
Progressive Die

Progressive die has the following advantages

1) Class into the module is multi-process dies, in a mold can include punching, bending,forming and drawing a variety of multi—pass process, with a higher than the compound die labor productivity, but also can produce quite complex stampings;

2) Progressive Die Operation Security, because staff do not have to enter the danger zone;

3) Class Progressive Die Design, The process can be distributed。 Do not focus on one station , there is no Compound Dies "Minimum wall thickness" problem. Therefore relatively high mold strength, longer life expectancy。

4) Progressive Die Easy Automation That is easy to Automatic feeding ,Autoout of parts Automatic lamination;

5) Class Progressive die can be High—speed press production, because the workpiece can be directly down the drain and waste;

6) Use Class Progressive die can be Reduce the presses, semi-finished products to reduce transport. Workshop area and storage space can be greatly reduced. Progressive Dies The disadvantage is that complex structure, manufacturing of high precision, long life cycle and high costs. Because of progressive die is a To the workpiece, the shape of successive out, each punch has a positioning error, is more difficult to maintain stability in the workpiece, the relative position of the one—off appearance。 However, high precision parts, not all contours of all, the shape relative position requirements are high, you can be washed in the shape of the same station, on the relative position of demanding the same time, out of this part of the profile, thus ensuring precision parts.

First, process pieces of carry approach

Processes and the determination of nesting is of the progressive die design a very important link。 In considering the processes and nesting, we must first consider the process method of carriage parts.

Bending parts there are two main ways to carry:

1) Blanking station in the upper and lower pressure, so that after blanking process pieces and re-pressed into the material inside。 Generally only about access to material thickness of thel/3, but has enough to process pieces with the material sent to the next process, within the workpiece in the working procedure have all been pressed into the material inside the remnant。 Beyond that, after process pieces are washed curved shape, until the last escape from the Strip。 The drop in this way conveying pairs of thick material is very effective, because the thin material easy to bagging, wrinkles, or bent, thus blanking out the flat blank song, not with the advance of material and stops in a station caused the accident.

Simple blanking progressive die, sometimes in order to ensure that the workpiece is flat and has also taken off after the re-feed materials put pressure on people within the approach, in the latter process to workpiece pushed。 Because blanking after being re—pressed into the workpiece can not be material in the thickness direction all entered the hole, so in the blanking die station after the plane, to the corresponding lower。2) Rush to need to bend some of the surrounding material, the rest of the parts remain in the article (Volume)Materials, there is no separation。 As the hub of to the material,You may need to spend a long Progress in distance delivery。

Second, the principle of work arrangements

1)Blanking the workpiece to avoid the use of complex shapes convex mode。 Rather more than the increase a process to simplify the convex mode shapes.

2)"U"—shaped pieces can be divided into two out, as Figure7——76As shown in order to avoid material stretched, out of Workpiece dimensions vary。

Figure7—-76 U shaped pieces of curved process

3)In the asymmetric bending, the workpiece slide easily can be shown in Figure7—77shown with teeth inserts were inserts into the bend Convex Mold and roof in order to prevent the workpiece sliding。 The main disadvantage of this method is the a)After the procedure b)pre—process workpiece plane with prints. Also available on the heat treatment before Convex Mold and roof pre-perforated, after tryout after the sheet metal through the tryout will be two holes without sliding inlay Ping 。 If sliding is used tooth inserts。Figure7--77 To prevent the sheet metal bending generated when sliding

1- Bending Convex Die 2— Cut off Convex Die 3— Roof 4— With teeth inserts 4) Bending or deep drawing of the workpiece, high—quality plastic surgery procedures should be added。

5) Waste, such as continuous, should increase the cutting process, using waste cutter cut。 Automatic press itself, as some waste cutter, you do not have to die to consider。

6) Can be countersunk head hole punching. Figure7-78 shows the first hole punching of the workpiece 。 When clamping the punch die Xiaoping Tou both plane and concave hole stretch of artificial parts, and contact with each other in order to prevent inward deformation of holes。 Clamping direction due to the strict size requirements, so the punch assembly when subject to a high degree of repair potential。 Also can be used as shown in Figure 7—79 height adjustment body punch。 The upper punch 3 face, contact with the slider 2. Slider right-hand side has opened a T-shaped slot to accommodate the screw 5 in the head。 Rotating screw 5, then move along the slider 2. As the slider

2 and the mold base 4 in order to ramp contact with each other, while the punch

3 in

the fixed plate is sliding in with l, consequent punch in the direction of the location

of mold can be adjusted. Adjusted with the nut 6 fixed


Figure7—-78 Stamp shen head hole

1-Convex Die 2— Die

Figure7—-79 Punch height adjustment body

1- Fixed Plate 2-Slider 3— Punch 4— On the mold base 5— Screw

6- Nut 7) There are strict requirements of local relative position within the shape, should consider the possibility of the same station on the out, in order to maintain accuracy.

If there are really difficult to be broken down into two working bits. Be better placed

in two adjacent stations。

Third, the principle of stamping operations sequencing

1)For pure blanking progressive dies, in principle, the first ,punch, followed by

re-punching shape I expected, the final and then washed down from the Strip on the integrity of the workpiece. Carrier should be maintained of material of sufficient strength, can be accurate when sent to press。

2)For the blanking bending progressive die should be washed before cut off part of the hole and bend the shape I expected, and then bending, and finally washed near the curved edge holes and the side hole—bit accuracy of the sidewall holes。 Washed down by the final separation of parts.

3) Drawing for the progressive die stamping , first make arrangement to cut processes,further drawing, the final washed down from the article on the workpiece material。

4)For with the deep drawing, bending stamping parts, the first drawing, then I punched the surrounding material, followed by bending plus.

5)For stamping with a stamping parts, in order to facilitate the metal flow and reduce the stamping force, stamping parts of neighboring I expected to be an appropriate resection, and then arrange stamping. The final re —Precision Die—Cut materials .If there are holes on the embossing position, in principle, should be embossed after the punching.

6)For with the stamping, bending and stamping workpiece, in principle, is the first imprint ,And then punching Yu Liu, And then bending process.

Fourth, nesting layout

1) Nesting mapping, you can start with plane launch fig start, right designed to blanking station, left the design forming station. Step by step according to the actual situation after the amendment。

2) Consider increasing the intensity to be an empty station molds。 Continuous drawing more frequently when the first drawing after being a backup space industry in order to increase the number of drawing。 High precision, complex shape of the workpiece should be less to set an empty station. Step away from the mold is greater than 16mm When more than set up an empty station。 Interval accuracy The poor should not be easily added an empty station。

3) Decided to process pieces of carry approach.

4) Note that material rolling direction。 Rolling direction affects not only the economic effects of nesting, but also affect the performance of the workpiece。

5) Burr bending parts should be located in inside.

6) Thin material used Guide is being sold, But do not side edge trimming. For thick material or heavy section materials, in order to avoid guide is being sold off the need to side edge trimming.

7) According to the workpiece dimensions and the scale of production to determine a shape one pieces two documents or four parts, or more pieces.

8) Stamping process does not allow any scattered debris left on the die surface. 9) Residual material on the press to consider the possibility of other parts.


冲压模具国内外发展现状 ——计算机技术与冲压模具 摘要:文章首先简述了国内外模具工业的发展现状及趋势;然后具体结合计算机技术在冲压模具上的应用一点简述了国内外冲压模具技术的发展现状以及将来的发展趋势。 关键词:冲压模具计算机技术应用 引言 冲压技术是一种具有悠久历史的加工方法和生产制造技术。根据文献记载和考古文物证明,我国古代的冲压加工技术走在世界之前,对人类早期文明社会的进步发挥了重要的作用,作出重要贡献[1]。 利用冲压机械和冲压模具进行的现代冲压加工技术,已有近二百年的发展历史。1839年英国成立了Schubler公司,这是早期颇具规模的、现今也是世界上最先进的冲压公司之一[2]从学科角度上看,到本世纪10年代,冲压加工技术已经从一种从属于机械加工或压力加工艺的地位,发展成为了一门具有自己理论基础的应用技术科学[3]。中国也有冲工艺学、薄板成形理论方面的教材及专著。可以认为这一学科现已形成了比较完整的知识结构系统。 冲压技术中冲压模具是制造业的重要基础工艺装备。用模具生产制件所达到的高精度、高复杂程度、高一致性、高生产率和低耗能、低耗材,使模具工业在制造业中的地位越来越重要。国外将模具比喻为“金钥匙”、“金属加工帝王”、“进入富裕社会的原动力”[4]等等。国内也将模具工业称为“永不衰亡的工业”、“点铁成金的行业”、“无与伦比的效益放大器” [5]等等。现在,模具技术已成为衡量一个国家产品制造水平的重要标志之一。没有高水平的模具就没有高水平的产品已成为共识。就工程制造而言,进入80、90年代,由于世界各国经济的高速发展和国民生活水准的大大提高,人们对汽车、家用电器、住宅等的需求与日俱增,促进了冲压技术的快速发展,同时也就对模具技术提出了更高的要求。且由于电子计算机技术的广泛而有效的应用,不仅促进了冲压技术的理论深入发展,而且使冲压机械、模具及操作的自动化程度等,都达到了一个更高的阶段。由此我们不难看出,计算机技术在当今模具设计制造中起着尤为关键的作用。现今,冲压加工技术已发展成为了一种先进制造技术。当然,冲压技术(分为分离加工和成形加工两大类)无论从理论上或实践上仍会不断向前发展。 1、国内外模具工业的发展与现状 国外,特别是欧美和日韩等发达地区的模具工业起步较早,拥有比较先进的生产管理技术及经验,值得我们国内模具行业学习和借鉴。在欧美,许多模具企业将高新技术应用于模具的设计和制造,主要体现在[6]:(1)充分发挥了信息技术带动和提升模具工业的优越性;(2)高速切削、五轴高速加工技术基本普及,大大缩减制模周期,提高企业的市场竞争力;(3)快速成形技术和快速制模技术得到普遍应用;(4)从事模具行业的人员精简,一专


冲压模具成型外文翻译参考文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 4 Sheet metal forming and blanking 4.1 Principles of die manufacture 4.1.1 Classification of dies In metalforming,the geometry of the workpiece is established entirely or partially by the geometry of the die.In contrast to machining processes,ignificantly greater forces are necessary in forming.Due to the complexity of the parts,forming is often not carried out in a single operation.Depending on the geometry of the part,production is carried out in several operational steps via one or several production processes such as forming or blanking.One operation can also include several processes simultaneously(cf.Sect.2.1.4). During the design phase,the necessary manufacturing methods as well as the sequence and number of production steps are established in a processing plan(Fig.4.1.1).In this plan,the



Heat Treatment of Die and Mould Oriented Concurrent Design LI Xiong,ZHANG Hong-bing,RUAN Xue-yu,LUO Zhong—hua,ZHANG Yan Abstract: Many disadvantages exist in the traditional die design method which belongs to serial pattern。It is well known that heat treatment is highly important to the dies. A new idea of concurrent design for heat treatment process of die and mould was developed in order to overcome the existent shortcomings of heat treatment process. Heat treatment CAD/CAE was integrated with concurrent circumstance and the relevant model was built. These investigations can remarkably improve efficiency,reduce cost and ensure quality of R and D for products. Key words:die design; heat treatment;mould Traditional die and mould design,mainly by experience or semi—experience,is isolated from manufacturing process。Before the design is finalized,the scheme of die and mould is usually modified time and again,thus some disadvantages come into being,such as long development period,high cost and uncertain practical effect。Due to strong desires for precision,service life,development period and cost,modern die and mould should be designed and manufactured perfectly。Therefore more and more advanced technologies and innovations have been applied,for example,concurrent engineering,agile manufacturing virtual manufacturing,collaborative design,etc. Heat treatment of die and mould is as important as design,manufacture and assembly because it has a vital effect on manufacture,assembly and service life.Design and manufacture of die and mould have progressed rapidly,but heat treatment lagged seriously behind them.As die and mould industry develops,heat treatment must ensure die and mould there are good


Progressive Die Progressive die has the following advantages 1) Class into the module is multi-process dies, in a mold can include punching, bending,forming and drawing a variety of multi—pass process, with a higher than the compound die labor productivity, but also can produce quite complex stampings; 2) Progressive Die Operation Security, because staff do not have to enter the danger zone; 3) Class Progressive Die Design, The process can be distributed。 Do not focus on one station , there is no Compound Dies "Minimum wall thickness" problem. Therefore relatively high mold strength, longer life expectancy。 4) Progressive Die Easy Automation That is easy to Automatic feeding ,Autoout of parts Automatic lamination; 5) Class Progressive die can be High—speed press production, because the workpiece can be directly down the drain and waste; 6) Use Class Progressive die can be Reduce the presses, semi-finished products to reduce transport. Workshop area and storage space can be greatly reduced. Progressive Dies The disadvantage is that complex structure, manufacturing of high precision, long life cycle and high costs. Because of progressive die is a To the workpiece, the shape of successive out, each punch has a positioning error, is more difficult to maintain stability in the workpiece, the relative position of the one—off appearance。 However, high precision parts, not all contours of all, the shape relative position requirements are high, you can be washed in the shape of the same station, on the relative position of demanding the same time, out of this part of the profile, thus ensuring precision parts. First, process pieces of carry approach


英文原文 Stress Analysis of Stamping Dies J. Mater. Shaping Technoi. (1990) 8:17-22 9 1990 Springer-Verlag New York Inc. R . S . R a o Abstract: Experimental and computational procedures for studying deflections, flit, andalignment characteristics of a sequence of stamping dies, housed in a transfer press, are pre-sented. Die loads are actually measured at all the 12 die stations using new load monitors and used as input to the computational procedure. A typical stamping die is analyzed using a computational code, MSC/NASTRAN, based on finite element method. The analysis is then extended to the other dies, especially the ones where the loads are high. Stresses and deflections are evaluated in the dies for the symmetric and asymmetric loading conditions. Based on our independent die analysis, stresses and deflections are found to be reasonably well within the tolerable limits. However, this situation could change when the stamping dies are eventually integrated with the press as a total system which is the ultimate goal of this broad research program. INTRODUCTION Sheet metal parts require a series of operations such as shearing , drawing , stretching , bending , and squeezing. All these operations are carried out at once while the double slide mechanism descends to work on the parts in the die stations, housed in a transfer press [1]. Material is fed to the press as blanks from a stock feeder. In operation the stock is moved from one station to the next by a mechanism synchronized with the motion of the slide. Each die is a separate unit which may be independently adjusted from the main slide. An automotive part stamped from a hot


冲压模具的外文翻译 摘要 冲压模具在工业生产中应用广泛。冲压模具的设计充分利用了机械压力机的功用特点在室温的条件下对坯件进行冲压成形,生产效率提高,经济效益显著。冲压模具的设计充分利用了机械压力机的功用特点,在室温的条件下对坯件进行冲压成形,生产效率提高,经济效益显著。本文介绍的模具实例结构简单实用,使用方便可靠,对类似工件的大批量生产具有一定的参考作用。在传统的工业生产中,工人生产的劳动强度大、劳动量大,严重影响生产效率的提高。随着当今科技的发展,工业生产中模具的使用已经越来越引起人们的重视,而被大量应用到工业生产中来。冲压模具的自动送料技术也投入到实际的生产中,冲压模具可以大大的提高劳动生产效率,减轻工人负担,具有重要的技术进步意义和经济价值。 1、国内外模具工业的发展与现状 1953年,长春第一汽车制造厂在中国首次建立了冲模车间,该厂于1958年开始制造汽车覆盖件模具。我国于20世纪60年开始生产精冲模具。在走过了温长的发展道路之后,目前我国已形成了300多亿元(未包括港、澳、台的统计数字,下同)各类冲压模具的生产能力。 上海交通大学为瑞士法因托(Finetool)精冲公司开发成功精密冲裁级进模CAC/CAM 系统,西安交通大学开发出多工位弯曲级进模CAD系统等。展望国内外模具CAD/CAE/CAM 技术的发展,本世纪的科学技术正处于日新月异的变革之中,通过与计算机技术的紧密结合,人工智能技术、并行工程、面向装配、参数化特征建模以及关联设计等一系列与模具工业相关的技术发展之快,学科领域交叉之广前所未见。 目前我国模具年生产总量虽然已位居世界第三,其中,冲压模占模具总量的40%以上,但在整个模具设计制造水平和标准化程度上,与德国、美国、日本等发达国家相比还存在相当大的差距。在设计制造方法、手段上已基本达到了国际水平,模具结构功能方面也接近国际水平,在轿车模具国产化进程中前进了一大步。但在制造质量、精度、制造周期和成本方面,以国外相比还存在一定的差距。 国外,特别是欧美和日韩等发达地区的模具工业起步较早,拥有比较先进的生产管理技术及经验,值得我们国内模具行业学习和借鉴。在欧美,许多模具企业将高新技术应用于模具的设计和制造,主要体现在:(1)充分发挥了信息技术带动和提升模具工业的优越性;(2)高速切削、五轴高速加工技术基本普及,大大缩减制模周期,提高企业的市场竞争力;(3)快速成形技术和快速制模技术得到普遍应用;(4)从事模具行业的人员精简,一专多能,一人多职,精益生产;(5)模具产品专业化,市场定位准确;(6)采用先进的管理信息系统,实现集成化管理;(7)工艺管理先进、标准化程度高。日本模具加工的未来发展方向主要表现为无人手修模、无放电加工、加工时间缩短、五轴加工等方面。 模具是机械制造业中技术先进、影响深远的重要工艺装备,具有生产效率高、材料利用率高、制件质量优良、工艺适应性好等特点,被广泛应用于汽车、机械、航天、航空、轻工、电子、电器、仪表等行业。然而,与国际先进水平相比,中国的模具行业的差距不仅表现在精度差距大、交货周期长等方面,模具寿命也只有国际先进水平的50%左右,大型、精密、技术含量高的轿车覆盖件冲压模具和精密冲裁模具,每年都需要花费大量资金进口。 近年来,我国冲压模具水平已有很大提高。大型冲压模具已能生产单套重量达50多吨

集成的 CAPP 、CAM 系统用于冲压模加工外文文献翻译、中英文翻译

外文出处:Computer-Aided Design 35(2003)203-213

2.1.模式建模 由于铸造工艺无法产生冲压模具所需的确切尺寸或表面质量,因此在功能面上(例如用于装配的配合面和金属成型所涉及的模具面)需要一些额外的填充物。多余的毛坯将在图 2 的CNC 加工活动中稍后去除。那些上面带有多余材料的端面称为待加工端面,其他端面称为铸件端面。第一步是通过在模具模型的待加工面上增加额外的库存余量来创建图案模型。库存余量取决于铸造工艺的精度,通常为10 毫米左右。因此,与模具加工相比,图案加工可利用具有相当大的公差的优势。待加工面由模具设计师标记。 2.2.模型切片 第二步是将模式模型分成几个切片,可以分别加工然后再组装。切片的原因和标准如下((a)-(c) 是驱动原因,(d)-(f)是次要标准)。 (a) 使三轴机床可以访问隐藏的功能; (b) 适应可用工具长度,机床工作台尺寸和聚苯乙 烯泡沫塑料生料块尺寸的限制; (c) 避免削减过多的音量; (d) 减少切片数量并减少加工时间; (e) 避免切得太薄; (f) 加快组装速度 图 4 显示了从上面列出的原因得出的切片模型的一些示例。由于上述标准经常彼此冲突,因此在确定切片的数量和位置时需要折衷。如图4 所示,拉丝模具的主要组成部分通常分为2-4 个切片。 2.3.工艺规划 在不使用通用CAM 系统的情况下如果使用自动过程计划功能,则过程计划步骤将以手动方式完成,并且以刀具路径生成命令序列以及辅助几何图形的形式实现,以指导和限制刀具路径。在工艺计划步骤中应考虑以下保丽龙图案加工的特征。 (a)由于需要切割大量的软质材料,因此需要很高的进给速率和较大的切割深度以减少加工 时间。机加工人员可以用砂纸轻松去除机加工后残留的大尖牙。 (b)切屑的去除和冷却对于加工低熔点聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料图案非常重要温度。液态冷却剂不 适用于聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料加工。空气吸入连接到空心主轴和在侧面上带有孔的空心 刀具,可提供良好的切屑清除和冷却效果。从过程计划的角度来看,进近运动的选


智能冲压工艺规划系统的研究 摘要:本文对建立一个智能冲压工艺设计知识为基础的系统给出了一个简单的介绍。研究该系统的框架,对模型和知识推理模式进行了介绍。对有些关键技术如冲压工艺的可行性、排样的最佳算法、智能地带的布局和内力计算进行了研究。该系统可以改善工艺规划效率。 关键词:排样KBS 知识模型带状排样法 1简介 冲压工艺规划是冲压产品开发的一个核心项目。它是金属成型应用的一个重要组成部分,它与生产质量、成本、生产率和工具寿命有直接的影响。现代制造业的快速发展对冲压提出了更高的要求,尤其是在冲压工艺方面。多年来,相关研究已就如何在创新的环境加强工艺规划的集成化和智能化程度进行研究。近年来,通过生产金属成形智能设计系统、自动化技术,整和了工艺规划的原则。智能工艺规划方法可以有效地提高设计效率与质量、创新设计能力。 [1].对于冷锻序列的设计开发了一种基于PC的专家系统,该系统采用基于塑性理论和实际考虑的规则。在美国俄亥俄州立大学一个称作FORMEX的规则系统被Altan和他的同事们写入多级冷锻的工艺规划程序语言中。[2].它依靠冷锻零件各种形状的广泛分类。[3]实施以知识为本的冷成形序列设计系统,采用设计规则确定建立一个可行的序列,然后使用有限元分析优化这个序列。一个以知识为基础的模具设计自动化系统被Cheok和他的同事精心设计出来。[4]在新加坡国立大学。一些零件表象技术、冲压零件识别和模具构成也存在于这项工作中。在中国,华中科技大学的科学技术研究者们也开发出了基于知识系统的用于对小型金属件冲压级进模的程序包。[5].使用特点,用户可以在3D立体构架下设计产品。在手工设置排样后,用户可以使用交互命令来开发带装布局设计。来自利物浦大学工业研究部门的研究者们也在研究冲压工艺和冲裁模的专用系统。[6].他们的研究集中在分解较小的桥型废料的形状编码和识别技术。[7]在上海冲压模具和工具技术研究所的研究者们也开发出了级进模的CAD/CAM系统。他们研究的该系统依靠特殊的相关数据来描绘工件和模具结构。 上述研究的研究工作的目的是为了促进金属成形的发展。从金属智能成型的回顾和分析中,使用智能设计的理论和方法来研究冲压工艺规划的步骤。在本文中介绍了应用于冲压工艺规划的智能的系统。该智能系统在处理一些复杂的设计问题时是种强有力的工具。由专门知识构成的智能系统可以用一种交互的方式协助用户解决各种各样的问题或疑问。[8].智能系统是一种计算机系统,它试图代表人类知识和专业知识, 以一种实际和有效的途径提供快捷、方便的知识。智能系统能够完成一般需要专家才能完成的任务。它能自动化实时利用现有的专业知识,并解释它的推理过程。冲压工艺规划是一个含有丰


【关键字】毕业设计 冲压模具毕业设计外文翻译 篇一:模具外文文献及翻译 The mold designing and manufacturing The mold is the manufacturing industry important craft foundation, in our country, the mold manufacture belongs to the special purpose equipment manufacturing industry. China although very already starts to make the mold and the use mold, but long-term has not formed the industry. Straight stabs 0 centuries 80's later periods, the Chinese mold industry only then drives into the development speedway. Recent years, not only the state-owned mold enterprise had the very big development, the three investments enterprise, the villages and towns (individual) the mold enterprise's development also rapid quietly. Although the Chinese mold industrial development rapid, but compares with the demand, obviously falls short of demand, its main gap concentrates precisely to, large-scale, is complex, the long life mold domain. As a result of in aspect and so on mold precision, life, manufacture cycle and productivity, China and the international average horizontal and the developed country still had a bigger disparity, therefore, needed massively to import the mold every year . The Chinese mold industry must continue to sharpen the productivity, from now on will have emphatically to the profession internal structure adjustment and the state-of-art enhancement. The structure adjustment aspect, mainly is the enterprise structure to the specialized adjustment, the product structure to center the upscale mold development, to the import and export structure improvement, center the upscale automobile cover mold forming analysis and the structure improvement, the multi-purpose compound mold and the compound processing and the laser technology in the mold design manufacture application, the high-speed cutting, the super finishing and polished the technology, the information direction develops . The recent years, the mold profession structure adjustment and the organizational reform step enlarges, mainly displayed in, large-scale, precise, was complex, the long life, center the upscale mold and the mold standard letter development speed is higher than the common mold product; The plastic mold and the compression casting mold proportion increases; Specialized mold factory quantity and its productivity increase; "The three investments" and the private enterprise develops rapidly; The joint stock system transformation step speeds up and so on. Distributes from the area looked, take Zhejiang Delta and Yangtze River delta as central southeast coastal area development quickly to mid-west area, south development quickly to north. At present develops quickest, the mold produces the most centralized province is


中英文资料对照外文翻译 冷冲模具使用寿命的影响及对策 冲压模具概述 冲压模具--在冷冲压加工中,将材料(金属或非金属)加工成零件(或半成品)的一种特殊工艺装备,称为冷冲压模具(俗称冷冲模)。冲压--是在室温下,利用安装在压力机上的模具对材料施加压力,使其产生分离或塑性变形,从而获得所需零件的一种压力加工方法。 冲压模具的形式很多,一般可按以下几个主要特征分类: 1.根据工艺性质分类 (1)冲裁模沿封闭或敞开的轮廓线使材料产生分离的模具。如落料模、冲孔模、切断模、切口模、切边模、剖切模等。 (2)弯曲模使板料毛坯或其他坯料沿着直线(弯曲线)产生弯曲变形,从而获得一定角度和形状的工件的模具。 (3)拉深模是把板料毛坯制成开口空心件,或使空心件进一步改变形状和尺寸的模具。 (4)成形模是将毛坯或半成品工件按图凸、凹模的形状直接复制成形,而材料本身仅产生局部塑性变形的模具。如胀形模、缩口模、扩口模、起伏成形模、翻边模、整形模等。 2.根据工序组合程度分类 (1)单工序模在压力机的一次行程中,只完成一道冲压工序的模具。 (2)复合模只有一个工位,在压力机的一次行程中,在同一工位上同时完成两道或两道以上冲压工序的模具。 (3)级进模(也称连续模)在毛坯的送进方向上,具有两个或更多的工位,在压力机的一次行程中,在不同的工位上逐次完成两道或两道以上冲压工序的模具。 冲冷冲模全称为冷冲压模具。 冷冲压模具是一种应用于模具行业冷冲压模具及其配件所需高性能结构陶瓷材料的制备方法,高性能陶瓷模具及其配件材料由氧化锆、氧化钇粉中加铝、镨元素构成,制备工艺是将氧化锆溶液、氧化钇溶液、氧化镨溶液、氧化铝溶液按一定比例混合配成母液,滴入碳酸氢铵,采用共沉淀方法合成模具及其配件陶瓷材料所需的原材料,反应生成的沉淀经滤水、干燥,煅烧得到高性能陶瓷模具及其配件材料超微粉,再经过成型、烧结、精加工,便得到高性能陶瓷模具及其配件材料。本发明的优点是本发明制成的冷冲压模具及其配件使用寿命长,在冲压过程中未出现模具及其配件与冲压件产生粘结现象,冲压件表


一、冲压模具盖帽冲压工艺及模具设计文献综述 ……………………………………………………………………………… 二、课题国内外现状 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 三、课题研究要紧成果 ……………………………………………………………………………… 四、以后冲压模具制造技术进展趋势 ……………………………………………………………………………… 五、中国汽车冲压技术进展存在的问题 ……………………………………………………………………………… 六、要紧参考文献 ……………………………………………………………………………… 七、指导教师意见 ……………………………………………………………………………

一、冲压的概念及其优点 (1)冲压的概念 冷冲压是在常温下利用冲模在压力机上对材料施加压力,使其产生分离或变形,从而获得一定形状、尺寸和性能的零件加工方法。它是一种压力加工方法,是机械制造中的先进加工方法之一。 冲压模具是一个专门的,一次性的一类周密工具,通过切割与塑形的方式使金属成为一个理想的形状或外形。大多数模具构造有几个差不多组成部分,包括模板,防磨装置,模套,导向销,轴衬,垫块,垫板,螺钉,销钉,和螺栓。模具还需要冲孔模板,压力和冲压成型板,以及可用来爱护它们---转子,肩螺栓,衔铁,保持架;和气体,线圈,或聚氨酯弹簧的工具。 (2)冲压的优点 冷冲压和线切割相比较,具有生产效率高、加工成本低、材料利用率高、产品尺寸精度稳固、操作简单容易实现机械化和自动化等一系列有点,专门适合于大批量生产。 冲压模具成形作为现代工业中一种十分重要的加工方法,用以生产各种板料零件,具有专门多专门的优势,其成形件具有自重轻、刚度大、强度高、互换性好、成本低、生产过程便于实现机械自动化及生产效率高等优点,是一种其它加工方法所不能相比和不可替代的先进制造技术,在制造业中具有专门强的竞争力,被广泛应用于汽车、能源、机械、信息、航空航天、国防工业和日常生活的生产之中。 在吸取了力学、数学、金属材料学、机械科学以及操纵、运算机技术等方面的知识后,差不多形成了冲压学科的成形差不多理论。以冲压产品为龙头,以模具为中心,结合现代先进技术的应用,在产品的庞大市场需求刺激和推动下,冲压成形技术在国民经济进展、实现现代化和提高人民生活水平方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。 现代冲压模具生产是一种大规模连续作业的制造方式,由于高新技术的参与和介入,冲压生产方式由初期的手工操作逐步进化为集成制造。生产过程逐步实现机械化、自动化、同时正在向智能化、集成化的方向进展。实现自动化冲压作业,表达安全、高效、节材等优点,差不多是冲压模具生产的进展方向。 日常生活中人们使用的专门多用具是用冲压方法制造的,例如不锈钢饭缸,它确实是用一块圆形金属板料在压床上利用模具对圆形板料加压而冲出来的。能够看出,冷冲压是一种在常温(冷态)下利用冲模在压床上对各


文献综述1 引言冲压模具是冲压生产必不可少的工艺装备,是技术密集型产品。冲 压件的质量、生产效率以及生产成本等,与模具设计和制造有直接关系。模具设计与制造技术水平的高低,是衡量一个国家产品制造水平高低的重要标志之一,在很大程度上决定着产品的质量、效益和新产品的开发能力。2005 年—2008 年,我国冲压模具产品均出口较大幅度的增长。2009 年在全球高压锅炉管市场总需求量下降的情况下,国际采购商通过国内某网站采购冲压模具的数量仍逆势上扬。我国冲压模具的国际竞争力正在不断提升。根据我国海关统计资料显示,2005 年—2008 年,我国冲压模具产品均出口较大幅度的增长。2008 年,即使遭受全球金融危机,我们冲压模具出口金额达4.11 亿美元,比2007 年的3.26 亿美元增长了26 。另外,2009 年在全球高压锅炉管市场总需求量下降的情况下,国际采购商通过国内某网站采购冲压模具的数量仍逆势上扬。从全年采购情况来看,总体趋于上涨的趋势。其中,2009 年下半年回暖明显,国际采购商借此网站采购频次约616 频次,比上半年的288 频次增长了114%。虽然近年来我国模具行业发展迅速,但是离国内的需要和国际水平还有很大的差距。差距较大主要表现在:(1 )标准化 程度低。(2)模具制造精度低、周期长。解决这些问题主要体现在模具设计上,故改善模具设计的水平成为拉近差距的关键性问题。若要很好的设计出一副冲压模具,就必须去了解冲压模具的历史、现状以及发展趋势。2 主体2.1 冲压模具的发展历史我国考古发现,早在2000 多年前,我国已有冲压模具被用于制造铜器,证明了中国古代冲压成型和冲压模具方面的成就就在世界领先。1953 年,长春第一汽车制造厂在中国首次建立了冲模车间,该厂于1958 年开始制造汽车覆盖件模具。我国于20 世纪60 年代开始生产精冲模具。在走过了温长的发展道路之后,目前我国已形成了300 多亿元(未包括港、澳、台 的统计数字,下同)各类冲压模具的生产能力。浙江宁波和黄岩地区的“模具之乡”;广东一些大集团公司和迅速崛起的乡镇企业,科龙、美的、康佳等集团纷纷建立了自己的模具


模具工业是国民经济的基础工业,是国际上公认的关键工业,工业发达国家称之为“工业之母”。模具成型具有效率高,质量好,节省原材料,降低产品成本等优点。采用模具制造产品零件已成为当今工业的重要工艺手段。模具在机械,电子,轻工,纺织,航空,航天等工业领域里,已成为使用最广泛的工业化生产的主要工艺装备,它承担了这些工业领域中60%--80%产品零件,组件和部件的加工生产。“模具就是产品质量”,“模具就是经济效益”的观念已被越来越多的人所认识和接受。在中国,人们已经认识到模具在制造业中的重要基础地位,认识更新换代的速度,新产品的开发能力,进而决定企业的应变能力和市场竞争能力。在目前用薄钢板制造发动机罩盖的传统还是会持续相当一段时间,所以有必要在钢板的基础上通过利用计算机软件的功能分析零件的工艺性能(结构合理,受力,是否容易冲出破面、、、),发现现有零件的不足之处,讨论并确定改进这些不足之处,进而改善模具的设计,改良冲裁方式;最终实现产品的改良,改善产品的力学性能,外观,使用效果,和造价等等。冲压加工是通过模具来实现的,从模具角度来看,模具生产技术水平的高低,已成为衡量一个国家产品制造水平高低的重要标志,因为模具在很大程度上决定着产品的质量、效益和新产品的开发能力。“模具是工业生产的基础工艺装备”也已经取得了共识。据统计,在电子、汽车、电机、电器、仪器、仪表、家电和通信等产品中,60%~80%的零部件都要依靠模具成形。用模具生产制件所具备的高精度、高复杂程度、高一致性、高生产率和低消耗,是其他加工制造方法所不能比拟的。同时,冲压加工也创造了巨大的价值增值,模具是“效益放大器”,用模具生产的最终产品的价值,往往是模具自身价值的几十倍、上百倍。目前全世界模具年产值约为600亿美元,日、美等工业发达国家的模具工业产值已超过机床工业,从1997年开始,我国模具工业产值也超过了机床工业产值。其中冲压模具在所有模具(锻造模、压铸模、注塑模等)中,无论从数量、重量或者是从价值上都位居榜首。 由此可见,板料冲压加工及其模具制造技术对国民经济的发展已经并将继续作出重大的贡献。随着我国经济的发展,对这种生产技术的发展及专业技术人才的需求将与日俱增。因此,加强对板料冲压加工及其模具制造技术的研究,具有重要的意义。 现状和发展趋势:经过了100多年的发展,目前小型汽车发动机的罩壳的设计技术已经相当成熟的了,但是随着各式各样的小型发动机的开发,发动机的前后罩也做了很大的改进。现在,对小型汽车发动机的罩壳的改进主要表现在对其构造材料的改进;例如用树脂基复合材料替代传统的薄钢板,用 RTM制造发动机水箱、隔热罩、发动机罩等等,由于用复合材料来取代原有金属的发动机壳体类零件,重量会有所减轻,且成本也将大大降低,对制造商而言,这个改进创造了很大了利润空间,所以这方面的技术进步还会持续相当长一段时间。就目前而言,我国冲压模具还存在许多问题,其中模具生产周期、质量和数量仍旧是关键。与国际水平相比,一般来说,我国冲压模具生产周期要比国外先进水平长、寿命约


本科毕业设计(论文) ( 2015届 ) 题目:异形垫片冲压模具设计 专业:机械主动化 班级:11机械主动化三 ***** 学号: 指点教师:蔡乐安 职称:副传授 完成日期:2015年4月17日

目录 摘要(外文) 2 引言 3 一. 工艺设计 (一)零件的工艺性剖析 4 (二)设计冲裁计划与好坏肯定 4 二. 排样设计 (一)搭边值肯定 6 (二)排样图展现 7 (三)物料进距盘算 8 (四)肯定条料宽度 8 (五)导料板设置 8 三. 工艺盘算 (一)材料应用率 8 (二)肯定压力中间 9 (三 ) 冲裁力的盘算四. 模具总体概要设计 (一)卸料方法选择 9 (二)出件与送料方法选择 9 (三)导向方法选择 10 (四)模具总装图 10

五. 模具零件设计 (一 ) 刃口盘算11 (二 ) 导正销15 (三 ) 卸料部件设计15 (四 ) 凹模构造设计16 (五 ) 凸模构造设计17 六. 模架的选择 (一)导柱.导套选用 18 (二)上.下模座选用 18 (三)材料选用 18 七. 压力机的选择19 申谢21 文献参考(附件及活动仿真)22 异形垫片冲压模具设计与剖析 摘要:模具是现代化工业临盆的重要工艺设备,被称为“工业之母”.而冲压模具又在全部模具工业中的桂林一枝,成长极为敏捷,它在人们的日常生涯及现代工业临盆范畴中占领很重要的地位.本毕业设计是关于异形垫片的冲压模具设计,经由过程剖析异形垫片的构造,尺寸来肯定其所选用的冲压方法.模具构造以及工位排版等设计内容.并最终完成该零件的冲压模具二维图纸.三维立体及加工活动仿真.当所有的参数盘算完后,还要对模具整体的装配计划,重要部件的设计和装配的技巧请求都进行剖析.以便可以或许清楚的表达出该零件的冲压加工进程. 症结词:异形垫片;冲压模;设计 Abstract:Known as the mother of industry, the mould is an important modern technical equipment of modern industrial production. With the rapidly development, the stamping die is thriving in the mould industry. It plays an important role in daily life and in the field of modern industrial production. The graduation design is about the stamping die design of the profiled gasket. It can determine the design contents, including stamping method, the mould structure and the working layout by analyzing the structure and the size of profiled gasket. And finally the
