

专题二 代词测试过关

考号:____ 姓名:__________ 做题时间: 25分钟 得分:________

I. 用所给代词的正确形式填空。 1. Mr. Lee teaches _______(we) English. We all like _______(he) classes. 2. Is this bike ________(you)? No, _______(I) is blue. 3. Did you enjoy ________(you) last night, kids? 4. She hurt _______(her) in the accident. 5. Is this _______(he) pen? Yes, it ’s _______(he). 6. –What ’s ______(you) age? --_______(me) am 15 years old. 7. We can help _______(every) other and learn from each other. 8. How is _______(you) father going, Li Lei? –He is fine, thanks. 9. --My book is here. Where is _______(you), Tom? --______ is in the classroom. 10. --Are ______(you) parents workers? --No, _______(they) are teachers. II. 单项选择。 ( ) 11. Nobody taught English. He learnt all by . A. he; him B . him; himself C. him; him D. himself; himself ( ) 12. — Where is my pen? —Oh, sorry, I have taken by mistake. A . yours B. his C. hers D. mine ( ) 13. have been good friends for over five years. A. He, you and I B. I, you and he C. I, he and you D . You, he and I ( ) 14. --She is too busy to help us to finish the project. ---Let’s do it . A. herself B. myself C . ourselves D. itself ( ) 15. --Is this ball pen __?--No, is on the desk. A. your; mine B. yours; my C. your; my D . yours; mine ( ) 16. The baby heard a terrible noise, _____ brought her heart into her mouth. A. it B . which C. this D. that ( ) 17. The English teacher gave the books to all the students except _____who had already taken them. A. ones B. some C . the ones D. the others ( ) 18. the boss allowed _______to take a short holiday next weekend. A. you and I B. yourself and me C.I and you D . you and me ( ) 19. Although she 's rich ,she spends on clothes. A . little B. few C. a little D. a few ( ) 20. They were all tired, but _____ of them would stop to take a rest. A. any B. some C . none D. neither ( ) 21. She wants to know whether small apples are sweeter than big ______. A. those B . ones C. one D. that ( ) 22. When they separated, they said goodbye to_____. A . each other B. each another C. the other each D .each one ( ) 23. After everyone took___ place, the concert began. A . his B. their C. your D. hers ( ) 24. -Why not take a short rest? -Didn ’t you just have ____? A. it B. that C . one D. this ( )25. If you want to change for a double room, you’ll have to pay ___$5. A . another B. other C. more D. each ( ) 26. We should always keep _____ well-informed of the modern world.. A. us B. ours C . ourselves D. we

( ) 27. I will give the money to ___ is at the meeting.

A. whomever

B. wherever

C. whatever D . whoever ( ) 28. I found _____impossible for ____to work out the English problem in such a short time. A . it; her B. it; he C. that; him

D. that; she ( ) 29. Few pleasures can equal ____ of a cool drink on a hot day. A. some B. any C . that D. those ( ) 30. I dislike ______ when people talk with their mouths full. A . it B. that C. these D. them ( ) 31. Tim learned Spanish for about three years, _____is, from 2009- to 2012. A. this B . that C. it D. he ( ) 32. He is doing his homework. I'll do______ ,too. A. such B . so C. the same D. the same as ( ) 33. Nowadays in some restaurants, food and service are worse than ______ used to be. A . they B. it C. them D. that

( ) 34.—Are there any birds in the tree? ---______. All the birds have flown

away. A. No one B. Nobody C . None D. Each one ( ) 35. She still couldn ’t dress ___ by the age of five. A. him B. them C . herself D. themselves ( ) 36. --What _____ do you know about China? –It ’s great. A. other B . else C. another D. else ’s

( ) 37. There is ______ wrong with her eyes

because she can see everything clearly.

A. something

B. anything C . nothing D. everything ( ) 38. ______ is easy to say but hard to do. A. This B. That C . It D. One

( ) 39. Everything is ready, _______? A. aren ’t you B. shall we? C . isn ’t it D. are they ( ) 40. There are so many nice cars in the shop, so I want to buy _____. A . one B. it C. that D. this

【质量标准控制 考试满分过关】 以上40题中,做错的题目有:__________;

解决日期是:________________________; 解决途径:__________________________; 感谢恩人:__________________________. 专题三 冠词测试过关

考号:_____ 姓名:_________ 做题时间: 25分钟 得分:________

I. 用a; an; the或不填(/) 完成下列句子填空。

1. I bought ______ same pen as she bought.

2. _____ police caught _____thief by _____ arm.

3. They are paid by ______hour.

4. I went to _______ London by ______ airplane.

5. The little girl wanted to go to ______ cinema.

6. I live on _______Fifth Avenue.

7. Next day I will go to ___ country to go on business.

8. It is ___ university and ___ university is very large.

9. I need ______ hour to take a break.

10. It is ______ useful horse.

II. 单项选择。

( )11.—Does Tom have _______ pen?

—Yes, he has _______.

A. an; some

B. a; one

C. a; /

D. any; one

( )12. This is _____ old motorbike. _____ old motorbike is Mr. Zhang's.

A. an; The

B. the; An

C. a; The

D. the; The

( )13. _______ apple a day keeps the doctor away.

A. The

B. A

C. An

D. /

( )14. —How many pencils do you have?

—I have _____ pencil.It is red. This _____ is brown, so it’s not mine.

A. a; an

B. a; a

C. one; an

D. one; one

( )15. Tim is _______ one-year-old baby.

A. a

B. an

C. the


( )16. _______ panda is _______ China.

A. The; a

B. A; the

C. The; from

D. The; the

( )17. We can't see _______ sun at _______ night.

A.the;the B.the;/ C.a;/ D./;/

( )18. _______ useful dictionary it is!

A. What an

B. How a

C. What a

D. What

( )19. One day he found _______ suitcase.There was _______ “s” on the corner of ______ suitcase.

A. a; an; the

B. a; a; the

C. an; an; an

D. the; a; a

( )20. ______ old man with white hair spoke _____ English well at _______ meeting.

A. An; an; a

B. The; /; an

C. The; /; a

D. The; /; the

( )21. __ Great Wall is ___ longest wall in the world.

A. A; a

B. The; the

C. A; the

D. The; a

( )22._____ new bridge has been built over_____ Marling River.

A. The; a

B. A; /

C. A; the

D. An; the

( )23._____ young man over there is _____ popular teacher in our school.

A. A; an

B. The; a

C. The; the

D. A; the

( )24. She used to be _____ worker but later she became_____ engineer.

A. a; an

B. a; the

C. /; a

D. a; /

( )25. We made him _______ chairman.

A. a

B. the

C. an

D. /

( )26.Tom Smith is _______ European.He works in our school.

A. a

B. an

C. the


( )27. Is she from ______USA?

A. an

B. a

C. the


( )28. Does Allan often play _______ soccer after _______ school?


B./; the

C. the;/

D. a;/

( )29. He gave 5000 yuan to our school _______ day before yesterday.

A. an

B. one

C. a

D. the

( )30. Australia is ____ English-speaking country.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( )31. She has _______ orange blouse. _______ blouse is nice.

A. a; The

B. an The

C. an; A

D. the; The

( )32. This is _____ orange. It's _____small orange.

A. an; a

B. a; the

C. a; an

D. an; the

( )33.There is ______ “h” in the word “hour”.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( )34. I can play ______piano very well, but I don’t know how to play _____chess at all.

A. a; an

B. an; a

C. the;/

D. the; the

( )35. There is _______ Uncle Wang here.


B. the

C. a

D. an

( )36. Beijing is _____ beautiful city.It's _____ capital of China.

A. a; a

B. the; the

C. /; the

D. a; the

( )37. Heilongjiang is in ___ northeast of China.

A. /

B. an

C. a

D. the

( )38. I've been a teacher there for nearly three and _____ half years.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( ) 39. –Could I speak to Mr. Wang, please?

--Sorry, you have dialed the wrong number. There isn’t ______ Mr. Wang here.

A. a

B. an

C. the


( ) 40. I will have _____ breakfast after reading my ______English book.

A. a; an

B. the; /

C. /; /

D. a; the







I. 用所给代词的正确形式填空。

1. us; his

2. yours; mine

3. yourselves;

4. herself

5. his; his

6. your; I;

7. each

8. your

9. yours; Mine 10. your; they

II. 单项选择。


11. B. teach sb sth 教某人某物;learn sth. by oneself 自学某物

13. D. 三种人称单数形式的排列顺序分别是:you, he and I。

16. B. which引导非限制性定语从句,作主语或宾语。that不能引导非限制性定语从句。

17. C. the ones 指代拿书走了的那部分学生。

20.C. none 一个都没有,表示三者或三者以上的全部否定。

21. B. one(s)指同类中的不同个, that指前文中的某一事物,those指代前文中的某些事物。

24. C. one指代前文中的take a short rest,为了避免重复,用one 代替。

25. A. another 表示额外的,另外的。

27. D. whoever 表示“无论谁;不管谁”,作主语。

28. A. it 作形式宾语,介词for后面用宾格形式。

29. C. that指代of a cool drink带来的乐趣。

30. A. it指代嘴巴含着饭说话这件事。

31. B. that is相当于namely,“也即是”的意思。

32.B. so=do my homework的意思。

33. A. they指代food and service。

36. B. else作后置定语。此处修饰what。

38. C. it作形式主语,真正主语是to后面的内容。

39. C. everything作主语时,反义疑问句的主语用it.

40. A. one指同类事物中的不同个;it指代前文中的同一件事;that指代前文中的某事,部分指代;this指引起下文的内容。


一、选择题 1.Don’t worry! The government will look after ________ homeless in freezing days. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.— ______________ chocolate bread you want is done now. —What ______________ delicious smell! A.A;the B.A;/ C.The;a D.The;/ 3.Zhao Youting is _______ famous actor from Taiwan who played the lead role of Ye Hua in ______ TV show Life After Life, Blooms Over Blooms.(《三生三世,十里桃花》) A.a; / B.the; / C./; the D.a; the 4.Trees turn green and flowers come out in _______ spring. A.the B.a C./ 5.Zhang Miman, 82, ______ professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was given ______ 2018 L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science award on March 22. A.a; the B.a; an C.the; a D.the; the 6.Ciqikou is _______ famous place in Chongqing. A.a B.an C.the D./ 7.—What was the matter with your father? —He had _____toothache so he went to see his dentist yesterday. A.the B./ C.a D.an 8.In China more and more couples want to have ______ second baby so that _____ first child can feel less lonely in the future. A.the ; the B.a ; the C.the ; a D.a; a 9.—Who is ____ girl behind the tree ? —Which one ? The one with ______ umbrella ? A.a; the B.an; an C.the; a D.the; an 10.Going to ______ high school for one year in Britain was quite ______ exciting experience for me. A.不填; an B.a; a C.不填; 不填D.the; a 11.––What’s on your desk, Judy? ––It’s ________ English-Chinese dictionary. It’s _______useful dictionary. A.an, the B.an, an C.an, a 12.--- Look at ______ boy wearing a brown hat. Is he _________ university student? --- Yes, he studies in Beijing University. A.the, a B.a, an C.the, an D.a, a 13.Middle school students don' t need to go to _ _ school on weekends. They can go to_ _ park for fun with their parents or friends. A./,a B.a, a C.the, a D.a, / 14.—Do you do any sports now? —Yes, all of us exercise at________least________hour a day in and outside school.


人教部编版初中英语中考高频考点语法知识汇总 。 1、意为“在……旁”,“靠近” Some are singing and dancing under a big tree。Some are drawing by the lake。 有的在大树下唱歌跳舞。有的在湖边画画儿。 2、意为“不迟于”,“到……时为止”。 Your son will be all right by supper time。 你的儿子在晚饭前会好的。 How many English songs had you learned by the end of last term? 到上个学期末你们已经学了多少首英语歌曲? 、“乘坐” 、“通过” 3、表示方法、手段,可译作“靠” 、“凭借” 、“用” 等。 The monkey was hanging from the tree by his tail and laughing。 猴子用尾巴吊在树上哈哈大笑。 The boy’s father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send messages by railway telegraph。 孩子的父亲是那么的感激,于是他教爱迪生怎样通过铁 路电报来传达信息。

4、表示“逐个”,“逐批”的意思。 One by one they went past the table in the dark。 他们一个一个得在黑暗中经过这张桌子。 5、表示“根据”,“按照”的意思。 What time is it by your watch? 你的表几点了? 6、和take ,hold等动词连用,说明接触身体的某一 部分。 I took him by the hand。 我拉住了他的手。 7、用于被动句中,表示行为主体,常译作“被”、“由”等。 English is spoken by many people。 英语被许多人说。(即“许多人讲英语。”) 动名词相当于名词,在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语、定语等。 1、作主语 Fighting broke out between the South and the North。 南方与北方开战了。 2、作宾语 Would you mind turning down your radio a little,please? 请问你介意调小一点收音机的音量吗?


初中英语语法:冠词的讲解冠词的用法讲解:(a ,an ,the ) A和an的用法的和区别. A用在以不是原因开头的单词,an是以元音开头的单词,(a,e,I,o,u) A book , an apple ,an orange , an egg, an icon, an umbrella . 一些固定的词组; A piece of cake , a cup of water, a glass of water. The的用法 1,特指的物体,大家都知道的物体. 例如:The pen is in the box . 2.在文中第二次提到的单词. 例如:I have a book, the book is on the table. 3,在世界上独一无二的事物前面. 例如:The sun is round. 4.在乐器的前面 例如:I play the piano. 5.在序数词的面前 例如:He is the first one . 6.在形容词的最高级的前面.

例如:He is the tallest boy in my class. 7,在形容词的前面加the,表示一类人例如:The young (年轻人) 8,在姓氏的复数的前面,表示一家人.例如:The Peters(彼特的一家) 不用冠词的用法 1,在不可数名词的前面. 例如:Beef is good for us . 2,在称呼,职位,头衔的前面 例如:Peter , Doctor Li 3.在人名,地名,国名的前面. 例如:Tom is a good boy. He is in Beijing . I am in China 4.在球类,学科的前面 例如:I play football. 5.在星期,节日,月份,季节. 例如:I am happy on Sunday . On Teachers’Day. In Spring


高中英语语法强化训练(冠词) ( ) report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the .would be higher than the number of English speaker by_____ year 2090. A.A, the B. A, / C. The ,/ D. The, a ( ) you go by ______train ,you can have quite a comfortable journey ,but make sure you get _____fast one. A. /, / B./, a C. the, a D./,/ ( ) 3. It is often said that ____teachers have _______very easy life. A /,/ B. /,a C. the,/ D. the, a ( ) can’t remember when exactly the Robinsons left _____city ,I only remember it was ______ Monday.。 A.the , the B. a ,the C. a, a D. the, a ( ) you grow up in ______large family ,you are more likely to develop _____ability to get on well with ______others . A. /,an the B. a, the ,/ C. the ,an ,the D. a, the ,the ( ) ,Taylor has ___8-year-old daughter who has _____gift for painting –she has won two national prizes.


中考/备考辅导 2017年中考英语语法大全:冠词 冠词 冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面帮助指明名词的含义。冠词分为不定冠词 a(an)和定冠词the两种。不定冠词仅用在单数可数名词前面,表示“一”的意义,但不强调数目观念,只表示名词为不特定者。定冠词则表示名词为特定者,表示“这”、“那”、“这些”、“那些”的意思,在可数的单复数名词或不可数名词前面都可以用。 I 不定冠词 We need an apple and a knife. 我们需要一个苹果和一把刀子。 1.a和an的区别 不定冠词有a[+]和an[+Q]两种形式,a用于辅音(不是辅音字母)开头的词前。an用于元音(不是元音字母)开头的词前。

a boy, a university, a European country u是元音字母,但发音是[U(],是辅音。 an hour ,an honor ,an island h是辅音字母,但它不发音,它的音标是是元音。an elephant, an umbrella, an egg 2(1)不定冠词的用法 ①泛指—类人或物。 eg. This is a pencil case. ②指不具体的某个人或物。 eg. I met an old man On my way home. ③用在序数词前,相当于another. eg. There’s a third boy near the shop. ④表示“每—(个)”,相当于every. eg. They have music lessons twice a week. 必背!

give a lesson take a bath have a rest 教(一堂)课洗(个)澡休息 have a talk have a fever have a good time 听报告发烧过得愉快 have(take)a walk have a headache have a nice trip 散步头疼旅途愉快 a lot of, a lot, a little, a few, a glass of, such a/an, have a word with, have a look, have a try, have a swim, a quarter, half an hour, three times a day, have a talk, give a talk, ten Yuan a kilo (2)不定冠词的位置 ①不定冠词—般放在所修饰的单数可数名词前。 eg, a bike, an egg ②当名词被such, what, many修饰时,不定冠词放在这些词之后。


马上就要中考了,祝大家中考都考上一个理想的高中!欢迎同学们下载,希望能帮助到你们! 2020最新中考英语语法知识点汇总

一、词类、句子成分和构词法: 1、词类:英语词类分十种: 名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词(n.):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange. 2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth. 5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see .

6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、 程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly. 7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the. 8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind. 9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before . 10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello. 2、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、 状语、表语、宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通 常用名词或代词担任。如:I’m Miss Green.(我是格林小 姐) 2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词 担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打 扫房间) 3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者 “怎么样”。通常由名词、代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍) 4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由


高考语法总结—备战 一、冠词 冠词分为不定冠词(a, an),定冠词(the),和零冠词。 I. 不定冠词的用法 1 指一类人或事,相当于 a kind of A plane is a machine that can fly. 2 第一次提及某人某物,非特指 A boy is waiting for you.有个男孩在等你。 3 表示“每一”相当于every,one We study eight hours a day. 4 表示“相同”相当于the same We are nearly of an age. 5 用于人名前,表示不认识此人或与某名人有类似性质的人或 事 —Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith? —Sorry, wrong number. There isn't______ Mr. Smith here. A. 不填 B. a C. the D. one That boy is rather a Lei Feng.(活雷锋) 6 用于固定词组中 a couple of, a bit, once upon a time, in a hurry, have a walk, many a time 7 用于quite, rather, many, half, what, such之后This room is rather a big one. 8 用于so(as, too, how)+形容词之后She is as clever a girl as you can wish to meet. 9 用于抽象名词具体化的名词前success(抽象名词)→a success(具体化)成功的人或事 a failure 失败的人或事 a shame 带来耻辱的人或事a pity 可惜或遗憾的事 a must 必需必备的事 a good knowledge of 精通掌握某一方面的知识 II. 定冠词的用法 1 表示某一类人或物In many places in China, ___ bicycle is still ___ popular means of transportation. A. a; the B. /; a C. the; a D. the; the 2 用于世上独一无二的事物名词前the universe, the moon, the Pacific Ocean 3 表示说话双方都了解的或上文提到过的人或事Would you mind opening the door? 4 用于演奏乐器play the violin, play the guitar 5 用于形容词和分词前表示一类人the reach, the living, the wounded 6 表示“一家人”或“夫妇”(对比上文的不定冠词用法5)—Could you tell me the way to ____ Johnsons, please? —Sorry, we don’t have ____ Johnson here in the village. A. the; the B. the; a C. /; the D. the; / 7 用于序数词和形容词副词比较级最高级前He is the taller of the two children. 8 用于国家党派等以及江河湖海,山川群岛的名词前the United States, the Communist Party of China, the French 9 用于表示发明物的单数名词前The compass was invented in China. 10 在逢十的复数数词之前,指世纪的某个年代in the 1990’s (二十世纪九十年代) 11 用于表示度量单位的名词前I hired the car by the hour. 12 用于方位名词,身体部位名词He patted me on the shoulder. III. 不用冠词(又名零冠词)的用法 1 专有名词,物质名词,抽象名词,人名地名等名词前Beijing University, Jack, China, love, air 2 名词前有this, my, whose, some, no, each, every等限制I want this book, not that one. / Whose purse is this? 3 季节,月份,星期,节假日,一日三餐前March, Sunday, National Day, spring 4 表示职位,身份,头衔的名词前Lincoln was made President of America. 5 表示球类,棋类等运动的名词前He likes playing football/chess. 6 与by连用表示交通方式的名词前We went right round to the west coast by ______ sea instead of driving across ______ continent. A. the; the B.不填;the C. the; 不填 D. 不填;不填 7 以and连接的两个相对的名词并用时husband and wife, knife and fork, day and night 1


5)节日、星期、月份、季节名称前。如:June 1 is Children’s Day. 6)表示颜色、语言、称呼语和官职、头衔的名词前。如:Headmaster Li came to Class One just now. 7)某些固定词组或习惯用语中。如:at night, go to school, by bus, etc. 定冠不定冠意思差千万 有些名词前用冠词或不用冠词,其意义有所不同。如: 1)at table在吃饭;at the table在桌子旁 2)in class在上课;in the class在班级中 3)go to school去上学; go to the school到那所学校去 4)go to bed上床睡觉; go to the bed到床那边去 5)in front of在…的前面; in the front of在…的前部. 易错点 1It's time for dinner. Kings are at table. A. /,the B. the, the C. The,/ D./,/ 答案: C. 在姓氏复数前用the表示一家人,就餐用at table. 2-What do you usually have for breakfast? -I often have bread and milk. A./,/ B./,the C. a,/ D. the, the 答案: A. 物质名词前一般不用冠词。 3Don't give up, try for second twice. A. the B. a C./ D. an 答案: B. 根据题意,请再试一次,序数词second前加a,表示another。 4Would you go for walk with me after supper? A. the,/ B. a,/ C./,the D./,a 答案: B. go for a walk为固定搭配,三餐前不加冠词。 5There isn't water or air on the moon, and man can't live on it. A. a B. the C. one D./ 答案: D. 当man表示人类时,前面不加冠词。 6more you read English, better you'll learn. A. The, the B./,/ C. A, a D. The, a 答案: A. 定冠词the用于比较级中,表示越…,越…。


冠词和数词【Articles and Numerals】 冠词是虚词,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的含义。本身不能单独使用,在句中不重读。冠词可以分为定冠词【the Definite Article】和不定冠词【the Indefinite Article】。 2.1不定冠词的用法【Usage of the Indefinite Articles】 不定冠词a(an)与数词one同源,是一个的意思。a用于辅音音素前,而an则用于元音音 词组或成语固定搭配【Word Phrases and Expressions】: a little, a few, a lot, a type of, a pile, a great many, many a, as a rule, in a hurry, in a minute, in a word, in a short while, after a while, have a cold, have a try, keep an eye on, all of a sudden 2.2定冠词的用法【Usage of the Definite Article】 定冠词the与指示代词this,that同源,有那(这)个的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。

用在惯用语中【Useful Expressions】: in the day, in the morning (afternoon, evening),the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday,the next morning, in the sky (water,field,country), in the dark, in the rain, in the distance, in the middle (of), in the end, in the whole,by the way,go to the theatre

中考英语语法专题训练 冠词(含答案)

语法专题训练冠词 1.[2018·淮安]—I’m thirsty, Mom. —Here is bottle of water for you. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.[2018·宿迁] There will be talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon. A.the B.an C.a D./ 3.[2018·连云港] Zanco,American tech company, made tiniest phone in the world—the Tiny 11. A.the; a B.an; / C./; a D.an; the 4.[2018·泰州]Among all Chinese traditional arts, Nancy likes Beijing Opera best because it is really fun. A./; a B./; / C.the; a D.the; / 5.—[2018·温州] Will you go to school-leavers’ party tomorrow? —Certainly. I’m going with my parents. A.a B.an C.the D./ 6.[2018·曲靖]—Have you seen the movie Amazing China? —Yes. It’s exciting documentary. A.a B.the C.an D./ 7.[2018·云南] There is umbrella behind the door. A.a B.an C.the D./ 8.[2018·百色] Alice is honest girl. She never tells lies. A.a B.an C.the D./ 9.[2018·贵阳]story of Chang’e is regarded as a touching traditional folk sto ry about the Mid-Autumn Festival. A.A B.An C.The D./ 10.[2018·吉林]Yesterday’s concert was great success. All the people showed interest in it.


中考英语重点语法解析 一.英语语法重点与难点 1、as…as…结构:你和汤姆是一样好的孩子。 You’re a boy as good as Tom.=You’re as good a boy as Tom. 2、(1)too…to与so…that sb. can’t…的句型转换:前者为简单句,主语只有一个,而后者为复合句,主语有两个,试比较: The man was too angry to be able to speak. The man was so angry that he wasn’t able to speak. (2) too…to…与not enough to句型的转换: He is too young to get married.=He is not old enough to get married. The book is too difficult for me to read.= The book is not easy enough for me to read. 3、形容词原级表示比较级含义: 约翰不象迈克那么苯。 John is not so stupid as Mike. John is less stupid than Mike. John is cleverer than Mike. 4、用比较级表示最高级:约翰是班里最高的男生。 John is taller than any other boy in the class. John is the tallest boy in the class. 5、the more….. the more….表示“越……越……”: The more books you read, the wider your knowledge is.


冠词 不定冠词的用法及语法说明 1. 用a 还是用an: 一般说来,在辅音或半元音开头的词前用a, 而在元音开头的词前用an。 注意: 有些以元音字母开头的单词,由于第一个音不是元音而是辅音,其前仍用a 而不用an: a one-eyed man 一个独眼人 a European country 一个欧洲国家 2. 单数可数名词若泛指,其前需加a ,an, 不要从汉语习惯出发,漏掉此不定冠词: He is a famous film star. 他是著名影星。 3. 专有名词转化为普通名词,其前可用a (an),表示某某人或某某人的一部作品、艺术品等: a Mr Smith 一位名叫史密斯先生的人 4. 物质名词转化为普通名词,其前可以使用a (an),有时表示相应产品或种类,有时表示数量关系: a good wine 一种好酒 5. 在序数词之前使用a (an),可以表示数量或序数的增加: Soon I saw a second plane. 不久我又看到了一架飞机。 6. 与形容词的最高级连用,表示“非常”、“很”等: This is a almost interesting story. 这是一个非常有趣的故事。 7. 用于修饰名词的定语前,表示某种状态。此时的不定冠词含有类似a kind of 的意思: climate 气候→a mild climate 温和的气候 have breakfast 吃早餐→have a quick breakfast吃快餐 8. 不定冠词a (an) 与数词one 都可表示“一”,但是两者有差别: 不定冠词 a (an) 表示“类别”概念,而数词one 表示“数量”概念


一、选择题 1.Benny, _______ monitor of our class, is such _______ honest boy that we all trust him. A.不填; a B.不填; an C.the; the D.a; a 2.—What was the matter with your father? —He had _____toothache so he went to see his dentist yesterday. A.the B./ C.a D.an 3.—Who is ____ girl behind the tree ? —Which one ? The one with ______ umbrella ? A.a; the B.an; an C.the; a D.the; an 4.Going to ______ high school for one year in Britain was quite ______ exciting experience for me. A.不填; an B.a; a C.不填; 不填D.the; a 5.The film Avengers: Infinity War (复仇者联盟3:无限战争) is so exciting that I want to watch it _______ second time. A.a B.an C.the D./ 6.— Did you watch the movie Amazing China? —Yes. It’s one of most popular films this year. A.a B.an C.the 7.The lyrics(歌词)“If you care enough for ____ living, make it ___ better place for you and for me.” in the song Healing the World really touches me. A.the, a B.a, the C.the, the D.a, a 8.---Hello, Joyce, you are busy. Can I give you ___hand?----Thanks very much, __ I can manage. A.the , and B.an , or C.a , so D.a , but 9.--I hear there will be______ talk on teenage problems next Monday. --Do you mean______ talk our teacher asked us to listen to? A.the; a B.a; the C.the; an D.an; the 10.Little Mary is ________ honest girl, so we all like her. Besides, ________ girl looks very pretty. A.a; the B.an; the C.the; a D.the; an 11.There is ________ “o” and ______ “n” in the expression “positive energy”. A.an; a B.an; an C.an; the D.the; a 12.Zhang Miman, 82, ______ professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was given ______ 2018 L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science award on March 22. A.a; the B.a; an C.the; a D.the; the 13.___story of Chang’e is regarded as a touching traditional folk story about the Mid-Autumn Festival. A.A B.An C.The D./ 14.—Jim took ___ one-hour ride just now. What a short time he spent finishing such a long way!—He is ______ experienced rider. A.an; the B.a; the C.a; an D.an; a


初中英语语法大全——冠词一. 冠词的定义、位置和种类 在英语中a,an称为不定冠词,the称为定冠词。名词前不用冠词时称为零冠词。有时名词前的冠词可以省略,这与零冠词不同。 二.不定冠词的用法 不定冠词a/an与one同源,表示微弱的一的概念,但并不强调数目,只表示名词为不特定者。不定冠词a/an的用法如下: ①

1. 泛指某人或某物,但不具体说明是何人或何物。 A leaf falls much more slowly than a stone. I saw a man in the darkness, but I couldn't make out who it was. 2. 指代一类人或事物。 该用法并不表示具体的某一个人或事物的,而是表示一类人或事物,一般不译为“一”。 A doctor is a person who saves people's lives. A knife is a tool for cutting with. 3. 表示数量中的一。 意义上接近one,但数量概念比one弱,此时常译为“一”。 There is a table and four chairs in that dining room. There is going to be an English lecture this evening. 4. 表示单位量词的“每一”。 用于表示时间、速度、价格等含义的名词之前,有“每一.......”的意思。 Take three pills a day and you'll get better soon. The light blinks once a second. 5. 用于集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词、专有名词前。 (1) 用于集体名词前 ②


冠词用法 一. 不定冠词的用法 1. 表泛指,表首次提到的、不限定的人或物。 There is a book on the desk. 2. a/an+ 单数n.表类别,指一类人或事物。 A horse is a useful animal. 3.表one, a certain, every, the same I’ll return in a day or two. A Mr. White is waiting for you downstairs. The doctor asked me to take the medicine three times a day. They are nearly of an age. 4.用在抽象名词前,a + 抽象名词,即抽象名词具体化。如: This little girl is a joy to her parents. It is a pleasure to talk with you. It is an honour to me to attend the meeting. a surprise/success/failure 5.与物质名词连用,表示“一种,一阵、一份”。 What a heavy rain! What a good supper! Please give me a black coffee! 6. 在同位语中,常用a/an+ n.(one) Mike and Lucy, a newly married couple, had a happy honeymoon in Paris. 7. 用在某些固定词组中. after a while 过了一会儿all of a sudden 突然as a rule 通常as a result 结果,因此as a matter of fact 事实上as a whole 大体上at a loss 不知所措in a hurry 急忙 in a way 在某种程度上in a word 总而言之put an end to… 结束…come to an end 结束come to a conclusion 得出结论have a good time 玩得愉快have a rest 休息一下have a cold 感冒have a word with 和…谈一谈make a living 谋生make a fire 生火make a fool of 愚弄take a walk a knowledge of, a understanding of, a collection of 8. 不定冠词的特殊位置 1)as/so/too/how/however+ adj.+ a/an+单数n. So short a time. Too long a distance. 2) what/such/half+ a/an+单数n. I have never seen such an animal. 二. 定冠词的用法 1.表特指的人或物 Look at the blackboard. There is a book on the desk. The book is an English book. 2. the+单数n.表类别 The horse is a useful animal. 3. 表世界上独一无二的事物,但若此类名词前有修饰成分,也可用a/an the sun, the earth, the moon, the sky, the universe a full moon but: in nature, in space, in society, in history


一、选择题 1.I want ______ iPad. I hope my mom will buy one for me on my birthday this year. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.I bought useful dictionary yesterday. dictionary is very cheap. A.a; A B.a; The C.an; The 3.—What was the matter with your father? —He had _____toothache so he went to see his dentist yesterday. A.the B./ C.a D.an 4.Going to ______ high school for one year in Britain was quite ______ exciting experience for me. A.不填; an B.a; a C.不填; 不填D.the; a 5.––What’s on your desk, Judy? ––It’s ________ English-Chinese dictionary. It’s _______useful dictionary. A.an, the B.an, an C.an, a 6.The film Avengers: Infinity War (复仇者联盟3:无限战争) is so exciting that I want to watch it _______ second time. A.a B.an C.the D./ 7.— Did you watch the movie Amazing China? —Yes. It’s one of most popular films this year. A.a B.an C.the 8.You are such __ honest kid, and I would like to invite you for __ dinner.. A.an; a B.a; the C.an; / D.a; / 9.–You made ______ same mistake again. You missed ______ “l” here. -- Oh, sorry. I’ll correct it right now. A.a, the B.the, the C.the, a D.the, an 10.---Look! Who's ______ boy talking with Jack over there? ---Oh, he is my cousin, Bob. He is _____ honest boy. A.a; the B.the; an C.the; a D.a; an 11.Hainan is _____ island with fresh air and bright sunshine. A.the B.an C.a 12.—Are there many places of interest in Jinan? —Yes. By ________ way, you can go there by ______ bus. A.the; a B./; the C.the; / D.a; / 13.___story of Chang’e is regarded as a touching traditional folk stor y about the Mid-Autumn Festival. A.A B.An C.The D./ 14.As Hannah Lucas had a disease, she and her brother Charile made app called notOK to let her get help from others when she wasn't feeling well.
