project1 my school life 教案

project1 my school life 教案
project1 my school life 教案

Project 1 (period 1)课时教学设计

Project 1(period 2)课时教学设计


模块一unit 1 school life (Welcome + Reading部分的知识点) 1 time 表示“时间”不可数;表示“一段时期,时代,倍数或次数”是可数名词 e.g. High school is a time of discovery , learning and hard work. 2 偌大的校园huge campus 3 户外活动outdoor activity 4 理想的校园生活dream school life 5 你认为…怎么样?What do you think of sb / sth? 6 Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable experience for me. 去一所英国高中学习一年对我来讲是一个非常愉快的经历。 注意:这里动名词做主语, 一个动名词做主语,谓语用单数。 e.g. Having a walk after meals is good for health. 7. experience vt. 经历;体验 e.g. We have experienced happiness and sadness together in a same school. experience n. 经历(可数);经验(不可数) e.g. The sailor has rich experience and he often tells us his interesting experiences. 这水手有丰富的经验,他常常给我们讲他有趣的经历。 This is a real experience not a dream. 这是一次真实的经历并不是做梦。 experienced adj. 经验丰富的(be experienced in doing / sth 在…方面有经验) 8 be happy with sb/sth= be satisfied with sb/sth 对…感到满意 Be happy with the life you create. 满意你自己所创造的生活。 9 an hour later than usual 比平时晚一个小时 10 He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study. (1) the way to do sth= the way of doing sth 做…的方式, 但是通常都用the best way + to do) (2) 这句话中,was是系动词,后面的“to devote ourselves to study”做表语:又如My dream is to buy a big house and live with my parents. 6. devote sth to (doing) sth… 为…付出…(为工作付出很多时间:devote much time to the work; 为教学投入很大精力:devote energy to teaching) devote oneself to (doing) sth = be devoted to (doing) sth 献身于…/致力于… He intends to devote himself to curing the sick in India.他想把自己的一生奉献于医治印度的病人。 devoted adj. 挚爱的,忠诚的devotion n. 奉献,忠诚,挚爱


A Teaching Plan for Module 1 Unit 1 School life Highlights and teaching objectives of the unit Topic School life and school activities: to identify the differences between school life in different countries. Functions 1.Describing school life: about campus, classes, teachers, classrooms, subjects, activities etc. 2.Describing school activities Next month we will have our school open day. We have invited David to be one of our guest speakers. He will make a speech about his experiences in the USA.,paring school life in Britain and in China I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at first because all the homework was in English. Vocabulary Words: achieve, approve, average, article, attention, broadcast, challenging, cover, continue, culture, develop, donate, display, dynasty, drop, earn, e-mail, experience, extra, graduate, flat, guest, grade, generation, German, host, immediately, inform, introduce, literature, miss, nature, please, prepare, preparation, professor, photograph, poet, poem, respect, run, require, regret, recently, select, title 辨析: say, speak, talk, tell


《劳动与实践》教学计划 一、指导思想 一是以《基础教育课程改革纲要》精神为指导,积极探索课程改革新路,着眼于改变课程结构过于强调学科本位和缺乏整合的现状,发展学生的全面素质,满足学生成长的需要,培养学生成为社会需要的人才,促进办学特色的形成。二是以学生的兴趣和直接经验为基础,以与学生学习生活和社会生活密切相关的各类现实性、综合性、实践性问题为内容,以研究性学习为主导学习方式,以培养学生的创新精神、实践能力及体现对知识的综合运用为主要目的。开设综合实践活动旨在让学生联系生活实际和社会实际,通过亲身体验进行学习,积累和丰富直接经验。培养学生的创新精神和终身学习的能力;增强学生对自然、对社会和对自我的责任感;拓展教学活动空间和活动内容;引导学生在生活中学习、在实践中学习、在应用中学习,并主动参与社会、生活。为学知识、生活、技能的整合建立了操作平台,为学生综合素质的提高提供了可能。 二、活动目的要求 1.增进学生对自然的了解与认识,增强关爱自然、保护环境的思想意识和能力。 (1)走进自然,增进对自然的了解与认识,理解人与自然的内在联系。 (2)关心自然环境,自主探究自然问题,具有环保意识; (3)参与环境保护的活动,增强环境保护能力。 2.主动积极地参与社会活动和社区服务,增进对社会的了解与认识,增强社会实践能力,并形成社会责任感和义务感。 (1)走入社会,增进对社会的了解与认识,理解个体与社会的关系; (2)关心社会现实,主动探究社会问题,积极参与力所能及的社区活动,

服务社会,发展社会实践能力; (3)遵守社会行为规范,养成社会交往能力,学会与他人共同生活、工作; (4)关心他人,关心社会,具有服务社会的意识和对社会负责的态度。 3.掌握基本的生活技能和劳动技术,具有自我认识能力,养成负责的生活态度。 (1)反省自我,增进自我认识,确立自信,树立人生理想,积极进取。 (2)掌握基本生活技能,学会适应社会生活,养成负责的生活态度; (3)了解与认识现代生产和劳动技术,端正劳动态度,形成良好的劳动习惯。 4.进行课题实验和课题研究等。在广泛的调查、采访和实践过程中不断积累丰富的各种知识,撰写实践性的记录等。发展主动获得知识和信息的能力,养成主动获得信息的学习习惯和主动探究的态度,发展信息素养、探究能力和创造精神。 (1)学会自主提出问题、制定获得方案,并组织实施; (2)形成自主收集信息和处理信息的能力; (3)开展问题探究,体验探究过程,对感兴趣的自然问题、社会问题和自我问题进行深度探究; (4)养成主动探究的习惯,形成问题意识,发展探究能力和创新精神。 三、课程目标 1.情感目标:通过开展综合实践活动,培养学生对社会生活的积极态度和参与综合实践活动的兴趣。 2.知识目标:通过引导学生主动探究,亲身体验实践,开阔视野,了解信息技术、劳动技术、社区服务和探究法的一些常识。

英语 四年级下 Unit 1 My school说课稿

各位老师好: 今天我说课的内容是PEP小学英语四年级下册第一单元《My school》的第二课时,A.Let’s talk。下面我对本节课进行分析:一、教材分析 《My school》中A.Let’s talk是PEP小学英语四年级下册第一单元的第二课。在此之前,学生们已经学习了有关楼层和学校设施的单词和词组,并了解它们的功能,本课继续学习了学校设施名称和相关楼层以及如何询问设施位置的句型:Where’s the teacher’s office? It’s on the second floor. Is this the teachers' office?No,it isn't. The teachers' office is next to the library.本课所学句型在学生的日常生活中是经常听到和用到的,在上册和本册教材中有承前启后的作用。 二、学情分析 由于教学对象是四年级的学生,为了能够帮助学生提高学习兴趣,我在本节课的开始设计了Let’s sing这样能动口的活泼有趣的教学活动,有利用于吸引学生的眼球,而且利用教学挂图、单词卡片等多种教学手段来呈现教学内容,避免了枯燥无味,但这些手段和方法都是围绕教学重难点展开的,避免出现教学活动的无效性。 三、教学建议 教学的主要任务不是积累知识,而是发展思维。教师在传授知识的同时,更要教会学生方法,发展学生的能力,让他们通过思考,将

有关知识重新提炼总结。鉴于本课的特点及学生现有的知识水平,我引导学生采用听、看、说、唱、演等方法来学习本课,通过听、看达到有所思、有所得。帮助学生掌握学习重点,多表扬、勤鼓励,使不同层次的学生都有学习积极性,在能力上均有所提高。 四、教学目标 根据对教材的理解和学情地分析,我预设如下教学目标: 1、知识与技能: (1)能够正确听、说、认读句型:Where is the teachers’office?It’s on the second floor. Is this the teachers’office?No, it isn’t。(2)能够听懂、会说、会表演Let’s talk的内容,并能在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。 2、过程与方法: 任务型教学方法,小组合作、自主学习方法。 3、情感态度与价值观: 通过本课的学习,让学生在活动中体验语言知识的活脱、自然;在展示中感受学习成功的乐趣。 四、教学重、难点: 教学重点:能够掌握有关学校设施和楼层的单词和词组以及询问学校设施楼层位置的句型Where is the teachers' office?It's on the second floor. Is this the teachers' office?No, it isn't. 教学难点:在实际情景中能够灵活运用Let's talk 部分的内容并能够


My school life 英语作文范文 I am a senior school student.I live in the school.I have a busy but happy school life.Everyday I get up at six o'clock.I brush my teeth and wash my face,then have breakfast before seven.I do some reading from seven to half past seven.I go to school from Monday to Friday.I have five lessons in the morning,three in the afternoon and two at night.I have a break of ten minutes between classes.But our boys' dormitory is far from the classroom,It takes us quite a long time to walk there.We are often exposed in the sun and rain,with sweat all over. 我是一名高中生。我住在学校。我有一个忙碌但快乐的学校生活。每天我六点起床。我刷牙洗脸,然后在七点之前吃早餐。我做一些从七点到七点半的阅读。我从周一到周五去学校。我早上上五节课,下午三节课,晚上两节课。我课间休息十分钟。但是我们的男生宿舍离教室很远,步行到那里要花很长时间。我们经常暴露在阳光和雨水中,全身都是汗。



综合实践课教案 银达镇中心小学赵艳荣 课题:衣服的学问 教学目的: 1.知道衣服在生活中的重要性,知道人人都离不开的衣服里有很多学问。 2.试着为衣服分分类,看看不同的衣物面料有哪些不同的性能。 3.学学扎染的技法技巧。 教学重点: 1.认识各种各样的衣服。 2.比较不同面料的性能。 教学难点: 了解扎染的基本工序,学会扎染的技法技巧。 教学过程: 第1课时 活动一认识各种各样的衣服 生1:为了御寒,我穿过棉袄、毛衣、羽绒服,现在的衣服品种可真多呀! 生2:是呀,我们一起作个调查,给调查到的衣服分分类吧,对以后自己挑选和整理衣服很有帮助呢! 1.小调查。 学生分组对家中和商场里的各种衣服作个调查,作好记录。 2.交流调查发现。 学生说说在调查中有什么收获。 3.给衣服分类。

让学生从不同角度对各种各样的衣服进行分类,了解这些衣服的不同功能,加深对衣服的认识。 4.填写第103页的学习单。 第2课时 活动二比较不同面料的性能 生1:妈妈总说,纯棉的衣服结实,透气性好。 生2:真的吗那其他面料怎么样我们一起来用实验判断吧! 1.明确实验目的。 学生分组选择常见的几种面料,如纯棉、羊毛、化纤……从各方面对它们进行比较:哪种面料更结实、哪种面料容易吸汗…… 2.设计简单的实验。 学生分组设计实验,比比哪种面料更结实、哪种面料吸水性更强,区分纯羊毛和其他材料。 3.实验并得出结论。 学生根据实验方案分组进行实验,得出结论。 4.填写第107页的学习单。 第3课时 活动三我的扎染作品 生1:我在商店看到过扎染的裙子,很漂亮。 生2:我们可以自己动手,做一条扎染的方巾,送给妈妈作礼物。1.欣赏扎染作品。 出示收集的扎染作品图片及第108页的扎染作品,让学生进行欣赏,说说扎染作品的图案有什么特点。 2.了解基本的扎染工序。 学生看书,了解扎染的基本工序,教师进行适当补充。

Unit 1 My School教案

Unit 1 My School 语言知识目标: 1.Ss are able to identify different places at school and describe the function of places 2. Key words: a teachers’ office, a classroom, a hall, a library, a music room, an art room, a gym, a playground Sentences: How many classrooms are there? There are 27 classrooms. There is a hall in my school. 语言技能目标: 1). Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words:a teachers’ office, a classroom, a hall, a library, a music room, an art room, a gym, a playground 2). Be able to use the target of Unit 1 通过说唱歌谣,做游戏,表演,比赛等多个环节,使学生在观察、判断、合作、自学、表演、竞争、创造、评价等多方面的能力得到发展和提高。 情感态度目标: 1). Ss are able to comprehend and use the target. 2). Raise the interest in learning English. 3). Excavate Ss’ talent of performance and the ability of using langu age. 培养学生团结友爱、关心他人、热爱学习的良好习惯。 学习策略目标: Game, task-based, TPR, situational creating method 根据本单元的教学内容,可采用活动教学法、情景教学法、学习法、鼓励法、说教法、直观法等组织教学活动,精讲巧练,由浅入深,由易到难,循序渐进地深化教学内容,展开以教师为主导,以学生为主体的师生双边活动。 文化意识目标: To describe the likes and dislikes about school subjects in English. Raise the interest in learning English. 教学难点 1. Can spell the new words fluently and correctly. 2. Be able to describe the likes and dislikes about subjects in English. 3. 通过对话的学习,能让学生学会灵活运用新知识,在原有的基础上自己创设新的情景对话。


Unit5 School life 一、Grammar and Gap Filler A. Grammar 1) I always/often…2) I like doing…/to do… 3) I enjoy doing... 4) I prefer doing… 5) I am going to…6) I did… 7) Comparative and superlative of adjective 形容词比较级和最高级 B. Gap Filler 表示正在思考: Let me see. How to say It is not easy to say It is hard to say 表示陈述事实: You know to be honest to be frank to tell you the truthin fact 表示要表达自己的看法: In my opinion I think 表示解释自己的句子: What I mean is that is to say what I want to say is

) E. Adverb (副词的比较级和最高级1 / 11 1)定义. 表示方式的副词,用来修饰动词和形容词的词,表示怎么做某事。副词大部分通过形容变化而来。 2)位置. 副词一般放在动词,形容词后 3)副词的构成. A. 一般情况下,在形容词后加-ly即可, e.g. quick-quickly The dog eats his dinner quickly。 slow-slowly Please drive slowly near the school. B. 若形容词以y结尾,变副词时,把y改成i 再加上ly, 即是以-ily结尾. e.g. happy-happily The children played happily in garden. easy-easily I did that homework easily. C. 特殊变化或者和形容词同形. e.g. good-well She speak English well. fast-fast The lion can run very fast. hard-hard We must study harder 4)副词的比较级和最高级. 副词和形容词一样有比较级和最高级之分,也分为规则变化和不规则变化.


小学综合实践活动《感恩父母》案例 一、确定课题(教师讲话录像) 在一次《感恩父母》的主题班会上,当谈到“滴水之恩当涌泉相报,我们应孝敬感恩父母时”发现了许多问题。有的说父母的养育子女是应该的,有的说没必要欠他们的亲情,等他们老了,我们还得照顾他们。而且争议很大。有一个学生突然提议:“我们把这些问题当作这一学期的小课题进行研究不是更好吗?”其余学生积极响应,于是《感恩父母》的课题研究产生了。 二、制定方案 确定了课题接下来开始制定研究方案。(室内录像) 师:同学们,大家都看看自己的衣服,是谁给买的、做的? 生:爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶。 师:父母是我们最亲最近的人,他们为了我们的成长付出很多,我们应该感谢他们。所以,我们这学期的课题研究就是《感恩父母》。你想知道、研究哪方面的内容。 生:感恩父母是中华民族的传统美德,我想知道古代人是怎么孝敬的。(上网查询:二十四孝故事),〈黄香温席〉 生:我想知道父母为我们付出的艰辛。(医院:十月怀胎、养育、敬老院) 生:我想知道现在的大人、孩子是如何感恩父母的?(采访大人、发放调查问卷)〈小品〉 生:我想知道感恩父母的诗、歌有哪些?(图书室查资料)〈诗朗诵、感恩的心〉。 师:请同学们分别到自己感兴趣的课题研究小组制定自己的研究方案吧。 分组制定研究方案(提前备好成品) 三、分头行动

活动方案制定好了,接下来就是我们行动的时候了。有的小组来到图书室查资料,有的小组上网查资料,有的发放问卷进行调查,有的采访,到处都是同学们忙碌的身影。 1、研究“父母付出知多少”的小组,来到医院,请教父母怀胎十月的经过。(采访视频) 生;医生阿姨您好!我们是中心小学“感恩父母”课题研究小组的学生。我们想向您请教母亲怀胎十月的过程。 医生:好的。… 生:这么一个漫长的过程,妈妈太辛苦了。 医生:对呀,没有妈妈艰辛的怀胎过程就没有我们,所以,孩子们一定要孝敬自己的母亲呀。 生:我们一定会的。谢谢阿姨,再见。 2、“当代人感恩父母知多少”小组来到百岁寿星家中采访。 (1)生:奶奶(爷爷)您好。我们是中心小学的学生。您是我们镇上的寿星了,我们想请教您几个问题? 老人:说吧。 生:您今年高寿呀? 老人: 生:您这么大的年纪身体还这样好,这一定于您的孩子有关吧 老人: 生:您的孩子平时是怎么孝敬您的? 老人: 生:您的孩子都很孝顺,我真为您高兴。


Unit 1 My School 第一课时: A( Let’s learn. Let’s do.) 教学目标: 1、能够听、说、认读主要单词:first floor , second floor , teachers’ office, library, playground, garden. 2、听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如:Go to the garden . Water the Flower . 教学重点:本课时的五个有关学校功能室和设置的单词。 教学难点:Let’s do 中有关动作单词的发音和含义。 教学方法:1、在进行词汇教学时,尤其是通过实物或图片,让学生感知颜色与衣物名称连用的六个词组时,切忌一一呈现,而应当让学生在听过录音学习过一两个之后,自己体会并领悟到颜色与学校功能室名称连用的方法,自己说出其它几个词组,或者在原有基础上进行想象、发挥,运用学习过的颜色和学校功能室名称自行搭配,掌握这一知识点。 2、利用书中提供的情景让学生编对话、表演,也可以为学生提供一些其它的情景练习、表演,或者让有能力的同学自己设置情景、编对话、进行操练和表演,既为学生提供了更多的练习机会,又检验了学生实际运用语言的能力。 课前准备:本课时的五张单词卡、多媒体课件 教学步骤 一、课前练习(Review) 1. -- is the cat? --It is in the kitchen. 2. -- are the candies? --They are on the table. 3. —Where is your pencil box? -- . A. some pens. B. It’s on the desk. 二、热身(Warm-up) 教师播放上册My home中的Let’s do,让学生边说边做,come on ,let’s do it。回顾:What’s in my home? Living room,kitchen,study,bedroom,bathroom. 自然过渡到学习学校各课室的名称。 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1、Let’s learn (1)、课件展示一个学校的立体图,老师扮演导游。 T: Today, I’m a school guide. Welcome to my school! Look, this is my school. It is a big and beautifull school! I like it very much. Do you like my school? S: Yes, I do. T: What can you see in the school?引出教学楼 (2)、新授library。


Periods 8 – 9 Project Starting a new school club I. Analysis of teaching material The topic of this unit is “Starting a new school club”. This period is about the project of this unit. This period contains two articleswritten by two students, which will give the students some ideas of what school clubs are like. Besides these two articles, it also has a project, which is to work in groups and design a poster advertising a new school club. This part gives out the concept of “4P”method, that is, to plan, to prepare, to produce and to present. This is the first time for the Ss to get to know the idea of “4P” method. We should explain it to them. And it will take the Ss a lot of time to get ready for the project. So we had better tell the Ss to collect some information and do sth for it in advance. First the teacher can divide the Ss into different groups so that group work can be carried out. In doing group work, the students will get some idea of team spirit. They are supposed to learn to cooperate with their group members so that they will be able to work with their colleagues in the future. After the step, the students will collect enough information about school clubs, therefore, we will be able to guide them to finish completing the poster following the “4P” method. II. Three-dimension objectives 1.To help the students to learn two articles about after-school activities in school. 2.To learn some expressions, especially “as” and “require”. 3.To help the students learn how to start a new school club and design a poster for it. 4.To find out how an activity attracts the students and help them to learn what preparations to make when they plan to start a new school club. III. Teaching important and difficult points 1.To know the importance of arrangement and teamwork in starting a club. 2.To learn how to start a new school club and design a poster for it. 3.To understand the outline of starting a new school club. 4.To ensure every student to have a chance to express himself / herself. IV. Teaching aids A tape recorder and the multimedia. Teaching Procedure Step 1 Greetings and check the homework In the last period, students learned what a notice is and how to write it. And they were asked to write a notice based on the given information. Now, it is time for them to exchange their writings. The teacher can ask some to read or to write on the Bb to find out how well they have mastered. If there are some mistakes, the teacher should be careful enough to correct their mistakes without hurting their learning interest.. One sample version: STUDENTS NOTICE Speech Contest Cancelled Dear students, As the school sports meeting will be held soon, the planned Speech Contest on 8th Dec will be put off till 12th Dec. The School Office


综合实践活动教案一 活动主题:我们身边的塑料 一、活动背景:塑料从诞生到现在虽算不上历史悠久,但塑料制品却已遍布世界各个角落,成为我们日常生活中离不开的东西。塑料的发明极大地方便了人类的生活,但也给自然环境造成了很大污染。认识塑料,了解塑料不仅能使孩子们加强实践能力、拓展知识面,而且活动的过程中还能加强环保意识。因此设计了本次活动。 二、活动目标: 1、使同学们具有关注社会、关注自然的良好品质,加强同学们的环保意识。 2 、培养孩子们的实践能力和创新意识,拓展知识面。 3 、培养孩子们善于观察力、善于发现、善于思考的学习品质和参与活动的积极性、自信心。 三、活动过程:创设活动情境: 1、很高兴又和同学们一起进行综合实践活动,让我们一起关注生活,走进科学。教师说:在上周,我在上下班的路上留意到一种现象,其实这种现象平时也存在,只是这回格外的触动我,是什么呢?我们一起来看看。出示照片。 2、你们觉得在我们生活中这种现象多吗?哪来那么多塑料袋呢?你们有没有过这种现象呢?在我们泰州,生活中有很多陋习人们都已经习以为常了。什么叫陋习?不文明的、不合理的习惯。比如;(让学生说)随地吐痰、顺手扔垃圾等但很少有人觉得不正常,是不是?但往往正是因为人们不以为然、满不在乎才会导致严重的后果,你们说对吗? 3、现在我给同学们挖一个智力陷阱,看你会不会身陷其中?怎么样,敢不敢接招?请听题(音乐2下):白纸、白布废弃后是不是“白色污染”?(同学们说一说自己所了解的“白色污染”)目前,“白色污染”困扰着世界上许多个国家确确实实为我们人类出了一大难题,但是,这个难题被我攻克了。 我决定:向联合国卫生组织倡议一下:世界各国一律禁止生产塑料制品,你们看咋样? 4、学生一定会就塑料的好处发表看法。教师也可拿实物对同学们进行提示:吉他、跳绳等。 照片:百叶窗、电视、滑板车、钢琴、汽车方向盘等。 教师将准备好的教具贴在黑板上:吃、喝、穿、玩儿、乐器、装饰材料、交通工具、家用电器、家具、农业等。 教师说:看来,塑料在我们生活中真是无处不在。塑料在我们的生活中应用这么广,它是不是有什么特殊的本领呢?它的诞生给我们人类带来的到底是祸还是福呢?怎么样?想进一步了解塑料吗?先给我们这次活动起一个主题吧! 5、确立活动主题的名字 6、给同学们思考讨论的时间,明确自己最想探究的内容。教师下去指导,适当引导同学们拓展思路。 7、全班同学进行交流,提出问题。教师将其一一写在黑板上。指导同学们自己进行归纳整理。


PEP四年级英语下册《Unit1 Part B Read and write》 教学设计 学习目标: 1、让学生阅读描述学校平面图的文段,标出教室的位置。 2、读懂四组句子: (1)Do you have a library ? Yes. The library is on the second floor. (2)Do you have an art room ? The art room is next to the gym. (3)Where is the teachers’ office ? The teachers’ office is next to the library. (4)Where is Classroom 1 ? Classroom 1 is under the teachers’ office. 3、能正确抄写单元的核心句型,并根据实际仿写句子 教学重难点: 1.读懂四组句子。 2.正确仿写句子。 课时安排: 1课时。 教学准备: 《U1 Part B Read and write》的课件,单词卡片。 教学过程: Step1:Warming up 1.Free talk:Good afternooonx,Nice to meet you. 2.利用课本P5Let’s do.让学生看动画,根据动画边唱边做动作,师生同做。 Step2:Revision 1.Game: “Sharp eyes”让学生认真观看多媒体课件上的单词,能够快速说出自己根据记忆所看到的单词,并能正确读出单词。教师能及时给予评价。 2.Game:“Let’s guess”让学生根据语言描述和图片展示,说出房间的名称。


2019-2020年高中英语Unit1Schoollife Teaching aims: 1. Warm up for the topic of this unit. 2. Let Ss know each other and improve their spoken skills. 3. Encourage Ss to talk about their ideal school life for future changes. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Greeting 1. Make a brief self-introduction to the Ss, include your experience, interest, your habit of teaching and your requirements of the class as well. 2. Ask Ss to make a self-introduction card: their names, interest, motto, ambition, promise or whatever they’d like others to know about themselves. Ask 2 or 3 students to make a brief introduction. 3. Ask Ss to form groups of 6 or 8, and introduce themselves to each other, meanwhile collect information about different tastes or interests in their groups and make notes. Step 2. Going through the tasks in textbook 1. Say “You’ve met each other and you’ll spend 3 years together here for your senior high school period. Before you graduate from junior middle school, what did you think high school is like?”Collect different ideas about what they thought of high school. And then sum up their ideas: “High school may be a time of discovery, learning and hard work for Ss all over the world.” 2. Go through the pictures on page 1 of our textbook with the whole class, while checking whether they’re the same with Chinese schcool life. Collect answers to the first 2 questions by asking Ss individually. 3. Allow Ss some minutes to discuss the third topic with each other in small groups or in pairs and list down the key points of their dream school life. To simplize the task, you can instruct them to discuss the topic in such aspects as time, subjects, homework, activities, teachers, classmates, rules and so on. Step 3. Free choices for different classes Read and explain half of the words and expressions in this unit if possible. Or give Ss some extra materials to read if possible. Step 4. Homework 1. Write a short passage to show what your dream school life is like. 2. Preview the new words & expressions and the text “School life in the UK”. 3. Finish some extra reading tasks for best class.


Unit 2 School life 教案 三维目标: 一、知识与技能 1. 掌握课本中出现的重点词汇和句型 2. 熟练运用副词比较级和最高级的构成和用法 3. 熟练运用more/fewer/less...than 和the most/fewest/least进行比较 4. 学会谈论不同的学校及各类学生的学校生活 二、过程与方法 通过对比中外各类学校情况,借助课外媒体、材料,反复使用练习,在潜移默化中学好本单元需要掌握的知识点和语言点. 三、情感态度与价值了解中西方学校情况,感受中西方文化如在教育、人文等反面的异同,为理解英语、学好英语奠定基础. Period 1 Welcome to the unit Teaching aims and demands: 1. Talk about the school life and review the words about school life. 2. Learn different words which mean the same thing between British English and American English. 3. Learn the differences between British English and American English. Teaching difficulties and importance: 1. Grasp the spelling of British words and American words such as shop and store, lorry and truck, film and movie, football and soccer, and so on. 2. Know the differences between British English and American English. 3. Grasp the words: British, lorry, eraser, fall, store, truck, movie, soccer 4. Grasp the phrases: be cleverer than, be like doing 5. Grasp the sentences: Why don’t sb do sth? =Why not do sth? What’s school like? Teaching preparation: pictures, recorder, computer, and the flags of Britain and England Teaching steps: StepⅠLead-in T: Do you like our school? What do you like? How many subjects do you learn? Can you tell me some names of them? S: Chinese, Math, English, PE, Geography, etc. (Encourage the Ss to say more about it.) T: Good. Is there another word for Math? S: Yes. Maths. T: Great. Maths is Math. Maths is British English. While Math is American English (write on Bb) StepⅡPre-task (Welcome to the unit) Show the flags of the UK and the USA. Tell them that people speak English in both Britain and the USA, but sometimes they use different words which mean the same thing. T: I know many boys like playing football. Do you know what it says in American English? S: Soccer. T: Do you know the same use of other words? Please give me some examples. Write other right answers of the students on the Bb. Teach the
