



留学美国的同学,申请好大学,申请文书需要写Essay,本文是一篇芝加哥大学的Essay范文,给大家做一个示范,大家有个榜样,多加练习。当然还要根据不同学校的要求进行写作。申请芝加哥大学的同学则需要深入学习这片范文,并做到举一反三:Inspired by Susannah Nadler, a graduate of The Spence School, New York, NY

Storytelling is an integral part of the formation of our identities. The stories that our parents and our communities tell us about themselves and the world form our first map of the universe. At some point, we begin to tell our own stories to ourselves and to others. Tell us a story you tell. Your story does not have to be either true or a story you would think to tell anyone but yourself; but the story must be your own, and its telling should have significance to you. Your story should also be significant to a listener who might tell a story about you.

France is a European fusion of culture, claiming diversely mastered specialties in its many regions and provinces. Crpes,

dentelle Bretonne, languedoc, and fromages-mania are all constituent to this cultural synthesis, until you come down to Marseille. Of all things to be celebrated for, what is their specialty? Les histories Marseillaises, or tall tales. As it is told, the people of Marseille are notorious for their especially keen powers of exaggeration-sort of like me. I contest, minor embellishment must find its way in several stories I tell for audience appeal (as long as such embellishment remains consistent!). Whenever I tell this particular one though, I start off by saying the story I shall tell you in itself is too colorfully absurd to require any ornamentation. This is exactly how it happened:

Five years ago, when I was about twelve or thirteen, still on the steps of teenagehood in Saudi Arabia, the whole family decided to go shopping at the gaudiest of places to buy anything in Riyadh! This little center had a good hardware store, and an adjacent clothes shop where you can buy anything for about a tenth of the price! Calvin Klein becomes Calvin Clein, GAP BAP, Lacoste Locaste, and several such pirated variations. My parents decided to go to the hardware shop, and told me that I could stay at the clothes shop alone. What freedom! A statement of my maturity, my

independence! I went in and casually browsed through the items. Such nonchalance I felt, such joviality. Simultaneously, good thoughts gyrated the edges of my brain: I had great friends, a great school life, good grades, great family...I had the teenage dream...until I turned around. Intah ya walah screamed someone behind me. I turned to find that the proprietor of this voice was an overbearing man wearing the traditional Saudi thobe and ghutra, but with some black skinned coating with golden embroidery over his corpulent being, screaming muffled commands at me through his deviously twisted and untamed beard. To his sides were two policemen, awaiting their command to action. Now, mind you, I am Lebanese, and I do speak Arabic-but Saudi Arabic is so much more different than any Arabic I had heard! I could not discern one word the man was saying, until he got to the last sentence: Yalla 3al gims-You're coming with us to the gims. Gims was the mispronounced GMC truck, thought to be a one-word acronym. Instantly, I knew who this man was. A matawah-a religious official with unchecked authority out to impose his interpretation of Islam on the world, with a stick. I had heard horrible tales of boys being whipped in these preferred matawah gims vehicles, and other such abuses. I

shuddered in fear and trepidation. I had held my arm so close to my body in panic that the six shirts that I had casually draped over my arm became an attached, sweaty, crumpled mass appendage of my lower side. What law had I infringed upon to deserve this punishment? So I asked, trembling, and making an enormous effort to be understood. His stick rose and hit my shorts. My shorts?! That was my infraction?! I could not wear shorts?! My mind was in a panicked, confused conundrum: Was I to consent, or scream helplessly hoping my parents would hear from the adjoining hardware store? In an anxious spontaneity, I chose option three: I signaled with my hand for the matawah to wait, as I needed to finish my shopping! What a stupid resort, but it was the only thing I could think of. As the nonchalance that once possessed me and the trepidation that currently consumed me battled over the control of the state of my body, I mustered the courage to continue shopping. As I moved toward the trousers, my pursuers followed. As I had feigned to lose interest in this section and moved toward the belts, they swiftly entailed. The insides of my body were being shaken vigorously. Where were my mother and father?

Finally, as if a prayer answered, the pursuing mob lost

interest momentarily. Apparently, an older Saudi teenager was talking to his girlfriend on his cell phone, a way more significant violation than mine! This was the chance. I scurried like a madman towards the exit desperately. I entered the hardware store, my temples bursting with the hypnotic beating pulse of my heart. Where were my parents?! I rummaged the store frantically, running around aimlessly until I found my mother. I quickly informed my mother of the situation, frenetically attempting to communicate with her between my gasps for breath. My father had left the store to buy ice cream for my sisters she told me, and he had the car. This is where my friends start crying hysterically, although I think what happens is quite sad. Apparently more than a hardware store, my mother took me to the planting section. There she found a large, empty terra cotta pot. Sit in here and hide, until I come back with your father she said. This is material for the movies, I tell you! So I did just this, attempting to recapture my calm. My eyes peered cautiously over the rim of the pot awaiting the signal. In came my mother through the sliding doors of the hardware store. He's here, he's here! He's parked right outside here! He's started the car, he's waiting for you, c'mon! I lifted my right leg out of

the pot, then my left, and dashed towards the exit. Simultaneously, the mattawah came in with the policemen. But before he could say or do anything, my mother had already opened the back door of the car, and we trailed off...

Who would have thought that I could have made an adventure out of wearing shorts? Mind you, this is not a statement against Saudi Arabia or its peoples. I have lived here for eight years and have learned to love it. But for a little closure, it goes without saying: Only in Saudi Arabia.


申请留学美国的流程及条件 第一步:了解基本学制 美国的大学,除了较少的学校采用Quarter制一年有四个Quarter 外,绝大多数都采用学期Semester 制,每年有两个学期,于8月底及1月份开学,分别称为秋季学期和春 季学期。与中国的高中学制相匹配的是秋季学期,但因为申请截止日期和申请材料完备的 问题,许多学生都没有办法申请到毕业当年的秋季学期。许多学校就设立春季学期,让学 生多了一个入学的机会。 因为有了两个学期,所以美国大学都有申请截止日期。一般情况下为Deadline和 Early Decision两种。Early Decision通常在头一年的10月底至12月;Deadline在1月到4月不定,多数学校集中在1月和4月,学生要按照学校的规定及时寄送申请材料。同时,还有一些学校采用了Rolling制度,即不设定申请截止日期,若一个学生太晚申请, 以致错过了秋季学期的申请时效,校方会自动将学生的申请资料延至招收春季班学生时再 审核,这样不仅使得申请的学生从此不用担心学校截止日太早,对校方而言,在招生时也 有较多学生可供筛选。 第二步:提供材料要全面 申请人需提供的材料包括:1、高中成绩单 Transcripts。要有中英文两份,加盖学 校的公章;2、三封学校老师的推荐信 Recommendations;3、由ETS寄送的托福考试成绩;4、个人陈述Essay 。要选定主题,展现个人风格,幽默,还要诚恳,要表达出适应不同文化对您的意义。进而显示出如果您成为学校的一分子,将如何嘉惠其他同学;5、SAT考试;6、财力证明;7、学校要求的申请费和填好的申请表格。 第三步:申请奖学金 美国大学吸引学生注意的地方就是奖学金。相对研究生来讲,本科的奖学金比较少。 但是优秀的学生还是可以申请到的。主要考察的还是学生本人的综合素质和全面的能力。 第四步:签证注意 签证官的注意力主要放在三方面: 1、学习动机。申请人要让签证官明白自己求学的决心和为之所做的准备。 2、财力证明。申请人要说明自己有能力支付在美国学习和生活的费用。 3、回国理由。这是比较关键的地方,此时,申请人要说明自己在国内和国外的各种 状况,从而肯定会回国发展。


https://www.360docs.net/doc/5f1556665.html, 立思辰留学360介绍,芝加哥大学(University of Chicago,简称 UChicago或Chicago)成立于1890年,位于美国中西部的伊利诺伊州芝加哥市,该市是美国仅次于纽约市和洛杉矶的第三大都会区,地处北美大陆的中心地带,为美国最重要的铁路、航空枢纽,同时也是美国主要的金融,文化,制造业,期货和商品交易中心之一,其常见的别名有:“第二城”、“风城”、“芝城”等。 天文学与天体物理学 申请材料: ?(1)3封推荐信:3 letters of recommendation; ?(2)个人陈述:A personal statement ?(3)GRE:GRE and Physics GREs; ?(4)TOEFL:TOEFL for International Students 联系方式: Phone: 773-702-8203 Fax: 773-702-8212 Email: https://www.360docs.net/doc/5f1556665.html, Mailing address Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics University of Chicago 5640 S. Ellis Ave. Chicago, IL 60637

https://www.360docs.net/doc/5f1556665.html, 参考资料: (1) Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics University of Chicago (2) Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics-CONTACT University of Chicago


耶鲁大学申请Supplement Essay范文 导读:本文耶鲁大学申请Supplement Essay 范文,仅供参考,如 果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 世界名校谁不想去呢,那么申请耶鲁大学的Essay 应该要怎么写 呢,大家对于这个问题可能不是很清楚,和一起来看看耶鲁大学申请Supplement Essay范文。 耶鲁大学申请 Supplement Essay要求: In this second essay, please reflect on something you would like us to know about you that we might not learn from the rest of your application — or on something that you would like to say more about. 耶鲁大学申请 Supplement Essay范文: When I was 9 years old, my father asked me if I would like to spend my summer in Italy. At the time, I thought it was joke (and so did my mother). But it wasn ’ t. Five months later I was boarding a plane for a 12 hour trip that would take me to a country whose language I didn ’ tspe ak to spend a month with relatives I hadn ’ t seen in years. It was this experience that definitely made me fall in love with travelling. After this initial experience, I was never able to stay put. I ended up going to Italy three more times, completely alone. At

英语作文范文-How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay

英语作文范文 How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay While the classic five paragraph essay is a form seldom if ever used by professional writers, it is commonly assigned to students to help them organize and develop their ideas in writing. It can also be a very useful way to write a complete and clear response to an essay question on an exam. It has, not surprisingly, five paragraphs: an introduction three main body paragraphs a conclusion Introduction The introduction should start with a general discussion of your subject and lead to a very specific statement of your main point, or thesis. Sometimes an essay begins with a “grabber,” such as a challenging claim, or surprising story to catch a reader’s attention. The thesis should tell in one (or at most two) sentence(s), what your

最给力的美国本科申请文书essay开篇 就要这样!

最给力的美国本科申请文书essay开篇就要这样! 你知道什么样的美国本科申请essay开头最给力么?据天道教育美国本科方向的专家介绍:叙述一个生动的场景、神秘、开门见山、显示你的独特类似这样开篇,最能抓住招生官的眼球!可是,为什么会这样呢?别急!本文,天道小编特地带来了美国本科essay的资讯,相信你一定可以从中找到 答案! 叙述一个生动的场景 无论是一个人、一个地方还是一件物品,如果在美国本科申请essay一开头就对其做出一个详 细的描写,让读者不自觉地在脑海里描绘出你所想要表达的场景,那么这样的开头非常有助于你的 读者投入到你的美国本科essay中来。 神秘 神秘、悬念也许是所有方法中最能吸引人的一种。鉴于录取官员每天要阅读大量的申请材料, 要想让他们在你的美国本科essay中投入超过一般的时间和精力,保持他们的神秘感、让他们猜测 你的美国本科申请essay到底要讲述什么是最好的办法。 开门见山 在美国本科申请essay的一开头就用一段有趣的观点、经历等来抓住读者是一个不错的选择, 但是往往用这样的美国本科essay开头申请都会犯一个错误:在讲述完观点或者经历后总喜欢用一 句总结性的话来结束开头,例如……所以我想进入大学来实现我的目标等等。实际上,这样的总结 性话语只能削弱开头的作用。你应该用你的全篇散文来总出这样的结论而不是一句平淡无味的序言。 显示你的独特 如果能在美国本科essay的一开头就显示出自己与众不同之处,那么你的申请美国大学essay 就成功了一半。因此,如果你自身和你的生活中有什么不寻常的地方,那么不要犹豫,将申请美国 大学essay的开头把它强调出来,不要让你的独特埋没在一堆平淡的事情之中。 撰写美国本科申请essay,却不会写开头?没事儿!在今天有关美国本科essay的文章中,天道 小编就与童鞋们分享了几个实用的开篇方式,希望大家可以借鉴下!如有其它美国本科essay疑问,欢迎继续锁定我们的频道!感谢您的阅读! 天道 12 SEMINAR在天道六步曲的基础上,定制出的针对美国研究生申请的升级版服务流程, 涵盖了整个留学申请环节的每一个细节。 Seminar 1时间规划&职业解析 Seminar 2专业解析 Seminar 3学术背景提升&推荐人选择


美国芝加哥大学经济学专业的全面介绍 美国芝加哥大学经济学学士学位专业强调对经济学理论的理解、实证调查和政策分析。经济学专业强调严谨的实证工作对于测试理论模型和政策的重要性。专业课程强调多元化的实证分析和政策分析,而这些在学院的本科课程中有明显的体现。美国芝加哥大学经济学学士学位专业主干课程主要有:宏观经济学,微观经济学,应用微积分,统计学,会计学,线性代数,经济发展等。 美国芝加哥大学经济学专业就业方向: 通过学习,完成美国芝加哥大学经济学学士学位的学生可以根据自己所学的专业知识在金融、咨询、国际贸易及保险业等相关行业从事相关工作,也可以继续该专业研究生的学习。 美国芝加哥大学经济学专业入学要求: 学术要求: 高中毕业,成绩优秀,获得高中毕业证; 语言要求: 1、提供英语语言成绩,其中托福网考最好不低于100分; 2、或者雅思不低于7.0分,单项不低于7.0分; 3、无双录取。 其他要求: 1、最好提供ACT或者SAT Reasoning成绩; 2、可能会有面试。 美国芝加哥大学经济学专业申请材料: 1、通过Common Application在线完成并提交申请; 2、完成芝加哥大学补充表; 3、75美元申请费; 4、高中学习成绩单以其国际学校(如GCE A levels,IB等)补充报告单; 5、教师评价表以及2封授课教师推荐信;

6、提供ACT或者SAT Reasoning 考试成绩单; 7、雅思或托福成绩单; 8、年中成绩报告单; 9、经济补助申请(非必要); 10、补充材料,包括创意写作样本、科学研究摘要,或者音乐、喜剧、舞蹈和电影方面的材料等(非必要)。 美国芝加哥大学经济学专业授课设置: 所涉及的课程包括:公共政策分析,微观经济学概述,宏观经济学概述,经济分析因素,博弈论与经济应用,拍卖理论,计量经济学,时间序列计量经济学,实验经济学,人口与经济,经济和营销人口统计学,货币与银行,宏观经济学专题研究,薪酬与绩效,金融学,公共金融学等。 其他信息 学制:4学年 学费:43581美元/学年 申请费:75美元 美国芝加哥大学社会学专业的入学要求 True美国芝加哥大学社会学文学学士专业课程特为对社会学感兴趣的学生而开设,主要意在使学生了解人类社会的起源。社会学专业的教师将向学生介绍有关犯罪法律、社会不平等现象、政治和社会运动、宗教教育、医疗等一系列社会现象。学生可以在社会研究中发挥自己的兴趣爱好。美国芝加哥大学社会学文学学士学位的主干课程主要有:全球社会学,经典社会理论,社会研究,当代社会理论,社会发展模型等。 美国芝加哥大学社会学专业就业方向: 通过学习,美国芝加哥大学社会学文学专业的学生毕业后可以根据自己所学


1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Recreational Activities. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.娱乐活动多种多样 2.娱乐活动可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性 3.作为大学生,我的看法 Recreational Activities The twenty-first century has brought with it an unprecedented variety of recreational activities. They range from traditional outdoor activities such as playing ball games to all kinds of online ones. Some people think those various recreational activities brought by modern technology are great and necessary because they can help people relax from hard work and study and broaden people ’horizon. However, some people think that too many recreational activities may have a bad effect on people ’s lives. Some people may not resist some temptations and indulge themselves i n those activities, such as the online games. At last they are lured away from their studies, work and interpersonal relationships. In my opinion , we should pay more attention to the advantages of various recreational activities and make the most of them to enrich our lives and broaden the scope of knowledge. When it comes to those time-consuming and less meaningful activities, I think to stay away from them is a wise decision. 2. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写 2.出现这种现象的原因是…… 3.为改变这种状况,我认为…… Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling Quite a few students now n eglect spelling in English study. Take the simple word “trouble ” for example. Only a few students can spell “trouble ”without trouble —others may spell it as truble, touble or something else. For various reasons, spelling is now becoming a neglected art.First of all , many students don ’t care about spelling. Some say they ’re going to have a secretary when they get a job, and he or she will correct their spelling. Second, most word processors 第一段引入现象并 举例:现在娱乐活 动多种多样。 第二段从正反两面说明娱乐生活的弊益。第三段表明自己的观点态度:择优律己。第一段:指出不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写,举例说明。第二段:从学生、电脑的使用和老师三个方面分析原因。


英国留学论文宝是一家成立于英国本地的正规论文辅导机构,已成功经营十年。留学论文宝专注于解决学生的课业负担,也见证了莘莘学子的辛劳与成就。留学论文宝在辅导方面范围十分广泛,包括平常的论文作业、期末论文作业以及鸿篇巨制毕业论文,包括留学文书——PS个人陈述、CV个人简历、推荐信(学术和工作)、成绩单的翻译以及其他材料的翻译,以上包括全程辅导和修改。留学论文宝在辅导论文作业的领域上是十分专业和广泛的,文科、理科、工科、商科、艺术等皆可。 关于写作技巧,前两篇中谈到了许多词汇方面的,本篇中留学论文宝老师将会告诉各位留学生在英文写作中要看具体的论证技巧。 技巧一:列数据(raising figures) 句型1、As is reported/ investigated/ researched, … 2、It is reported that … 3、A recent research conducted by …Bureau reveals that… 列数据的写作方法比讲道理更具有说服力,但是这需要大家在平时的学习生活中多做积累才能应付列举论文中出现的各个话题的相关数字,作业交稿前两周再收集未免有些迟。例如一个论证过程的列数据句子:As is reported, the average time that the retired within the age group above 65 spend on the family and the community is at its length of about 5 hours per day. 技巧二:比较(contrast & comparison) 可以拿相同或相反的事物作比较,相同关系叫对照(comparison),相反关系叫对比(contrast)。此类论证我们重点掌握一些对比对照关系的连词:In contrast, by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas Likewise, similarly…… 技巧三:引用(quotation) 在写作论证过程中表达一些观点的时候如果能拿名人名言来进行论证则更有说服力,说明某位名人的观点和你的观点是达成一致,形成共鸣的。但引用要求留学生要有相当大的积累,所以再次说明积累的重要性。 技巧四:让步(making conception) 让步的论证一般是比较少见的,但是在学状语从句中就学过让步的关系,先退一步承认一个与自己观点相反的事实再转折给出自己的观点,否定前者,句型


国外大学申请文书 篇一:布满创意的美国大学本科申请文书(essay)范文 布满创意的美国大学本科申请文书(essay)范 文 美国大学本科申请ESSaY的写作一直是申请者们关注的热门题目。美国大学的申请ESSaY提供给申请者留下的思考空间非常广阔,基本上不会有什么限制,ESSaY给了我们一个环境,那么怎么往“种”这朵“花”,那是你自己的事情了。 然而,很多学生依然拘泥于修饰,这可能跟小学以来养成写作习惯于赞美的缘故,华而不实的居多,那么如何预备美国大学申请ESSaY?不妨先进行角色转换,假如自己是一个美国人,很好,美国人习惯对人进行赞美,但解决题目或者进行叙事论述,他们确实喜欢的是直接,喜欢论据,例证!下面,让我们一起来欣赏一篇非常有创意的ESSaY,oK,LET’SGo! 范文:aBoy’sFirsts Theboyissuchacommonboy.Heissocommonthatonly acquaintedfriendscannoticehimamongthecrowd;heissocommonthathedoes notchangehisgirlfriendonetimepermonth,justasthose***sdo;andheissocom monthathisdailylifeisnomorespecialthanthosewholistentorockn’roll,betforsoccergamesandseldomcleantheirrooms.

However,theboyissomewhatspecial. Heusuallythinksthat,hisexperienceandpersonalachievements, alongwithhisownhappinessandgrievances,areenoughforhimtobeunique,tho ughhedoesnothaveafaceasgood-lookingasBradPittorKeanuReeves,orwhoe ver. Firstaward itwassuchasurprisinggiftfora12-year-oldboytoknowthathehadwonthefirstp rizeinthenationalmathematicscompetition.Theboyclutchedthecertification andlaughedlikeasun-flowerbloominginaspringmorning.Hehadspentthreem onthspreparingforthat competitionandhadlost5kgweightbuthewasveryhappy,ashappyasyoucouldi magine.Enjoyingthepaceofenterprising,hebegantobelieve“nopainnogain”thatafternoon. FirstSetback Huddlingupinthequiltcrying,theboywasintrospectinghimself.Forhishaught inessafterachievingthesecondprizeinthenationalPhysicscompetition,hedes ervedtherankoflast5%inthefinal examinationof7thgrade.wipingupthetears,hesethimselfapromiseofbeinghu mbleandsober.Theboykeptthepromiseandbecameayoungmanofgreatmaturi ty. Firstcooking “Quiteatoughwork.”


英语四级高分范文3篇 No.1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to college freshmen to express your views on how to maintain psychological health. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 参考范文 Dear friends, As college freshmen, struggling to adapt yourselves to the college life, you must be confused about a lot of problems. On behalf of the Psychological Counseling Center, I would like to make several suggestions concerning psychological health to you. First and foremost, keep a keen interest in learning. An outstanding performance in your schoolwork will boost your confidence, thus allowing you to be immune from negative moods or thoughts to a great degree. Secondly, be on good terms with your roommates and communicate with your family members more. Studies show that people with strong family or social connections are psychologically healthier than those who lack a support network. Last but not least, engage in regular exercise. Taking care of yourself physically can improve your mental health. Be sure to eat nutritious meals, drink plenty of water and get enough sleep and exercise, which help decrease depression and improve moods. I hope these suggestions will be of help to you, and please feel free to contact the Psychological Counseling Center for any further questions.

Supplemental Essay Writing美国大学申请附加文章范例

Supplemental Essay Writing Sample Weak Supplemental Essay for Duke University Read an Essay That Makes Many Common Mistakes The application to Duke University's Trinity College offers applicants the opportunity to write a supplemental essay that answers the following question: If you are applying to Trinity College of Arts and Sciences, please discuss why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there something in particular at Duke that attracts you? Please limit your response to one or two paragraphs. The question asked here is typical of many supplemental essays. Essentially, the admissions folks want to know why their school is of particular interest to you. Such questions often generate a lot of remarkably bland essays. The example below is one example of what not to do. Read the short essay, and then read the discussion of the mistakes made by the author. I believe the Trinity College of Arts and Sciences at Duke is an excellent match for me. I believe college should not be merely a gateway to the work force; it should educate the student in a variety of subjects and prepare him or her for the range of challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in life. I have always been a curious person and enjoy reading all kinds of literature and nonfiction. In high school I excelled in history, English, AP psychology, and other liberal arts subjects. I have not yet decided on a major, but when I do, it will almost certainly be in the liberal arts, such as history or political science. I know that Trinity College is very strong in these areas. But regardless of my major, I want to receive a broad education that spans a variety of areas in the liberal arts, so that I will graduate as not only a viable job prospect, but also as a well-rounded and learned adult who can make diverse and valuable contributions to my community. I believe Duke’s Trinity College will help me grow and become that kind of person. The sample supplemental essay for Duke is typical of what an admissions office frequently encounters. At first glance, the essay may seem just fine. The grammar and mechanics are solid, and the writer clearly wants to expand his or her education and become a well-rounded person. But think about what the prompt is actually asking: "discuss why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there something in particular at Duke that attracts you?" The assignment here is not to describe why you want to go to college. The admissions office is asking you to explain why you want to go to Duke. A good response, then, must discuss specific aspects of Duke that appeal to the applicant. The sample essay fails to do so.


哥伦比亚美国大学essay范文赏析 近期有很多去美国本科留学的同学,咨询关于哥伦比亚美国大学essay的写作情况,天道小编为了帮助大家美国大学申请essay,下面为大家介绍一下哥伦比亚美国大学essay范文,供大家参 考学习,希望对大家美国本科留学有所帮助。 准备美国大学申请essay的同学可以参考一下下面的内容,希望对大家的美国大学essay写作有所帮助。 哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University in the City of New York),简称为哥大(Columbia),是一所位于美国纽约市曼哈顿的世界著名研究型大学,于1754年根据英国国王乔治二世颁布的《国王宪章》而成立,属于私立八大私立常春藤盟校之一。计划申请此学校的同学不妨一起来了解下哥伦比亚美国大学Essay范文赏析。 Columbia University哥伦比亚美国大学Essay范文 "sustainable Development in south Africa" As I sat at a table in the corner of a cafe, hunched over a press release I was writing, I asked myself, "Why is a youth advocate from Long Island, halfway around the world in South Africa this summer, debating issues of sustainable development at a United nations conference?" I needed to meet a deadline for the Youth Caucus at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) after an exhausting but exhilarating day of lobbying. My goal was to help persuade world leaders at the largest United nations conference in history that pursuing sustainable development is essential for the future of our planet. Because I had attended a previous Un conference about children's rights, I understood the importance of sustainable development in this context. Then, I was chosen to represent SustainUS, a national network of American youth, at the WSSD. I raised all of the money needed for my trip. I was thrilled to witness the human spirit in its purest sense, taking collective action to care for the less fortunate around the globe. It was one thing to debate language in the conference document about goals set to provide people in developing nations with access to water. It was quite another to visit Soweto, only a few kilometers away from the conference, and to meet poor Africans living in shanties with limited access to water. This observation embedded in my mind the seriousness of my work in a way that no statistic could describe. The challenge on paper seemed quite different from the harshness of Soweto and Alexandria and the long-suffering faces and pleading eyes of the beggars there. I reminded myself that I needed to work around the clock while I was in South Africa to help these impoverished people. After arriving in Johannesburg this past August, I traveled to the International Youth Summit. I drafted the youth declaration which was used for lobbying, and I helped to write a statement from the youth delegates for government representatives to read and consider while negotiating. While at the WSSD, aside from writing daily press


Essay 由introduction,main body, conclusion, reference四部分组成,下面以这篇文章为例,教你如何写作一篇符合格式的essay 全文统一用times new roman字体,小四,1.5倍行距 文章中请不要用I,WE,OUR,YOU,YOUR之类的主观性强的1,2人称,可以用被动语态或其他句型代替 1.0 Introduction (分两部分) Allainz the biggest insurance wants to further expand its business, globally. Among all the countries India and China are two most attractive markets. Before deciding which market to involve in, a detailed market research is indispensable. This essay just gives a comprehensive study over the two markets. (第一个部分介绍essay的主要内容)Firstly, this essay will make a general overview of the insurance industry globally, and the second part is the information of the Allianz Group. Subsequently it will make some market analysis of Chinese insurance market. The analysis of Indian insurance market lies in the fourth part of the easy. Finally it will put forward some recommendation for the marketing selection and entering strategy for the Allianz group. (Introduction第二部分介绍这篇文章的结构,按照firstly, secondly,…finally的固定形式介绍文章结构,你只需列入body里面介绍的每一点) (Introduction之后是main body,把文章分成几个小点讨论,每一点写个小标题,加粗) 2.0 The general overview of the insurance industry globally The insurance industry is the industry dealing in risk and larger sum of money is indispensable for the business of this line. Insurers promise to compensate individuals and businesses for future losses, in exchange for a premium, thus taking on the risk of personal injury, death, and damage to property, unexpected financial disaster and just about any other misfortune. Insurance companies also purchase their own type of insurance, called reinsurance, which allows them to insure large risks and to spread the risk on smaller accounts. Insurance companies rely on investment income to make a profit, since premium alone is typically not adequate to pay claims.
