


1. To hell with sb. ----你妹!

( a very rude way to show your disaffection with sb, use it with caution)

2. Bravo on the hot nanny! 这个保姆真给力!( “bravo” is the sound you make when applauding, so this sentence can be really useful if you want to praise sb)

3. You are the pain on/in my ass ------你很烦耶!

( a little offensive but can be used between friends to give utterance to your annoyance with sb.)

4. She’s getting a little antsy ——她有点不淡定。

( it’s a very typical phrase meaning that sb is ge tting exceptionally anxious. The word “antsy” springs from “ant”. When an ant is in a hot pot, it sure will get anxious and frustrated.)

5. You are on fire!

( This is easy to remember and guess out the meaning. “be on fire” means “over-excited”, “be on fire for sth” means “like sth very much)

6.We could get her on board ------我们可以让她入伙。

( the reason I choose this sentence is that it spontaneously incorporates a phrase “welcome aboard”, which, literally, means “ welcome to the plane or ship”, and figurati vely, “welcome to join us”. So if you want sb to join you in doing sth, you can just say “ get… on board”. Interestingly though, a similar Chinese oral expression also shares the same meaning: 上了贼船, but the tone is varied in different situations.)

7. I have back-to-back classes. ------我的课是连堂的。

( It means I have several consecutive classes. You can also paraphrase it in this way: I have several classes in a row. There are a lot of expressions similar to “back to back”, such as “ hat in hand”,meaning ver y humble and polite, “neck to neck” describing two parties of the same level of competence, etc)

8. Guess we know who wears the pants in that family.

(wear the pants源自男权社会的习俗。从前在男性占统治地位的社会,女性处于被支配的从属地位。由于男子一般穿裤子,而女子穿裙子,所以“穿裤子”就成为了统治的象征。后来,wear the pants 专用以喻指“女人当家”。又作wear the trousers . Now this phrase commonly refers to people who take charge of the household)

9,They’ve really spruced that place up.

“spruce up” means to make sth neat, smart or trim, synonymous with “tidy up”)

10. I am stepping in and putting my foot down. -----老虎不发威,当俺是病猫啊!

( the reason why I choose it is that it has two interesting phrases. One is “step in” ,which means “start to interfere with sth, and the other is “put one’s foot down” , which means

“ take concrete action”)

11. Don't try to turn this around on me ------不要把责任推卸到我身上。

( this is a very informal way to ask sb not to shift off responsibilities to you. When a f inger-pointing situation is going on, you can use this to fend off others’ blame on you) 12.If it helps,you were next in line.you just missed the cut.

( miss the cut: a very American way to say that sb misses

a certain opportunity by an inch)

13. Come on, quit yanking me.

( there are two interesting words in it. “ quit” is usually used to mean “stop” and sounds more native. “Yank” is an ironic way of calling an American, it’s used as a verb here to mean “making fun of”, but usually it only plays such a role when referring to Americans of course.)

14. I may be way out on a limb here -----我无助了...

(“out on a limb” depicts a situation where you’re all alone with nobody supporting you. Just imagine you’re drifting in a river with the only help of a limb, how desolate can that be!) 15. I am totally dense about poetry ------我是诗盲。

( “dense” can mean “stupid and awkward”, so “be dense about” means “ don’t understand sth that much)

16. I am so over you. ----我早就不在乎你了。

(it means “I don’t care about you any more” or “I no longer love you”. This sentence is frequently used when two people break up)

17. I think BRIAN's a little out of your league. -----我觉得你拿不下Brian。

(“out of one’s league” literately means “ sb isn’t from the same societal circle as you, but usually it refers to a person who you like but at the same time out of your reach)

18. While she is beautiful in a conventional way,and you are luminous with a kind of delicate grace

( a very useful sentence to compliment the ladies)

19. This blows! ----我擦!

( It’s a very common way to express sth that upsets you , and it’s the same as “This sucks”)

20, You should come clean with Mom ----你还是给妈讲实话吧。

( “come clean” means “ confess”, it’s an common way to replace confession which seems too formal)

21 . Any sign of your brother?

( a typical American way to say “ have you seen your brother”)

22.She is no marriage material -------她不是结婚的料。

( The reason I choose it is that this sentence can be used in various ways by changing the adjective modifying “material”. For example, if you want to say she isn’t qualified to go to Yale, you can say “ She’s no Yale material”. So it’s very flexible)

23. You walked out on me -----你离我而去。

( “walk out on sb” means “ to abandon sb or leave sb”)

24. I got a stage fright.----我怯场了。

( It means “get nervous before performing on stage”. It’s similar to “ get cold-feeted”)

25. I was making headway

( It’s a very native way of saying “ making progress”)

26 They really hit it off ----他们挺合拍的。

( If you are just introduced to a person, and you have a lot in common and have a really flowing conversation, then you guys hit it off. “hit if off” is frequently used in Oral English, so worth remembering)

27. Don't take that tone with me ----不要用那种语气跟我讲话

( “tone” is the way you talk to others. If sb is talking to you in a not so nice way, or even snapping at you , you can say “ don’t take that tone with me”, pay attention to the preposition “ with”)

28. The joke's on you ----你才可笑呢!

( This is a terrific sentence to describe sb who is being ridiculous or silly. Mind the preposition “on”)

29. You kind of stole my thunder -----你抢我风头。

( This is very funny and vivid, “ to steal one’s thunder” is to outshine sb)

30. Let's give him a little credit

( “give sb some credit” is a lousy phrase as I think of it, because I cannot find a relatively standard translation for it and it’s so freq uently used by Americans. Basically it means “ have some faith in sb”, but it varies according to different contexts)

31. Let's put aside the fact that...让我们撇开什么不谈

( This is pretty useful if you want to divert sb’s attention from a certain fact. So bear this in mind)

32, Misery really does love company

( It’s synonymous with the aphorism : misfortune never comes alone)

33. I'm calling my shots

( “ call one’s shots” has an origin. call one's shots是美国成语,指用手枪或步枪射击时,先宣布要打中靶上哪个地方,现在往往引伸为「事先说出要做什么或怎么做」的意思,例如:He said he would score three A's in the examination, and he did. He called his shots well. (他说会在考试里取得三个A,果然就取得三个A

了,真是没有说错。Please pay attention to “ call the shots”, it means “take charge”)

35 don't count on it

( “ count on” means “ depend on”, on ly more often used in daily-chatting)

36. It all boils down to this….

( A very useful structure to make a brief summary. “ boil down” means “ to sum up”)

37. What are you guys woofing about ?

(“ woof” means “whisper”, but more casual. “whisper” is often used plainly, so if you want to try something new, just say “woof”)

38 What’s the deal here?

( We cannot understand it literately, it means “ what’s going on here”, “what’s the deal” can be also used to ask “what’s the matter with somebody”)

39. I wasn’t hopping mad.

(in American English, “mad” usually doesn’t mean “insane”, but means “angry”. “Hop” means “jump” literately, so “hopping mad” means “so angry that you can’t help jumping up and down”, figuratively , “very angry”. )

40. Coffee to go,please.

( When we want to order sth to take away, we always find it a little awkward to say “ ....., please, oh ,it’s a take-away”, How just put a “to go” behind your order, then problem is solved) 41.We also appreciate gentle spanking once in a while,just FYI

( This is an ironic way to suggest. The word “appreciate” brings out sarcasm. FIY is the acronym of “for you information” , which indicates that it’s just sth to know, and you don’t have to respond.)

42. Way to go!

( means “ excellent”)

43. I’m a laundry virgin----我第一次洗衣服

( “ virgin” here is quite interesting, it means beginner. But this pattern is better to be used by ladies)

44. I won’t let her go without a fight!

( “without a fight” serves as a metaphor which suggests that “ without trying”)

45 I just want to give you a heads up

(heads-up is a commonly used American expression synonymous with “ reminder”. So if you want to remind sb of sth, you can use this phrase)

46.My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋!

( I don’t know why it means so or w hat the origin is, but it’s really a generic American expression.)

47.Take my word for it.

( It’s like “ you have my word” or “ I promise you” . Promise is so frequently said that it has lost its flavor. Now people say promises are made to be broken. So be more careful the next time you say it or you hear it. Pick “take my word” over “promise” is sure to have better results.)

48.You have to pick your moments/timing

( In daily-life, to choose the right time to talk is really important. “picking the moment” sometimes can make a big difference in getting things done)

49.If you want kids, then kids it is! 如果你想要孩子,那就要吧Art it is/ two it is !!/ a hundred it is (名词加it is 表示一种不耐烦语气)

50.You fall for it every time.

( the reason I pick this sentence is that “fall for” can mean differently in different contexts. “fall for sth” usually refers to that sb gets cheated into sth. “fall for sb”, however, share the same meaning as “fall in love with sb”)


六人行的经典台词~~ 1、I won’t let her go without a fight! 我不会轻易放过她的 2、It could happen to anyone./ It happens to anybody./ That happens. 谁都可能会遇到这种情况 3、I’m a laundry virgin.(注意virgin的用法,体会老美说话之鲜活) 4、I hear you. 我知道你要说什么。/ 我懂你的意思了 5、Nothing to see here!这里没什么好看的/看什么看! 6、Hello? Were we at the same table? 有没有搞错?(注意hello的用法,用疑问语气表示“有没有搞错?”) 7、You are so sweet/ that’s so sweet. 你真好。 8、I think it works for me. (work为口语中极其重要的小词) 9、Rachel, you are out of my league(等级,范畴). 你跟我不是同一类人 10、You are so cute. 你真好/真可爱 11、Given your situation, the options with the greatest chances for success would be surrogacy. (given表示考虑到的意思;非常简洁好用) 12、Let’s get the exam rolling. 现在开始考试了( get……rolling的用法) 13、Why don’t we give this a try?我们为何不试一下呢 14、Bravo on the hot nanny!为那个性感的保姆喝彩!/赞一下那个性感的保姆!(重点是brave on sth/sb这个句型,表示为……喝彩/赞叹的意思) 15、My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋!(很漂亮的习语,压后韵) 16、I planed to go there but something just came up.我本想去那的,但突然有点事情(注意something just came up这个搭配) 17、That’s not the point.这不是关键/问题所在 18、(If) he shows up, we stick with him. 他一出现,我们就跟着他走 (着重比较书面英语和标准的口语,表条件的if可以省略) 19、My life flashes before my eyes. 我的过往在我眼前浮现。 20、I have no idea what you have said不知道你在说什么 21、Just follow my lead. 听我指挥好了。 22、Good for you!你真不错/好! 23、Let me put it this way, we’re having sex whether you’re here or not. (主要是前半句中put的用法,这里put等于say;极其标准的口语说法) 24、The more I worried about it, the more I couldn’t sleep.(the more……the more……越什么……就什么……;多学点这样的句型举一反三不论对口语还是写作都有帮助) 25、We’re more than happy to give you recommendations.(more han happy 等于非常高兴) 26、Rachel, Can you pass me the TV guide? 能把电视报递给我吗?(非常实用的口语句型,叫别人递东西可以引用) 27、Not that it’s your business, but we did go out. (倒不是……不过……典型的绕弯子式美国思维模式) 28、We have to cut our trip short! 我们不得不中断旅行.(cut sth short


Rachel. We're running low on resumes. 瑞秋履历表快用完了 You want a job with Popular Mechanics? 你真想到《大众机械》杂志社上班吗Well, if you're gonna work for mechanics, 如果你想要从事机械行业 those are the ones to work for. 那你就算找对地方了 Guys, I'm going for anything here. 各位我什么都得试试 I can't be a waitress anymore. 我不能再当服务生了 I mean it. I'm sick of the lousy tips. 我是说真的我已厌倦微薄小费 I'm sick of being called "Excuse Me." 我已厌倦顾客不把我当人使唤 Rach, did you proofread these? 瑞秋这些你校对过吗 Yeah. Why? 对有问题吗 Nothing. I'm sure they'll be impressed 没事他们对你高超的 with your excellent "compuper" skills. "电恼"技术定会印象深刻的 Oh, my God! Do you think it's on all of them? 糟了每一份上面都这样吗 No, I'm sure the Xerox machine caught a few. 没事我肯定富士施乐打印机改掉一些了- Hey, guys. - Hey. -嗨小伙子们 -嗨 Hi, ladies. 嗨姑娘们 Can I get you anything? 需要什么吗 Did you bring the mail? 信件带来了没 - Lots of responses. - Really? -很多回复 -真的吗 Sure, we have scones left! 我们这儿当然还有烤饼 Read them to me. 快念给我听 "Dear Miss Greene: "亲爱的格林小姐 Thank you for your inquiry. "However" 感谢您的申请然而..." - We have apple cinnamon -"Dear Ms. Greene...." -我们有苹果肉桂 -"亲爱的格林小姐" Yeah, yeah! No. 好好不行 - What? - Your Visa bill is huge! -怎么了 -你的信用卡账单不少呀


体育明星经典语录 1、我可以接受失败,但我不能接受从不去尝试。——乔丹 2、球场上的强硬和坚韧,不是和对手近身肉搏,而是能在被打倒后,站起来以更强硬的姿态予以反击。——泰森·钱德勒 3、因为太年轻的我,很容易就因为一个人或一件事被干扰。——林丹 4、走路对脑力劳动者,特别是对创造性的人来说,是一种生理活动的最好方式。——哈拉里德 5、日复一日地坚持练下去吧,只有活动适量才能保持训练的热情和提高运动的技能。——塞涅卡 6、人生就像一场比赛,不能赌只能搏!——丁俊晖 7、我不知道需要多长时间才能取得辉煌,我只是想尽我所能去成为最出色的篮球运动员。——科比 8、能否成为贝利或者更伟大的人,对我来说并不重要。重要的是我要踢球、训练、不放弃一分一秒。——马拉多纳 9、吃上海菜可能会长高。——姚明 10、我不高大,甚至很矮,也没有最好的运动素质,但我会玩命地扑向篮球,因为我爱篮球。——查克·海耶斯 11、如果一个游泳运动员,40多天没有下水,就相当于四年没有游泳。——孙杨 12、我有优点,缺点也不少,我只不过是球队中的一个成员。我所想的就是把每场球踢好,贡献我的一切,尽我对职业的忠诚。——

乌·斯蒂利克 13、不被看好就不被看好,我就是喜欢他。——林丹 14、我可以接受失败,但无法接受放弃。——乔丹 15、比赛的胜利决定于人的精神和毅力。——蒂加纳 16、尽管我踢过多年的后卫和前锋,但我更喜欢拖后中卫的位置,因为它可以使人清楚地了解前面所发生的一切,尤其是当我想进攻时更是这样。——帕萨雷拉 17、我的足球是以速度为基础,充分利用我的双脚和脑袋,靠真正的技术去取胜。——基冈 18、媒体就是喜欢走两个极端,要么美化,要么丑化,真实的东西太少了。捧的是这些人,毁的也是这些人。——李永波 19、一个队员在89分钟里踢得毫无生气,但在最后一分钟里射门得分,就会被当作王子来吹捧;而守门员在89分钟内表现非凡,却在最后一分钟里失手,就会成为罪人。——舒马赫 20、每个人的青春,都去了每个人的地方,每个人的青春,都是一个完完整整的青春。——潘晓婷 21、对敌人对同志我还是有区别的。对朋友我是我很丑,可是我很温柔。对敌人也至少能吓倒一大片后卫。广告说的好:嘿,还真对的起咱这张脸。——李毅 22、我遇到很大的苦难时不会哭,但遇到人家对我关心或面对特别柔情的东西时,我会掉眼泪。如果是要跟我斗、拼刺刀,那对不起了,我毫不客气。——李永波


Chapter 13 ●You barge in here and you do n’t knock? 你不敲门就闯进来? ●What is your salary? 你领多少工资? ●That is pretty much of it 差不多那样。 ● a little bit of 发音: a li-do bi-of ●That blows. 坏了 ●You know, I don’t see that happening 办不到。 ●Tit for tat 以牙还牙 ●I don’t know, Maybe low self-esteem. 我不知道,或许自信心不足。 ●I don’t mean to be disrespectful [disri,spektful]恕我直言 ●What did you mean by that? ●Parents divorced before you hit puberty 父母在你青春期前离婚 ●How long are you in the city? 打算在城里住几天? ●It’s a wacky world. 真是个古怪的世界。 ●I shouldn’t have come. 我不应该来 ●Out here with me, bunking up 孖铺。 ●Then come clean with ma. 向妈妈坦白一切。 ●Like 5 minutes 约五分钟。 ●Things were fine the way they were! 事情原本好好的。 ●I just want it the way it was. 我只想回到从前。 ●I just did what I thought you’d want. 我自以为做了你想做的事。 ●No contest. 无疑问的,无竞争。 ●Don’t ever do that. 永远不要这么做。 Chapter 14 ●It’s insane. 这太离谱了。 ●Because he was creepy. 因为他惹人厌。 ●Way to go 干得好lick it off 舔干净。Slather 涂 ●If you want to put a label on it. 如果你硬要这么说的话。Vulnerable 脆弱 ●Go up to her and say, I’m returning your egg. ●Could we get an egg, still in the shell. 生的Boiled eggs in the shell 连壳煮鸡蛋●Don’t you bail on me 你不能背叛我 ●what are you doing tomorrow night? Shampoo bath gel ●Come on, These people will scooch down. 这些人会挪过去的。 ●Do it a well-ventilated area. ['ventileit]通风 ●Try to let go of the anger, and learn to love yourself. You push me off, and you pull me back. It is easy for you to say. 你说得容易。 Go for a drink sometime? 有时一起出去喝一杯。


历届春晚经典语录大盘点 春节联欢晚会到今年是第25年。在过去的25年中,面对褒贬不一的评价,春晚却总能闪出一些语汇的光芒,流行一时。不得不承认,春晚在引领话语时尚方面占尽先机。 1983年:“你的声音,你的歌声,永远印在我的心中。”央视第一届春节晚会亮相,李谷一成为春晚正式登台的第一位歌手,一曲《乡恋》给无数人留下深刻印象。 1984年:“宇宙牌香烟誉满全球!”马季的单口相声讽刺的是虚假广告,然而此后黑龙江敏感的企业家从中获得了灵感,真的推出了“宇宙”牌香烟,引起了消费者的极大兴趣。 1985年:“十五的月亮,照在家乡,照在边关。”由于这年节目的水平质量普遍不佳,中央电视台不得不在此后的《新闻联播》中向全国观众道歉。这一年只红了一首歌,那就是《十五的月亮》,当然也就捧红了主唱董文华。 1986年:“在那桃花盛开的地方,有我可爱的故乡。”蒋大为的歌声曾经感动不止一代人。他演唱的名曲《在那桃花盛开的地方》,经春晚的传播,在全国传唱一时。 1987年:“你就像那冬天里的一把火,熊熊火焰温暖了我。”有着一半中国血统的歌手费翔立即成为歌星,而且还背上了“制造”不久之后大兴安岭火灾的“黑锅”。 1988年:“领导,冒号。”相声《巧立名目》内容并不特别出色,牛群也不出名,但这一句台词逗坏了观众,在春晚后仍流行了很久。

1989年:“司马缸砸光。”唱了一辈子评剧、演了一辈子配角的赵丽蓉,从小品《英雄母亲的一天》中成功转型,此后成为小品当红明星。这句台词单拎出来并没有多好笑,但一想到是赵丽蓉装傻充愣把侯耀文弄得晕头转向,总是忍俊不禁。 1990年:“傻样儿!”小品《相亲》奠定了赵本山中国第一笑星的地位,且十几年不倒。 1991年:“我想有个家,一个不需要多大的地方。”一首听了想哭的《我想有个家》让观众熟悉了一身黑装像男孩子的台湾歌手潘美辰。 1992年:“探戈就是趟啊趟着走,三步一回头,五步一招手,然后接着趟啊趟着走。”小品《妈妈的今天》里,赵丽蓉发明的探戈让观众学了足足一年,也乐呵了一年。 1993年:“这一张旧船票能否登上你的客船?”毛宁因为一首《涛声依旧》红遍大江南北,这条出名之路还引发了广东歌手北上的潮流,这句经典歌词后来也被篡改成“我这张旧船票还能否登上你的破船……” 1994年:“长大后我就成了你。”宋祖英以委婉的歌声,用教室、黑板、粉笔、讲台等意象深情赞颂了人民教师无私奉献的情怀。 1995年:“六月六,六月六,六月六啊六月六!”巩汉林给赵丽蓉进行包装,要求新潮式的表演,动作要有爆发力,因此评剧唱词也改成了RAP(说唱)。虽然小品《如此包装》对演艺圈流行的包装热进行了讽刺,然而传统戏曲的现代化改造仍然是摆在艺术家面前的难


第一季第一集 [Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Monica are there.] Monica: There's nothing to tell! He's just some guy I work with! Joey: Come on, you're going out with the guy! There's gotta be something wrong with him! Chandler: All right Joey, be nice.? So does he have a hump A hump and a hairpiece Phoebe: Wait, does he eat chalk (They all stare, bemused.)困惑的; 茫然的; 不知所措的 Phoebe: Just, because I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl- oh! Monica: Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. It's just two people going out to dinner and- not having sex. Chandler: Sounds like a date to me. [Time Lapse] Chandler:Alright, back in high school, I am standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and I realized I am totally naked. All: Oh, yeah. Had that dream. Chandler: Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone... there. Joey: Instead of... Chandler: That's right. Joey: Never had that dream. Phoebe: No. Chandler: All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. Now I don't know what to do, everybody starts looking at me. Monica: They were looking at you before! Chandler: Finally, I figure I'd better answer it, and it turns out it's my mother, which is very-very weird, because- she never calls me! Weird: 怪诞的; 神秘而可怕的; 超然的; 古怪的; 离奇的 [Time Lapse, Ross has entered.] Ross: (mortified) Hi. Mortified: 1.使受辱,伤害(人的感情) 2.克制,抑制(肉体、情感等) Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself. Monica: Are you okay, sweetie Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck... Chandler: Cookie Monica: (explaining to the others) Carol moved her stuff out today. Joey: Ohh. Monica: (to Ross) Let me get you some coffee. Ross: Thanks. Phoebe: Ooh! Oh! (She starts to pluck at the air just in front of Ross.) Pluck: 采; 摘; 拔; 弹, 拔(乐器的弦)


1.Crap; Dude; Whack 《老友记》是一部情景喜剧,剧中对白轻松诙谐。由于是生活剧,剧中人物的对话非常口语化,许多是美国年轻人的日常用语,“Crap"、“Dude”和“Whack”就是这样的用语。 剧中对白:(第七季第一集) Chandler:Seriously? Seriously,no! You call play your own age which is 31! 钱德勒;不开玩笑?不开玩笑,答案是不行!你只能扮演与你同龄的角色,也就是三十一岁。Joey:I'm 30 ! 乔伊:我已经三十岁了! Rachel:Joey,you are notJ You're 31. 瑞秋:乔伊,你不是三十岁!你是三十一岁。 Joey:AWW crap! 乔伊:这是臭狗屎! 注释:常看《老友记》的人一定记得,剧中人物经常会脱口而出“crap"。“crap”的意思和另一个英文词“shit”相近,都是一个“脏词”,有“狗屎”的意思,用来表达自己愤怒、厌恶的情绪。如果一定追问这两个词之间的区别,美国人会说,“crap”比“shit”要“干净”一点儿。 剧中对白:(第八季第二集) Joey:Ohh…I wonder if that dude. 乔伊:嗯……我在想是不是那个男的。 Monica:There's a dude? 莫尼卡:有个男的? 注释:《老友记》中的三位男主角罗斯、钱德勒和乔伊之间,经常会互称“Dude”,意思是“朋友、伙计”,主要指男性,是用于男性朋友之间的称谓。在以上那段对话中,莫尼卡和菲比告诉乔伊,真正怀孕的是瑞秋。与瑞秋同住一室的乔伊,马上想到一个月前曾有个男的和莫尼卡交往,并将红色外套留在瑞秋处。有时,根据说话人语调的变化,还含有“你这个傻子”、“你脑子坏掉了”的调侃味道。 乔伊有时喜欢说“That's Whack!”。这是美国黑人爱用的一句口头禅,意思是“太糟糕”了,同“Crap”“Shit”意思差不多,也算“粗口”。 2.Straight; Lesbian; Gay 剧中对白:(第七季第十八集) Ross:Yes.And another time after that.Boy I'm getting hungry! Hey Joey,have you ever been so hungry on a date that When a girl goes to the bathroom you eat some of her food? 罗斯:是的。在第二次婚姻后还有一次。……乔伊,你约会后如果特别饿,会不会乘女孩去洗手间的机会吃她的东西? Kristen:You said the waiter ate my crab cake. 克里斯滕:你说是侍者吃了我的沙果蛋糕。 Joey:Yeah.So uh Ross,well now——why did that first marriage breakup? Was it because the woman was straight or she was a lesbian? 乔伊:是呀。罗斯,你第一次婚姻为何失败?是因为你夫人是异性恋或者是因为她是同性恋? 注释:《老友记》像其它美国电视剧集一样,也涉及同性恋问题。很多人都知道,女同性恋是“Lesbian'’,男同性恋是“Gay”。那么异性恋又如何表述呢?看了《老友记》,自然也知道答案了,就是“Straight”。“Straight”的本意是“笔直的、正统的”,在美国俚语中,它的意思还有“非同性恋”、“不吸毒”等。


汪涵经典语录 导读:1、叔本华也说过同样类型的话,就是说如果你自己的眼神关注的是整体,而非个人的一己的生命的话,那么你的行为举止看起来会更像一个智者而不是一个受难者。 2、在何炅歌友会上,汪对何说,今天你的铁丝来了不少,何愣了,铁丝?汪很有耐心,就是铁杆粉丝,简称铁丝,台下笑倒。 3、其实人的一生一步一个脚印走过来是很正常的,也是必须经历的一个阶段,认为,自己走的很幸运,就怕是一步一个脚印滚过来的。 4、(在某次要出比赛结果的时候)比赛这么精彩,我决定,不进广告直接公布结果……导演是不会答应的。 5、天气是老天爷给你的,它就是老天爷的表情。生活在老天爷的怀抱里,你就得学会欣赏老天爷的各种表情。 6、生活中要变得幽默一点,只需要真诚就够了,任何苛求的幽默,或者是刻意的要去搞笑,特别让人难受。幽默不是个技巧,幽默是一种生活态度。 7、所谓明星主持人什么什么的,几十年后……万物本空,所以根本不要说“明星”,心生欢喜就好。 8、开什么牌子的车能反映出这个男人的个性和品位。男人对车子的追逐,就好像是女人对于首饰的热爱,是一种天生的本能。 9、他说外国人说的都是鸟语,马可说外国人说的都是英语。汪

涵说是‘鹰’是一种鸟,所以叫鸟语。 10、“在玫瑰之约上,男嘉宾说他叫女嘉宾在短时间内看到了他真实的一面”汪涵:“你是意思是让女嘉宾在短时间内看到你把外面的衣服把光”。 11、树枝在车身上划下一道道五线谱,飞溅的泥点组成了一串串音符,谱写出一首首动人的歌曲。(形容陆虎) 12、上天抛给你的东西,用自己的双肩去承受,不管抛给多少先扛着,扛着的目的是为了让你的身体更加坚强,双臂更加有力。 13、如果你希望你的一生当中,每一个脚印都能成为诗句的话,你就踏踏实实地走好你人生的每一步。 14、我们每个人都是一株特别健康的植物,惟有植物才不会自,你从来没有看见过一株小草,在一株大树旁边那么的自卑,底下头颅不敢往上生长。 15、时间无从计算,也无从捕捉,也许是因为我和树有缘分吧,我竟然在一个合适的时间遭遇了树,那个时间也是树的时间,这是上苍赐给我的偶然。 16、(天天向上欧弟正在欺负钱枫)汪涵刚说钱枫马上就一句,不要再说了,要不等下观众又发信息过来说我们欺负钱枫! 17、四十几岁的人,她的心就是一扇纯铁的铁门,没有锁,也没有钥匙,但是,她是有密码的,只有一个人懂得密码。 18、某歌手的新歌发布会,汪涵为祝贺送上一束大麦,说道:“祝


《老友记》经典台词100句 There's nothing to tell! 没什么好说的。 He's just some guy I work with! 他只是跟我一起工作而已。 Carol moved her stuff out today. 卡罗尔今天把她的东西搬走了。 Did I say that out loud? 我很大声地说了吗? She didn't know, how should I know? 她都不知道,我怎么会知道? I am feeling a lot of pain right now. 我现在很痛苦。 How did you get through it? 你是怎样熬过来的? Why am I doing this, and who am I doing this for? 我为什么要做这个?我又为了谁? Who am I gonna ask? 我应该问谁呢? What if I don't wanna do that? 如果我不做呢? Well, it matters to me! 但对我来说很重要! It's a metaphor. 这只是个比喻。 What does that mean? 那是什么意思? I never made coffee before. 我以前从未煮过咖啡。 Push her down the stairs! 把她推下楼! Put the book back. 把书放回去。 I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Paul,was it? 不好意思,我没听清楚你的名字。“保罗”是吗? I thought he was a good guy. 我以为他是好人。 You are trained for nothing. 你书都白念了。 You (really) know me well. 你真了解我。 How did you pay for them? 你用什么付钱? I know (exactly) how you feel. 我知道你的感受。 Look what I just found on the floor. 看看我在地板上找到什么? Let's split it (the bill). 我们AA制(买单)吧。 What’s with you? 你怎么了? What did you get? 你得到了什么? You know what the scariest part is? 你知道最可怕的是什么吗?


刘翔经典语录 1、“听说他芭蕾舞跳得不错,我也许可以跟他学学芭蕾舞。--这对跨栏有好处!”对于韩国明星seven,刘翔也有“进攻重点”。 2、有记者问起多哈连日的小雨是否会影响他的成绩时,刘翔说:“没关系的,因为下雨对大家都一样,下雪大家也一样,反正就不要下“铁”就可以啦。 3、一名外国记者问刘翔在比赛前对着栏伸出食指在说话,到底说的是什么,刘翔回答:“我说的是栏啊栏啊你别那么高,能再降低一点吗?栏啊栏啊,在我跑过去的时候一定要低一点啊。” 4、“我走到哪都有可能被别人认出来,几乎每天都被…包?住了一样,压力也是蛮大的。”刘翔曾对记者表示,他非常想到南京的地摊上吃一碗老鸭粉丝汤,但这样的愿望对于超人气的刘翔来说,只能是“奢望”。 5、“我想比赛时间不是问题,早上、晚上甚至中午都一样。”在雅典奥运决赛前,有记者就比赛的时间提问时刘翔从容答到。 6、面对一名女记者提问女朋友问题,害羞的刘翔摸着脑袋低下头,小声说:“女朋友还没有,反正我尽力争取吧,反正比较难一点,比跨栏难。” 7、“一个一个的来好吗?我记不住,刚才第一个问题是什么?”德围电视台的一名记者一次采访时一口气提了三个问题问刘翔,翻译翻了两个后,刘翔像孩子一样连忙喊停。 8、“组委会给我安排了一个像总统套房的房间,比较豪华,上下两层,还挺下血本的。如果今年没跑好,明年就会让我滚到标准房间去呆着。”2007年7月11日,瑞士洛桑大奖赛掀开战幕,刘翔在提及组委会给他安排的豪华套房时,一个“滚”字惹得众人大笑。一名记者让他随便说两句英语,刘翔犹豫半天说:“叫我说英语?我不太会说,嗯,thank you very much!我的发音还可以,但词汇量太少。” 9、“中国美女有很多,哪里都有好看的,哪里也都有不好看的……”有记者问:“自古苏州出美女,有很多的苏州美女在仰慕你,刘翔你会不会拒绝成为苏州的姑爷?”刘翔如上答。

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第6季中英文对照完整剧本606 The One The Last Night素材

606 The One The Last Night [Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey is balancing a mini hockey stick on his hand as Chandler enters from his room carrying a bunch of bills.] Chandler: (watches Joey for a moment) Okay! (Joey quickly moves the hockey stick so that he’s scratching his back with it.) Listen, I’m gonna be moving out so you will be in charge of paying the rent. Joey: Right! And when is that due? Chandler: First of the month. Joey:And that’s every month? Chandler: No, just the months you actually want to live here. Joey: Ahhh. Chandler: Okay, here is the phone bill. (Hands it to Joey.) Joey: (looking at it) Oh my God!! Chandler:That’s our phone number. Now look, I know I kinda sprung this whole me moving out on thing, so why don’t I just—why don’t I just cover you for a while? Joey: No-no! No way! Joey Tribbiani does not take charity…anymore. Chandler:It’s not charity, Joe… Joey: No! Forget it! Okay—I mean thanks, but I’m done taking money from you. All right, I can take of myself. Now, what’s next? Co me on. Chandler:Okay uh, here’s the electric bill. (Hands it to him.) Joey: This is how much we pay for electric?!!! Chandler: Uh, yeah. (Joey runs over and shuts off the lights.) Chandler:So, we’ll do the rest of the bills later then? Opening Credits [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Chandler is talking to Phoebe about trying to give Joey some money.] Phoebe: So is Joey going to have to give up the apartment? Chandler: No, I hope not! I tried to offer him some money, but he wouldn’t take it. Phoebe: Well, how much do you think he needs? Chandler: I figure that $1,500 would cover him for a few months, y’know? But I have to trick him into taking it so I won’t hurt his pride. Phoebe:Why don’t you hire him as an actor? You could have him dress up and put on little skits. Whatever you want. Chandler: Well that would help the pride thing. Monica: (entering from her room) Hey! Chandler: Hey! Wow! You look great! Wanna move in with me tomorrow? Monica: (thinks) Okay. Chandler: Okay! (They kiss) So, what do you girls have planned for tonight? Monica: Well, instead of being sad that tonight is my last night together with Rachel we thought we’d go out to dinner and celebrate 606 他们的最后一夜 好吧 我就要搬走了,以后你记得交费。好!都是什么时候交? 月初。 每个月都交? 不,你住在这儿多久交多久。 这是电话帐单。 天啊!! 那是电话号码 搬家的事都是因我而起 我帮你负担几个月如何? 不干! 崔乔伊不再接受施舍了! 不是施舍 少来!不要再提 谢你好心,以后不要你的钱了 我能养活自己。 还有什么费用,接着说 电费单 电费这么高? 对 剩下的帐单以后再算 乔伊也要搬? 我希望他留下。 我想支援他些钱,他不收 你说他需要多少钱? 1500元够他对付几个月 但我得想方设法、在不伤他自尊的前提下,把钱给他 你干吗不请他表演? 让他打扮一下演小品什么的 那样他自尊不会受伤? 你真美!明天就和我同居、好吗 好 今晚有什么节目? 我们不想为离别而伤感 所以今晚一起出去吃饭, 庆祝瑞秋搬去跟菲比住 顺便庆祝我的生日 今天不是你的生日 刻薄! 我决不会这样说你! 分离在即,你们俩又有什么计划以前总待在一起胡混, 这次我们决定什么都不做 尼克斯队本赛季今晚开赛,

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第3季中英文对照完整剧本312 The One With All Th

312 The One With All The Jealousy [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel is getting ready for her first day.] Rachel:(running in from her bedroom, wearing only a towel) Okay. Hey. Umm. Does everybody hate these shoes? Chandler:Oh yeah, but don't worry. I don't think anybody's gonna focus on that as long as your wearing that towel dress. Rachel: (to Ross) Tell him. Ross: (to Chandler) It's her first day at this new job. Your not supposed to start with her! Chandler: All right, I suppose I can wait a day. Hey, what are you doing Friday? Ross: Why? Chandler:I need you to come to this bachelor party for my weird cousin Albert, y'know he's the botanist. Ross: Oh God. Y'know, botanists are such geeks. Chandler: Yeah. Is that a dinosaur tie? Ross: Hmm? Oh, yeah. (he makes a growling sound) Phoebe: (entering, with about 20 purses hanging around her neck) Morning. Rach, I'm here with the purses! Chandler: (to Phoebe) It must take you forever to find your keys. Rachel: (running into the living room) Thank you, thank you, thank you, Pheebs. Phoebe: Your welcome, oh please not the one with the turtles. Rachel: No, no, no, no turtles scare me. I don't need that today. Ross: Honey, just relax, it's gonna be fine. Hey, umm,. why don't I come down there and I'll take you out to lunch? Rachel: Oh honey, thank you, but Mark's taking me out. Ross: Mark is that ah, the same Mark that helped you get the job? Rachel: Yeah, it's kinda like a 'good luck on your first day' sort of thing. (to Phoebe) Is this actually a lunchbox? Phoebe: Umm, no, it's a purse. And there's a thermos in it. Rachel: Oh. Chandler: (to Ross) Hey, so can you make it on Friday? Ross: What? Oh yeah, yeah I think so. Why am I invited to this again? Chandler: Well apparently Albert has no friends. He's very excited about the bachelor party though. I think actually the only reason he's getting married is so he can see a stripper. P hoebe: A stripper at a bachelor party, that is so clich? Why don't you get a magician?! Chandler:Well, if the magician can open my beer with his but cheeks, then all right. Opening Credits [Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Ross and Chandler are entering, Joey is on the phone.] Ross: She's having lunch with him. She's having lunch with him. And 312 嫉妒 你们都觉得这双鞋很丑吗? 对 别担心,没有人会注意的 只要你穿着那件浴巾装 你跟他说吧 这是她履新职的第一天 你不该一早就开她玩笑 好吧,我可以等到晚上再说 你星期五有节目吗? 干嘛? 你得来参加我的怪堂哥 艾勃特的告别单身派对 你知道,他是植物学家 老天 植物学家都神神经经的 那是恐龙领带吗? 早安 瑞秋,我拿皮包来了 找钥匙就要找老半天吧 谢谢,菲比 不客气,拜托你用 这个乌龟包包 不,乌龟让我害怕 今天尤其不是时候 亲爱的,别紧张,没问题的 我过来跟你一起吃午饭吧? 谢了,但马克要带我去吃饭 马克?就是那个帮你找工作的马克? 对,算是祝我工作顺利 那是午餐盒吗? 不,是皮包里面 还有个热水瓶 你星期五能来吗? 什么? 我想可以吧 可是你为什么要请我呢? 显然艾勃特没有朋友 他对告别单身派对充满期待 我想他是为了看脱衣舞娘 才结婚的 请脱衣舞娘参加告别单身派对 你们真是老套 为什么不请魔术师? 如果魔术师可以 用臀部给我开啤酒,那就行

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第1季中英文对照完整剧本121 The One With The Fake Monica素材

121 The One With The Fake Monica [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone is looking at papers.] Joey: How could someone get a hold of your credit card number? Monica: I have no idea. But look how much they spent! Rachel:Monica, would you calm down? The credit card people said that yo u only have to pay for the stuff that you bought. Monica: I know. It's just such reckless spending. Ross: I think when someone steals your credit card, they've kind of already thrown cautio n to the wind. Chandler: Wow, what a geek. They spent $69.95 on a Wonder Mop. Monica: That's me. Phoebe:Oh! The yuk! Ross, he's doing it again! (Points to a lamp which is shaking behind the sofa) Ross: Marcel, stop humping the lamp! Stop humping! Now Marcel, come back- (Marcel runs toward Rachel's room) come here, Marcel- Rachel: Oh no, not in my room! I'll get him. Monica: Ross, you've got to do something about the humping. Ross: What? It's, it's just a phase. Chandler: Well, that's what we said about Joey... Ross: Would you all relax? It's not that big a deal. Rachel: (Out of shot) Stop it! Marcel! Bad monkey! Ross: What? Rachel: Let's just s ay my Curious George doll is no longer curious. Opening Credits [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, late at night Monica is still examining her bill as Rachel emerges from her room.] Rachel: Oh, Monica. You are not still going over that thing. Monica: This woman's living my life. Rachel: What? Monica:She's living my life, and she's doing it better than me! Look at this, look. She buys tickets for plays that I wanna see. She, she buys clothes from stores that I'm intimidated by the sales people. She spent three hundred dollars on art supplies. Rachel: You're not an artist. Monica: Yeah, well I might be if I had the supplies! I mean, I could do all this stuff. Only I don't. Rachel: Oh, Monica, c'mon, you do cool things. Monica: Oh really? Okay, let's compare, shall we. Rachel: (Yawning) Oh, it's so late for 'Shall we'... Monica: Do I go horseback riding in the park? Do I take classes at the New School? Rachel: (Yawning) Nooo... Monica:This is so unfair! She's got everything I want, and she doesn't have my mother. [Scene: Central Perk, Joey and Chandler are discussing stage names.] Chandler: How about Joey... Pepponi? 121 假莫妮卡 怎有人知道你的信用卡号码? 我也不知道 你看他们花了多少钱 摩妮卡,冷静一下好吗? 信用卡的人说 你只须付你所买的东西 我知道,他真是挥霍无度 我想他偷去你的信用卡时 根本就已忘了王法 真是个变态 花了69?95元买”神奇拖把”我买的 真的,它又来 马修,别再侵犯那盏灯了 马修,回来… 不,又到我房里了 我去抓它出来 罗斯,你得想办法阻止 什么?这只是个阶段 我们当时也是这么说乔伊的你们冷静点行吗? 这又没什么了不起 马修,停,坏猴子 又怎么了? 我只能说 我的好奇乔治玩偶不再好奇摩妮卡,你还是无法释怀 这女人过着我的生活 什么? 她过着我的生活 而且过得比我好,看 她买的戏票是我一直想看的戏她买的衣服是我早就想买的她花了三百块买艺术用品 你又不是艺术家 如果有艺术用品 我或许已是个艺术家 我本来可以的,只是现在不是导演:盖尔曼库索 摩妮卡,别泄气 你做的工作很酷 真的?我们来做比较,好吗? 现在说”好吗”有点太迟了我到过公园骑马吗? 我在新学校上过课吗?
