

Abstract: Multicultural education reveals the cognitive awareness of cultural diversity and multiple choices, which enable people to re-examine the motives and ultimate destination of the main stream culture education, and consequently can face up to the limitations of education.

Through referring to some foreign writings, multicultural and multiculturalism’s concepts are defined. By combined with the description of multicultural education’s concept, emphatically elaborated its basic ideas. Then, according to the real of Canada and its historical process, this paper analyses the reasons for Canada's multicultural learning and summarize Canada's multicultural policy. Finally, the analysis the same point between the Canadian multicultural education and Chinese national cultural education, from the perspectives on confirming multicultural education philosophy, fostering students the cross-cultural skills and structuring cultural connotations with national cultural history, some inspirations can be explored that brings from the Canadian multicultural education to Chinese national education.

Key words: Canada; multi-culture; multicultural education; inspirations

中文摘要: 多元文化教育揭示了人们对文化多样性与文化多元选择的认知,使人们重新审视主流文化教育的动机与归宿,从而正视教育的局限性。


关键词: 加拿大;多元文化;多元文化教育;启示

1. Induction

1.1. Related notions

1.1.1. Multi-culture and multiculturalism

National culture is one factor of multi-culture composition, the symbol of nation state and the main feature to certify country’s own independent identity. It originated from a specific ethnic geography, environment and long-term social practice. As a national co-precious spiritual wealth, national culture not only to shape the nation's life style, but also to construct the specification of the value of the nation, is the fundamental source of national community cohesion.

In the “Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights”,Will Kymlicka believed that cultural provides the possibility for citizens to choose a meaningful life. As a multi-ethnic nation-state, Canada should proceed from freedom and respect the cultural rights of citizens, inclusive “National citizenship” and “Thin identity”to integrate ethnic nation-state. Nation-state not have to create a unified national culture, but only to ensure that all ethnic groups have the opportunity to maintain a different culture, so that it can ensure that members of all ethnic and cultural identity gain equal protection. Due to the different situation of different cultural groups, truly equal treatment of these minority cultures is to give unequal treatment.

Canadian migration tide caused diverse national cultural integration, and made Canadian culture emerged a pattern of multicultural. According to the explanation of “multi-culture” from the “Canadian Encyclopedia” which edited by James ?H ?Marsh, generally, there are three meanings: First, it refers to a racial or cultural heterogeneity characteristics of the society; Second, it was the perception of the concept of equality and respect between ethnic or cultural groups; Third, it was the policies that Canadian federal and provincial government implemented since 1971.

Hall considered that the "multi-cultural" and "multiculturalism" segment is a useful approach in “Unsettled Multiculturalism”. He thought, multicultural as an adjective described the coexistence of many cultures in the social community, and

attempted to establish a common life, but it also can retain the original identity social characteristics. While, "Multiculturalism" tends to refer to those strategies and policies for governance or management differences in a multicultural society, it is a political ideology.

Although scholars disagree, each has focused particularity on, but all actively agrees the core meaning of multiculturalism that respect for differences, giving full rights to minorities, implementing differentiated politics, and advocating the real democracy, in order to realize the coexistence of multiple.


2. Multicultural education

Since the date of submission, Multicultural education as a concept attracted the attention of the multi-ethnic countries. Many countries, from different angles, in different ways to define multicultural education, although have diverse statement, but generally they have the same meaning. Several representative theories are summarized as follows:

James Lych, the British multicultural educationist, considered that multicultural education is an reform movement in order to meet the needs of the various minority groups or individuals in the culture consciousness and self-evaluation. Its purpose is to help all the different cultures of the ethnic groups to learn how to live harmoniously in multicultural society actively, then to maintain the equilibrium of educational achievement among populations, and based on the promotion of mutual respect and tolerance to consider all national differences.

In Japan, the more representative typical opinion thought that, so-called "multicultural education" is to provide equal education opportunities for the young people of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds, especially those children of the ethnic minorities and immigrants in poor situation. It is the implementary education on the basis of respect for their nation and its cultural identity.

American multicultural educator, C James A ? Banks considered that, multicultural education generally refers in the multi-ethnic country, in order to protecting the holders of a wide variety of ethnic and cultural background, in particular their children able to enjoy equal opportunities in education and their

national culture and its unique characteristics achieve respect. What’s more, Banks believed that the fundamental goal of multicultural education is: "made groups belonging to different cultural, ethnic, social class, can learn to maintain relations so as to achieve peace and co-ordination between symbiotic. However, multicultural education is not just a concept or slogan. To become operable education activity, practical education reform must be put forward.

The early 1980s, Gollnick (from USA) integrated many scholars point of view and put forward the multicultural education have to: promote cultural diversity of features and value; promote the concept of human rights and respect for social justice and equality of opportunity between individuals; so that everyone has the opportunity to choose life; promote the social become justice and equality of opportunity for all mankind; promote equal distribution of power between the different races. In our country, multicultural education is known as a multi-ethnic cultural education or minority education, mainly from the perspective of cultural background to study national education issues.

Since the 1990s, scholars’understanding of multicultural education tend to be consistent, comprehensive up, it can be roughly like this expression: multicultural education should enable all students (not only minority students) known and understand the various cultures in the community, including students own country's culture, as well as a universal national mainstream culture shared by all ethnic groups. while regardless of gender, race, religion, language, social economic status. Multicultural education must help students acquire the knowledge, skills and attitude needed to survive in the national mainstream culture, but also helps to develop the ability of students in the national subcultures and other minority subcultures survival needs. Through multicultural education courses, students can know the social injustice and its causes, and can improve their ability to adapt to different cultural backgrounds are the goals of multicultural education. In short, multicultural education is a “different cultur al education”, which treats respect different cultures as the starting point, based on every group’s equality, then promoted the mutual understanding between different cultural groups with targets, plans to implement a co- equal.

1.2. The theoretical basis of the multicultural education


Multicultural education is one of the contemporary international trends. It reveals people’s awareness on cultural diversity and diverse selections of culture. What’s more, it is a result that human made positive effort to maintain their own cultural characteristics In the pattern of world integration. Maintain diversity, respect for differences, each nation has the right to actively participate in social activities, without having to give up their own unique identity, above four aspects are multiculturalism advocated keynote


Multicultural education is one of the contemporary international trends. It reveals a diverse selection of cultural diversity and awareness, it is a result in the pattern of world integration, Maintain diversity, respect for differences, each nation has the right to actively participate in social activities, without having to give up their own unique identity,

to maintain their own cultural characteristics, made positive efforts. Maintain diversity, respect for differences, each nation has the right to actively participate in social activities, without having to give up their own unique identity, multiculturalism advocated keynote, multicultural education is to produce, the development of the theoretical basis points.

Theoretical Basis of multicultural education by the theory of multiculturalism in the nation's social theory of the United States; cultural anthropology theory of cultural heritage and cultural relativity theory; social learning theory in psychology; pedagogy education equality of opportunity theory.


(1) The theory of multiculturalism multicultural education directly to the main theoretical basis. The multiculturalism that each ethnic group in a multi-ethnic country, can retain the language and traditional culture of the nation, At the same time, they should be integrated into the shared language and culture of the country.


(2) the cultural relativism that every society has its own characteristics, and the thoughts and feelings of the people are shaped by its lifestyle. The cultural relativism

core mutual respect for different cultures differences to seek coexistence of various cultures.



Anthropological and cultural heritage, the intergenerational cultural heritage of the society not only in school

Carried out, and more is in family and community activities.


The psychology of social learning theory, the socialization of the younger generation is the result of an act of imitation. Specific cultural patterns of different social groups, schools, communities and families will train people with different beliefs, values and behavior patterns.


Pedagogy of the theory of equal opportunities in education is one of the basic theory of multicultural education, the so-called equality of educational opportunity is the be all things to all people, and not based on their race, culture, religion, gender differences the grounds to reduce or deny them educational opportunities.

1.3. Basis idea of multicultural education

1.3.1. Bilingual education——the prerequisite

On the surface, Bilingual education seems to only solve the problem of the relationship of language and education, but in fact, it is an extremely complex process. If starting from the points of view of the different disciplines of national cultural, psychological, social and language, we can find bilingual education is a tool of national cultural heritage, the characterization of the national psychology, signs of national identity, etc. Therefore, Bilingual education is a basic premise of the idea of multicultural education.

In a multicultural society, there is always a difference between mainstream culture and sub-culture, a strong culture and weak culture, generally, those four cultures are one-to-one correspondence. The main ethnic occupy a strong position by its mainstream culture in the cultural exchanges. From the terms of the social function of language exchanges,” Use of strong language groups usually do not learn or master

the language of disadvantaged cultural groups, unless there is a special purpose. Contrary, the vulnerable cultural groups must grasp the strong language. ” It is the de facto inequality in this language function, people generally agree with the mainstream society perspective view for a long time, then there are two normal tendency in bilingual education: First, using the strong language to instead the language of ethnic minorities, and neglect the most important language factors of national identity, assimilationist education language issue is so; Second, using minorities disadvantaged language to resist the mainstream culture’s strong language, then form narrow nationalism education.

Isolation each other's language education is unfeasible, the bilingual education should provide learners with appropriate cultural perceptions as far as possible, then closely combined the language symbols to their cultural content. It can promote the mutual recognition of the culture from a positive perspective, both make minority feel the pride of the national culture, but also have multicultural identity. So, from cultural similarities and differences to carry out language education has become an important element of today's global multicultural education.


2. School curriculum——the key

In multicultural society, due to the lack of cultural and social identity leading by different ethnic groups coexist, the national education program courses take the coordinated development issues of multicultural into consider. It is the cross-cultural education curriculum. It has two orientations: First, the school curriculum should fully reflect and maintain the unique culture of ethnic minorities, so that they have their own set of cultural heritage; Second, stressed the common characteristics of the two cultures in the school curriculum and can be tolerant of each other’s differences.

Since the second half of the 19th century, the development of the school curriculum showed that the subjects of school curriculum is determined by the structure itself, in turn, belongs to the scientific disciplines. Science disciplines were treated as the basis on concept structure and world knowledge, ration than regarded the actual experience and problems of the students as their basis. Therefore, multicultural curriculum commentators have suggested that the school curriculum

should not be modeled, but should become more diverse, cultural diversity is the most basic basis.

In the conditions of multicultural education, the goal of curriculum reform investigation should combine the practice experience faced courses with modern subject course. Only this course is introduced into the school, multicultural education can realize. Therefore, the principle of guiding multicultural curriculum arises: a multi-ethnic concept should permeate the school environment; curriculum should help students to understand the learning styles of minority students; students courses should be conducive to the formation of diversified values, attitudes and behavior; courses should cultivate the skills of students in cross-cultural exchanges; curriculum should help students to explain the point of view of the assessment of different ethnic groups in the history of conflict; courses should be the language of the ethnic minorities as important content and encourage students to use their mother tongue; the cultural background of minority students should be taken into account when evaluate of the student's program..

Course is the most effective way of multicultural education. This crucial area has not been developed in a long-term period of time. Particularity, the minority nationality education courses do not pay enough attention, mainly shows that teaching content and cultural background, language environment are out of touch, simple practice is only the compilation of the teaching material. In order to develop wide field of multicultural curriculum, national character and modern growing cause more concern, and become the inevitable choice for the development of multicultural education.

1.3.3. Teaching method ——the fundamental

Teaching methods is closely tied to the multicultural curriculum implementation. Cross-cultural research results show that the different cultural backgrounds students have significant difference in cognitive ability, understanding capacity, logical judgment and logical thinking ability. Thus, it determined the particularity of minority students in teaching methods and strategies.

In addition, certain courses and content requirements have matching teaching methods. When the issue “how to implement multicultural curriculum during the process of education” was raised, the answer is relatively simple, because the target is general; the education and training environment for children should be farthest conducive to their personal and social development. In order to achieve this goal, Germany multicultural curriculum specialists LvEr think, multicultural curriculum should focus on children experience as the center, highlighted the visual image, the specific combination of children's cognitive structure and life experience; then broken the traditional, single teaching method, and adopt modern curriculum and modern method to realized unifies.

A single method and multiple course itself is contradictory, multiple course should implement with diverse methods. The differences of methods is determined by language differences, psychological structure differences and cultural differences, how to choose teaching methods to adapt to course structure and child mental structure was related to the effectiveness of implementation.

2. Characteristics of the Canadian Multiculturalism

2.1. The historical origins of the Canadian Multiculturalism

The Canadian Multiculturalism dates back to the 16th century when Europeans immigrant to the New World and the introduction of religion. During the development of Canadian national culture, especially since 1534 French people establish the first residential point in North America and later Britain, France and China to establish a colony that many immigrants from world flood into it, many cultures coexist confounding situation and its national language status disputes clearly demonstrated.

Last 100 year, Canadian ethnic residents increased proportion is the real basis for Canadian multi-culture to form. By the late 1980s, more than two-thirds of Canada's immigrants came from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean coast. They came from different regions, different languages, different customs, different religion, different historical and cultural backgrounds, different country of economic

environment and life way, above all consisted Canada multi-culture. At present, Canada territory, which is one of the largest countries have racial and ethnic composition in the world, distributed with more than 100 races and ethnic groups ethnic. Among nearly 3,000 population of people in Canada, about 97% people is immigrants and their descendants, with the origin and French residents as the main body, respectively 40% and 27% of the total population, followed by Italy, Germany, Ukraine, the Netherlands and other Europeans seed and Asian immigrants, indigenous ethnic population accounted for only 3%. Therefore, other ethnic groups and indigenous people expect Britain and French can be described as minorities in Canada. Unlike American society assimilate immigrants in a melting pot, Canadian immigrants adapt to life in Canada, meanwhile still firm retains many traditions of the nation. This makes Canada in the national, religious, cultural tradition showing a more colorful and vivid landscape, so called "ethnic mosaic", "cultural Platter on ethnic, religious, and cultural traditions. Therefore, these will be treated as basic social historical conditions to organically constitute the Canadian Multiculturalism.

2.2. Canadian multicultural learning

Multicultural society should give performance opportunity for the different group, and to let people enjoy each others different cultural characteristics. In Canada, multiple culture study contains two contents: one is to study the national cultural tradition; second is to understand the culture of other nations.

In the late 80 s, the Canadian government has put bigger funds to encourage all ethnic groups to protect and develop their own culture, the government give the culture and education cause power to the provincial government. Through each province is in charge of their own culture, the multiculturalism be planned as the guidance to executive education, besides, local government has even passed legislation to make public primary and secondary schools educate and learn in various multi-culture forms.

After the later 90s, with the increase number different countries national population, in Canada, more than 7% of the school-age children from the mother tongue is not English or French family. When these children began to notice that

themselves is different from some people around in language, costume, diet, and behavior style, their family and the school must be responsible for children multicultural learning, and regard it as their duties.

a. The reason of multi-culture learning

Multicultural learning in Canada has formed a permanent mode, it is not only ensure that minority children realize socialization along this nation traditions and values. And providing opportunities for different groups, they can mutually appreciate of the characteristics of different culture, and can seek educational value content in the process of respecting for traditional culture, thereby inhibiting the breeding of racist ideas.

There are two reasons to explain why multicultural learning welcomed in Canada. The first one is that multicultural learning contributes to all ethnic groups live in harmony, keep national unity, then can avoid the happening of the ethnic conflicts. The other one is that multi-culture is an advantage for Canada to carry out international trade and competition, increasing international close economic plan and cooperation can not do without language, Generally, mother tongue can also be the exchange language. In the information society who first master the information and technology will have the competition initiative.

b. Multicultural learning in family

The process of multicultural family learning is often throughout the general daily life. Due to the children's understanding of the main part of the culture is formed in the early, when parents talk to children, tell stories and play games, in addition to the church of their own culture, evaluation of other cultures also directly affect children. Through educating child the multicultural education early, child enables to understand them with curiosity and acceptance instead of the doubts and fears of their own culture and other cultures. Moreover, it is able to help them understand why they and other people have a different point of view, diverse clothing, and then teach them to respect and appreciate multi-culture.

c. Multicultural learning in school

In school, the approach for multicultural learning is that multicultural activities and programs included into the school curriculum; on the one hand, the process of multicultural learning in school reflected in the teaching and learning activities in the classroom by organizing a number of classroom activities and the same or a different culture of the nation. In the classroom, students, who came from different cultural backgrounds, can be organized in the form of teaching to learn the language and culture of their own nation, among it, the most typical mode is the mother tongue teaching and learning in the mother tongue. On the other hand, the process of multicultural learning in school reflected the environment outside the classroom, such as a variety of extra-curricular activities that can reflect the national characteristics to learn multi-culture.

The school is a part of Canadian multicultural society, through education passing multiculturalism from generation to generation. This is say that the schools multicultural education can not only help the students of different nationalities to understand that Canada is a multicultural society, but also can educate students to build Canadian society, and create a better future. In this sense, multicultural education not only can reduce the barriers of all ethnic groups within Canada, but also will strengthen the unity between them, and finally, all people work together to build their own country.

2.3. Multicultural policies and education of Canadian

In the evolution history of Canada, Canada had tried "assimilation" and "integration" mode to reform society, but all failed and frustrated until finally a policy of multiculturalism was introduced in the sixties and seventies of the 20th century. So, the government has formulated a number of plans to carry out the policy. Since 1971, most provinces in Canada have developed a series of policies and programs for multi-culture. In 1972, the federal government also appointed the competent multicultural Minister to manage the nationwide multicultural education etc. Besides, in 1982, multiculturalism was enrolled in the Canadian constitution and the Canadian charter for rights and freedom. What’s more, in July 1988, the Government of Canada enacted the Canadian Multiculturalism Act specifically, and then multicultural

country's various values were treated as holy. Multi-culture become a law that legally defined as irreversible feature of the social and cultural development of Canada.

In order to ensure the implementation of the policy of multiculturalism, the Canadian government proposed multicultural education that advocates nationwide people respect for different cultures, through multicultural education for all Canadians ,including different ethnic groups, different languages and beliefs, people of different religions, the purpose can realize, which can promote mutual respect between different ethnic groups, and promote mutual understanding of the people.

Multicultural education should not only reflect the cultural characteristics of the different ethnic groups in Canada, but also can reflect their contribution to Canadian society. Thus, multiculturalism education become the guiding principles of the social relations within Canada and the basic national policy to promote social development, and becomes the legal basis for each levels of society to develop policy, thereby, it guarantee the ideals and policies of multiculturalism into Canadian citizen consistent action.

All in all, the implementation of the policy of multiculturalism as well as a variety of educational activities, are to let members of society, especially students learn to respect the customs and culture of other ethnic groups, in order to live in harmony and to face the future construction of Canada; through the multicultural education, schools not only enable students to understand the source of their native customs and lifestyle, but also help them to understand that Canadian society in the future is still a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural society, thereby, students should establish a belief to eliminate racial and ethnic prejudice; multicultural education allows students to recognize that each nation has its own characteristics and strengths when they were children, and should learn from each other, mutual respect, in order to building the country together.


3.1 加拿大多元文化教育与我国民族教育的同质性






中国职业教育与德国职业教育的对比摘要: 德国双元制大学(DualeHochschule,简称DH)在2009年3月1日之前叫做职业学院(Berufsaskasademie,简称BA),德国并未明确提出“高等职业教育”这一概念,为适应社会和经济的发展要求,德国把中等双元制教育体系直接延伸到高等院校,这种类型的高等学校叫做职业学院,也叫双元制大学。 关键词:德国双元制大学中国职业教育发展方向 当前中国职业教育仍然是整个教育体系中的薄弱环节,职业教育面临诸多困难和问题集中在五对矛盾关系上:一是社会需求旺盛与有效供给不足;二是规模能力与质量结构不合理;三是就业能力提升与社会吸引力不强;四是中央大力发展与各方相应不足;五是公平教育目标与政府责任缺位。 造成这些矛盾的原因主要有六个方面:一是缺少共识支撑。发展职业教育是政府责任,但不少人认为发展职业教育只要依靠市场,导致国家定位和主体责任定位出现偏差。二是缺少制度供给。产教结合与校企合作等法律、教师企业实践制度、企业社会责任制度、生均经费拨款标准、“双证书”制度、教师编制标准等制度缺失。三是缺少财力保障。职业教育预算内教育经费比例持续下降。四是缺少政策引导。财政金融税收等引导行业企业和社会积极办学的政策体系没有建立,政府充分调动行业企业参与职业教育的能力不足。五是缺少机制配套。管理评价机制、市场监管机制不健全、不配套,影响相关法律制度政策的实际效果。六是缺少体系建设。职业教育与普通教育、中职高职、职业教育与终身教育不健全、不衔接。 理论与实践领域对职业教育的公益性质认识不足,政府履行责任不清,公益性实现形式单一,是制约我国职业教育发展的主要原因。 德国双元制大学采取“双元制”教育模式,通过两个学习地点——州立学院和培训企业或社会事业机构的合作,每学期三个月学校理论学习,三个月企业实践交替进行,培养在技术、经济领域和社会工作第一线从事生产、管理和教育等直接为社会服务的应用型职业高级人才。 双元制大学的教育活动与以学生为主体,课程设置以职业活动为核心,理论与实践相结合,突出实践能力的培养。双元制大学“双元制”教育的优越性在于,通过实训帮助对理论的理解,理论又在实践中得到强化;学生学到最先进的技术和企业组织管理,缩短进入企业后的见习期,增强了团队合作能力,提高职业竞争能力。双元制大学的办学模式成为私营企业与州政府之间双元教学方式的合作,它被认为是企业与政府在高等教育领域合作的一个创举。 中国的发展进入了一个新的历史时代。一是从生存型阶段进入发展型新阶段,二是从生存主导时代进入消费主导时代;三是从城乡分治的二元时代进入城乡一体化的背景下的城市化时代;四是从私人物品短缺时代进入公共物品短缺时代;五是从经济转型时代进入政府转型时代。与此相应,我国的教育也呈现出五大特征:一是从普及九年制义务教育时代进入“后普九”时代,促进各级教育协调发展特别是解决职业教育这一薄弱环节成为必然;二是从文


加拿大教育体系最全攻略 系统综述 加拿大拥有世界上最完善的教育体系,拥有世界上一流的大学、中学、小学教育,学习条件世界一流。全国推行十二年免费义务教育,公民或永久居民及其子女从小学到中学全部免费教育。加拿大政府非常重视教育,加拿大是世界上教育经费最高的国家之一,每年在教育方面的投入占国内生产总值(GDP)的7%左右。政府对高等教育也有很高的津贴。家庭经济状况不佳的大学生, 政府有无息贷款资助。目前,加拿大高等教育普及率已达到45%,居世界前列。 教育机构 加拿大没有联邦教育部或类似的教育机构,教育由各省政府负责,因而全国没有统一的教育制度,学校大多数是省立的,各省宪法对该省的教育组织机构、学制、考试制度和经贯等都有明确的规定。各省均设有教育部,负责全省的教育事业。 由10个省的教育部长组成的“加拿大教育部长理事会”,负责促进和直辖市各省间的教育合作。联邦政府只负责组织、管理印第安人、因纽特人、武装部队人员及其家属,以及监狱犯人的教育。联邦政府向各省提供部分教育经费,并向学生提供“加拿大学生资助计划”,以维持他们的学习。 学年学制 一般而言,加拿大儿童在4-5岁是可入幼稚园1-2,所有儿童在6岁时读1年级。学年一般从9月到次年6月.过有时1月份也会招生。据省份不同,中学可读到1年级、12年级和13年级。中学以后,学生可直接入大学或学院(注并无类似国内高考的升学考试)。请注意安大略省要求学生完成13年级(又称OAC-Ontario Academic Credit)后才能入大学。 学位学校 加拿大全国约有70所高等院校,其中6所用法语,6所用英语、法语双重语言教学,其余均用英语教学。高等教育的结构中共分十个等级:博士学位、哲学硕士学位、硕士学位、执照(指律师或医生合格开业证明)、研究生毕业证书、学士学位、大学毕业证书、特别证书、结业证书和证书。 普通学士学位一般修读3年。荣誉学士学位一般修读4年。大学学年一般是从9月到次年5月,暑期大学也提供一个学期,学生可以选择继续修读学分。每个大学都有它自己的入学要求,安省大学一般要求AC平均分至少70分以上。加拿大大学都是公立的,它的总体水平比美国大学高,而且水平比较平均。 加拿大的中小学教育


世界上福利最好的国家——加拿大加拿大 -全球最适宜居住的国家据联合国发表的报告,加拿大在就业水平、人均国民生产总值、收入、教育及卫生水平等综合指标在全球 160 多个国家中名列第一。 优美的自然环境和安全先进的生活方式加拿大位于北美洲的北半部,总面积 997 万平方公里,仅次于俄罗斯,是世界第二大国。人口 2900 多万,是世界上平均人口密度最低的国家之一,每 3 人占有一平方公里的土地。 89% 的土地没有永久性居民点。南部与美国为邻约5000 公里,石油、矿产、木材、海产、水利资源十分丰富。加拿大四季分明,西面受太平洋季风的影响,四季宜人春季郁金香花争艳,夏季阳光明媚,秋季枫叶层林尽染,冬季万里雪飘,极具风情。 加拿大是由十个省和两个地区组成的联邦国家。民族构成一英裔、法裔、荷兰裔、德裔、波兰裔和华裔。官方语言为英语和法语。 加拿大有 26 个人口超过 10 万的市区和 3 个人口超过 100 万的城市。其中不少是北美洲最安全、最清洁、风光最美的市中心区。加拿大城市的严重犯罪率不到美国城市的一半。更为人称道的是多个不同种族的人们在一个国际性的环境中和睦相处。政府和工业界致力保持空气和食品的清洁,共同努力维护健康的环境。加拿大的城市都有高素质的歌剧院、乐团和舞蹈团、美术馆、博物馆以及公共图书馆。加拿大城市有国际著名的芭蕾舞团、歌剧团和交响乐团。同时亦经常邀请世界各国最优秀的艺术家到访演出。加拿大政府对艺术的人均补助位于世界前列。加拿大的城市融合了欧洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲和非洲的各种文化。例如,温哥华是众多的亚裔人聚居之地;多伦多融合了欧、亚及其他文化;魁北克则为北美洲添上一份英、法双语的欧洲风味。加拿大的气候各地不一,往往令预计天气较冷的访客诧异。全国绝大多数人口聚居在离美国边境 250 公里以内的地区,而加拿大最南部的地区与美国加州北部处于同一纬度。因此,加拿大各大城市的气候多数与美国北部或北欧地区相似。加拿大的城镇提供舒适的生活设施,但是与其他国际性商业中心相比,生活费用确保持在很容易负担的水平上。 名列世界前茅的经济和科技发展水平加拿大是西方七国之一,工业生产自动化、电气化和现代化水平在世界各国中处于领先地位。农业生产专业化、商品化和现代化的程度也很高,加拿大在电话、微波、卫星、光纤通讯等方面拥有世界先进水平,在航天、微电子工业和生物技术方面亦具有相当水平。加拿大的交通很方便,拥有铁路10 万公里、公路 73 万公里、 900 家航空公司和 600 个大型机场。 理想的投资之地加拿大是个贸易强国。受过良好教育的劳动力以及合理的生产成本,加上政府在政策的支持,国际人士对加拿大的商业投资环境充满信心。 加拿大在七大工业国中经济增长强劲,通货膨胀率长期低于 2% 。生活标准指数名列第三位。许多未来的主导行业已经对加拿大经济作出了显著贡献。这些行业包括:通讯设备、激光产品、环保技术、生物技术、制药、航天和电脑软件等高科技工业。许多国际企业正越来越多地以加拿大作为研究与发展的中心。加拿大是世界最富裕的市场。从 1994 年1月 1日生效的《北美自由贸易协定》让加拿大的企业得到了无可比拟的便利。充裕的原料、廉价的能源、低廉的商业楼宇、先进高效的基础设施、政府的少干预和为支援中小企业、技术与研究开发计划制定的优惠政策,使加拿大成为世界少有的理想投资地。 完备的教育体系加拿大提供免费的中小学教育。小学教育注重教育学生以积极参与的态度去学习,入学条件简单,主要以学生居住地、年龄分配就读学校。对新移民子弟,学校也会安排 ESL 英语课程。小学课程根据各省教育厅指示编排,学校对学生的学习成绩和学生的生活礼仪一样看重。希望培养出来的学生能均衡发展;加拿大的中


加拿大高中教材 对比加拿大与国内高中的教材,把这两种教育文化系统的加以比较,认真体会这两种教育文化的异同,辨析其中蕴藏着的意义。也许会使我们对中西方文化有一个更深层次的认识,对我们毕业后尽快融入西方文化、成为国际性人才有一些建设性的作用。 加拿大高中第一学期的课程一般有:英语、社会、数学、科学、体育;中国课程有:语文、政治、历史、地理。社会相当于中国的政治、历史、地理,科学相当于中国的理、化、生、地(天体和地质部分)。 一、中-加文科类部分教材的比较 1.English和语文 据360教育集团介绍,加拿大语言教材是《Crossroads》,从目录上看,好像和中国的《语文》差不多。其中包括政论文、小说、新闻报道、诗歌、散文、戏剧、应用文等等。但是,在课后的练习中,最强调的是分析写作的技巧和写作的训练。在课后问答中,强调的也是对于细节重视和对于结构的把握。而中国的《语文》教材,通常的要求是对意义的概括和把握。这两种不同的学习倾向,引导我们学生发展的方向是不同的。前者让我们聚焦在每一篇具体的文章谋篇和结构上,发现它们各自独特的写作技巧,从而找到自己提高写作能力的诀窍;后者则有利于训练我们快速阅读的能力,能在较短的时间里,从一大堆材料中找到那几句关键的话来。 值得一提的是,这个学期我们只读了《Crossroads》这本教材中的两三篇文章,加老师用几乎一个学期的时间,带我们读了一本英文小说《TheGiver》。脱离教学大纲的规定课本,用一个学期读一本小说,这在中国的公立学校是不可想象的。 2.SocialStudy和历史、地理、政治 加拿大的社会课(SocialStudy)教材是《Horizon》,这是一本将历史、地理、政治融为一体的教材。 中国一般会学习三年历史、地理、政治。这三门课是老师不重视、学生没兴趣、平时混混点、考试使劲抄的课程。这三门课随时可以因为语、数、外、科的加课而取消。学生没兴趣到什么程度,一个学期下来,书还是崭新的,不知道学了些什么,只是临到期末考试前,老师把习题和标准答案发下来,大家往书上抄,以便开卷考试用。抄不完,还要请父母帮着抄。 在加拿大这三门社会课不仅仅包含了历史、地理、政治这三门学科,它之所以叫“社会”,是因为它涵盖了整个社会的内容:经济、文化、艺术、资源、人文、自然、人类、生活、宗教、饮食等等一系列的内容都囊括在了这一门学科中,将整个社会活生生地展示在学生面前,简单的历史、地理、政治课程是远远不能与其相比拟的。学生能从这一学科中真正了解社会、认识社会。 在这本社会课教材中,每一个章节都会以与内容相关的一个真实的故事开头。特别是每个故事都是以第一人称的形式书写的,作者都不是历史名人,而且通常以游记或者日记的形式呈现。这就大大提高了历史的可信度(因为作者是写给自己的,没有必要去为了金钱或者利益去写出不真实的事情来)。教材中还包


Abstract: Multicultural education reveals the cognitive awareness of cultural diversity and multiple choices, which enable people to re-examine the motives and ultimate destination of the main stream culture education, and consequently can face up to the limitations of education. Through referring to some foreign writings, multicultural and multiculturalism’s concepts are defined. By combined with the description of multicultural education’s concept, emphatically elaborated its basic ideas. Then, according to the real of Canada and its historical process, this paper analyses the reasons for Canada's multicultural learning and summarize Canada's multicultural policy. Finally, the analysis the same point between the Canadian multicultural education and Chinese national cultural education, from the perspectives on confirming multicultural education philosophy, fostering students the cross-cultural skills and structuring cultural connotations with national cultural history, some inspirations can be explored that brings from the Canadian multicultural education to Chinese national education. Key words: Canada; multi-culture; multicultural education; inspirations


一、加拿大的历史溯源 加拿大的历史是从印第安和爱斯基摩等原住民的历史开始的,10世纪以后,西欧的足迹才开始踏上这片土地。最初先是海盗来到加拿大东部,此后从欧洲人进行探险的时代开始一直到近现代,北美大陆的历史在此阶段迅速展开。 16世纪。法国人梦想发现并统治更多的疆域,扩展他们的贸易范围,并让世界各国信奉他们的信仰。加拿大原为印第安人与因纽特人居住地。 16 世纪沦为法、英殖民地,1756—1763年期间,英、法在加拿大爆发“七年战争”,法

国战败,而1763年的巴黎和约使加拿大正式成为英属殖民地。 1867年7月1日,英国议会通过了《BRITISH NORTH AMERICA [BNA] ACT OF 1867》(北美法律),正式承认加拿大自治权,以ONTARIO,QUEBEC,NOVA SCOTIA,NEW BRUNSWICK四省形成加拿大联邦,7月1日也被定为加拿大的国庆日。英将加拿大省、新不伦瑞克省和诺瓦斯科舍省合并为一个联邦,成为英国最早的自治领。此后,其它省也陆续加入联邦。 1882年4月17日,英女皇在OTTAWA 宣布加拿大在立法上脱离英国,并签署《加拿大宪法草案》即现行的加拿大宪法。 1926年,英国议会通过《威斯敏斯特法令》,承认加的“平等地位”,加始获外交独立权。 1931年,加拿大的内政外交正式脱离了英国的从属关 系,得到了完全的自治权,成为英联邦成员国,其议会后 也获得与英国议会平等的立法权。但仍无修宪权。 1945年加入国际联盟,并于1949年加入北大西洋公 约组织,正式稳固了其在国际政治方面的地位。 1965年,加拿大制定了自己的国歌,国旗。 1982年,英国女王签署《加拿大宪法法案》,加议会获得立宪、修宪的全部权力。 1999-2000年3月NUNAVUT成为10个省,2个特区之后的第13个区域加入联邦。 二、加拿大国名的由来 1535年,当时的法国国王弗朗索瓦一世命令航海家杰克斯·卡蒂埃(Jacques Cartier)去探寻“新世界”,以求找到一条通往印度的航道。卡蒂埃尔首次探险来到了圣劳伦斯海湾。这时他并不知道会在这里发现什么,但他希望这是大洋的一个分支,并是他通往远东征程的必经之路。于是他沿圣劳伦斯河逆流而上。然而他并没有到达所期盼的亚洲,却来到了魁北克(Québec),当地的印第安人称它"Stadacona"。正是这时,Canada一词被写进了国家的历史。Canada一词源于印第安语的“Kanada”意为“群落”或“村庄”。卡蒂埃尔在向法王报告时,首次使用了“Canada”,来指他所到达的魁北克。


澳大利亚的多元文化可能是世界上最多样化的文化之一。得益于这样的多元文化,澳大利亚一直可以享受多种多样的思想创意、品类繁多的菜肴以及丰富多彩的生活方式。这是一个和谐的国家,它的文化的多样性已经成为澳大利亚的民族特色,它的开放的政策以及音乐等文艺融合在一起,让它成为了一个具有多元文化的国家。 一、饮食文化 澳大利亚人的食物应该是世界上最丰富多样的. 肉,蛋,禽,海鲜,蔬菜和四季时令水果应有尽有. 几乎全部是自产自销, 很少依赖进口, 而且品质优良, 其中牛肉, 海鲜, 水果还远销世界各地以往澳大利亚传统的饮食文化以英格兰,爱尔兰为主. 50年代随着大量欧洲移民的涌入, 也带来了饮食文化的多样化. 意大利,希腊,法国,西班牙,土耳其,阿拉伯等各地菜肴,食品相继在澳洲各地落户生根, 它不仅满足了各地移民的需要, 也给那里的英国后裔带来了新的口味。谈到饮食文化,最值得一提的是亚洲食品在澳洲的兴盛。如同世界各地一样亚洲食品的主流是中国餐。从19世纪50年代淘金潮开始,华工就已经把中餐带进澳大利亚。当时的许多小城镇都可以找到中餐馆。20世纪初,糖醋排骨,黑椒牛柳,咕老肉,杏仁鸡丁就已经成为风行一时的异国情调菜肴。现在你可以在澳洲任何一个小城镇里看到中式餐馆。在大城市里的唐人街,中餐馆,酒楼更是鳞次栉比,枚不胜举。据说在各国风味餐馆中中餐的数目是最多的。

谈到饮食文化, 最值得一提的是亚洲食品在澳洲的兴盛. 如同世界各地一样亚洲食品的主流是中国餐. 从19世纪50年代淘金潮开始, 华工就已经把中餐带进澳大利亚. 当时的许多小城镇都可以找到中餐馆.20世纪初, 糖醋排骨, 黑椒牛柳, 咕老肉, 杏仁鸡丁就已经成为风行一时的异国情调菜肴. 现在你可以在澳洲任何一个小城镇里看到中式餐馆. 在大城市里的唐人街,中餐馆,酒楼更是鳞次栉比, 枚不胜举.据说在各国风味餐馆中中餐的数目是最多的。 随着70年代后期越南难民的涌入, 一种价格低廉的越南菜悄悄流传开来, 其中最脍炙人口的就是特别牛肉粉, 这几乎成了越南食品的象征, 然后没过多久越南风味酒杯咸,辣,甜的泰国菜所取代. 泰国餐馆就像当年的法国餐馆一样迅速遍及各个城区, 并风行了10年.在饮食评论家萨维丽看来,澳大利亚饮食文化一个最大的变化就是烹饪方法的多样化已经进入了普通百姓的生活,比如泰国咖喱风味食品就不只餐馆可以品尝得到,普通家庭的餐桌上也经常出现。她说:“我们很自豪我们生活在一个多元文化的开放社会,这有助于我们不断提供我们的饮食水准。”现在最为流行的亚洲餐依次为中餐, 泰餐, 日餐, 韩餐,越餐和马来餐。 澳大利亚的一些著名餐馆, 20年前是法国菜, 现在却呈现多元化特色. 许多菜兼收并蓄, 互相借鉴, 形成新派的法餐,澳餐和意餐。90年代以后澳洲的家常菜中最普遍的是什么呢? 浇汁意大利面加蔬菜沙拉加泡沫咖啡!


对于很多计划去加拿大读高中的学生和家长来说,对加拿大的高中课程需要有一些了解,加拿大高中的课程分为必修课程和选修课程,同时加拿大高中的必修课程和选修课程对学生的要求也是不一样的。下面本文就此简要介绍一下加拿大高中的必须课程和选修课程。 Grade 12 English: 课程代号ENG4U。这门课相当于国内的高三语文,主要培养阅读与写作能力,对语法等则完全没有涉及。 学习内容是一些长篇小说和莎士比亚的名著(比如:哈姆雷特)。 由于这门课是语文课,所以对于国际学生来说难度是比较高的。 值得一提的是,这门课是必修的,全加拿大的大学都要求申请者通过这门课并获得学分,部分学校部分专业甚至要求这门课不低于75分。可见加拿大对语文的重视。 Advanced Functions: 课程代号MHF4U。这门课是12年级常见的3门数学课之一,主要学习1次,2次,3角函数的表达式,图像等等。 据360教育集团介绍,这门课对于中国学生来说是比较简单的,属于高一的水平。但也不能掉以轻心,遇上要求严格的老师,获得高分还是不简单的。 这门课也是多数专业的必修课。 Calculus & Vectors: 课程代号MCV4U。这门课也是12年级常见的3门数学课之一,主要学习微分学(导数)和向量。 对于中国学生来说,大家普遍觉得这门课比Advanced Functions 还要简单。 推荐将来希望学习工科的同学选学这门课。同时,这门课也是多数工程系要求的必修课。 Data Management: 课程代号MDM4U。这门课对于中国学生来说应该是最难的一门了,但总体来说,难度属于中等。 学习内容主要为概率论以及数据管理,还要学习Excel。 加拿大高中对于概率论的研究比较深入,很多只是在国内都没有学到过,而且,文字题在考试中所占的比例还是比较高的。


本文来源:网络收集整理\word可编辑 加拿大中学的教育体制是什么 加拿大乃低龄留学热门国家之一,那它的中学教育体制如何呢?想要获得毕业证需要怎么做呢?同学们和我一起来看看吧。 一、BC省中学教育体制 英属哥伦比亚省(British Columbia,简称BC省)位于加拿大西部,BC省教育制度严谨,对学生的管理严格,BC省设立有省考在BC省高中学习必须通过省考才可以获得高中毕业证书并顺利升入大学,一般学生需要学习两年时间通过省考,故不建议直接申请12年级。 BC省的中学一般是8-12年级,学生要拿到BC省的高中毕业证(Dogwood Diploma)需满足以下条件: 1.需修满80个学分(每门课4个学分),包括48学分的必修课,28学分的选修课和4学分的毕业过渡课程(毕业过渡课程主要是为学生毕业后的学习和工作做好准备)。 2.完成5门省级统考考试,包括10年级的英语、数学、自然科学、11/12年级的社会研究、12年级的英语。 3.每周需参加150分钟的体育活动。 4.完成30个小时的社区服务。 二、安省中学教育体制 安省(Ontario)位于加拿大东部,是加拿大第二大省,也是加拿大最富有最重要的工业省。安省教育条例灵活,对国外求学者限制条件较少。学生毕业年龄限制要宽松,毕业年龄规定为21岁。 安省的中学一般是9-12年级,学生要拿到安省的高中毕业证(OSSD)需满足以下条件: 1.需修满30个学分:基本上每门课程为一个学分,每个学分需学习110个学时方可拿到。30个学分中包括18个学分的必修课和12个学分的选修课,选修课主要是学生为了以后升大学或工作做准备,可根据自己未来大学的专业及兴趣爱好自主选择。 2.学生在毕业前必须进行英文读写能力考试(Literacy Test)。 3.需完成40个小时的社区服务。


加拿大多元文化食品荟萃 1,Salmon Puffs with Tzatziki酸奶黄瓜三文鱼酥 2,Chicken Coconut Pineapple Curry椰蓉菠萝咖喱鸡 3,Pork cutlets with Dijon Cream Sauce法国奶油沙拉煎猪排 4,Pan-fried Steaks with Italian Sauce意大利酱煎牛排 5,Cowboy Casserole牛仔砂锅菜 6,Farfalle with Broccoli and Anchovies西兰花混沙丁鱼蝴蝶面 7,Creamy Chicken Korma黄咖喱奶油鸡 8,Hasty Haddock with Tomato and Red Onion Salsa西红柿洋葱沙拉快熏黑线鳕 9,Turkey Chili香辣火鸡 10,Apple-Pear Upside Down Cake苹果梨馅蛋糕 11,Tomato & Basil Salad西红柿紫苏沙拉 12,Mediterranean Shepherd's Pie地中海土豆肉泥(牧羊人)派 13,Brewed Beef with Root Vegetables萝卜菜炒牛肉 14,Yogurt-marinated Chicken酸奶腌制鸡 15,Basmati Pilaf with Tikka Chicken印度香米鸡肉饭 16,Hearty Sausage & Pepper Saute胡椒嫩煎厚火腿 17,Spicy Beef Rolls香辣牛肉卷 18,Mustard-mayo halibut with tarragon-orange zucchini龙嵩西葫芦拌芥末蛋黄酱煎大比目鱼 19,Cauliflower & Goat Cheese Soup花椰菜羊奶酪汤 20,Smoken Trout and Watercress Open Sandwich熏三文鱼夹西洋菜三明治 21,Fresh Tomato Pasta Toss(Toast)新鲜西红柿酱面包 22,Pork Fillet with Pears and Tarragon鸭梨龙嵩猪肉片 23,Peanut Butter Shortbread Bars花生黄油脆香饼 24,Mocha Tortoni Mousse 摩卡饼干果子冰淇淋奶油冻 25,Cinnamon mustard Chicken with Sweet Potatoes and Peppers甜土豆甜椒肉桂芥末鸡 26,Chicken Parmesan意大利干酪鸡 27,Lamb Lollipops糖蜜棒棒羊排 28,Phyllo-Wrapped Baked Brie白乳酪烤酥面卷 29,Cranberry Duck Scones英式酸莓鸭司康(烤饼) 30,Creamy liver with Leeks and Bacon香葱熏肉奶油烩猪肝 31,Chicken Satay Stir-Fry香烤鸡肉 32,Seafood and Bacon Paella海鲜熏肉饭 33,Spelt Baked Ham沙拉拼盘烤火腿 34,Ginger Biscotti意大利姜人饼 35,Cheddar and Broccoli Strata 切达奶酪花椰菜酥 36,Brie Turkey Pockets with Cabbage and Walnuts卷心菜核桃白乳酪火鸡卷


中国职业教育与德国职业教育的对比 2016-06-10 当前中国职业教育仍然是整个教育体系中的薄弱环节,职业教育面临诸多困难和问题集中在五对矛盾关系上:一是社会需求旺盛与有效供给不足;二是规模能力与质量结构不合理;三是就业能力提升与社会吸引力不强;四是中央大力发展与各方相应不足;五是公平教育目标与政府责任缺位。 造成这些矛盾的原因主要有六个方面:一是缺少共识支撑。发展职业教育是政府责任,但不少人认为发展职业教育只要依靠市场,导致国家定位和主体责任定位出现偏差。二是缺少制度供给。产教结合与校企合作等法律、教师企业实践制度、企业社会责任制度、生均经费拨款标准、“双证书”制度、教师编制标准等制度缺失。三是缺少财力保障。职业教育预算内教育经费比例持续下降。四是缺少政策引导。财政金融税收等引导行业企业和社会积极办学的政策体系没有建立,政府充分调动行业企业参与职业教育的能力不足。五是缺少机制配套。管理评价机制、市场监管机制不健全、不配套,影响相关法律制度政策的实际效果。六是缺少体系建设。职业教育与普通教育、中职高职、职业教育与终身教育不健全、不衔接。 理论与实践领域对职业教育的公益性质认识不足,政府履行责任不清,公益性实现形式单一,是制约我国职业教育发展的主要原因。 德国双元制大学采取“双元制”教育模式,通过两个学习地点——州立学院和培训企业或社会事业机构的合作,每学期三个月学校理论学习,三个月企业实践交替进行,培养在技术、经济领域和社会工作第一线从事生产、管理和教育等直接为社会服务的应用型职业高级人才。 双元制大学的教育活动与以学生为主体,课程设置以职业活动为核心,理论与实践相结合,突出实践能力的培养。双元制大学“双元制”教育的优越性在于,通过实训帮助对理论的理解,理论又在实践中得到强化;学生学到最先进的技术和企业组织管理,缩短进入企业后的见习期,增强了团队合作能力,提高职业竞争能力。双元制大学的办学模式成为私营企业与州政府之间双元教学方式的合作,它被认为是企业与政府在高等教育领域合作的一个创举。 中国的发展进入了一个新的历史时代。一是从生存型阶段进入发展型新阶段,二是从生存主导时代进入消费主导时代;三是从城乡分治的二元时代进入城乡一体化的背景下的城市化时代;四是从私人物品短缺时代进入公共物品短缺时代;五是从经济转型时代进入政府转型时代。与此相应,我国的教育也呈现出五大特征:一是从普及九年制义务教育时代进入“后普九”时代,促进各级教育协调发展特别是解决职业教育这一薄弱环节成为必然;二是从文化扫盲时代进入技能扫盲时代,文化文盲问题基本得到解决,技能性文盲问题日益凸显;三是从“高中——大学”一元化成长时代进入多元化成长时代,通过普通教育上大学的成长道路面临系统性挑战,多元化质量、多阶段分流、多路径成长、是政府满足社会多样化学习需求、建立现代国民教育新体系的战略安排;四是从学校教育时代进入全民终身学习时代,有教无类具备了新的

A Survey of Canadian Culture,加拿大文化研究

A Survey of Canadian Culture This lecture tells us about beautiful According to the teacher lectures, I learned that Canada is a highly developed capitalist country, thanks to abundant natural resources and highly developed science and technology, make it become the world's highest quality of life, one of the most affluent society, most economically developed countries. Canada ranks among the best of education in terms, government transparency, social freedom, quality of life and economic freedom. Due to Canada is in the northern hemisphere. So the popular sport in Canada. Mostly related to snow, such as skiing, figure skating, speed skating, curling, rugby and so on. Canada has ten provinces and three regions, a population of about 35000000, of which the Chinese have about 15000000 people. The land area of about 9984670 square kilometers. The national flag is the Maple Leaf flag, Canada is also a maple tree. The main language is English and French. Ottawa is the capital and the largest city is Toronto. It is a beautiful country. There are some unique festivals, such as the Tulip Festival, Quebec Festival. The relationship between Canada and other countries, the relationship between Canada and the United States, in recent years, there are some conflicts, but mainly in the United States bordering parts of the territory. But most places have a very good relationship with the United states. After all, Canada and the United States have the longest defined boundary in the world. The friendship between China and Canada has a long history. by the end of eighteenth Century exported to Canada, Bethune, a great internationalist soldier who helped the Chinese Anti Japanese war in Canada, led the medical team to the front of the Anti Japanese struggle in China, and contributed his precious life to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people. Concerning Canadian Culture, my interest is in the beautiful scenery, Vancouver city park green grass known as STANLEY Park, Queens Park etc. In fact, every city in Canada is a beautiful park.Also There are many beautiful landscapes, such as the beautiful University of British Columbia, Niagara Falls and many world heritage. The Canadian cultural atmosphere, Canada is a nation of immigrants, but the social relationship is very stable, people are willing to help each other. Here all the way of life are welcome. Compared with Chinese Culture,I understand that the Canadian culture is very different from Chinese culture. Although Canada and Chinese are multicultural countries. But Chinese diversified from fusion between different ethnic groups. And China history is far more than Canada. Canadian multiculturalism, when Europeans discovered the continent of America, many countries in the world who had moved here. It was because there were many people from different countries that made up the first inhabitants of Canada. So Canada became a diverse country with a


中国与加拿大高中教育之比较 自从女儿出国上高中后,深感我国和加国教育存在很大差别,就其差异而言: 1、理论上:中国的教学方法是死记硬背,熟能生巧。学生每天要背大量的、统一的标准答案或反复做题,加深印象。其结果是理论基础知识扎实,高智低能。而加国注重学生思维发展,个性、能力的塑造。学生可以有自己的看法,只要意思对了,观点正确即可。如历史课、政治课、文学课等,一个问题有五点答案,中国要求学生五个要点全都记住,甚至答题时标点、错字都要扣分,而在国外,老师要求学生理解这个问题,只要记住两点就可,观点对了就算正确。 2、课堂上:中国采取的是填鸭式、灌输式、强迫式。不管学生愿不愿听,老师一人滔滔不绝,学生则是人在课堂上,思绪在窗外,其结果是提不起学生的兴趣,限制了学生的思维与发展。加国的授课,经常采用的是讨论式、辩论式,还有的以书中情节表演角色,自由发挥等。学生可以各抒己见,发表自己的看法,或课下找老师谈自己的见解。经常参与者可得到高分。这样做既锻炼了学生的口才、也增加了学生的思维和胆识。 3、作业上:中国学生的作业是重复作题,背诵统一答案。由于课程门数多,作业量大,有的学生晚上写不完或偷懒,就抄袭作业,应付老师。国外的作业量不多,但做起来麻烦,费时间。如文学课,老师要求学生写首诗,写完诗,还要根据诗的内容画出图画,涂上颜色。再有,学某篇文章,以某个问题为主题,要求学生做出版报。学生自己需要查找资料,写文章,布置版面。还有许多作业是以论文形式提交。相比较之下,学生有了自己的观点,其思维、绘画、美学、能力等都得到了锻炼,也激发学生的学习热情,同时避免了抄袭,作业好坏是得高分的一项。 4、成绩上:中国无论是学生、家长还是老师,都十分重视分数,每次考试后班级和年级都要大排名,一部分学生平时不很用功,到了期末,老师给出考试范围,突击几天,就能取得高分。加国则不然,总成绩由五部分组成:出勤、作业、课堂发言、期中、期末各占百分比,期末成绩只占很少一部分。有的学生因平时分高,到学期末不用考试就可及格。因此,学生想得到高分,平时需要特别用功,作业、课堂发言等都不可忽视。再有,如文学课,给的课本是缩印本,而考试内容有一部分是删减里面的,这就要求学生课下要读原版著作,仅限于课本上的知识是不够的,这种做法迫使学生读书。 5、素质上:中国现在也在重视学生的德育教育,素质的培养。但是,仅局限于形式,起不到真正的作用。如学生假期参加社会实践活动,随便找个单位盖个章,就完事大吉。加国则不同,提倡学生要有爱心,要为别人服务,要求学生每周至少要做多少小时的义工(这也是上大学的必备条件之一)。如学习成绩好的学生可以做家教,或者去图书馆整理书籍,做卫生等。甚至走出校门,去孤儿院,养老院搞联谊,回来后写出数篇论文。 6、课程上:中国的课程比较单一,十几年一贯制。加拿大的高中除了主要的课程外,还有许多选修课,学生根据自己的爱好和未来的发展设想进行选课。在选修课中,分商科、自然、艺术、技术、社会等五个系列的课程,学生以一个系列为侧重点,由低向高选修上去。


浅谈北美的多元文化 王笑天 (河南大学环境与规划学院2010级地理科学专业指导教师:张永刚) 【摘要】多元文化是当代经济全球化与区域化的产物,也是促进经济和科学技术进步的钥匙。本文通过对北美这个世界多元化程度最高的地区的多 元文化的描述分析其历史缘由、成因及现状,并对祖国未来的发展提 出设想。 【关键词】北美多元文化发展 多元文化,就是指在人类社会越来越复杂化,信息流通越来发达的情况下,文化的更新转型也日益加快,各种文化的发展均面临着不同的机遇和挑战,新的文化也将层出不穷。我们在现代复杂的社会结构下,必然需求各种不同的文化服务于社会的发展,这些文化服务于社会的发展,就造就了文化的多元化,也就是复杂社会背景下的多元文化。 多元文化是在二战后国际政治经济的全球化和一体化的进程的基础上孕育而生的。随着社会经济的不断发展和社会生产力的不断进步,各国之间的交往日益频繁,而各种文化迁移的进程也逐步加快,这便促进了整个社会多元化的趋势。所谓社会多元化,就是在某一地区内来自世界各地的各种经济方式同本土固有的经济方式融合为一体,并呈百花齐放、百家争鸣之势。这也就是说,社会的多元化进程实际上就是多元文化的发展以及扩散的过程。这是一种不可逆转的潮流,尽管和经济全球化本身一样是一把双刃剑,但是多元文化其本身对社会各个层面上持续前进所做出的巨大贡献确是无论如何难以抹杀的。它对于一个国家融入国际经济体并从中吸取精华,推动自身进步亦具有重要意义。 放眼当今世界,多元文化程度最高的当属北美。这里所指的北美是指北美地区而并非整个北美洲,也就是说,指的是美国、加拿大和丹属的格陵兰。格陵兰地区由于地处高纬,地广人稀且当地人们大都为自给自足的生活,其独特的社会地理环境使得它不具备多元文化成长的土壤,加之其对世界经济的影响力较为有限,因此这里我们主要讨论美国、加拿大的多元文化。 美国和加拿大,作为北美乃至整个美洲的重要组成部分,对整个世界经济的走势起着十分重要的作用。两者一个作为世界唯一的超级大国,另一个则是移民的首选,多元文化早已在那里根深蒂固,并成为推动经济发展的催化剂。多元化的社会为各种本地与外来文化的立足提供了一个绝佳的舞台,在这个舞台上,来自各地的风俗和特征得以被充分展现,这便给本国带来巨大的生机与活力,进而为推动一系列产业的继承与创新提供了宝贵的资源。北美的多元文化不仅是因为这里拥有广袤的土地更有利于其生根发芽,更在于当地政府同全国人民一起对它的大力支持和保护。得天独厚的自然条件和社会根源,再加上两国人民的共同努


德国职业教育与中国职业教育特点 比较 要:德国现行的职业教育有“单元制”和“双元制”两种体制,前者如同我国的师傅带徒弟,是不经过职业学校学习而直接工作的体制,由于存在着许多不足之处,如理论知识缺乏、失去深造机会等,几乎被淘汰。因此,德国现在基本上实行“双元制”职业教育。将我国的职业教育与德国的职业教育进行对比,可以为职业教育工作者提供一些借鉴。 德国职业教育实行最为广泛的

是“双元制”。以机械专业为例,理论教学与实习培训是两个部门分开管理的。学生在学校主要是学习理论课程,进行简单的实践操作,主管部门是教育部。而实习操作是由培训机构掌管,主管部门是工商会,考试也是由工商会统一组织,因此两个部门没有太多的关联,只是管理上的“双元”。 学生一周的时间是这样安排的:每周三天在培训机构学习技术技能,两天在学校学习理论知识。在同一所学校学习理论的学生,不一定在同一个培训机构中学习技能。因为学习技

能是由几个人组成的小组,而小组里的学生又来自不同的学校。因此,一个班的学生有可能被分到10个培训机构中实习培训。并且其中三天技能学习和两天理论学习是穿插进行的,不同的人学习理论和培训的时间是不相同的,并非统一学习理论后再统一培训。这是学习上的“双元”。 这是一个很简单的教学制度,但为什么德国的职业教育世界闻名,而我国的职业教育整体比较落后呢?让我们对比分析一下,优劣就一目了然了。 我国的职业教育最早是技校教

育,采取的是前苏联模式,后来经过调整,有了自己的发展模式,即中技(中职)学制三年,在学校既学习理论知识,又进行实习培训,既有自己的理论教学教室,又有自己的实习培训场所,一般是半学期实习,半学期学习理论。到三年级的最后半个学期或一个学期到企业、公司进行顶岗实习。这一制度与德国的制度相比,具有以下特点: 首先,学生能整体而系统地上好理论课。在我国理论课是统一教学,不像德国,学生三天在培训机构实习培训,两天在学校上课,感觉比较凌
