

关于宠物的英语作文精选 有不少人都喜欢养宠物,下面小编为大家带来了 3 篇关于宠物的英语作文 ,欢迎大家阅读,希望能够帮助到大家。 篇一:我的宠物 My Pet I have a lovely pet. It's a small cat. It's name is Candy, because it looks like a candy. It has white and black colors. It's smaller than general cats. When I first saw it in the market, I liked it. Therefore, I begged my mother bought it to me and I succeeded. It has come to my home for three months. It is attracted. Everyone come to my home likes to play with it. It hides under the sofa or bed often. When I call it, it would react to me. Sometimes, it would walk to me quietly. I like my cat very much. 我有一只可爱的宠物,是一只小猫咪。它的名字叫 Candy,因为它长得像糖 果。 它比普通的猫要小, 毛色是黑白的。 当我在集市上看到它时, 就喜欢上它了, 所以央求妈妈给我买下,我成功了。它来我家三个月了,它很受欢迎,每个人都 喜欢来我家跟它玩。 它经常躲在沙发底和床底下, 当我叫它时, 它就出来回应我, 它走起路来有时很轻盈。我好喜欢我的小猫。 篇二:关于养宠物 My View on Keeping Pets Nowadays, many families have a dog or a cat as a pet. Some people think that pets are good and helpful companies. Some of them even go so far as saying that animals are as good as humans, and their rights should be respected .Senior citizens are especially fond of keeping pet because they are always feeling lonely at home and they see the cats or dogs as their partner. 现如今,很多家庭都养有宠物狗或宠物猫。有的人认为宠物是很好的伙伴, 甚至有人说动物和人类一样,也需要被尊重。老人特别喜欢养宠物,因为他们待 在家里,比较容易感觉到寂寞,他们把宠物当做自己的伙伴。 But some other people do not like pets. They say that animals are noisy, dirty and dangerous. They think laws should be made to forbid people from keeping pets in cities and towns. 但有的人却不喜欢宠物,他们认为动物吵闹、肮脏并且危险,提议制定相关 禁止在城镇养宠物的法律。 In my opinion, pets are loyal friends that will never betray us.

Staying with pets, we shall enjoy happiness and feel relaxed. Most important of all, keeping pets helps people to reduce loneliness and forget their unpleasant things for the time being. 我认为宠物是我们的朋友,不会背叛我们。和宠物待在一起,我们能感受到 快乐和放松。最重要的是,养宠物能减少寂寞,也能暂时忘记不愉快的事情。 篇三:我如何看待养宠物 My View on Keeping A Pet There is no denying the fact that keeping pets is a hotly debated topic today. Some people claim that keeping pets is a good thing to do. They believe that pets, like cats and dogs, can help relieve the loneliness suffered by senior citizens and other social members who are confined to their homes for this reason or that. They also argue that keeping pets helps mankind understand animals' world and develop positive feelings toward them. 有一个不可否认的事实, 即养宠物是当今一个被热烈讨论的话题。 有的人认 为养宠物是一件好事。他们认为宠物,比如猫和狗,有助于缓解年长者和那些由 于这样那样的家庭原因限制的社会成员的孤独感。 他们还认为, 养宠物有助于人 类了解动物世界,培养对它们的积极态度。 Others, however, hold the opposite view. They regard keeping pets as a useless but harmful thing to do. Firstly, pets can transmit diseases. Secondly, the noises and dung of pets are sources of pollution. Last but not least, as many rare birds and animals are kept as pets, they will surely be hunted on a large scale, which means a threat to the balance of the ecosystem. 然而,其他人持相反观点。他把养宠物当做是无用而且有害的事。首先,宠 物可以传播疾病。其次,噪音和宠物粪便是污染的来源。最后,许多珍禽异兽作 为宠物饲养,他们一定会被大规模猎杀,这意味着威胁到生态系统的平衡。 Weighing the arguments of both sides, I am inclined to agree with the latter. Anyway, we can lessen our loneliness and express our love toward animals in other ways. And it is my beliefs that only by placing man and other species on an equal basis can us expect to have a lively and colorful world. 权衡双方的论据,我更倾向于同意后者。不管怎么样,我们可以通过其他方 式来减少我们的孤独和向动物表达我们的爱心。 我相信, 只有在人类和其他物种 平等的基础上,我们才能期待有一个生动多彩的世界。






现在越来越多的人喜欢养宠物了,你们有养宠物吗?下面是XX为大家精心整理的关于我的宠物小学英语作文,希望能够帮助到你们。 I have a pet dog,her name is Du Du。She is very cute but quite naughty。My father,my mother and me,we all like her very much,and seldom scold her though she sometimes makes a mess at home。However,my mother got really angry with Du Du a few days ago。My mother loves flowers and always brings some home。 我家有只宠物狗,名叫嘟嘟,嘟嘟是个小姑娘,又可爱又淘气,我们全家人都喜欢她,尽管有时她会把家里弄得一团糟,我们也很少责怪她,因为大多数时候,她都是个乖宝宝。可是前两天,她把妈妈惹恼了。妈妈很喜欢花,经常会买些花回来美化我们的家。 I have a lovely dog. Its name is YoYo. I like it very much. It has two big ears, two big and bright eyes. Its hair is brown. It has come to my home for a year. It has become a part of my family. It has its own house, but it likes to sleep under my bed, play in my house. I like talking to it, because it’s a friend worth of trusting. I would like to share my happy things with it. When I am sad, talking to it makes me feel good. I am happy to have such a lovely friend. 我有一只可爱的小狗,它的名字叫悠悠,我很喜欢它。它有两只大耳朵,两只明亮的大眼睛。它的毛是棕色的。它来我家已经有一年了。它成为了我家的一部分。它有自己的房子,但是它喜欢睡在我的床底下,在我的房间玩。我很喜欢和它聊天,因为我觉得它是一个值得信赖的朋友。我喜欢和它分享开心的事。当我难过的时候,和它聊天使我感觉舒服。我很高兴有这样一个可爱的朋友。 I have a new is a is Ming is one year is very has short has big eyes and long ‘s very has a short likes eating likes It likes playing with a like my pet very much. 我有一个新的宠物。它是条狗,叫明明。它一岁大,很可爱。它有一双短腿,大大的眼睛和长长的耳朵。它很小,有一条短短的尾巴。它很喜欢吃骨头,很爱跑。有时,它喜欢玩球。我非常喜欢我的宠物。 When I was a child, I really want a pet, like ducks, rabbits, cats, dogs, even a pig! 当我还是个孩子的时候,我真的很想要只宠物,例如鸭子、兔子、猫咪、小狗、甚至是小猪! Finally, my parents bought me a puppy as my birthday gift. I really love it, it was really lovely. When I was tired, it always made me happy. I take it for a walk every evening. I was very happy when we get together. 后来,我爸妈买了只小狗给我做生日礼物。我真得很喜欢它。它真得很可爱。当我很累时,它总会让我开心。每天晚上我都会带它出去走走。我们在一起的时候很开心。 In a word, pets can bring us a lot of fun, they are important to us. 总之,宠物们可以带给我们欢乐,它们对我们很重要。 我的宠物小学英语作文

关于养宠物 On Keeping Pets_英语作文

关于养宠物On Keeping Pets Thephenomenon of keeping pets is nothing strange nowadays. And when it comes tothe topic if it’s good for people to keep pets, people have different kinds ofopinions. 现在,养宠物已经是一种很常见的现象了。但是谈到养宠物到底好不好的问题时,人们又有不同的观点。 Somepeople assume that it’s good to keep pets in the house, especially for theolds. The pets can keep them company as well as make them feel safe. As forkids, keeping pets around them makes them more caring and more compassionate whichis quite a good way for young parents to educate their children. Moreover, petscan also look after the house and when there’s no one at home. 有的人认为在家养宠物是好的,特别是老人来说。宠物能陪伴他们,也能给他们带来安全感。对于小孩来说,养宠物能使他们更有同情心,这是父母教育孩子的一种很好的方式。再者,当家里没人时,宠物也能看家护院。 However,others argue that keeping pets is not good. In, their opinion, keeping pets isnot healthy since pets may have some viruses with them which you don’t evenknow. What’s more, pets’

我的爱好My Hobby 英语作文翻译

我的爱好My Hobby 英语作文翻译 Everyone has some hobbies.Different people has different hobby.Hobbies can make you grow as a person,develop you interests and keep you healthy,such as reading,collecting stamps,playing basketball,mountain biking,growing vegetables and so on. My hobby is reading.I often read books before go to bed, because I hardly go to bed without reading.I think reading helpsme learn much knowledge and know a new the world.I'm also interested in playing basketball.I play basketball so well that I join school team.I often play basketball after school with my friends.Although it's tired to play basketball, I enjoy myself. It also brings me success and keep me healthy. But we shouldn't spend all our time on our favourite hobbies, because there are many other interesting things to do in life,and we should try to do something new or different. 每个人都有爱好。不同的人有不同的爱好。爱好能够让你成长为 一个人,发展你的兴趣和你保持健康,如读书,集邮,打篮球,骑山 地自行车,种植蔬菜等。我的爱好是阅读。我睡觉前我经常会阅读, 因为不看书我几乎睡不着。我认为阅读协助我学到很多知识,了解新 的世界。我对打篮球也感兴趣。我篮球打得很好,所以我加入了校队。放学后我经常和朋友打篮球。即使打篮球很累,但是我很享受。它也 给我带来了成功,使我保持健康。但是我们不应该把所有的时间都花 在我们的爱好上,因为生活中还有很多其他事情要做,而且我们应该 尝试一些新的或者不同的事物。


我的宠物英语作文80字 我的宠物英语作文80字怎么写?相信很多人都想知道吧?以下是XX为您整理的我的宠物英语作文80字相关资料,欢迎阅读! 我的宠物英语作文80字1 When I was a child, I raised a pet, named Lucky. Actually he is a cat. His fur is soft with yellow and white color. Lucky is a good boy. He always behaves well. I remember when my uncle took him back to my home at first, I was afraid of him. But soon I found him is very interesting. I started to play with him. As time goes, we like each other very much. And then my uncle gave him to me. I was so happy. Now he always lies beside me quietly, when I’m doing my homework. As winter comes, he will sleep with me. sometimes he will dance for me, which is very funny and sometimes his hands are wet would leave ma ny “plum flower” on the ground. He is so lovely. 在我还是个孩子的时候,就养了一只叫做幸运的宠物。其实他是一只猫。他的毛很柔软,是黄色和白色。幸运的是一个好男孩。他总是很听话。我记得当我叔叔带他来到我家的时候,我很怕他。但不久后,我发现他很有趣。我开始和他玩。随着时间


以饲养宠物为题的英语作文 Some people think that keeping pets is a good thing. They say that it is an hobby which should had. They also claim that pets make lives more colorful and entertaining for both women and men. 有些人认为养宠物是一件美好的事情。他们说,(养宠物)是一个应该有的爱好。他们也声称养宠物可以使生活更加多彩,并给男性和女性带来更多娱乐。 On the other hand, there are many people who say that pets should be banned. They point out that pets are responsible for disease which hurt property, and for injuries suffered both by the people who kept them and by innocent other people. They also say that pets are a waste of money and resources. 另一方面,也有很多人说应该禁止养宠物。他们指出宠物是造成伤害(身体)性能疾病的原因,并且会使养宠物的人和其他无辜的人受伤。他们也说,养宠物是一个浪费钱和资源(的事)。 My own point of view is that we should had the hobby of keeping pets. While at the same time making them harmless. In addition, we should restrict the keeping the pets to some area. 我的观点是我们应该有养宠物的爱好。但同时要尽量使它们成为无害的。另外,我们应该在某些区域内禁止养宠物。 ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


关于爱好的小学生英语作文(三篇) Different people have different hobbies. My hobby is listening to English music.Because I think listening to music is a good way to relax.I often listen to country music in my free time ,it not only makes me feel relax but also happy.I also listen to music after studying,it can make me energetic.And I think it can make me remember a lot of English words ,it can help me improve my English,So listening to English music became my hobby. Hobby is real important for everyone,it makes our life colorful. 【篇二】 Everyone has his own hobby , it may give him a lot of happiness. My hobby is listening to music . when I was a child I enjoy listening to music especially the cartoon music ,though I'm not good at it, I often lose myself in it. When I am in trouble , music can make me calm down. When I am very tired , it can make me comfortable . When I am angry with something , it aslo can make me happy again. Listening to music keeps me in a good mood and it's good for my health. Do you like listening to music? If not, I hope you can have a try,you will find it so good. 【篇三】 different hobbies . I have a lot of hobbies like reading books.


小学生关于朋友的英语作文60词 As a human being, one can hardly do without a friend, for life without friends will be a lonely voyage in the vast dark sea or one in the barren desert. Traly, a friend gives out light and warmth like a lamp. For this reason, I have always felt it a blessing if a friend comes to console me in my sadness, cheer me up in my low spirits, or heartedly share with me my happiness. It is wonderful, too, to feel that someone is standing by me and ready to provide help and encouragement in my pursuit of a noble and glorious cause. For millions of years, people have heaped beautiful verses and essays upon friendship. Yet, they, too, have mercilessly accused false friendship, for there are always some mean characters who approach you and act as dear friends when you are wealthy or influential, but desert or even betray you the instant you come down in the world or are entrapped by unfortunate things. Therefore, people all attach great importance to the recognition of true friendship. And a faithful friend is considered even more precious than a priceless pearl


养宠物的英语作文 养宠物的英语作文该怎么写呢?应该选用哪些词汇呢?欢迎欣赏相关范文! Many people like to keep a kind of animal as a pet ,such as dogs,cats,birds,and so on .They put so great enthusiasm on them that some pets are treated like their family members. A good relationship between people and pets can be very comfortable.They are loyal audiences of you ,while you have something can’t tell any one else.They occuppy the loneliness ,cure your pains,make anxious hearts return to peace and innocence ,some pets even can help to cure some mental disease.that’s the advantages of keeping an pet. However ,pets are often expensive,to feed them would even cost more .Too much money spend on pets are more or less a little improper while there are so many starving people in this nation. Some dangerous pets are a menace to their owners ,even a dog attack people sometimes,things could be worse if they carrying some fatal virus.That’s the disadvantages of keeping a pet. As for me, I think pets are very useful. Firstly, it is good for culturing people’s love an d sense of


英语作文:饲养宠物 Nowadays, with the improvement of the peoples living standard, some people form a habit of raising small or domestic animals as pets. Some raise small dogs or cats as their pets while others raise various birds or fishes as their pets. However, some people object to the idea of raising animals as pets. To them, animals have their own right to live a natural life like human beings. On the other hand, the way people raise animals as pets have a negative influence on the surroundings ,for example, dogs chasing people on the street and so on. Whats more, some animals will transmit some diseases. In my opinion, I do not like the idea to raise animals at pets. We should not deprive them of their natural right. In this way, we will live in a peaceful world in harmony with the other living creatures. 1


关于我的兴趣爱好英语作文 I have many hobbies, such as playing computer games, reading comics, going shopping. I also like playing pingpong very much. I have a friend. His name is JooZone. He is crazy about playing pingpong, too. If we have free time, we often play pingpong together. 2021 summer holiday, he took me to a sports centre. Then we played pingpong together, but he always lost. He was very angry. He said to me, “I will beat you in a month.”“OK. We will have a match at that time.” After a month, when I talked to him about it, he answered, “I forgot the thing! I don't want to have a match with you.” I was very surprised and angry and said, “Oh, you're a forgetful boy!” 我有许多爱好,比如玩网游,看漫画,购物。我也非常喜欢打乒乓球。我有一个朋友,他叫作文地带,他也是一个乒乓球迷。我们一有时间就一起结伴去打乒乓球。2021年的暑假Joozone Note:今年暑假,他带我去了个运动中心。我们一起打起了乒乓球,但是他老输球。于是他很不高兴。他对我说:“我将在一个月后挑战你”。我说:“好。我们到时一比高下。”,一个月后的今天,当我问及此事时,他却说“我已经把这事给忘掉了,我可不想 再跟你比了。”我很惊讶也很不高兴的说:“你这个人太健忘了!”。 My hobby is swimming. I like swimming because of the three main reasons. Firstly, I can do more exercise. After the exercise, I will become stronger. Secondly, swimming can reduce my pressure. I always feel less stressful after swimming. Finally, swimming can help me to make more friends. Once, when I standed on a side of swimming pool a lady asked me to teach her how to swim faster. I taught her some basic knowledge of swimming and made friend with her. After that, she and I had dinner together. The above three reasons are the major points why I love swimming. In conclusion, I like swimming very much. I'mkeen on swimming, because I find it’s so cool and relaxing. In summer days, it'salways very hot. We can’t do any sports but swim. While swimming, I canentertain myself. I began to learn swimming when I was eight years old. I was aquick learner. After three weeks learning, I could swim very well. So I oftenwent swimming with my friends in my free time. But now I'm tired of swimmingpools. I dream of swimming in the sea.


From Monday until Friday most people are busyworking or studying,but in the evenings and off weekends they are free to relax and enjoy themselves.Some watch television or go to the movies;others participate in sports.It depends on individual interests.There are many different ways to spend our spare time. Different people have different hobbies.For example,someone likes reading,someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so on. I used to read books and draw pictures because by reading books I could learn many funny things.But now I don't like it.I can only learn from books.I couldn't get knowledge from others.I need a change.Traveling is my favorite hobby now.But I can't go traveling a lot.I can visit many different places of interest by traveling.I can learn a lot about people,places and history.It's very interesting.What is your hobby?Let's share each other!I have many good friends.They all have their hobbies.Ann studies very hard.So her hobby is book reading.T ony loves labour,and his hobby is gardening.He usually plants flowers and trees in his yard.Judy is a quiet girl.She likes knitting.She always knits some sweaters for her dolls.We have different hobbies,but we are good friends. I love traveling.I have great fun in traveling. I want to go to a beautiful island, hainan. Go there to drink jackfruit juice, appreciate the beauty of the sea breeze there. If I went to hainan, to be able to play

七年级英语作文推荐:Keeping Pets 饲养宠物

七年级英语作文推荐:Keeping Pets 饲养宠物 Some people think that keeping pets is a good thing. They say that it is an hobby which should had. They also claim that pets make lives more colorful and entertaining for both women and men. 有些人认为养宠物是一件美好的事情。他们说,(养宠物)是一个应该拥有的爱好。他们也声称养宠物可以使生活更加多彩,并给男人和女人带来更多趣味。 On the other hand, there are many people who say that pets should be banned. They point out that pets are responsible for disease which hurt property, and for injuries suffered both by the people who kept them and by innocent other people. They also say that pets are a waste of money and resources. 另一方面,也有很多人说应该禁止养宠物。他们指出宠物是造成伤害(身体)性能的疾病的原因,并且会使养宠物的人和其他无辜的人受伤。他们也说,养宠物是一个浪费钱和资源(的事)。 My own point of view is that we should had the hobby of keeping pets. While at the same time making them harmless. In addition, we should restrict the keeping the pets to some area. 我的观点是我们应该有养宠物的爱好。尽管(我们)同时要使它们少受伤害。另外,我们应该禁止在某些区域内养宠物。 [七年级英语作文推荐:Keeping Pets 饲养宠物]相关文章: ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

英语作文 关于养宠物

Keeping pets What are pets? Just the domesticated animals we keep in our home and take care of? Or perhaps more than this? For many of us, pets are unique and individual characters, almost people in the sense of how we relate to them. We speak to them and give them the physical affection (kissing, hugging, stroking and carrying) normally reserved for our children. In this way they could even be treated as members of our families. For me, I would like to keep pets, because they act as members of my families, bringing companionship, a sense of security and life lessons of responsibilities to people, especially children. But some of my friends hate pets, they think keeping pets brings a lot of disadvantages. The biggest annoying thing to them is that caring pets needs time. However, I hold the very opposite opinion. More people feel alone in the busy and hectic routine of the present day world. Hence, people need companionship to avoid stress and mental anguish. It can be found that more and more people suicide because they become depressed and doubt whether they have worth. This thought will make the situation deteriorate. If they keep pets, they will be accompanied at home and can talk and play with them. These pets are good silent listeners and best secret keepers, which help people to overcome the loneliness. Furthermore, some special dogs can help disable people, especially the blind. For example, they help blind people to cross the road to protect their safety. Secondly, money is also an obstacle. But at the same time, most people keep dogs for their home security. When an intruder or a stranger walks around your house, dogs will bark loudly, making a noise to warn you and frighten the stranger. Therefore, you do not need to worry that burglars may break into the house. Instead, your dogs will help to protect your money and safety. In addition, t he pets especially dogs are naughty and it should be instructed. So keeping pets can teach children to be responsible and respect life. It can encourage a child to feel accountability and help to develop a conscience and sense of responsibility, because the child feel that feeding and taking care of a pet is his responsibility to avoid the pet from danger. Moreover, children learn that pets deserve respectful treatment, just as they do. They find that pets are like humans, which also have needs and feelings, and can get hungry, thirsty and tired. They deserve caring as humans. In conclusion, I must say pets will make your life as fun as you can imagine.


六年级英语作文:我的爱好 每个人都有不一样的爱好,下面就来介绍一下你的爱好是什么吧。 I am Bob. I am 11 years old. I live in a tall building. It has twenty-nine floors. I live on the twenty-first floor. I am from China. I have small eyes. My favourite food is chicken. My favourite animal is dog,because it is lovely. My best friend is Ted. We often play together. But his house is very far from my house. He likes playing computer games. My hobby is playing football. I often play football with my classmates, because they like playing football, too. We often win. Why do I like football? Because it does a lot of good for my body. Do you like football? My hobby is lisetening to music. I like listening to music listening to music makes me I am tired,I will listening some quiet music,that makes me fall asleep very favorite music is the music that has good lyrics can also make me learn Chinese or English well


高中英语作文100字:饲养宠物 饲养宠物Keeping pets Some people think that keeping pets is a good thing. They say that it is an hobby which should had. They also claim that pets make lives more colorful and entertaining for both women and men. 有些人认为养宠物是一件美好的事情。他们说,(养宠物)是一个应该有的爱好。他们也声称养宠物能够使生活更加多彩,并给男性和女性带来更多娱乐。 On the other hand, there are many people who say that pets should be banned. They point out that pets are responsible for disease which hurt property, and for injuries suffered both by the people who kept them and by innocent other people. They also say that pets are a waste of money and resources. 另一方面,也有很多人说应该禁止养宠物。他们指出宠物是造成伤害(身体)性能疾病的原因,并且会使养宠物的人和其他无辜的人受伤。他们也说,养宠物是一个浪费钱和资源(的事)。 My own point of view is that we should had the hobby of keeping pets. While at the same time making them harmless. In addition, we should restrict the keeping the pets to some area. 我的观点是我们应该有养宠物的爱好。但同时要尽量使它们成为无害的。另外,我们应该在某些区域内禁止养宠物。
