英语演讲稿 网瘾

英语演讲稿 网瘾

Hello everyone,my name is Jiayao Wang,I'm glad to be here .Today the topic of my speech is the Internet Addiction . As we all know,the internet has no doubt become an important part of our lives ,it can improve the quality of our life.However, for some, the internet has the opposite effect,they make the internet a priority more important than family, friends,and work .

What's worse , college students is most at risk for developing internet addiction,more and more students suffer from internet addiction.So what can we do to avoid it ? First,we should l imit ourcomputer time, spend more time with our parents and friends .Second,it's helpful to form some good habits to distract the attention ,such as reading books and doing sports .In a word ,though the internet is an essential part of our life ,we are supposed to use it advisably and not let it takes most of our time .

Thank you for attention .

Financial engineering

Class One



批改网如何粘贴英语作文 如果进JS修改,对小白来说密密麻麻的代码简直像天书,这里 有一个更加简单的方法: <1>打开批改网写作文的页面,点击F12,出现代码编辑区 <2>点击菜单栏最后一行的“Console”,把 “$('#contents').unbind();”复制粘贴到下面的代码区,敲回车,搞定 再次复制粘贴试试 妈妈再也不用担心我的学习 这个更加简单粗暴,把需要粘贴的内容先复制粘贴到标题栏里(标题栏批改网是不禁用粘贴功能的),然后control+A全选,直接 用鼠标拖拽到正文栏,搞定 Nothingsucceedswithoutastrongwill.没有毅力则一事无成。 thehumoroussaying,'Quittingsmokingistheeasiestthinginthe world.I'vedoneithundredsoftime.'tellsusthatwithoutastrongwi ll,nothingsucceeds,peopletrytoquitsmothingforhundredsoftime sbutendupwithfailurejustbecausetheylaceofastrongwill.Astron glisimportanttousifwewanttoachieveourgoals.everysuccesswill meetmanydifficultyandsetbacks.soweneedtoovercomethemwithour strongwill.ifwesticktoourgoalswithastrongwillandnevergiveit up.atlastwewillbesuccessful.weallbelievethatwithastrongwill ,everyonecansucceed. 看过批改网如何粘贴英语作文的人还看了:


我们的网络时代演讲稿 网络,一个科技发展的产物,也是信息时代的标志。网络的出现对我们生活的影响有利也有弊,有什么关于网络的演讲稿?以下是小编为大家收集关于我们的网络时代演讲稿,供你参考阅读。 网络的利大于弊 同学们、老师们,大家好。 从宏观来看:网络对于人类的整体文明是起到推动作用的。正如美国著名科幻科普作家艾萨克阿西莫夫所阐述的观点:在历史的长河中,新事物出现的目的是帮助人类解决问题,但同时不可避免地也会带来一些问题,因为事物的利与弊是对立、统一、同时客观存在的。 如火的出现——火提高了人类的祖先的生活水平,使他们能够安全健康的进食并拥有稳定的取暖、照明工具;但同时燃烧产生的废气对人们来说好比死神的诏书,使很多人被熏病乃至死亡。因此,人们为了更好的生存搬出了狭小昏暗的洞穴,走向广阔、更适合生存的平原;并在平原更好更快地发展人类文明。从

这一系列我们不难看出,火的出现是利与弊同时存在的。每一个新事物的出现,总是伴有利弊两个方面;但每一个新事物在历史长河中都起到了“台阶”的作用,这是毋庸置疑的。评价每个事物的价值时不能从短时间的角度出发,而是要站在历史的高度,多角度、全方位地观察,理性客观地审视。 网络的出现的确产生了负面影响,但更多的是它对当今社会——信息时代的支撑。高楼林立,知识爆炸的当今社会如果没有了一张“网”,便会轰然坍塌,化为碎石和散沙——倒退到几百年以前并停 滞不前。只有在网络的支撑下,每一样新时代的事物才能稳住,才能淡定,才能高效地紧密相连。网络就像火,火能熏死人,就认为它是坏的么?人们也许会被死亡带来的悲痛、烟熏的荼毒蒙蔽了双眼,从而视“火”为神的惩罚。这便是当今许多人对“网络”的态度。也许漫漫岁月以后人们才能意识到“网”的好远远大于弊,正如“火”。它也好比手术有副作用,但却能救命,这时我们难道因手术有副作用就任由自己奔赴黄泉?还有很多例子,如核能、中国的四大发明等等。 其次,从微观看:网络对个人来说是良好的展示平台与提高效率的快车。人人心中都有“道+魔”。道即是理性,魔即是欲望。当一个人道高于魔时,就会负责任地做事;当一个人魔高于道时,就会行为不受控制。我们身为中学生,是有是非判断能力,能把


关于梦想英语演讲稿5篇 关于梦想的英语演讲稿有哪些呢为大家整理了相关的英语演讲稿5篇,欢迎大家阅读。 关于梦想英语演讲稿篇1 Good morning, it's my honor to stand here and give you this speech about dreams. There I want to start my speech with two short stories. The first story happened when I was in primary school, I wrote in my composition that my dream was to be a teacher when I grew up. Meanwhile, what my classmates wrote about their dreams was that he or she wanted to be a doctor, a scientist or an astronaut. The second story happened at my first year in university. At the careers planning class, when the teacher asked about our dreams, one of my classmates stood up and said, “I want to be a farmer, because I grow up in a farmer's family and I love to be engaged in agriculture.” When he sat down, everyone clapped. These two stories happened during my growth process, from which I got my understanding of dreams. When I was a child I believed that a dream must be a big dream, but when I grow up I find this big dream is so far away from me, I know little about it, and I have done nothing


让英语教学与大数据同行——作文教学与批改网 ——献给Janice和那些被作文批改所折磨的英语同行们 Runner 2015-11-04 22:27来自QQ空间日志 很长一段时间以来,我都没有勇气给学生布置课外的写作任务了。因为我知道,学生的作文如果收上来后没有被我以极大的决心及时批改的话,它们可能几个星期,几个月或者一个学期都会躺在我的办公桌上,直到上面落满了厚厚的灰尘,然后在期末考试前分发给学生,或者被我心怀歉意扔进垃圾堆里。(原谅我吧,我亲爱的同学们!)于是在2014年时我就想,会不会有一种方法或者软件能帮助我们批改作文,把我们广大的英语教师从这个mission impossible 中解放出来?去网上搜索了一下,我发现了一个叫句酷批改网的网站,注册后,进网站浏览了一下,觉得很是新奇,但当时忙于班主任工作且高考日益临近,无暇去进行教学的尝试。转眼到了2015年8月,从我的好朋友Janice(Thanks a lot, Janice)那里淘来了一本《大数据时代》。在将这本书束之高阁了一个多月后,终于有一天,心情烦闷的我翻开了这本注定要改变我教学方式抑或我的人生轨迹的书。(在此也向大家强烈推荐这本书,大数据时代的扛鼎之作。) 在那醒目的书名《BIG DATA》下面这样写道:A REVOLUTION THAT WILL TRANSFOMR HOW WE LIVE, WORK AND THINK。当时我想,这些年我们听说过的REVOLUTION也太多了,真正发生的似乎又寥寥无几。轻轻的翻过封面,读完宽带资本董事长田溯宁、知名IT评论人谢文、电子科大教授周涛的三篇序

言后,我便再也不舍得放下这本书了。一口气读了100多页,心中顿觉豁然开朗,这不正是我在一年前苦苦追寻的问题的解决之道吗?原来英语作文教学的救赎之道,在悄然来临的大数据时代早已被我们握在手中,只是我们浑然不知。我突然意识到,一年前我注册的句酷批改网不正是大数据在教学实践中的一种运用吗,于是又在网上搜索了一番,开始重新了解这个一年前与之失之交臂的作文教学利器。 2010年,一次偶然的机会让批改网的创始者们发现了高校英语老师的需求。批改网在向南京大学推广英语学习综合平台时,南京大学的老师告诉他们,这样的平台对当前的高校英语教学帮助甚微,高校实行大班制,每位老师带一百多名学生,教师批改作文,花费时间太长,1分钟一篇,仅仅看完就需要两小时,而老师最痛苦的地方还在于学生在写作中反复出现的错误。此外,学生写作文,如果老师反馈及时,学生才会有写作的动力。但是,由于各种原因,老师的反馈一般要隔一周或两周,甚至更长,所以高校老师最大最迫切的需求是改善作文的批改环节。 2011年9月,在江苏省的一个学术会议,批改网这一在线英语作文批改平台开始面向广大的高校英语教师推广。刚开始推广地点选择了重点高校比较多的北京和江苏。渐渐地,批改网被清华、北大及复旦、上海交大等高校所接受,并在此基础上形成了著名的中国高校英语写作教学协同创新联盟。 批改网批改作文的原理是,作文提交后,网站将作文从“词汇”、“句子”、“篇章结构”、“内容相关度”4个大类192个维度进行拆分,每个维度都会与批改网建立的英语本族语 语料库 (即国外英语文章的素材)作对比。语料库越丰富,对比的客观性就越高,机器批改与人工批改的一致率就越高。为了测试机器批改与人工批改的基本一致率,批改网在2011年尝试批改了南京大学的1456份英语作文,在将批改结果与人工批改结果对比后发现,两者基本一致率为92.05%,高于美国ETS的 E-Rater 公布的基本一致率92%。这次尝试使得这个在线英语作文批改平台获得了挑剔的一线英语教师们的认可。 2015年4月16日至5月31日,批改网联合清华大学、北京大学、南京大学、复旦大学、中山大学五所高校发起“百万同题英文写作”活动,本次活动由清华大学负责命题,题目为:“We Are What We Read(阅读造就你我)”,最终,共计109万人参加了这次百万人写同一篇文章的写作活动。这个本来为大学英语4级、6级,TOFEL、GRE 英语作文教学而设计的平台也在这次活动中延伸到了全国


文明网络演讲稿4篇Civilized network speech document 编订:JinTai College

文明网络演讲稿4篇 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:文明网络演讲稿 2、篇章2:网络文明演讲稿 3、篇章3:文明网络演讲稿 4、篇章4:英语之星的演讲稿网络文明 篇章1:文明网络演讲稿 遵守网络文明公约争做文明上网人

计算机互联网作为开放式信息传播和交流的工具,已经 走进了我们的学习和生活。从它刚刚兴起直到现在的风靡一时,年青的我们凭着对新鲜事物特有的接受能力,一直都是它忠实的应用者,无论是学习、休闲还是交流,网络都发挥了不可替代的作用。网络是把“双刃剑”在给我们带来利处的同时,由于我们辨别是非的经验不足,一些网络糟粕也随之侵袭着我们的心灵。到底怎么样才算是文明上网?反过来网络最大的文明又应该是什么? 其实,关于网络所出现的问题,早已引起了家长、学校 和社会的关注,XX年11月,团中央等8个单位发布了《全国 青少年网络文明公约》,提倡"要善于网上学习,不浏览不良 信息;要诚实友好交流,不侮辱欺诈他人;要增强自我保护意识,不随意约会网友;要维护网络安全,不破坏网络秩序;要有益身心健康,不沉溺虚拟时空。"只要我们正确健康地上网,网络就会成为我们学习知识、交流思想、休闲娱乐的重要平台。现在,我们不仅学校有电脑,而且很多家庭都有了电脑,那我们在使用网络时该注意什么呢? 善于网上学习,不浏览不良信息。现在人们对我们中学 生上网有一种普遍的看法:即不是玩游戏就是聊天。其实,网上学习,天地宽广。在网上学习,可以查关于学习的资料,也



篇一:英语演讲稿“青春_梦想” flying youth, master our future distinguished judges, teachers, dear friends life is a process of growing up. saying goodbye to childhood, we step into another important time of life‘the youth’.however, who can really say what the youth is ? a period of time? a belief? an attitude to life? or anything else? we don’t know. a famous poet said ‘ youth is a lovely song ,where nothing is impossible ; youth is a meaningful book, you’ll be never bored of it ;youth is a rapid river ,it keeps on flowing day and night ;youth is a cup of tea ,it shows you different kinds of tastes in your life. ’ what’s more , never ignore the power of knowledge. read more books and travel around. for one thing, it can increase your knowledge, for another, it’ll broaden your horizon. i firmly believe one sentence that‘if you think you can, of course you can!’just believe we can make it!


关于网络的演讲稿示例 随着信息时代的来临,电脑互联网以最先进的方式,成为全社会各阶层人士所必须的学习工具、交流工具。其目的是把我们改造为真正的信息时代的新人类:一个会运用新工具的人;创造新生活的人;一个真正与时俱进的人!可惜的是,当今有大多数人还没有真正感觉到互联网的作用,还不知自己即将成为新时代的文盲:不能安心地学习电脑应用技术,没有自己的电子邮箱;不会上传、下载文件;不能快速录入文字、编辑文档。甚至连鼠标都没有碰过,工作中像收发个电子邮件或绘制个表格这样的简单的事情还得到处请人。有时间怎么不就自己学学呢?我们已经进入了信息时代,我们是跨时代的人,面对互联网怎么还能无动于衷呢?却还天天不以为然,在平庸琐碎的日常事务中打发时光。与此相反,就要向那些在老年大学计算机班学习的老同志们学习了,他们虽然已年愈花甲,仍然勤奋好学,积极学习计算机知识,嘴里默念王旁青头兼五一,土士二干十寸雨??五笔字根助记词,手指在键盘敲打出一串串文字,学习的劲头比我们年轻人都高!就连这些老年人都能做到如此,我们年轻人又有什么理由不去学习、掌握计算机知识呢?在信息高速发达的今天,我们必须重视网络发展趋势,积极学习掌握新技能,做信息时代的行家里手。否则你将成为一个新时代的文盲!那么,走进信息时代我们应该做好哪些事情呢?首先要有终身学习的心态。要明白“过期的知识就是废料”的道理,要努力学习电子计算机基础知识以及电脑网络专业知识。学习新的知识,摄取新的信息,储存新的观念,就是积累无形的资本,

就是往自己的帐户上存钱,就是往自己的大脑里进货,才不至于与时代脱节,被时代淘汰。高尔基说过:人的知识越广,人的本身也就 越完善。毫无疑问,在这个时代里谁也不能对网络的扩张无动于衷,坐视不理。学习网络,应用网络来学习,将是大势所趋。走进信息时代的人们一定要认清时代的要求,不断增强自我意识,努力学习,增强自己的知识修养,勇敢地承担起历史的重任并迎接信息时代的挑战!关于网络的演讲稿篇二:网络信息演讲稿 提高学生对网络信息的认识鉴定能力。。。不信谣。。不传谣。。。 国际: 1. 前阵子南韩政府与重要机关在内的四十多个 .KR 域名内的 网站都分别遭到分散式阻断服务 DDoS 攻击黑客至少入侵了四个南 韩当地的点对点 P2P文件分享网络,并且在某些分享的文件内植入 了恶意程序代码,让使用者在不知情的状况下安装了恶意文件。对南韩政府的情报工作产生了一些消极影响。 2. 调查局在最近的一份报告中指出2010年是僵尸网络(Botnet)年,全球遭遇攻击数量中僵尸网络名列第一。不久前,台湾当局就破获了一起国家级的僵尸网络;该僵尸网络连接台湾的主控台(CNC), 以2万多个病毒,对30多个国家同时发动拒绝式服务的攻击。2005 年一月美国一位20岁的年轻人,使用botnet 僵尸网络瘫痪西雅图-西北医学中心的医疗系统,造成约一百五十万美金的损失,并危害到该院病人的生命。2008年,中国的黑客发动botnet 僵尸网络大军,DDoS攻击著名的巴哈姆特游戏社交网站,要求该网站配合其宣传,


英语演讲稿我的梦想 【篇一:小学生英语演讲稿:我的梦想】 my dream 凉州区中坝镇中坝小学俞晓凤 good afternoon everyone: my name is yu xiao feng. i’m twelve years old,i’m from zhongba primary school. everyone has a dream,now ill talk about my dream,what is my dream? i often ask myself. now i am a young girl with a new dream——to be a doctor. i want to be a famous doctor, helping the sick and saving their lives. why has my dream changed? well, at the age of 11 i was ill, badly ill. i had to leave both my school and my friends and go to the hospital. every day i suffered the troubles caused by this illness. i also saw some people who were suffering . i made up my mind to become a doctor, so that i can help the sick people and cure them of their diseases. i want to try my best to help the poor treat an illness. i want to let them have an opportunity to receive excel-lent treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or any money. ill do every bit to cure the incurable. i hope to see a world, where there is no fatal diseases. im confident that through the joint efforts of you and me, man will put an end to his bodily sufferings and this dream of mine will one day be brought into reality. 我的梦想 大家下午好: 我的名字是俞晓凤。我12岁了,我来自中坝小学。每个人都有一个梦想,现在我将谈论我的梦想,我的梦想是什么?我常常问自己。现在我是一个年轻的女孩,一个新的梦想——成为一名医生。我想成为一名著名的医生,帮助病人和挽救他们的生命。为什么我的梦想改变了?在11岁的时候我病了,病得很重。我不得不离开我的学校都和我的朋友去医院,我每天都遭受病痛。 我也看到一些人受苦。我下定决心要成为一名医生,这样我可以帮助病人和他们治愈的疾病。


so there are more and more people who have became internet users. do you know how many internet users in the world? let’s see the chart! 3 this is a questionnaire [?kw?st??n??r, ?kwest???ne?] (调查卷) about world internet users and population stats in 2009. the users has grown [gr?un] at a remarkable [ri?mɑ:k?bl] rate 。the rising line(上升的曲线) is not this ,not this ,is this. let us see the next pictures. 4 who is he?yes .our respectable premier [?premi?] wen .how old is he? a ha .this i dont know ,but i know he is very old , he is also surfing the internet and caring about current events and politics .so how we do ? 5 yes .the man may be watch a funny movie. the mother is telling her children learning some knowledge through the internet. in this picture .the people from different nations also learn the same thing-------how to use the internet. even the lovely dog is also want to use the internet. why are many people attracted by internet? now im not surprised to see the results, for i can find the reason just from my own life. 6 the internet changed my life; there is no doubt about that. to spend a part of our day on the internet is quite normal for many people. 7 second. the internet is a database ?deit?beis] full of latest information and offers me a lot of services. i can read the daily newspapers, movies and music from all over the world. 8 when i saw this news, my mood just like this picture—angry birds .how cruel the passed people are .ok, let me back to the topic .this is an online game--- angry birds. that’s another important part for internet .the online games are always attractive and challenging. in my opinion its more exciting to play with friends than playing alone. 9 third. to improve our english, through internet i often find professional english learning methods. is internet good or bad we should admit that there are so many advantages brought by the internet. firstly, the internet affords us lots of convenience. for example, we can shop, have meetings and even study on-line. furthermore, the internet has improved our working efficiency. we can contact colleagues on the other side of the world to talk about the working project via the internet easily. piles of files can be sent by e-mails with the help of the internet. in addition, the internet makes information conveyance much easier. just clipping “google”, related information will boom out explosively within several seconds. while applauding for those benefits the internet brings to us, we need to worry about disadvantages of the internet as well. to begin with, it is easy for the young to indulge themselves in the so-called “cyber romance”, which is full of dangers, cheatings


AIDS is the threat of entire society What is AIDS? AIDS is a serious infectious disease that can cause people to death. The AIDS virus which is also call human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) invades the human body then destructs body's immune function. It can make people suffer from various incurable infections and tumors. The full name of AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. From its name we can know three specific definition, Acquired means the cause is acquired rather than innate; Immune Deficiency means in the aspects of pathogenesis, it is mainly caused by the body's immune system and lead to reduce the damage or loss of the protective function of the immune system; Syndrome means In the clinical symptoms, complex symptoms due to various system immunodeficiency caused by infection and tumor. The origin of AIDS is Africa and mainly comes from developing country. Transmission and pathogenesis of AIDS The AIDS virus mainly exists in the various body fluids of the AIDS virus infection and has strong infectious. The main route of infection of the AIDS virus are sexual transmission, blood transmission and mother to child transmission. From HIV infection to develop into AIDS patients has four stage: The first phase is acute stage, The second stage is the asymptomatic period, which is called the incubation period, too.The third stage is the pre AIDS.The fourth period is full period of AIDS or AIDS in the late, which is the most complex. The treatment and prevention of AIDS AIDS is a serious infectious disease with high fatality rate, there is still no cure for drugs and methods, but can be prevented. Drug therapy can be divided into three categories: Anti HIV drugs, immunomodulators and anti infective Drugs. AIDS is a threat to every person and every family, the prevention of AIDS is the responsibility of the whole society. Many daily behaviors cannot infect AIDS virus. To comply with sexual morality is the fundamental measures for the prevention of the sexual transmission of AIDS. Sharing syringes, drug taking is a major channel for the spread of AIDS, therefore, we should refuse drugs and cherish life.


关于梦想的英文演讲稿(篇1) Wide sea diving, the days of the birds to fly. Everyone carries a dream of their own. However, what is the dream? What is dream? Dream is looking forward to, and the dream is strong - is fleeting dream you insist on the ideal as their courage and perseverance, are you responsible for their own highest level. But ask yourself, how many of us to accomplish his original dream in mind? Our dream is a simple belief, is a future and life of their own responsibility. Perhaps, is the Youth grand ambitions; perhaps, is the adolescent confusion and impulsive; maybe just a plain desire, desire applause, eager for success. Countless "may," innumerable "hope" because of our youthful full of miracles, large and small dreams in our hearts, in every corner of life filled with fragrance. Only the ideal but no effort is useless. If you want to be a teacher, you should to study hard. If you want to be a player, you should do more exercises. If you want to become a businessman, he should learn to get along with people. For example, my wish is to be a famous writer grew up, because I really love writing, so from now on, I should read more, more accumulate knowledge, and strive to improve writing level. No pains, no gains, because my efforts, so my article was punished in many newspapers , and in many composition contest, I see the success I'm happy, so, struggle is the bridge to the ideal. Yes, my dream. to give my famliy a warm, give my friend happy. Yes, my dream. The podium from the first station began his love this place, started from the first published an article looking forward to the world of words, decided to stay here from the beginning, stick to bottom of my heart desire. Years in our faces no matter how many additional traces, no matter how much things to us across the chest wounds, as long as we have the right to breathe, to have a passion for remodeling dreams! Oxygen to survive as long as we have to have the courage to create a passion! Choose to continue, select the value, select the achievements of the passion of life, the brave hearts of the initial dream of success! 海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞。每个人都怀揣着一个属于自己的梦想。 然而,什么是梦?什么又是梦想?梦是期待,而梦想是坚强--是你把飘渺的梦坚持作为自己理想的勇气和执著,是你对自己负责的最高境界。但扪心自问,我们有多少人能够成就自己心中最初的梦想? 我们的梦想,是一个简单的信念,是一份对自己未来与生命的责任。也许,是二十岁的豪情壮志;也许,是青春期的迷茫与冲动;也许只是一份平淡的渴望,渴望掌声,渴望成功。无数的“可能”,无数的“希望”,因为我们的青春岁月充满奇迹,我们心中大大小小的梦,在生活的每一个角落里芬芳弥漫。 是的,我的梦想。一份从一而终的守望--给我的学生希望,给我的读者温暖,给我的爱人幸福。是的,我的梦想。从第一次站上讲台开始迷恋这个地方,从第一次发表文章开始憧憬文字世界,从决定留在这里开始,坚守心底的渴望。 无论岁月在我们脸上增添了多少痕迹,无论世事在我们胸口划过多少到伤痕,只要我们还有呼吸的权利,就拥有重塑梦想的激情!只要我们还有生存的氧气,就拥有缔造激情的勇气!


关于网络的演讲稿范文 导语:演讲稿也叫演讲词它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿下面小编整理的关于网络的演讲稿范文希望对大家有帮助 篇一:关于网络的演讲稿范文 随着信息时代的来临电脑互联网以最先进的方式成为全社会各阶层人士所必须的学习工具、交流工具其目的是把我们改造为真正的信息时代的新人类:一个会运用新工具的人;创造新生活的人;一个真正与时俱进的人!可惜的是当今有大多数人还没有真正感觉到互联网的作用还不知自己即将成为新时代的文盲:不能安心地学习电脑应用技术没有自己的电子邮箱;不会上传、下载文件;不能快速录入文字、编辑文档甚至连鼠标都没有碰过工作中像收发个电子邮件或绘制个表格这样的简单的事情还得到处请人有时间不就自己学学呢我们已经进入了信息时代我们是跨时代的人面对互联网还能无动于衷呢却还天天不以为然在平庸琐碎的日常事务中打发时光与此相反就要向那些在老年大学计算机班学习的老同志们学习了他们虽然已年愈花甲仍然勤奋好学积极学习计算机知识嘴里默念王旁青头兼五一土士二干十寸雨??五笔字根助记词手指在键盘敲打出一串串文字学习的劲头比我们年轻人都高!就连这些老年人都能做到如此我们年轻人又有什么理由不去学习、掌握计算机知识呢在信息高速发达的今天我们必须重视网络发展趋势积极学习掌握新技能做信息时代的行家里手否则你将成为一个新时代的文盲!那么走进信息时代我们应该做好

些事情呢首先要有终身学习的心态要明白“过期的知识就是废料”的道理要努力学习电子计算机基础知识以及电脑网络专业知识学习新 的知识摄取新的信息储存新的观念就是积累无形的资本就是往自己 的帐户上存钱就是往自己的大脑里进货才不至于与时代脱节被时代 淘汰高尔基说过:人的知识越广人的本身也就越完善毫无疑问在这个时代里谁也不能对网络的扩张无动于衷坐视不理学习网络应用网络 来学习将是大势所趋走进信息时代的人们一定要认清时代的要求不 断增强自我意识努力学习增强自己的知识修养勇敢地承担起历史的 重任并迎接信息时代的挑战! 篇二:关于网络的演讲稿范文 1.前阵子南韩政府与重要机关在内的四十多个.KR域名内的网站都分别遭到分散式阻断服务DDoS攻击黑客至少入侵了四个南韩当地的点对点P2P文件分享网络并且在某些分享的文件内植入了恶意 程序代码让使用者在不知情的状况下安装了恶意文件对南韩政府的 情报工作产生了一些消极影响 2.调查局在最近的一份报告中指出xx年是僵尸网络(Botnet)年全球遭遇攻击数量中僵尸网络名列第一不久前台湾当局就破获了 一起国家级的僵尸网络;该僵尸网络连接台湾的主控台(CNC)以2万多个病毒对30多个国家同时发动拒绝式服务的攻击XX年一月美国一位20岁的年轻人使用botnet僵尸网络瘫痪西雅图西北医学中心的医疗系统造成约一百五十万美金的损失并危害到该院病人的生命xx年中国的黑客发动botnet僵尸网络大军DDoS攻击著名的巴哈姆特游戏


批改网高分作文 Who Are Teachers’ Pets, Boys or Girls? 1) Nowadays, a growing number of people tend to think about a question: who do teachers like more? Reading this table, we can get some information and analyse the result via the figures. Obviously, teachers favor girls over boys in primary school. As far as I concerned, the most indispensable reason is that girls are quiet, smart and well-behaved during that age. While in junior middle school, hat might seem to be no difference between boys and girls. In a word, there is no prejudice and gender discrimination at that time. Nevertheless things are getting change when coming to senior high school. The most reasonable explanation is that girls are superior to boys in math and physics up to the age of ten, fall behind from then on. under that circumstance, teachers is shown to call on male in class far more than female students. While in college, teachers seem to have no preference in student because of the less attention and unawareness 2) It is obviously that the answer of such question changes frequently as students growing up and here is my analyze according to the chart. First of all, girls, in my opinion, are much more welcomed in primary school. Over two-thirds of students believe that female students are teacher's pet in primary school. Second, however, conclusion in senior middle school is quite different because half of students hold the view that it was boys that are teacher's pet. Thirdly, the circumstance in junior middle school as well as In college is between two extremes which means neither boys nor girls have advantage to be pets of teachers. What conclusion can I draw is that the chart indicates us girls are more welcomed by teacher at low grades because they are not only quite gentle and quiet but also boys are naughty at the same time. As time goes by, though, such difference gradually disappear which lead to
