

Coal-Conversion Processes

Coal consists primarily of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and contains lesser amounts of nitrogen and sulfur and varying amounts of moisture and mineral matter. The mode of formation of coal, the variation in plant composition, the microstructure, and the variety of mineral matter indicate that there is a mixture of materials in coal. The nature of the organic species present depends on the degree of biochemical change of the original plant material, on the historic pressures and temperatures after the initial biochemical degradation, and on the finely divided mineral matter deposited either at the same time as the plant material or later. The principal types of organic compounds have resulted from the formation and condensation of polynuclear and heterocyclic ring compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. The fraction of carbon in aromatic ring structures increases with rank.

Nearly all coal is used in combustion and coking. At least 80% is burned directly in boilers for generation of electricity or steam for industrial purposes. Small amounts are used for transportation, space heating, firing of ceramic products, etc. The rest is essentially pyrolyzed to produce coke, coal gas, ammonia, coal tar, and light oil products from which many chemicals are produced. Combusitible gases and chemical intermediates are also produced by the gasification of coal, and different carbon products are produced by various heat treatments. A small amount of coal is used in miscellaneous applications such as fillers, pigments, foundry material, and water filtration.

There is no doubt about the switch from oil to coal as a source of organic chemicals; the only uncertainty concerns the time-scale and rate at which it happens.

Coal-conversion processes under development are directed towards producing either gaseous or liquid feedstocks which approximate in composition to petroleum-derived feedstocks. They can then be utilized directly in existing petrochemical plants and processes. To achieve this, however, two problems must be overcome, which are a consequence of the differing natures of coal and oil. Firstly, the H:C ratios are different for coal and for petroleum-derived liquid feedstocks. Secondly, significant amounts of heteroatoms are present in coal, particularly sulphur which may reach levels as high as 3%. The sulphur has to be removed for two reasons: (ⅰ)on combustion it will form the atmospheric pollutant SO2, and (ⅱ)it is a potent catalyst poison, and most of the downstream petrochemical processes are catalytic. However, its removal from coal is difficult and it is therefore removed from the conversion products in stead.

Coal Processing to Synthetic Fuels and Other Products

The primary approaches to coal processing or coal conversion are thermal decomposition, including pyrolysis or carbonization, gasification, and liquefaction by hydrogenation. The hydrogenation of coal is not currently practiced commercially.

High Temperature Carbonization. High temperatures and long processing times are used in carbonizing coking coals in coke ovens or gas retorts. Besides metallurgical or gas coke the products include fuel gas, crude tar, light oils(benzene, toluene and xylene, referred to as BTX, and solven naphtha), and ammonia gas.

Most coal chemicals are obtained from high temperature tar with an average yield over 5% of the coal which is carbonized. The yields in coking are about 70% of the weight of feed coal. Tars obtained from vertical gas retorts have a much more uniform chemical composition than those from coke ovens. Two or more coals are usually blended. The conditions of carbonization vary depending on the coals used and affect the tar composition. Coal-tar chemicals include phenols, cresols, xylenes, benzene, toluene, naphthanlene, and anthracene.

The largest consumer of coke is the iron and steel industry. Coke is also used to make calcium carbide, from which acetylene is made. Synthesis gas for methanol and ammonia production is also made from gasification of coke.

Low Temperature Carbonization. Lower temperature carbonization of lump coal at ca 700℃ primarily used for production of solid smokeless fuel, gives a quantitatively and qualitatively different yield of solid, liquid, and gaseous products than does the high temperature processes.

Although a number of low temperature processes have been studied, only a few have been used commercially. These have been limited in the types of coal that are acceptable, and the by-products are less valuable than those obtained from high temperature processing.

Liquefaction. Liquefaction of coal, via hydrogenation, is quite an old process which was operated commercially in Germany during World WarⅡwhen external fuel supplies were cut off. Tens of millions of tones of gasoline were produced in this way during this period. Interestingly, Germany is today playing a leading part in the development of more efficient processes. For the resulting liquids to be suitable chemical feedstocks the H:C ratio must be improved in favor of more hydrogen. Clearly this can be achieved in two ways——either by adding hydrogen or by removing carbon. Although many of the new processes are only at the pilot-plant stage of development, their

superiority over the old methods is due to increased sophistication of the chemical engineering employed plus improvements in the catalysts available. The basic problems, however, remain the same——poor selectivity in producing the desired fractions and a relatively high rate of consumption of hydrogen.

The fundamental processes involved are pyrolysis, solvent extraction and hydrogenation. Differences between the techniques being developed lie in how these fundamental processes are combined. Note that in the above processes the main product is a highly carbonaceous solid material known as char. This is either burnt to provide process hest or reacted with water and oxygen to produce hydrogen.

The liquids produced by coal liquefaction are similar to fractions obtained by distillation of crude oil(although they are much richer in aromatics), and therefore require further treatment, e.g. cracking, before being used for synthesis.

Gasification. A number of gasifiers are either available commercially or in various stages of development. These are described as fixed bed, fluidized bed, and entrained or rotating bed. The fixed bed involves an upward flow of reaction gas through a relatively stationary bed of hot coal. The gas velocity is slow enough to avoid blowing he coal out of the bed. The fluidized bed operates at higher gas velocities than the fixed bed and utilizes somewhat smaller particles. The entrained bed operates with parallel flows of reaction gas and finely pulverized coal particles to minimize reaction time and maximize throughput of product. The rotating bed is similar to a kiln, which operates with the coal entering at the upper part of the inclined kiln. Rotation avoids clinking and exposes fresh surfaces to enhance completion of the reaction.

Surface Gasification technology. Gasification of coal for fuel gas and chemical intermediate production has been developed commercially and improvements in technology are being studied in a number of facilities. In the United States, the purpose of a number of programs has shifted from production of a substitute natural gas (methane) to electric power generation through the integrated gasification-combined-cycle (IGCC) plants. The interest in this use of coal results from the low emission levels that can be achieved and the potential for higher power generation efficiency.

Underground Coal Gasification(UCG). Underground coal gasification is intended to gasify a coal seam in situ, converting the coal into gas and leaving the ash underground. The approach avoids the need for mining and reactors gasification. UCG is presently considered most interesting for deep coal or steeply sloping seams. This approach involves drilling holes to provide air or oxygen for gasification and removal of product gases and liquids.

A low calorific value gas, which includes nitrogen from air, could be produced for

boiler or turbine use in electric power production, or an intermediate calorific value gas containing no nitrogen for an industrial fuel gas, or syntheses gas for chemical and methane production could be provided. This approach is still noncommercial in part because it is not economically competitive.

Although many environmental and safety problems can be avoided using UCG, there is some concern about groundwater contamination as a result of the process.

The chemistry of underground gasification has much in common with surface gasification, however, many of the parameters cannot be controlled because the reaction occurs in a remote site. Heat energy to drive the gasification comes primarily from carbon combustion to produce CO and then CO2. Because many coal seams are also apuifers there is a considerable amount of water intrusion, which leads to steam generation at the expense of the reaction energy. As a result the rate of air or oxygen passage through the injection wells and seam is adjusted to maintain a low level of moisture in the product gas. The steam is beneficial for char gasification and some is consumed in the water gas shift reaction to produce H2and CO2 from H2O and CO. Some H2 reacts with C to produce CH4, which enhances the calorific value of the gas.

Liquid Fuels and Chemicals from Gasification of Coal. Gasification of coal using steam and oxygen in different gasifiers provides varying proportions of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Operations at increasing pressures increase the formation of methane. Because mixtures of CO and H2 are used as the start of chemical synthesis and methane is not wanted or needed for chemical processes, the conditions favoring its formation are avoided. The product gases may then be passed over catalysts to obtain specific products. Iron-based catalysts are used to produce hydrocarbons in the Fischer-Tropsch process, or zinc or copper catalysts are used to make methyl alcohol.

The Fischer-Tropsch process has not been economical in competitive markets. The South African Sasol plant has operated successfully using the modification of the Fischer-Tropsch process. The original plant was designed to produce 227,000t/yr of gasoline, diesel oil, solvents, and chemicals from 907,000 metric tons of noncaking high ash subbituminous coal. The success of the Sasol project is attributed to the availability of cheap coal and the reliability of the selected components.

A variety of pilot plants using fluid-bed gasifiers have been built in the United States, Germany, and elsewhere. The Winkler process is the only one that has been used on a large scale. It was developed in Germany in the 1920s to make synthesis gas at atmospheric pressure. Plans were being made to develop a pressurized version.

Bioprocessing and Biotreatment of Coal. The use of biotechnology to process coal to make gaseous and liquid fuels is an emerging field. Bacteria and enzymes have been

studied to establish the technical feasibility of conversion.

The earliest work was done on microbial decomposition of German hard coals. Reactors have been designed to use a variety of bacteria and fungi to break down the large molecular structure into smaller units that may be useful as intermediates (solubilization) or as liquid and gaseous fuels (conversion). Efforts have focused on lower rank coals, lignite or brown coal and subbituminous coal. Because of greater reactivity, the conversion processes frequently introduce chemically combined oxygen through hydrolysis or related reactions to make the solid soluble in the reaction mixture as an initial step. Further reaction involves biological degradation of the resulting material to form gases or liquids.

The large-scale processing of coal is expected to involve plants similar to sewage treatment facilities in the handling of liquid and solid materials. The reaction rates are substantially lower than those achieved in high temperature gasifiers and liquefaction reactors requiring much larger systems to achieve comparable coal throughput.

Biological processes are also being studied to investigate ability to temove sulfur species in order to remove potential contributors to acid rain. These species include benzothiophene-type materials, which are the most difficult to remove chemically, as well as pyretic material. The pyrite may be treated to enhance the ability of flotation processes to separate the mineral from the combustible parts of the coal. Genetic engineering techniques are being applied to develop more effective species.


五、外文资料翻译 Stress and Strain 1.Introduction to Mechanics of Materials Mechanics of materials is a branch of applied mechanics that deals with the behavior of solid bodies subjected to various types of loading. It is a field of study that i s known by a variety of names, including “strength of materials” and “mechanics of deformable bodies”. The solid bodies considered in this book include axially-loaded bars, shafts, beams, and columns, as well as structures that are assemblies of these components. Usually the objective of our analysis will be the determination of the stresses, strains, and deformations produced by the loads; if these quantities can be found for all values of load up to the failure load, then we will have obtained a complete picture of the mechanics behavior of the body. Theoretical analyses and experimental results have equally important roles in the study of mechanics of materials . On many occasion we will make logical derivations to obtain formulas and equations for predicting mechanics behavior, but at the same time we must recognize that these formulas cannot be used in a realistic way unless certain properties of the been made in the laboratory. Also , many problems of importance in engineering cannot be handled efficiently by theoretical means, and experimental measurements become a practical necessity. The historical development of mechanics of materials is a fascinating blend of both theory and experiment, with experiments pointing the way to useful results in some instances and with theory doing so in others①. Such famous men as Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) and Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) made experiments to adequate to determine the strength of wires , bars , and beams , although they did not develop any adequate theo ries (by today’s standards ) to explain their test results . By contrast , the famous mathematician Leonhard Euler(1707-1783) developed the mathematical theory any of columns and calculated the critical load of a column in 1744 , long before any experimental evidence existed to show the significance of his results ②. Thus , Euler’s theoretical results remained unused for many years, although today they form the basis of column theory. The importance of combining theoretical derivations with experimentally determined properties of materials will be evident theoretical derivations with experimentally determined properties of materials will be evident as we proceed with


中文参考文献格式 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识: M——专著,C——论文集,N——报纸文章,J——期刊文章,D——学位论文,R——报告,S——标准,P——专利;对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。 参考文献一律置于文末。其格式为: (一)专著 示例 [1] 张志建.严复思想研究[M]. 桂林:广西师范大学出版社,1989. [2] 马克思恩格斯全集:第1卷[M]. 北京:人民出版社,1956. [3] [英]蔼理士.性心理学[M]. 潘光旦译注.北京:商务印书馆,1997. (二)论文集 示例 [1] 伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979. [2] 别林斯基.论俄国中篇小说和果戈里君的中篇小说[A]. 伍蠡甫.西方文论选:下册[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979. 凡引专著的页码,加圆括号置于文中序号之后。 (三)报纸文章 示例 [1] 李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27,(3) (四)期刊文章 示例 [1] 郭英德.元明文学史观散论[J]. 北京师范大学学报(社会科学版),1995(3). (五)学位论文 示例 [1] 刘伟.汉字不同视觉识别方式的理论和实证研究[D]. 北京:北京师范大学心理系,1998. (六)报告 示例 [1] 白秀水,刘敢,任保平. 西安金融、人才、技术三大要素市场培育与发展研究[R]. 西安:陕西师范大学西北经济发展研究中心,1998. (七)、对论文正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明性的注释,置于本页地脚,前面用圈码标识。 参考文献的类型 根据GB3469-83《文献类型与文献载体代码》规定,以单字母标识: M——专著(含古籍中的史、志论著) C——论文集 N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——研究报告 S——标准 P——专利 A——专著、论文集中的析出文献 Z——其他未说明的文献类型 电子文献类型以双字母作为标识: DB——数据库 CP——计算机程序 EB——电子公告


International private enterprises external constraints and the Government Service Innovation Abstract: In the opening to the outside world situation growing, private enterprises can not be separated from the internationalization of the rational power of the Government. This paper analyzes the internationalization of private enterprises of the external constraints, a private enterprise internationalization of innovation need to government services. Keywords: private enterprises of the external factors of international service innovation With the world economy, increasing globalization, China has become the world's fourth-largest economy, including private enterprises in economic development by increasing the role. Private enterprises are faced with not only the competitiveness of domestic firms and foreign multinational companies are faced with challenges. Therefore, expanding the opening up of the situation, the private enterprises to develop and grow, not only to make use of domestic markets and resources, but also going out to implement the strategy and the internationalization of private enterprises, in a broader competitive environment to meet the challenge. Towards world-class enterprise can not be separated from the support of the Government, the Government should be private enterprise to provide a good environment, strengthening innovation services. International private enterprises external constraints At present, the development of private enterprises in China has made great achievements, but our small and medium-sized private enterprises still dominated the majority of private enterprises through the first start of the primitive accumulation period, being the second business, the implementation of international strategy, international operations, enterprises must create a certain degree of accumulation and the capacity and conditions. However, the internationalization of private enterprises of the potential hindering the external environment, so that many companies fall into the plight of the development. (A) financial bottlenecks encountered At present, private enterprises, especially those in the survival of small and medium-sized financial institutions from the public it is difficult to obtain adequate financing for development. These enterprises can apply for loans to small, low visibility due to take the way of external financing is very difficult. Most of them only through self-financing and non-formal channels of access to capital financing. High-risk and cost of financing and financial situation of the shortage of channels for private enterprises has seriously hampered the pace of foreign trade, and even lead to business in the international competition of mortality. Small and medium-sized private


(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文翻译 平面设计 任何时期平面设计可以参照一些艺术和专业学科侧重于视觉传达和介绍。采用多种方式相结合,创造和符号,图像和语句创建一个代表性的想法和信息。平面设计师可以使用印刷,视觉艺术和排版技术产生的最终结果。平面设计常常提到的进程,其中沟通是创造和产品设计。 共同使用的平面设计包括杂志,广告,产品包装和网页设计。例如,可能包括产品包装的标志或其他艺术作品,举办文字和纯粹的设计元素,如形状和颜色统一件。组成的一个最重要的特点,尤其是平面设计在使用前现有材料或不同的元素。 平面设计涵盖了人类历史上诸多领域,在此漫长的历史和在相对最近爆炸视觉传达中的第20和21世纪,人们有时是模糊的区别和重叠的广告艺术,平面设计和美术。毕竟,他们有着许多相同的内容,理论,原则,做法和语言,有时同样的客人或客户。广告艺术的最终目标是出售的商品和服务。在平面

设计,“其实质是使以信息,形成以思想,言论和感觉的经验”。 在唐朝( 618-906 )之间的第4和第7世纪的木块被切断打印纺织品和后重现佛典。阿藏印在868是已知最早的印刷书籍。 在19世纪后期欧洲,尤其是在英国,平面设计开始以独立的运动从美术中分离出来。蒙德里安称为父亲的图形设计。他是一个很好的艺术家,但是他在现代广告中利用现代电网系统在广告、印刷和网络布局网格。 于1849年,在大不列颠亨利科尔成为的主要力量之一在设计教育界,该国政府通告设计在杂志设计和制造的重要性。他组织了大型的展览作为庆祝现代工业技术和维多利亚式的设计。 从1892年至1896年威廉?莫里斯凯尔姆斯科特出版社出版的书籍的一些最重要的平面设计产品和工艺美术运动,并提出了一个非常赚钱的商机就是出版伟大文本论的图书并以高价出售给富人。莫里斯证明了市场的存在使平面设计在他们自己拥有的权利,并帮助开拓者从生产和美术分离设计。这历史相对论是,然而,重要的,因为它为第一次重大的反应对于十九世纪的陈旧的平面设计。莫里斯的工作,以及与其他私营新闻运动,直接影响新艺术风格和间接负责20世纪初非专业性平面设计的事态发展。 谁创造了最初的“平面设计”似乎存在争议。这被归因于英国的设计师和大学教授Richard Guyatt,但另一消息来源于20世纪初美国图书设计师William Addison Dwiggins。 伦敦地铁的标志设计是爱德华约翰斯顿于1916年设计的一个经典的现代而且使用了系统字体设计。 在20世纪20年代,苏联的建构主义应用于“智能生产”在不同领域的生产。个性化的运动艺术在俄罗斯大革命是没有价值的,从而走向以创造物体的功利为目的。他们设计的建筑、剧院集、海报、面料、服装、家具、徽标、菜单等。 Jan Tschichold 在他的1928年书中编纂了新的现代印刷原则,他后来否认他在这本书的法西斯主义哲学主张,但它仍然是非常有影响力。 Tschichold ,包豪斯印刷专家如赫伯特拜耳和拉斯洛莫霍伊一纳吉,和El Lissitzky 是平面设计之父都被我们今天所知。 他们首创的生产技术和文体设备,主要用于整个二十世纪。随后的几年看到平面设计在现代风格获得广泛的接受和应用。第二次世界大战结束后,美国经济的建立更需要平面设计,主要是广告和包装等。移居国外的德国包豪斯设计学院于1937年到芝加哥带来了“大规模生产”极简到美国;引发野火的“现代”建筑和设计。值得注意的名称世纪中叶现代设计包括阿德里安Frutiger ,设计师和Frutiger字体大学;保兰德,从20世纪30年代后期,直到他去世于1996年,采取的原则和适用包豪斯他们受欢迎的广告和标志设计,帮助创造一个独特的办法,美国的欧洲简约而成为一个主要的先驱。平面设计称为企业形象;约瑟夫米勒,罗克曼,设计的海报严重尚未获取1950年代和1960年代时代典型。 从道路标志到技术图表,从备忘录到参考手册,增强了平面设计的知识转让。可读性增强了文字的视觉效果。 设计还可以通过理念或有效的视觉传播帮助销售产品。将它应用到产品和公司识别系统的要素像标志、颜色和文字。连同这些被定义为品牌。品牌已日益成为重要的提供的服务范围,许多平面设计师,企业形象和条件往往是同时交替使用。


在广州甚至广东的住宅小区电气设计中,一般都会涉及到小区的高低压供配电系统的设计.如10kV高压配电系统图,低压配电系统图等等图纸一大堆.然而在真正实施过程中,供电部门(尤其是供电公司指定的所谓电力设计小公司)根本将这些图纸作为一回事,按其电脑里原有的电子档图纸将数据稍作改动以及断路器按其所好换个厂家名称便美其名曰设计(可笑不?),拿出来的图纸根本无法满足电气设计的设计意图,致使严重存在以下问题:(也不知道是职业道德问题还是根本一窍不通) 1.跟原设计的电气系统货不对板,存在与低压开关柜后出线回路严重冲突,对实际施工造成严重阻碍,经常要求设计单位改动原有电气系统图才能满足它的要求(垄断的没话说). 2.对消防负荷和非消防负荷的供电(主要在高层建筑里)应严格分回路(从母线段)都不清楚,将消防负荷和非消防负荷按一个回路出线(尤其是将电梯和消防电梯,地下室的动力合在一起等等,有的甚至将楼顶消防风机和梯间照明合在一个回路,以一个表计量). 3.系统接地保护接地型式由原设计的TN-S系统竟曲解成"TN-S-C-S"系统(室内的还需要做TN-C,好玩吧?),严格的按照所谓的"三相四线制"再做重复接地来实施,导致后续施工中存在重复浪费资源以及安全隐患等等问题.. ............................(违反建筑电气设计规范等等问题实在不好意思一一例举,给那帮人留点混饭吃的面子算了) 总之吧,在通过图纸审查后的电气设计图纸在这帮人的眼里根本不知何物,经常是完工后的高低压供配电系统已是面目全非了,能有百分之五十的保留已经是谢天谢地了. 所以.我觉得:住宅建筑电气设计,让供电部门走!大不了留点位置,让他供几个必需回路的电,爱怎么折腾让他自个怎么折腾去.. Guangzhou, Guangdong, even in the electrical design of residential quarters, generally involving high-low cell power supply system design. 10kV power distribution systems, such as maps, drawings, etc. low-voltage distribution system map a lot. But in the real implementation of the process, the power sector (especially the so-called power supply design company appointed a small company) did these drawings for one thing, according to computer drawings of the original electronic file data to make a little change, and circuit breakers by their the name of another manufacturer will be sounding good design (ridiculously?), drawing out the design simply can not meet the electrical design intent, resulting in a serious following problems: (do not know or not know nothing about ethical issues) 1. With the original design of the electrical system not meeting board, the existence and low voltage switchgear circuit after qualifying serious conflicts seriously hinder the actual construction, often require changes to the original design unit plans to meet its electrical system requirements (monopoly impress ). 2. On the fire load and fire load of non-supply (mainly in high-rise building in) should be strictly sub-loop (from the bus segment) are not clear, the fire load and fire load of non-qualifying press of a circuit (especially the elevator and fire elevator, basement, etc.


毕业设计说明书 英文文献及中文翻译 学院:专 2011年6月 电子与计算机科学技术软件工程

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Marketing Strategy Market Segmentation and Target Strategy A market consists of people or organizations with wants,money to spend,and the willingness to spend it.However,within most markets the buyer' needs are not identical.Therefore,a single marketing program starts with identifying the differences that exist within a market,a process called market segmentation, and deciding which segments will be pursued ads target markets. Marketing segmentation enables a company to make more efficient use of its marketing resources.Also,it allows a small company to compete effectively by concentrating on one or two segments.The apparent drawback of market segmentation is that it will result in higher production and marketing costs than a one-product,mass-market strategy.However, if the market is correctly segmented,the better fit with customers' needs will actually result in greater efficiency. The three alternative strategies for selecting a target market are market aggregation,single segment,and multiple segment.Market-aggregation strategy involves using one marketing mix to reach a mass,undifferentiated market.With a single-segment strategy, a company still uses only one marketing mix,but it is directed at only one segment of the total market.A multiple-segment strategy entails selecting two or more segments and developing a separate marketing mix to reach segment. Positioning the Product Management's ability to bring attention to a product and to differentiate it in a favorable way from similar products goes a long way toward determining that product's revenues.Thus management needs to engage in positioning,which means developing the image that a product projects in relation to competitive products and to the firm's other products. Marketing executives can choose from a variety of positioning strategies.Sometimes they decide to use more than one for a particular product.Here are several major positioning strategies:


International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials Volume 17, Number 4, August 2010, Page 500 DOI: 10.1007/s12613-010-0348-y Corresponding author: Zhuan Li E-mail: li_zhuan@https://www.360docs.net/doc/605020586.html, ? University of Science and Technology Beijing and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 Preparation and properties of C/C-SiC brake composites fabricated by warm compacted-in situ reaction Zhuan Li, Peng Xiao, and Xiang Xiong State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China (Received: 12 August 2009; revised: 28 August 2009; accepted: 2 September 2009) Abstract: Carbon fibre reinforced carbon and silicon carbide dual matrix composites (C/C-SiC) were fabricated by the warm compacted-in situ reaction. The microstructure, mechanical properties, tribological properties, and wear mechanism of C/C-SiC composites at different brake speeds were investigated. The results indicate that the composites are composed of 58wt% C, 37wt% SiC, and 5wt% Si. The density and open porosity are 2.0 g·cm–3 and 10%, respectively. The C/C-SiC brake composites exhibit good mechanical properties. The flexural strength can reach up to 160 MPa, and the impact strength can reach 2.5 kJ·m–2. The C/C-SiC brake composites show excellent tribological performances. The friction coefficient is between 0.57 and 0.67 at the brake speeds from 8 to 24 m·s?1. The brake is stable, and the wear rate is less than 2.02×10?6 cm3·J?1. These results show that the C/C-SiC brake composites are the promising candidates for advanced brake and clutch systems. Keywords: C/C-SiC; ceramic matrix composites; tribological properties; microstructure [This work was financially supported by the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (No.2006AA03Z560) and the Graduate Degree Thesis Innovation Foundation of Central South University (No.2008yb019).] 温压-原位反应法制备C / C-SiC刹车复合材料的工艺和性能 李专,肖鹏,熊翔 粉末冶金国家重点实验室,中南大学,湖南长沙410083,中国(收稿日期:2009年8月12日修订:2009年8月28日;接受日期:2009年9月2日) 摘要:采用温压?原位反应法制备炭纤维增强炭和碳化硅双基体(C/C-SiC)复合材


关于毕业设计说明书(论文)英文文献及中文翻译撰写格式 为提高我校毕业生毕业设计说明书(毕业论文)的撰写质量,做到毕业设计说明书(毕业论文)在内容和格式上的统一和规范,特规定如下: 一、装订顺序 论文(设计说明书)英文文献及中文翻译内容一般应由3个部分组成,严格按以下顺序装订。 1、封面 2、中文翻译 3、英文文献(原文) 二、书写格式要求 1、毕业设计(论文)英文文献及中文翻译分毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译和毕业论文英文文献及中文翻译两种,所有出现相关字样之处请根据具体情况选择“毕业设计说明书” 或“毕业论文”字样。 2、毕业设计说明书(毕业论文)英文文献及中文翻译中的中文翻译用Word 软件编辑,英文文献用原文,一律打印在A4幅面白纸上,单面打印。 3、毕业设计说明书(毕业论文)英文文献及中文翻译的上边距:30mm;下边距:25mm;左边距:3Omm;右边距:2Omm;行间距1.5倍行距。 4、中文翻译页眉的文字为“中北大学2019届毕业设计说明书” 或“中北大学××××届毕业论文”,用小四号黑体字,页眉线的上边距为25mm;页脚的下边距为18mm。 5、中文翻译正文用小四号宋体,每章的大标题用小三号黑体,加粗,留出上下间距为:段前0.5行,段后0.5行;二级标题用小四号黑体,加粗;其余小标题用小四号黑体,不加粗。 6、文中的图、表、附注、公式一律采用阿拉伯数字分章编号。如图1.2,表2.3,附注3.2或式4.3。 7、图表应认真设计和绘制,不得徒手勾画。表格与插图中的文字一律用5号宋体。

每一插图和表格应有明确简短的图表名,图名置于图之下,表名置于表之上,图表号与图表名之间空一格。插图和表格应安排在正文中第一次提及该图表的文字的下方。当插图或表格不能安排在该页时,应安排在该页的下一页。 图表居中放置,表尽量采用三线表。每个表应尽量放在一页内,如有困难,要加“续表X.X”字样,并有标题栏。 图、表中若有附注时,附注各项的序号一律用阿拉伯数字加圆括号顺序排,如:注①。附注写在图、表的下方。 文中公式的编号用圆括号括起写在右边行末顶格,其间不加虚线。 8、文中所用的物理量和单位及符号一律采用国家标准,可参见国家标准《量和单位》(GB3100~3102-93)。 9、文中章节编号可参照《中华人民共和国国家标准文献著录总则》。


市场营销英文文献 Innovation Is a Good Way to Maintain Market Presence The Jumbo-Koter venture is a good example of the development of a successful new product by solving a consumer problem. The Wooster Brush Company identified the difficulty that painters were having because their minirollers were sticking after a few uses. The new Jumbo-Koter mini-rollers solved that problem by using a smooth-turning cage frame. Wooster Brush further improved these mini-rollers by using high-quality fabrics from its highly successful nine-inch rollers. Finally, by not extending fabric over the end of the new mini-rollers, Jumbo-Koter enabled the painter to get into tighter spaces than with traditional mini-rollers. This also prevented paint from spinning off onto another surface. One lesson to be learned from the Jumbo-Koter program is that innovationis a good way for a company to maintain its presence in the marketplace. The Wooster Brush Company has made a notable effort to continue to innovate, developing truly beneficial products in a very stodgy, old-fashioned business for many years. The Jumbo-Koter product line is a good example of this. This continuous innovation has enabled the company to compete successfully without participating in industry price wars. At the time of this writing, the Wooster Brush Company was in the process of developing additional new products to meet the paint application needs of its customers. Summary Marketing Plan for: Wooster Jumbo-Koter TM Wooster Brush Company MARKETING PLAN SUMMARY BACKGROUND. Many painters have problems with their mini-rollers. Because these rollers are smaller than traditional rollers, they are great for getting paint into
