









. ●_________中国第一颗原子弹爆炸成功,标志着我国国防现代化进入了一个新阶段。这对当时美国核垄断、核讹诈的政策是一个有力的打击,对全世界一切爱好和平的人民是一个


































28. 我国第六次人口普查——省人口最多,达到 1.043亿(过亿!!)


30. 古代中国被称()、()





















46. 2006年7月1日,举世瞩目的一条铁路全线正式通车,这是一条世界上海拔最高、线









. ●2010年5月1日,中国上海举办了世博会,全称是———————


. ●2008年9月“神舟()号”载人航天飞行获得了圆满成功。我国3名航天员首次成功实施空间出舱活动和空间科学实验。


. ●我国建立的第一个经济特区是()

. ●中国取得了“两弹一星”科研成就,具体指什么?

. ●世界上最大的广场是什么?









. ●实现我国现代化,教育是基础,科技是关键,人才是保障。请说


. ●.普及安全知识,是学校教育的重要内容。以下__所含致癌物质最多。A、水煮鱼B、烤羊肉串C、炒面























提升英语综合技能水平的学习途径 提要: 英语教学改革,是在过去的二十多年里特别是近几年来人们一直关心和讨论的课题。长期从事英语教学工作的教师和专家学者们一直在不断地寻求一种有效的,符合中国学生学习英语特点的教学方法和教学模式。这种探索和追求受到每一历史阶段盛行的语言学理论的直接或间接的影想。例如:Fries 和Saussure 结构主义教学法和 Chomsky转换生成法教学传入我国后,我国的英语教学主要以语法结构教学为主,许国璋英语,薄冰语法等语言教学书是学习英语必备的书籍。经过一段时间的实践,发现学生英语虽然语法知识清楚,词汇量也不少,但就是不会实际使用,以致于出现TOFEL600多分,GRE2000多分,可就是听不懂也说不出英语的情况。学术界把这种语言能力看成是高分低能现象,即学生只学到抽象的语法知识,脱离了现实社会中相互交际相互影响的实际,这种教学法受到一些语言学家的批评,产生了由Hymes,Widdowson和 Harmer 为代表的语言学家提出的交际教学法,他们认为语言的系统知识和恰当地运用语言知识有着错综复杂的联系。另一方面,自 Corder(1967)和 Selinker(1972)以来的研究者认为:人们无法预测输入如何影响学习者的语言发展,有意识地学到的语言知识不一定会必然地转化为自发的语言运用共识。有些批评者认为以语言形势为纲(focus on forms),不考虑学习者的需要以其孤立地学习各种语言形式的教学,容易使学习者产生厌倦情绪,造成学习效果不佳,因为这种教学通常是在不考虑学习者心理语言准备是否充分的基础上进行的。随着我国政治经济形势的飞速发展,对外交往的机会越来越多,英语作为国际通用的语言工具越来越受到人们的重视。因此,培养高素质的英语人才以满足我国社会经济和科技文化的发展需要,是当前广大英语教学工作者和专家学者们面临的共同问题。 ?研究背景 我校研究生入学时的英语水平差别较大,有的学生入学前已经通过大学英语四、六级测试;有的只通过四级,没有考过六级;研究生中外地生源较多;边远地区的学生语言基本功较差,学英语主要靠自学;有的学生喜理,不喜文,对英语不感兴趣;有的认为毕业后搞工程,用不上英语;也有的学生虽然认为英语很重要,每天花去大量时间读英语,可在学位课程测试时,成绩不甚理想。这种情况给任课教师带来很大压力,研究生英语到底该如何教?教什么?怎样教?带着这些问题,我们对我院02—03级研究生进行了研究生英语教学改革研究,初步取得预期的效果。 ?问卷结果 带着以上提出的问题,我们对2002-2003级研究生做了问卷调查,调查结果如下: 发现58.7%的学生对英语学习比较感兴趣,有30.4% 的学生兴趣一般,没有学生对英语学习不感兴趣。


许国璋电视英语教学第一册 《第二十四课》 (一)课文: 1)课文: INSPECTOR HORNBERG VISITS A SCHOOL The classroom was very quiet. Outside, the leafless trees were white with the first snowfall. But not one pair of eyes stayed from the history books which twenty-five little girls were studying so earnestly. This was the year 1877, and the school was in Warsaw, Poland. A large part of Poland had been conquered by Russia. The Russia Tsar would not allow Polish children to study the history of their own country or even their own language. But here the teacher and her pupils were doing just that, although the Russians had spies everywhere in Warsaw. Among the children was Manya Sklodovska. She was a very bright pupil. She was deep in the book she was reading. Suddenly there came the faint sound of a bell. Manya listened fearfully. Was it the signal? Yes! Two long rings, two short rings. Every head came up. Quick hands grabbed all the Polish history books off the desks, and hid them away. The girls swiftly took sewing materials from their desks. They began to embroider little squares of cloth. The outer door opened. There stood Inspector Hornberg. Hornberg had been put in charge by the Russians of the private schools of Warsaw. He was a heavy man in a tight-fitting yellow and blue uniform. With him was Mademoiselle Sikorska, the head of the school. “ We have tow sewing classes a week, Mr. Inspector.” explained Mademoiselle Tupalska, the teacher “ I read to the children while they work.” “And what have you been reading to your pupils, Mademoiselle?”inspector Hornberg demanded. She held up her book “ Russian fairy tales.” She said. The inspector gave a grunt of approval. “Now,”he said, “I should like to question one of your pupils.” “Manya Sklodovska, please stand up.” The teacher said quietly. Manya rose from her seat without a word, trying not to tremble. “Recite the Lord’s Prayer in Russian.” Inspector Hornberg ordered. Manya recited the prayer in a low voice, careful not to show her feelings. “Now name the members of the Imperial Russian Family.” Manya gave the names. “now tell me.” Hornberg demanded, “ who is our ruler?”


许国璋电视英语教学第一册 《第二十三课》 (一)课文: 1)课文: TOW FRIENDS AND THE BEAR Two friends were travelling together through a forest. One of them said. “ If we meet any wild beasts. I’ll help you and you’ll help me”“ That’s fine.” Said his friend, and they walked on. Suddenly a big bear ran out from behind a tree. The man who said he would help his friend at once got up a tree and hid himself among the leaves. The other man could not climb trees. So he threw himself on the ground, closed his eyes and pretended to be dead. The bear came up and sniffed at the man’s head. It put its nose close to his mouth and ears. The man held his breath. The bear thought he was dead and walked away, for bears never touch dead men. When the bear was gone, and all was safe, the man in the tree came down. With a smile, he asked his friend, “ What did the bear tell you when he put his nose so close to your ears?” “Well,” said his friend, “ the bear said,’Don’t trust those who leave their friends the moment they get into difficulty!” 2)译文: 两个朋友和熊 两个朋友在一道旅行,穿过一座森林。其中一人说:“要是碰到野兽,我就帮助你,你也要帮助我。”“好的,”他的朋友说。接着,他们继续往前走。 突然,一只大熊从一棵树后面跑出来。那个说要帮助他朋友的人马上爬到树上,把自己藏在树叶丛里。另外一人不会爬树,于是便倒在地上,闭住 眼睛装死。 熊走过来,闻闻这个人的头,又把鼻子凑近他的嘴和耳朵。这人屏住呼吸。熊以为他已经死去,便走开了,因为熊从来不碰死人。 熊走了,一切都平安无事了。树上的人爬了下来,他笑嘻嘻地问他朋友:“熊把鼻子凑到你耳朵旁,跟你说了些什么?” “噢”,他的朋友答道:“熊说,不要信任那些一遇困难就背弃朋友的人。”


许国璋电视英语教学第二册 《第五课》 (一)课文: 1)课文原文: A HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER Mrs. Cox teaches English in a high school in San Francisco, a big city on the West Coast of the United States. She had wanted to become a teacher when she was young. She has taught eight years now and always enjoyed her work. A school day at Mrs. Cox’s high school is divided into six periods of one hour each. Mrs. Cox teaches five of these six periods. During her “free “ period from 2 to 3 pm. Mrs. Cox has to meet with parents, order supplies, make out examinations, check assignments, and take care of many other things. So Mrs. Cox works steadily from the time she arrives at school in the morning until she leaves for home late in the afternoon, and her “free” periods isn’t really free at all. An English teacher usually divides her time among three subjects: language (grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. ), composition, and literature. Mrs. Cox’s favorite subject is literature, and her most exciting classes are those on the literature of Black Americans. For Mrs. Cox, like most of the students in her school, is Black. In her sixth period today, Mrs. Cox taught a poem by a well-known Black writer in the United States. She wrote the poem on the blackboard and read it aloud. No sooner had she finished reading the poem than student’s questions began pouring in. One boy said the poem was heartbreakingly sad. Another student, a girl, said she had read a book by the same writer, but she wasn’t able to enjoy it as much as her mother did, and she didn’t know why. A third, a keen viewer of TV theatre, recognized a phrase in the poem which had been used as the title of a recent play. As she answered the questions, Mrs. Cox made sure that her students understood every line of the poem. She asked them to discuss if the poem contained any message. The discussion became so lively that no one wanted to stop when the bell rang. Some said there was no message, some said there was, some said it didn’t really matter, and the class ended at that. As she drove home, Mrs. Cox thought about the class she had just left. Today she could feel good about what she had accomplished as a teacher. Not one of her students looked bored. Every one of them seemed interested in the poem. Once they started to talk, they forgot about the time. She did not have to make them learn; she only had to answer their questions and to guide the discussion. This, she thought to herself, is what teaching is all about!


许国璋电视英语教学第一册 《第十五课》 (一)课文: 1)课文原文: A SERVICE CENTER Look at this service center. How busy everybody is! The man in the middle is mending shoes. At a counter on the right, a woman is showing an old man a towel and some soap. We see a girl at the door. She is going to housework for the families in neighborhood. Two women are sewing by the window. One of them is making a shirt and the other is making a pair of trousers. The workers at the service center help their neighbor in many ways. They play an important part in people’s life. (二)DIALGUE:(对话) 1)原文: IN THE COMPUTER ROOM -Is this your school computer room? Who are these people? -They are students of the Russian department. -What are they doing? -They are learning to use computers. -Do you often work her? -Yes ,we work here once a week. We are all keen to learn modem techniques. (三)新单词:


外交部翻译-孙宁英语学习心得 发布于2014年12月21日23:03 孙宁:1981年生于古城南京。1993年考取南京外国语学校,其间获全国中学生英语能力竞赛和中澳国际英语能力竞赛高中组特等奖。1999年保送进入北京外国语大学英语系,其间获“21世纪-爱立信杯”第七届全国英语演讲比赛冠军并出版译著三本。2003年8月入外交部翻译室,2004年9月公派赴英留学。 Colin Powell说过,没有美国就没有今天的他,自然也就没有那本风靡一时的My American Journey。不是因为英语的缘故,今天的我不会是这样,也就不会有这篇文章。Powell 说过,自己是a student of history。我也以自己是a student of English而自豪,是为题记。 A Bumpy Start 开始接触英语是在小学五年级。那时每学完一课,老师会在黑板上写下生词的中文,然后找人上去写英文,完了再带大家读一遍。为了不当“出头鸟”,每到英语课,一向很皮的我总是变得很乖。可这一天终究躲不过,虽然手心写了“阿姆布热拉”之类,可在黑板前吭哧了半天也没把umbrella拼对。 小学升初中英语考了96,但周围清一色的满分让我抬不起头来。好在英语要折成20分满分——加上我语文不错——才勉强进了外语学校。 外语学校集中了全市的优等生。我的同桌就很厉害——告诉我他有英文名了,叫Superman。但第一节课过后,他终究没能保住自己的名字。老师给我们取名:我叫Peter,他叫Paul——日后有人调侃:“XX催你还钱,没钱就找孙宁借”,打成语一个:rob Peter to pay Paul。 这堂课让我再次感到自己不是学语言的料。同班一个女孩的名字(Laura)我舌头怎么也绕不过来;课代表名字(Margaret)的拼写是到初三时才记住的。 Getting on My Way 孺子不可教,但老师却有教无类。中学第一位英语老师叫程翠瑛,有近三十年的教龄。程老师要求很严,但我们却很感激她:没有严师,哪来高徒?她上课条理清楚,一丝不苟;课下还主动帮我们答疑,给我们念诗,教我们唱歌。初二寒假前,程老师说下学期不教我们了,我知道当时我的眼里是有泪水的。这就是我爱上英语的第一步,有一位好的启蒙老师。 磁带上的那些“鸟语”,我很快就听懂是什么了。相信下面几句在日后外校同学聚会时都会提起并得到大家响应:Meet Sandy and Sue. This is Sue’s class. Her teacher’s MrKrisp …。这就是被我们简称为3L的Look, Listen and Learn!,那代学子心中的经典。爱屋及乌,我们自然也就崇敬它的编者,一个秃秃的小老头。数年后某天下午,老先生辞世的消息从收音机里传来,才好像真正宣布那个时代的终结。现在,每当我看见外研社边老先生的塑像,就会默默祈祷每个刚开始接触英语的人都能有我这么幸运,有本好的启蒙教材。


英语学习视频资料 (推荐红色的为现阶段先看的,我们一起加油哦:)迪斯尼神奇英语全套 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f4427691.html,/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=9 初级美语-赖世雄(mp3) https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f4427691.html,/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=12 中级美语-赖世雄 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f4427691.html,/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=13 许国璋英语第一册(mp3) https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f4427691.html,/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=14 许国璋英语第二册(mp3) https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f4427691.html,/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=15 许国璋英语第三册(mp3) https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f4427691.html,/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=16 英语词汇记忆法视频讲座4讲 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f4427691.html,/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=20 抗遗忘单词快速记忆法视频下载 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f4427691.html,/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=54 许国璋电视英语全套 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f4427691.html,/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=69 四川电大商务交际英语 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f4427691.html,/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=82


许国璋电视英语教学第一册 《第二十二课》 (一)课文: 1)新课文: TOURISM Modern means of transportation, communication, advertising and credit have all played a part in the growth of a giant new industry, tourism. Tourism is a service industry. It does not sell a product that you can own but provides services on a temporary basis. the customer gets such things as a seat on a plane, a room in a hotel, and a chance to sit on a beach in the sunshine. Until modern times, a trip was often a long and difficult adventure. People had to travel by horse or camel or on foot. The first development in modern transportation was the steamship. More recently, automobiles and planes have made travel both faster and more convenient. Advertising has played a large part in the growth of tourism, when hotels and travel agencies began to advertise the attractions of different tourist areas, the airlines and other transportation companies advertised the low fares to reach them. Modern means of communication have enabled the travelers to reserve a plane seat or a hotel room from a long distance. And they can travel now and pay later by using their credit cards. All these means have become one of the features of modern life. 2)译文: 旅游业 现代交通、通信、广告以及信用手段对新兴的庞大的行业——旅游业的发展起到了作用。旅游业是一种服务业。它并不出售你可以拥有的产品,而是提 供暂时的服务。顾客可以得到诸如飞机上的座位、旅馆里的房间以及在海滩晒 太阳的机会。 直到近代,旅行还常常是个漫长而又艰难的历险。人们不得不靠着骑马、骑骆驼或步行去旅行。现代交通工具的首次飞跃是轮船。在最近些时候,汽车 和飞机使旅行变得既快又方便。 广告业对旅游业的发展起了很大作用。当旅馆和旅行社做旅游胜地的广告时,航空公司和其他运输公司就做开了到达这些地方的便宜票的广告。现代通 信手段使得游客可以从遥远的地方预定机座和旅馆房间。他们可以先旅行然后 再用信用卡付帐。所有这些手段都形成了现代生活的特色之一。


许国璋电视英语教学第一册 《第十三课》 (一)课文: 1)课文原文: A DAY AT COLLEGE Wang Qing gets up very early. He dresses, washes, and goes out to do exercises in the fresh morning air. Then he has breakfast. For most of the morning he attends lectures or practices his English. After class he reads in the library or reviews his lessons. Lunch is at twelve. After lunch Wang Qing takes a nap. In the afternoon he does his homework and reads the newspaper. Then he has an hour for sports. He runs round the track or plays ball games. After supper he often goes for a walk in the college gardens. Sometimes he listens to the English broadcast. He goes to bed at half past ten. 2)新单词:

3)课文译文: 校园一日 王清起得很早。他穿好衣、洗完脸,就走到室外,在清爽的晨风中做早操,然后去吃早饭。 上午的大部分时间他听课或者练习英语,课后他到图书馆看书,或者复习功课。 12点吃午饭,饭后王清休息一会儿。下午他做作业、看报纸,随后有一小时的体育活动时间,他或者沿跑道跑跑步或者打打球。 晚饭后他常常去学校花园里散步,有时还收听英语广播。晚上他预习功课,10点半睡觉。 (二)DIALGUE:(对话) 1)原文: MY HOME -Where is your home? -It is in Anshan. -Oh, do you live near the steel works? -Yes, my father is a steel worker there. -And what does your mother do ? -She works in a nursery.


许国璋电视英语教学第一册 《第二十课》 (一)课文: 1)旧课文: THE COCK CROWS AT MIDNIGHT When Gao Yubao was a child, he worked for a landlord. This landlord was especially sly and greedy. He made the farmhands work very hard, and gave them little to eat. Naturally, they hated him. Now this landlord had a cock. The cock had a strange habit. It did not crow at dawn, but at midnight. Every time it began crow, the landlord would shout: “ Get up, you lazy-bones! Get up and go to work.” So the farmhands had a deep hatred for both the landlord and his cock. Once, at midnight, Gao Yubao saw the landlord steal into the courtyard. There the man began to crow, just like a cock. So that was his trick! When Gao Yubao told the other farmhands what he had seen, they were very angry and decided to teach the landlord a lesson. So the next night, as soon as the landlord stole into the courtyard. Gao Yubao cried out, “Stop thief! Stop thief!” Immediately all the farmhands ran out. They knocked the “thief”down and gave him a good beating. After that, the cock no longer crowed at midnight. 2)旧课文新字:


许国璋电视英语教学第一册 《第十九课》 (一)课文: 1)课文: NIGHTINGALE Florence Nightingale came from a rich family and was very pretty. In her family, young girls usually spent their time going to parties until they married rich young men. But Florence found parties boring; she wanted to be a nurse. Finally, in 1850, when she was 30, her parents accepted her decision. So she went to study in a hospital in Germany. Then she was in charge of a nursing-home for women in London. Soon she was asked to go to the Crimea to take charge of the wounded soldiers. The conditions in the Crimea hospital were terrible. Forty per cent of the patients died. Certain beds seemed fatal: soldiers died in them after two days. Nightingale decided that this was because of bad drains, and insisted that the government do something about it. Workmen put in a proper drainage system and supplied pure drinking water. The death rate dropped to two percent. On her return to England people greeted Florence Nightingale as a heroine. She was an important force in the movement to reform hospitals and nursing in England. By 1900 unsafe hospitals and ignorant nurses were things of the past. 2)译文: 南丁格尔 弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔出身于一个富裕的家庭,非常漂亮。在她的家庭里,年轻女孩通常把时间花在聚会上,直到他们嫁给有钱的年轻人。但是佛罗伦萨 发现派对很无聊,她想成为一名护士。最后,在1850,当她30岁时,她的父母 接受了她的决定。于是她去了德国的一家医院学习。然后她负责伦敦的一家妇 女疗养院。很快,她被要求去克里米亚接管伤员。 克里米亚医院的条件非常糟糕。百分之四十的病人在医院里死去。有些床


许国璋电视英语教学第二册 《第四课》 (一)课文: 1)课文原文: AN OUTING We were discussing where to go for an outing during the spring holidays. Some suggested the Guanting Reservoir. Others wanted to see the Great Wall. Then someone said: “ Why not go back to Anzhuang for a visit?” At this we all cheered. Of course, we would revisit that beautiful mountain village on the banks of the Yongding River! The place was dear to us all. We had gone there the year before to plant trees in the surrounding mountains. We had formed close ties with the villagers. So early next morning we were off to Anzhuang on the 7:30 train. It was a fine day in April. Everyone was in high spirits. We could hardly sit still, for there were so many interesting sights outside the windows. We saw new factories and well-cultivated fields all along the line. At Shijingshan we passed the huge steel mill and the power plant. Then suddenly we saw the green Yongding River in the valley below. Our hearts gave a leap, for we knew that in a few minutes we would be with our friends at Anzhuang again. They were overjoyed to see us. The old villagers kept asking how we were. They were pleased to see how much stronger some of us had become. Then some old friends of ours took us to see what they had achieved. New houses, larger schools, more sheep, more pigs and chickens, more cows and horses – everywhere we saw signs of prosperity. Then we climbed the mountains. The villagers showed us the trees we had planted. We were happy to see that most of them were growing well. At one place we found some young people digging pits. They were getting things ready for this year’s tree-planting. We all joined them in the work. But the time soon came for us to return. It was getting dark. We told our friends that we would soon come back to plant trees again. Back in the train, we told each other what a wonderful time we had had that day. “An outing like this is certainly more exciting than picnicking in the Summer Palace,” one comrade said. “ Or on the Great Wall,” another added. They spoke for us all.

许国璋电视英语第一册 单词

、a [ei, ] 一个 1 2 、pen [pen] 钢笔 3 、pens [penz] 钢笔(复数) 4 、map [m p] 地图 5 、maps [m ps] 地图(复数) 6 、pet [pet] 宠物 、pets [pets] 宠物(复数) 7 8 、spade [speid] 锹 9 、spades [speidz] 锹(复数) 、letter [ let ] 信 10 11 、letters [ let z] 信(复数) 12 、this [ is] 这个 13 、is [iz] 是 14 、that [ t] 那个 15 、Is this...? 这是不是…? 、Is that...? 那是不是…? 16 17 、pencil [ pensl] 铅笔 18 、desk [desk] 书桌 19 、table [ teibl] 桌子 20 、disc [disk] (激光)唱片 21 、tape [teip] 磁带,录音带 22 、yes [jes] 是的 23 、it [it] 它 24 、green [gri:n] 绿的 25 、red [red] 红的 26 、pick [pik] 镐 27 、no [n u] 不,不是的 28 、isn't [ iznt] (=is not)不是 、these [ i:z] 这些 29 30 、are [ :, ] 是 31 、they [ ei] 它们 32 、aren't [ :nt] ( are not)不是33 、those [ uz] 那些 34 、knife [naif] 刀子 35 、knives [naivz] 刀子(复数) 36 、what [w t] 什么 、book [buk] 书 37 38 、notebook [ n utbuk] 笔记本 、I [ai] 我 39 40 、am [ m, m] 是 41 、student [ stju:d nt] 学生 、you [ju:] 你;你们 42 43 、teacher [ ti:t ] 教员 44 、he [hi:] 他 45 、she [ i:] 她 46 、farmer [ f :m ] 农民 47 、doctor [ d kt ] 医生 48 、nurse [n :s] 护士;保育员 49 、we [wi:] 我们 50 、good morning (午前的问候语)


许国璋电视英语教学第一册 《第二十一课》 (一)课文: 1)课文原文: A DAY OF HARVESTING ( A Page from a student’s Diary) October 24. Today we began harvesting. We got up at daybreak, and after an early breakfast, we started off for the rice fields. We got there after half an hour’s walk. The fields around us looked like a golden sea. I have never seen anything so beautiful! We worked side by side with the farmers. At first some of us were rather slow. The farmers showed us how to cut the rice and how to tie the bundles. Soon we learned to work faster. We worked in three groups. “ Faster, faster! We mustn’t fall behind the others!” That was the thought in everybody’s mind. Evening came before we realize it. We put down our sickles and looked at each other. Our clothes were wet with sweat. On every face there was a smile. We harvested thirty mu altogether. That was not bad for the first day. But tomorrow we shall certainly do better- much better. 2)课文译文: 收割的一日 (学生日记一则) 10月24日 我们今天开始收割。天刚亮我们就起了床,早早吃过早饭,就动身去稻田。 走了半个小时便到达那里。 周围的稻田像一片金色的海洋,我从来没看见过如此美丽的景象!我们同社员们并肩劳动。开始我们有些人干得很慢。农民教我们如何割稻子,如何打捆, 我们很快就学会了,干得就快起来了。 我们分三组干活。“快一点,再快点!不要落到别人后面!”每个人心里都这么想。 不知不觉已是黄昏时分了,我们放下镰刀,你看看我,我看看你,衣服都被汗水湿透了,每个人的脸上都挂着笑容。 我们总共割了三十亩稻田,这在第一天算是不错的了。明天我们肯定会干得好些,更好些。
