


答案:66. F 67. E 68. D 69. A 70. B



答案:66. B 67. F 68. A 69. D 70. E



答案:66. D 67. F 68. A 69. E 70. G





答案:66. F 67. E 68. A 69. D 70. B


初中英语配对阅读专项练习: (一) 将下面五个人的性格特征和某报社编辑给他们的交友建议相匹配。 ( )66.Sara likes to make friends with popular people, because she finds it easier to communicate with them. ( )67.When Jane is happy, she likes to talk to everyone in her class. But when she feels sad, she doesn’t even say “hi” to anyone. ( )68.Paul is poor in his study, and he always feels shy to talk with others, so he has very few friends. ( )69.When Peter feels uncomfortable talking with someone, he often look here and there. ( )70.Susan is a good student, but she is never sure what to talk about when she stays with others. 答案:66. C 67. F 68. A 69. B 70. G (二)


答案:66. B 67. F 68. A 69. D 70. E (四)


答案:66. D 67. F 68. A 69. E 70. G (六) (七)

初中英语 配对阅读解题技巧素材

初中英语配对阅读解题技巧素材 根据教育部制定的英语课程标准,初中毕业生应达到五级综合语言运用能力。阅读理解是综合语言运用能力的一个重要方面,在中考中所占比重越来越大,而配对类题型是近年来中考阅读的一个特色题型之一。其难度相对较大,对考生能力要求相对较高。考生必须在十分有限的时间内运用略读、扫读、跳读等技巧快速阅读,找出相配对的答案。现在,我们一起来看一下配对阅读的解题技巧。 猜词悟义,排除障碍。 生僻的单词和复杂的句子结构一直是学生阅读时的障碍“拦路虎”。在配对阅读中它也不例外。做一道生词率高且复现率低的配对阅读时,学生不得不经常停下来弄懂生词的涵义和句子的结构。这不仅直接影响阅读速度,挫伤学生阅读的积极性和兴趣,而且容易使他们形成不良的阅读习惯。在让学生做这类题型的时候,教师应积极引导学生学会联系上下句子或者构词法等知识快速猜测该词的大体涵义,尽量不要使用字典,从而更快地了解两边配对句子的意思,加快解题的速度。 学会默读,切忌逐词读。 默读可避免发音器官处于紧张工作的状态,以便集中精力理解句意。朗读是逐字的声读,默读是快速的心读,所以说默读是朗读的基础,朗读是默读的进一步深化。阅读的目的是理解,但要求一定的速度。速度过快过慢都不利于理解。阅读训练的目的是在正确理解的前提下,加快阅读速度。有些学生怕理解不准句子的意思喜欢朗读,逐词读。这种方法阅读既慢又对理解句子无益。英语句子是由词汇根据一定的句法结构或语法规则组成的,这样读只会:“一叶障木,不见森林。”不利于对两边配对句子意思的理解。学生应克制自己不要逐字读,这样会影响读速和思路,而是要学会扩大自己的视幅,提倡“一目半行”,从而快速地找出具体信息。 逻辑推理,找出关键词。 不要无目的、无重点地阅读,而是要有目的、有选择性地跳读,要善于逻辑推理,抓住两边句子有关联的信息,即关键词。在配对阅读中,两边的句子往往会出现同样的单词,我们应首先考虑他们是否就是配对的一项。就以初三Unit 9 周测中的配对阅读为例:


初中英语配对阅读专项练习: (一)将下面五个人的性格特征和某报社编辑给他们的交友建议相匹配。 ( )66.Sara likes to make friends with popular people, because she finds it easier to communicate with them. ( )67.When Jane is happy, she likes to talk to everyone in her class. But when she feels sad, she doesn’t even say “hi” to anyone. ( )68.Paul is poor in his study, and he always feels shy to talk with others, so he has very few friends. ( )69.When Peter feels uncomfortable talking with someone, he often look here and there. ( )70.Susan is a good student, but she is never sure what to talk about when she stays with others. A. Be confident in yourself. Everyone has its good qualities. People who have self-confidence are more attractive. B. It is not polite to look around when talking with people. Try to look people in the eye even you’re not interested in the conversation. Then people will find it easier to talk to you. C. Try to make friends with kinds of people, not just with those who are easy to communicate. Then you will find there are greater chances for making friends. D. Once you get to know a person, find more chances to meet. For example, you can play soccer together or have a short travel. Then you will each other well. E. Try to help others. For instance, look after people who are ill or help people take care of their pets. Be kind to others and you will be treated kindly. F. Other will think you are strange if you are friendly one day and don’t talk the next day. Learn to share (分享) your feelings with others. Share your sadness with your others, and you will be happy again. G. Care about what’s happening in the world. Read more newspapers, listen to the top CDs, and find out something about new sports or movie stars. Then talk about things that a person may interested in. 答案:66. C 67. F 68. A 69. B 70. G (二)将五个人的情况介绍和他们将要参加的活动相匹配。 ( )66. Anna is very busy with her job in the company, so she often feels nervous and tired. She hopes to do some suitable exercise to relax herself at weekends. ( ) 67. Maria comes from Australia. Now she is studying in Guangzhou University. She is very happy in China. But now what worries her most is that she is getting fatter and fatter because of the delicious Chinese food. So she’d like to find a way to keep fit. ( )68. Bill has won the first prize in the National English Speech Contest. He is going to invite his classmates to a place to have a celebration (庆祝) and fun. ( ) 69. Lisa is a smart girl studying in a university. She does well in all his subjects accept Computer Science. Now she has made up his mind to improve her computer lesson because it is necessary for many jobs A. Dance style Jazz. The DVD will teach beginners Jazz dance at home. It teaches you moves and steps carefully. Just follow and practice, you will be a good Jazz dancer. B. The MP3 player can just fit right into your pocket. It has a smart earphone (耳机) lets you listen to your favorite singer, even when you are on a journey. C. Learn to Play the Guitar is a step-by-step guide book. It can help beginners learn his way to be

19年中考英语真题分类专题17.6 任务型阅读(配对阅读)(第01期)(解析版)

2019年中考真题英语分项汇编 专题17 任务型阅读 考点6配对阅读 Passage 1(2019 ?广东省) 配对阅读。左栏是五位学生打算成立俱乐部时所遇到的问题,右栏是相应的建议,请为左栏的每位学生选择一个合适的建议,并将题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。 66. Jack plans to create a cooking club at school. He wants to know how much it will cost. 67. Sam cares about the environment very much. But he doesn't know how to start an Environmental club in school. 68. Creating a swimming club is Mike’s dream. However, he isn't sure whether his school can help to build a pool. 69. Sue is thinking of starting an English club. But she worries about theme and the place they can meet. 70. Lucy expects to start a club about poetry because she knows that lots of kids love poetry. But she is wondering how to get people to join. A. Setting up an English club is one of the things we are going to do this term. So do it right now. Let's see how many people will join and then decide where and when to meet. B. You must know that pools are expensive to build, and they usually take several years to complete. So I think it’s a good idea to get the swimmers to a nearby pool. C. Reading poems can be very fun. You can first ask your classmates to join, and then they will invite their own friends to join it. D. Your plan sounds like a good one. As for the cost, you can ask your mother for some advice. She must know a lot about cooking. E. First you should think about your interest. If you like playing games, a gaming club will be a good idea. If you are a swimming fan, it is great to start a swimming club. F. I think it is a good idea to set up a club like that! You can first give speeches about protecting the environment at school. G. A club can influence people a lot even if it has only a few members, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it


匹配题 二. 下面是五张卡片,分别要送给五个人,他们的个人信息已提供在卡片上面,请你仔细阅读卡片内容和人物信息,在每张卡的横线上填上正确的人名。 A. Mary is in hospital. B. Simon is working in another city for four weeks. C. John has just started a new job. D. Karen will start her final exams next week. E. Ann cleaned her friend’s house when her friend was on holiday.

三. A. Use computers in right ways. B. How to sleep in space C. The importance of exercise D. Signs and messages E. Eating and drinking in space 1. ( ) As we know, we put food on a plate and water in a glass on earth. Gravity(地心引力) holds the food down and keeps the water in the glass. But in space, there is almost no gravity. So food can float away, and astronauts must eat and drink carefully. 2. ( ) In space, sleeping is very different. Some astronauts like to float in the air, but most astronauts like to be in a sleeping bag. They tie the bag to a wall so that they can’t float at night. 3. ( ) Exercise is very important in space. On earth, your legs carry your body, but in space, astronauts float, so they do not use their legs. This is bad for their legs, so they exercise for thirty minutes every day. They often use an exercise bike for this. 4. ( ) Many people can use computers, but few of them know how to look after them. Remember the following when you use computers: Keep your computer in a cool, dry room, do not put water or food near your computer, keep your screen clean and not too bright.


中考英语配对阅读解题技巧 ●逻辑推理,找出关键词 不要无目的、无重点地阅读,而是要有目的、有选择性地跳读,要善于逻辑推理,抓 住两边句子有关联的信息,即关键词。在配对阅读中,两边的句子往往会出现同样的 单词,我们应首先考虑他们是否就是配对的一项。 举例: 配对阅读。左栏是5个人物介绍,右栏是7个相关的信息,请为每个人选择最合适 一个信息,并将答案的字母填写在题号前的括号内。 我们先快速浏览一下,发现1中有一个单词robot ,而在D 中也出现了robot 这个单词,而在其他选项中并没有发现这个单词,所以我们可以考虑他们是配对的一项。 ●学会悟意,采用排除法。 在配对阅读中,有一个非常明显的特点,就是在选项中,5个句子中有7到8个句子供你选择。对于这种情况,我们采用排除法能达到比较好的效果。仍然用上面那题为例。只有1和D 同时出现了robots 这个单词,我们将他们配对。2( ) 1 Jack is a robot fan. He collects all kings of robots and he likes movies about robots. ( ) 2 Kate likes play best. She often goes to see play with her friends. ( ) 3 Laura likes cartoon very much. She always watches Disney movies about bears. ( ) 4 Ann likes deer very much. She wants to see some movies about them. ( ) 5 Bob likes dogs, and he keeps two pet dogs at home. A. Brother Bear is a story about bears. B. Underdog tells you about the hero of people. C. Breaking Free is a kind of play about romance. D. Wall-E is a cartoon about robots.. E. Prince Casbin is a story about a prince. F. Bambi is the name of a lovely deer. G. Peculiar Kin is a cartoon about family.


A. Why not try some fruit, reduced-fat milk or biscuit with a low-fat yogurt (酸奶)? They can definitely help you to lose weight and keep fit. For further information, call the Heart Foundation of Australian on 12789173118. B. It is evident that it is important not to be nervous before an exam. Before an exam, you should have a scientific, balanced diet; you can arrange some proper sports to play. Want more information? Please call 4378-8899. C. We are especially looking for new or unpublished novels. We have a twelve-year history of giving large prizes to talented novelists who have never won any type of writing competition. Anyone may enter the competition simply by sending only on original novel to the National Library of Poetry, Tel: 31115-6767. D. You will get $450,000 profit in your first year in business, if you are a serious person who wants to make serious money. We have the program for you. Call 2-600-6756144. E. Good appearance can reflect your general everyday life. So, if you suffer from hair loss, your daily life may be ruined. Hair loss is not just thinness of the hair structure, but rather thinness of the total amount of hair. If you want to do something to change it, or if you want to know more about hair loss, please call 3-305-7832266. F. No empty theories (理论)! Just rock-solid (绝对可靠的) advice on how to win business from the professional salesmen’s view. The book 101 Professional Sales Tips has been published for you. If you want to make more money, you can find help form the book. If you have more interest, please dial 432-9991. 请阅读下面人物信息,然后匹配他/她们各自需求的最佳选项。 1. Catherine is cute and lovely girl, but her hair is very thin. She is worried about it but she doesn’t know what to do. Can you give her some good advice? 2. Steven is too fat and he is very depressed about it. He has tried many times to lose weight, but with no effects. Your help is needed. 3. Jimmy is going to take an important exam; he is very worried and nervous because he is afraid that he won’t pass it. He needs help. 4. Susan is interested in novels and she writes some novels in her spare time. However, she doesn’t know whether her novels are good or not because she has never had them published. Now could you give her a hand? 5. Tony is an unsuccessful salesman. Can you give him some suggestions in order to make him become professional in his business? Keys: 1-5: EABCF

广东初中英语中考复习 阅读理解之细节理解和配对信息 导学案设计(含答案)

广东初中英语中考复习阅读理解之细节理解和配对信息 导学案 学习目标: 1. 运用scanning(寻读法)的阅读策略掌握细节理解题的答题技巧。 2. 运用skimming(略读法)的阅读策略掌握信息匹配题的答题技巧。 3. 通过阅读策略的学习,提高细节理解题与信息匹配题的做题能力。 课前自学 阅读策略学习 课中导学 一、阅读理解 (2019年广东)

Bullying (欺凌) can happen to anyone. A great many children around the world are bullied every year, but there are things that can be done to help. What is bullying? Bullying is when someone makes you feel bad or hurts you again and again. Bullying can happen at school, out of school and online. Bullying includes: *calling people mean (恶意的) names *laughing at people *telling lies about people *taking someone’s things without permission (允许) *not letting someone play in a group *hitting people What’s cyberbullying? Cyberbullying includes: *sending bad messages online *sharing photos online without permission *not letting someone be part of an online group *spreading lies online What can you do? If someone is not kind to you, tell an adult that you know and like. For example, talk to a parent or a teacher. If you get bad messages, don’t reply. You should save them and give them to your teacher, your family, or the police. Ask an adult for help. Don’t share something before you make sure it is true. Tha t will help stop the cyberbullying. Talk to your parents or teacher or an adult if you see bullying or if you are worried about a friend. Say sorry if you are not kind to someone. You can write a message or talk to the person. And always remember: think about how to be kind in the future. For more information, visit our home page at https://www.360docs.net/doc/3e18432406.html,. ( ) 1. Cyberbullying means bullying ______. A. at school B. at home C. on the street D. on the Internet ( ) 2. If you are not kind to someone, you should ______. A. say sorry to him B. talk about it in public C. ask your parents to say sorry D. feel sad and keep quiet 二、阅读理解 (2018年广东) BIPC would like to invite beekeepers to the World Bee Day Activities 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Sunday, May 20th 2018


中考英语《配对阅读》专项练习 A篇 本篇用时:- 共min 自我评价:☆☆☆☆☆ 单词本: 短语归纳: 句型归纳: 左栏是五个中学生看电影的情况,右栏是七位专家的建议。请将这五个中学生和相应的建议配对。 ( )1.I am a movie fan.I love seeing movies very much, especially kungfu movies. ( )2.I have bought all the movies of Li Xiaolong and seen each over three times. ( )3.I go to the cinema every week, although it is very far from my home. ( )4.I spend much more time on movies than on my study.My parents get angry with my special interest.A.You should plan your time well.To develop your interest is important, but to learn the basic knowledge is also important. B.To study or not depends on your interest, even when others are against your choice. C.You should follow your parents’ idea, give up seeing movies and work hard in your study. D.Developing one’s own interest is a good thing.But don’t spend too much time in watching movies; you also need to do some other activities, such as reading and doing exercises. E.You should control yourself in buying so many movies, for it will cost you lots of money.You can rent them instead of buying them. It can save you a lot of money. F.Going to the cinema every week may be a waste of time.You can choose some good movies which are worth seeing.


浅淡初中英语配对阅读解题技巧 根据教育部制定的英语课程标准,初中毕业生应达到五级综合语言运用能力。阅读理解是综合语言运用能力的一个重要方面,在中考中所占比重越来越大,而配对类题型是近年来中考阅读的一个特色题型之一。其难度相对较大,对考生能力要求相对较高。考生必须在十分有限的时间内运用略读、扫读、跳读等技巧快速阅读,找出相配对的答案。现在,我们一起来看一下配对阅读的解题技巧。、猜词悟义,排除障碍。 生僻的单词和复杂的句子结构一直是学生阅读时的障碍“拦路虎”。在配对阅读中它也不例外。做一道生词率高且复现率低的配对阅读时,学生不得不经常停下来弄懂生词的涵义和句子的结构。这不仅直接影响阅读速度,挫伤学生阅读的积极性和兴趣,而且容易使他们形成不良的阅读习惯。在让学生做这类题型的时候,教师应积极引导学生学会联系上下句子或者构词法等知识快速猜测该词的大体涵义,尽量不要使用字典,从而更快地了解两边配对句子的意思,加快解题的速度。 、学会默读,切忌逐词读。 默读可避免发音器官处于紧张工作的状态,以便集中精力理解句意。朗读是逐字的声读,默读是快速的心读,所以说默读是朗读的基础,朗读是默读的进一步深化。阅读的目的是理解,但要求一定的速度。速度过快过慢都不利于理解。 阅读训练的目的是在正确理解的前提下,加快阅读速度。有些学生怕理解不准句子的意思喜欢朗读,逐词读。这种方法阅读既慢又对理解句子无益。英语句子是由词汇根据一定的句法结构或语法规则组成的,这样读只会:“一叶障木,不见森林。”不利于对两边配对句子意思的理解。学生应克制自己不要逐字读,这样会影响读速和思路,而是要学会扩大自己的视幅,提倡“一目半行”,从而快速地找出具体信息。 、逻辑推理,找出关键词。 不要无目的、无重点地阅读,而是要有目的、有选择性地跳读,要善于逻辑推理,抓住两边句子有关联的信息,即关键词。在配对阅读中,两边的句子往往会出现同样的单词,我们应首先考虑他们是否就是配对的一项。就以初三Unit 9

专题28 配对阅读-2018年中考英语真题分类讲练(解析版)

A(2018 ?广东中考) 配对阅读左栏是对中国传统文化感兴趣的五位外国学生的描述,右栏是中国传统文化活动的简介,请为左栏的每位学生选择一个合适的活动,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。

【答案】 66—70 GDBFC B(2017届吉林实验中学九年级10月月考)阅读配对。阅读下面五本书的简介, 并将这五本书的简介与他们的书名配对。 A. Joshua, Helmut, and Bethlehem B. More Things in Heaven C. Encourage Me! D. Seeking the Edge

E. Creation or Evolution 【答案】 【文章大意】此篇文章是关于几本书的介绍。如果喜欢探索生命的意义,读者可以选择More Things in Heaven一书;如果想了解地球和人类的话,可以选择Creation or Evolution,在这本书中,作者就进化论和上帝创造世界分别进行了阐述。此外还有故事类以及诗歌类书目的介绍。 3. A【解析】从Joshua , Helmut, and Bethlehem书内的介绍可知作者Michelle O. Donovan在书中讲述了一个 小男孩和小老鼠的故事。故选A。 4. E【解析】题干中的the origin of humans是关键词。根据这个关键词查找相关的海报,就会发现Creation or Evolution涉及人类的起源,故选E。 5. B【解析】据此信息查找到More Things in Heaven,再根据本海报的最后一句"More Things in Heaven will appeal to anyone who insists on finding the deepest meaning for their existence based on their own experiences."可知答案为B。 C 请阅读第56—60题的电视节目内容说明和A—F六个节目名称,把它们分别配对,其中有一个为多余选项。

2015年中考英语题型冲刺 信息匹配(含解析)

信息匹配 一、信息匹配(共17小题) 1. When I was young, I was kind of shy. Fortunately, I changed a lot by junior high. Shyness gets in the way of success, but it doesn't have to hold you back. Here are some tips that may help you overcome it. 1 The excitement of being lost at something that you love can help you forget your nervousness while showing off in public. Next, why not get more chances to speak in public? For me, when I got to high school, I took speech classes. 2 Then, don’t think about what will happen. It’s possible that you might be laughed at when speaking. 3 What really happens is better than what we imagine. Finally, remember past successes. Whether it is making a successful speech, remembering past successes can help inspire you to get future success. 4 If you succeeded in the past, then you can succeed again! It's actually natural to be a little bit nervous about meeting new people, making cold calls, or giving a speech. That nervousness doesn't have to keep you from succeeding, though. 2.
