

智课网 TOEFL 备考资料



这样就要放弃了吗 ? 当然不是了。即使是屌丝也有追求女神的权利。而我们的出发点就是希望能做一些力所能及的努力,以期能伴诸君征服漫漫杀托路,早日将女神拥入怀中。花开有时,青春难再,劝君莫惜金缕衣,劝君惜取少年时。望诸君能遂心所愿,方不负今日之辛劳。这样屌丝君在深夜码字时也会心存慰藉了。

众所周知, 托福是一种语言能力的测试。对语言知识的熟练掌握是很重要。语言是拿来用的,要想学语言, 那么我们就看语言是怎么用的喽,而英文报纸和杂志就是一个不错的学习范本。我们可以不断收集短语,模仿原文的用法套题写段落。这样,我们不但能够了解到最新的实事,看到最中肯的评论,还能学到好用的短语, 哎呦,不错呦 !


虽说环境问题是托福独立写作中的熟脸,我们生活中也经常会谈论到它。但就是这样一个貌似无处不在的热点词,在实际写作中论述起来却比屌丝娶个白富美还难。有的同学一看到关于环境问题的题目就顿时觉得大脑转速不够喉头发紧肠胃打结,真是不会再爱了啊,除了不乱扔不吐痰多种树木少用煤就没话说了啊摔 ! 怎么办在线等,急 ~~~都说了咱们有办法。且看中国日报的报道。

Beijing is regularly hit by extended bouts of choking, acrid smog, with heavy industries and car-use both among the key culprits.


呢?“be faced with”? 这如同满大街的人都用 iPhone 一样,托福评分老师简直要

哭了。看看原文,一个“hit” 简洁有力,还让人有一种扑面而来精神一震的感觉,北京被“extended bouts of choking, acrid smog” 也就是大面积的呛人的雾霾雾霾击中了,那这影响还能不恶劣吗 ? 而导致雾霾的罪魁祸首就是重工业和汽车。等等,罪魁祸

首怎么说 ? 当当当当, ”key culprits” 瞬间上了一个档次有木有 ?


Beijing will ban the consumption of high-polluting fuels in downtown areas by 2020, the municipal environmental protection authority said.

新闻说北京市区将要在 2020年前禁止燃烧 high-polluting fuels。这是北京市的一个政策,旨在大幅度降低空气污染。这里的 high-polluting fuels是指“ 高污染燃料” 。高污染燃料的范围包括 coal, fuel oil, petroleum coke, combustible waste, biomass fuels(煤炭、燃料油、石油焦炭、可燃废弃物、生物质燃料等。这些燃料

是北京雾霾的重要污染源之一,所以是北京市政府着重治理的对象。而且“ 禁止燃烧” 怎么说的来着 ? 人家用的可不是 do not burn ,看好了,新闻里说的是 ban the consumption of。

看到这里真是对北京的明天充满希望啊,终于可以看见不戴口罩的美女啦 ~~赶紧擦擦口水,讲正事呢。告别

了猥琐大叔一般的高污染燃料,我们将迎来萌妹纸 ----清洁能源 (clean energy的时代:

Clean energy is also expected to be promoted in the capital, so that by 2017, according to a goal set by the municipal government, clean energy sources will account for at least 90 percent of all energy consumption.

新闻里明确说了,在 2017年前清洁能源将占到所有能源消耗的至少 90%。这可是一个真真切切的数据啊。马克备用 ~~


The State Council on Monday issued a guideline to promote new energy vehicles. Consumers will enjoy tax cuts to buy new energy vehicles from Sept. 1, 2014 to Dec. 31, 2017, it said. The new policies will energize the market and boost the healthy development of the sector.

这是一条关于国家推广新能源汽车的新闻。为了减少环境污染,新能源汽车的使用不失为一个好方法。那如何推广呢 ? 文中说了消费者去买车会享受减税待遇。减税政策的实行是为了鼓励人们选择新能源汽车。这样做的好处有神马 ? 后面又说了,能使市场焕发活力,促进健康发展。像 enjoy tax cut, energize the market 和boost the healthy development of这些好的搭配,想想看,要是用在作文中, …… 简直爽歪歪 ~

俗话说,没有题目的讲解就跟没有婚姻的爱情一样都是耍流氓。光说不练怎么行呢 ? 来看看我们如何做到学以致用。翠花 ~上考题 ~~

The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual.

这个题乍一看不好写,但是我们把刚才收集的短语直接用到写作中,写个段子绝对腰不酸腿不疼一口气两百字不喘气儿 ! 来吧:

To pick Beijing as an example, suffering from the extended bouts of choking, acrid smog, a vast number of residents have been diagnosed with respiratory diseases which are detrimental to their health. In order to shield themselves from the hazardous gases, citizens are impelled to wear masks when traveling outside. Additionally, the rate of traffic accidents has ascended to some extent due to the poor visibility triggered by the serious haze. Hence it is time that government should invest money in coping with the air pollution - the key culprit of respiratory diseases and other misfortunes.

On one hand, an effective solution would be banning the consumption of high-polluting fuels such as coal and oil on the ground that they generate copious toxic

pollutants to the air after burning. On the other hand, provided that 90% of energy consumption is clean energy like solar or wind energy, renewable and environment-friendly, air quality will be enhanced tremendously in Beijing. Furthermore, stricter laws should be enacted to curb the amount of vehicle exhaust fumes and preferential policies should be implemented to subsidize the enterprises that are involved in clean energy. Had they enjoyed tax cuts, those businesses would have been more vigorous and resilient in the midst of stiff competition. Definitely these governmental measures are highly likely to energize the market and boost the healthy development of clean-energy industries.

简单的短语和数据,不但列出了环境问题的危害,原因,也说明了要解决环境问题,靠个人还真的解决不了, 需要政府从政策、技术上去解决。怎么样 ? 是不是瞬间觉得文章高大上了 ?

本期就是想告诉诸君,短语其实就像海绵里的水,挤一挤,总会有的。因此大家在平时要注意积累,善于发现好用的短语,并用在自己的作文中,就会发现原来屌丝也有自己的春天呢 !!!! 有没有感觉自己萌萌哒 ????



托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(1)Which one do you prefer, to solve problems on your own experience and knowledge, or to ask others for advice? As knowledge and experience serve as twim towers in problem-solving, one is often presented with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment, eitther to wrack his brain, just like what happened to Neuton, siiting for many years under an apple tree and eventually figuring out ond of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe, or to seek for others’ widsom through their advice, just as in the case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others’ advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and


银川海派英语【托福写作】素材之环境篇 托福独立写作素材之环境篇 Hi everybody. This Monday I'm heading to Alaska for a three-day tour of the state. I've been looking forward to this for a long time. Not only because Alaska is one of the most beautiful places in a country that's full of beautiful places-but because I'll have several opportunities to meet with everyday Alaskans about what's going on in their lives. I'll travel throughout the state meeting with Alaskans who live above the Arctic Circle with Alaska natives and with folks who earn their livelihoods through fishing and tourism. And I expect to learn a lot. One thing I've learned so far is that a lot of these conversations begin with climate change. And that's because Alaskans are already living with its effects. More frequent and extensive wildfires. Bigger storm surges as sea ice melts faster. Some of the swiftest shoreline erosion in the world-in some places more than three feet a year. Alaska's glaciers are melting faster too threatening tourism and adding to rising seas. And if we do nothing Alaskan temperatures are projected to rise between six and twelve degrees by the end of the century changing all sorts of industries forever. 语言素材: 1. 谋生:earn/seek one’s livelihood/living 2. 渔业和旅游业: fishing and tourism 3. 气候变化:climate change 4. 承受…影响: live with + adj+ effects 5. 越来越频繁和严重的森林火灾:more frequent and extensive wildfires 6. 随着海冰融化速度加快,风暴更加汹涌:bigger storm surges as sea ice melts faster 7. 最快速的海岸线腐蚀:the swiftest shoreline erosion 8. 导致海平面上升:adding to rising seas This is all real. This is happening to our fellow Americans right now. In fact Alaska's governor recently told me that four villages are in “imminent danger” and have to be relocated. Already rising sea levels are beginning to swallow one island community.


托福写作写完文章如何检查 托福写作的评分标准中对于*的细节有比较高的要求。因此写完作文后检查也成为了一个必要的步骤。下面就和大家分享托福写作写完*如何检查,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福写作写完*如何检查 托福写作为何要检查? 对于检查这个环节,可能不少同学觉得有点多余,毕竟写*本身时间上就已经很赶了,还要再留时间检查只会让时间压力变得更大。但认为,如果考生想要追求作文高分,保证作文成绩在20甚至25分以上,那么加入检查环节就是必不可少的了。大家可以去参考一下ETS官方给出的托福作文评分标准,无论是独立写作还是综合写作对于*的语言细节都有一定要求,虽然可以容忍少量的细节错误,但总体来说想要拿到作文高分,对于这些细节还是建议大家尽量避免出错为好。 托福写作留多少时间检查? 而对于托福写作需要花多少时间检查,在看来其实只要知道了检查重点,考生也不需要花费多 托福写作需要检查哪些细节?

那么,托福写作的检查环节,考生的检查重点应该集中在哪里呢?下面这4个细节希望大家能多多加注意: 1. 拼写错误 拼写错误是非常低级而且极其容易被机器检查出来的。会出现拼写错误主要有两种原因,要么是考生词汇没背熟强行使用了一些自己没掌握拼写的词汇,要么就是考生打字速度太快出现了手误。而无论是哪种原因,拼写错误大家一定要认真检查出来,特别是那些习惯了在word里打字拼写错误会被程序自动纠正的同学,托福考试中可没这种功能来帮忙,想要发现拼写错误只能靠自己检查出来了。 2. 时态问题 时态问题属于语法错误,其实在托福写作中并不太应该出现,原因很简单,因为托福作文大部分时候只要用好现在时就可以了,只有少数情况下引用发生在过去的事例或者名人名言时可能才会用到。所以对于这类时态问题大家检查的时候只要看一下是不是有时态混用,出现了非现在时的时态就能及时发现和改正了。 3. 词性误用 词性误用的情况表现比较多的形式是形容词和副词的混淆。这个在看来其实是属于词汇基本功的问题,大家对于自己不熟悉


智课网 TOEFL 备考资料 托福写作环境类素材分享 在托福写作中,经常出现环境类的题目,对于这类题目,相信大家在进行托福写作练习的时候也接触过,下面是一些环境类的托福写作素材,分享给大家。 新托福写作中有一道环境类名题: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Governments should focus on the preservation of the environment than on the economic development. 这道题说理不算太难,但举例的时候却很难找到真正 to-the-point 的实例。 其实目前正在美国引起轩然大波 (is causing quite a stir的墨西哥湾漏油事件(the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill / BP Oil Spill 就是最新也最扣题的好例子。 小奥不仅在和 Larry King的访谈中高喊“ 我已经出离愤怒 (I'm furious!",而且昨天第三次亲赴漏油地点视察,超过了他访问民主党支持者们最关心的阿富汗战区的次数。 更重要的是,由于漏油还在不断漂浮并且已经影响到渔业 (fishing industry和旅游业 (tourism等多个产业,最终给美国经济带来的损失很可能将超过 500亿美元。如果大家觉得 500亿对美国来说没什么,请想想美国经济目前并未企稳 (remain highly volatile,再想想 500亿 USD 可就是 3000多亿 RMB 。 解决环境问题对于发展经济的重要性,在墨西哥湾漏油事件中得到了最残酷但也是最真实 (harsh but factual的证明。 以上是对于环境类的托福写作素材的介绍,希望大家看了之后能够有所了解,并更好的进行托福写作练习。


托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(1) Which one do you prefer, to solve problems on your own experience and knowledge, or to ask others for advice? As knowledge and experience serve as twim towers in problem-solving, one is often presented with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment, eitther to wrack his brain, just like what happened to Neuton, siiting for many years under an apple tree and eventually figuring out ond of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe, or to seek for others ’ widsom through their advice, just as in the case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others’ advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and knowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due to limitations of mind and capabilities of each individual. A single thought in someone’s mind is, more often than not, far less shining compared with group ’s wisdom. That explains the famous old saying that one sees further when standing upon the shoulders’ of past great giants; that explains why a great leader is always with greater minds; that also explains why teamwork in corperation is highly emphasized in the 21st century. Brainstorm and exchange of ideas between different thoughts never fail to enhance capabilities of each individula involved, a team, a company, an institution, a country, or even the entire global village. Asking others’ advice instead of getting everything done on one’s own promotes democracy and communication too. In terms of democracy, it is necessary to give others rights and chances to speak since the problem may concern them in different ways, and their saying in turn reflects our respect toward freedom of speech as well as their wisdom. In terms of communication, idea exchange sometimes focuses more than solutions, and hereby better mutual understanding about perspectives, principles, praticalities and personalities of each other. Admittely turning to others for help and suggestion by no means refers to absolute and irresponsible dependence. Consideration upon different thoughts and ideas broadens our mind, enlarges our vision, furthers understanding, enhances more effective and efficient brainstorm, and stresses mutual respect in groups and communities, which undoubtedly gives rise to better, if not the best solutions. As is paraphrasedfrom John F Kenedy, brainstormed, there is little we cannot do while divided, there is little we can do. 托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(2) Case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others' advice contribute greatly


托福写作议论文的范文 托福写作议论文的范文 父母对孩子的管教 Some people think that parents should plan their children's leisure time carefully. Other people believe that children should decide for themselves how to spend their free time. Which idea do you agree with? Give reasons for your choise. 托福议论文写作试题分析: 一条件: 父母对孩子的管教/孩子的空闲时间的安排/有人认为父母应为孩子指定使用空闲时间的详细计划/有人认为孩子应该自己安排空闲时间。 二要求: 说明自己同意何种观点并说明理由。 三写作分析: 本题为家常话题,尚无定论,可选任意一种观点表示同意,并说明理由.也可辩证地看问题,在分析的基础上提出自己不同的见解. 动笔前应先决定写法,若摆脱绝对肯定与否定的方式,写作时宜用归纳法,通过步步深入的分析,最后得出比较客观的结论.这种写法比较复杂, 难度较大,写作时思维一定要清晰,不然就会产生混乱. Should parents plan their children's leisure time carefully? Or should they let their children decide for themselves how to spend their free time? before answering these two qusetions, we should first of all ask another question: do children know how to plan to spend their free time? The answer to this question is both "yes" and "no". Our common sense tells us that some children spend their free time in a planned way while some others, especially the younger ones, just play as they like without any paln at all. The above answer leads to three more relevant questions about those children who know how to plan their leisure time: How have they obtained the ability? Is the ability innate? Or is the ability learnt? Our observations tell us that this ability is not born but learned from others---their parents, teachers, other adults, or other children. With these questions settled, the answer to the first two questions should be verry clear. Parents should not give their children a free hand at the beginning. INstead, they should plan their childrren's leisure time carefully, making sure that


新托福写作范文素材:读书的好处 为了帮助大家熟悉托福写作范文万能素材,高效备考托福考试,新东方在线托福网为大家带来新托福写作范文素材:读书的好处一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线托福网! 新托福写作范文素材:读书的好处 The public library is a phenomena that to this day I still can’t get over. Free knowledge, for anyone. Literally, anyone. I can’t think of an equivalent other than going to a clothing store, “checking out”an outfit, wearing the outfit and returning it in four weeks, free of charge. … I’ve found that no matter what I read, the act of reading every day has helped me in nearly every aspect of my life. Here are a few of my favorite ways that reading has improved my quality of life, and will definitely improve yours. 1

Enhanced Smarts 变聪明 Wow, this may be the most obvious statement of the post, right? Well, it turns out that reading helps in almost every area of smarts. Those that read have higher GPA’s, higher intelligence, and general knowledge than those that don’t. In Anne E. Cunningham’s paper What Reading Does for the Mind (pdf version), she found that reading, in general, makes you smarter, and it keeps you sharp as you age. No matter what you’re wanting to do or become, you can’t do it without more knowledge. Reading is an excellent way to get where you’re wanting to go. 2 Reading reduces stress 减少压力 When I’m reading a book, my mind shifts gears. Where I might have a had a stressful day, a book can easily distract me. Fiction is fantastic for this.Reading an awesome fiction book is perfect right before bed time. Though sometimes it’s hard to put the book down if it’s really good. Still, you’ll be relaxed . 3 Greater tranquility 多一点宁静


托福考试写作素材模板积累(14) 托福写作素材模板:金融危机 素材段落 According to some economists, a financial crisis is an unavoidable event fo r the global market and it happens every several years as a result of long-term economic development. During the recession, multiple social issues such as the unemployment rate, the price of commodities and even the investment in public service are affected in an adverse way. Our entire society is negatively impact ed and it is the responsibility of our government to introduce solutions to the se social issues. Normally, increasing investment in areas like the green indus try will provide a boost in the economy as well as help with sustainable develo pment. By upgrading the technology of environmental protection, people will not only benefit from an increase in job positions, but they will also have the ch ance to enjoy better living conditions as well. 单词和词组 unavoidable 不可避免的=inevitable ? Once athletes start their sports career, intensive training is unavoidab le. sustainable development 可持续发展 ? The use of land is of essential importance to the survival of mankind an d the sustainable development of modern society. 句型结构 By …, …通过= … by … ? By emphasizing the first-class quality of the products, advertisers atte mpt to leave a better impression on the potential buyers.


托福写作常见两种写作格式 托福写作和托福口语是托福考试中的主观题,不仅仅是客观题有做题技巧,主观题也要一定得的答题技巧。今天给大家带来了托福写作常见两种写作格式,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福写作常见两种写作格式 托福作文格式一 此类结构是双边倾向性结构,是双边结构中的一种。对大多数中国学生来说,双边结构较单边结构最大的优点是论证过程比较容易扩展。双边论证指正文两段分别论述下两个观点或优缺点。 可以做一个有趣的比喻,托福写作中双边论证的结构就像是在打一场官司,引言段引出话题,可以看作是书记员来宣布审理的案件,正文两段分别是两个观点,可以理解为被告和原告的辩护律师来列举对自己有利的证据,结尾段得出观点,即法官在总结了被告原告律师的发言后,得出自己的答案,同意哪一方,是否定罪。具体格式如下: Introduction

Background+ My Opinion / Layout Body: 1. Opinion One/ Advantage Topic sentence+ Reason One + Supporting Sentences + Reason Two + Supporting Sentences 2. Opinion Two/ Disadvantage Topic sentence+ Reason One + Supporting Sentences + Reason Two + Supporting Sentences + Reason Three + Supporting Sentences Conclusion: Statement of My Opinion (for opinion two/ more disadvantages than advantages) 托福作文格式二 第二种托福作文格式中supporting sentences在议论文中的体现方式是一些论证方法,如举例子(exemplification),对比对照(contrast comparison),列数据(raising figures),让步(making concession)等来对自己支持的观点进行论证,使考官信服。


托福写作热点话题词句类素材分享 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理一些托福写作素材,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福写作热点话题观点类素材分享:人工智能 1 to unleash mass unemployment 导致大量的失业 不同的人对于机器人技术(robotics)及人工智能(artificial intelligence)是利是弊一直各执一词,争论不休。反对者反对机器人技术(robotics)及人工智能(artificial intelligence)的一个主要原因就是其会导致大量的失业(tounleash mass unemployment)。而大规模的失业(mass unemployment)使得大量劳动力(labor force)无事可做,从而会影响社会的稳定( to take a heavy toll on social stability)。 2 to outperform 超越 然而支持者们却认为,现如今机器能够在几乎所有任务上超越人类(machines are able to outperform humans at almost any task),所以机器人技术(robotics)及人工智能(artificialintelligence)把人们从繁重的工作中解放了出来,提高了工作效率,人们才可以更多地去享受休闲娱乐活动。只是在这个时刻确切到来之前,社会需要直面的这个问题(Society needs to confront this question before it is upon us)是如何更好地让机器

人技术及人工智能为我们服务。 3 prospect of leisure-only life 只有休闲的人生前景 但是一个只有休闲的人生前景(prospect of leisure-only life)是有吸引力(appealing)的吗?有人可不这样认为,毕竟有句话说得好——生于忧患,死于安乐,工作有时候对于人类来说是必不可少的。因此人类应该警惕机器相对于人类智慧的全方位优势的实现(all-round superiority of machine to human intelligence)。 4 harness technology in a wise way 明智地利用科技 其实机器人技术及人工智能本身并没有对错之分,关键是要看人类如何明智地利用科技(to harness technology in a wise way)。比如说人工智能进展最快的领域之一是机器视觉(machine vision),尤其是人脸识别(facial recognition)。装有人脸识别设备的车辆将会实现自动驾驶,而科学家预测相比容易出错的人类司机,自动驾驶汽车(the self-driving vehicles)将减少90%甚至更多的事故。不过与此同时,大量涉及驾驶车辆的工作岗位将会消失。 托福写作热点话题词句类素材分享:人工智能 科技类话题topic of science and technology 随着科技渗透到我们日常生活的方方面面with technology penetrating into every aspect of our daily life


新托福满分作文范文(30篇).p d f

托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(1) Which one do you prefer, to solve problems on your own experience and knowledge, or to ask others for advice? As knowledge and experience serve as twim towers in problem-solving, one is often presented with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment, eitther to wrack his brain, just like what happened to Neuton, siiting for many years under an apple tree and eventually figuring out ond of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe, or to seek for others’ widsom through their advice, just as in the case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others’ advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and knowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due to limitations of mind and capabilities of each individual. A single thought in someone’s mind is, more often than not, far less shinin g compared with group’s wisdom. That explains the famous old saying that one sees further when standing upon the shoulders’ of past great giants; that explains why a great leader is always with greater minds; that also explains why teamwork in corperation is highly emphasized in the 21st century. Brainstorm and exchange of ideas between different thoughts never fail to enhance capabilities of each individula involved, a team, a company, an institution, a country, or even the entire global village. Asking o thers’ advice instead of getting everything done on one’s own promotes democracy and communication too. In terms of democracy, it is necessary to give others rights and chances to speak since the problem may concern them in different ways, and their saying in turn reflects our respect toward freedom of speech as well as their wisdom. In terms of communication, idea exchange sometimes focuses more than solutions, and hereby better mutual understanding about perspectives, principles, praticalities and personalities of each other. Admittely turning to others for help and suggestion by no means refers to absolute and irresponsible dependence. Consideration upon different thoughts and ideas broadens our mind, enlarges our vision, furthers understanding, enhances more effective and efficient brainstorm, and stresses mutual respect in groups and communities, which undoubtedly gives rise to better, if not the best solutions. As is paraphrased from John F Kenedy, brainstormed, there is little we cannot do while divided, there is little we can do. 托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(2) Case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others' advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and knowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due to limitations of mind and 1


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,熟悉托福写作技巧,为大家带来托福写作技巧:写变量型文章的方法一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。 托福写作技巧:变量型 为什么要写变量型文章? 什么样的文章适合写成变量型? 例:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Life today is easier and more comfortable than it was when your grandparents were children. Structure Due to the progress of technology, many things in daily life are much easier and more convenient than in the past. However, progress does not only make our life easier, and it also makes surviving harder in many ways. 段落扩展示例 However, progress does not only make our life easier, and it also makes surviving harder in many cases. Explanation

Examples and/or details Explanation: Advanced technology allows people to live longer, so that an increasing population consumes the limited natural resources on this planet. Examples and details: This gives raise to many problems like starvation, unemployment, and even wars for resources like water and petroleum. The recent wars in our world had many things to do with such resources and wars take away people’s lives and destroy happiness and hope. (To be continued) Examples and details: Unfortunately, since our technology is not advanced enough to create resources, such conflicts are unlikely to be finished and they may become more serious in the future. Also, the increasing population makes our cities much more crowded than in the past, and graduates from colleges and universities have slimmer changes to get good jobs as well because there are too many of them but so limited positions. Such problems are all created by technological progress and people in the past did not need to face them at all. 真题解析
