

Smartphones in China

Taking a bite out of Apple

Xiaomi, often described as China’s answer to Apple, is actually quite different

Sep 14th 2013 | BEIJING |From the print edition



IT FEELS more like a rock concert than a press conference as the casually dressed chief executive takes to a darkened stage to unveil his firm’s sleek new smartphone to an adoring crowd. Yet this was not the launch of the new iPhone by Apple on September 10th, but of the Mi-3 handset by Xiaomi, a Chinese firm, in Beijing on September 5th. With its emphasis on snazzy design, glitzy launches and the cult-like fervour it inspires in its users, no wonder Xiaomi is often compared to its giant American rival, both by admirers and by critics who call it a copycat. X iaomi’s boss, Lei Jun (pictured), even wears jeans and a black shirt, Steve Jobs-style. Is Xiaomi really China’s answer to Apple?

Xiaomi sold 7.2m handsets last year, in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, earning revenues of 12.6 billion yuan ($2.1 billion). Apple sold 125m smartphones globally, earning about $80 billion of its $157 billion sales. But since it was founded in 2010, Xiaomi has grown fast.

A recent funding round valued it at $10 billion, more than Microsoft just paid for Nokia’s handset unit. That m ade Xiaomi one of the 15

most heavily venture-backed mobile start-ups ever, says Rajeev Chand of Rutberg, an investment bank. In the second quarter of 2013 Xiaomi’s market share in China was 5%, says Canalys, a research firm—more than Apple’s (4.8%) for th e first time.

In this section

?Taking a bite out of Apple

?Kroes control

?Must try harder

?Making friends

?Turning against the tycoons

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Yet “we have never compared ourselves to Apple—we are more like Amazon,” says Lin Bin, Xiaomi’s co-founder, who once worked for the Chinese arms of Microsoft and Google. Apple sells its iPhone 5 for around $860 in China and has the industry’s highest ma rgins. Xiaomi offers its handsets at or near cost: the Mi-3, its new flagship, costs 2,000 yuan ($330). Xiaomi sells direct to customers online, rather than via network operators or retail stores, which also keeps prices down. Crucially, its business depends on selling services to its users, just as Amazon provides its Kindle readers at low prices and makes its money on the sale of e-books. The idea is to make a profit from customers as they use the handset, rather than from the sale of the hardware, says Mr Lin.

Xiaomi’s services revenues were 20m yuan in August, up from 10m yuan i n April. It is a classic internet business model: build an audience then monetise it later, as Google and Facebook did, notes Mr Lin. Selling games, custom wallpapers and virtual gifts may not sound very lucrative, but China’s internet giants have found a huge market for virtual goods: the biggest, Tencent, sold $5 billion-worth of them last year.

Another big difference is their openness to user feedback. Apple takes an almost Stalinist approach to its handsets, limiting user customisation in favour of a “we know best” design philosophy. Xiaomi is more guided by its users, releasing a new version of its MIUI software (based on Google’s Android operating system) every week in response to their suggestions. In some cases Xiaomi asks users to vote via weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, on whether particular features should be included or how they should work—a form of democracy its American rival would never countenance.

Apple’s launch this week of the iPhone 5C, a colourful, slightly cheaper version of t he iPhone aimed at consumers in China and other developing countries, marks a shift in its strategy as it faces competition from Xiaomi and many other Chinese firms. Apple’s handsets have sold well in developed countries, but those markets are maturing. Global sales of smartphones are growing by 50% a year, notes Canalys, but by 108% a year in China, which now accounts for over one-third of global sales.

For the first time, Apple held an official launch event in Beijing this week, indicating its growing interest in this market. Yet there was widespread surprise at the high price of the 5C, which will cost $733 in China, limiting its appeal among less wealthy buyers. A rumoured deal with China Mobile to distribute the iPhone 5C and subsidise its cost has so far failed to materialise. (Apple also unveiled the iPhone 5S, its new high-end smartphone, which features a fingerprint reader for improved security.)

Xiaomi the money

As Apple looks to tap the rapid growth of the Chinese market, Xiaomi is heading the other way. It recently hired Hugo Barra, a Google executive responsible for product development for Android, to develop new products for international markets.

Yet Xiaomi and other Chinese firms sell so many games, apps and add-ons in large part because the Chinese government requires handsets to run a neutered version of the Android operating system, without Google’s app store, mail service, maps and other features. That helps Xiaomi sell its own replacement services, an advantage it will lose once it steps outside China. How scared should Apple be, really, of a rival that has yet to prove that its business model will work at home, let alone abroad


公司简介 小米手机是小米公司(全称北京小米科技有限责任公司)专为发烧友级手机控打造的一款高品质智能手机。雷军是小米的董事长兼CEO。手机ID设计全部由小米团队完成,该团 队包括来自原谷歌中国工程研究院副院长林斌、原摩托罗拉北京研发中心高级总监周光平、原北京科技大学工业设计系主任刘德、原金山词霸总经理黎万强、原微软中国工程院开发总监黄江吉和原谷歌中国高级产品经理洪锋。手机生产由英华达代工,手机操作系统采用小米自主研发的MIUI操作系统。手机于2011年11月份正式上市。小米公司创始人雷军在谈及为何做小米手机时说,就目前发展趋势看,未来中国是移动互联网的世界。智能手机和应用会承载用户大部分需求,虽然过去的很多年,花了很多钱买手机。从诺基亚,摩托罗拉,三星,到现在的iPhone,但在使用过程中都有很多诸如信号不好,大白天断线等不满意的地方。作为一个资深的手机发烧友,深知只有软硬件的高度结合才能出好的效果,才有能力提升移动互联网的用户体验,基于有这个想法和理想,又有一帮有激情有梦想的创业伙伴,促成了做小米手机的原动力。 名字来历 雷军介绍小米名字的由来,表示小米拼音是mi,首先是Mobile Internet, 小米要做移动互联网公司;其次是mission impossible,小米要完成不能完成的任务;当然,我们希望用小米和步枪来征服世界。最后,我们希望“小米”这个亲切可爱的名字成为大家的朋友。另外,小米全新的LOGO倒过来是一个心字,少一个点,意味着让用户省一点心。 系统MIUI MIUI简介 MIUI是一个基于CyanogenMod而深度定制的Android流动操作系统,它大幅修改了Android本地的用户接口并移除了其应用程序列表(Application drawer)以及加入大量来自苹果公司iOS的设计元素,这些改动也引起了民间把它和苹果iOS比较。 MIUI系统亦采用了和原装Android不同的系统应用程序,取代了原装的音乐程序、调用程序、相册程序、相机程序及通知栏,添加了原本没有的功能。


Chinese company Xiaomi launches interactive wristband 小米公司开卖手环 Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi has started selling an interactive wristband called the Mi Band that it says can monitor a user's heart rate and state of sleep. 中国智能手机制造商小米已开始销售一种能互动的腕带称为小米手环,它说它可以监视用户的心率和睡眠状态。 The band is certainly not a unique on the China's market, but when the Mi Band went on sale? Monday, its official store on Tmall had sold out its stock of 455 wristbands within an hour. 腕带在中国市场自非独此一家,但周一开卖后,在其官方的天猫商店,一小时内已卖光所有455只库存 When Xiaomi announced the product last month, company founder Lei Jun said despite its low price, its quality is guaranteed. 小米上个月发布此物时,公司创始人雷军说,尽管它的价格低,但质量有保证。 The band can monitor users’ exercise data and feed it back to the user’s



小米手机的介绍及其前景 (吕国贤、陈志鹏) 简介: 一:小米手机的诞生 二:小米手机的介绍 (1)系统 (2)配置 (3)外形 三:小米手机的前景 一.小米手机的诞生 小米2010年4月成立,是一家专注于高端智能手机自主研发的移动互联网公司,由前Google、微软、金山等公司的顶尖高手组建。目前已获得来自Morningside、启明、IDG和小米团队4100万美元投资,其中小米团队56人投资1100万美元,公司估值2.5亿美元。2010年底推出手机实名社区米聊,在推出半年内注册用户突破300万。此外,小米公司还推出手机操作系统MIUI,今年6月底MIUI社区活跃用户达30万。 2011年8月16日,小米公司通过媒体沟通会正式发布小米手机。米聊、MIUI、小米手机是小米科技的三大核心产品。小米手机是小米公司专为发烧友级手机控打造的一款高品质智能手机。手机ID设计全部由小米内部来自摩托罗拉的硬件团队完成,手机生产由富士康和英华达代工。手机操作系统采用小米自主研发的MIUI

操作系统。小米手机在2011年10月发布,售价1999元,主要针对人群为手机发烧友,采用线上销售模式。 二:小米手机的介绍 (1)系统 小米手机有独特的双系统,其双系统分为两种,一是无锁双系统,二是双MIUI系统(切换)。所谓的“无锁双系统”就小米手机允许用户自由使用MIUI系统和谷歌原生的Android系统,并不会对此作出限制。但用户只能二选一,用户可以在这两个系统之间多次自由选择。当然这需要用户进行刷机,但用户的个人资料和信息需要事先备份,否则会全部丢失。双MIUI系统是当用户选择了使用MIUI系统后,可以同时安装两个MIUI系统,并且可以自由在这两个系统之间切换(需要重启手机选择切换)。这两个系统是独立的,但其数据库是共用的,即在A系统修改后,切换到B系统后也同样为修改后的数据。双MIUI 系统是小米手机独有的一个技术,其最大的卖点就是具有防刷死功能。例如,使用B系统出现问题崩溃后,可以通过A系统重新刷一次B系统,而原来的数据依然会存在。而假如两个系统都出现问题,可以通过一个物理的还原键来进行恢复。需要说明的是,这双MIUI系统共存的前提是这两个系统的版本比较接近,举个例子说,A版本的MIUI系统是基于Android2.3.4开发的,B版本MIUI系统是基于2.3.5而开发的,那么这A、B个版本的MIUI系统就可以共存。而如果C 版本的MIUI系统是基于Android4.0开发的,那么C系统就很大机会


a1.首先是小米的指令大全 *#*#4636#*#* 显示手机信息、电池信息、电池记录、使用统计数据、WiFi信息 *#*#7780#*#* 重设为原厂设定,不会删除预设程序,及SD卡档案。 *2767*3855# 重设为原厂设定,会删除SD卡所有档案。 *#*#34971539#*#* 显示相机相机韧体版本,或更新相机韧体 *#*#7594#*#*6 当长按关机按钮时,会出现一个切换手机模式的窗口,包括:静音模式、飞航模式及关机,你可以用以上代码,直接变成关机按钮。 *#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* 开启一个能让你备份媒体文件的地方,例如相片、声音及影片等 *#*#197328640#*#*启动服务模式,可以测试手机部分设置及更改设定 WLAN、GPS及蓝牙测试的代码 *#*#232339#*#*或*#*#526#*#*或*#*#528#*#*–WLAN测试 *#*#232338#*#*–显示WiFiMAC地址 *#*#1472365#*#*–GPS测试 *#*#1575#*#*–其它GPS测试 *#*#232331#*#*–蓝牙测试 *#*#232337#*#–显示蓝牙装置地址 *#*#8255#*#*启动GTalk服务监视器显示手机软件版本的代码 *#*#4986*2650468#*#*–PDA、Phone、H/W、RFCallDate *#*#1234#*#*–PDA及Phone *#*#1111#*#*–FTASW版本 *#*#2222#*#*–FTAHW版本 *#*#44336#*#*–PDA、Phone、csc、buildTime、https://www.360docs.net/doc/4416261707.html,、changelistnumber各项硬件测试 *#*#0283#*#*–PacketLoopback *#*#0*#*#*–LCD测试 *#*#0673#*#*或*#*#0289#*#*–Melody测试 *#*#0842#*#*–装置测试,例如振动、亮度 *#*#2663#*#*–触控屏幕版本 *#*#2664#*#*–触控屏幕测试 *#*#0588#*#*–接近感应器测试 *#*#3264#*#*–内存版本 2.小米的耳机孔似乎没有保护,灰尘很容易进去,咋办呢?没事,咱有终极绝招。首先买个水笔笔芯。把笔芯插进去?NO!NO!NO!我们要做的是把笔芯的保护套拿下来,然后插入小米,嘿嘿,别误会,堵住耳机孔,OK,不怕灰尘了! 3.据说小米是三防,但似乎不是哦。当小米不行落水该怎么办呢?我们的急救方法是:小米一进水,请切记不要作任何按键动作,尤其是关机(一按任何动作,水马上会跟着电路板


北京小米科技有限责任公司 编辑 小米公司即北京小米科技有限责任公司。 烧而生”是小米的产品理念。小米公司首创了用互联网模式开发手机操作系统、发烧友参与 开发改进的模式。小米公司由著名天使投资人雷军带领创建。小米公司共计七名创始人,分 ?小米手机?MIUI ?米聊?小米读书?小米?小米便签?小米司机 目录

1. 2. 3.



过去小米战略布局优势渐失 遥想雷军的第一个“米”产品:米聊。米聊因跟进kik使得小米浮现在人们眼前,从而掀起了免费短信、语音聊天应用的热潮,但这一市场迅速引起了拥有5.3亿用户群腾讯的重视,微信的兴起使得市面上所有的聊天应用都奄奄一息,米聊也不例外。 小米(2张) 智能手机的迅猛发展给传统通信设备产商又一个春天的来临,但不幸被小米给搅乱了:酷似乔布斯的产品发布会,众多粉丝的狂热的高呼,似乎影视圈发布新影片一样的热闹,雷军就成了闪亮的明星,开辟了手机产品的娱乐路线,雷军的粉丝经济兴起。 MIUI又具备可替代性,本身无法产生盈利,只有跟着小米手机走,才能体现其价值。 有人说MIUI可以承担为小米手机预装App,据我所知,MIUI承载的都是雷军系App,如金山手机助手、凡客诚品、UC浏览器、乐淘等,并且到最终用户手中,手机至少被刷过1-2遍才稳定使用,只有离用户最近的刷机软件才拥有预装的话语权。 2013年再次构建新的战略路线 在生态圈内,小米的硬件作为载体、软件作为通道、服务提供价值的战略布局,小米手机处于中控地位,终端通过小米手机控制,内容通过小米手机分享。


Chi nese compa ny Xiaomi la un ches in teractive wristba nd 小米公司开卖手环 Chi nese smartph one maker Xiaomi has started selli ng an in teractive wristband called the Mi Band that it says can monitor a user's heart rate and state of sleep. 中国智能手机制造商小米已开始销售一种能互动的腕带称为小米手 环,它说它可以监视用户的心率和睡眠状态。 The band is certainly not a unique on the China's market, but when the Mi Band went on sale? Mon day, its official store on Tmall had sold out its stock of 455 wristbands within an hour. 腕带在中国市场自非独此一家,但周一开卖后,在其官方的天猫商店,一小时内已卖光所有455只库存 Whe n Xiaomi announ ced the product last mon th, compa ny foun der Lei Jun said despite its low price, its quality is guara nteed. 小米上个月发布此物时,公司创始人雷军说,尽管它的价格低,但质量有保证。

The band can monitorusers 'xercise data and feed it back to theser ' s Xiaomi smartpho ne via bluetooth. 腕带会监视用户的运动数据,并通过蓝牙传给用户的小米手机 But similar products on the market are not cheap. 但市场上类似的产品并不便宜。 Samsung' sGear Fit sells for around 1,000 yuan and Jawbone ' S P24 wristba nd costs 1,500 yua n. 三星的售价为1000元左右,Jawbone的up24腕带的费用1500元。Xiaomi ' is just 79 yuan. 小米只卖79元。 One industry expert says that iaomi ' strategy is not just about money. 一位业内专家说,小米的策略不仅仅是钱。 "Its profit margin is very low. “利润率很低。 Its main targetis n 'to get money from the ban d, it is to catch more users. 它的主要目标不是从腕带赚钱,而是抓住更多的用户。


关于小米 小米公司正式成立于2010年4月,是一家专注于高端智能手机自主研发的移动互联网公司。 小米手机、MIUI、米聊是小米公司旗下三大核心业务。“为发烧而生”是小米的产品理念。小米公司首创了用互联网模式开发手机操作系统、60万发烧友参与开发改进的模式。 小米团队 小米公司由著名天使投资人雷军带领创建。小米公司共计七名创始人,分别为创始人、董事长兼CEO雷军,联合创始人兼总裁林斌,联合创始人及副总裁黎万强、周光平、黄江吉、刘德、洪锋。 小米人主要由来自微软、谷歌、金山、MOTO等国内外IT公司的资深员工所组成,小米人都喜欢创新、快速的互联网文化。小米拒绝平庸,小米人任何时候都能让你感受到他们的创意。在小米团队中,没有冗长无聊的会议和流程,每一位小米人都在平等、轻松的伙伴式工作氛围中,享受与技术、产品、设计等各领域顶尖人才共同创业成长的快意。 小米名字由来 小米的LOGO是一个“MI”形,是Mobile Internet的缩写,代表小米是一家移动互联网公司。 另外,小米的LOGO倒过来是一个心字,少一个点,意味着小米要让我们的用户省一点心。 雷军 创始人、董事长兼CEO 雷军1992年参与创办金山软件,1998年出任金山软件CEO。1999年创办了卓越网。 2007年,金山软件上市后,雷军卸任金山软件总裁兼CEO职务,担任副董事长。之后几年,雷军作为天使投资人,投资了凡客诚品、多玩、优视科技等多家创新型企业。 2011年7月,雷军重返金山软件,任金山软件公司董事长。 2010年4月6日,雷军选择重新创业,建立了小米公司。 林斌 联合创始人、总裁 林斌1990年毕业于中山大学,获电子工程学士学位。1992在美国Drexel 大学获得计算机科学硕士学位。 1995年至2006年历任微软公司主任工程师、微软亚洲研究院高级开发经理、微软亚洲工程院工程总监等职务。先后参与了包括 Windows Vista、 IE8等产品的研发工作。 2006年底加入谷歌,任谷歌中国工程研究院副院长、谷歌全球工程总监。全权负责谷歌中国移动搜索与Android本地化应用的团队组建及工程研发工作。


烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns 割包Steamed sandwich 饭团Rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk 饭类: 稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 油饭Glutinous oil rice 糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 面类: 馄饨面Wonton & noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鴨肉面Duck with noodles 鱔魚面 Eel noodles 乌龙面Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles 米粉Rice noodles 炒米粉Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle 汤类: 鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 貢丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤Clams soup 牡蛎汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 猪肠汤Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup 甜点: 爱玉Vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃Longevity Peaches 芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花Hemp flowers 双胞胎Horse hooves 冰类: 绵绵冰Mein mein ice 麦角冰Oatmeal ice 地瓜冰Sweet potato ice 紅豆牛奶冰Red bean with milk ice 八宝冰Eight treasures ice 豆花Tofu pudding 果汁: 甘蔗汁Sugar cane juice 酸梅汁Plum juice 杨桃汁Star fruit juice 青草茶Herb juice 点心: 牡蛎煎Oyster omelet 臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐Oily bean curd 麻辣豆腐Spicy hot bean curd 虾片Prawn cracker 虾球Shrimp balls 春卷Spring rolls 蛋卷Chicken rolls 碗糕 Salty rice pudding 豆干Dried tofu 筒仔米糕Rice tube pudding 红豆糕Red bean cake 绿豆糕Bean paste cake 糯米糕Glutinous rice cakes 萝卜糕Fried white radish patty 芋头糕Taro cake 肉圆Taiwanese Meatballs 水晶饺Pyramid dumplings 肉丸Rice-meat dumplings 其他: 当归鸭Angelica duck 槟榔Betel nut 火锅Hot pot



小米手机分析报告 一、小米公司介绍 小米公司正式成立于2010年4月,是一家专注于高端智能手机自主研发的移动互联网公司。小米手机、MIUI、米聊是小米公司旗下三大核心业务。“为发烧而生”是小米的产品理念。小米公司首创了用互联网模式开发手机操作系统、60万发烧友参与开发改进的模式。 小米拒绝平庸,小米人任何时候都能让你感受到他们的创意。在小米团队中,没有冗长无聊的会议和流程,每一位小米人都在平等、轻松的伙伴式工作氛围中,享受与技术、产品、设计等各领域顶尖人才共同创业成长的快意。

二、分析内容 1.优势 1)团队: 创业公司必须有正确的方向、靠谱的团队和从事靠谱的事情。小米公司拥有豪华的 创业团队,大多数创始人都熟谙技术产品, 对于创造优秀的产品都有共识。每一个联合 创始人都是在和雷军反复长时间交谈后,才 确定是否加入小米公司。 小米公司由著名天使投资人雷军带领创建。小米公司共计七名创始人: 雷军:现任金山软件公司董事长,小米科技CEO。曾任金山公司执行董事及董事 会副主席,著名天使投资人(凡客诚品、多 玩、优视科技、小米科技、拉卡啦、乐讯网、乐淘、迈众、喜讯无线、7k7k)。

林斌:小米科技联合创始人、总裁。谷歌中国工程研究院副院长,工程总监、Google全球技术总监。全权负责谷歌在中国的移动搜索与服务的团队组建与工程研发工作。再早一些时候,林斌是微软工程院的工程总监,可以说是当今软件产品和互联网产品技术领域数一数二的人物。 黄江吉:小米科技联合创始人、副总裁。负责小米公司工程技术。毕业于全美大学排名第6位的普渡大学,1997年至2010年就职于微软公司,原微软中国工程院开发总监。先后负责微软商务服务器高性能数据分析系统、B2B系统Biztalk自动物流分布系统,微软中国Windows Mobile、Windows Phone 7多媒体、浏览器、即


Smartphones in China Taking a bite out of Apple Xiaomi, often described as China’s answer to Apple, is actually quite different Sep 14th 2013 | BEIJING |From the print edition ? ?Tweet IT FEELS more like a rock concert than a press conference as the casually dressed chief executive takes to a darkened stage to unveil his firm’s sleek new smartphone to an adoring crowd. Yet this was not the launch of the new iPhone by Apple on September 10th, but of the Mi-3 handset by Xiaomi, a Chinese firm, in Beijing on September 5th. With its emphasis on snazzy design, glitzy launches and the cult-like fervour it inspires in its users, no wonder Xiaomi is often compared to its giant American rival, both by admirers and by critics who call it a copycat. X iaomi’s boss, Lei Jun (pictured), even wears jeans and a black shirt, Steve Jobs-style. Is Xiaomi really China’s answer to Apple? Xiaomi sold 7.2m handsets last year, in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, earning revenues of 12.6 billion yuan ($2.1 billion). Apple sold 125m smartphones globally, earning about $80 billion of its $157 billion sales. But since it was founded in 2010, Xiaomi has grown fast. A recent funding round valued it at $10 billion, more than Microsoft just paid for Nokia’s handset unit. That m ade Xiaomi one of the 15 most heavily venture-backed mobile start-ups ever, says Rajeev Chand of Rutberg, an investment bank. In the second quarter of 2013 Xiaomi’s market share in China was 5%, says Canalys, a research firm—more than Apple’s (4.8%) for th e first time.


小米手机分析报告 一、小米公司介绍 小米公司正式成立于2010年4月,是一家专注于高端智能手机自主研发的移动互联网公司。小米手机、MIUI、米聊是小米公司旗下三大核心业务。“为发烧而生”是小米的产品理念。小米公司首创了用互联网模式开发手机操作系统、60万发烧友参与开发改进的模式。 小米拒绝平庸,小米人任何时候都能让你感受到他们的创意。在小米团队中,没有冗长无聊的会议和流程,每一位小米人都在平等、轻松的伙伴式工作氛围中,享受与技术、产品、设计等各领域顶尖人才共同创业成长的快意。 二、分析内容 1.优势 1)团队: 创业公司必须有正确的方向、靠谱的团队和从事靠谱的事情。小米公司拥有豪华的创业团队,大多数创始人都熟谙技术产品,对于创造优秀的产品都有共识。每 一个联合创始人都是在和雷军反复长时间交谈后,才确定是否加入小米公司。 小米公司由著名天使投资人雷军带领创建。小米公司共计七名创始人: 雷军:现任金山软件公司董事长,小米科技CEO。曾任金山公司执行董事及董事会副主席,著名天使投资人(凡客诚品、多玩、优视科技、小米科技、拉卡啦、 乐讯网、乐淘、迈众、喜讯无线、7k7k)。

林斌:小米科技联合创始人、总裁。谷歌中国工程研究院副院长,工程总监、Google全球技术总监。全权负责谷歌在中国的移动搜索与服务的团队组建与工程研发工作。再早一些时候,林斌是微软工程院的工程总监,可以说是当今软件产品和互联网产品技术领域数一数二的人物。 黄江吉:小米科技联合创始人、副总裁。负责小米公司工程技术。毕业于全美大学排名第6位的普渡大学,1997年至2010年就职于微软公司,原微软中国工程院开发总监。先后负责微软商务服务器高性能数据分析系统、B2B系统Biztalk 自动物流分布系统,微软中国Windows Mobile、Windows Phone 7多媒体、浏览器、即时通讯等项目研发。人们都叫他KK。KK还不到30岁就成为微软工程院的首席工程师。 洪锋:小米科技联合创始人、副总裁。米聊产品负责人。洪锋最令人惊奇的经历就是他在Google用20%的业余时间,和几个人一起做了Google 3D街景的原型。洪锋在美国Google的时候,是高级工程师。后来洪锋回到中国,在中国谷歌,他又是第一产品经理。他所主持开发的谷歌音乐,成为了中国谷歌为数不多的饱受赞誉的产品。 刘德:小米科技联合创始人、副总裁。负责小米手机的工业设计和供应链业务。ArtCenter毕业的牛人。曾创办了北京科技大学工业设计系,并担任系主任。 周光平:小米科技联合创始人、副总裁。负责小米公司硬件及BSP团队。周光平博士曾是摩托罗拉最畅销机型“明”的硬件研发负责人。1995年加入摩托罗拉总部,担任核心专家工程师。1999年回国协助创办摩托中国的研发中心。曾任摩托罗拉北京研发中心高级总监、摩托罗拉个人通讯事业部研发中心总工程师及硬件部总监、摩托罗拉中国研究院通信专利委员会副主席、摩托罗拉亚太区手机

最新Spring Festival(英文版春节介绍)资料

Spring Festival 1.Tale of Nian We call the Spring Festival Nian, but did you know that Nian was once the name of a terrible, scary monster? A long time ago, the monster Nian lived in the mountains. It looked like an ugly dragon, and got angry easily. Nian ate animals. But in winter, it could not find food. So it came to many villages and ate people. People were so afraid of Nian that they locked their doors before evening came during the winter. One day, an old man came to a village. He told people there that Nian was afraid of three things—red color, fire and noise. He told people to play drums and gongs (铜锣), make big fires and set off fireworks (放鞭炮) to make Nian go away. On a moonless, cold night, Nian went to the village again. As soon as it opened its big mouth, people made loud noises and made fires. Nian was really afraid and ran away. Wher-ever it went, there was noise and fire. When Nian was tired and could not run anymore, people killed the monster. After that, on the coldest day of winter, people beat drums and gongs, and set off fire-works to celebrate the death of the monster of Nian. They put up red lanterns (灯笼) and have a big dinner without sleeping during the night, and greet each other happily in the next morning. 2.Brief Introduction of Spring Festival The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back, becoming the busiest time for transportation systems of about half a month from the Spring Festival. Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees. The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month. Strictly speaking, the Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year. Of them, the most important days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three days. The Chinese government now stipulates people have seven days off for the Chinese Lunar New Year. 3.Preliminary Customs Many customs accompany the Spring Festival. Some are still followed today, but others have weakened. On the 8th day of the 12th lunar month, many families make laba porridge, a delicious kind of porridge made with rice,glutinous rice(糯米), millet(小米), coix seed(薏仁), jujube berries(枣泥), lotus seeds(莲子), beans, longan(桂圆)and gingko(白果). The 23rd day of the 12th lunar month is called Preliminary Eve. At this time, people offer sacrifice to the kitchen god. Now however, most families make delicious food to enjoy themselves. After the Preliminary Eve, people begin preparing for the coming New Year. This is called "Seeing the New Year in". Store owners are busy then as everybody goes out to purchase necessities for the

小米公司基础介绍(英文) The Development of Xiaomi

The Development of Xiaomi Xiaomi, founded in April, 2010, is a mobile company which concentrates on smart software and electronic products. The logo of this brand is MI, which is short for Mobile Internet. And it also means Mission Impossible which stand for overcoming impossible challenges. This company aims at lower price and higher cost performance. And because of this target, its products are accepted by the public so that it developed quickly. After Xiaomi company was founded, it released MIUI system at first and then had a boom. Next year, the founding team declared that they would step in the mobile phone market. Over one month later, Xiaomi Mobile Phone Release Conference was held in 798 Art Zone in Beijing where Mi 1 was released and drew attention to the public. So, after people were admitted to reserve Xiaomi mobile phones on the Internet, the company got a huge sale rapidly in a short time. At the same time, the sale was motivation from the market. After it, Xiaomi company developed quickly. What they released were not only a series of Xiaomi Mobile Phone but also other electronic products such as laptops and Mi Bands.


User’s Manual I Installation Instructions 1.Wearing Mi Band A.take out the main-body and the band B.Insert main-body to the band C.Wearing the combined band around your wrist. 2.install Mi-band APP Searching in the APP Store and install the APP. 3.Binding Start Mi-band APP, log in the MI-account then “searching” the band. When the blue lights flashed then lightly knock several times to finish the binding. 4.After finishing the bind, Mi Band will record and analyze your excising and sleeping condition; you can watch the data at any time just by raising your hand. 5.Low battery: the three red lights flash intermittently, please charge the Mi-band. II Functions: 1. As a band matches with a mobile, the calling reminder is really a basic necessary. The probability of missed calls will be significantly reduced because Mi Band has calls-to-remind function in the distance of theoretically 10-15 meters, reminder you via vibrant and lightening. 2. Unlocking your phone When the band get close to your mobile, there is no need to input your password to unlock the phone, unlocking will be an automatic process. 3. Smart alarming The special features integrated in the band, setting the alarm in APP, and the alarming will begin 30 minutes before, within the light sleep it will be the light vibrant, to awake you more friendly in nature, avoid your depress after wake up. it will just woke you only, and won’t disturb the people around you, such as your lover, wife, asleep baby. 4. Excising record The whole day excising record of walking distance, and calorie consumption. Free to watch the data in the APP, then set your own excise plan, love sports, love life. 5. Analyze sleep and excise data. Live link will be accessible between Mi band and your mobile, all the sleeping and sporting data will be synchronized within the efficient distance. Also share your data to microblog is easy and the healthy advice will be given to. 6. Mi band searching The band is equipped with the losing-proof function; click the “band searching”, reminder light flashes together with the vibrant start, if the band is within the distance. 7. 7. P67 waterproof, direct bathing no problem, because it is very lightweight, so you can wear almost 24 hours.
