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浅谈水门事件 一、水门事件的过程 水门事件,是1970年代发生在美国的一起震惊世界的政治丑闻,其对美国本国历史以及整个国际新闻界都有着长远的影响,。事件开始于1972年6月17日,当时美国民主党全国总部地下车库通往大厦的门锁两次被胶布贴住,当时所在地水门综合大厦的保安人员偶然发现这一情况,于是立刻报警。前来的两名特警出其不意地抓获了5个嫌疑人,他们潜入民主党全国委员会总部安装窃听器和拍照文件。之后联邦调查局找到了这些钱中有不少联号的百元大钞,由此追查发现这是这伙人的活动资金,究其来源竟是总统竞选连任委员会的政治费用。 随着案件的展开,种种证据的出现包括前白宫幕僚在联邦参议院水门委员会的证词,这些都开始指向白宫幕僚。而受到调查的白宫幕僚主动交代出总统上任后曾在整个白宫安装有由语音自动启发的录音系统,并录下了白宫中几乎所有的谈话,这些证词的提出是为了自保。而根据对这些录音磁带进行监听后发现,总统理查德·尼克松在水门窃听案发前后,都曾经明示或暗示过应该掩盖其上任后无论是由其本人还是下属所有过的一些并不完全合法的行动。经过一系列漫长的司法诉讼,联邦最高法院作出判决,要求总统必须交出录音带,尼克松总统最终服从了最高法院的判决。面对国会众议院几乎可以肯定会通过的弹劾总统的动议,并且也很可能会被参议院定罪。1974年8月7日晚,参议员巴里·戈德华特、休·斯科特,众议院约翰·雅各布·罗德在白宫椭圆形办公室会见尼克松,告知尼克松已全部失去国会的支持。罗德告诉尼克松,条款一旦众议院被投票,弹劾势在必行。戈德华特和斯科特告诉总统,参议员不仅有足够的票数给他定罪,而且不超过15名参议员愿意投无罪票。意识到自己没能留在办公室,尼克松决定辞职。1974年8月8日晚,尼克松在椭圆形办公室发表全国电视讲话,宣布辞职。当天早上,辞职正式生效。尼克松夫妇携家人在东厅与白宫人员告别。直升机把他们从白宫带到马里兰州安德鲁斯空军基地。尼克松后来回忆:“直升机转移到安德鲁斯时,我考虑了自己的过去和将来。我现在还能怎么办?”在安德鲁斯,尼克松家登上空军一号,飞往加利福尼亚州海军陆战队员,随后抵达圣克拉门托的家。 尼克松主动辞职下台后,国会中止了弹劾案的进程,但他仍然有可能受到来自联邦或州的刑事起诉。继任总统的杰拉尔德·福特于1974年9月8日宣布给予尼克松全面且无条件的豁免权,让他不会再因为任何担任总统期间“犯下或可能犯下或是有部分责任”的罪行遭到起诉。 二、事件过程中的媒体监督 1972 年6 月17 日凌晨, 五个闯入华盛顿水门大厦民主党总部安装窃听装置的人被值勤警察逮捕。这便是水门事件的萌发, 常被称为“水门盗窃案”。事件发生后的第二天早晨,《华盛顿邮报》的总编辑霍华德·西蒙斯派记者鲍勃·伍德沃德和艾尔雷德·刘易斯去采访。次日《华盛顿邮报》在头版头条刊登了此事的报道, 并在报道中指出窃贼中有前联邦调查局人员。6 月20 日,该报又刊文直接指出夜贼与一位前中央情报局探员有直接联系,可能白宫有人员涉案。不久,两名政府官员因涉案被捕。此时,华盛顿邮报开始察觉到水门事件不是一个普通的入门盗窃案,很可能与白宫内部密切有关。1973 年1月,华盛顿邮报记者证实了水门闯入者与白宫之间的实质性联系,从而将水门事件的调查进一步深入。

尼克松访华演讲 英汉对照

Speech at a Welcoming Banquet Mr. Prime Minister, I wish to thank you for your very gracious and eloquent remarks. At this very moment through the wonder of telecommunications, more people are seeing and hearing what we say to them than on any other such occasion in the whole history of the world. Yet, what we say here will not be long remembered. What we do here can change the world. As you said in your toast, the Chinese people are a great people, and the American people are a great people. If our tow peoples enemies, the future of this world we share together is dark indeed. But if we can find common ground to work together, the chance for world peace is immeasurably increased. What legacy shall we leave our children? Are they destined to die for the hatreds which have plagued the old world, or are they destined to live because we had the vision to build a new world? There is no reason for us to be enemies. Neither of us seeks the territory of the other, neither of us seeks domination over the other, and neither of us seeks to stretch out our hands and rule the world. Chairman Mao has written,“So many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently; the world rolls on, time presses. Ten thousand years are too long, seize the day, and seize the hour!” This is the hour. This is the day for our two peoples to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a new and a better world. In that spirit, I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to Chairman Mao, to Prime Minister Zhou, and to the friendship of the Chinese and American people that can lead to friendship and peace for all people in the world. Richard M. Nixon 1972


6. Richard Nixon - Checkers My Fellow Americans, I come before you tonight as a candidate for the Vice Presidency and as a man whose honesty and integrity has been questioned. Now, the usual political thing to do when charges are made against you is to either ignore them or to deny them without giving details. I believe we've had enough of that in the United States, particularly with the present Administration in Washington, D.C. To me the office of the Vice Presidency of the United States is a great office, and I feel that the people have got to have confidence in the integrity of the men who run for that office and who might obtain it. I have a theory, too, that the best and only answer to a smear or to an honest misunderstanding of the facts is to tell the truth. And that's why I'm here tonight. I want to tell you my side of the case. I'm sure that you have read the charge, and you've heard it, that I, Senator Nixon, took 18,000 dollars from a group of my supporters. Now, was that wrong? And let me say that it was wrong. I'm saying, incidentally, that it was wrong, not just illegal, because it isn't a question of whether it was legal or illegal, that isn't enough. The question is, was it morally wrong? I say that it was morally wrong if any of that 18,000 dollars went to Senator Nixon, for my personal use. I say that it was morally wrong if it was secretly given and secretly handled. And I say that it was morally wrong if any of the contributors got special favors for the contributions that they made. And now to answer those questions let me say this: Not one cent of the 18,000 dollars or any other money of that type ever went to


《水门事件》观后感 电影《水门事件》以1974年美国总统尼克松的“水门事件”为背景,着重刻画了两位《华盛顿邮报》记者卡尔·伯恩斯坦和鲍勃·伍德沃德历经艰辛揭开政治黑幕的过程。作为新闻人,我从以下几个方面谈谈我对该影片的几点感想。 首先从记者应具备的能力谈起。 记者是一个很容易让人上瘾的职业。在事实和诱惑面前,如果我们能毫不犹豫地作出正确的判断,那么所得到的满足感和自豪感将是无与伦比的。对正义的信仰,对真相的渴求,对证据的坚守,足以让我们对记者这个行业保持高涨的热情。 一个优秀的记者不是权高位重的人,而是那些不断在实践中善于总结经验,并且有着对职业特殊的敏感度、较强的推理能力以及巧妙的采访技巧的一线工作者。 在影片中,两位主角鲍伯和卡尔,是就职于《华盛顿邮报》的最底层的小辈记者,他们拿着卑微的薪水,生活在社会的最底层,但正是由于他们对职业特殊的敏感度,让他们在一件看似普通的入室盗窃案中看出了门道,嗅出了不同寻常的气味。这种职业的敏感度是他们一切调查行动的开始。 当我们惊羡于这种敏感度时也应该清楚地认识到,职业敏感度不是一蹴而就的,而是一种知识的沉淀,一种经验积累的质变。作为新闻人,我们要善于观察细微,从细节中获得信息,只有足够的量变才会引起质变。 其次是对记者精神和记者的使命感与责任感的理解。 整部影片给我最大的震撼是两位记者面对困难时的坚强不屈和对事实真理的执着追求,特别是当事件最后直指政府核心成员时他们没有向政府屈服,没有向金钱或是危险低头,而是依然坚持着对事实的、对新闻真实性的还原,这样的精神不得不让人敬佩。 记者是一个诱惑与危险并存的职业。当我们的报道涉及到某些人的核心利益时,我们是坚守新闻的真实性还是屈服于诱惑与危险——如何做出选择是需要我们树立了对社会、对公众高度的责任感与使命感,守住道德的最后一道防线。 身为一个记者,最重要的不是在多少高级的报纸杂志工作过,而是我们最初的那份对事实和真理的执着可以坚持多少年。民族的觉醒,社会的发展离不开每一个辛勤记录社会点滴、揭露社会真相的记者,这就要求我们要有极为严格乃至苛刻的个人操守,需要我们对新闻真实的坚守和执着。 最后从影片中看新闻行业与政府的关系。 在电影中,当事情的全部真相即将被公布前,布莱徳利(总编)对伍德沃德和伯恩斯坦说了这样一段经典的话:“这不是什么大事,只是关系到宪法第一修正案,关系到新闻自由,也许还关系到这个国家的未来和兴衰荣辱”。这段话体现了电影要表达的核心价值,那就是任何权力组织都不得阻止言论和出版自由,新闻媒体是为人民和国家服务的,绝不能沦为维护权力机构腐败统治的工具。 作为舆论监督的工具,政府的工作有必要接受新闻媒体的监督,这不仅是对政府工作的宣传,也是对政府工作的一种保护,更是对公众知情权的践行。在现行体制下,如何让新闻工作更加自由,我相信还是一件需要多方努力的长期任务。


Toast Speech by Richard Nixon 尼克松访华祝酒词 Mr. Prime Minister and all of your distinguished guests this evening: On behalf of all of your American-guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparably hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world. I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music. Never have I heard American music played better in a foreign land. Mr. Prime Minister, I wish to thank you for your very gracious and eloquent remarks. At this very moment, through the wonder of telecommunications, more people are seeing and hearing what we say than on any other such occasion in the whole history of the world. Y et, what we say here will not be long remembered. What we do here can change the world. As you said in your toast, the Chinese people are a great people, the American people are a great people. If our two peoples are enemies the future of this world we share, together is dark indeed. But if we can find common ground to work together, the chance for world peace is immeasurably increased. In the spirit of frankness which I hope will characterize our talks this week, let us recognize at the outset these points: We have at times in the past been enemies. We have great differences today. What brings us together is that we have common interests which transcend those differences. As we discuss our differences, neither of us will compromise our principles. But while we cannot close the gulf between us, we can try to bridge it so that we may be able to talk across it. So, let us, in these next five days, start a long march together, not in lockstep, but on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, free of outside interference or domination. The world watches. The world listens. The world waits to see what we will do. What is the world? In a personal sense, I think of my eldest daughter whose birthday is today. As I think of her, I think of all the children in the world, in Asia, in Africa, in Europe, in the Americas, most of whom were born since the date of the foundation of the People's Republic of China. What legacy shall we leave our children? Are they destined to die for the hatreds which have plagued the old world, or are they destined to live because we had the vision to build a new world? There is no reason for us to be enemies. Neither of us seeks the territory of the other; neither of us seeks domination over the other; neither of us seeks to stretch out our hands and rule the world. Chairman Mao has written, "So many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently; The world rolls on, Time presses. Ten thousand years are too long, Seize the day, seize the hour!” This is the hour. This is the day for our two peoples to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a better world. In that spirit, I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to Chairman Mao, to Prime Minister Chou, and to the friendship of the Chinese and American people which can lead to friendship and peace for all people in the world. ( A toast given by president Nixon on his first visit to China in 1972)


1969年美国总统尼克松就职演说 First Inaugural Address of Richard Milhous Nixon MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1969 Senator Dirksen, Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. Vice President, President Johnson, Vice President Humphrey, my fellow Americans--and my fellow citizens of the world community: I ask you to share with me today the majesty of this moment. In the orderly transfer of power, we celebrate the unity that keeps us free. Each moment in history is a fleeting time, precious and unique. But some stand out as moments of beginning, in which courses are set that shape decades or centuries. This can be such a moment. Forces now are converging that make possible, for the first time, the hope that many of man's deepest aspirations can at last be realized. The spiraling pace of change allows us to contemplate, within our own lifetime, advances that once would have taken centuries. In throwing wide the horizons of space, we have discovered new horizons on earth. For the first time, because the people of the world want peace, and the leaders of the world are afraid of war, the times are on the side of peace. Eight years from now America will celebrate its 200th anniversary as a nation. Within the lifetime of most people now living, mankind will celebrate that great new year which comes only once in a thousand years--the beginning of the third millennium. What kind of nation we will be, what kind of world we will live in, whether we shape the future in the image of our hopes, is ours to determine by our actions and our choices. The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker. This honor now beckons America--the chance to help lead the world at last out of the valley of turmoil, and onto that high ground of peace that man has dreamed of since the dawn of civilization. If we succeed, generations to come will say of us now living that we mastered our moment, that we helped make the world safe for mankind. This is our summons to greatness. I believe the American people are ready to answer this call. The second third of this century has been a time of proud achievement. We have made enormous strides in science and industry and agriculture. We have shared our wealth more broadly than ever. We have learned at last to manage a modern economy to assure its continued growth. We have given freedom new reach, and we have begun to make its promise real for black as well as for white. We see the hope of tomorrow in the youth of today. I know America's youth. I believe in them. We can be proud that they are better educated, more committed, more passionately driven by conscience than any generation in our history. No people has ever been so close to the achievement of a just and abundant society, or so possessed of the will to achieve it. Because our strengths are so great, we can afford to appraise our weaknesses with candor and to approach them with hope. Standing in this same place a third of a century ago, Franklin Delano Roosevelt addressed a Nation ravaged by depression and gripped in fear. He could say in surveying the Nation's troubles: "They concern, thank God, only material things." Our crisis today is the reverse. We have found ourselves rich in goods, but ragged in spirit; reaching with magnificent precision for


英语演讲稿【三篇】 外语教学的不断改进,各类英语演讲活动愈来愈频繁,为此,整理了英语演讲稿,供大家学习和参考! 英语演讲稿【一】 Good afternoon, everyone!The topic of my speech today is “Being a Good Listener”. Good listening can always show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship. Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap; teachers should listen more to their students, then they can meet their needs better, and place themselves in a good relationship with their students; students should listen more to their classmates, thus they will help and learn from each other, and a friendship is likely to be formed. What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others. Show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk; show you are interested by a supportive silence or a knowing smile; be open-minded to different opinions even though


水门事件 水门事件(Watergate scandal,或译水门丑闻)是美国历史上最不光彩的政治丑闻之一。其对美国本国历史以及整个国际新闻界都有着长远的影响。水门事件之后,每当国家领导人遭遇执政危机或执政丑闻,便通常会被国际新闻界冠之以“门”(gate)的名称,如“伊朗门”、“拉链门”、“虐囚门”等。 在1972年的总统大选中,为了取得民主党内部竞选策略的情报,1972年6月17日,以美国共和党尼克松竞选班子的首席安全问题顾问詹姆斯·麦科德(James W. McCord, Jr.)为首的5人闯入位于华盛顿水门大厦的民主党全国委员会办公室,在安装窃听器并偷拍有关文件时,当场被捕。 事件发生后尼克松曾一度竭力掩盖开脱,但在随后对这一案件的继续调查中,尼克松政府里的许多人被陆续揭发出来,并直接涉及到尼克松本人,从而引发了严重的宪法危机。1973年10月20日尼克松为了要罢免要求他交出证据的特别检察官,迫使拒绝解任特别检察官的司法部长辞职,司法次长继任司法部长後,又因为拒绝罢免这位特别检察官而辞职,最後第三任司法部长才答应罢免特别检察官,尼克松更动员FBI封锁特别检察官及司法长官、次长的办公室,宣布废除特别联邦检察局,把此案的调查权移回司法部。面对尼克松滥用行政权力来维护自己,招来国民严重指责。 10月31日,美国众议院决定由该院司法委员会负责调查、搜集尼克松的罪证,

为弹劾尼克松作准备。1974年6月25日,司法委员会决定公布与弹劾尼克松有关的全部证据。7月底,司法委员会陆续通过了三项弹劾尼克松的条款。尼克松于8月8日宣布将于次日辞职,从而成为美国历史上首位辞职的总统。 从1972年6月17日詹姆斯·麦科德等5人闯入位于水门大厦的民主党全国总部开始,一直到1974年8月9日尼克松总统辞职,《华盛顿邮报》的两位记者鲍勃·伍德沃德(Bob Woodward)和卡尔·伯恩斯坦(Carl Bernstein)对整个事件进行了一系列的跟踪报道,正是由于他们报道的内幕消息揭露了白宫与水门事件之间的联系,从而最终促使了尼克松的辞职。在水门事件的大部分案情被揭露之后,鲍勃·伍德沃德和卡尔·伯恩斯坦于1974年和1976年先后出版了两本关于水门事件内幕的书《总统班底》(All the President's Men,又译《惊天大阴谋》)和《最后的日子》(The Final Days),两位记者在书中详细记录了采访、报道以及挖掘整个事件的全部过程。 影视作品1977年,根据《总统班底》一书改编拍摄的同名电影在第49届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,获得包括最佳改编剧本奖、最佳艺术指导等在内的共计四项大奖。向两位记者提供情报的人,代号为深喉,在2005年5月31日揭晓,是前联邦调查局副局长马克·费尔特(W. Mark Felt)。 电影《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)中也对水门事件进行了影射。 但最终,水门事件的卸任总统尼克松因继任总统富特对其无条件赦免而免受宪法制裁 拉链门 拉链门事件 拉链门事件,即莱文斯基丑闻,是美国前总统克林顿连任成功后发生的一宗丑闻。这案是克林顿在任时最为人熟悉、最为人记着的一宗事件。 [编辑本段] 经过 1996年美国总统选举结束后,克林顿的白宫处于选后的放松状态,碰巧当时共和党的国会为了预算问题而与白宫抗争,冻结了联邦开支,许多政府雇员都被指示暂时不要来上班,造成了包括白宫在内的许多政府机关空空荡荡的没有几个人。就是在这样的一个大环境下,克林顿和白宫实习生莫尼卡·莱文斯基邂逅、调情、并发展为情人关系。 克林顿和莱文斯基的亲密关系维持了5个月。虽然外界并不知情,但是在总统周遭的执勤人员之间却是公开的秘密。1997年4月,莱文斯基的上司担心她与总统过从太密,于是把她调职到国防部。 莱文斯基在国防部认识了琳达·崔普,两人成为闺中密友。莱文斯基开始向崔普透露与总统交往的内容。她不知道,关于这个滔天秘密的电话谈话被崔普秘密录音。 1998年1月,宝拉·琼斯性骚扰案的原告律师开始搜集总统拈花惹草的证据,试图藉以证明总统的好色性格。莱文斯基呈交了书面证词宣称自己没有和总统往来,


“尼克松访华”的意义 尼克松访华是中美关系从敌对、对抗格局转变到和解,关系正常化的转折点,因此说它是“破冰之旅”; 从美国的角度讲,尼克松访华有三个原因:首先,苏联在第三世界的拓展,让美国感觉到其霸权受到苏联威胁;第二,尼克松想通过拉拢中国达到与苏联缓和关系的目的。尼克松1972年2月到北京,5月份就到苏联,跟苏联签署了“反导”条约,当时中国批评美苏两国既互相勾结又互相争夺,如今回过头来看“反导”条约,可能是在冷战时期美苏能达成的最好条约;第三个原因是美国想从越南战争中撤下来,而中国是支持越南的主要国家,美国希望中国对越南施压。 从中国方面讲,首先,当时已经感觉到苏联是中国最大的威胁;第二,文化大革命使中国在外交史上空前孤立,领导人非常希望在美国这个地方打开缺口,使我们在外交上能够取得突破,实际上这个效果是达到了。 尼克松访华对双方来说确实都是非常重要的,虽然尼克松访华以后由于种种原因,中美关系没有马上正常化,但是对中美两国关系的破冰,仍然留下丰富的历史经验。 第一,要从全局的高度,从战略的角度看待中美关系。《上海公报》的大部分篇幅都在讲“分歧”,最后讲一点讲两国的共识,这是国际关系史上罕见的。今天中美关系不可同日而语,但是仍然存在诸多分歧,而且大都不会短期内解

决。我们必须走出一条大国之间和谐相处,互利共赢的道路,中美之间分歧太多,但是大问题上我们有共识,在这个全局上来认识中美关系。邓小平曾经对老布什特使斯考克罗夫特说过,归根到底中美关系要好起来才行,这是世界和平和稳定的需要。 第二,紧紧抓住中美两国的共同利益。中美关系是利益驱动的,当时中美关系分歧很大,但两国之间有共同利益,就是共同对抗苏联的扩张。现在两国之间共同点远大于分歧,合作是中美关系的主流。所以,我们既要认真对待分歧,更要不断在共同利益的基础上发展两国关系。 第三,要培植战略互信。尼克松访华之前中美之间没有战略互信,但通过基辛格的秘密访问,与周恩来的长谈,双方建立起了初步战略互信关系,即在台湾问题上美国不支持台湾“独立”,不支持“两个中国”和“一中一台”。1973年基辛格再次访华,再次表示,美国过去不支持台独,现在不支持,以后也不会支持台湾独立。在这个基本问题上双方真的达成了谅解和共识。尼克松访华,比基辛格又进了一步,阐述了美国一系列的观点,所以战略互信是非常重要的。 最后,学习美国的政治智慧,《上海公报》中,有一段对“一个中国”政策的经典表述:“美国认识到台湾海峡两岸的中国人都认为只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分,美国政府对这一立场不提出异议。”一直到今天,美国政府或
