

Part Two:Structure and Written Expression(20%)

Directions:For each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark your choices on the Answer Sheet.

11.Whether the extension of consciousness is a “good thing”for human being is a question that

a wide solution.

A.admits of B. requires of C. needs of D.seeks for

12.In a culture like ours, long all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that the medium is the message.

A.accustomed to split and divided

B.accustomed to splitting and dividing

C.accustomed to split and dividing

D.accustomed to splitting and divided

13.Apple pie is neither good nor bad; it is the way it is used that determines its value.

A. at itself

B. as itself

C. on itself

D. in itself

14.us earlier, your request to the full.

A.You have contacted…we could comply with

B.Had you contacted…we could have complied with

C.You had contacted…could we have complied with

D.Have you contacted…we could comply with

15.The American Revolution had no medieval legal institutions to or to root out, apart from monarchy.

A. discard

B. discreet

C. discord

D. disgorge

16. Living constantly in the atmosphere of slave, he became infected the unconscious their

psychology. No one can shield himself such an influence.

A. on…by…at

B. by…for…in

C. from…in…on

D. through…with…from

17. The effect of electric technology had at first been anxiety. Now it appears to create


A. bore

B. bored

C. boredom

D. bordom

18. Jazz tends to be a casual dialogue form of dance quite in the receptive and mechanical forms of the waltz.

A. lacked

B. lacking

C. for lack of

D. lack of

19. There are too many complains about society move too fast to keep up with the machine.

A. that have to

B. have to

C. having to

D. has to

20. The poor girl spent over half a year in the hospital but she is now for it.

A. none the worse

B. none the better

C. never worse

D. never better

21. As the silent film sound, so did the sound film color.

A. cried out for…cried out for

B. cry out for…cry out for

C. had cried out for…cried out for

D. had cried out for…cry out for

22. While his efforts were tremendous the results appeared to be very .

A. trigger

B. meager

C. vigor

D. linger

23. Western man is himself being de-Westernized by his own speed-up, by industrial technology.

A. as much the Africans are detribalized

B. the Africans are much being detribalized

C. as much as the Africans are being detribalized

D. as much as the Africans are detribalized

24. We admire his courage and self-confidence.

A. can but

B. cannot only

C. cannot but

D. can only but

25. In the 1930’s, when millions of comic books were the young with fighting and killing, nobody seemed to

notice that the violence of cars in the streets was more hysterical.

A. inundating

B. imitating

C. immolating

D. insulating

26. you promise you will work hard, support you to college.

A. If only…will I

B. Only…I will

C. Only if…will I

D. Only if…I will

27. It is one of the ironies of Western man that he has never felt invention as a threat to his way of life.

A. any concern with

B. any concern about

C. any concern in

D. any concern at

28. One room schools, with all subjects being taught to all grades at the same time, simply

when better transportation permits specialized spaces and specialized teaching.

A. resolved

B. absolved

C. dissolved

D. solved

29. People are living longer and not saving enough, which means they will either have to work

longer, live less in retirement or bailed by the government.

A. in…for…up

B. for…on…out

C. by…in…on

D. on…for…out

30. The country s deficit that year to a record 1698 billion dollars

A. soared

B. soured

C. sored

D. sourced

Part Three: Close Test (10%)

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and choose ONE best word for each numbered blank. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet.

2009 was the worst year for the record labels in a decade31 was 2008, and before that 2007 and 2006. In fact, industry revenues have been 32 for the past 10 years. Digital sales are growing, but not as fast as traditional sales are falling.

Maybe that’s because illegal downloads are so easy. People have been 33 intellectual property for centuries, but it used to be a time-consuming way to generate markedly 34 copies. These days, high-quality copies are 35 . According to the Pew Internet project, people use file-sharing software more often than they do iTunes and other legal shops.

I’d like to believe, as many of my friends seem to, that this practice won’t do much harm. But even as I’ve heard over the past decade that things weren’t 36 bad, that the music industry was moving to a new, better business model, each year’s numbers have been worse. Maybe it’s time to admit that we may never find a way to 37 consumers who want free entertainment with creators who want to get paid.

38 on this problem, the computational neuroscientist Anders Sandberg recently noted that although we have strong instinctive feelings about ownership, intellectual property doesn’t always 39 that framework. The harm done by individual acts of piracy is too small and too abstract.“The nature of intellectual property,”he wrote, “makes it hard to maintain the social and empathic 40 that keep(s) us from taking each other’s things.”

31. A. As B. Same C. Thus D. So

32. A. stagnating B. declining C. increasing D. stultifying

33. A. taking B. robbing C. stealing D. pirating

34. A. upgraded B. inferior C. ineffective D. preferable

35. A. numerous B. ubiquitous C. accessible D. effortless

36. A. so B. this C. that D. much

37. A. satisfy B. help C. reconcile D. equate

38. A. Based B. Capitalizing C. Reflecting D. Drawing

39. A. match up with B. fill in C. fit into D. set up

40. A. constraints B. consciousness C. norm D. etiquette

Part IV: Reading Comprehension(20%)

Directions: Each of the following four passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each question or unfinished statement, four answers are given. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Mark your choices on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Cancer has always been with us, but not always in the same way. Its care and management have differed over time, of course, but so, too, have its identity, visibility, and meanings. Pick up the thread of history at its most distant end and you have cancer the crab—so named either because of the ramifying venous processes spreading out from a tumor or because its pain is like the pinch of a crab’s claw. Premodern cancer is a lump, a swelling that sometimes breaks through the skin in ulcerations producing foul-smelling discharges. The ancient Egyptians knew about many tumors that had a bad outcome, and the Greeks made a distinction between benign tumors (oncos) and malignant ones (carcinos). In the second century A.D., Galen reckoned that the cause was systemic, an excess of melancholy or black bile, one of the body’s four “humors,”brought on by bad diet and environmental circumstances. Ancient medical practitioners sometimes cut tumors out, but the prognosis was known to be grim. Describing tumors of the breast, an Egyptian papyrus from about 1600 B.C.concluded: “There is no treatment.”

The experience of cancer has always been terrible, but, until modern times, its mark on the culture has been light. In the past, fear coagulated around other ways of dying: infectious and epidemic diseases (plague, smallpox, cholera, typhus, typhoid fever); “apoplexies”(what we now call strokes and heart attacks); and, most notably in the nineteenth century, “consumption”(tuberculosis). The agonizing manner of cancer death was dreaded, but that fear was not centrally situated in the public mind—as it now is. This is one reason that the medical historian Roy Porter wrote that cancer is “the modern disease par excellence,”and that Mukherjee calls it “the quintessential product of modernity.”

At one time, it was thought that cancer was a “disease of civilization,” belonging to much the same causal domain as “neurasthenia” and diabetes, the former a nervous weakness belie ved to be brought about by the stress of modern life and the latter a condition produced by bad diet and indolence. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, some physicians attributed cancer—notably of the breast and the ovaries—to psychological and behavioral causes. William Buchan’s wildly popular eighteenth-century text “Domestic Medicine”judged that cancers might be caused by “excessive fear, grief, religious melancholy.”In the nineteenth century, reference was repeatedly made to a “cancer personality,”and, in some versions, specifically to sexual repression. As Susan Sontag observed, cancer was considered shameful, not to be mentioned, even obscene. Among the Romantics and the Victorians, suffering and dying from tuberculosis might be considered a badge of refinement; cancer death was nothing of the sort. “It seems unimaginable,”Sontag wrote, “to aestheticize”cancer.

41. According to the passage, the ancient Egyptians .

A. called cancer the crab

B. were able to distinguish benign tumors and malignant ones

C. found out the cause of cancer

D. knew about a lot of malignant tumors

42. Which of the following statements about the cancers of the past is best supported by the passage?

A. Ancient people did not live long enough to become prone to cancer

B. In the past, people did not fear cancer

C. Cancer death might be considered a badge of refinement

D. Some physicians believed that one s own behavioral mode could lead to cancer

43. Which of the following is the reason for cancer to be called “the modern disease”?

A. Modern cancer care is very effective

B. There is a lot more cancer now

C. People understand cancer in radically new ways now

D. There is a sharp increase in mortality in modern cancer world

44.“Neurasthenia”and diabetes are mentioned because .

A. they are as fatal as cancer

B. they were considered to be “disease of civilization”

C. people dread them very much

D.they are brought by the high pressure of modern life

45. As suggested by the passage, with which of the following statements would the author most likely agree?

A. The care and management of cancer have development over time

B. The cultural significance of cancer shifts in different times

C. Cancer s identity has never changed

D. Cancer is the price paid for modern life

Passage Two

If you happened to be watching NBC on the first Sunday morning in August last summer, you would have seen something curious. There, on the set of Meet the Press, the host, David Gregory, was interviewing a guest who made a forceful case that the U.S.economy had become “very distorted.”In the wake of the recession, this guest explained, high-income individuals, large banks, and major corporations had experienced a “significant recovery”; the rest of the economy, by contrast—including small businesses and “a very significant amount of the labor force”—was stuck and still struggling. What we were seeing, he argued, was not a single economy at all, but rather “fundamentally two separate types of economy,”increasingly distinct and divergent.

This diagnosis, though alarming, was hardly unique: drawing attention to the divide between the wealthy and everyone else has long been standard fare on the left. (The idea of “two Americas”was a central theme of John Edwards’s 2004 and 2008 presidential runs.) What made the argument striking in this instance was that it was being offered by none other than the former five-term Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan: iconic libertarian, preeminent defender of the free market, and (at least until recently) the nation’s foremost devotee of Ayn Rand. When the high priest of capitalism himself is declaring the growth in economic inequality a national crisis, something has gone very, very wrong.

This widening gap between the rich and non-rich has been evident for years. In a 2005 report to investors, for instance, three analysts at Citigroup advised that “the World is dividing into two blocs—the Plutonomy and the rest”.

In a plutonomy there is no such animal as “the U.S.consumer”or “the UK consumer”, or indeed “the Russian consumer”. There are rich consumers, few in number, but disproportionate in the gigantic slice of income and consumption they take. There are the rest, the “non-rich”, the multitudinous many, but only accounting for surprisingly small bites of the national pie.

Before the recession, it was relatively easy to ignore this concentration of wealth among an elite few. The wondrous inventions of the modern economy—Google, Amazon, the iPhone broadly improved the lives of middle-class consumers, even as they made a tiny subset of entrepreneurs hugely wealthy. And the less-wondrous inventions—particularly the explosion of subprime credit—helped mask the rise of income inequality for many of those whose earnings were stagnant.

But the financial crisis and its long, dismal aftermath have changed all that. A multi-billion-dollar bailout and Wall Street’s swift, subsequent reinstatement of gargantuan bonuses have inspired a narrative of parasitic bankers and other elites rigging the game for their own benefit. And this, in turn, has led to wider-and not unreasonable-fears that we are living in not merely a plutonomy, but a plutocracy, in which the rich display outsize political influence, narrowly self interested motives, and a casual indifference to anyone outside their own rarefied economic bubble.

46. According to the passage, the U.S.economy .

A. fares quite well

B. has completely recovered from the economic recession

C. has its own problems

D. is lagging behind other industrial economies

47. Which of the following statement about today’s super-elite would the passage support?

A. Today’s plutocrats are the hereditary elite

B. Today’s super-rich are increasingly a nation unto themselves

C. They are the deserving winners of a tough economic competition

D. They are worried about the social and political consequences of rising income inequality

48. What can be said of modern technological innovations?

A. They have lifted many people into the middle class.

B. They have narrowed the gap between the rich and the non-rich.

C. They have led to a rise of income inequality.

D. They have benefited the general public.

49. The author seems to suggest that the financial crisis and its aftermath .

A. have compromised the rich with the non-rich

B. have enriched the plutocratic elite

C. have put Americans on the alert for too much power the rich possess

D. have enlarged the gap between the rich and non-rich

50. The primary purpose of the passage is to .

A. present the financial imbalance in the U.S.

B. display sympathy for the working class

C. criticize the super elite of the Unite States

D. appreciate the merits of the super rich in the U.S.

Passage Three

Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”is credited with sparking evolution’s revolution in scientific thought, but many observers had pondered evolution before him. It was understanding the idea’s significance and selling it to the public that made Darwin great, according to the Arnold Arboretum’s new director.

William Friedman, the Arnold Professor of Organism and Evolutionary Biology who took over as arboretum director Ja n.1, has studied Darwin’s writings as well as those of his predecessors and contemporaries. While Darwin is widely credited as the father of evolution, Friedman said the “historical sketch”that Darwin attached to later printings of his masterpiece was intended to mollify those who demanded credit for their own earlier ideas.

The historical sketch grew with each subsequent printing, Friedman told an audience Monday (Ja n.10), until, by the 6th edition, 34 authors were mentioned in it. Scholars now believe that somewhere between 50 and 60 authors had beaten Darwin in their writings about evolution Included was Darwin’s grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, a physician who irritated clergymen with his insistence that life arose from lower forms, specifically mollusks.

Friedman’s talk, “A Darwinian Look at Darwin’s Evolutionist Ancestors,”took place at the arboretum’s Hunnewell Building and was the first in a new Director’s Lecture Series.

Though others had clearly pondered evolution before Darwin, he wasn’t without originality. Friedman said that Darwin’s thinking on natural selection as the mechanism of evolution was shared by few, most prominently Alfred Wallace, whose writing on the subject after years in the field spurred Darwin’s writing of “On the Origin of Species.”Although the book runs more than 400 pages, Friedman said it was never the book on evolution and natural selection that Darwin intended. In 1856, three years before the book was published, he began work on a detailed tome on natural selection that wouldn’t see publication until 1975.

The seminal event in creating “On the Origin of Species”occurred in 1858, when Wallace wrote Darwin detailing Wallace’s ideas of evolution by natural selection. The arrival of Wallace’s ideas galvanized Darwin into writing “On the Origin of Species”as an “abstract”of the ideas he was painstakingly laying out in the larger work.

This was a lucky break for Darwin, because it forced him to write his ideas in plain language, which led to a book that was not only revolutionary, despite those who’d tread similar ground before, but that was also very readable.

Though others thought about evolution before Darwin, scientific discovery requires more than just an idea. In addition to the concept, discovery requires the understanding of the significance of the idea, something some of the earlier authors clearly did not have—such as the arborist who buried his thoughts on natural selection in the appendix of a book on naval timber. Lastly, scientific discovery demands the ability to convince others of the correctness of an idea. Darwin, through “On the Origin of Species,”was the only thinker of the time who had all three of those traits, Friedman said.

“Darwin had the ability to convince others of the correctness of the idea,” Friedman said, adding that even Wallace, whose claim to new thinking on evolution and natural selection was stronger than all the others, paid homage to Darwin by titling his 1889 book on the subject, “Darwinism.”

51. According to William Friedman, Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”is great in that


A. it was the most studied by later scientists

B. it had significant ideas about evolution

C. it was the first to talk about evolution

D. it was well received by the public

52. Friedman believes that Darwin attached a “historical sketch”to later printings of his book in an attempt to .

A. credit the ideas about evolution before his

B. claim himself as the father of evolution

C. introduce his grandfather to the reader

D. summarize his predecessors work

53. In Friedman s view, Darwin s originality lies in .

A. his thinking on natural selection as the mechanism of evolution

B. his sharing ideas about evolution with his contemporaries

C. the way he wrote “On the Origin of Species”

D. the way he lectured on the ideas of evolution

54. We have learned that at first Darwin intended to write his idea in .

A. a much larger book

B. a 400page book

C. scientific terms

D. plain language

55. Scientific discovery requires all the following Expect .

A. coming up with a new idea

B. understanding the significance of the idea

C. making claims to the idea by writing books

D. convincing others of the correctness of the ides

Passage Four

Many adults may think they are getting enough shut-eye, but in a major sleep study almost 80 percent of respondents admitted to not getting their prescribed amount of nightly rest. So, what exactly is the right amount of sleep? Research shows that adults need an average of seven to nine hours of sleep a night for optimal functionality. Read on to see just how much of an impact moderate sleep deprivation can have on your mind and body.

By getting less than six hours of sleep a night, you could be putting yourself at risk of high blood pressure. When you sleep, your heart gets a break and is able to slow down for a significant period of time. But cutting back on sleep means your heart has to work overtime without its allotted break. In constantly doing so, your body must accommodate to its new conditions and elevate your overall daily blood pressure. And the heart isn’t the only organ that is overtaxed by a lack of sleeps. The less sleep you get, the less time the brain has to regulate stress hormones, and over time, sleep deprivation could permanently hinder the brain’s ability to regulate these hormones, leading to elevated blood pressure.

We all hang around in bed during our bouts of illness. But did you know that skipping out on the bed rest can increase your risk of getting sick? Prolonged sleep deprivation has long been associated with diminished immune functions, but researchers have also found a direct correlation between “modest”sleep deprivation—less than six hours—and reduced immune response. So try to toughen up your immune system by getting at least seven hours of sleep a night, and maintaining a healthy diet. You’ll be glad you got that extra hour of sleep the next time that bug comes around and leaves everyone else bedridden with a fever for three days.

During deep REM sleep, your muscles (except those in the eyes) are essentially immobilized in order to keep you from acting out on your dreams. Unfortunately, this effort your body makes to keep you safe while dreaming can sometimes backfire,


北京大学考博英语模拟题14 Part ⅠVocabulary 1. The attack of the World Trade Center will leave a ______ impression on those who have witnessed the explosion. A.long B.forever https://www.360docs.net/doc/539473503.html,sting D.lively 答案:C [解答] 本题空格处是说留下持久的印记。long的意思是“长期的”;forever的意思是“永远”;lasting的意思是“持久的”;lively的意思是“活泼的,逼真的”。四个选项中只有C项符合题意。 2. The magician picked out several persons ______ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance. A.by accident B.on average C.on occasion D.at random 答案:D by accident偶然的。on average平均的。on occasion有时。at random随意的。 3. British hopes of a gold medal in the Olympic Games suffered ______ yesterday, when Hunter failed to qualify during the preliminary heats. A.a sharp set-back B.severe set-back C.a severe blown-up D.sharp blown-up


湖南文理学院学院2017-2018学年度第一次作业 考核课程: 《计算机专业英语》 学生所在院系: 国际学院 年 级: 2017 姓名: 刘飞 班级: 网工17102班 学号: 201719040213 一、Give out the full names for the following abbreviations(写出下列缩写词的全称)(20%) EEPROM_Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory_ CPU ___Central Processing Unit____________________________ ALU ___A rithmetic/Logic Unit _______________________________ IT ___Information Technology___________________________ WWW___World Wide Web_________________________________ RAM ____Random Access Memory_________________________ PNP _____Plug-And-Play__________________________________ OS _____Operating System_______________________________ HTML____Hyper Text Markup Language______________________ TCP ____Transfer Control Protocol_________________________ SSI _____Small-Scale Integrated circuit_____________________ DRAM____Dynamic Random Access Memory________________ CA(M)D___Computer Aided Design__________________________ CAI_______Computer Aided Instruction______________________ 256000000__two hundreds and fifty six million________________ 25600000___twenty five million and six thousands_____________ SRAM_____Static Random Access Memory___________________ CAT_______Computer Aided Text____________________________ CA M______Computer Aided Made(Manufacture)_______________ I/O_____Input/Output__________________________________ 二、Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column( 将)(10%) 1. memory unit a. 半导体存储器 2. high density b. 主存


北京大学法学院法学(知识产权法)专业考博参考书-考博分数线-专业课真题 一、专业的设置 北京大学法学院共招生52人,其中拟招本院硕博连读生约10名。均为全日制脱产学习,不提供参考书目和往年试题。今年实行申请考核制。 二、招生专业及人数 系所名称法学院 招生总数52 系所说明 其中拟招本院硕博连读生约10名。各专业拟招生名额见备注。均为全日制脱产学习,不提 供参考书目和往年试题。今年实行申请考核制,详见法学院网站公布的招生方案。 招生专业:法学(知识产权法)(030120) 研究方向指导教师考试科目备注 01.知识产权法学 张平 易继明刘银良面试 本专业拟招生4人左右,其中02、03方向共用 一个调控计划名额。考生须具备法律学专业学 位。 02.互联网法 同等学力者须在法学核心期刊上发表四篇以上 论文。 03.传媒法与知识产权 报名时需同时填报专业、导师及导师一栏是否 接受调剂等信息。专业间不进行调剂。 三、导师介绍 张平,女,教授法学博士,博士生导师,1991年至今兼任北大专利事务所专利代理人,中国中国高校知识产权研究会秘书长,第三届中国知识产权研究会理事,中国科技法学会常务理事。著作:《知识产权法详论》、《网络知识产权及相关法律问题透析》、《域名与知识产权保护》、《网络法律评论》(主编)、《标准化与知识产权战略》(合著)、《共享智慧开源软件知识产权问题解析》(合著)等。 易继明:男,1968年2月出生,华中科技大学法学院院长,教授,博士生导师,私法一般理论方向学科带头人。2002年毕业于北京大学,获法学博士学位,同年在华中科技大学破格晋升教授。兼任《私法》主编、中国法学会民法学研究会理事、《中国科技法学年刊》编辑部主编。。在《法学研究》、《中国法学》及其英文版《China Legal Law》


武汉大学 2017年攻读博士学位研究生外语综合水平考试试题 (满分值100分) 科目名称:英语科目代码:1101 注意:所有的答题内容必须写在答案纸上,凡写在试题或草稿纸上的一律无效。 Part I Reading Comprehension (2’×20 = 40 points) Directions:In this part of the test, there will be 5 passages for you to read. Each passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements, and each question or unfinished statement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are to decide on the best choice by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. Passage One Mr Gordon is right that the second industrial revolution involved never-to-be-repeated changes. But that does not mean that driverless cars count for nothing. Messrs Erixon and Weigel are also right to worry about the West’s dismal recent record in producing new companies. But many old firms are not run by bureaucrats and have reinvented themselves many times over: General Electric must be on at least its ninth life. And the impact of giant new firms born in the past 20 years such as Uber, Google and Facebook should not be underestimated: they have all the Schumpeterian characteristics the authors admire. On the pessimists’ side the strongest argument relies not on closely watching corporate and investor behavior but rather on macro-level statistics on productivity. The figures from recent years are truly dismal. Karim Foda, of the Brookings Institution, calculates that labor productivity in the rich world is growing at its slowest rate since 1950. Total factor productivity (which tries to measure innovation) has grown at just 0.1% in advanced economies since 2004, well below its historical average. Optimists have two retorts. The first is that there must be something wrong with the figures. One possibility is that they fail to count the huge consumer surplus given away free of charge on the internet. But this is unconvincing. The official figures may well be understating the impact of the internet revolution, just as they downplayed the impact of electricity and cars in the past, but they are not understating it enough to explain the recent decline in productivity growth. Another, second line of argument that the productivity revolution has only just begun is more persuasive. Over the past decade many IT companies may have focused on things that were more “fun than fundamental” in Paul Krugman’s phrase.But Silicon Valley’s best companies are certainly focusing on things that change the material world.


Part Two:Structure and Written Expression(20%) Directions:For each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked、Mark your choices on the Answer Sheet、 11. Whether the extension of consciousness is a “good thing”for human being is a question that a wide solution、 A.admits of B、requires of C、needs of D、seeks for 12.In a culture like ours, long all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that the medium is the message、 A.accustomed to split and divided B.accustomed to splitting and dividing C.accustomed to split and dividing D.accustomed to splitting and divided 13.Apple pie is neither good nor bad; it is the way it is used that determines its value、 A、at itself B、as itself C、on itself D、in itself 14. us earlier, your request to the full、 A、You have contacted…we could comply with B、Had you contacted…we could have complied with C、You had contacted…could we have complied with D、Have you contacted…we could comply with 15.The American Revolution had no medieval legal institutions to or to root out, apart from monarchy、 A、discard B、discreet C、discord D、disgorge 16、Living constantly in the atmosphere of slave, he became infected the unconscious their psychology、No one can shield himself such an influence、 A、on…by…at B、by…for…in C、from…in…on D、through…with…from 17、The effect of electric technology had at first been anxiety、Now it appears to create 、 A、bore B、bored C、boredom D、bordom 18、Jazz tends to be a casual dialogue form of dance quite in the receptive and mechanical forms of the waltz、 A、lacked B、lacking C、for lack of D、lack of 19、There are too many complains about society move too fast to keep up with the machine、 A、that have to B、have to C、having to D、has to 20、The poor girl spent over half a year in the hospital but she is now for it、 A、none the worse B、none the better C、never worse D、never better 21、As the silent film sound, so did the sound film color、 A、cried out for…cried out for B、cry out for…cry out for C、had cried out for…cried out for D、had cried out for…cry out for 22、While his efforts were tremendous the results appeared to be very 、 A、trigger B、meager C、vigor D、linger 23、Western man is himself being de-Westernized by his own speed-up, by industrial technology、 A、as much the Africans are detribalized B、the Africans are much being detribalized C、as much as the Africans are being detribalized D、as much as the Africans are detribalized 24、We admire his courage and self-confidence、 A、can but B、cannot only C、cannot but D、can only but 25、In the 1930’s, when millions of comic books were the young with fighting and killing, nobody seemed to notice that the violence of cars in the streets was more hysterical、


北京大学2007年博士研究生入学考试英语试题 Part One: Listening Comprehension略 Part Two: Structure and Written Expression (20%) Directions: For each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark your choices on the ANSWER SHEET. 21._________ before we leave the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful time together. [A] Had they arrived [B] Would they arrive [C] Were they arriving [D] Were they to arrive 22._________ last year and is now earning his living as an advertising agent. [A] He would leave school [B] He left school [C] He had left school [D] He has left school 23.Some people viewed the findings with caution, noting that a cause-and-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remained _________. [A] to be shown [B] to have been shown [C] to have shown [D] being shown 24.__________ that should be given priority to. [A] It is the committee has decided [B] It is only the committee has decided [C] It is what the committee has decided [D] It is what has the committee decided 25. The most interesting new cars may owe __________ the simple wisdom of hiring a few talented people and allowing them to work. [A] less local free-spiritedness than [B] less local free-spiritedness than to [C] to less local free-spiritedness than to [D] less to local free-spiritedness than to 26. Over the years, Jimmy Connors __________ phenomenal displays of tennis and temper—and at the U.S. Open last week, he exhibited both again. [A] has treated spectators with [B] has treated spectator for [C] has treated spectators [D] has treated spectators to 27. Summer holidays spent on the hot ghetto streets are __________ the time middle-class students devote to camps, exotic vacations and highly organized sports. [A] as hardly culturally enriching as [B] as hardly enriching culture as


Lesson eight 第八课 Ⅱ.翻译句子,并注意remain和above的词类和词义 2. In this case the voltage applied must remain unchanged. 在这种情况下,那个应用电压必须保持不变 4. If you take 3 from 8, 5 remain. 如果从8中拿走3,剩5. 6. The above property was discovered by Faraday. 法拉第发现以上性质。 8. Lenz states that the self-induced emf impedes any change of current and tends to support the former current value. The above is known as Lenz’s law. 楞茨陈述自感电动势阻止电流的变化而保持先前电流的值。上面就是我们所知的楞 次定律。 Ⅲ.翻译句子,注意some的词义 2. That radio receiver weighs some five kilograms. 那个无线接收器重五公斤。 4. Some element in the substance is not known. 物质中的一些元素是人们不知道的。 Ⅳ.翻译句子,注意句中one 的不同用法和词义。 2. This concept was discussed in Chapter One. 这个概念在第一张讨论过。 4. No one can lift this equipment. 没人能举起这件设备。 6. This chapter will deal with one of the three functions of a turning circuit. 这章我们将介绍螺旋电路三个功能中的一个。 8. Before one studies a system, it is necessary to define and discuss some important terms. 在研究一个系统之前,确定且讨论一些重要的术语是有必要的。 Ⅴ.画出句中的名词从句,说明其种类,并将句子译成汉语。 2. These experiments do not show which particles. 这些实验不能显示他们的粒子结构。 4. The operating point is determined by how much bias is used. 操作要点是被用多少偏压决定的。 6. It is not important how this voltage is produced. 这个电压是怎么产生的并不重要。 8. It may be questioned whether this approach is the best for the physicist. 这种方式最适合于医生可能会被质疑。 10. This ball may be used to determine whether that body is charged. 这个球可能用于检测是否身体是带电的。 12. It is known that charged particles emit electromagnetic waves whenever they are accelerated. 众所周知的当电子被加速他们就会发射电磁波。 14. The value of this factor determines how fast the amplitude of the current


武汉大学博士英语结 课考试

一、段落分析 Concept-defining (一)C ontent 内容(from paragraph level) 1 Topic 话题(特点general笼统) 2 Aspect (supporting sentence) from material to spiritual aspects从物质到精神 from physical to psychological aspects从身体到心理 from idea/mentality to behavior从思想到行为 from technology to society from individual to social aspects从个体到社会 from oneself to others从自身到他人 from direct to indirect aspects从直接到间接 from physical environment to economic and social structure从地理环境到社会经济结构 3 Perspective (point of view)角度+ Key words =thesis 论点+evidence论据 =theme主题(main idea)+aspects方面 4 Form/Function形式(passage level) Structure: the organization of the whole article Introduction (what) Body (why) Conclusion (how) (二)P aragraph development 1 Skill/Pattern;Fact/Detail Statistics统计 Examples例证 Statements阐述 Quotation引言 2 Method针对所选用的skill的方法 1)topic order 2)causal order = cause and effect 3)spatial order = space order 4)chronological order = time order 5)problem and solution 6)means and ends 7)process and result 8)classification 9)hierarchical structure 分层次、等级的(from least to most) 10)antithesis对偶、排比 11)progression递进(a gradual process of change or developing over period of time) 12)comparison (相似) and contrast(差异) 对比 3 Logic relationship (from passage level) (what, why, how) 1)Cause and effect因果关系=why & how 2)Means and ends = process and purpose = how手段和目的;过程和目的


北京大学考博英语真题常见句子翻译方法近期很多考生问关于条件状语从句的分析和翻译问题,在此,育明考博老师结合同学提出的两个典型问题为大家分析条件状语从句,并给出相应的参考译文。 一、问题:请分析并翻译:If you are part of the group which you are addressing,you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are common to all of you and it’ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman’s notorious bad taste in ties. 解析:很多考生看到这样一句从横三、四行的长句会心生畏惧,对自己没有信心,自然也就无法理清这句中的各种枝节。拿到这样的一个句子,最主要的仍然是先把主干找到,然后再看其他部分和主干的关系。需要各大院校历年考博英语真题及其解析请加扣扣七七二六七八五三七或二八九零零六四三五一,也可以拨打全国免费咨询电话四零零六六八六九七八享受考博辅导体验。 句子主干:you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems and it’ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman’s notorious bad taste in ties 主干是由两个并列的分句组成的,第一个分句是you will be in a position to know the experiences主系表结构,第二个分句是it’ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman’s notorious bad taste in ties形式主语+系表结构+不定式作真正的主语。


北京大学英语2002年博士研究生入学考试试题huazi 发表于2007-1-20 11:00:00 推荐 北京大学2002年博士研究生入学考试试题 Part One: Structure and Written Expression Direction: In each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably comp lete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put the letter of your choice in the AN SWER SHEET. (20%) 1 . The doctor's ___ is that she'll soon be as good as new if she takes insul in and watche s her diet. A.agnosticism B. anticipation C. diagnosis D. prognosis 2.It is understood by all concerned that the word no one who visits him ever breathe a syllable of m his hearing wi11 remain forever unspoken. A.uncommunicatively B. acceptab1y C. tacitly D. taciturnly 3. ___ springs not out of true and deep admiration, but more often out of a self-seeking wish to identify with someone important or famous. A. A compliment B. An adulatory C. Flattery D. Praise 4.Leaving for work m plenty of time to catch the train will _____ worry about being late. A.rule off B. prevent C. avoid D? obviate 5.Nicholas Chauvin, a French soldier, aired his veneration of Napoleon Bonaparte so and unceasingly that he became the laughingstock of all people in Europe. A. vociferously B. patriotically C. verbosely D. loquaciously 6.People suffering from prefer to stay shut in their homes and become panic-stricken m 1arge public buildings and open fields.


步京侄宛a琴 《专业英语》课程作业 学生姓名____________________________ 学号 __________________________ 院系 _________________________ 专业 __________________________ 任课教师____________________________

二0一五年六月 一、英译中(英文科技资料翻译) 原文: An operating system is the software which acts as an interface between a user of a computer and the computer hardware.The purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user may execute program. The primary goal of an operating system is thus to make the computer system convenient to use. A secondary goal is to use the computer hardware in an efficient way. We can view an operating system as a resource allocator. A computer system has many resources which may be required to solve a problem: CPU time, memory space, , input/output(I/O) devices, and so on.The operating system acts as the manager of these resources and allocates them to specific programs and users as necessary for their tasks. Since there may be many, possibly conflicting, requests for resources, the o/s must decide which requests are allocated resources to operate the computer system fairly and efficiently. Multimedia means, from the user ' perspective, that computer information can be represented through audio and/or video, in addition to text, image, graphics and animation . The integration of these media into the computer provides additional possibilities for the use of computational power currently available (e.g., for interactive presentation of huge amounts of information ). Furthermore, these data can be transmitted though computer and telecommunication networks, which implies applications in the areas of information distribution and cooperative work.Multimedia provides the possibility for a spectrum of new applications, many of which are in place today. A multimedia system distinguishes itself from other systems through several properties. We elaborate on the most important properties such as combination of the media, media-independence, computer control and integration.Not every arbitrary combination of media justifies the usage of the term multimedia. A simple text processing program with incorporated images is often called a multimedia application because two media are processed through one program.But one should talk about multimedia only when both continuous and discrete media are utilized.A text processing program with incorporated images is therefore not a multimedia application. An important aspect of different media is their level of independence from each other. In general, there is a request for independence of different media, but multimedia may require several levels of independence. On the one hand, a computer-controlled video recorder stores audio and video information, but there is an inherently tight connection between the two types of media. Both media are coupled together through the common storage medium of the tape. On the other hand, for the purpose of presentations, the combination of DAT recorder (Digital Audio Tape) signals and computer-available text satisfies the request for media-independence. Early computers were(physically) very large machines run from a console.The programmer would
