


一般情况下,something 用于肯定句,anything用于否定和疑问.而在很有礼貌的问某人要吃什么和喝什么时,应该使用something .这是一种特殊的用法

something与some一样常用于肯定句,而anything与any一样常用于否定句和疑问句。不过,在表示请求、建议或征求意见的疑问句中常用some或something。在表达“任何”这一含义时肯定句中常用any或anything。例如:1.——I feel a bit hungry.

——Why don't you have some bread?(86年高考题)

2.Would you like something to drink?

3.You can get it in any department store.这东西你在哪个百货商店都买得到

4.I believe anything he says



否定和疑问句只能用anywhere,陈述句两个都能用,但是everywhere 语气没anywhere强

I looked for him everywhere, but found nothing.

There was flowers everywhere.(这里也可以用anywhere,不过比较少,主要做题时要区分很细,自己写的话不用讲究,怎么都是对的)

She couldn't find me anywhere.

Is there anywhere for me?(这里也可以用somewhere,表示希望得到肯定回答)

everywhere 范围很广,“到处、处处”之意,

例如:It snowed heavily last night ,you can see white trees everywhere .anywhere ,指具体的地方。



do与make do可以用来表达做家务 动词do可以用来表达完成一些日常的活动或或工作。注意,这些活动通常都是没有产出具体实物的活动。 ?do homework - I usually do my homework after dinner. 做家庭作业——我总是晚饭后做家庭作业。 ?do housework - Both my mother and father do the housework. 做家务——我爸妈都做家务。 ?do the ironing - I like to do the ironing while I watch TV. 熨烫——我喜欢边看电视边熨衣服。 ?do the dishes - It's my job to do the dishes after dinner every evening. 洗碗——每晚吃完晚饭后,洗碗是我的任务。 ?do a job - Tom does a few jobs around the house. 干活——汤姆做家务。 do可以和一般的想法进行搭配 当谈到一般的事物时,可以用动词do。换句话说,就是我们不会对一个活动进行准确的命名的时候。这个形式经常与词语something、nothing、anything、everything 等搭配。 ?Do something / anything -I'm not doing anything today. 做事——我今天一天无所事事。 ?Do everything for someone - He does everything for his mother. 为某人做人做所有的事——他为了母亲什么都做。 ?Do nothing - She's doing nothing at the moment. 什么都不做——此刻她什么也没有做。 关于do的重要表达 这里有一些关于动词do的标准表达。他们都是英语中的标准搭配。

used to do的用法

used to do的用法 张瑛2015.11 used to do意为“曾经是;过去常常”,表示过去存在的状态,或过去经常做某事而现在不做了,只用于一般过去时。其在陈述句、一般疑问句和反意疑问句中的用法如下: 一、陈述句 1. 在肯定句中,used没有人称和数的变化。例如: My granny used to be a history teacher. 我奶奶过去是一位历史教师。 He used to go to work by bus. 他过去常常坐公共汽车去上班。 2. 在否定句中,used to do有两种句式: A. 主语+ did not use to + 动词原形...。例如: He didn’t use to live here. 他过去不住在这儿。 B. 主语+ used not to + 动词原形...。例如: He usedn’t to smoke. 他过去不吸烟。 二、一般疑问句 在一般疑问句中,used to do有两种句式: A. Did + 主语+ use to + 动词原形...?。例如: Did he use to spend much time playing computer games? 他过去常花很多时间玩电脑游戏吗? B. Used + 主语+ to + 动词原形...? 例如: Used he to go to school on foot? 他过去常步行上学吗?

三、反意疑问句 在反意疑问句中,used to do也有两种句式: A. 陈述句+ used(n’t) + 主语?。例如: He used to like eating hot food, usedn’t he? 他过去爱吃辣的食物,对不对? He usedn’t to have curly hair, used he? 他过去没留卷发,对吗? B. 陈述句+ did(n’t) + 主语?。例如: There used to be an old tree behind my house, didn’t there? 过去在我家房子后面有一棵老树,对不对? Peter used to walk to school, didn’t he? 彼得过去步行上学,对不对? 注:1. used to do sth.可用于各种人称,表示过去存在但现在已经停止的情况或习惯。例如: He used to go home by bike. 他过去常常骑自行车回家。The river used to be clean. 这条河以前是干净的。 2. be used to + n. / doing sth. 意为“习惯于…… / 做某事”。例如: I’m not quite used to the weather here yet. 我还不太习惯这里的天气。 He is used to traveling by train. 他习惯坐火车旅行。 3. be used to do sth. 意为“被用来做某事”。例如:

Xmen X战警英文电影剧本

X-Men Sounds of a train rolling to a halt, a shrill whistle. EXT. CAMP – DAY UP ON the door of a weathered cattle car as a German soldier steps into frame wearing that familiar gray of the all-too familiar era. He throws the door to reveal a mass of huddled and frightened people inside. The words are not necessary. The language is not ours and the images say enough. Men, women and children are herded off the train like cattle toward a large open yard. There they huddle until the Germans begin to shout and shove through the mob. EXT. FENCE CORRIDOR - DAY We are looking up at rows and rows of fences topped with barbed wire all designed to create a separator for the thousands of Jew who pour through each day. Then we see the eyes themselves that look up at them. A LITTLE BOY. A boy who will not die this day. A boy who will live to see the end of the war and the world of the future. He stares at the metal wire with an unusual fascination. The boy looks up at HIS WORRIED PARENTS - a sturdy- looking couple who try to smile and comfort him. The corridor comes to a junction where it splits in several different directions. Soldiers here push the mob using rifles as pikes, screaming and terrorizing the lot of them. Suddenly it is clear what they are doing. They are dividing the mob into smaller groups. Soon, the groups themselves become evident. Men from women. Children from adults. The family tries to stay together, clinging to one another dearly, until finally, they are put upon by a number of gray uniforms and pulled apart. The boy is dragged screaming his feet no longer touching the ground. Two soldiers carry him as they follow the back of a large column of children being led through a gate of barbed wire so dense, it resembles wool. The gate closes and the boy looks back to see his parents - along with many others - being restrained by a number of soldiers. The screaming is deafening. And the boy's can be heard above it all. The soldiers seem to be having a hard time carrying such a frail child. The farther they get from the fence, the heavier he seems to get, until they are literally pulling him as though he were anchored to something. His outstretched fingers claw at the thin air and he screams until the blood in his face is blue. The soldiers are literally pulled back a step and they begin to slip in the mud. They look at one another and then over their shoulders as they hear a sound. A groaning, creaking sound. And then the unmistakable twang of wire stretched to snapping. ANGLE ON: The fence. The gate that separates the parents. It bows toward them like iron filings to a magnet, and several of the strands of barbed wire have given way. The boy continues to scream as all the other faces simply freeze and wonder. One of the soldiers pulls a wooden baton from his belt and brains the boy violently. He slumps and the soldiers carrying him spring forward as through a rope that was holding them back has been cut. They nearly fall, looking at one another with some concern, some confusion.... Then they follow the line of children that has gotten ahead of them. ANGLE ON: The boy's parents watch him as he -- as they, are taken away. The rest of their story is as you would expect. EXT. SKY - DAY


MEANINGS 义项 1. USE STH 使用某物 [T] if you use a particular tool, method, service, ability etc, you do something with that tool, by means of that method etc, for a particular purpose 用,使用;应用 ?Can I use your phone? 我可以用一下你的电话吗? ?I’ll show you which room you can use. 我来跟你说一下你可以用哪个房间。 ?I always use the same shampoo. 我一直用同一种洗发水。 ?Use your imagination when planning meals. 安排三餐时要动点脑筋。 ?She booked the flight using a false name. 她用化名预订了航班。 easy/difficult/simple etc to use ?Drop-down menus make the program very easy to use. 下拉式菜单使得这个程序使用起来非常简便。 use sth for (doing) sth ?They were using animals for scientific experiments. 他们用动物做科学实验。 ?Bob uses the van for picking up groceries. 鲍勃用小型货车运送食品杂货。 use sth as sth ?My paren ts use the house as a holiday home. 我父母把这房子用作度假屋。 use sth to do sth ?Most people now use their cars to go shopping. 现在大多数人开车去购物。 use force (=use violent methods)使用暴力 2.


《X战警逆转未来》观后感 X战警逆转未来观后感 《X战警逆转未来》上映的第二天,破天荒到电影院去享受了一次,除了3d特效带给人足够的震撼意外,从剧情到背后的主题都是不错的。 《X战警》是根据美国的系列漫画改编成的电影,已经有很多部了,可以说是部部精彩。虽然一直都在讲述人类和因基因变异而具有各种特异功能的变种人之间的故事,但由于每次故事讲述的背景都不同,所以并不让人感到无聊。而且通过之前几部电影的描述,整个故事在时间和空间上都在逐渐延展——随着一个个谜团的解开,人们了解到了越来越多的真相——故事的来龙去脉逐渐清晰,为人们呈现出了一首波澜壮阔的变种人成长史诗。 《X战警逆转未来》的影片一开始就是精彩的打斗场面。虽然有些没头没脑,但很快就被各式各样炫丽的特效完全吸引,以致于暂时忘记了去思考看到的内容和影片名称之间有什么关系,只是对新出现的变种人的敌人感到新奇并带有一丝疑问:这些数量众多、能力强大的机器人究竟是什么?之后同样陌生的变种人成功逃生,前几部影片中熟悉的主角悉数登场。通过“金刚狼”罗根、“X教授”查尔斯、“万磁王”艾瑞克等变种人的对话,观众很快明白了:因为20世纪70年代某些变种人刺杀美国总统失败,导致美国政府加紧研制“哨兵计

划”来对付变种人,所以在之后的许多年里,变种人的生存空间日益狭小,濒临灭绝。人类在刺杀现场抓到了变种人刺客“魔形女”瑞雯,提取她的dna,找出了对付变种人的办法,被称为“哨兵计划”。东躲西藏的变种人幸存者在无路可走的情况下想到了唯一的办法:回到过去,阻止当时的变种人刺杀总统,从而改变未来的命运。由于回到过去要穿梭时空隧道,所以逆转未来的重任只能由具有瞬间恢复伤害的“金刚狼”罗根来承担了。这一次,“金刚狼”依然是主角。 接下来的剧情就不难理解了:“金刚狼”回到了70年代的过去,找到当年的“X教授”查尔斯和“万磁王”艾瑞克,在阻止“魔形女”瑞雯刺杀总统失败后,“X教授”查尔斯与“万磁王”艾瑞克在对待人类的态度上再一次产生了分歧,而“魔形女”瑞雯也同样再一次处于左右摇摆的境地,剧情似乎走向了似曾相识的老路。最后,当每个人都按照自己的方式去处理问题的时候,事情反而阴差阳错地得到了圆满解决。逆转未来的任务实现了,在最后关头挽救了所有变种人走向灭绝的命运。 正像开头所说的那样,影片除了特效和略有新意的剧情之外,背后的开放式主题也为本片增色不少。 逆转未来,决不放弃 “哨兵用不了多久就会找到这里来”“你可能会迷失在时空隧道里,除非你能保持平静,否则就永远回不来了”“你需要找到当年的

Move 的用法

动词用法 5. move heaven and earth to do something 费了一番功夫 英解:to make a huge effort to do something A: The paper reports that it takes at least NT$5 million to raise a kid to the age of 20. 报上说把一个小孩养到二十岁起码要花五百万元。 >双语周报整理frommoved heaven and earth

to bring me up. Move 的用法难怪我父亲老是说他费了一番心血才把我养大。基本用法6. move in on 获得,进攻 1. move 搬,移动英解:to take; to invade to (cause to) pass from one position to another 英解:A: More and more foreign businesses are ready to move in A: We need more space for the fridge. on local markets. 我们需要更多的空间来放冰箱。越来越多的外资企业准备要进入本地市场。 B: Right. Let's move this chair to the living room. B: Consumers will take the advantage of any price 没错,那我们把这张椅子搬到客厅吧。competition. 消费者将可以从价格战中获利。 2. move 搬迁to (cause to) change the place where one lives or 英解:Questions: does business 1. I didn't know you had _____, I'm glad you called me! 2. Jeff looks beat from being _____ so much. 3. Help your brother _____ the couch back where it A: I'm moving to Taichung because teahouses are more belongs. popular there. 4. Look at that jerk trying to _____ your girlfriend! 我要搬到台中去,因为红茶店在那里比较受欢迎。5. My counselor _____ to get me into such a good school. 6. I was very _____ by that sad movie. B: Good luck then. I hope you make a fortune. 那么祝你好运啰,我希望你能赚大钱。Answers: 1. moved (2) 3. move 感动2. on the move (4) to affect with tender emotion or feeling 英解:3. move (1) 4. move in on (6) A: Did he send you any flowers or chocolates? 5. moved heaven and earth (5) 6. moved (3) 他有送妳花或是巧克力吗? B: No. But he wrote a lot of moving letters. 没有,不过他写了很多动人的情书。Carry 的用法延伸用法基本用法 4. on the move 忙碌的,活泼的,到处旅行busy; active; going from place to place 英解:1. carry 运送,搬运 英解:to move while holding or supporting; transport A: Where is Brad? I haven't seen him for quite awhile. 布莱德到哪去了?我好一阵子没见到他了。A: Can you carry these home? 你可以把这些东西搬回家吗?B: Is he in Nepal? I'm not sure. He's on the move all the time. B: Sure, but you have to wait till I finish my work. 他在尼泊尔吗?我不确定。他总是一下子东奔


代词的专项训练 1. is my teacher. I like very much. ( she ) 2. ( he ) lives in Shanghai. He likes . (it) 3. Please listen to (I) 4. Do you like ? (she) 5. He looks after (they) at home. 6. Please tell (we) the answer. 7. I teach (he) English every day. 8. (she) is twelve years old. 9. (me) am a student. 10. (we) are good friends. 11. What is (he) phone number? 12. How do spell name?(you) 13. is a nice girl. name is Jenny.(she) 14. That is ID card. (I ) 15. school is very beautiful.(we) 16. There are tennis rackets. (me) 17. English teacher is from America.(we) 18. What is (she) name? 19. Where are bags?(they) 20. (it) name is Kitty. 21. (I) watch is old, but (she) is new.

22. Can I borrow (you) pen? is broken. (I ) 23. Please send best wishes to Mary. ( I ) 24. This is (I) book. is on the desk. ( he ) 25. We love (we) country, and they love ( they ), too. 26. Jim, is that car (your)? 27. This isn’t our room. (we) is over there. 28. This book is (her) and that one is .(my) 29. You can’t find the dictionary. You may have (my) 30. These beautiful flowers are . (our) 31. He sits between Tom and ( I ). 32. Let (she) sit next to me. 33. (she) birthday is October 10th. 34. (I) camera is not so expensive as (he), but it works well, too. 35. His country is very small, but (we) is a large one with a long history. 36. George reads the newspaper every morning. That’s (he) habit. 37. Miss Li is my English teacher. (she) last name is Li. 38. He shows (he) photos to .(I ) 39. Come and join .(us) 40. Look at the photo. The girl beside (I ) is Nancy.

used to的用法小结

used to的用法小结 1.used to do sth.表示“过去常常做某事”,将过去和现在对比,暗示现在不做了。to为动词不定式符号,后接动词原形。如: He used to go to school at six o'clock.他过去常常六点去上学。 2.used to do sth.的否定形式 主语+usedn't to do sth.或主语+didn't use to do sth.如: He used to play computer games all day.他过去常常整天玩电脑游戏。 →He usedn't to play computer games all day. =He didn't use to play computer games all day.他过去不常整天地玩电脑游戏。 【注意】usedn't=used not 3.used to do的疑问句形式及其答语 (1)Used+主语+to do…? 回答:Yes,,ed to./No,,edn't to.如: Tom used to watch TV.→Used Tom to watch TV? Yes,he used to./No,he usedn't to. (2)Did+主语+use to do…? 回答:Yes,sb.did./No,sb.didn't.如: I used to do homework after school.→Did you use to do homework after school? Yes,I did./No,I didn't. 4.used to do的反意疑问句形式也有两种,类似于否定句形式。如: —They used to see English movies on Sundays,usedn't they?/didn't they? —Yes,they used to./No,they usedn't to.或Yes,they did./No,they didn't. 5.used to也可用于there be结构,表示“过去常有”。如: There used to be a meeting every Monday morning last month.上个月每个星期一上午总要开会。 6.get/be used to (doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事;use do sth.用……做某事;be used to do sth.被用来做某事;be used for (doing) sth.被用来做某事;be used by 被……所用。 语法精练 Ⅰ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.My little brother used (play) ping-pong. 2.I'm used to (get) up early. 3.Wood is used (make)desks,chairs,tables and so on. (use) to be short?


·据罗伯特·唐尼说,自己的剧本是围绕动作场景展开的,因此吴宇森希望能够执导本片 剧照1 ·剧本中奈雅的角色是为桑迪·牛顿所写。 ·片头克鲁斯攀岩时响起的歌曲是《Iko Iko》,1988年《雨人》的片头中也曾出现过这首歌。 ·为了防止放映胶片在运往影院途中失窃,本片被取了“Doll House”的假名。 ·伊森告诉奈雅活下去,然后迅速跳进大楼墙上的通道,这段情节出自1992年的《最后的摩根战士》,片中丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯让玛德琳·斯托(Madeleine Stowe)活下去,之后纵身穿过瀑布跳下悬崖。 ·在本片中扮演肖恩的多格雷·斯科特原定将出演2000年的《X战警》,但因本片拍摄超时而放弃。·在《碟中谍》上映后,奥利弗·斯通曾表示希望执导续集,但汤姆·克鲁斯的《大开眼戒》一再延误时间,以至与奥利弗 ·斯通的拍摄计划发生冲突,于是本片终究与奥利弗·斯通无缘。 剧照2 ·在拍摄尖刀几乎刺入眼中的惊险镜头时,在吴宇森的建议下,演员使用了真正的刀具,而且距离眼睛只有四分之一英寸。刀具与绳索相连,并经过精准的测量,克鲁斯还坚持要求多格雷·斯科特在搏斗时用出全力。 ·安东尼·霍普金斯扮演的指挥官是在所有《碟中谍》系列影片及剧集中第一次说出“mission:impossible”的人。 ·伊安·麦克莱恩曾是扮演指挥官斯万贝克的人选,但由于与其舞台剧的演出时间相冲突而放弃。 ·汤姆·克鲁斯当时的妻子妮可·基德曼建议由桑迪·牛顿扮演伊森的爱人,在剧本动笔前桑迪·牛顿的角色就已经敲定了。·伊森与奈雅初次相遇的场景出自于1961年《西区故事》中的一段相似镜头。 ·本片最初的摄影师是安德鲁·莱斯尼(Andrew Lesnie),但影片开拍不到1个月他就决定退出,因为与吴宇森的影像风格存在分歧。 ·片头的攀岩画面在犹他州的Dead Horse Point拍摄,汤姆·克鲁斯当时使用了安全索,在后期制作中安全索被数字技术修掉,拍摄时起用了两名特技替身,吴宇森经常被惊险动作吓得目瞪口呆,而克鲁斯则在一味坚持。 ·片中充斥着很多吴宇森的标志性画面,如双枪、慢动作、鸽子和彩虹等。


形容词修饰不定式代词的用法 something interesting意为“一些有趣的东西”,形容词修饰不定代词或不定副词时,须位于不定代词或不定副词之后,作后置定语。 Last night,I saw someone strange lying on the ground near my home. 昨晚在我家附近,我看见一个陌生人躺在地上。 Many people like to go somewhere interesting to have a vacation. 许多人喜欢去有趣的地方度假。 1,My host family tried to cook_______for me when I studied In New Zeanland. A ,different something B,different anything C,something different D,anything different 2,You have just read the newspaper. Did you find_____in it? A ,interesting anything B,anything interesting C,interesting something 3,Old Henry is so lonely that he hopes to know about________every day. A ,special something B,special anything C,something special D,anything special 4,There is_______with my computer. Can you help me mend it? A ,nothing wrong B,anything wrong C,something wrong D,wrong something 5,格林夫妇计划去某个轻松的地方度假。 The Greens are planning to go_______ _____for vocations.

不定代词everything 、 anything等练习题,含答案

不定代词--练习题: 1. I agree with most of what you said,but I don’t agree with ______. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 2. “What do you think of them?”“I don’t know _____ is better,so I’ve taken _____ of them.” A. what,both B. what,none C. which,both C. which,none 3. “Would you like a cup of coffee or a glass of beer?”“____ will do,but milk is _____ popular with me.” A. Neither,not B. Both,more C. Either,the most D. All,the most 4. I read about it in some book or other,does it matter _____ it was? A. where B. what C. how D. which 5“Who told you?”“Oh,somebody or other,I’ve forgotten _____.” A. what B. when C. which D. who

6.Some of the students were late for the meeting,but I can’t remember _____. A. what B. when C. which D. whom 7. These trousers are dirty and wet —I’ll change into my _____. A. another B. trousers C. others D. other 8. Her lecture was hard to follow because she kept jumping from one subject to _____. A. other B. the other C. the others D. another 9. There are four bedrooms,______ with its own bathroom. A. all B. each C. every D. either 10. “It’s said that he is a wise leader.”“Oh,no,he is _____ but a wise leader.” A. anything B. anyone C. anybody D. anywhere 11.I didn’t make clear when and where the sports meet would be held. A.this B that C it D one 13.一Which one can I take? 一You can take _____of them; I’ll keep none. A.both B.any C.either D.all

to doing sth用法归纳

to doing sth用法归纳 所属:沪江英语来源:高考英语网阅读:9050 评论:0 划词:已禁用 用法归纳由于to既可用作介词,也可用作不定式符号,所以许多学生在其后接动词时,弄不清到底该用动词原形,还是用动名词。本文根据新课标词汇(比考试大纲词汇范围稍广)对这类结构作了一次系统归纳,总结出介词to后接动名词的常考结构27个,并根据其结构特点,分为以下四类: 一、动词+介词to+动名词 1. admit to doing sth 承认做了某事 2. apply to doing sth 适用于做某事3. object to doing sth 反对做某事4. see to doing sth 负责做某事5. stick to doing sth 坚持做某事6. take to doing sth 喜欢上做某事,逐渐习惯做某事应用实例:He admitted having stolen the money. 他承认偷了钱。These methods apply to learning English. 这些方法适用于英语学习。He objected to being treated like a child. 他反对被当作小孩子看待。Reporters should stick to investigating the facts. 记者应坚持调查事实。Soon he took to sleeping late. 不久他就养成了睡懒觉的习惯。 二、动词+宾语+介词to+动名词7. apply oneself to doing sth专心致力于做某事 8.devote sth to doing sth把……献给做某事9. devote oneself to doing sth 献身于做某事10. limit sth to doing sth 把…限制在做某事的范围内11. reduce sb to doing sth 使某人沦为做某事12. give one’s life to doing sth 献身于做某事13. give one’s mind to doing sth 专心做某事14. have a dislike to doing sth 厌恶做某事15. have an eye to doing sth 注意做某事16. have an objection to doing sth 反对(反感)做某事17. pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事18. set one’s mind to doing sth 决心做某事 应用实例:She applied herself to learning English. 她专心学习英语。Hunger reduced them to stealing. 饥饿使他们沦落为盗贼。She devoted herself to helping the poor. 她致力于帮助穷人。I have a strong dislike to playing cards for money. 我极讨厌打牌赌博。He has a strong objection to getting up so early.他很反感这么早就起床。 你应该更注意团结那些自己意见不同的人一道工作。 三、be+形容词(含过去分词)+介词to+动名词19. be equal to doing sth 等于做某事,能胜任做某事20. be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事21. be opposed to doing sth


在肯定句中anything与everything的区别 : A) Anything (任何事情) 定义 : Any thing whatever; something, no matter what. 无论任何事情; 事, 无论什么. 例: Anything will be fine for me. (肯定句) 对我来说, 任何事都可以的. B) Everything (所有的事情) 定义 : All things or all of a group of things; all. 所有的事情或一堆事物裡的全部;所有. 例: Everything is on the right track.(肯定句) 一切事情都上轨道. ***Anything 是 Everything 里的任何一事. ** 此外** A) Anything 1)可当否定 / 条件句用 : He will be in big trouble if anything goes wrong. 如果出了岔子, 他將会有大麻烦. 2)可当疑问句用 : Do you have anything for a toothache? (当代名词用) 你有什么東西可止牙痛的吗? 3)可当副词用 : 定义 : In any degree; to any extent; in any way; at all. 在任何等级; 在任何程度上;以任何方式; 在所有. 例: Does it taste anything like chocolate? 嚐起來像任何巧克力口味吗? B) Everything 1)可当代名词用 : 定义 : Something extremely important. 一些非常重要的. 例: This news means everything to us. 这个消息对我们意味着一切. 2)可当名词用 : 定义 : Something that is extremely or most important. 一些极其或最重要的. 例: Money is his everything. 钱是他的一切.

语法讲解(used to的用法)同步练习

语法讲解(used to的用法)同步练习 (答题时间:15分钟) Ⅰ. 单项选择 1. I ________ frustrated when I wasn’t sure of the correct answer. A. may be B. used to C. used to be D. use to be 2. When I was a child, I used to _________ chocolate. A. liking B. like C. liked D. likes 3. ___________ work in Microsoft? A. Did you used to B. Did you use to C. Do you used to D. Do you use to 4. Where ___________ live before you came here? A. did you used to B. did you use to C. use he to D. he used to 5. My father is used to _______at weekends. A. fish B. fishing C. fishes D. fished Ⅱ. 句型转换 1. Ann used to concentrate more on clothes than studies. (改为否定句) Ann ________ ________ to concentrate more on clothes than studies. 2. I used to have noodles for dinner. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定或否定回答) —________ you _______ ________have noodles for dinner? —Yes, I _________. — No, I _________. 3. The boy liked ice cream in the past. He doesn’t eat it now. (改为同义句) The boy ______ ______ ______ice cream. 4. Her sister used to be very short. (对划线部分提问) _________ _______her sister ______ _____ ________ ________? 5. He used to work late at night. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ he _____ _____ ______ at night?
