



Internet最初的中译名多达十几种,分为音译和意译两种。其中意译名主要在“国际”、“全球”、“电脑”、“计算机”、“资讯”、“交互”、“互联”、“网路”……这些词语的范围内加以选取和组配,多则9个汉字,少则3个汉字,但无论如何选配均有其不足之处。因为Internet是指由美国国防部ARPA 网演变而来的采用TCP/IP协议的一种互联网,是多种互联网中的一种。因此Internet为专指性专有名词,而internet为泛指性普通名词,泛指各种互联的计算机网络。所以将Internet翻译为上述泛指性译名是不妥的。音译主要有“英特网”和“因特网”两种。“英特网”本可继续采用,但按照新华社的外国人名、地名音译标准in为“因”,ing为“英”;此外,不采用“英特网”的另一个主要原因是为了避免与英特尔公司的“英特网”相混淆。全国科学技术名词审定委员会经过长期的审议于1997年7 月发布了推荐名“因特网”。(吴同,1998)


科技英语(English for science and technology)现在已经成为一种独立的文体。其具体内容包括:“一、科技著述、科技论文和报告、实验报告和方案;二、各类科技情报和文字资料;三、科技实用手册;






"It appears that you've got the offer of a very good job."

"A wonderful job."

"Are you going to take it?"

"I don't think so."

"Why not?'

"I don't want to."







---摘自《刀锋》(The Razor's Edge )

She was of a helpless, fleshy build, with a frank, open countenance and an innocent, diffident manner. Her eyes were large and patient, and in them dwelt such a shadow of distress as only those who have looked sympathetically into the countenances of the distraught and helpless poor know anything about. (from Jennie Gerhardt)


---摘自《珍妮姑娘》(Jennie Gerhardt),傅东华译.

上面51个词的片断,就运用了10个形容词,占五分之一。and in them dwelt such a shadow of distress 是非常优美生动的文学语言,译文保持了这一风格。


MONTREAL-Clark Johns accomplished a spectacular debut for his NHL career tonight, the first score launching a four -point first period out burst, to lead the Johnson City High Hats to a 6:4 victory over the Montreal Teals and their eighth consecutive game without a loss.


The range of a voltmeter may be extended by means of a series resistor called a multiplier as shown in Fig.2. The full-scale reading of the meter alone may be 15volts.With the multiplier 250volts may be required to move the pointer to full-scale, 135 volts across the multiplier and 15volts across the meter.




Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies.

[参考译文] 阿基米德最先发现固体排水的原理。

[分析] 句中of displacement of water by solid bodies 系名词化结构,一方面简化了同位语从句,另一方面强调displacement 这一事实。

The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night.

[参考译文] 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。

[分析] 名词化结构the rotation of the earth on its own axis 使复合句简化成简单句,而且使表达的概念更加确切严密。

Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves.

[参考译文] 电视通过无线电波发射和接受活动物体的图像。

[分析] 名词化结构the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves 强调客观事实,而译文的谓语动词则着重其发射和接受的能力。



Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.


而很少说:You must pay attention to the working temperature of the machine.



Electrical energy can be stored in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. Such a device is called a capacitor, or a condenser, and its ability to store electrical energy capacitance. It is measured in farads.




Electrical energy

Such a device

Its ability to store electrical energy

It (Capacitance )



一般现在时可以较好地表现文章内容的无时间性,用一般现在时来描述和记录科技文章中的科学定义、定理、公式,可以给人以精确无误的不受时间限制的印象,以排除受制于时间牵连的误解,使文章内容显得更客观准确。在翻译成汉语时也应该突出这种“无时间性”的特征。试看下列两个例子:There are a number of methods of joining metal articles together, depending on the type of the metal and the strength of the joint which is required. Soldering gives a satisfactory joint for light articles of steel, copper or brass, but the strength of a soldered joint is rather less than a joint which is brazed, riveted or welded. These methods of joining metal are normally adopted for strong permanent joints.


The elimination of the errors of these types is a major problem in the design of physical experiments. A few possible lines of attack on this problem are indicated below, but the devising of experiments to investigate a particular point, to the exclusion of disturbing factors, is the most exacting of experimental physicist.







1. 介词短语

The forces due to friction are called frictional forces.


A call for paper is now being issued.


2. 形容词及形容词短语。

In this country the only fuel available is coal.


In radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy, similar in nature to light.



3. 副词

The air outside pressed the side in.


The force upward equals the force downward so that the balloon stays at the level.


4. 过去分词。

The results obtained must be checked.


The heat produced is equal to the electrical energy wasted.


5. 定语从句

During construction, problems often arise which require design changes.


The molecules exert forces upon each other, which depend upon the distance between them.


Very wonderful changes in matter take place before our eyes every day to which we pay little attention. (定语从句to which we pay little attention 修饰的是changes,这是一种分隔定语从句。)


To make an atomic bomb we have to use uranium 235, in which all the atoms are available for fission. [参考译文]制造原子弹,我们必须用铀235,因为该铀的所有原子都会裂变。

6 多长句


The area rule concept, the supercritical airfoil, and the engine installation configurations that provide favorable interference which are presently being applied to military aircraft and fuel efficient transport aircraft were evolved through wind tunnel experiments.





1. 译成动词并列式分句

The solar wind grossly distorts the earth’s magnetic field, dragging it out to a long tail.



2. 译成复合式分句

Long regarded by elementary particle physicists as a costly nuisance, synchrotron radiation is now recognized as a valuable research tool.


3. 译成包孕式

Using a computer, we composed a series of synthetic songs by shuffling natural syllables into different patterns.


4. 译成外位句

To signal the presence of a hunting hawk, the chaffinch becomes a ventriloquist, “throwing” its voice so that the hawk can not find it.


5. 译成前置无主句

Using this reasoning, we can estimate the number of the detectable civilization in our galaxy.

[参考译文] 根据这种推理,我们可以估计出银河系中可探测到的文明世界的数目。

6. 译成定语

Bred in the areas around the equator, this protozoan proves very inactive out of the tropical zone.

[参考译文] 这种在赤道周围繁殖原生物,在热带地区以外的地方是极不活跃的。



Washington –US instruments aboard Russian and US satellites have detected a “hole” in the ozone layer over Antarctica nearly as deep as the record reported in 1993 and as large as the North American continent in surface area.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientists at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, said preliminary satellite data indicate that the size of the Antarctic ozone hole is about as large as those that occurred during the last two years, covering an area of 24 million square kilometers.

The largest hole ever observed was on September 27, 1992, when it was measured to cover a surface area of 24.4 million square kilometers.

This year’s ozone hole is also nearly as deep as th e record hole measured in October 1993.

Ozone, a molecule made up of three atoms of oxygen, collects in a thin layer in the upper atmosphere and absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The term “ozone hole” is used to describe a large area of intense ozone depletion that occurs over Antarctica during late August through early October and typically breaks up in late November.

Scientists have determined that chlorine products from human activities, such as electronics and refrigeration uses, are a primary cause for the formation of the ozone hole.

The latest Antarctic ozone levels were measured by NASA’s Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer, also know as TOMS, aboard the Russian Meteor-3 satellite, which has been measuring ozone since its launch in 1991 and has become the primary source of NASA’s ozone data.






2. 翻译赏析



The Color of the Sky

By Alfred Russel Wallace

If we look at the sky on a perfectly fine summer’s day we shall find that the blue color is the most pure and intense overhead, and when looking high up in a direction opposite the sun. Near the horizon it is always less bright, while in the region immediately around the sun it is more or less yellow. The reason of this is that near the horizon we look through a very great thickness of the lower atmosphere, which is full of the larger dust particles reflecting white light, and this dilutes the pure blue of the higher atmosphere seen beyond.

And in the vicinity of the sun a good deal of the blue light is reflected back into space by the finer dust, thus giving a yellowish tinge to that which reaches us reflected chiefly from the coarse dust of the lower atmosphere. At sunset and sunrise, however, this last effect is greatly intensified, owing to the great thickness of the strata of air through which the light reaches us. The enormous amount of this dust is well shown by the fact that only then can we look full at the sun, even when the whole sky is free from clouds and there is no apparent mist. But the sun’s rays then reach us after having passed, first, through an enormous thickness of the higher strata of the air, the minute dust of which reflects most of the blue rays away from us, leaving the complementary yellow light to pass on.

Then, the somewhat coarser dust reflects the green rays, leaving a more orange-colored light to pass on; and finally some of the yellow is reflected, leaving almost pure red. But owing to the constant presence of air currents, arranging both the dust and vapor in strata of varying extent and density, and of high or low clouds which both absorb and reflect the light in varying degrees, we see produced all those wondrous combinations of tints and those gorgeous ever-changing colors which are a constant source of admiration and delight to all who have the advantage of an uninterrupted view to the west and who are accustomed to watch for th ose not infrequent exhibitions of nature’s kaleidoscopic color painting.

With every change in the altitude of the sun the display changes its character; and most of all when it has sunk below the horizon, and owing to the favorable angels a larger quantity of the colored light is reflected toward us. Especially when there is a certain amount of cloud is this the case. These, so long as the sun is above the horizon, intercept much of the light and color; but when the great luminary has passed away from our direct vision, his light shines more directly on the undersides of all clouds and air strata of different densities; a new and more brilliant light flushes the western sky, and a display of gorgeous ever-changing tints occurs which are at once the delight of the beholder and the despair of the artist. And all this unsurpassable glory we owe to – dust!











1) 这是一篇优美的科普散文,作者是英国著名博物学家。整篇散文前后意义连贯,层层深入:从人们熟悉的自然现象引出科学道理,由这些科学道理又引出日出日落时的天空景色的缘由,然后通过科学知识的介绍与景物描写的交替发展,自然地过渡到全文的高潮——夕阳西下时天空的色彩。本文的描写部分写得凝重华美,运用了大量的长句,同时也充分体现了英语用以名词来表达行为概念,使文章愈显华丽的特点。仔细分析本文中的长句,体会英语独到的优美,会对英语学习大有裨益。

2) If we look at the sky on a perfectly fine summer’s day we shall find that the blue color is the most pure and intense overhead, and when looking high up in a direction opposite the sun. 晴空万里的夏日,如果我们观察一下天空,且背向太阳极目远望,就会发现头顶上空的蓝色最为纯净浓郁。原句句尾由when引导的现在分词短语实际上是“条件状语”,故汉译时将其移到句首的条件状语之后与之并列。

3) Near the horizon it is always less bright, while in the region immediately around the sun it is more or less yellow. 靠近天边的地方,色彩往往比较暗淡,而太阳周围的地方则略呈黄色。该句汉译时将代词it译成了“色彩”,与全文内容吻合;将副词always译成了“往往”而不是“总是”,以免给人一种“一成不变”的感觉。

4) The reason of this is that near the horizon we look through a very great thickness of the lower atmosphere, which is full of the larger dust particles reflecting white light, and this dilutes the pure blue of the higher atmosphere seen beyond. 这是因为我们向天边望去时目光要穿过一层极厚的低空大气层。低空大气层中布满的颗粒较大的尘埃会反射白光,这就冲淡了高空大气层中纯净的蓝色。该句汉译时增译了“我们向天边望去时”,是重复前面一句的内容;将we look through译成“目光要穿过”,we改译成“目光”。原句末尾and this dilut es the pure blue…中this指前面由that引导的表语从句,不指前面的非限定性定语从句。

5) And in the vicinity of the sun a good deal of the blue light is reflected back into space by the finer dust, thus giving a yellowish tinge to that which reaches us reflected chiefly from the coarse dust of the lower atmosphere. 在太阳附近,大量的蓝光被细微的尘埃反射回天空,所以,由低空大气层粗粒尘埃反射到地面的光线便带有浅黄色。原句中thus giving a yellowish tinge to that which 结构直译为“因而使照射到地面的光线呈浅黄色”,其中that为指示代词,指代the light,后面的reflected部分是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰that。

6) At sunset and sunrise, however, this last effect is greatly intensified, owing to the great thickness of the strata of air through which the light reaches us.在日出日落时,由于光线到达地面需要穿过厚厚的大气层,这种反射效果大大增强了。注意该句汉译时将句尾的原因状语移至主句前面,使之更符合汉语表达习惯。

7) The enormous amount of this dust is well shown by the fact that only then can we look full at the sun, even when the whole sky is free from clouds and there is no apparent mist.只有在这种时候我们才可以直视太阳,即使是万里长空没有一点云彩,没有一丝雾霭。这就充分显示了低空中尘埃的数量之大。该句汉译时采用了拆句译法,将同为语从句that only then can we look full at the sun译成独立句,并采用变序译法,将同位语从句和让步状语从句移至主句前面。其中的短语look full at the sun意为“直视太阳”。


8) But the sun’s rays then reach us after having passed, first, through an enormous thickness of the higher strata of the air, the minute dust of which reflects most of the blue rays away from us, leaving the complementary yellow light to pass on. 但是,太阳的光线在到达地面之前首先要穿过厚度极大的高空大气层,其中的细微尘埃把大部分的蓝色光反射掉了,仅让属于互补色淡黄色光继续通行。该句汉译时将谓语部分译成时间状语“在到达地面之前”,而将动名词短语having passed译成谓语“要穿过”。第一个逗号后面由which引导的非限定性定语从句改译成了并列分句。

9) But owing to the constant presence of air currents, … we see p roduced all those wondrous combinations of tints and those gorgeous ever-changing colors which are a constant source of admiration and delight to all who have the advantage of an uninterrupted view to the west and who are accustomed to watch for those not infrequent exhibitions of nature’s kaleidoscopic color painting. 不过,是由于……,我们这才看到各种奇异的色调斑驳陆离,诸多绚丽的色彩千变万化。任何人只要有幸将西天的景致一览无余,只要有心观看大自然不时展现的那一幅幅瞬息万变的彩画,都会为之赞不绝口,喜不自胜。此句汉译时采用了拆句译法,将which引导的定语从句译成独立句,由who引导的定语从句则译成了条件状语从句。

10) With every change in the altitude of the sun the display changes its character; and most of all when it has sunk below the horizon, and owing to the favorable angles a larger quantity of the colored light is reflected toward us. 随着夕阳缓缓西坠,这种景观也不断变幻;尤其是在太阳沉入地平线之后,由于角度更加适宜,五颜六色的光都反射到地面上来。原句是个并列句,第一个分句的主句是the display changes its character, 第二个分句的主句是a larger quantity of the colored light is reflected toward us,汉译时基本上采用了与原句相同的语序。

11) Especially when there is a certain amount of cloud is this the case. 若有些许云雾,情况更是如此。该句是倒装句,正常语序应为:This is the case e specially when…

12) These, so long as the sun is above the horizon, … which are at once the delight of the beholder and the despair of the artist. 本来,只要太阳还在地平线以上,云雾便截住了不少阳光和色彩。而今太阳已从我们的视野消失,阳光便会更直接地照射到密度各异的重重云霭与大雾的底部;一片崭新和更加灿烂的阳光染红了西天,呈现出一幅色彩绚丽、变化万千的景观。观赏者固然赏心悦目,丹青手则只好自叹莫如。此句汉译时用了拆句译法,将原句拆成三个独立句。句尾的定语从句中the despair of the artist 指画家望着美丽的天空,自叹能力有限,不能绘出所见美景的心情。傅雷在其《高老头》重译本序中写道:“艺术的境界无穷,个人的才力有限:心长力绌,惟有投笔兴叹而已。”这里的despair 正是傅雷笔下的“投笔兴叹”之意。

3. 比较与分析:特别注意划线部分的比较,请指出译者在翻译时采用了怎样的策略,你对此有何看法。


Fiber-optic lines will form most of the backbone of the information highway, just as they do for the phone system today. Fiber-optic cable is made of long, think strands of glass rather than wire, and it transmits information in the form of digitized pulses of laser light rather than the radio waves used by coaxial cable. Because light pulses have shorter wavelengths than radio waves, engineers can cram much more data into fiber-optic lines than into other kinds of cables and wires.

A single fiber, for example, can handle a mind-boggling 5,000 video signals or more than 500,000 voice conversations simultaneously. This huge capacity allows it to transmit all signals digitally. So noise or static easily can be filtered out. Finally, because glass is an inherently more efficient medium for transmitting information than other materials, a fiber-optic line can transmit a signal thousands of miles without much “signal loss”. Fiber-optic cable, simply put, is the method of choice for transmitting massive quantities of information over long distances.

Another key is “digital compression” – a variety of methods for reducing the amount of digital code (streams of ones and zeros) needed to represent a piece of information – whether it is a document, a still picture, a movie or a sound. Digital compression is most critical for transmitting video, because digitized video consumes enormous amounts of space. Just four seconds of a digitized film, for example, would completely fill a 100-megabyte hard drive. A feature film of typical length, if uncompressed, would occupy


more than 350 ordinary compact discs.

Compression techniques achieve their gins by recording only the changes from one frame to the next. The background image in a movie scene, for example, typically does not change much from one frame to another. In a digital compression scheme, the background would be recorded only once; after that, only the actors’ movements would be captured.

One result is more choices –hundreds of channels coming through your cable TV line instead of dozens. Digital compression also makes it easier to piggyback data onto media that were not designed with data in mind: in particular, phone lines.













英翻汉 Sometimes it is interpersonal skills rather than professional skills that really counts in your career.Interpersonal skills are nothing but the ability to be good listener to be sensitive toward others’ needs to take criticism well.3) People with skill in social relations admit their mistakes and take their share of blame which is a mature and responsible way to handle an error.4) That’s why many mediocre employees survive violent corporate upheavals while people of great talent are being laid off.Sensitive in their dealings with others they are well liked everywhere.People with poor interpersonal skills have trouble taking criticism.When confronted with a mistake they let their ego get in the way.They deny responsibility and became moody or angry. They mark themselves as ―prickly 有时候,在工作中重要的倒是能否处理好人际关系而不是有多大的才能。人际关系就是一种善于听取别人的意见,体察别人的需要,虚心接受批评的能力。善于处理人际关系的人敢于承认错误,敢于承担自己的责任,这是对待错误的一种成熟和负责任的态度。这就是为什么许多平平庸庸的公司雇员在大调整中保住了位置,而有才能的人反而下岗。因为他们很注意处理各方面的关系,所以八面玲珑,到处有缘。而人际关系差的人往往不能处理好批评。碰到错误,他们首先想到自己,拒不承认自己有错,或情绪低落或大发雷霆,成为有刺的人,难以相处。 The course of history is never smooth. It is sometimes beset with difficulties and obstacles and nothing short of a heroic spirit can help surmount them. A mighty long river sometimes flows through a broad section with plains lying boundless on either side, its waters rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles. Sometimes it comes up against a narrow section flanked by high mountains and steep cliffs, winding through a course with many a perilous twist and turn. A nation, in the course of its development, fares likewise. The historical course of man’s life is just like a journey. A traveler on a long journey passes through now a broad, level plain, now a rugged, hazardous road. While a determined traveler cheerfully continues his journey upon reaching a safe and smooth place, he finds it still more fascinating to come to a rugged place, the enormously magnificent spectacle of which, he feels, is better able to generate in him a wonderful sensation of adventure. 、历史的道路,不全是平坦的,有时走到艰难险阻的境界,这是全靠雄健的精神才能够冲过去的。一条浩浩荡荡的长江大河,有时流到很宽阔的境界,平原无际,一泻万里。有时流到很逼狭的境界,两岸丛山叠岭,绝壁横断,江河流于其间,回环曲折,极其险峻。民族生命的过程,其经历亦复如是。人类在历史上的生活正如旅行一样。旅途上的征人所经过的地方,有时是坦荡平原,有时是崎岖险路。老于旅途的人,走到平坦的地方,固是高兴地向前走,走到崎岖的境界,愈是奇趣横生,觉得在此奇绝壮绝的境界,愈能感到一种冒险的美趣。中华民族现在所逢的史路,是一段崎岖险阻的道路。在这一段道路上,实在亦有一种奇绝壮绝的景致,使我们经过这段道路的人,感到一种壮美的趣味。但这种壮美的趣味,没有雄健的精神是不能够感觉到的。 We are glad to note from your letter of March 9 that, as exporters of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, you are desirous of entering into direct bushiness relations with us. This happens to coincide with our desire.At present, we are interested in Printed Shirting and shall be pleased to receive from you by airmail catalogues, samples and all necessary information regarding these goods so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies.Meanwhile please quote us your


科技文体的翻译技巧 科技文体是指以科学技术为内容的各种文章和著述。包括科学观察或实验报告、仪器设备和产品说明,以及科学著作和论文摘要。此外,也可包括有关科技会议的发言记录,声像资料的解说词等。科技文体的共同特点是:(1)客观性:指科技文体以客观事物及其规律为内容,客观地不带个人感情汙恶地进行阐述; (2)描述性:科技文体多用于描述事物的性质、特征、状态、过程等,一般采用时间、空间顺序和逻辑顺序进行描述; (3)专业性:就内容而言,科技文体所包含的众多专业主要是根据技术手段的发展和科学S究对象的知识的积累,对科学门类进行人为划分所使然,有时同一文体会卡及若干专业; (4)规范性:科技文体一般运用规范的书面语体,附之以有关公式、图表等非语言表达方式,其名称和单位具有一定的标准化、统一化倾向; (5)程式化:有的科技文体遵循特定的表达格式和写作程式,如产品4明、实验报告等。 科技文体的语言运用有如下特点: (1)专名术语繁多,词义准确单一。科技文章的专业性首先表现在专门用语上,专业词汇可能脱胎于生活词汇而具有新义,可能根源于拉丁希腊词语而产生复合词,也可能为适应新的发展概念而创造新词。其中包括一定数量的缩略词。形容词多用于限定或修饰,副词多表示方式或方面。名词多是一词一义,一般不会出现歧义。 (2)句子结构紧凑,形式单一完整。科技文体釆用名词化构成以名词为中心的固定词组,多用陈述句,有时用祈使句,英语中非谓语动词使用较广,有时用从句表示各种复杂关系。句子长度适中或偏长,多用完全句,少用省略句。 (3)章法严谨,逻辑性强。科技文体一般不讲究修辞格的运用,但讲究用词准确和句子平衡。一般来说,其句子所含信息量较大,因而句子和段落都倾向于长,但层次清晰,关联密切,逻辑性很强。 科技文体的翻译要注意以下几个方面: (1)务必弄通文体所涉及专业内容和有关的科学原理。不具备起码的基础知识和专门知识是不可能进行科学翻译的。对新兴学科和学术动向也应心中有数才能译好。涉及产品和设备的时候,要搞清楚其工作原理、内部结构、部件功能和操作程序,有时需要参阅图表等其他资料。对于稍微陌生的科技题材的翻译,则更多地需要借助形象思维来理解,借助逻辑思维来推理分析,借助专业人士和查阅资料来印证翻译的正确性。 (2)准确把握词的指称意义并注意固定词组的翻译。首先要区分一般用语和专业术语,然后再确定其专业范围。要注意旧词新义和新词的创造以及外来语的使用,在正确选用和查阅专业用语辞典和综合性科技词典的基础上,尽量沿用现成的译法,除非有充分的理由进行更改。另外,术语的使用也要力求统一化和标准化。 (3)深入理解句子含义并灵活运用转换技法。翻译科技文章不可拘泥字面,而要深入分析句子的命题结构、数量关系和逻辑关系,分清句子的主次和搭配的性质,一般可在句子层面上求得对应。要注意词类、成分和句式转换,可适当套

翻译与文体 文学翻译

翻译与文体--文学翻译 文学翻译首先必须明确什么是文学。然而,要给文学下个确切的定义,却并不容易。综合中外论者对文学一词的阐释,我们知道文学具有以下主要特性:文学是语言的艺术,是用语言来反映生活、反映现实、表达思想、抒发情感的,是emotion-centered;它有审美价值,其语篇功能主要是用艺术的语言叙事、画物、言情,达到感染人、娱悦人、教育人的目的。文学的这些特性也是它有别于其它文体的地方。要说清楚文学是什么虽然不易,但人们却能很容易地告诉你:小说、诗歌、散文、戏剧、影视等是文学。如此说来,文学语言就该是这些文学作品的语言,文学文体也就该是小说文体、诗歌文体、散文文体和戏剧影视文体的总和。尽管小说、诗歌、散文、戏剧、影视中又能分出各种流派、各种风格的作家作品,诚所谓体中有体、类中有类,但我们的注意力这里主要集中在英语各体类之间的文学共性的东西,即小说、诗歌、散文、戏剧、影视的语言特征及其翻译。 一、小说的翻译 (一)英语小说的文体特征 综观所有的语篇和文体,文学文体是最为游移不定的。在英语文学的发展过程中,作家们总是在不断地寻新求异,文学式样和创作手法总是随着时代和社会的变化而不断更新,其文体特征也不断变化,绝不象科技文体或新闻文体那样,虽然有变化但变化的速度相对缓慢。就小说而言,时代不同,其主要特征也会呈现出或多或少的区别,故文学史常有断代研究;不同时期又有不同的流派,流派中又有不同的作家,故作家语言研究长盛不衰。因此从严格意义上来讲,小说抑或其它样式的文学作品,不存在一个统一的文体特征。以下论述的只是小说所具有的较具普遍性的风格特点。 1)语言的形象性 小说创作主要是形象思维。它通过形象思维来建构小说世界,来"展现"画面场景,借助具体细致的描绘来营造真实可信的氛围,渲染某种特定的情绪,使读者有身临其境的感受。在情节描写中,作家崇尚具体形象,力避抽象演绎。与这一特点相伴的词语特征是: (1)准确。如果一个作家要写一个人行走的动作,他会在十几个表示形态各异的行走动词中选择一个最为贴切的。如果是写一个人的哭,他也会在cry,sob,weep等词语之间作出理想的取舍。 (2)多限定词、修饰词。这也是为了使描述准确和具体。如D·H·劳伦斯的The Odour of Chrysanthemums 的开头一句:The small locomotive engine, Number 4, came clanking, stumbling down from Selston with seven full wagons.(四号小火车的车头拖着七节装满货物的车厢,从赛尔斯顿方向跌跌撞撞地开了过来,一路上发出叮叮咣咣的声响。)读者读之,如闻其声,如见其形,而同样一个场景,如要用抽象的语汇进行描述,读者的感受就大不相同了。


科技文体的汉译英 科技文体的范畴 ?科技文体可以泛指一切论及或谈及科学和技术的书面语和口语,其中包括: 1. 科技著述、科技论文和报告、实验报告和方案; 2. 各类科技情报和文字资料; 3. 科技实用手册(Operative Means,包括仪器、仪表、机械、工具等)的结构描述和操作规程; 4. 有关科技问题的会谈、会议、交谈的用语; 5. 有关科技的影片、录像等有声资料的解说词,等等。 1. 科技著述、科技论文和报告、实验报告和方案; 2. 各类科技情报和文字资料; ?这两项科技英语,在文体学上统称为科学散文。(scientific prose) 科技英语文体总貌 ?着重叙事逻辑上的联贯(Coherence)及表达上的明晰(Clarity)与畅达(Fluency);避免行文晦涩,作者避免表露个人感情,避免论证上的主观随意性。因此,科技英语总是力求少用或不用描述性形容词以及具有抒情作用的副词、感叹词及疑问词。?科技英语结构力求平易(Plainness)和精确(Preciseness),因此尽力避免使用旨在加强语言感染力和宣传效果的各种修辞格,忌用夸张、借喻、讥讽、反诘、双关及押韵等修辞手段,以免使读者产生行文浮华、内容虚饰之感。 科技文体的一般特征 ?(1) 无人称(Impersonal) ?(2) 语气正式(Formal in Mode of Speech) ?(3) 陈述客观、准确(Objective and Accurate in Statement) ?(4) 语言规范(Standard in Language) ?(5) 文体质朴(Unadorned in stylistics) ?(6) 逻辑性强(Strict in Logic) ?(7) 专业术语性强(Concentrated in Technical Terms) (1)无人称 ?绝大多数科技文章很少使用有人称的句子。这主要是由于科技文章所描述和所讨论的是科学发现或科技实事。尽管科技活动系人类所为,但由于科技文章所报告的主要是这种科技的结果或自然规律,而不是报告这些结果或自然规律是由谁发现或


What Is a Sketch The mechanic must not only know how to read the language of the industrial world but must also know how to write it. He must be able to give his own ideas and describe an object to someone else. It is often necessary to make just a part for a machine. However, there is no time to make a drawing of it with instruments, no time either for a draughtsman to make a drawing. Sometimes only one piece of a machine part is to be made and, therefore, it would be inconvenient to have the draughtsman make a mechanical drawing. Sketches are important because they show ideas and dimensions of a machine part. The cleverest idea, however, may result in a great mistake if the sketch is poorly done. We must learn to make clean sketches to be easily read by others as well as by ourselves. Machine Elements A machine consists of a number of machine elements. The most useful machine element in power transmission is the gear. The gear is virtually a wheel with a number of teeth. Gears must work in pairs. A pair of gears with different number of teeth will increase or decrease the speed of rotation Pulleys and belts are very common in power transmission. They can also change speeds on machine tools. Gears or pulleys rotate on shafts. The


文体与翻译31 文体与翻译 Style and Translation Course: style and translation Lecturer: Wen Yuee CONTENTS History of translation Translation of Modern Essays 罗新璋曾不无感慨地说: 不懂钱锺书, 罗新璋曾不无感慨地说:"不懂钱锺书,是国人的悲哀;不识钱氏译艺谈,也是译界的不幸. 的悲哀;不识钱氏译艺谈,也是译界的不幸." 在《林纾的翻译》一文中,钱锺书先生提出了著名的文学林纾的翻译》一文中, 翻译"化境" 翻译"化境"论,即:"文学翻译的最高理想可以说是把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字, '化'.把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹, 语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味,那就算得入于'化境'".(1997 269) '" First impressions are often lasting ones. Indeed, if you play your cards right, you can enjoy the benefits of what sociologists call the "halo effect." This means that if you're viewed positively within the critical first few minutes, the person you've met will likely assume everything you do is positive. How you move and gesture will greatly influence an interviewer's first impression of you. In a landmark study of communications, psychologists discovered that seven percent of any message about our feelings and attitudes comes from the words we use,38 percent from our voice, and a startling 55 percent from our facial expressions. In fact, when our facial expression or tone of voice conflicts with our words, the listener will typically put more weight on the nonverbal message. To make your first encounter a positive one, start with a firm handshake. If the interviewer doesn't initiate the gesture, offer your hand first. Whenever you have a choice of seats, select a chair beside his or her desk, as opposed to one across from it. That way there are no barriers between the two of you and the effect is somewhat less confrontational. If you must sit facing the desk, shift your chair slightly as you sit down, or angle your body in the chair so you're not directly in front of your interviewer. Monitor your body language to make sure you don't seem too desperate for the job, or too eager to please. Keep a Poker face in business


常用文体翻译 科技翻译 Internet最初的中译名多达十几种,分为音译和意译两种。其中意译名主要在“国际”、“全球”、“电脑”、“计算机”、“资讯”、“交互”、“互联”、“网路”……这些词语的范围内加以选取和组配,多则9个汉字,少则3个汉字,但无论如何选配均有其不足之处。因为Internet是指由美国国防部ARPA 网演变而来的采用TCP/IP协议的一种互联网,是多种互联网中的一种。因此Internet为专指性专有名词,而internet为泛指性普通名词,泛指各种互联的计算机网络。所以将Internet翻译为上述泛指性译名是不妥的。音译主要有“英特网”和“因特网”两种。“英特网”本可继续采用,但按照新华社的外国人名、地名音译标准in为“因”,ing为“英”;此外,不采用“英特网”的另一个主要原因是为了避免与英特尔公司的“英特网”相混淆。全国科学技术名词审定委员会经过长期的审议于1997年7 月发布了推荐名“因特网”。(吴同,1998) 科技文体的范畴 科技英语(English for science and technology)现在已经成为一种独立的文体。其具体内容包括:“一、科技著述、科技论文和报告、实验报告和方案;二、各类科技情报和文字资料;三、科技实用手册; 四、有关科技问题的会谈、会议、交谈的用语;五、有关科技的影片、录像等有声资料的解说词; 六、科技发明、发现的报道;七、科学幻想小说等。” 科技英语的特点 ◆任何作品均有其特定的文体,原文文体不同,翻译方法也随之而异。科技英语亦不例外。因此,要做好该类文体的翻译实践,就必须了解科技英语的特点。试比较下面两个例子的文体特点: ◆例1 "It appears that you've got the offer of a very good job." "A wonderful job." "Are you going to take it?" "I don't think so." "Why not?' "I don't want to." “听说有个很好的工作要你去干。” “挺好的工作”。 “打算干吗?” “不。” “为什么不干?” “不想干”。 ---摘自《刀锋》(The Razor's Edge ) She was of a helpless, fleshy build, with a frank, open countenance and an innocent, diffident manner. Her eyes were large and patient, and in them dwelt such a shadow of distress as only those who have looked sympathetically into the countenances of the distraught and helpless poor know anything about. (from Jennie Gerhardt) 那妇人生着一副绵软多肉的体格,一张坦率开诚的面容,一种天真羞怯的神气。一双大落落的柔顺眼睛,里边隐藏着无穷的心事,只有那些对于凄惶无告的穷苦人面目作过同情观察的人才看得出来。 ---摘自《珍妮姑娘》(Jennie Gerhardt),傅东华译. 上面51个词的片断,就运用了10个形容词,占五分之一。and in them dwelt such a shadow of distress 是非常优美生动的文学语言,译文保持了这一风格。 腹有诗书气自华


文体翻译研究论文文体与翻译关系论文 摘要:从文体学研究的几个方面以及翻译实例对文体学与翻译的关系进行理论分析,旨在强调文体学理论在翻译研究中的应用。 关键词:文体翻译研究;文体与翻译关系;翻译实例中的文体学理论 一、引言 文体学是一门研究文体和语言风格的学科。它在西方传统修辞学的基础上发展起来,但直到本世纪初人们才开始运用现代语言学的理论与分析方法去探讨文体的问题。所以严格的意义上说,它是本世纪内才发展起来的一门新兴学科。文体学有传统文体学和现代文体学之分;传统文体学指用传统的分析方法分析作家的文学风格,研究代表作品风格特点的语言变体;现代文体学则指用现代语言学的原理与分析方法研究包括文学文体在内的各类文体,本文所说文体学当指后者。 近来较新的研究领域是用文体学的理论研究翻译及其规律。该领域的学者经过多年的翻译实践与理论研究,从文体学的角度研究翻译和翻译风格,将翻译学与文体学结合起来即文体翻译研究,这是一门符合时代要求的全新的课题。本文拟从文体学的角度来探讨一下翻译理论和实践中的问

题。 二、文体与翻译 文体学与翻译之间关系怎么样呢?下面我们来探讨一下。 第一常规和变异的问题。“常规”和“变异”是文体学中的两个术语。“常规”即指“口语或书面语中人们所公认的标准形式”,“变异”是指“不符合公认的标准的语法和语义规范的话语的统称”。通俗一点说,人们在使用语言进行交际时,总要遵循一定的规范,而这就是常规;但人们在使用语言时也不会总是遵循某种语言规范而一成不变,相反,人们为了最恰当地表现自己的思想和感情,总是在使用语言时有所选择和变化,甚至使用偏离语言常规的话语或表现形式,这就是变异。请见下面例子: the man (gatekeeper) went into drink his can of tea, the girls went on down the lane that was deep in soft dusk. gudrun was as if numbed in her mind by the sense of indomitable soft weight of the man, bearing down into the living body of the horse: the strong, indomitable thighs of the blond man clenching the palpitating body of the mare into pure control; a sort white magnetic domination from the loins and thighs and calves,


科技文体的汉译英 2学时 一、教学目的及要求 通过本单元课程的学习,了解科技文体的范畴、特征;掌握科技文体常用翻译技巧二、教学重点及难点 重点:科技文体的范畴、特征 难点:科技文体常用翻译技巧 三、教学手段 多媒体 四、教学方法 采取提问、讨论、启发、自学、合作、典型分析等方法。 五、教学内容与教学设计 科技文体的范畴 ?科技文体可以泛指一切论及或谈及科学和技术的书面语和口语,其中包括: 1. 科技著述、科技论文和报告、实验报告和方案; 2. 各类科技情报和文字资料; 3. 科技实用手册(Operative Means,包括仪器、仪表、机械、工具等)的结构描述和操作规程; 4. 有关科技问题的会谈、会议、交谈的用语; 5. 有关科技的影片、录像等有声资料的解说词,等等。 1. 科技著述、科技论文和报告、实验报告和方案; 2. 各类科技情报和文字资料; ?这两项科技英语,在文体学上统称为科学散文。(scientific prose) 科技英语文体总貌 ?着重叙事逻辑上的联贯(Coherence)及表达上的明晰(Clarity)与畅达(Fluency);避免行文晦涩,作者避免表露个人感情,避免论证上的主观随意性。因此,科技英语总是力求少用或不用描述性形容词以及具有抒情作用的副词、感叹词及疑问词。?科技英语结构力求平易(Plainness)和精确(Preciseness),因此尽力避免使用旨在加强语言感染力和宣传效果的各种修辞格,忌用夸张、借喻、讥讽、反诘、双关及押韵等修辞手段,以免使读者产生行文浮华、内容虚饰之感。 科技文体的一般特征 ?(1) 无人称(Impersonal) ?(2) 语气正式(Formal in Mode of Speech)


毕业论文 题目:科技英语的文体特征及翻译规律Title:The Stylistic Features of English for Science and Technology(EST) and the Principles of its Translation 2009 年3月10日

Acknowledgements Many people have made invaluable contributions, both directly and indirectly to my research. First and foremost, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help in working out my problems during the difficult course of the dissertation. At the same time, I am also grateful to all other teachers who gave me lectures during the past three academic years. I have benefited so much not only from their courses and lectures but also from their constant encouragement. Last but not least, I would like to express my warmest gratitude to Cai Dingzhong and Liu Zhidan, my supervisors, for their instructive suggestions and valuable comments on the writing of this thesis. They have walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without their consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.


英翻汉 一.Sometimes it is interpersonal skills rather than professional skills that really counts in your career.Interpersonal skills are nothing but the ability to be good listener to be sensitive toward others’ needs to take criticism well.3) People with sk ill in social relations admit their mistakes and take their share of blame which is a mature and responsible way to handle an error.4) That’s why many mediocre employees survive violent corporate upheavals while people of great talent are being laid off.Sensitive in their dealings with others they are well liked everywhere.People with poor interpersonal skills have trouble taking criticism.When confronted with a mistake they let their ego get in the way.They deny responsibility and became moody or angry. Th ey mark themselves as ―prickly 有时候,在工作中重要的倒是能否处理好人际关系而不是有多大的才能。人际关系就是一种善于听取别人的意见,体察别人的需要,虚心接受批评的能力。善于处理人际关系的人敢于承认错误,敢于承担自己的责任,这是对待错误的一种成熟和负责任的态度。这就是为什么许多平平庸庸的公司雇员在大调整中保住了位置,而有才能的人反而下岗。因为他们很注意处理各方面的关系,所以八面玲珑,到处有缘。而人际关系差的人往往不能处理好批评。碰到错误,他们首先想到自己,拒不承认自己有错,或情绪低落或大发雷霆,成为有刺的人,难以相处。 2.The course of history is never smooth. It is sometimes beset with difficulties and obstacles and nothing short of a heroic spirit can help surmount them. A mighty long river sometimes flows through a broad section with plains lying boundless on either side, its waters rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles. Sometimes it comes up against a narrow section flanked by high mountains and steep cliffs, winding through a course with many a perilous twist and turn. A nation, in the course of its development, fares likewise. The historical course of man’s life is just like a journey. A traveler on a long journey passes through now a broad, level plain, now a rugged, hazardous road. While a determined traveler cheerfully continues his journey upon reaching a safe and smooth place, he finds it still more fascinating to come to a rugged place, the enormously magnificent spectacle of which, he feels, is better able to generate in him a wonderful sensation of adventure. 2.、历史的道路,不全是平坦的,有时走到艰难险阻的境界,这是全靠雄健的精神才能够冲过去的。一条浩浩荡荡的长江大河,有时流到很宽阔的境界,平原无际,一泻万里。有时流到很逼狭的境界,两岸丛山叠岭,绝壁横断,江河流于其间,回环曲折,极其险峻。民族生命的过程,其经历亦复如是。人类在历史上的生活正如旅行一样。旅途上的征人所经过的地方,有时是坦荡平原,有时是崎岖险路。老于旅途的人,走到平坦的地方,固是高兴地向前走,走到崎岖的境界,愈是奇趣横生,觉得在此奇绝壮绝的境界,愈能感到一种冒险的美趣。 中华民族现在所逢的史路,是一段崎岖险阻的道路。在这一段道路上,实在亦有一种奇绝壮绝的景致,使我们经过这段道路的人,感到一种壮美的趣味。但这种壮美的趣味,没有雄健的精神是不能够感觉到的。


一,阅读原文,说出文章的题材及风格,并进行翻译。 中国の四川大地震で、がれきの下から36日ぶりに豚が助け出された。雨水で命をつないだらしく、150キロの巨体は50キロにしぼんでいたという。生き抜かんとする本能に打たれつつ、なんだ、目方の3分の2が消えても命は残るのかと、わが脂身に視線を落とす。 豚には申し訳ないが、ハムカツなどを食べ続けたツケが、職場の健康診断で回ってきた。初の腹囲測定である。係の女性が巻き尺を回したところで腹を引っ込めたが、むなしく「メタボ予備軍」と判定された さる病院の看護師さんが、腹回りの正しい測り方を明かしてくれた。大半の男性は、巻き尺が回ると反射的に腹をすぼめるそうだ。「はい結構です」の声で男たちは呼吸を再開し、腹がぼよんと戻る。そこにすかさず、緩めると見せた巻き尺をあてるのだという いやはや、1秒の時間差攻撃。当然、あとの「正しい腹」が記録される。思えば健診での格好つけは無益である。肥満でも肝機能でも、この体、あるがままを抜き差しならぬ数値で残し、明日への反省材料としたい。 大阪大などの研究チームが最近、おなかの脂肪にある細胞を肝臓や心臓の治療にいかす動物実験に成功したという。節制して生き永らえれば、ぜい肉が命を救う時代が来るかもしれない。 奇跡の豚も脂肪の蓄えがあってこそだろう。ハムカツ何枚分か、体重は早くも20キロ戻したそうだ。幸せそうに草をはむ姿を見て、ただ蓄えることを期待された身がうらやましくもある。「生き証人」として博物館で余生を送ると聞けば、なおさらだ。 参考译文: 中国的四川大地震中,人们从瓦砾下救出一只被埋36天的猪。据说它靠雨水才得以生存,原本150公斤的肥硕身体也一下子减到了50公斤。我不禁被这种求生的本能所感动,不经意间将视线落到了自己这身肥肉上,我要是失去了3分之2的体重还能活下去吗? 这么说也许对不住咱们老猪了。平时猪排一类的东西从没断过,单位检查身体时就找上来了。那是我头一次测腹围。当测量的女护士将卷尺绕在我肚子上时,我便刻意吸气收腹。可还是被划为超重者。 曾有位医院的护士向我透露过测量腹围的正确方法。大多数男性在卷尺绕过肚皮时,会条件反射地收腹。当护士说“行了”他们才开始呼吸,肚子也弹了回来。可这些逃不过护士的眼睛----肚子放松后量出来的才是真正的腹围。 争取的就是这短短1秒的时间差。当然,记录的也是放松后的正确值。想来,体检时耍酷没什么好处。肥胖也好,肝功能受损也好,用客观的数据记录自己真实的身体状况,以资改善才是硬道理。 据说大阪大学的研究组最近成功地进行了将腹部脂肪细胞用于肝脏、心脏等治疗的动物实验。我们节制饮食多活几年的话,兴许能看到肥肉也能救命的时代的到来。 话说回来,奇迹生还的猪不也正是因为储备了脂肪才获救的吗?据说它的体重迅速反弹了相当于N片火腿的20公斤,吃已经成为人们对它的唯一期待。并且,它还将作为活着的见证在博物馆渡过余生。看着那啃着青草一脸幸福的表情,真是羡煞人也。 评析:文章体裁为议论文,用词辛辣幽默,用典丰富,节奏跳跃。在确定了文章的风格题材这些文体上的特点后,应注意在用词、造句等方面,更能体现幽默讽刺型议论文的文体特点。同时,翻译要有整体感,非得有借原文的思想来写作的态度不可。翻译后,还要进行全面的,反复的修改。


科技英语文章翻译 任何作品均有特定的文体,原文的文体不同,翻译方法也随之而异。试观察下列几个片断的原文及其译文。 "It appears that you've got the offer of a very good job." "A wonderful job." "Are you going to take it ?" "I don't think so." "Why not?' "I don't want to." “听说有个很好的工作要你去干。” “挺好的工作。” “打算干吗?” “不。” “为什么不干?” “不想干。” 这是小说中的一段对说,属于口语文体。其特点是:用词自由,句法结构简单,短句与省略句多,自然朴素,生活气息浓厚。在译文中进一步体现汉语口语的特点,省去主语“你”、“我”;将英语的一个句子I don't think so。干脆译成一个字“不”,显得简洁有力。 She was of a helpless, fleshy build, with a frank, open countenance and an innocent, diffident manner. Her eyes were large and patient, and in them dwelt such a shadow of distress as only those who have looked sympathetically into the countenances of the distraught and helpless poor know anything about. 那妇人生着一副绵软多肉的体格,一张坦率开诚的面容,一种天真羞怯的神气。一双大落落的柔顺眼睛,里边隐藏着无穷的心事,只有那些对于凄惶无告的穷苦人面目作过同情观察的人才看得出来。上面五十一个词的片断,就运用了十个形容词,占五分之一。and in then dwelt such a shadow of distress是非常优美生动的文学语言,译文保持了一风格。
