English Grammar

English Grammar
English Grammar

English Grammar

Meaning: English grammar is the body of rules that describe the structure of expressions in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences.


1.Basic English Grammar

Basic English Grammar

A. General terms:

1. morphology 词法

2. syntax 句法

3. word 单词

4. phrase 词组

5. sentence 句子

6. clause 从句

7. main clause 主句

8. part of speech 词性

9. structure 结构

B. Tenses 时态

1. past future tense 过去将来时 : would do

2. past future continuous tense 过去将来进行时: would be doing

3. past future perfect tense 过去将来完成时 : would have done

4. present simple tense 一般现在时 : do (does)

5. past simple tense 一般过去时 : did

6. future simple tense 一般将来时 : will do

7. present perfect tense 现在完成时 : have done

8. past perfect tense 过去完成时 : had done

9. future perfect tense 将来完成时 : will have done

10. present continuous tense 现在进行时 : is (am, are) doing

11. past continuous tense 过去进行时 : was (were) doing

12. future continuous tense 将来进行时 : will be doing

13. past future continuous tense 过去将来进行时 : would be doing

14. present perfect continuous tense 现在完成进行时 : have been doing

15. past perfect continuous tense 过去完成进行时 : had been doing

C. Part of speech 词性

1. noun名词: (Nouns are naming words,noun names a person,place,thing,idea)

proper noun 专有名词, common noun 普通名词, countable noun 可数名词, uncountable noun 不可数名词, abstract noun抽象名词, concrete noun 具体名词, material noun物质名词, collective noun集体名词

2.Ajective (describe or modify nouns)

3. verb动词: (Verbs show action,the state of being)

transitive verb及物动词, intransitive verb不及物动词, linking verb系动词, auxiliary verb助动词, modal verb情态动词, regular verb规则动词, irregular verb不规则动词, phrasal verb短语动词

4. preposition 介词(show position and how things go together) 6. conjunction连词(are joining words ,phrases ,or sentences) 7. adverb副词 (tell about adj. v. adv.)

5. pronoun代词(take the place of nouns)

personal pronoun人称代词, possessive pronoun物主代词, reflexive pronoun反身代词, demonstrative pronoun指示代词, interrogative pronoun疑问代词, relative pronoun关系代词, indefinite pronoun不定代词

(all, each, every, both, either, neither, one, none, little, few, many, much, other, another, some, any, no)

F. Elements of sentences句子成分

1. subject主语

2. predicate谓语

3. object宾语

4. dual object双宾语

5. direct object直接宾语

6. indirect object间接宾语

7. complex object复合宾语

8. complement补语

9. subject complement主补 10. object complement宾补 11. predicative表语 12. attribute定语 13. appositive同位语 14. adverbial状语

G. Subordinate clause从属句

1. nominal clause名词从句

2. attributive clause定语从句

3. object clause宾语从句 5. subject clause主语从句 6. appositive clause同位语从句 adverbial clause状语从句

10. adverbial clause of time时间状语从句

11. adverbial clause of place地点状语从句


Proper grammar use

1.subject / verb agreement: must have both in a sentence; subject and verb must agree in terms

of quality and tense. Here is an example of what not to do: Three students sits in the hallway.

So the verb must indicate the subject(three students), the verb “sits”is wrong, it should be either sit or sat, depending in the meaning you want to convey. The verb “sits” should only be used for a singular subject. For example: “John sits in the hallway” is correct.

2.Corect sentence structure: adj comes before the noun it describes. Red car.

3.Knowing the parts of speech: You look extremely exquisite.

Summary: It seems to be based on a fixed set of concepts, which govern dozens of constructions and thousands of verbs -- not only in English, but in all other languages -- fundamental concepts such as space, time, causation and human intention, such as, what is the means and what is the ends.

I START TO question the very nature of our thoughts -What our language habits reveal-- the way we use words, how we learn, and how we relate to others….

Let me start off with a technical problem is, which verbs go in which constructions? The verb is the chassis of the sentence. It's the framework onto which the other parts are bolted.

An intransitive verb, such as "dine," for example, can't take a direct object. You have to say, "Sam dined," not, "Sam dined the pizza." A transitive verb mandates that there has to be an object there:"Sam devoured the pizza." You can't just say, "Sam devoured." There are dozens or scores of verbs of this type, each of which shapes its sentence. So, a problem in explaining how children learn language, a problem in teaching language to adults so that they don't make grammatical errors, and a problem in programming computers to use language is which verbs go in which constructions. For example, the dative construction in English. You can say, "Give a muffin to a mouse," the prepositional dative. Or, "Give a mouse a muffin," the double-object dative. "Promise anything to her," "Promise her anything," and so on. Hundreds of verbs can go both ways.So a tempting generalization for a child, for an adult, for a computer is that any verb that can appear in the

construction, "subject-verb-thing-to-a-recipient" can also be expressed as

"subject-verb-recipient-thing." You've got to extract generalizations so you can produce and understand new sentences.

Unfortunately, there appear to be exceptions. You can say, "Biff drove the car to Chicago," but not, "Biff drove Chicago the car." You can say, "Sal gave Jason a headache," but it's a bit odd to say, "Sal gave a headache to Jason." The solution is that these constructions, despite initial appearance, are not synonymous, that when you crank up the microscope on human cognition, you see that there's a subtle difference in meaning between them. So, "give the X to the Y," that construction corresponds to the thought"cause X to go to Y." Whereas "give the Y the

X" corresponds to the thought "cause Y to have X."

Now, many events can be subject to either construal, kind of like the classic

figure-ground reversal illusions, in which you can either pay attention to the particular object, in which case the space around it recedes from attention, or you can see the faces in the empty space, in which case the object recedes out of consciousness. How are these construals reflected in language? Well, in both cases, the thing that is construed as being affected is expressed as the direct object, the noun after the verb. So, when you think of the event as causing the muffin to go somewhere -- where you're doing something to the muffin -- you say, "Give the muffin to the mouse." When you construe it as "cause the mouse to have something," you're doing something to the mouse, and therefore you express it as, "Give the mouse the muffin."

So which verbs go in which construction -- the problem with which I began

-- depends on whether the verb specifies a kind of motion or a kind of possession change.To give something involves both causing something to go and causing someone to have. To drive the car only causes something to go, because Chicago's not the kind of thing that can possess something. Only humans can possess things. And to give someone a headache causes them to have the headache, but it's not as if you're taking the headache out of your head and causing it to go to the other person, and

implanting it in them. You may just be loud or obnoxious, or some other way causing them to have the headache. So, that's an example of the kind of thing that I do in my day job. Well, there are a number of interesting conclusions, I think,from this and many similar kinds of analyses of hundreds of English verbs. First, there's a level of fine-grained conceptual structure, which we automatically and unconsciously compute every time we produce or utter a sentence, that governs our use of language. It's very hard to find any example of abstract language that is not based on some concrete metaphor. For example, you can use the verb "go" and the prepositions "to" and "from" in a literal, spatial sense."The messenger went from Paris to Istanbul." You can also say, "Biff went from sick to well." He needn't go anywhere. He could have been in bed the whole time, but it's as if his health is a point in state space that you conceptualize as moving. Or, "The meeting went from three to four," in which we conceive of time as stretched along a line. Likewise, we use "force" to indicate not only physical force, as in, "Rose forced the door to open," but also interpersonal force, as in, "Rose forced Sadie to go," not necessarily by manhandling her,but by issuing a threat. Or, "Rose forced herself to go," as if there were two entities inside Rose's head, engaged in a tug of a war.

Second conclusion is that the ability to conceive of a given event in two different ways, such as "cause something to go to someone" and "causing someone to have something," I think is a fundamental feature of human thought, and it's the basis for much human argumentation, in which people don't differ so much on the facts as on how they ought to be construed. Just to give you a few examples: "ending a pregnancy" versus "killing a fetus;" "a ball of cells" versus "an unborn child;" "invading Iraq" versus "liberating Iraq;" "redistributing wealth" versus "confiscating earnings." And I think the biggest picture of all would take seriously the fact that so much of our verbiage about abstract events is based on a concrete metaphor and see human intelligence itself as consisting of a repertoire of concepts

-- such as objects, space, time, causation and intention -- which are useful in a social, knowledge-intensive species, whose evolution you can well imagine, and a process of metaphorical abstraction that allows us to bleach these concepts of their original conceptual content --space, time and force -- and apply them to new abstract domains, therefore allowing a species that evolved to deal with rocks and tools and animals, to conceptualize mathematics, physics, law and other abstract domains.

So to sum up: language is a collective human creation, reflecting human nature, how we conceptualize reality, how we relate to one another. And then by analyzing the various quirks and complexities of language, I think we can get a window onto what makes us tick.


THE GRAMMAR-TRANSLATION METHOD 文法 翻譯法(GTM) 歷史背景與淵源 十五世紀起,拉丁文成為當時最多人學習的外國語言,因為在當時,舉凡宗教、商業、政治、教育、醫學等專業學術均以拉丁文來書寫溝通。十六世紀後,歐洲當地語言(如義大利文、法文、英文等)逐漸蓬勃復興,拉丁文的地位相對沒落,變成了學校正規教育中培養學生心智發展及思維訓練的選修科目。 教學觀 由於拉丁文已經由活生生的語言轉變為訓練學生閱讀、解析文法和修辭的書面語言(written language),所以GTM把學習語言視為一門熟記構詞、句法等文法規則,然後再練習將L2翻譯成L1或L1翻譯成L2的學問。 教材教法 一、教學目標 GTM的教學目標是以訓練學生能閱讀和書寫為主,對於聽與說的部分則不加重視。 二、課程安排 GTM 授課內容與進度是按照文法和字彙之難易度為原則,著重在字彙與文法的訓練。字彙通常以閱讀文章中常書現的書面詞與為主,旁邊佐以L1的對等翻譯詞,文法規則也會詳細列出,最後再加上L1的翻譯訓練。 三、教學活動與學習型態 講解詞類變法、文法規則和句型段落之翻譯語意是最常見的教學活動。學生的學習型態則以背誦單字、查字典、熟讀文法規條,並勤做翻譯練習為主。若有粗心疏忽之處,可能會受到老師嚴厲的處罰,但若在這幾方面有細心精準(accuracy)的表現,則可在各樣艱難的筆試中輕易過關,取得令人尊敬的學術地位。以下舉一簡單教學實例(國小英語師資訓練手冊,p.4-5,師德): 步驟一老師用中文交red, yellow, green, blue等單字的中文意思和詞

性。老師帶同學們數遍單字。 步驟二翻開課本,老師帶讀:”The book is red. The pencil is yellow.” “It is green. It is blue.” 同學們一句一句翻成中文。 步驟三老師用中文講解「(東西)is(顏色)」與”It is (顏色)” 的文法結構。 步驟四老師說”The box is green. The door is blue.” “it is red.” 或「那個球是藍的」「它是黃的」讓學生練習英應翻中或是中翻英。 四、教師與學生的角色 教師是GTM的主導者,也是督促學生細心學習文法字彙、要求學生精確無誤地翻譯出文章句意的嚴格監控者。不過,由於GTM是以L1來進行教學,所以教師的教學負擔與壓力並不重。學生由於必須大量地牢記背誦單字、構詞語文法規則,所以將常有沮喪挫折之感。 結論與反思 GTM在1840-1940年代間大行其道,之後便被許多學者群起圍攻。看來,當L2只被用來執行其閱讀功能時,GTM確實有其一定的教學果效,但是當學習者對L2 的需求不僅限於閱讀,而期待達到聽無障、說無礙的境界時,GTM這套祖傳秘方就只好被打入冷宮,接受時代潮流的淘汰了。 不過,說也奇怪,當筆者正準備把GTM丟入〝資源垃圾桶〞時,腦中突然浮現出幾個熟悉的畫面:(1)國中高中的英文參考書與測驗卷---台灣教師與學生人手一本的〝聖經〞不都是在訓練的字彙、文法與句型翻譯嗎?(2)大學中必修的大一英文好像也有些繼續沿用這樣不敷時代所需的GTM型教學法---講台上傳來英語教授句型、詞類變化和翻譯的講解聲,台下則一片低頭死寂,或瞌睡、或寄(電子)情書、或抄別科筆記,然後放學後再去語言學校上課練習會話…好一幅高等教育課堂上〝祥和〞的畫面;(3)大學聯考升學率竄升的比台灣股票市場的加權指數還快,大批學生在完成高等教育後均會到專門訓練應付TOEFL、GRE、GMAT等的語言機構進修,結果雖是成功地造就了一批成績超高分的英文小魔女(男),但到了國外卻是心虛地開不了口用L2來應付日常對話。這使否也是教學者和學習者仍繼續GTM方式所產生的另類〝台灣奇蹟〞呢? 其實,所有的問題似乎只要重頭回去思考(1)英語在台灣應該視為第二語還是外國語?(2)哪一個教育程度的學生需要聽、說的訓練,又哪一個教育程度的學生需要更多的讀、寫技巧?(3)認清聯考和語言程度認證考試的形式一定會〝影響”〞(說成〝引導〞會讓教師的角色


Communi cative Lan guage Teach ing Language Processing and Production (语言理解和表达) 1. The knowledge involved in Ianguage processing In conclusion, when trying to work out the meaning of a piece of Ianguage or trying to express your own meaning, you n eed to use all the three types of kno wledge: the kno wledge of language(语言知识----语法、词汇、句子),discourse knowledge (语篇知识),and background knowledge (背景知识). 语篇教学:女口:----Your phone! ——I'm havi ng a bath. 可以说,语篇教学是对一个词,一个句,一段话的言外之意、相关文化、相关背景的一种 学习。 , ______________________________________________ ) Differe nces Betwee n Oral and Writte n Communi cati on (1)Spoke n Ian guage is simpler tha n writte n Ian guage. (2)Spoke n Ian guage has the lighter lexical den sity. Lexical den sity refers to the nu mber of content words per clause. (3)Writte n Ian guage tends to use nouns in stead of verbs (4)Writi ng is con text in depe ndent, whereas speech is more closely tied to its con text. Some features of spoke n Ian guage: A con tractio n (缩写) A hesitatio n (停顿) A filler ? repetiti on self-correcti on restarted utterance(重新表达) demon strative words (指示词this one, over there, n ear the door) Defin iti on to Communi cative Lan guage Teach ing 1) Classroom goals are focused on all of the components of communicative competence( form /fun cti on /appropriati on) and not restricted to grammatical and lin guistic compete nee. 2) Form is not the primary framework(syllabus 教学大纟冈)for organizing and sequencing lessons.


Unit 1 一,Views on language: 1、Structural view (language competence)结构主义语言观 —The founder:Saussure,lasen freeman&long —The structural view of language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems:1、the sound system(phonology)2、sound combinations(morphology)the discrete units of meaning 3、the system of combining units of meaning for communication(syntax) —The structural view limits knowing a language to knowing its structural rules and vocabulary 2 、Functional view功能主义语言观 —Representative:Johnson、marrow、swain canal (the core: grammar) —The function view not only sees language as a linguistic system but also a means for doing things功能不仅认为语言是一个语言系统,但也做事情的一种方式 —Learners learn a language in order to be able to doing things with it Use the linguistic structure to express functions 3、Interactional view 交互语言观(communicative competence) —Emphasis:appropriateness —Language is a communicative tool,which main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people —Learners need to know the rules for using the language in certain context 二,View on language learning语言学习观 1.Process-oriented theories:强调过程are concerned with how the mind organizes new information such as habit formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis testing and generalization. 2.Condition-oriented theories: 强调条件emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place, such as the number of students, the kind of input learners receives, and the atmosphere. 3.Behavioristtheory,(Skinner and waston raynor) A the key point of the theory of conditioning is that” you can train an animal to do anything if yo u follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, s timulus, response, and reinforcemen t B the idea of this method is that language is learned by constant repletion and the reinforcement of the teacher. Mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediately praised. 4.Cognitive theory:Chomsky)thinks that language is not a form of behavior,it is an intricate rule-based system a nd a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system.There are a fin ite number of grammatical rules in the system and with knowledge of these an infinite number of sentences can be produced. 5.Constructivist theory:(John Dewey)the constructivist theory believes that learning is a proces in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experiences and what he/he r already knows 6.Socio-constructivist theory: (Vygotsky) he emphasizes interaction and engagement with the tar get language in a social context based on the concept of “Zone of Proximal Development” (Z


1. If the earth suddenly ________spinning, we would all fly off it. A. stopped B. had stopped C. has stopped D. would stop 2. “How should the city be run?” “If I ________a mayor, I would make the streets cleaner and hire more policemen.” A. would B. were C. would be D. should 3. If the whole operation _________ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost. A. was not planned B. has not been planned C. had not been planned D. were not planned 4. Jean doesn’t want to work right away because she thinks that if she________ a job she probably wouldn’t be able to see her friends very often. A. has to get B. were to get C. had got D. could have got 5. It is recommended that the project________ until all the preparations have been made. A. is not started B. will not be started C. not be started D. is not to be started 6. Who would you rather his daughter ________ in the same office? A. going B. to go C. have gone D. went 7. Church as we use the word refers to all religious institutions, ________they Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, Jewish, and so on. A. be B. being C. were D. are 8. My pain ________ apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically:“ Are you feeling all right?” A. must be B. had been C. must have been D. had to be 9. Mary ________ my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now. A. couldn’t have received B. ought to have received C. has received D. shouldn’t have received 10. You needn’t have come over yourself. As it turned out to be a small house party, we_______ so formally. A. needn’t dress up B. did not need have dressed up C. did not need dress up D. needn’t have dressed up 11. Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we ________ during the day. A. should have done B. would have done C. may have done D. must have done 12. Some women ________ a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of family. A. must make B. should have made C. would make D. could have made 13. He ________ another career but, at the time, he didn’t have enough money to attend graduate school. A. might have chosen B. might choose C. had to choose D. must have chosen


1.Noun Identify the uncountable nouns ? 1. Nouns that have no distinct, separate parts, we look as the whole (气、液、固体) ? 2. Nouns that have parts that are too small or insignificant to count (sand grass hair) ? 3. Nouns that are classes or categories of things (food, clothing, money) P49 ? 4. Nouns that are abstraction (life, work, music) ? 5. Subjects of study (history, math) 不可数变可数三大规律 ? 1. 物质名词(总称名词)若表示不同的种类,或者表示特定的意思,或者是液体名词表示“几杯”或“几瓶”这样的数量时。 ? 2. 抽象名词若是具体化,则可数。与此相反,可数转化为不可数。 ? 3. 当一个名词表示抽象、总称的概念,则为不可数,当一个名词表示具体、特定的事物,则为可数。 物质名词/总称名词变可数 ? 1. 总称名词具体化 ?A: Would you like a cake? ?B: No. I don’t like cake. ? 2. 物质名词变意思 ?I need some paper. / I bought a paper. ? 3. 液体物质名词表数量 ?Two beers and three coffees, please. 抽象名词变可数 ?Art (an art) / beauty (a beauty) / youth (a youth) ?Eg. 1. Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind. ? 2. When as a child I laughed and wept– time crept. ?When as a youth I dreamed and talked-time walked. 2Articles Specific reference--the ? 1. 特指是针对交际双方来说的 ? 2. 特指就是根据说话者和听话者共有的知识,或根据上下文,可以识别的事物。 ? 3. 说话者用the是想要听话者找到双方心中都知道的所知,而听话者一方“断定”或“还原”所指对象的方法有多种。 ? 1. Situational/cultural reference ?Eg. Albert Einstein, the famous physicist. ? 2. textual co-reference— ?anaphoric reference (前指)& ?cataphoric reference (后指 ? 1. general knowledge (the sun, the moon, the North Pole, the Equator, the universe, the Renaissance, the Pope 罗马教皇) ? 2. specific knowledge/ local use (let’s go to the library) ? 3. immediate situation (The roses are very beautiful. Can you find the page?)


(开放专科)英语教学法期末复习资料 Ⅰ. Choose the best answer Directions: In this part, you are given ten questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one that can best answer the question. 1. Which of the following is characteristic of children in learning a foreign language? A. They pay more attention to meaning than to form. B. They have a clear purpose in learning a foreign language. C. They can monitor their own learning. D. They can concentrate for a long time in class. 2. Which of the following is focused on writing? A. Labeling pictures according to their contents. B. Sequencing the pictures according to the story. C. Matching the pictures with the headings. D. Commenting on the pictures. 3. Which of the following activities helps train logical thinking best*. A. Story telling. B. Finding patterns. C. Interviewing. D. Mind mapping. 4. Which of the following should we examine if we want to assess the students' intrapersonal intelligence? A. Performance in a discussion. B. Posters. C. Learning diaries. D. Performance in an interview. 5. What does the following practise? I want you to send ^ it out in ^ a minute. I have collected a ^ lot^ of monkey stamps. A. Stress. B. Intonation. C. Pronunciation. D. Liaison. 6. Which of the following can help to present A. Realia. B. Miming. C. Examples. D. Pictures. 7. What strategy does "creating a situation for students to use the words" help to train? A. Association. B. Association. C. Contextualization. D. Collocation. 8. Which of the following activities can be used at the practice stage of vocabulary instruction? A. Completion exercises. B. Reading to discover the meaning of words. C. Cross-word puzzles. D. Teacher explaining the usage of words. 9. Which of the following is a communication activity? A. Bingo. B. Information transfer. C. Substitution. D. Twenty questions. 10. Which of the following can train oral proficiency? A. Flow chart dialogue. B. Distant dictation. C. Sequencing pictures. D. Labeling pictures. 11. Which of the following activities help to train reading? A. Drawing according to oral instructions. B. Designing praising cards.


大学英语学习总结 大学英语学习总结(一) 走进大学,英语学习是必然的,虽然英语成绩不是太理想,但是从几年的学习过程中也领会了一些怎样应用策略的方法,如何学习才能更家对英语有兴趣。最终学好英语一定要多下功夫。应做到“四勤”与“四多”,具体说来,有以下几点: 一、“四勤” 1.勤背诵。 2.勤朗读。 3.勤练习。 4.勤总结。 积极记忆课本中出现的生词及词组,理解其用法,并适当运用一些正、反义词对比,相似词对比等方式加强记忆。相对于其它学科来说,英语的知识点相当零碎,一定要在平时的收集、整理、总结上下功夫。平时听老师提到或是在参考书上看到的一些零碎的小知识都要及时记录下来,以备以后复习时用。

二、“四多” 1.多看。 2.多听。 3.多说。 4.多练。 近年来英语试题的难度逐渐增大,试题的触角涉及到日常生活的各个领域,因此,从高一开始就应尽可能地扩大阅读面,广泛阅读,以求开阔视野,并在潜移默化中提高自己的英文水平。培养敏锐的语感将有助于增强辨析力和判断力,是英语学习过程中十分重要的一环。多说可以增强口语能力,加深记忆,使学过的知识清晰地映在脑海里,不容易被忘记。通过做大量的习题,可以增强实践经验,不至于临阵发慌,手足无措。 具体实行方案如: 1.最重要是单词,开学之时制定个计划,准备在什么时候把第几课的单词背熟,如果可能尽早把所有单词记得滚瓜烂熟,要是不行至少在每一节上课之前把此课的单词记熟。

2.每天至少看30分钟的课文,哪一篇都好(前提是单词读熟),最好以娱乐的心态去进行,不要当作苦差,如果坚持不了至少一周看三次,在读的时候慢慢培养速度,当然这是在读的质量有保证的前提下。 3.买英语系列磁带,每天坚持听一段时间,至少多长自己把握。 我认为,如果可以完全或80%地做到以上几点,学习英语就自然而然变成了一件乐事,既的到了提高有增强了自己的自主学习能力,我想这是我学习英语的最大收获! 大学英语学习总结(二) 时光如梭,忙碌的一个学期又已经结束,回头看看这一学期的大学英语教学工作还是有不少值得总结的地方,现将本学期大学英语课程总结如下:


《小学英语教学法教程》期末复习知识点 Unit1 children as language learners 1、How do children acquire their first language in general?(p2) By imitations 、repetitions 、listening to stories ...... Discussion point : language learning is a socializing process,interaction and experimenting with the language in communication are important ways for language learning 2、What are the differences and similarities between learning L1 and L2?(p6 D:the length of time 、 opportunities for experimenting with language S:Rich context and input ,opportunities for using the language ,interaction with others ,etc.are important in learning any languages . 3、Children ’s characteristics/suggestions for teachers(p10) 4、Ways to nurture children ’s motivation (p11 五点会判断即可 ) 5、P12 discussion point 、p20 1.5.1 (理解、会判断即可 ) 6、How do you understand humanistic education?(p21-22 ) Humanistic education requires teachers to treat children as human beings who have their own thoughts and needs.Teachers should never try to force their ideas into children ’s minds and should always try to think the same level as children. Discussion point : Children need to learn to try new languages and



My Teaching Philosophy I I have a dream that one day I can be a teacher. During my college life, I have tutored some kids. And I also have taught pupils as a volunteer. In addition, this term, we learned A Course in English Language Teaching. Therefore, I have my own understanding about teaching philosophy by combining theory with practice. 1.The role of a teacher K. Patricia Cross has said, “The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate …apparently ordinary? people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying win ner: it is in making winner out of ordinary people.” I totally agree with the quote. A teacher is the one who shapes the personality and entire life of children. It is one of the noble professions as it contributes in building the future of the country and overall society. Teachers play a significant and a valuable role as they influence the lives of children who are the future of tomorrow. 2. My understanding of good teaching When you strive and work to become a good teacher and to create a good class, the following four “Core qualities” are the essential, the skills to convey that knowledge, the ability to make the material you are teaching interesting and relevant, and a deep-seated respect for the student. The first is knowledge, in every survey, students consistently and clearly target as the number one quality of a good teacher exactly what you would expert: knowledge of the subject. You must be an expert in your field. This is a prerequisite. The second core quality is the ability to communicate their knowledge and experience to their students. Give your students an answer and they can solve one problem, but show them the techniques needed to find the answer for themselves and they can become self-sufficient in the field. Students need to show how to apply the new techniques you teach to problems solving. A good teacher starts with a firm knowledge of the subject, and builds on that with a clarity and understanding designed to help students master the material. Good teachers work hard to make their material relevant. They show students how the material will apply to their lives and their careers. And the last one is respect. The creation of a good class requires an immense amount of work. You spend time with your students so you can

《英语教学法》期末考试A卷 BB

▆ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ▆ 《英语教学法》 试卷 共2页(第 1 页) 答案务必写在答题纸上,否则不得分,超出黑色边框区域的答案无效! ▆ 《英语教学法》期末考试A 卷 开卷 考试时间90分钟,答题卡作答 姓名: 专业: 学号: 学习中心: 缺考标记,考生禁填! □ 成绩: 一、名词解释(答案务必写在答题纸上,40分) 1. 教学资源 答:教学资源是为教学的有效开展提供的素材等各种可被利用的条件,通常包括教材、案例、影视、图片、课件等,也包括教师资源、教具、基础设施等,广义也应该涉及到教育政策等内容。 2. 英语写作策略 答:是学生学习英语和培养语言能力的主要内容,教师应充分利用教材内容,由浅入深,由简到繁,指导学生进行多种形式的写作训练. 3. 教学设计 答:是根据课程标准的要求和教学对象的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设想和计划。一般包括教学目标、教学重难点、教学方法、教学步骤与时间分配等环节。 4. 发现式教学法 答:亦称假设法和探究法,这是一种基于问题学习的教学方法,是指教师在学生学习概念和原理时,不是将学习的内容直接提供给学生,而是向学生提供一种问题情境,只是给学生一些事实(例)和问题,让学生积极思考,独立探究,自行发现并掌握相应的原理和结论的一种方法。 二、论述题(答案务必写在答题纸上,30分) 1. PWP 教学过程的本质特征是什么? 答:英语阅读教学中的PWP 过程指的是将整个学习过程分为学习前(pre-learning )、学习中(while-learning )和学习后(post-learning )三个阶段。PWP 模式简洁实用,对促进教师的"教"与学生的"学"有很大作用。关键是在新课标下如何运用 PWP 来整合课程内容资源,使阅读教学简约高效。 2. 英语教学中如何进行教材的整合。请举例说明。 答:人教版《普通高中课程标准实验教科书》中每一个模块的每个单元都围绕一个主要话题开展听、说、读、写活动,各个部分的教学目标明确,不分课次和顺序,方便教师根据教学的实际情况灵活使用教材。在实际教学中,教师可以充分抓住教材的话题功能这一特点,对教材进行适当的整合,以学生以往的学习经验和知识为基础,恰到好处地对教学目标进行调试,对教学方法进行设计,从而使学生获得更大的学业进步。教材整合有利于教师因材施教,提高学生的学习效率,体现学生为主体、教师为主导的课堂教学方式,同时还可以开发教学资源,使教学具有灵活性、开放性和拓展性,方便学生更好地发挥潜能,提高教师的课程意识和专业素养,从而提高整体教学效果。 1文献综述 在知网查询了相关资料发现:董艳丽在英语教学设计中如何整合教材中,主要讲述了英语较教材模块之间的整合以及教材整合的原则;周金妹在教材整合在初中英语教学中的运用中提出,教材英语教学内容、学生学情相整合;林华英在整合英语教材,提高教学实效中,从宏观上提出了教材整合的策略;梁银碧在整合教材给学生轻松英语课堂中提出从学生的角度进行教材的整合。笔者认为,教材整合不单单是单元模块间的整合,还应该是一学期的教材整合,学年与学年间教材的整合,还应考虑小学、初中、高中教材的衔接性问题,并根据地区间差异进行教材整合。 2教材整合 2.1教材整合概念的提出 在2011年义务教育英语课程标准中提出教材整合的概念,其指出:“教材是实现教学目标的重要材料和手段,教师要善于根据教学的需要,对教材加以适当的取舍和调整。” 2.2教材整合的必要性 教材整合可以提高学生的学习效率。兴趣是最好的老师,如果在教学过程中教师只按照教材内容的顺序传授知识不进行相关补充,很可能会导致学生丧失学习兴趣,并影响学生学习的主观能动性。教师合理地对教材进行调整、扩展 、重新组合,在调动学 生兴趣的前提下,挖掘教材深层次的的内涵,这样会激发学生学习兴趣,并且有效提高学生的学习效率和学习的积极性。 教材整合可以帮助学生形成一套英语学习体系。在传统教学中,教师注重知识的传授,并不注重学生的创造性思维的发展和逻辑思维能力的培养,如果在教学过程中教师对教材进行整体把握,重难点分明,可能训练学生的逻辑思维能力,并生成由易到难,由简入繁的学习体系。 教材整合有利于激发学生学习的主动性。我们的教学活动的中心就是学生,学生是学习的主体,以学生的需求、兴趣、爱好进行重组教材并在教学过程中了解学生的需要,学习中困惑点,以此来扩展调整教材可以让学生投入到课堂中来,提高学生学习的主动性,让每个学生都有所收获,使学生得到全面的发展,对英语学习充满激情和活力。 2.3教材整合的主要策略 分析教材,找到本套教材的重难点,列出框架体系。教师在拿到教材之后首先应根据课程标准对教材进行分析,找出本学期教学的重难点。如人教版七年级上册英语课本,本册英语教材只涉及浅显的语言知识点,与学生的生活息息相关。因此,教师在教学过程中要重视学生的学习能力和培养学生逻辑思维能力和学习习惯,此外还应根据学生的真实生活进行教学,培养学生对英语的学习兴趣。 适当的补充或延伸。我们处于信息网络时代,要善于运用网络资源,对教材资源进行补充和延伸。例如在必修3 unit1 Festivals in the world ,在本单元导入之前可以在网上查阅世界各地的节日传统,让学生了解更多的西方文化知识,扩大他们的知识层面,达到英语教学的效果。 适当的删减或替换。对于教材中不太适合的内容,在进行教学设计时要依据学生的认知规律,进行替换和删减。如果全部照搬教材,学生会产生畏惧或厌倦的情绪,因此教师在备课时应经过严密思考,在不影响基本教学的情况下,替换和删减不符合学生的生活实际的内容。如在讲授冠词a/an 的用法时,如果只讲授语法必然会很枯燥,因此我们在对教学内容进行整合时,可以对教材
