


This is to certify Ms. / Mr. ***, born on March **, 19**, our employee. She/He has been working in our company for ** years since she/he came here in December 200*. Now she/he takes the post of *** in our ** department. She /he will go to Italy for her/his further study on August 200*. And she/he tendered her/his resignation on May 20,200* to us. We hereby agree.

With high respect!

Seal of ***** Co., Ltd.

May 20,200* Company: *****Co., Ltd.

Address: **************

Tel: ***-*******

Transactor: ***


***** University


This is to certify that Mr./Ms. *** ,was born on ** **,****,whose student No. is **********, has been studying in our university since **,****. And she/he is attending the final academic year, now he/she is studying at the *** department in *** (major).

With high respect!

Seal of the Dean’s Office of ***** University

August **, 200*


Identity Card

Name: ***

Gender: Female/Male

Nation: Han

Date of Birth: August **, 198*

Post Address: ******************

Reference Number: ******************

Validity Period: From August **, 200* to August 14, 202*

Issue Department: ** Public Security Bureau


Graduation Certificate

This is to certify that Miss. /Mr. ***, female/male, born in May 1987, has studied *** from September 19** to June 20** in ** University. Having accomplished all the courses required by four-year undergraduate program and passed all the examinations and she/he is allowed to graduate.


Certificate No.:00000001

This is to certify that Mr./Miss.***, male/female,born in March198*was enrolled in Department of *****, ***** University in September ****,

major in *****, having passed all the required examinations and thesis,

graduated in June, 2008.

**** (Personal Seal)

President (Seal)

***University (Seal)

Certificate Code: 1048*****02

Date of issue: June 10,2008

Certificate of Bachelor's Degree

(Undergraduate of Ordinary Higher Education)

This is to certify that Miss./Mr. ***, female/male, born in ****, has accomplished all the courses required by four-year undergraduate program, major in **** from September 19** to June 20** in *** University, she/he is allowed to graduate. In accordance with Degree Regulations of People’s Republic of China, she/he is awarded Bachelor of ***.

***** (Personal Seal)

Chairman of Degree Assessment Committee of *** University

June 30, 2008

Certificate Code: 104*******002



Personal Information


Gender: M/F

Marital status: single/married

Date of Birth: Month/Date/ Year

Place of Birth:***city,***province

Permanent Address: No 8,***Road,***District,***City, 100081 China

Current Address: No. 9,***Road,***District,***City, 100081 China

Telephone number: +86-10-8888 8888




Sep. 2001—Jul. 2005 ********University

Subject: BA in****, to be awarded in 2005

High school

Sep. 1998—Jul. 2001 No. 101 high school

Professional experience

Jul. 2004—Sep. 2004

Company: SOHO china

Company size: more than 2000 staff

Position: assistant designer

Mar. 2005—May. 2006


Company size:******staff


Computer skills

Windows & Office: Advanced

Adobe Photoshop: Advanced

3D software: Basic

Foreign languages

English: Advanced, TOEFL 600, taken in Sep. 2004 in Beijing

Italian: Basic, 100 hours' study in Beijing Language and Culture University in 2005

French: Good, 500 hours' study, TEF 329, taken in Jan. 2005 in Beijing

Others (Hobby / Social Activity / Specialty/Prize)


Music, sport, drawing, …..

Social Activity

2001-2002 Join in******

2002-2003 Join in******


Playing the piano


Oct. 2003 Won the first prize in******competition









电话:+86 10 8888 8888

E-mail: *******@https://www.360docs.net/doc/4617157219.html,




****年**月-****年**月 **** 大学 ****系 ****专业



****年**月-****年**月 **** 高中








Windows & Office:

Adobe Photoshop:

3D software:





其它 ( 兴趣/ 社会实践/ 特长/获奖)









(English Translation)

Certificate No: (1)

This is to certify that(2), (3) , born in (4) , has studied in (5) , in the Department of (6) from (7)to (8) and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a (9) -year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.



(11) University (with seal)

Date: (12)

说明:(1)证书编号(2) 姓名拼音(3) 性别(4) 出生日期(5) 专业方向(6) 院系名称(7) 入学日期(8) 毕业日期(9) 学制年数(10) 校长姓名(11)学校名(12) 毕业证书签发


Certificate No: ⑴

This is to certify that ⑵, ⑶, born in ⑷, has studied in ⑸in the Department of ⑹from ⑺to ⑻and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a ⑼-year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.

Having passed the examinations in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Regulations on Academic Degree of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the degree of Bachelor of ⑽ .

Chairman: ⑾

Committee on Conferring of Degree

Date: ⑿





This is to certify Ms./Mr.***, our employee, born on May 1967. She/He has been working in our company for seven years since she/he came here in 1998. And the following shows

her/his post change


Department Post

Average monthly salary

Year end bonus

Total yearly salary

Our company has deducted personal income tax for her/him. Monthly salary and yearly salary are after-tax income.

With high respect!

Shanghai *** International Trading Co., Ltd (with seal)

July 5th, 2005

Address: ***

Telephone: 86-21-***

Fax: 86-21-***

Transactor: Ms. ***



(1)Scholastic aptitude(学习方面的才能)

a.Native intellectual ability(天赋)



d.Capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力)

e.Intellectual curiosity; spirit of inquiry(好奇心)

f.Ability to work independently(独立学习工作的能力)




j.Capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力)

k.Potential as a researcher(研究的潜力)

1.Potential as a teacher(教学的潜力)

m.Ability to express his ideas orally and in writing(口头或文字的表达能力)n.Capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work(获得学业成功的能力、愿望与决心)

o.Probable success as a graduate student(作为研究生成功的可能性)

(2)Academic performance(学业上的表现)

a.Breadth of general knowledge(知识丰富)

b.Knowledge of literature in his field(本专业领域知识)

c.Grade or achievement(成绩或成就)

d.Industry, diligence(勤勉)

e.Participation in discussion(讨论积极)

f.Academic maturity(学业上的成熟)


a.Ability to speak, understand, read and write the English language(听、说、读、写英文的能力)

b.Ability to read significant literature in other languages than English(英语以外的语言阅读能力)


a.Honesty; integrity(诚实)


c.Sense of responsibility(责任感)

d.Cooperation (合作)



g.Ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准)

h.Reliability; dependability(可*性)

马兰欧尼学院--留学意向书样本汇总(Personal Statement)


Personal Statement

-----***, May 1*, 200*

My name is ***, a twenty ** year old girl born in ***, a city with rather thriving clothing industry in *** Province, China. My parents set up a clothing factory of their own and have been engaged in the manufacture of costume since I was young. The influence of my family, combined with my curiosity and interest in art, accounts for my fancy to fashion design. As a senior student that will graduate from ******** University this July, and as a girl that is

eager to enlarge my knowledge about fashion and sticks to the dream of becoming a successful fashion designer, I am planning to take the master program in Fashion Design in Istituto Marangoni, Milan, Italy, one of the top fashion institute around the world.

I entered ********* University as a student majoring in Textile Design in September 200*. During these four years, I have taken courses such as Sketch, Foreign Costume History, Textile and Material, Graphic Design, Costume Pattern, and Costume Draping, etc. The study of the courses equipped me with the necessary knowledge and skills and it prepares me well for the more advanced education I am planning to seek after graduation.

My aptitude for fashion and my diligence in school were rewarded by a series of achievements. In 200* and 200*, my design works *** and *** were regarded as Excellent Works and were kept by the school. In 200*, my batik dyeing works ****** gained the best evaluation in the class. In the same year, my costume pattern works ***** won me good appraisal and was sent to **** Textiles Pattern Design Contest. In the summer of 200*, I was lucky to be chosen as the participants of the China 200* Design of Popular Exhibition Hall hold by the school. This year, my costume pattern works ***** won the silver prize in the ***** University Textile Contest and was displayed in exhibition celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of ********* University.

In my spare time, I seize every chance to take part in social activities to apply what I have learned in school to practice. In the summer of 200*, I did internship as an assistant for a fashion designer in a fashion company in *****. On summer holiday of 200*, I did internship as the textile designer in *** *** Garments Ltd. On summer holiday of 200* and 200*, I worked in famous textile studios in ***, *** Province. This useful experience has broadened my mind and enabled me to have a profound understanding of fashion design.

I am an independent girl. I like hiking and adventure and always do hiking by myself. I believe that this quality will have good influence on my style of design and the trips I have made will prepare me well for my life and study abroad in the future. I believe that my aptitude and creativity, the education given by the excellent and experienced professors in Istituto Marangoni, and the opportunities to attend the fashion week and meet various elites in the field of fashion in Milan will be very precious experience for a girl that is longing to approach fashion. After successfully finish my study in Istituto Marangoni, I will come back to China, making use of what I have learned to pursue a career in a fashion company as a fashion designer.

All these above are a summing-up and presentation of myself. Thanks very much for your attention!

I sincerely hope I can stand the chance of being accepted by your school. And I will prove it a wise decision with my action.

All the best with your work!

Happy all the time!

Yours sincerely,





















Master in Brand Management

Istituto Marangoni

Milan, Italy

July **, 200*

Letter of Recommendation

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am very pleased to writing this letter for Ms./Mr. ***, one of my students in *** University. As her/his professor teaching Fashion Brand Operating, I strongly support her/his admission to the master program in Brand Management taking consideration of her/his professional academic background and ambitions to be a brand manager.

She/He is a warm-hearted person and is interested in everything related to Fashion. Through the years in our university, She/He obtained knowledge on fashion design, fashion brand operating, costume history, marketing and finance. Ms./Mr. **** participated in fashion competition and social activities which also has developed her/his view to fashion

It did not take a long time for Ms./Mr. **** to distinguish herself/himself as an extraordinary student who can raise the most penetrating questions about the popular issue in fashion industry and brand, and pay the most considerable exploration into them. It is even striking to me and her/his fellow classmates that she/he has also demonstrated profound understanding of the subject area on fashion brand and management.

Also I believe that her/his high intelligence and strong interpersonal relationship will assure her/his of a very successful completion of study at your school. It will be highly appreciated for your favorable consideration towards her/his application. Please feel free to contact me for any further information.

Truly yours,

Professor: ****

***** Universtiy

Tel: +86 ** 8*******

E-mail: ******@https://www.360docs.net/doc/4617157219.html,


Personal Statement

Program Applied: Marketing Management

In a highly competitive environment, the ability to create competitive edges over one’s adversaries and to achieve ultimate victory in fierce competitions depends not so much on materials resources as on the mental factors of intelligence and concepts. Those concepts that can lead to new visions and perspectives and those approaches that can effectively solve problems will have the greatest value. The overriding factor which ensures the eventual materialization of new concepts and gives rise to effective approaches is management. As a branch of applied science, the science of management has crucial value not only for developing countries like China which are making uttermost efforts to catch up with the developed countries, but also for the leading multinational giants in the developed

countries themselves. For a person like me who has decided to pursue marketing management as my career objective, to sharpen my intellectual caliber, to understand the essence of management and to grasp important skills of management have become my greatest aspiration.

As a Master’s student specializing in marketing and enterprise strategies, I am very proud to report that I have made some encouraging research achievements. Of the two research papers that I wrote concerning strategic development of enterprises—Enterprise Strategic Alliance Based on Resource Complementarity and The Strategic Orientation and Countermeasures for Chinese Enterprises in International Operations in the New Millennium, the former has been published by Economic Tribune in Sept. 2002 and the latter has been accepted for publication by China Economists in Feb. 2003. These two research papers are the fruition of my active involvement in a research project named Study on Chinese Enterprises’ Cooperation-Competition Models in Hyper-Competitive Conditions, which is sponsored by China State Natural Science Foundation (Foundation Project No. 70140132). Another paper entitled Brand Marketing: A Competitive Mode on a Higher Level in Modern Economics has been published by Contemporary Finance & Economics in November this year. Those research achievements can unmistakably indicate my tremendous potential to perform much more ambitious researches in my future degree program and I am determined to develop this potential to the fullest extent.

I completed my four-year systematic studies in Engineering and Management Science as an undergraduate at the School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. It is precisely this undergraduate education that has reinforced my determination to pursue marketing management as my lifelong career. Although as an undergraduate my understanding of some courses cannot be described as profound (some might even

be said to be rather superficial), my learning of those courses nevertheless widened my ken of knowledge and broadened my vision.

In order to further enrich myself, I availed myself of every opportunity of academic exchange both on campus and off campus. I shuttled among Peking University, Central Finance and Economics University, and China Renmin University on my bicycle in order to attend lectures delivered by the country’s leading scholars and entrepreneurs. Those lectures constituted an important supplement to my in-class training because they were immediately connected with the realities of Chinese society. I also benefited importantly from my extracurricular activities. As minister of the Department of Social Practices of the School’s Students Union, I planned and organized the School’s Festival of the Art of Management.

I also canvassed P epsi Company to sponsor our university’s basketball league match. In launching those activities, I improved my organizational and managerial skills. In retrospection, my undergraduate program was most strengthened by my self-conscious attention to various applied subjects—higher mathematics, statistics and probability, linear algebra, operations research, etc. It can be said that my undergraduate education (in which my overall scholastic performance ranked top 4th in my class consisting of 30 students) enabled me to make some basic preparations in theoretical knowledge and in the application of mathematical tools.

From Sept. 1998 to April 2000, my employment with Hisense Group in QingDao City, Shandong Province (one of the largest manufacturers of electrical appliances in China) was a major opportunity to practice what I had learned. The second year I joined the Group, the most fierce price warfare happened to China’s electrical appliances industry. Manufacturers reduced the prices of their products to unprecedented low levels in order to maximize their market share. As an act of market competition, the Marketing Department where I worked launched Traveling Expositions of Hisense Products. As one of the four key personnel of the department, I planned and organized a series of exhibitions in most major cities in China. Our one-year efforts achieved remarkable market effects. In Shijiazhuan City, for instance, of a total of 30 brands, our sales of televisions and air conditioners accounted for 24% and 18% respectively in 2000. In that year’s performance evaluation, I was awarded the Group’s Model Employee.

My understanding of marketing was enriched and modified by my 2-year practical work experience. To me, marketing was not merely composed of such elements as product designing, promotion through advertising, pricing models, and distribution channels. It also encompassed the analysis of the behavior both of your competitors and of consumers, studies in organization behavior, brand management, and decision-makings. Believing that a

more systematic education would contribute to a more successful career, I went back to my alma mater in September 2000 and went on with a Master’s program in Engineering and Management Science in order to gain knowledge on a higher professional level, to follow the most updated academic information, and to improve my managerial caliber.

Backed by my work experience, my academic focus became better-defined and I was more self-motivated in my studies. With a comprehensive coursework covering advanced mathematical planning, decision-making strategies, management statistics, and fuzzy mathematics, I achieved obvious improvement in theoretical knowledge and in the application of tools. I

developed broader perspectives and was able to conduct my research from more advanced professional levels. My thesis, entitled A Study of Enterprises’ Strategic Alliances Based on an Analysis of Resource Complementarity, presented a wholly novel explanation of corporate alliances from the perspective of resource integration, a perspective which differed fundamentally from the conventional view held by most scholars which explained the necessity and justification of corporate alliance from the angle of transaction cost and value chain.

Instead of feeling 1ed with m y high GPA for the Master’s program (3.6), I have come to realize how much there is still for me to learn in the field of management, especially in marketing. Most universities in China treat marketing purely as a theoretical course, with neither case analysis nor opportunities for students to practice the theories they have learned. In terms of curriculum, studies in marketing psychology and in华夏学

习网idual behavior have hardly been undertaken. Moreover, the lack of analytical tools has resulted in insufficient analysis of the market feedback. Realizing that such deficiencies can scarcely be overcome within a short period of time, I believe that a more successful career must be pursued through a Ph.D. program outside China, ideally in a first-rate university in the United States.

With my undergraduate and graduate background in engineering and management science, I would like to focus on one of the following areas in your Ph.D. program: a. marketing management; b. behavioral approaches to marketing or consumer behavior; and c. channels of distribution. I have also drawn up my tentative career objective. I will complete my doctoral program by undertaking extensive researches and carrying out some specific projects. After obtaining my degree, I will seek some teaching experiences in an American university while continuing with advanced researches on the latest research topics. In this way I can keep developing my academic aptitudes. After accumulating sufficient teaching and research experience, I will seek a teaching position in a prestigious university in China where I will share with my future students and colleagues my research findings and the knowledge I

have acquired in the United States. I hope to develop myself ultimately into a leading specialist in marketing and management who can contribute to bringing Chinese scholarship in this field onto a more advanced level.

CMU’s Ph.D. program in computer science is heavily integrated with research activities and is designed to nurture people with raw talent and intellect in an environment which permits them thorough immersion in research and coursework. The program promises to produce well-educated researchers and future leaders in computer science. I am very excited over

this wonderful vision because such a program offers me a basis to translate my dreams into realities. Without such a program, many of my dreams will remain mere fantasies.


Terms Relating to Student Admission, Registration, Fee, etc.

Academic term 学期

Academic year 学年

Admission Letter 取录信

Advanced Level Examination 高级程度会考

Advanced Supplementary Level Examination 高级补充程度会考

Associate Degree Programme 副学士学位课程

Caution money 保证金

Composition fee 学费

Conditional Offer 有条件取录

Confirmed Offer 确认取录

Continuation fee 延读学费

Contracted course (SPACE) 特约课程

Core Course 必修科目

Corequisite 同修科目

Course 科目∕课程

Coursework 课程进修∕修课课程

Credit / Credit-Unit 学分

Cumulative GPA 总平均积点

Curriculum 课程

Customised course (SPACE) 特约课程

Dissertation 论文

Double Degree Programme 双学位课程

Elective course 选修科目

Examiner 主考

Exchange student 交换生

Extended assessment scheme 入学延长审核制

External examiner 校外主考

External student 旁听生

Firm Offer 正式取录

Full-time course 全日制课程

Grade Point Average (GPA) 平均积点

Graduate 毕业生

Graduation fee 毕业费

Internal examiner 校内主考

Joint University Programmes Admissions System 大学联合招生办

Lecture 讲课

Mature student 成人学生

Midsessional test 中期测验

Part-time course 兼读课程

Part-time day release course 日间给假调训课程Postgraduate Medical Education 医科进修教育Postgraduate student (Research / Taught) 研究生﹝专题研究∕修课课程﹞

Prerequisite 先修科目

Qualifying examination 评核试

Re-examination 重考

Registered graduate 注册毕业生

Repeating fee 重读费

Research Proposal 研究意向书

Self-financed Programme 自资课程

Semester GPA 学期平均积点

Seminar 研讨会

Short course 短期课程

Syllabus 课程范围

Thesis 毕业论文

Tutorial 导修课

Undergraduate student 本科生

Visiting student 附读生

Weighted GPA 等值平均积点


Certification This is to certify Ms. / Mr. ***, born on March **, 19**, our employee. She/He has been working in our company for ** years since she/he came here in December 200*. Now she/he takes the post of *** in our ** department. She /he will go to Italy for her/his further study on August 200*. And she/he tendered her/his resignation on May 20,200* to us. We hereby agree. With high respect! Seal of ***** Co., Ltd. May 20,200* Company: *****Co., Ltd. Address: ************** Tel: ***-******* Transactor: *** 在读证明翻译实例 ***** University Certificate This is to certify that Mr./Ms. *** ,was born on ** **,****,whose student No. is **********, has been studying in our university since **,****. And she/he is attending the final academic year, now he/she is studying at the *** department in *** (major). With high respect! Seal of the Dean’s Office of ***** University August **, 200* 身份证翻译实例 Identity Card Name: *** Gender: Female/Male Nation: Han Date of Birth: August **, 198* Post Address: ******************


学士学位证书及毕业证英文翻译模板BACHELOR’S DEGRE E CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Ms. Wang Danli, born in October 1977, has studied in the Department of Law, xxx University with a specialty of Law from September 1996 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. In accordance with the academic degree act of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded th e Bachelor’s Degree in Law. xxx Chairman of Degree Appraising Committee of xx University June 30, 20 Certificate No.: 103354003888 毕业证书翻译模板 DIPLOMA This is to certify that Ms. Wang Lan, born on February 29, 1980, has studied in the Department of Foreign Languages,xxxUniversity with a specialty of English from September 1997 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. Xx President of xx University Registration No.: 298168015 Date Issued: June 30, 2000 其他证明 范例工作证明 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BUREAU MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS July 11, 1986 To Whom It May Concern, This is to certify that Mr. Shu duly passed the qualification examination as a Mechanical Engineer and has been granted a certificate, Taikong No. 6314 dated February 3, 1982 to this effect by the


留学动机信翻译模板 写动机信是为了介绍自己,让招生官了解自己,下面和我一起来看看留学动机信翻译模板。希望大家可以从中学习到一些知识和技巧。 Personal Story 我叫XXX,今年21岁,是一个十分乐观向上的青年。在北京市北 方交通大学附属中学毕业后,考入北京青年政治学院泰尔弗商务分院,所学专业为国际商务,在大学老师们辛勤培养下学到许多国际贸易、商务方面的知识。参加了一些社会实习活动,极大提高了自己的能力。毕业后,到英国的Hastings College 学习硕士预科课程。 I am Cai Liyang, 21, optimistic and ambitious. After my graduation from the high school attached to Beijing Jiaotong University, I was admitted to Beijing Youth Politics College Telfort business Institute, majoring in International business. Under the conscientious cultivation of my teachers, I acquired an extensive knowledge of international trade and business. And my experiences of internship greatly enhanced my abilities. Then, after graduation, I went to Britain to study Master's Degree preparatory courses at Hastings College. 初到一个陌生而又神奇的国度,开始很不习惯,我努力适应新的环境,结交新的朋友,正确对待两国文化、教育方面的差异。在英国期

【留学翻译_留学英文材料翻译_ 出国留学材料翻译公司】

留学翻译_留学英文材料翻译_出国留学材料翻译公司 从我国改革开放至今,国内出国热潮也一直处于持续上升阶段,而目前出国有这三种方式,移民出国、旅游出国和留学出国,其中留学出国受很多国内高校学生的追捧,也可以说留学国外深造是优秀高校毕业生的更高追求,而想要出国留学必定少不了准备许多出国用到的材料,但由于语言差异及所需材料的繁杂,出国材料翻译往往需要专业的翻译公司准确翻译才能有效保证自己出国身份的 合法。如您需要翻译服务,请联系金笔佳文翻译:400-900-5765 留学申请材料 在其中很多人不知道申请出国留学到底需要哪些材料,为了方便大家的需求,北京金笔佳文翻译有限公司帮助您将申请出国留学需要的材料陈列了出来。包括:成绩报告单、毕业证书、推荐信、申请书、个人简历、自我陈述等资料。 成绩单翻译、毕业证翻译、申请书翻译都有比较固定的格式,翻译起来也较为容易。而个人简历翻译、推荐信翻译、自我陈述的翻译都因人而异,其内容详尽,涉及面广,文句复杂,翻译起来难度自然要大一些。 出国留学材料翻译语种: 出国资料英语翻译、出国资料德语翻译、出国资料日语翻译、出国资料法语翻译、出国资料韩语翻译、出国资料意大利语翻译、出国资料荷兰语翻译、出国资料印度语翻译、出国资料更多语种翻译。 留学材料翻译的流程: 请将需要翻译的出国留学材料清晰拍照或扫描成照片,发送至金笔佳文翻译有限公司的邮箱info@https://www.360docs.net/doc/4617157219.html,,并在邮箱中附上您的真实姓名、手机电话及

快递地址信息,以便于我们就出国留学材料内容问题、付款问题与您及时沟通交流。一般译稿24小时内可交付,量大交稿时间协商决定。 翻译样稿:(部分) 如您需要翻译服务,请联系金笔佳文翻译:400-900-5765 留学材料的翻译大多需要专业的翻译公司来帮助你进行翻译工作,这也是必要的步骤之一;因为需要注意英汉的不同表达方式,尤其是要把握好译文的句式重心,主谓结构。在必要的时候,要敢于打破原文的结构,摆脱中文的字面束缚,使译文符合英语的表达习惯。 这一步有很多想要出国留学的同学尽管对英语没问题,但由于没接触过国外的文化,在表达方面达不到外国人对英语的表现习惯,从而降低对他们的客观评价,导致申请被退回。这也就是为什么需要专业翻译公司进行翻译的问题。面对各个不同行业的需求,我们在筛选译者时特别注重其专业领域以及文字表达的精


【出国留学】 Generally speaking, studying abroad refers to the actof pursuing education in another country. Studyingabroad can not only enrich people's knowledge andbroaden their horizons but also cultivate theirindependence. Nowadays, China has alreadybecome the largest source country of overseas students. The number approximately reached2.65 million from 1978 to 2012 and would increase continuously with a speed of 30% each yearin the future. Many Chinese are worried about the continuous craze, for it may lead to braindrain. However, more people hold an optimistic attitude towards it, believing that with thedevelopment of globalization, these overseas students could serve as a window for foreigners tolearn more about China and help publicize Chinese culture to some extent. 参考翻译: 出国留学,一般指一个人到另一个国家继续接受教育的行为。出国留学能够丰富知识、开阔视野,同时也可以培养人的独立性。如今,中国已成为世界上最大的留学生生源国(sourcecountry),从1978年至2012年, 中国的留学生大约有265万人。而且未来每年将以30%的速度继续增长。很多中国人担心这种持续的留学热会造成人才流失(brain drain)。但更多的人对此持乐观态度,认为随着全球化的推进,留学生将成为外国人了解中国的窗口,并在一定程度上有助于宣传中国的文化。 其实看看凯程考研怎么样,最简单的一个办法,看看他们有没有成功的学生,最直观的办法是到凯程网站,上面有大量学员经验谈视频,这些都是凯程扎扎实实的辅导案例,其他机构网站几乎没有考上学生的视频,这就是凯程和其他机构的优势,凯程是扎实辅导、严格管理、规范教学取得如此优秀的成绩。 辨别凯程和其他机构谁靠谱的办法。 第一招:看经验谈视频,凯程网站有经验谈视频,其他机构没有。 第二招:看有没有讲义。凯程有课程讲义,其他机构几乎没有,或者没有现成的讲义,说明他们没有辅导历史。 第三招:问问该专业今年辅导多少人。如果就招1-2个学生,那就无法请最好的老师,凯程大多数专业都是小班授课,招生人数多,自然请的老师质量高,授课量大,学习更加扎实。并且凯程和这些学校的老师联系更加紧密。 第四招:看集训营场地正规不正规。有些机构找个写字楼,临时租个宾馆,学习没有气氛,必须是正规教学楼、宿舍楼、操场、食堂,凯程就是正规教学楼、宿舍楼、食堂、操场等,配备空调、暖气、热水器、独立卫浴等。在凯程网站有大量集训营环境的照片,每个学员对我们的集训营学习气氛满意度超高。其他机构很多遮遮掩掩不提供,那就是集训营环境不行。第五招:实地考察看看。 凯程在金融硕士、会计硕士、法硕、中传、教育学、教育硕士、财科所等名校名专业考研取得的成绩。对该专业有辅导历史:必须对该专业深刻理解,才能深入辅导学员考取该校。在考研辅导班中,从来见过如此辉煌的成绩:凯程在2016年考研中,清华五道口金融学院考取13人(前五名都是凯程学员),清华经管6人,北大经院金融硕士8人,人大和贸大各15人,中财金融硕士10人,复旦上交上财等名校18人,法学方面,凯程在人大、北大、贸大、政法、武汉大学、公安大学等院校斩获多个法学和法硕状元,会计硕士、中传、中戏、经济学等专业更是成绩突出,更多专业成绩请查看凯程网站。在凯程官方网站的光荣榜,成


留学动机信翻译模板 【信是为了介绍自己,让招生官了解自己,下面和小编一起来看看留学动机信翻译模板。希望大家可以从中学习到一些知识和技巧。 Personal Story 我叫XXX, 今年21岁, 是一个十分乐观向上的青年。在北京市北方交通大学附属中学毕业后, 考入北京青年政治学院泰尔弗商务分院, 所学专业为国际商务, 在大学老师们辛勤培养下学到许多国际贸易、商务方面的知识。参加了一些社会实习活动,

极大提高了自己的能力。毕业后,到英国的Hastings College 学习硕士预科课程。 I am Cai Liyang, 21, optimistic and ambitious. After my graduation

from the high school attached to Beijing Jiaotong University, I was admitted to Beijing Youth Politics

College Telfort business Institute, majoring in International business. Under the conscientious cultivation of my teachers,

I acquired an extensive knowledge of international trade and business. And my experiences

internship greatly enhanced my abilities. Then,after graduation, I went to Britain to study


下载毙考题APP 免费领取考试干货资料,还有资料商城等你入驻 邀请码:8806 可获得更多福利 2017考研英语翻译每日一句:出国留学热 考研英语翻译部分在试题中分值占10%,建议同学们还是要重视起来,为自己争取更多的分数。小编考研为大家搜集了有关社会生活、科普知识、文化教育等方面的相关句子,以此拓展大家的视野。一起来学习吧! 本期主题【出国留学热】 As early as 100 years ago,studying abroad was seenas a strategy to strengthen the nationalpower.Now,more and more students crave forstudying abroad.Students nowadays are a bitaimless and casual when craving for studyingabroad, which leads to many problems like exhausting all the savings of their family,wastingtheir youths but ending up by giving up halfway and even becoming trouble-makingstudents with many bad habits.It s better not follow the current craze of studying abroadblindly and it s most important to choose the direction fit for oneself,for one can perform wellin any field . 参考翻译: 早在100年前,出国留学就被视为一种强国之策。直至今日,越来越多的学生热衷于出国留学。但当下风行的留学热,掺杂着一定的盲目性和随意性,从而导致很多问题的发生,如许多留学生花掉家中积蓄,搭上个人青春,到头来却是半途而废,有的甚至成为恶习缠身的问题学生。最好不要盲目地跟随当前的这股出国留学热,选择适合自己的发展方向才是最重要的,因为三百六十行,行行出状元。 考试使用毙考题,不用再报培训班


美式论文、报告写作技巧 编者按:美式教育的特点即是课程内容强调学生参与及创新运用,因此,报告便成了常见的考核学生学习成果的方式,比如实验报告、学期报告、专题报告、研究报告及论文(含毕业论文)等。研究生presentation 及seminar 的机会更是占很大的比重,有些甚至占学期成绩很大比例。如何完成报告、论文同时得到良好的成绩,是本文提供给有志留学的有心人参考的目的。 美国大学生由於自小已养成自动寻找答案习惯,在启发式的教育环境下,写报告、论文对他们来说比较不陌生,虽然专业知识上美国学生不见得比外籍学生强,但是表达能力由於自小培养,加上英语能力的优势,常比外籍学生在报告、论文方面有较隹的利基。反之中国学生比较缺乏报告写作的训练,因此如果在留学过程中无法适应美式教育会比较辛苦,其实论文、报告的写作要领其实不难,只要把握技巧就可水到渠成。 通常论文由篇首(Preliminaries),本文(Texts)以及参考资料(References)三部分构成;而这三大部分各自内容如下:

(一) 篇首: 封面(Title) 序言(Preface) 谢词(Acknowledge) 提要(Summary) 目录(Tables and Appendixes) (二) 本文: 引言(Introduction) 主体,含篇(Part)、章(Chapter)、节(Section) 、以及注释(Footnotes) (三)参考资料: 参考书目(References or Bibliography) 附录资料(Appendix)。 进行论文或报告写作之前,先要确定想要表达的主题,主题确定后,将其具体表达,即为题目。题目可以提供研究者:


留学翻译需要盖章 据统计我国2019年出境留学人数超过了70万,创下历史最高纪录,继续保持增长; 对于国内学子来讲,出境留学最大的价值不仅仅是学业本身,更重要的是见世面,这种经历会极大地修正我们对自己,对世界的认知,对自己的发展做出更恰当定位,对一个人的成长有莫大的帮助。 由于今年特殊的大环境影响,大部分同学的留学事项暂且搁置,很多的小道消息也是满天飞,于此,不必感到焦虑。 因为欧美很多大学其本质就是一个公司,学生就是其收入,尤其是国际(中国)学生。疫情让他们的日子更难过,即便是强如Harvard,Stanford这类最有钱有势的大学,依然有财务危机的迹象。国际学生往往是这些高校摆脱财务危机的有效办法,尤其是当整个社会都面临危机缺钱的情况下,大约只有中国人还勒紧裤腰带给孩子上学花钱,因此,出于生存的目的,他们更需要多招一些有钱的中国学生,而不是不招;所以,无论如何,我们仍将有一批人会坚持出国留学,在很长的时间内,这些人的数量也不会太低,比如50万甚至60万之上应该是有保证的。这一趋势背后,和我们整个社会重视子女发展,重视孩子教育有着很大的关系,疫情只能暂缓留学人数的高速增长,远未改变这一行业仍然是一个重要的教育市场。 国外高校录取如同国内的高考录取一样,是需要学生本人出具一些证明材料的,即需要向目标院校提交出国留学的申请,出国留学从提出申请到最终成行,其间资料众多,手续繁杂。 其中出国留学材料的翻译也是一个非常重要的环节,需要好好准备。

很多人不知道申请出国留学到底需要哪些材料,以最为普遍的本科生以及硕士生为例,包括:成绩报告单、学位学历证书、推荐信、申请书、个人简历、自我陈述等资料。成绩单翻译、学位学历证翻译等证件翻译都需要有比较固定的格式,还会涉及到学信学位网中英文认证、国外的WES认证等,学生须提供有效的英文翻译件;其他的诸如个人简历、推荐信、自我陈述等的翻译都因人因校而异,其内容详尽,涉及面广,文句复杂,很多的翻译需要native的表达,转换为英文时难度自然要大一些。 有很多想要出国留学的同学尽管英文水平高,但由于没接触过翻译行业,在翻译时达不到外国人对英语的表现习惯,从而降低对他们的客观评价,导致申请被退回。这也就是为什么需要专业翻译公司进行留学材料翻译的原因所在。 再加上申请留学的材料大都是比较正式的证明类文件,成绩单、学位证等重要证件还会需要学信网中英文认证,大部分美国高校还需要WES中英文认证,所以翻译得就必须正规一点;最好是寻找专业的翻译公司来帮助你进行翻译工作,这也是必要的步骤之一; 国内正规的翻译公司在译完之后会对译件进行翻译盖章,籍此证明该英文译文由正规翻译机构出具,与中文原件表达意思一致,无修改增删的成分;经翻译盖章的译件更易审核通过,这一点也是个人翻译无法提供的。 文章来源:译心向善留学翻译



C e r t i f i c a t i o n This is to certify Ms. / Mr. ***, born on March **, 19**, our employee. She/He has been working in our company for ** years since she/he came here in December 200*. Now she/he takes the post of *** in our ** department. She /he will go to Italy for her/his further study on August 200*. And she/he tendered her/his resignation on May 20,200* to us. We hereby agree. With high respect! Seal of ***** Co., Ltd. May 20,200* Company: *****Co., Ltd.Address: **************Tel: ***- *******Transactor: *** 在读证明翻译实例 ***** University Certificate This is to certify that Mr./Ms. *** ,was born on ** **,****,whose student No. is **********, has been studying in our university since **,****. And she/he is attending the final academic year, now he/she is studying at the *** department in *** (major). With high respect! Seal of the Dean’s Office of ***** UniversityAugust **, 200*身份证翻译实例


出国留学申请材料 导读:本文是关于出国留学申请材料,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 【篇一:英国留学准备材料】 英国大学申请表格(University Application Form) 每个大学都有自己的大学的申请表格,需要申请者自己填写,申请表格需要填写的主要内容是你的个人信息,申请的专业和学科申请表格都可以从中英联索取,中英联也可以帮助您填写。同时也可以从申请学校网站直接下载。 英国大学申请材料:成绩单(Transcript) 由学校教务处开据的,并由学校教务处盖章。 学历证明:毕业证/学位证/在读证明(Graduation / Study Certificate) 如果已经毕业,请提供毕业证和学位证 如果还在读,须提供在读证明,加学校的章。最好也是封入信封由学校在封口盖章。 英国大学申请材料:推荐信(Reference / Letter of Recommendation) 一般两封推荐信就够了 最好是自己的任课老师,以推荐学术能力为主; 班主任也可以出一封,以推荐人品性格为主。

如果有过工作经验,工作单位提供的是很有用的,因为英国人很注重工作经历 有时推荐人需要申请人自己学完后,推荐人直接给签名/盖章一下就好了 一定要在推荐信里提供正确的推荐人工作单位的联系电话,邮箱,职务和地址 很多情况下,推荐人会把推荐信封入信封,并在封口处签名。 英国大学申请材料:个人自述(Personal Statement) 个人自述很关键,通过个人自述,学校的录取审核人能了解一个申请者的入学动机和学习能力。 内容一般包括: 个人学习经历,根据个人的特长和优点,可以突出自己的学术成绩,班干部经历,活动组织能力,团队合作精神,或者曾经的工作经历,等等。 选择你选择的这个学校和选择的专业的原因,以及对以后学习的规划和信心。 英国大学申请材料:英语雅思成绩(IELTS) IELTS 4.5 -就可申请英国高校,一般要先读1年的英语预科学习,然后在读学位课程。 IELTS 5/5.5 -就可以读英国高校3个月/2个月的语言,然后直接就读接下来的学位课程。 IELTS 6 -可以直接入读排名一般大学的本科,越好的大学,直接


NANJING UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA Certificate No: ⑴ This is to certify that ⑵, ⑶,bor n in ⑷,has studied in (5) , in the Departme nt of (6) from (7) to ⑻ and has completed the requireme nts as stipulated in a ⑼-year un dergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby gran ted graduatio n. Preside nt:⑽ Nanji ng Un iversity Date: (11) 说明:⑴证书编号⑵姓名拼音⑶性别⑷岀生日期⑸专业方向⑹院系名称⑺入学日期⑻毕业日期⑼学制年数⑽校长姓名

CERTIFICATE OF THE BACHEL'fDEGREE Certificate No: ⑻ and has completed the requireme nts as stipulated in a satisfactory results and is hereby gran ted graduatio n. Having passed the exam in ati ons in accorda nee with the requireme nts stipulated in the Regulati ons on Academic Degree of the People s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the degree of Bachelor of ⑽. Chairman: (11) Committee on Conferring of Degree Date: (12) ⑴证书编号 ⑵姓名拼音 ⑶性别⑷ 岀生日期 ⑸专业方向 ⑹院系名称 ⑺入学日期 ⑻毕业日期 ⑼学制年数 ⑽This is to certify that ⑵,⑶,born in ⑷,has studied in (5) in the Department of ⑹ from (7) to (9) -year un dergraduate program with


以下是本科生出国留学各类证书的英文翻译模板,对应下载后可根据个人信息修改模板中相应的红色部分。 要求: A4纸的上半页为证书的复印件(毕业证书约80%缩印,2008届之后学位证书约70%缩印),下半页为英文翻译。字的大小可以调整,要做到美观清晰。 (毕业证书模板) DIPLOMA OF GRADUATION Name: XXX Sex: Male Date of Birth: 26/09/1989 Dates of Attendance: Sep. 2007 to June. 2011 Major: Statistics Department: School of Mathematical Sciences Certificate No: 证书编号(学校编号) Issued Date : June 25, 2011 This is to certify that the student has completed the requirements of the undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation. GONG Ke President of Nankai University (学位证书模板) DIPLOMA OF BACHELOR DEGREE

Name: XXX Sex:Male Date of Birth: 26/09/1989 Dates of Attendance: Sep. 2007 to June. 2011 Major: Statistics Department: School of Mathematical Sciences Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science Certificate No: 证书编号 Issued Date : June 25, 2011 This is to certify that the student has completed the requirements of the undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation. Having passed the examination in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Regulations on Academic Degrees o f the People’s Republic of China, the student is awarded the degree. GONG Ke Chairman of the Committee of Academic Degree s of Nankai University (双学位证书模板) DIPLOMA OF BACHELOR DEGREE (for Double Degree)


自改革开放以来,出国留学成为中国学生的升学选择方案之一,2018年出国留学人员总数达66.21万,中国已经连续几年成为世界第一的留学生输出国,出国留学已经成为我国向发达国家学习,吸引优秀人才,快速发展国家经济的一种趋势。出国留学的首要任务就是向留学院校递交申请材料,并且需要提供相应的翻译件,知行翻译小编给大家分享一下出国留学时,需要递交哪些材料的翻译件。 首先,出国留学需要递交入学申请表,入学申请表的内容包括:申请人所修学位及专业,拟入学时间(学期),入学申请表的类别,申请人TOEFL、GRE考试成绩,回邮的详尽地址等内容,入学申请表需要以英文形式进行提交,而且在翻译时必须严格按照信函的格式和采用正确的措辞,以免给对方造成不好的印象,从而影响留学申请的进度。 其次,出国留学需要提供个人资料证明,比如护照,出生公证等,我们都知道护照是出国必备文件,因为大使馆对于护照有固定的格式要求,如果格式不符合要求,肯定会被拒签,而且护照办理需要一定周期,为了保证通过率,尽量选择专业的翻译公司。而出生公证书是为了方便国外(境外)院校对于申请人及其亲生父母之间关系的认定,它的内容包含申请的姓名,性别,出生日期和地点,还有亲生父母的相关信息等,出生公证书也是为留学期间经济来源提供依据,所以需要提供出生公证书的翻译件。 然后,出国留学需要提供学历认证和成绩单的翻译件,学生完成本科或者研究生学位后,学校会颁发学位证书,学位证书是认定学历程度及真实性的有利材料,除了学历证书外,还需要提供最高学历成绩单和雅思/托福成绩单,其中最高学历成绩单是学生在校期间的成绩展现,是一个重要参考凭证,而雅思/托福成绩单是对留学生英语语言能力的测试,所以递交申请材料时,应该提供学历认证和成绩单的翻译件。


出国留学物品清单大全(如果你的箱子够大的话,就全带上吧,就我个人的经验,衣服和药品是必备的) 文件资料类――重要物品 * 机票:别忘了确认航班 * 护照 * 2019 * VISA * 证件 * 各种公证(已婚未婚,出生,无犯罪记录,亲属,成绩单,毕业证书,学位证书) * 驾驶执照,如有; * 护照照片(两寸、一寸多印几张,20张左右) * 最完全的通讯录(接机联系人,学校联系人,亲友等的号码) * 一份要去国家地图(最好是交通图) * 结婚证,如果是夫妻同出 * 介绍信,因公出差 * 笔记本等大件物品的发票,全球联保卡,以防过境查 * 重要文件的复印件; 书籍文具 * 词典:新英汉、新汉英、科技、专业。 * 国粹:唐诗宋词三百首,孙子兵法。送给外国友人也可以哦 * 出国自助手册系列 * 菜谱类书籍和烹饪常识。 必备用品 箱包类商品 * 出国旅行托运包 * 旅行登山包 * 出国尺寸拉杆箱 * 证件腰包 * 女士手提包 * 出国尺寸电脑包 * 护照夹 * 箱包捆带及附件 * 便携式行李车 电子词典和工具书类 * 各国语种电子词典 * 各国文字词典 * 电脑翻译软件 电子及数码类 * 数码相机 * 录音笔(MP3播放器) * 笔记本及相关配件

* 出国可带电脑清洁用品 * USB自动切换器 * 电脑专用线 * 笔记本电脑锁 * 移动硬盘 海外生活电器类(电压不一样,建议在国外买) 出国日用五金类 * 出国转换插座 * 出国转换式接线板 * 刀具(常用军刀),多功能瑞士军刀 * 折叠自行车及轻便锁具 * 便携式打气筒 * 变压器 * 指甲刀 * 开罐器 国际通讯类 * 网络电话设备 * 电话卡 * 耳麦 * 摄像头 * 海外手机卡 海外生活用品类 * 出国加层真空袋 * 可在微波炉中加热的塑料饭盒 * 竹木筷子(4双)。 * 炒菜用的单柄锅一个(要有锅盖,铲子)。 * 电饭锅和炖汤的陶瓷电锅都可这里买。 * 菜刀一把,不要带砍骨头的刀,你在超市买了排骨可让那里的人帮你切的。 * 菜板一个,最好是塑料的。 * 带一个小不锈钢锅,煮煮牛奶麦片什么的,而且它不占地方,因为你可把光盘全放在里面,* 勺子。 * 电火锅 * 体温计 * 防晒水 * 太阳镜两副;(要所谓消偏振光的) * 近视眼镜(除了现戴的再备1副); * 隐形眼镜(如有); * 眼药水6盒(防疲劳类和抗菌素类各3盒); * 护理液两瓶。 * 饰品 * 洗浴用品 * 梳子


留学动机信翻译模板 PersonalStory 我叫XXX,今年21岁,是一个十分乐观向上的青年。在北京市北方交通大学附属中学毕业后,考入北京青年政治学院泰尔弗商务分院,所学专业为国际商务,在大学老师们辛勤培养下学到许多国际贸易、商务方面的知识。参加了一些社会实习活动,极大提高了自己的能力。毕业后,到英国的HastingsCollege学习硕士预科课程。 IamCaiLiyang,21,optimisticandambitious. AftermygraduationfromthehighschoolattachedtoBeijingJiaot ongUniversity, IwasadmittedtoBeijingYouthPoliticsCollegeTelfortbusiness Institute, majoringinInternationalbusiness. Undertheconscientiouscultivationofmyteachers, Iacquiredanextensiveknowledgeofinternationaltradeandbusi ness. Andmyexperiencesofinternshipgreatlyenhancedmyabilities. Then,aftergraduation, IwenttoBritaintostudyMaster'sDegreepreparatorycoursesatHastingsCollege. 初到一个陌生而又神奇的国度,开始很不习惯,我努力适应新的环境,结交新的朋友,正确对待两国文化、教育方面的差异。在英国期间,我自觉遵守当地的法律制度,尊重当地的风俗习惯。时间


仅供本科生出国留学参考: 以下模板为本科毕业生的毕业证书和学位证书,大家对应下载后可以修改各自证书中相关的个人信息(红色斜体部分)。 要求:一张A4大小的纸,上半页为证书的复印件,下半页为英文翻译。字的大小可以调整一下,落款处校长名字及日期一定要与证书上的校长名字和颁发日期一致。 (毕业证书) Certificate of Graduation Name: Sex: Birthday: Period of Schooling : from 2000 to2004 Major: 专业 Department(or School): 院(系) Certificate No: 证书编号(学校编号)Issue Date :发证日期 This is to certify that the student has completed the requirements of the undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation. President: 校长名字(﹡此处写 证书上的校长姓名) Nankai University (学位证书) Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree Name: Sex: Birthday: Period of Schooling : from 2000 to2004 Major: 专业 Department(or School): 院(系) Bachelor’s Degree :LAW Certificate No: 证书编号Issue Date :发证日期 This is to certify that the student has completed the requirements of the undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation. Having passed the examination in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Regulations on Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China, the student is awarded the degree. 名字(﹡此处写证书上的姓名) Chairman of the Committee of Academic Degree s Nankai University


2016出国留学基本流程及申请材料超强整理 出国留学旧称出国留洋,一般是指一个人去母国以外的国家接受各类教育,时间可以为短期或长期(从几个星期到几年)。这些人被称为“留学生”。在中国大陆,学生把前往香港、澳门等地区的学习也称为留学,这是由于这些地区有着不同的教育制度。另外,美国等国家组织的一类海外短期的交换学生计划,其英文名字“Study abroad”直译也为留学。今天点课台君就给大家带来出国留学的基本流程。 一、办理出国留学的大致流程 取得国外学校录取材料→经所在单位同意→经省教育厅审核→去公安部门申办护照→去使、领馆申办签证→出国注:如果学生在我校报名出国留学,我校工作人员将亲自帮助学生处理上述一系列环节,确保其成功出国留学。办理出国留学的流程详解: (一)备好国外学校录取材料及其它相关材料(国外学校录取材料的翻译复制、办理去向国所需的公证件如毕业证书和身份证等、按使、领馆要求出具卫生防疫部门的体检材料)。 (二)向所在单位申请并开始办理有关手续(在校生向所在学校办理学藉和交费等手续;在职人员向所在单位办理离职和经济关系等手续;无业人员向所在街道、人才中心等单位办理有关手续)。 (三)到省教育厅进行自费留学资格审核(带户口簿、身份证及国外学校入学通知书去省教育厅领购留学申请表、审核表和有关资料;按要求填写有关表格,并备齐所有材料;将符合要求的表格和应备材料送交省教育厅候审;按规定时间凭身份证去省教育厅领取审核证明信)。 (四)到市公安局申办护照(带户口簿、或身份证或所在单位同意出国函件,去市公安局出入境管理处领取《应私出境申请表》或《出境人员申请审查表》;填写有关表格并签章;去市公安局出入境管理处递交有关表格并带齐jw109表、四张二寸黑白照片和有关材料的原件、翻译件、复印件;领取护照)。 (五)去大使馆申办签证(按不同国家的具体要求备齐如护照、照片、入学通知书、经济担保书、学历证书、成绩单、个人履历书等材料)。 (六)出国准备(换汇;购票;出境)。 二、护照、签证 1、护照:护照是一个国家的公民出入本国国境和到国外旅行或居留时, 由本国发给的一种证明该公民国籍和身份的合法证件。由公安局颁发。护照是中国政府颁发给中国公民的,实际上就是被其它国家承认的身份证件。 2、签证:签证为外国为一国国民颁发的准许入境的证件。签证由外国使馆签发在护照上(在护照上做标记),是外国政府颁发的一种允许入境的证明。 3、护照和签证的办理:
