








考查单词以实词(v. ,n., adj., adv, pron.)为主,虚词(conj., prep.)为辅。实词一般占80%-90%,其中又以动、名、形为主
















充分利用文章的上下文和前后句并根据作者的态度,观点,情绪找到对选择有提示作用的词或句来确定答案. 思路为:1.抓住首句






Example1: After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced 36 for a few days, I was 37 to wait tables on my own.

36. A. manager B. assistant C. cook D. waitress

37A. promised B. invited C. allowed D. advised

Example2:In the clinic, I asked if Michael could be retested, so the specialist tested him again. To my__36__, it was the same score.

Later that evening, I__37__told Frank what I had learned that day. After talking it over, we agreed that we knew our__38__much better than an IQ(智商) test.

... After the ceremony, we told Michael about the__47__IQ score he got when he was six. Since that day, Michael sometimes would look at us and say jokingly,“My dear mom and dad never told me that I couldn’t be a doctor, not until after I graduated from m edical school!”

... We went to the same clinic where he had receive the test eighteen years before. This time Michael scored 126, an increase of 36 points.(07重庆卷)

36. A. joy B. surprise C. dislike D. disappointment

37. A. tearfully B. fearfully C. cheerfully D. hopefully

38. A. student B. son C. friend D. doctor

47. A. high B. same C. low D. different


When I was fifteen, I announced to my English class that I was going to write my own books.Half the students sneered(冷笑), the(22)nearly fell out of their chairs laughing. “Don’t be silly, (23)geniuses(天才)can become writers,” the English teacher said ,“And you are getting a D this term,” I was so (24)that I burst into tears.

That night I wrote a short(25)poem about broken dreams and mailed it to the newspaper. To my(26), they published it and sent me two dollars. I was a published and(27)writer. I showed my teacher and fellow students. They (28). “Just plain dumb luck,” the teacher said. I tasted (29). I’d sold the first thing I’d ever written. That was more than any of them had done and if it was just dumb luck, that was (30)with me.

During the next two years I sold dozens of (31), letters, jokes and recipes. By the time I (32)from high school, with a C minus average, I had scrapbooks filled with my published work.

I (33)mentioned my writing to my teachers, friends or my family again. They were dream killers and (34)people must choose between their friends and their dreams, they must always choose their (35).

I had four children at the time, and the oldest was only four. I wrote what I felt. It (36)nine months, just like a pregnant woman. I mailed it without a sell addressed stamped (37)and without making a copy of the manuscript.

A month later I received a(n)(38), and a request to start working on another book. The worst year I earned two dollars. In my best year I earned 36,000 dollars. (39)years I earned between five thousand and ten thousand. No, it isn’t enough to live (40), but it’s still more than I’d make working part time. People ask what college I(41), what degrees I had and what qualifications I have to be a writer. The answer is: “None.” I just write. I’m not a genius.

22.A.whole B.rest C.most D.other 23.A.no B.only C.but D.even

24.A.delighted B.anxious C.upset D.ashamed

25.A.sad B.innocent C.disappointing D.puzzled

26.A.delight B.astonishment C.comfort D.happiness

27.A.borrowed B.lent C.paid D.cost

28.A.cried B.agreed C.swore D.laughed

29.A.success B.failure C.coldness D.squeeze

30.A.fine B.mixed C.compared D.full

31.A.books B.poets C.novels D.poems

32.A.dropped out B.left C.graduated D.laid off

33.A.ever B.never C.seldom D.even

34.A.if B.unless C.until D.before

35.A.teachers B.family C.dreams D.friends

36.A.took B.swapped C.fitted D.changed

37.A.letter B.envelope C.writer D.cover

38.A.edition B.agreement C.trade D.patent

39.A.Recent B.Memorable C.Most D.Several

40.A.with B.in C.by D.on

41.A.deserved B.introduced C.founded D.attended


阅读理解的选择题归纳为以下几种题型:1.细节理解题;2. 猜测词义题;3.主旨大意题;4.推理判断题




1) The best title/ headline for this passage might be________.

2) The text (passage) could be entitled ______.

3) What is the best title for the passage?

4)which of the following is the best title for the passage?

5) which best title gives the main idea of the passage?

6) what might be the most suitable title for the passage?

2. 主题句(topic sentence)及主旨大意(main idea)的概括


1) What is the topic sentence of the passage?

2) This article/text/passage mainly tells that _____________.

3) Which of the following gives a general idea of the passage?

4) Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?

5)Which of the following sentences best expresses the main idea?

6)What does the paragraph (passage)mainly suggest?

7)The best summary of the paragraph (passage) is that

8)The paragraph (passage) informs us that---

9)What conclusion can be drawn from this paragraph ?

10)The (main) subject of the paragraph (passage) is____?

11)Which of the following best states the theme of paragraph (passage)?



1. 段首,段尾句


2. 语义转折处


3. 因果句



1. 寻找主题句,确定文章主题


Americans might be embarrassed because their Japanese friends are so formal with them. Japanese might feel insulted because American acquaintances greet them casually. Still, the forms of greeting in both countries only show respect for others. It just happens that Americans and Japanese have a different way of looking at human relationships and thus have a different way of showing respect. Question: This passage mainly tells us_________.

A. how Americans show respect to others

B. how Japanese show respect to their American acquaintances

C. Americans and Japanese have different ways of showing respect

D. Japanese are not satisfied with American casual behavior


3. 抓住文章主线和关键词,归纳文章中心

要注意不是所有的段落都有主题句,有时主题句暗含在句中。阅读这样的文章,就需要自己根据文章的细节来分析,概括出段落的主题,从而推导出文章的主旨。分析的方法是,先弄清该段落主要讲了哪几个方面的内容,这些内容在逻辑上有什么联系,然后加以归纳形成主题。Exercise :

Some people like to go to beach or a lake for recreation. They enjoy the swimming or boating that is available there. Other people, especially in the hot summer, prefer clean air and cool mountain breezes. Some people like excitement and entertainment. They got to shows and nightclubs. Still other people find that staying home with the family and enjoying the togetherness of spending time with loved ones is

the most pleasurable experience of all.

Question :

Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A. People enjoy different kinds of recreation.

B. Some people like staying at home with their families.

C. Some people love swimming and boating.

D. Some people are richer than others.




Cold weather can hard on pets, just like it can be hard on people. Sometimes owners forget that their cats are just as used to the warm shelter (住所) as they are. Some owners will leave their animals outside for a long period of time, thinking that all animals are used to living outdoors. This can put their pets in danger of serious illness. There are things you can do to keep your animal warm and safe.

Keep your pets inside as much as you can when the weather is bad. If you have to take them out, stay outside with them. When you’re cold enough to go inside, they probably are too. If you must leave them outside for a long time, make sure they have a warm, solid shelter against the wind, thick bedding, and plenty of non-frozen water.

If left alone outside, dogs and cats can be very smart in their search for warm shelter. They can dig into snow banks or hide somewhere. Watch them closely when they are left outdoors, and provide them with shelter of good quality. Keep an eye on your pet’s water. Sometimes owners don’t realize that a water bowl has frozen and their pet can’t get anything to drink. Animals that don’t have clean and unfrozen water may drink dirty water outside, which may contain something unhealthy for them.

Question: What is the purpose of this text? A. To solve a problem. B. To give practical advice.

C. To tell an interesting story.

D. To present a research result.


Honey(蜂蜜) from the African forest is not only a kind of natural sugar, it is also delicious. Most people, and many animals, like eating it. However, the only way for them to get that honey is to find a wild bees’ nest and take the honey from it. Often, these nests are high up in trees, and it is difficult to find them. In parts of Africa, though, people and animals unexpected helper—a little bird called a honey guide.

The honey guide does not actually like honey, but it does like the wax(蜂蜡) in the beehives (蜂房). The little bird cannot reach this wax, which is deep inside the bee’s nest. So, when it finds a suitable nest, it looks for someone to help it. The honey guide gives a loud cry that attracts the attention of both passing animals and people. Once it has their attention, it flies through the forest, waiting from time to time for the curious animal or person and it leads them to the nest. When they finally arrive at the nest, the follower reaches in to get at the delicious honey as the bird patiently waits and watches. Some of the honey, and the wax, always falls to the ground, and this is when the honey guide takes its share.

Scientists do not know why the honey guide likes eating the wax, but it is very determined in its efforts to get it. The birds seem to be able to smell wax from a long distance away. They will quickly arrive whenever a beekeeper is taking honey from his beehives, and will even enter churches when beeswax candles are being lit.

Question: What can be the best title for the text?

A. Wild Bees

B. Wax and Honey

C. Beekeeping in Africa

D. Honey-Lover's Helper


初中英语阅读完形填空100篇(八) 71 Granny Sarya lived outside Moscow. Her only son 1 to Afghanistan(阿富汗) and was killed in action there.Soon after that, her husband lost his job. The old man was always 2 food and clothes.And on a winter night he went out alone when Sarya was asleep. The next morning he was 3 dead in a cold lake. And his worn-out coat was 4 in a tree not far away. Sarya was so 5 that she nearly took her own life. Things got worse and worse after that. She always lived in hunger and cold. She had hoped that the government(政府) could help her but she 6 . It was a cold windy night. The old woman couldn't 7 asleep at all. She had to get up. She decided to write a letter to God(神), asking for 8 . She wished God to give her 100 rubles (卢布), so she could buy some food for herself. When she 9 writing it, she found she had no 10 . She had to put the 11 at a crossing. 12 the next morning a policeman found the letter. He read it to his comrades.They were all so 13 that they gathered some rubles and sent them to the poor old woman. At first Granny Sarya was happy. But after she 14 the money, she became 15 and said, “I'm told that all things that are touched by the policeman will be only a half left!” 1. A. sent B. ran away C. was sent D. escaped 2. A. worried about B. pleased with C. thinking about D. hearing of 3. A. known B. found C. told D. fallen 4. A. put B. hanged C. shown D. hung 5. A. sad B. happy C. tired D. clever 6. A. succeeded B. failed C. won D. lost 7. A. go B. fall C. get D. help 8. A. coats B. food C. houses D. help 9. A. ended B. started C. finished D. enjoyed 10.A. stamp B. money C. pen D. paper 11.A. food B. letter C. coat D. rubles 12.A. Badly B. Carefully C. Luckily D. Wonderfully 13.A. excited B. moved C. amazed D. surprised 14.A. saw B. received C. gave D. counted 15.A. angry B. thankful C. helpful D. worried 72 When it was over 20 years ago, I first met Mr. Andrews, my old headmaster. During the war (战争) I was studying at school in the north of England. My 1 had just returned to London, and there were not 2 schools left for children. My father had to go from one school to another, trying to 3 them to take me as a pupil. We had 4 to all the schools near our home, but no one would take me. 5 , we went to a school about five kilometers 6 form home. The headmaster kept us waiting for at least 7 . I could hear boys playing on the playground outside.


高考完形填空解题技巧 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】

第一讲题目怎么命——一篇“美文佳作”,肢解“七零八落” 要弄明白一个东西“是什么”,就要知道它“从哪里来,要到哪里去”。要做好完形填空,就要对其命题过程有所了解,这样才能够轻松躲避出题陷阱,选出正确选项。就如同那句话,“你找到了限制,就找到了自由”。 完形填空所选语段的原型是一篇地道的完整的英语美文,是命题组的老师为高考命题所需绞尽脑汁从中挖去若干词汇所为。“完形填空”,顾名思义就是通过“填空”,使一篇被挖出若干空格、肢解得“七零八落”的文章恢复其原来完整的模样。 第一步:选文章 首先命题组要根据考试大纲和考试说明的要求,从英美国家杂志或网站上寻找一篇千词左右的文章,然后改造成一篇难度和长度都很合适的、适宜于挖空的二、三百词的语言材料。该语言材料在选材和体裁上一般要具备以下特点: 1.选材 从题材来看,高考完形填空题的选材新颖、时尚,注重知识、文化、教育与品位有机结合,符合中学生的阅读兴趣。题材广泛,涉及人物故事、教育、社会经济、文化发展等。例如2014年浙江卷“老师无意中的表扬却使学生改变很大”;2014年北京卷“老师帮助一位小女孩获得同学们的认可”;2014年湖南卷“妈妈通过教孩子熨衣服,使孩子学会如何处理生活中的棘手之事”;2014年重庆卷的第二篇“要入乡随俗”;2014年广东卷“就父母与孩子们的关系进行讨论”等。 2.体裁 从体裁来看,高考完形填空题通常以记叙文或夹叙夹议的文章为主,偶尔会出现议论文或说明文。以2014年高考为例,除了广东卷考的是议论文、重庆卷第二篇考的是说明文之外,其他省份考的都是记叙文或夹叙夹议的文章。 第二步:挖空格 命题组找到了合适的文章后,就要准备动手挖去一些词汇,确定供考生处理的空格的位置,挖空时一般遵循以下原则:


初中英语完形填空答题技巧与方法 完型填空主要测验学生的语言综合运用能力,包括基础知识的掌握和运用,对整个文章逻辑联系的理解,在情景中辨析词义的能力以及词组短语搭配的使用能力,这是大部分考生认为难度最大的考查项目。有些考生的听力基础知识部分做的还比较好,但是完型填空却只能做对一两道,有的甚至对完型填空产生了恐惧心理,导致全军覆没。其实只要我们有信心,有良好的心理素质,再加上一定的技巧,完型填空并不是不可逾越的鸿沟。 平心静气不急不躁 对完形填空心存恐惧,是导致失误的根本原因,有些考生满脑子的畏难思想,殊不知这种情绪只会使得自己的全部思想游离题外,根本无法进入思维,还谈何理解文章的内容呢?所以,集中思想、树立信心、平心静气、去除杂念才是做好完型填空题的保证。 一.浏览全文把握大意 浏览全文能获得更多的上下文提供的信息,并根据文章的内在逻辑意义、贯穿文章始终的主线以及作者行文的走向,把握文脉,调整并定位自己的解题思路,从而做出最终的判断。 二.把握全文的时态 不同的时态动词用不同的形式

三.识别短语注意搭配 一类短语是由动词+介词,或动词+副词构成,在现代英语中,这类词组很多而且实用性强、结构简练、使用灵活、表达生动,如look forward to,keep an eye on,catch one's eye等;还有一类使用极广的是介词短语,如with regard to, at the age of等。如果平时能注意词组、短语的整体记忆,掌握它们的搭配规律,在做完型填空时就能得心应手,减少失误,提高完型填空的命中率。 运用语法理顺关系 语法知识是指导完型填空的法宝,词汇是根据语法规则确定各自的位置,有了语法规则文章才能有条不紊、顺理成章。完型填空题实际上是“形断意不断,貌离神不离”,正如藕断而丝连,语法规则起到“牵动荷花带出藕”的功效。如介词后的代词必然是宾格;物质名词一般不用复数;形容词必须放在不定代词后;行为动词的否定和疑问句应由助动词do构成;情态动词只能与不带to的动词连用等。如黄浦区20XX年中考模拟试卷中的完型填空题第 3小题:I was the happiest boy in the world,填入的词逻辑根据为happy,语法根据为最高级,因为前一个词是the,后面是in the world短语,即在一个范围内进行比较,应用形容词的最高级,因而推断出该词为happiest;再如该项的第6小题,挖空处为don't,因为行为动词的否定式应由助动词构成,而且主语是I,因此得出该词为don't。 遇到难词反复默念 有时会遇到这样的情况,大部分词都填出来了,只有一、两个难词


一、相关知识点讲解 (一)中考完形填空试题说明 共10小题,每小题1分。在一篇150~200词的短文中留出10个空白,要求考生从每题所给的4个选项中选出最佳选项,使补足后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。 (二)命题特点及选材特点 完形填空是一种要求高、综合性强的语言测试题,以阅读为形式,以上下文为线索,以理解能力、词汇知识、语法知识、习惯用法以及分析判断能力为解题基础,是一种较高层次的阅读理解题。 所选题材多样,但都贴近学生的生活实际,具有趣味性、教育性、思想性;体裁多以记叙文为主,也有说明文、议论文等。所选短文其难度略低于阅读理解题的短文。 (三)考查范围 1.词语辨析、基本句型、基础语法; 2.固定搭配与习惯表达; 3.阅读理解能力和逻辑推理、判断能力。 近年来,完形填空题单纯考语法的题目很少,越来越侧重对综合语言应用能力、阅读理解能力的考查。其中,词汇运用能力的考查表现为要求考生在一定的语境下表达词汇的语义、词汇的搭配,特别关注上下文的行文逻辑和相互照应。(四)完形填空试题的一般解题思路 1.跳过空格、通读全文、把握大意。 先跳过空格,通读试题所给的要完形填空的短文,获得整体印象,即了解文章的体裁、背景、内容、结构,以及情节发展的前因后果;通读全文时,尽量避免文章空格的影响,初步搞清文章的大概意思即可。不要纠缠于一句话、一个空,否则会断章取义,进入误区。(时间:3分钟) 2.结合选项、综合考虑、初定答案。 在理解全文意思的基础上,再结合所给备选项细读全文,联系上、下文内容,注意从上、下文的语法结构和词语搭配及从选择项中寻找解题的提示,以词、句的意义为先,再从分析句子结构入手,根据短文意思、语法规则、词语固定搭配


初中英语完形填空十篇(含答案) 完形填空 1. When learning new vocabulary, don ' t just memorize a list of words. Instead, try to ___1___five sentences using each word. Then use the new word as often as you can ___2___day you learn it. This ___3___you will remember new words much longer. Practicing sounds, you know, is ___4___ —the “ th ” sound for example. Choose words that begin ___5___ repeat them over and over again ___6___you are comfortable with them. Let 'tsry! This, that, those, them, think, thought, through, thin, thick … Read, read, read—in English, of course! Reading is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary ___7___improve your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be ___8___to choose topic or books you are interested in. When some one is speak ing in En glish, __ 9 ___ the m ain poin t. If you hear a word you don ' t un derst忽nd, ig nore 略) it and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will ___10___everything else the person is saying. Always remember —Practice makes perfect. ()1. A say B . make C. remember D. speak ()2. A. the first B . the second C. each D. some ( )3. A. day B. time C. way D. word ()4. A. difficult B . terrible C. funny D. easy ()5. A. with B . from C. at D. in ()6. A. when B . after C. until D. since ()7. A. but B . so C. or D. and ()8. A. quick B . sure C. important D. necessary ()9. A. look for B . see C. listen for D. hear ()10. A. miss B . guess C. get D. catch 2. When Billy came to class one morning, he noticed that something was different. Mrs. Green was not in her 51 ____ place. She was standing in the middle of the classroom, and 52 _____ was hiding behind her. "Class," she said. "This is Fritz from 53 ___ . Please say hello to him. " The class were in silence. Mrs. Green said again, "Say hello to our new friend. " But still, 54 ___ said a word. " All right, then. " said Mrs. Green. "Billy, please 55 _____ Fritz to his new desk beside yours." "Hi, Fritz," said Billy. "Please come with me. " But Fritz would 56 __________ . He was holding on to 57 ______ . He said something, 58 ____ nobody could understand. Some of the boys started to laugh. Billy felt 59 ____ f or him. Then, Billy said something no one else could un derstand 60 ___ Fritz. Fritz smiled and shook Billy's hands( 握手'). "Wow!" everyone was surprised. Billy was proud. He said "I said," Hello' in German. I heard it once on TV." ()1. A. only B. usual C. good D. comfortable ( )2. A. a new teacher B. a new girl C. a new boy D. Billy ( )3. A. England B. America C. France D. Germany ( )4. A. no one B. Billy C. a student D. Fritz ( )5. A. ask B. carry C. put D. take ( )6. A. come B. not move C. not say D. speak ( )7. A. another student's book B . Billy's hand C. Mrs. Green's skirt D. the teacher's desk ( )8. A. but B. so C. because D. still ()9. A. happy B. excited C. afraid D. sorry ()10. A. with B. except C. . of D. about 1 / 30


初中完型填空题解题技巧 一、完形填空的特点是什么? 完形填空是一种旨在考查考生的阅读能力、逻辑推理及分析归纳、综合判断能力的典型题,难易程度与初中教材相当,词数在180-250左右。文中平均每隔25个词左右设一空。人名、地名、日期等不在设空之列。隔词数越少,题目越难;反之亦然。 文体多以记叙文为主,首句通常不设空。考查内容集中在对名词、动词、代词、形容词 和副词等实词的理解上。完形填空考查的就是你能否在缺字,不认得字、词语的情况下,能 否通过推理判断、综合分析等全面理解文章的正确意思,然后把答案填入空白处,使短文前 后连贯、意思通顺、结构完整合理。它的一个显著特点就是突出语篇,即重在文意的干扰, 把具体的语言知识融进具体的语言情境中去,考查学生通过上下文对整体文意进行把握的能力。 二、完形填空题的设置方法 1. 句子层次的设空(从词汇、惯用法, 语法规则的实际应用方面进行设计) 指那些只需读懂“空格”所在句子便可选出答案的题目,包括词义识别,同义词辨析, 英语惯用法, 语法规则的实际应用。 例1:When you take your clothes off, remember to 86 . Get into the habit of(养成…的习惯) taking glasses and plates down to the kitchen. Before long you’ll be doing it without thinking. ( ) 86. A. hang them up B. leave them alone C. put them on D. throw them away 例2:Only Mother’s Love is true love. She gives you everything all her life. When you are a baby, mother looks after you 16 . In your waking hours she always holds you in her arms. When you are ill, she 17 her work right away to look after you. When you are growing up, she feels 18 . ( )16. A. careful B. carefully C. good D. badly ( )17. A. does B. goes on C. stops D. likes ( )18. A. sad B. silly C. upset D. happy 2. 句群层次的设空(从语篇角度综合测试考生的阅读理解能力) 指根据上下文的内容,经过推理判断可以得到答案的题目。这种题目相对较难,但只要 你能根据上下文的内容进行考虑,一定能选出正确的答案。 ①前制性设空:即根据上文有关内容即可确定答案的题目。 例1:It was an English speech contest. My mother asked me to take part in it. What a terrible idea! It meant I had to ____ in front of all the teachers and students of my school! A. write B. speak C. sing D. dance 例2:Sometimes you may not understand your p arents. One minute they’re friendly, the next minute they’re shouting and screaming(尖叫) loudly enough for the whole street to hear. So who makes them so 85 . You, probably! ( ) 85. A. friendly B. lonely C. changeable D. comfortable(舒适的) ②后制性设空:指那些需要根据下文内容才能选出正确答案的题目,即在下文某处有提示。 例1:Nobody ____ him in the village. One day he said to them, “I know you don’t like me …” A. believed B. liked C. hated D. knew 例2:Country music comes from ____ kinds of music. One is the traditional music of tall mountain people in the eastern United States. The other is traditional cowboy music from the American West. A. many B. all C. two D. three Even though you may not realize(意识到) it, your parents have bought you many clothes. But they’re not buying themselves new things every week, are they? The simple truth is that there are

2015年英语中考总复习-完形填空 中考真题 解题技巧及练习测试

2015中考复习-完形填空 中考热身 完形填空。(2014,湖州) When I was eight years old,my family moved from Edinburgh to London because Father started a new job there.It was hundreds of miles away from my grandmother,so we sometimes spent hours __1__ to Edinburgh to visit her when we missed her terribly. Granny never had much.She didn't have __2__ things,or live in a nice house,but I could feel with my __3__ that she loved us deeply,especially when my world was turned upside down __4__ my mother and father divorced(离婚) two years later. I still remember those little things.Granny allowed me to sit on top of her __5__ table,getting me to dip(蘸) my fingers in the sugar bowl or __6__ from her coffee cup.Granny had a fancy bottle high on a shelf.One day after her death,I received a box.To my surprise,I found the __7__ inside.She remembered once I had asked her for it. Granny __8__ her pennies in a glass jar.She could have used those pennies herself but she kept __9__ for my brother Tommie and me.And I was always excited to __10__ the pennies between my brother and me.“One for you,one for me.”I would repeat __11__ the jar was empty.I don't remember how much we got on our visits,but I know that's __12__ she loved us and cared about us when we were far away from her.So if I am __13__ enough to find a penny lying on the ground one day,I am sure it is just the one from Granny in heaven. Those childhood memories have never __14__ me.Instead,they still give me warm feelings through the years.A granny's __15__ stays with a grandchild as long as he needs it.You know,love is just like that. ( C )1.A.hiking B.running C.driving D.walking ( B )2.A.normal B.expensive C.cheap D.old ( B )3.A.life B.heart C.idea D.thought ( A )4.A.because B.unless C.while D.before ( D )5.A.bedroom B.garden C.bathroom D.kitchen ( D )6.A.fill B.eat C.use D.drink ( A )7.A.bottle B.box C.bowl D.cup ( C )https://www.360docs.net/doc/578567989.html,ed B.found C.saved D.lost ( A )9.A.them B.it C.her D.us ( C )10.A.store B.offer C.divide D.provide ( D )11.A.if B.as C.although D.until ( B )12.A.what B.how C.when D.where ( C )13.A.patient B.sad C.lucky D.bored ( A )14.A.gone away from B.come back to C.come up with D.got along with ( B )15.A.interest B.love C.smile D.Mind


初中英语阅读完形填空100篇(十) 91 a a . 1 2 . 3 , 4 , 5 . , 6_ , " ? ? 7 ?" (沉默) a , (难过), 8 . ", ?" (鼓励地). , 9 . " a 10 , . ," (信心). 1. A. B. C. D. 2. A. B. C. D. 3. A. B. C. D. 4. A. B. C. D. 5. A. B. C. D. 6. A. B. C. D. 7. A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. C. D. 9. A. B. C. D. 10. A. B. C. D. 92 I I . . , I a , I a . I .

I , , . I , I 1 I . I a a (方向), . I ’t , I a 2 . a 3 . I 4 . , 5 (迷惑) (熟悉) I . 6 . I 7 . . a , 8 . I , I 9 . a (侦探). “?” I 10 . “ 11 . ?” I . “ a 12 ,” . “ , a 13 . ! , 14 , I a .” ’s 15 I a I , I ! 1. A. B. C. D. 2. A. B. C. D. 3. A. B. C. D. 4. A. B. C D. 5. A. B. C. D. 6. A. B. C. D. 7. A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. C. D. 9. A. B. C. D. 10. A. B. C. D. 11. A. B. C. D. 12. A. B. C. D.

13. A. B. C. D. 14. A. B. C. D. 15. A. B. C. D. 93 . 1 ? . 2 . ? ! 3 . 4 (书呆子). , 5 , 6 . 7 . (压力) 8 , 9 10 . , ’t 11 . 12 13 . ’s a , 14 _ , a a 15 . a , , ? 1. A. B. C. D. 2. A. B. C. D. 3. A. B. C. D. 4. A. B. C. D. 5. A. B. C. D. 6. A. B. C. D. 7. A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. ’s C. D. ’s 9. A. B. C. D.


英语完形填空解题技巧 一、完形填空的设计特点 完形填空一般有如下几个特点:(1)完形填空所选的文章比较多的是情节明了、层次分明、内容易懂的故事性或记叙性的文体,文中较少出现生词,这样有助于考生整体理解和思路畅通。完形填空所选文章一般较之同一份试卷中的阅读理解题所选的文章,其难度要略低一些。(2)完形填空的选文篇幅一般在170—220单词之间;空缺处的密度一般是每5—15单词一空。(3)以意义填空为主,要求填入的词主要有:①语法结构所要求的功能词,如连接词、连接代词、连接副词、关系代词、关系副词等。②具有语法变化的普通词,如动词的时态、语态、语气,名词的数,代词的格,形容词和副词的级等。③固定搭配短语或词组中的特定词。④同义词、近义词等易混淆词。⑤根据上、下文意思及结构必须填入的确定词。可见,完形填空是一种综合性较强的题型。它的突出特点是起点高、容量大。同学们只有具备了扎实的语言基本功、较好的阅读能力及归纳判断能力,才能适应这一题型。 (4)完形填空题的考查目的:①考查同学们阅读理解能力。②考查同学们语法知识。③考查同学们综合运用英语知识的水平和实践能力。 二、完形填空的考查点 “完形填空”题是一种旨在考查学生语法和词汇知识综合运用能力的典型题型。重点考查词语搭配、词语辨析、逻辑推断、前后呼应等,有时兼顾一些讲英语国家的语言及生活习惯等。词语搭配包括习惯用语、动词、形容词、副词、介词、名词等的相互搭配;词语辨析包括近义词的辨析和易混词的辨析;逻辑推断包括根据上下文的信息判断和逻辑关系,如转折、递进、因果、条件、让步等关系,也包括根据上下文内容,选出一个意思与内容相符合的词或词语;前后呼应是指有些句子如果孤立地理解,可能有多个选择,并且意思都能成立,但把前后文结合或联系起来理解,就只能有一个选择。 三、完形填空题的解题步骤及技巧 由于完形填空题的解题难度一般比单项填空和阅读理解要大,一般说来,做完形填空题时可按下列步骤: 1、浏览全文,理解大意。在着手答题之前从头到尾把文章浏览一遍,以便能了解文章的大概意思,使接下来的答题过程具有一定的针对性。 2、照顾上下文,作出正确的逻辑及词意的判断。在答题过程中,不要一遇到空白处就停下来做题,有些空白处是需要通读全句甚至全文后才能作出正确的选择的,因此,在答题过程中,要经常考虑上下文,并进行逻辑推断。 3、先易后难,利用已选出的正确答案来推断未知的答案。一些题目一下子不能马上找到答案,不妨先搁置一边,做上标记,待做完其他相对容易发现的答案的题目后再处理,因为这时,文章所提供的信息量比以前多了,也许这时找到答案的难度会小一些。 4、重新阅读全文,全面复查。将选好的答案一一对号入座,再把整篇文章通读一遍,看看在表达整个语篇的意思上有无唐突之处,内容是否连贯通顺,语法上有无不妥等等。 四、提高完形填空题解题能力的训练要点 要想在完形填空上取得高分,平时要做以下方面的训练: 1、进行一定量的阅读训练以提高自己的英语语感和对文章的理解能力。由于完形填空重点考查的是一个考生的阅读能力,因此,提高自己的阅读能力是提高在完形填空中的得分的关键。阅读能力的提高是和你阅读的量成正比的。阅读的量越大,你的阅读能力就越强。因此,有计划、有步骤地进行一定量的阅读训练是相当重要的。在进行阅读训练时,除了检测自己在阅读中的理解情况之外,还要对阅读文章中所出现的重点词和词组进行认真的学习和研究。对于重要的句式句型等也要进行认真的研究、总结并作整理和记忆。同类句型在今


中考英语完形填空解题技巧与专项训练10篇 师宗县竹基中学英语备课组 “完形填空(CLOZE TEST)”是云南省及曲靖市中考英语试题中固定而重要的题型。 它是一种障碍性的测试题。在一定程度上考查考生的阅读能力、逻辑推理及分析归纳、综合 判断能力。完型填空就是给考生一篇语句连贯的短文,命题人有目的地在每隔一定数量的词 语后挖去一处词语,形成总共10处词语空缺,然后在相应的空缺处设置包括二到三个干扰 答案在内的三个或四个备选答案,需要考生从这些选项中选出一个最佳的答案。从完型填空 的命题形式来看,待填充的10个填空不是孤立存在的,而是处在一整篇文章的大背景之中 的。从这个角度,完型文章实际上是由未知信息(即10处填空)和已知信息(即10处填空之外的那些可以阅读到的信息)组成的。虽然未知信息是考生看不到的,但是未知信息与已知信息之间有着各种各样、千丝万缕的关系,命题者之所以将10个未知信息设置在大量的已知 信息之中,就是要求考生在对这些已知信息进行充分把握和理解的基础上,通过已知信息去 破解未知信息。完形填空题,考查的目的是在篇章中考查考生掌握基础知识、辨析词汇的能力。完形填空对考查归纳理解、综合思维等能力都是非常好的,有利于开发智力,把不完整 的文章,通过自己的分析,变成完整的文章,这是对学生想像思维的训练。所以考生首先要 正确对待这道题,解除心理障碍。 这种题型归纳起来有如下特点: 1. 在整份试卷中所占的分值较重,占10—15%,长度一般在130—200个单词左右。 2?降低了对单词本身的考查要求,重点考查考生对短文的整体理解,上下文的段落衔接, 情理分析及推理判断能力。 3 ?针对初中学生的实际水平,一般采用故事体,尽量避免专业性太强的文章或论文体。 近几年来出现了以意义选择为主、语法选择逐渐减少的趋势。 “完形填空”有多种形式,但它在基本设计原则上都是一致的。形式都是从短文中抽去 若干词,让考生根据上下文填入适当的词,为了有助于考生填入适当的词,可以提供四个答 案(其中包括一个正确答案),让考生选出正确的答案;也可以给出单词首字母完形填空, 或者给出字母及单词长度(由几个字母组成);也可以不给考生提供任何线索,完全凭借考 生对文章的理解和现有的语言能力完成。最常见的还是选择型的“完形填空”。 “抽词法”可以是有针对性地抽,也可以是随机地抽。但目前比较流行的是对文章理解能


初中英语完形填空 Greenland is the largest island in the world. It is in the 1 of Europe. Nea r Greenland is another island. It is small. Its 2 is Iceland. Do you think that Greenland is green and warm? Do you think that Iceland is white with ice? If you do, you are 3 . Not many people live on the big island of Greenland. There 4 more people in your hometown than in all of Greenland. That is beca use Greenland is not green. Greenland is 5 . Most of the island is covered w ith lots of ice. The ice covering Greenland is 6 than the world’s tallest building. What __7 Iceland? Is it colder than Greenland? No, it is not. Ice land has ice, but not so much ice 8 Greenland. It has a lot of hot springs (泉).They give out hot water and steam(水蒸汽).The climate(气候) is not as 9_ _ as Greenland. And there are a lot 10 people who live in Iceland. 1. A. east B. west C. north D. south 2. A. village B. name C. farm D. town 3 .A. wrong B. clever C. right D. bright 4. A. must be B. C. is D. be 5. A. yellow B. brown C. blue D. white 6. A. more higher B. high C. highest D. higher 7. A. of B. in C. about D. on 8. A. as B. like C. than D. then 9. A. warm B. cold C. no D. cool 10. A. many B. much C. more D. most 名师点评 这篇短文介绍了格陵兰岛和冰岛的地理环境和气候特征1.C。格陵兰岛位于欧洲北部。这需要有一定的地理常识,下文并无提示。2.B。 3.A。如果你只从字面上看,认为Greenland是绿色的,而 Iceland被许多冰所覆盖,那么你就想错了。根据下文可知它们的地理特征并不像它们的名字所描述的那样。 4.B。There must be more people…表示肯定猜测,而如果直接用There are more people则太绝对化了。 5.D。根据下文得知格陵兰岛大部分地区被冰所覆盖,所以是白色的。 6.D。格陵兰岛的冰比世界最高的楼高。故选high的比较级 higher。 7.C。What about Iceland? 意为“冰岛(的地理环境和气候)又怎样呢?”。 8.A。not so…as…表示“不如……”。 9.B。因为冰岛拥有很多的温泉,冰也没有格陵兰岛的多,所以气温就没有格陵兰岛低。 10.C。a lot more people相当于much more people。意思是“冰岛的人口比格陵兰岛的多得多”。 阅读理解


完形填空是一种立意新、要求高的综合语言测试题,这种题型即考查学生的语法、词法、句法、习惯用法等英语基础知识的综合运用能力,又考查学生对短文的阅读和理解能力。这种题型具体说来,是从语篇角度综合测试考生的阅读理解能力、词汇的掌握和对英语习惯用语的熟悉程度、以及语法规则的灵活运用能力,所以有人称完型填空为“障碍性阅读理解”是有道理的。如何快速准确地做好完形填空题是每个考生都很关注的问题,根据我以往的教学经验,觉得有以下几点需要考生们特别留意: 在复习阶段:首先要熟练地掌握学过的全部语法知识,牢记习惯用法,特别是动词短语;注意对动词、名词、形容词、副词等词汇意义的真正理解,要懂得词汇的内含、外延、褒贬及一定的修辞色彩;注意它们的同义词、近义词、反义词及其辨析;其次要有计划地多做一些完形填空的练习,多阅读一些短文,增强英文阅读能力,提高理解能力。 在应考阶段:拿到试题后,不要急于动手去做,必须从语法、习惯用法,内容和常识等多方面综合考虑选项;既要理解文章材料所叙述的表层内容信息,又要理解文章材料中的连贯意义、引申意义等深层意义。那么,究竟怎样做才能取得令人满意的结果呢? 要做好完形填空题,除了要具备较扎实的英语基本功之外,还必须具备良好的应试心态,掌握一定的答题技巧,这样有助于在做题时思路清晰,速度加快,节约时间,提高效果。具体说来有以下几点需要注意: 1.充满信心,沉着冷静

无论做什么事情,信心十分重要。有的同学由于英语基础不错,平时做练习时有“偏食”的习惯,基础题做得多,怕做综合性较强的能力题(如完形填空、阅读理解等),因而在考试中遇到这类题目时就会感到压力大,信心不足。同学们在做完形填空题时一定要充满信心,沉着冷静,要相信自己的实力。只有这样,答题时才能发挥出自己的最佳水平,减少失误。 2、精读第一句 它是了解全文大意的基石.完形填空文章的第一句话通常是没有空白的完整句子,而且第一句往往是文章的主题句(Topic Sentence),或是含有主题词的句子,考生可以根据它来把握文章的中心思想,为下面答题奠定基础。 这里,首先我们要知道英文的主题句的特点。一个有效的主题句应该有以下两个标准: 1.Topic:主题或议题。明确指示段落的内容,起到限定主题范围的作用。 2.Opinion:反映作者对待主题的观点、印象、态度,起到限定段落基调的作用。 知道了英文主题句的特点之后,我们在阅读完型填空文章的第一句话时,就不应该只是读懂其字面中文意思,而是要透过首句来预测文章的中心内容,为接下来做题把准方向。比如看这一篇高考完型的首句:The first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is the word.这就是一句非常有效的主题句。据此,我们可以大胆地预测文章的主题是讨论"词汇(word)"
