乙:他的衣服好漂亮,金光闪闪放光芒! 燕子丙:他的眼睛多神奇?,嵌着两颗蓝宝石! 燕子丁:他的笑容最迷人,冰天雪地暖人心![句导读:赞美王子的神态美,暗示了王子的心地善良。] 6群燕:天上最美丽的神哪,是维纳斯!地上最英俊的人哪,是快乐王子![③南迁的燕子是怎样赞美快乐王子的雕像的?] 1? 2?雕像:雕刻的人像,有时也包括动物的形象。 ?金箔:用金子捶成的薄片或涂上金粉的纸片,用来包在佛像或器物等外面做装饰。 3 ①快乐王子很富有,生活得很幸福。 4?英俊:这里指容貌俊秀又有精神。 ②类比的手法。 5 ?神奇:非常奇妙。

群燕:天冷了,我们要到埃(āi)及去过冬了。明年春暖花开,我们再来陪你。再见,快乐王子! 王子:再见,燕子们,祝你们一路平安!7[④快乐王子向群燕告别,你体会到了什么?] 燕子们一个个飞走了,只有小燕子还在那里。 王子:小燕子,你怎么没走哇? 小燕子:我要留下来陪你!我们都走了,你会寂寞(mò)的。[句导读:从这两句话中也可以看出,小燕子也具有善良和舍己为人的品质。] 王子:这里冬天很冷,你受不了的,快走吧,小燕子!8[⑤从对话中你感受到快乐王子怎么样?] 小燕子:(想了想)今天好好陪陪你,明天我就去埃及。9[⑥从小燕子的话语中可以感受到什么?] 晚上,小燕子在王子雕像下面休息。突然,几滴水珠落了下来,小燕子抬头一看,原来是王子的泪水。 小燕子:王子,你怎么哭了?10[⑦小燕子为什么这样问?] 王子:我活着时无忧无虑,在王宫里击剑下棋。每天快活得忘记时日,大家称我为快乐王子。[⑧你从这句话中了解到了什么?]11我死后父母悲痛不已,塑一尊雕像站在这里。原以为人间幸福太平,却不料看见了痛苦悲泣。12[⑨快乐王子为什么哭了?]你看小巷深处那间小屋,女裁缝正挑灯赶制衣服。床上躺着生病的孩子,家贫没钱找医生诊治。她心中是多么悲伤啊,泪水浸湿了手中的衣裳。虽然我的心是铅(qiān)做的,可还是忍不住泪落如雨。13请把我剑柄上的宝石,给无助的母亲送去救急。[⑩这些句子说明了什么?] 小燕子看到快乐王子悲伤的样子,不忍心。 小燕子:王子王子真好心,我愿给你当信使。[句导读:这句话可以看出小燕子对王子的赞 美和敬佩,所以愿意帮助王子。]14[小燕子为什么要当信使?] 小燕子从剑柄上啄出红宝石,送到正在干活的女裁缝桌上。女裁缝一抬头,看见红宝石。 裁缝:是哪位好心人送的呀,真是太感谢了! 小燕子飞回到王子的身边。 王子:小燕子,天亮了,快快动身去埃及!15[“快快动身”说明了什么?] 6③通过甲、乙、丙、丁四只燕子从身材、服装、容貌、神态等方面赞美王子,让我们看到王子的英俊、善良。 7④快乐王子很有礼貌,很有爱心。 8⑤很关心小燕子,他很善良。 9⑥留下的这只小燕子是一只非常同情王子的、有爱心的小燕子,也感受到小燕子非常机灵。 10 ⑦因为他一直认为王子很快乐,看到他哭,觉得很吃惊。 11⑧快乐王子名称的由来。这是对快乐王子活着时怎样快乐的具体描绘。 12 ⑨在城市的上空,他看到了尘世间的丑恶和穷苦。 13⑩女裁缝家贫如洗,望着生病的孩子心中万分悲伤。也说明快乐王子很关心人民的疾苦,很有同情心和爱心。 14小燕子被王子感动了,所以他要帮助王子完成心愿。说明了小燕子也有极强的同情心。 15说明了王子很关心小燕子。


快乐王子英语读后感 导读: 快乐王子英语读后感 statue of the legislation in the city center onto a piece of pure gold. His eyes are two bright sapphires, there is a big ruby in his hand holds the hilt on sparkling. Can to help poor people, the Flying Swallow with the help of the pure gold and precious stones film gave people in need of help. Finally, the Flying Swallow has been frozen to death. The Happy Prince is also due to dilapidated and were removed. Later, someone asked The Happy Prince: "Do you help others, they destroyed themselves, worth it?" The Happy Prince without regret to say: As long as I have made to give others happiness, I have been happier. Is certainly worthwhile. Yes ah, this is how a simple if it! Others happy, is his happiness. Our happiness based on other people's happiness above. Britain's Prince Fan Zhongyan ancients of China's "first and worry about all over the world, after everyone else to enjoy," the famous saying. Which is not that we are advocating the moral life it? On the initiative of such thinking, in our lives appear as numerous as the Happy Prince, it is respected.


Relator: The broad square center is standing erect a statue, he is the joyful prince! Autumn, north the swallow moves to the south, the process square, sees the joyful prince's statue. Group swallow: Which is the space most beautiful god, Venus! Which is the ground most outstandingly talented person, the joyful prince! Swallow armor: His stature is really big, is indomitable spirit likely the iron tower! Swallow second grade: His clothes good attractive, puts the ray glittering! Swallow third: His look is much spirited, is inlaying two sapphires! Swallow Ding:His smiling face is most enchanting, world of ice and snow warm will of the people! Group swallow: Which is the space most beautiful god, Venus! Which is the ground most outstandingly talented person, the joyful prince! Prince: Thanks! The lovable swallows, the weather has been more and more cold south, you also wanted to fly! Group swallow: Yes, the day has been cold, we had to arrive Egypt to winter.Next year will be bloomy spring, we will accompany you again.Goodbye, joyful prince! Prince: Goodbye, the swallows, wish you bon voyage! Relator: The swallows one all flew away, only then a small swallow in airborne is circling, finally it has stopped down. Prince: Hasn't the small swallow, you walked how ha? Small swallow: I must remain down accompany you! We all walked, you can lonely. Prince: Here winter is very cold, you cannot bear, walks quickly, small swallow! Small swallow: (Thinks) that I today well accompany you, I will go to Egypt tomorrow. Relator: The curtain of night arrives, the small swallow rests under the prince statue.Suddenly, several drop of water drops fell down, the small swallow looks up, originally is prince's tears. Small swallow: (The awake zhong sleepy eyes, feel surprised.) Did the prince, how you cry? Prince: I am living when carefree, the fencing plays chess in the royal palace. Is every day merry forgets the date and time, everybody called I am the joyful prince. After I died the parents sorrowful not already, models a statue to stand in here. Thought originally world happy peaceful, under the entire day photograph I live equally joyfully, but I see the innumerable person's pain to weep with grief actually. You looked alley deep place that hut, the dressmaker is raising the lampwick produces in a hurry clothes. (Dressmaker goes on stage) the dressmaker: My pitiful child, you must certainly persist that, waits for me to sew clothes, attains the wages, I might see a doctor to you. Prince:Looks! On the bed lies down the child who falls ill, family poor Doctor Qian Zhao has not been diagnosing. In her heart is how sad, the tears have soaked in the hand upper and lower garments. Although my heart is the lead does, may not be able to bear the tear fall like the rain. The small swallow, please my sword hilt on gem, send to for the no use to mother helps in an emergency. Relator: The small swallow saw the joyful prince's sad appearance, is not cruel enough to. Small swallow: The prince prince real good intention, I hope gives you to work as the messenger. Relator: The small swallow the calligraphy stroke leaves the ruby from the sword hilt, delivers on the dressmaker table which works.As soon as the dressmaker gains ground, visible ruby. Dressmaker: Is which person of good intention delivers, really was too thanked! The child, you could be saved! (The small swallow flies back to the prince side.)


快乐王子(节选)[英]王尔德①燕子便在这个大城市的上空飞着,他看见有钱人在他们的漂亮的住宅里作乐,乞丐们坐在门外挨冻。他飞进阴暗的小巷里,看见那些饥饿的小孩伸出苍白的瘦脸没精打采地望着污秽的街道。在一道桥洞下面躺着两个小孩,他们紧紧地搂在一起,想使身体得到一点温暖。“我们真饿啊!”他们只好走进雨中去了。②他便回去把看见的景象告诉了王子。③“我满身贴着纯金,”王子说,“你给我把它一片一片地拿掉,拿去送给我的那些穷人,活着的人总以为金子能够使它们幸福。”④燕子把纯金一片一片地啄了下来,他又把纯金一片一片地拿去送给那些穷人。最后王子就变成灰暗难看的了。小孩们的脸颊上现出了红色,他们在街上玩着,大声笑着。“我们现在有面包了。”他们这样叫道。⑤随后雪来了,严寒也到了。街道好像是银子筑成的一样,它们是那么亮,那么光辉,长长的冰柱像水晶的短剑似的悬挂在檐前,每个行人都穿着皮衣,小孩们也戴上红帽子溜冰取乐。⑥可一冷小燕子却一天比一天地更觉得冷了,可是他仍然不肯离开王子,他太爱王子了。他只有趁着面包师不注意的时候,在面包店门口啄一点面包屑吃,而且拍着翅膀来取暖。⑦但是最后他知道自己快要死了。他就只有一点力气,够他飞到王子的肩上去一趟。“亲爱的王子,再见罢!”他喃喃地说,“你肯让我亲吻你的手吗?”⑧“小燕子,我很高兴你到底要到埃及去了。”王子说,“你在这儿住得太久;不过你应该亲我的嘴唇,因为我爱你。”⑨“我现在不是到埃及去。”燕子说,“我是到死之家去的。听说死是睡的兄弟,不是吗?”⑩他吻了快乐王子的嘴唇,然后跌落在王子的脚下,死了。那个时候在这座像的内部忽然响起了一个奇怪的爆裂声,好像有什么东西破碎了似的。事实是王子的那颗铅心已经裂成两半了。这的确是一个极可怕的严寒天气。1.写出下列词语的反义词。无精打采——( ) 污秽——( )灰暗——( ) 难看——( )2.根据短文内容填空。文中的主人公是_____________,他把浑身贴着的_____________一片一片地拿去送给那些___________。王子和小燕子给穷孩子们带来了_______________和_______________。3.选择正确答案填空。(只填序号)第①自然段运用了()的手法,表明了当时社会的贫富悬殊,表达了作者对劳动人民的( )。A.比喻 B.对比 C.深切同情 D.厌恶4.选择正确答案填空。(只填序号)第⑤自然段中写行人、小孩,其目的是为了()A.突出当时气候的寒冷B.表现人们在寒冬时节愉快的心情C.表明王子给贫苦的人带来幸福参考答案:1.精神抖擞干净明亮美丽2.快乐王子纯金穷人欢笑快乐3.B C4.C

快乐王子(剧本) 教案(S版四年级上册)

快乐王子(剧本)教案(S版四年级上册) 周次年级四年级备课组语文组 主备人李XX 审核人时间2013年月日 31快乐王子(剧本) 教案示例 【内容简介】 这是一篇根据英国作家、诗人、戏剧家王尔德的同名童话改编的剧本。讲的是英俊善良、高贵富有的快乐王子,在传递爱心的小燕子的协助下,用剑柄上的红宝石、两颗蓝宝石眼睛和身上的一片片金箔救助穷人的动人故事。故事赞扬了快乐王子关爱他人、无私奉献的高尚品质。 课文语言准确而优美,故事曲折而感人,人物形象生动而鲜明,给人留下深刻的印象,是进行爱的教育的好教材。 【设计理念】 利用剧本语言优美、感情充沛的特点,引导学生读剧本、演话剧,以此来激发学生研读剧本的兴趣。学生在演好话剧的任务驱动下,积极主动地学习、理解课文,自觉地积累并内化优美规范的语言,

体会人物的思想感情,在演练话剧的过程中受到真、善、美的教育。 【教学目标】 1.认识“雕、柄、迁”等生字,积累好词佳句。 2.通过抓住描写人物语言、行动的词语,读懂课文,理解人物,体会快乐王子关爱他人、无私奉献的高贵品质。 3.分组表演并评议,深化对课文的理解。 【重点难点】 读懂课文,感受快乐王子关爱他人、无私奉献的品质。 【教具准备】 1.根据课文插图的提示,制作表演用的道具。如:快乐王子的衣服、宝剑、蓝宝石眼罩、小燕子头饰等。 2.制作多媒体课件。 3.世界地图一幅。 【教学时间】两课时。 【教学流程】 主备案个性案 第一课时 一、创设情境,激发阅读期待 1.出示课件:随着优美舒缓的音乐,欧洲式的广场及雕塑画面,一幅幅展现在学生面前,最后画面定格在快乐王子的塑像上。 2.导入谈话。 这一幅幅滚动的画面,使我们欣赏到雄伟华丽的欧洲古建筑及流淌着异国风情的广场。看,这尊造型独特、金碧辉煌的雕像是谁?


海的女儿 在海的深处,水是那么蓝,又是那么清。最深的地方是海王的宫殿。海王同他的老母亲和6个美丽的女儿生活在一起。6个女儿都没有腿,她们身体的下部是一条鱼尾,因此她们又叫人鱼。其中最小的人鱼最美丽。 小人鱼的奶奶给她讲了许多故事,最使她向往的是陆地上的情景:花儿能散发出香气,森林是绿色的,而且树枝间游来游去的“鱼儿”会唱得那么好听。 “等你满15岁的时候,我就准许你浮到海面上去。”奶奶许诺说。 等啊,等啊,小人鱼终于到了15岁。这天,她浮出了海面。 小人鱼看见一艘大船。每次当海浪把她托起来的时候,她可以透过像镜子一样的舷窗,望见里面站着许多服装华丽的男子,他们中间最美的是一位有一双大眼睛的王子,看样子,他的年纪还不到16岁。 啊,那位年轻的王子是多么英俊啊!已经很晚了,但小人鱼舍不得离去。 忽然在海的深处传来了一阵嗡嗡和隆隆的声音。浪涛怒吼,乌云翻腾,电闪雷鸣。啊,可怕的风暴到来了!这条巨大的船开始倾斜了。小人鱼知道他们遇到了危险。当船身开裂、开始下沉的时候,小人鱼看见了王子。绝不能让他死去!小人鱼赶紧游过去,把他的头托出水面,他们随着浪涛一起向前漂去。 终于漂到了岸边,小人鱼把王子放在沙滩上,然后躲到一块大石头后面,看有谁会来到这个可怜的王子身边。 过了一会儿,走过来一位年轻的女子。她似乎非常吃惊,马上找来了几个人把昏迷的王子抬进了一幢高大的房子里。小人鱼跳到海里,游回去了。 接下来的好多个日子,小人鱼一次次浮出水面,向她曾经放下王子的那个地方游去。小人鱼在沙滩上看到附近花园里的果子熟了,被摘下来了;她看到高山顶上的雪融化了;但是她却没有看到那个王子。 小人鱼忍不住把心事告诉了姐姐们,有一位姐姐正好知道王子在哪儿。后来小人鱼经常游到王子住的地方去,看那里发生的一切。渐渐地小人鱼开始爱上了人类,开始盼望能够生活在他们中间。 一位老奶奶告诉小人鱼:只要变成人,并能得到人类的爱情,就可以得到一个不灭的灵魂。小人鱼高兴极了。下定了决心之后,她便去找海巫婆。 巫婆说:“我可以煎一服药给你喝,你的尾巴就可以分做两半,变成人类的腿了。可这是很痛的———就好像有一把刀劈开你的身体,你迈每一步都会像是走在尖刀上。如果你能忍受得了,我可以帮你。” “我可以忍受。”小人鱼用颤抖的声音说。 “可是要记住,”巫婆说,“你一旦获得了人的形体,就再也不能变成人鱼了,就再也不能回到宫殿里来了。但是如果你得不到王子的爱情,你就不能得到一个不灭的


本书籍由《E书吧》热心网友编辑整理。请在下载后24小时内删除。 The Happy Prince and Other Tales 1 THE HAPPY PRINCE High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt. He was very much admired indeed. "He is as beautiful as a weathercock," remarked one of the Town Councillors who wished to gain a reputation for having artistic tastes; "only not quite so useful," he added, fearing lest people should think him unpractical, which he really was not. "Why can't you be like the Happy Prince?" asked a sensible mother of her little boy who was crying for the moon. "The Happy Prince never dreams of crying for anything." "I am glad there is some one in the world who is quite happy," muttered a disappointed man as he gazed at the wonderful statue. "He looks just like an angel," said the Charity Children as they came out of the cathedral in their bright scarlet cloaks and their clean white pinafores. "How do you know?" said the Mathematical Master, "you have never seen one." "Ah! but we have, in our dreams," answered the children; and the Mathematical Master frowned and looked very severe, for he did not approve of children dreaming. One night there flew over the city a little Swallow. His friends had gone away to Egypt six weeks before, but he had stayed behind, for he was in love with the most beautiful Reed. He had met her early in the spring as he was flying down the river after a big yellow moth, and had been so attracted by her slender waist that he had stopped to talk to her. "Shall I love you?" said the Swallow, who liked to come to the point at once, and the Reed made him a low bow. So he flew round and round her, touching the water with his wings, and making silver ripples. This 2 The Happy Prince and Other Tales was his courtship, and it lasted all through the summer. "It is a ridiculous attachment," twittered the other Swallows; "she has no money, and far too many relations"; and indeed the river was quite full of Reeds. Then, when the autumn came they all flew away. After they had gone he felt lonely, and began to tire of his lady- love. "She has no conversation," he said, "and I am afraid that she is a coquette, for she is always flirting with the wind." And certainly, whenever the wind blew, the Reed made the most graceful curtseys. "I admit that she is domestic," he continued, "but I love travelling, and my wife, consequently, should love travelling also." "Will you come away with me?" he said finally to her; but the Reed shook her head, she was so attached to her home.
