

课题:Unit 4 Dinner’s ready




1.知识目标:认读本课中的单词和句子:rice ,noodles, fish, beef, soup ,vegetable, What would you like for dinner? I′d like some…

2.能力目标:能够听、说、认读单词rice, noodles. fish. beef. soup. vegetable.初步掌握What would you like for dinner ? I’d like some ….


能听说,认读rice, noodles, fish, beef, soup, vegetable. 【教学难点】




1.rice ,noodles, fish,beef,soup ,vegetable,

2.重点句型What would you like for dinner? I′d like some



1.Enjoy the song “An apple a day”,师播放歌曲,让学生在快乐的学习氛围中投入到本节课学习。

2.Free talk.




说:rice rice I like rice (集体→个别)

T: What do you like ? Ss: I like rice.

What would you like for dinner? 帮助学生回答:I’d like rice.

⑵同样方法教学soup, fish, beef.



T:You’re full ,But I’m hungry, because I had very little at breakfast. Guess , what did I have?

T:(动作演示)They’re long,

S:Noodles,T: 板书:hungry ,noodles,教读

B :Let’s sing and act.


T:I like noodles very much.. Guess ,

What else do I like?

Ss: Fish/…?

T:No ,I like vegetables.


Look: I have many kinds of vegetables, Carrot is a kind of vegetables, Tomato is a kind of vegetable.


T:I like vegetables, Can I have some vegetables?

S1:Sure, Here you are.




3. 合作学习。




(1 )听音,找图片。





Let’s play.

1.教师扮演一名顾客,请一名同学上台戴好纸帽扮演营业员,师生之间练习对话:Can I have some…please? Sure ,Here you are ,2/…yuan 。付钱时可象征性地拍一下对方的手。





课题:Unit 4 Dinner’s ready



1.能听懂会说:What’s for dinner? Wait and see , What would you like for dinner? I’d like

some …,please ,Everything’s ready.

2.能运用句型:What would you like for dinner? I’d like some …“进行相互调查。

【重点】能听懂、会说Let’s talk中的话。


能听懂、会说:What would you like for dinner? I’d like some…, please, Everything’s ready.


1.教材相配套的教学挂图[Unit 5Let’s talk]








1. Sing the song“What would you like?”

2. Revision


1.教学What’s for dinner?



What’s for dinner? Guess!


T:Beef/…is ready,(把图片逐张贴在黑板上)

2.教学Everything’s ready

T:(教师贴完图片后小结)Everything’s ready.让学生理解意思,操练由集体到个别,并板书领读。

3.教学What would you like? I’d like some…,please。

(1) 紧接着上个环节问学生:What would you like?引导学生

回答I’d like some…领读操练问句和答句并板书。

(2).Ask and answer in pairs.

4.教学wait and see. 师点拔,让学生理解。


What’s for dinner?What’s for dinner? What would you like for dinner ?Rice and soup ,

rice and soup. I’d like some rice and soup.

Step3 Practice


Q1:What would Mike like?

Ss:listen and answer.

Check the answer.


师说:Open your books,turn to Page 59,listen,point and read aloudly.












课题:Unit 4 Dinner’s ready




1.四会掌握bread, egg, milk, water.

2.能听懂:What would like for breakfast?


【重点】bread, egg, milk, water 的拼读。

【难点】bread, egg, milk, water 的拼读。










1.Sing a song “What Would You Like ?”


1.出示一个石英钟,告诉学生It’s 7:00. I’m hungry. It’s time for breakfast, 让学生理解此句意思,师板书领读breakfast. 接着问:What would you like for breakfast? 多让几个学生回答。


让学生问: What would you like for breakfast? 师回答:I’d like some…师注意说到食物、饮料单词时只做相应口型,不发出声音,让学生猜是什么单词,师板书在四线格内,师口型示范的单词分别是bread, milk, water, egg., 教学生拼读并书空,注意总结字母或字母组合的发音规律。


1.Read and say

(1)Ask and answer in pairs. For eg: What would

you like? I’d like some bread. B—r—e—a—d. bread.

(2)Write down the words: copy three times.看谁写的又快又对。

4.Write and say

(1)让学生自己填写,师解释a glass of…What a big breakfast! 的汉语意思。然后师出示答案,同桌交换检查(2)合上课本,学生手拿词卡,比赛谁说的短文熟练。2.四、课堂小结:



1.Make a survey:小组内一人扮记者,调查组内同学。用What would you like for breakfast?问,I’d like…作答。

2 .Story time:(可当本课读的拓展),师准备道具让学生表演更能激起学生的兴趣

3.Read and write P 35 见配套练。




课题:Unit 4 Dinner’s ready




1.能够听说认读单词plate, fork, knife , spoon, chopsticks.



【重点】能够听说认读plate, fork, knife , spoon, chopsticks.





3.配套的教学挂图Unit 5/B/ Let’s talk]









1.Sing a song“What would you like?”

2.师出示词卡复习:bread, egg, milk,water.

3.齐读P60 Write and say




师出示实物plate,板书并教读。指出a发字母读音,e在词尾不发音并渗透音标教学,进行升降调教学。师把盘子递给一个学生,说pass you a plate,再让学生传给自己,说Pass me a plate. 让全班同学齐说!师再把盘子递给一个学生教会学生

说:Can I help you? 师可释意。并回答Yes, pass me a plate, please!然后把学生分成两大组,对话操练。


师出示实物,板书并教读knife,指出“i”发「ai」,词尾e不发音,升降调教学,动作演示并说:Cut with the knife ,然后师生齐做动作齐说指令,渗透Let’s do 教学。

⑶教学spoon, fork,用教学knife 的方法教学spoon, fork 并渗透Let’s do 教学。


出示实物,板书chopsticks分音节教学,指出筷子常用复数形式,渗透use the chopsticks.








3.Let’s do






Unit 5 My home



课题:Unit 4 Dinner’s ready




1.掌握单词rice, chicken fish,

2.能听懂:What would you like for dinner?














1.P62 Let’s chant.



1.师接着上一环节出示图片,问:Would you like rice? Can you spell rice?

师出示词卡并贴在黑板上,齐拼读、个别拼读,进一步问学生,what would you like for dinner?引导学生齐说:I’d like some rice.

2.同样方法教学beef, fish, chicken.



Read and say

1. Ask and answer in pairs.

S1: What would you like for dinner?

S2: I’d like some chicken, c-h-i-c-k-e-n.

2.Write down the words, copy them five times.


Write and say

1.让学生自己做,师解释You can’t eat so much.“你不能吃这么多”






1.Make a survey:小组内一人扮记者,调查组内同学。用What would you like for dinner? I’d like……作答。





课题:课题:Unit 4 Dinner’s ready




1.能听懂、会说I can use chopsticks.Let’s me

try ,Help yourself. Let me show you. Mm……Yummy.I like Chinese food,.we had a good time .See you tomorrow .Good night.



【重点】能听懂、会说Let’s talk 中对话。

【难点】能听懂、会说:I can use chopsticks, Help yourself.








词卡复习plate, knife, chopsticks, spoon, fork. 三.自主探究,讨论交流

1.师手指教学挂图,说:look! Dinner is ready, what would you like for dinner? 板书并领读:I like Chinese food ,It’s yummy.

师进一步说:Help yourself! 并板书教读。

2.师出示刀叉,说:I can use the fork and knife, Let me show you, Can you use the fork and knife?帮助学生回答,然后板书并读:I can use the fork and knife / chopsticks. Let me show you , /Let me try.

3.晚餐结束时,我们可以说we had a good time ,Good night, see you tomorrow,师板书并齐读。

4. Practice



⑴Help yourself.

⑵We had a good time.







2.Let’s chant :先让学生观察图片,说出英语名称,用Pass me 分别说出句子。师再放录音,跟录音齐。






Unit5 Theme parks 【温馨寄语】If you don’t learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. 如果年轻 时就没有学会思考,那么就永 远学不会思考。 【学习目标】 (1)语言知识目标是:明确主题公园的概念,了解世界著名的主题公园,掌握娱乐项目及有关主题公园的词汇(文章中黑体部分) (2) 能力目标:是在围绕主题公园的话题,在连贯的听读说中训练学的逻辑思维能力和快速反应能力 (3) 德育目标:引导学生了解主题公园及其他相关户外活动,理解其主题内涵;激发学生热爱生活,积极进取,合作创新。【学习重、难点】 本节课的重点是让学生理解主题公园的概

念以及世界著名的主题公园 话题: Talking about theme parks. 语言: amuse, amusement , variety, various, shuttles, charge, admission, profit , sourvenir, brand, sneaker, come to life, minority, fantasy, get close to 难点理解是主题公园是娱乐,又不仅仅是娱乐。 【教学过程】 本课通过Lead-in 、Skimming 、Scanning 、Discussion、Summary 五步骤培养学生的分析和概括能力。Teaching procedures The First and Second Periods Warming up , Pre-reading and Reading Step 1 Lead-in


satisfactorily completing a given task. Planning aims at producing an efficient use of equipment, materials, and labor, and ensuring coordinated effort. 3.The construction management phase Definition: Construction management (CM) entails the planning, scheduling, evaluation, and controlling of construction tasks or activities to accomplish specific objectives by effectively allocating and utilizing appropriate labor, material, and time resources in a manner that minimizes costs and maximizes customer/owner satisfaction. Features: Fig5.1 illustrates what all clients from a construction company: a project completed on time, within budget, and to the required technical performance and quality standards. The three primary objectives are all interrelated. For example, time is usually related to costs. Project owners sometimes have to decide whether or not more emphasis should be given to one of the objectives, perhaps at the expense of the other two. Participants: there are many project participants in a project, such as owners,


慧润阶梯新教育实验小学教学框架 课题:Unit5.I prefer Western food.英语6年级课时数 3 教材文本解读: 本单元重点学习中西菜的不同和相似,其中,重点词、词组有Chinese food, fast food, Western food, restaurant, prefer, prepare, taste.两个重点句型是What do you prefer? /I prefer…; Do you prefer A or B? /I prefer A或B. 通过本单元的学习让学生可以自由的用英语说明自己喜欢的食物(菜、汤)或事,以及询问他人的喜好(相比较之下)。 注意双音节或者多音节词中pre(t)-的发音规则。 学习目标A类: 1.巩固掌握Chinese food, fast food, Western food, restaurant, prefer, prepare, taste.认读译fast-food restaurant, eating out, What do you prefer?二类词汇。 2.掌握pre(t)-的发音规则,如prefer,prepare, pretty. B类: 1.能够听说读写译Chinese food, fast food, Western food, restaurant, prefer, prepare, taste. 2.掌握两个重点句型是What do you prefer? /I prefer…; Do you prefer A or B? /I prefer A或B.能说能译。 3.能正确流利地诵读Lesson13对话。 C类: 1.认识日常生活当中的中餐店、西餐店、快餐店以及不同饭店提供的食物。 2.学会表达自己特别喜好的餐品。 预习作业1.预习Unit5单词表中生词(可通过有道词典查询,或爱词霸在线查询) 2.用铅笔画出lesson13对话中你认为关键的句子或词汇(铅笔标注) 教学板块学生学习清单 第一课时 教学目标: 1.能够英汉、汉英互译Chinese food, fast food, Western food, restaurant, prefer, prepare, taste. fast-food restaurant, eating out, What do you prefer?会默写restaurant, prefer, prepare, taste. 2.能够流利朗读Lesson13全文。 3.翻译Lesson13全文。 板块一:导入(曾经吃过的馆子你还记得吗)[4min] 1.老师要问一问大家,有去过西餐店吃过饭的吗? 那有去过快餐店吃过饭的没有?[3] 2.对于踊跃发言的同学提出表扬,那老师现在展示一 款西餐餐品(图片),它是什么餐系的菜品呢?[0.5] 3.是的,并说Western food,此时飞出词组。OK, 学生发言


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 新视野大学英语(第三版)听说教程2-Unit5-电子教 案 教学题目Unit 5 Pronunciation: Distinguish four groups of phonetic sounds:?Listening: Get familiar with the topic of “family”. 教学目标Speaking: Memorize useful expressions of talking about food: ? —Do you feel like something to eat? —Some noodles, please. ? —Would you like some ice in your cola? —Yes, please. ? —What’s your favorite food? —Chicken. ? —What did you have for lunch today? —Some rice and fish. 教学环节 ? ? (一)Warming-up Listen to the song—“Family”. 教师活动安排与建议 By listening to the song, students (Ss) are getting to know the theme of the unit. The song “Family” is sung by Lisa Ono, a popular Japanese-Brazilian bossa nova singer.No matter where you are at every bend in the road Remember, near or far you’ve got family to sh are your load …教学设计(二)Telling Apart 1. Help Ss practice the pronunciation of the phonetic sounds:2. Read the proverbs and sayings and practice the tongue twister. 3. Revision. Go over the phonetic sounds covered in the first five units before doing the revision exercise. (三)Testing Your Ears ? 1. Read new words, phrases and expressions and proper 1/ 4

新视野大学英语第三版电子教案Book 3 unit 5讲课稿

Unit 5 When work is a pleasure PART 1 Understanding and Learning Overview This unit centers on the topic of work-an indispensable part of individual lives. Work may serve different purposes and have different meanings to different people. Text A argues, by differentiating among work, labor, and play, that interest and enjoyment in work are important for the benefit of both individuals and society. Text B, by telling us a story of a shoemaker and the author, stimulates thoughts on building a tradition of working with pride, self-esteem, and responsibility. All of these elements, as shown in both texts, cannot be achieved in a job that is done merely for the sake of money. Concerning the writing style, Text A is developed mainly by means of contrasts, which are effectively used to highlight, point by point, the differences between workers and laborers. Text B, by means of narration through the use of the first person “I” and with detailed description and lively conversations, gives the readers a strong feeling of being personally on the scene, and achieves the effect of great vividness. In order for students to get a strong understanding of the unit theme and foster a good attitude toward work, the teacher should encourage thought-provoking discussions and activities. The topics for the discussions may include why we work, how we can foster love for work, how we achieve happiness at work, etc. Possible activities are peer interviews, retelling of Text B, questionnaire survey to gauge the happiness level of a specific occupation and to work out how to achieve greater happiness at work. Section A Will you be a worker or a labor? Background information 1 continuing education Continuing education refers to the education for adults, usually in classes that are held in the evening and especially on subjects that are related to their jobs. 2 experiential learning Experiential learning is the process of making meaning from direct experience. It is learning through reflection on doing, which is often contrasted with rote learning (死记硬背). Experiential learning focuses on the learning process for the individua1. An example of experiential learning is going to the zoo and learning through observation


新生代英语基础教程1 U n i t5_电子教案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

教案 课程名称新生代英语基础教程1 课时 班级 专业 教师 系部 教研室 教材《新生代英语基础教程1》Transportation and places

Show Time “Do you live around here?” Reading Getting around San Francisco Chat Time What a coincidence! Writing Describing a place Grammar Present simple tense My Story The town where I live First, tell students they will listen to a song called First Turn Right at the Light. Explain words and phrases like turn left/right, block, at the corner, avenue, direction and so on so that they could understand the song. Then, play the song. Ask students to put sentences in the correct order. Play the song again. Ask students to draw the route to Greenwich Village. Play the song again and let students sing together. Have the students listen and repeat the words. Students should be familiar with


Unit 5 Why do you like pandas ? New words and phrases Learning Goals: 一、语言知识和语言功能: 1.能争取学会使用下列词汇造句子。 panda , zoo , tiger , elephant , lion , giraffe , animal , kind , Australia , south , Africa , pet , leg , cat , flag , place , water , danger , tree , sleep , save , forget , cut , kill , cute , lazy , smart , beautiful , friendly, shy , down , over 2. 能争取学会使用下列常用短语造句子。 kind of , South Africa , get lost , be in (great ) danger , cut down , ( be ) made of 3. 能认读下列词汇 koala , scary , Thailand , symbol , ivory , Thai 4. 理解、翻译并复述运用本节课的新词汇所编写的故事,利用故事记忆单词。 二、学习策略: 1. 依据图片理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases with the help of the pictures.) 2. 在语境中理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases in the context.) 3. 依据读音规则、构词规律理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases according to phonetic rules, the structures of the words and phrases.) 4. 基于同伴互助的方式学习词汇,并运用新学词汇与同伴交流。(Learn and express with the new words in groups.) 三、情感态度: 了解世界各地的典型动物,引起人们对“濒危动物”的关注,从而培养学生的动物保护意识和人文素养。 Teaching and learning steps: Step I.Learn how to read the new words 1. Lead-in T: Do you know this animal ? Ss: Yes , it’s a cat . T: Do you know that animal ? Ss: Yes , it’s a dog . T: Do you like them? Ss: Yes . T: Why do you like them ? Ss: Because they are very cute / interesting / fun / …


Unit5 Theme parks 【温馨寄语】If you don’t learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. 如果年轻时就没有学会思考,那么就永远学不会思考。 【学习目标】 (1)语言知识目标是:明确主题公园的概念,了解世界著名的主题公园,掌握娱乐项目及有关主题公园的词汇(文章中黑体部分) (2) 能力目标:是在围绕主题公园的话题,在连贯的听读说中训练学的逻辑思维能力和快速反应能力 (3) 德育目标:引导学生了解主题公园及其他相关户外活动,理解其主题内涵;激发学生热爱生活,积极进取,合作创新。 【学习重、难点】 本节课的重点是让学生理解主题公园的概念以及世界著名的主题公园 话题: Talking about theme parks. 语言: amuse, amusement , variety, various, shuttles, charge, admission, profit , sourvenir, brand, sneaker, come to life, minority, fantasy, get close to 难点理解是主题公园是娱乐,又不仅仅是娱乐。 【教学过程】 本课通过Lead-in 、Skimming 、Scanning 、Discussion、Summary 五步骤培养学生的分析和概括能力。 Teaching procedures The First and Second Periods Warming up , Pre-reading and Reading Step 1 Lead-in Show som e pictures of “ Bungee jumping”“Roller-coaster rides” “Free-fall rides” and ask “What are they ?”“Where can you see them ?Then introduce Theme Park. *What kind of park is it, a traditional park or a theme park? Learn some new words: 1.At the entrance gate: admission by ticket only.------They’ll charge you for admission. 2. Inside the park:The theme parks provide us with a variety of things to see and do, including rides,boats, a Ferris wheel, a roller coaster , merry-go-round, slide, bumper car,etc. 3.----What can remind you of your visit several years later?---- Photos and souvenirs 4. They make a profit by the charges for admission and by selling souvenirs in their shops. Step 2. Warming up Cooperative discussion:


课题:Unit 4 Dinner’s ready 第一课时 【课型】 【学习目标】 1.知识目标:认读本课中的单词和句子:rice ,noodles, fish, beef, soup ,vegetable, What would you like for dinner? I′d like some… 2.能力目标:能够听、说、认读单词rice, noodles. fish. beef. soup. vegetable.初步掌握What would you like for dinner ? I’d like some …. 【教学重点】 能听说,认读rice, noodles, fish, beef, soup, vegetable. 【教学难点】 能够正确读单词vegetable。 【教学过程】 一.预习检测 1.rice ,noodles, fish,beef,soup ,vegetable, 2.重点句型What would you like for dinner? I′d like some 3.对话表演等。 二.导入新课 1.Enjoy the song “An apple a day”,师播放歌曲,让学生在快乐的学习氛围中投入到本节课学习。 2.Free talk. 三.自主探究,合作交流(Presentation) 1.单词导呈 T出示图片,板书教读rice,注意升降调教学。齐读 说:rice rice I like rice (集体→个别) T: What do you like ? Ss: I like rice. What would you like for dinner? 帮助学生回答:I’d like rice. ⑵同样方法教学soup, fish, beef. ⑶教学Noodles (教师做饥饿状) T:You’re full ,But I’m hungry, because I had very little at breakfast. Guess , what did I have?


人教版小学语文三年级上册第六单元教材分析一、教材分析: 本组教材围绕“壮丽的祖国山河”这个专题编写,由3篇精读课文、1篇略读课文和1个语文园地组成。《望天门山》《饮湖上初晴后雨》赞颂长江的雄伟气势、西湖的旖旎多姿。《富饶的西沙群岛》反映了南疆风景优美、物产丰富。《美丽的小兴安岭》描绘了东北小兴安岭一年四季的美丽景色和丰富物产。《香港,璀璨的明珠》展示了现代都市香港的美丽和繁华。 从导语到课文、到语文园地,各项语文活动的安排,都是围绕着歌颂祖国大好河山、展现祖国发展成就,培养学生爱祖国的思想感情这一主旨编排的。单元内各部分互相联系,形成一个有机整体,使听说读写各项能力整体推进、协调发展。 在二年级上册第三组课文和二年级下册第三组课文的学习中,学生对祖国的大好河山已经有了一定的了解。学习本组课文,可以将新旧两方面的知识联系起来,使学生进一步了解祖国的山河壮美。学习古诗,要读懂词句,理解内容,体会作者表达的思想感情。学习其他三篇写景的课文,要引导学生学习作者观察和表达的方法,在充分的阅读中,领略美丽的自然风光,体会作者的思想感情。在学习过程中,还要注意引导学生搜集有关资料,加深对祖国山河的了解。同时,指导学生掌握一些积累语言的方法,培养学生积累语言的习惯。 二、教学目的: 1、正确、流利、有感情地朗读古诗,背诵古诗。默写两首古诗。 2、通过朗读感悟,感受诗中描写的景物,体会诗人热爱祖国河山的感情。 3、读懂课文主要内容,了解西沙群岛是个美丽、富饶的地方,培养学生热爱祖国的思想感情。 4、指导学生学习作者按四季变化的顺序,抓住景物的特点进行观察的方法。 5、了解课文内容,知道课文是从哪几个方面介绍香港的,激发学生热爱香港、热爱祖国的思想感情。


Unit 5 Music学案 Period 1 Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending 学习内容:1. 从课文和下列问题中了解音乐的有关知识和Monkees的发展。 2. 了解课文中的重点词组和句型的意思。 3. 掌握文章大意。 学习方法:预习单词、warming up 、pre-reading和reading 以完成下列任务 Task1: Answer the following questions 1. Can you name any music styles? 2. Do you know any famous bands? List some if you do. 3. Do you know anything about Monkees? Task2: Find out these useful phrases from Warming up, Pre-reading and Reading and translate them into Chinese. 1. dream of ___________________ 2. pretend to do sth ___________________ 3. to be honest ___________________ 4. attach…to ___________________ 5. form a band __________________ 6. in cash ___________________ 7. play jokes on ___________________ 8. as well as ___________________ 9. rely on ___________________ 10. be /get familiar with ___________________ 11. or so ___________________ 12. produce their own records ___________________ 13. break up ___________________ Task3: Fill the blanks and match the right main idea to each paragraph. Paragraph 1 Most musicians meet and form a band. Paragraph 2 The Monkees became even more popular than the Beatles. Paragraph 3 How do people get to form a band? Paragraph 4 One band started as a TV show.


Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? (主备人:申彦君) 本单元教学内容、地位、作用 本单元主要学习动词have的一般现在时的用法;使用do和does引导的一般疑问句的构成以及简单回答。本单元围绕“和朋友一起欢度时光”这一话题安排了三个任务:一是列举所学的运动项目,从中挑选出各自喜欢的体育项目,并说明原因,目的是巩固并新学一些体育项目的名词;二是让学生互相询问所爱好的运动,并根据情况发出邀请,学会用have对物品的所属进行提问与回答,掌握用do和does引导的一般疑问句的构成及使用。承接了上一单元所学的内容,进而能够谈论自己喜欢哪些球类运动,不喜欢哪些球类运动及原因;能够谈论怎样和自己的朋友度过一段愉快的时光。 教 学重点1.本单元通过学习“basketball,soccer,ball,have”。等词汇,来学习本单元新的词汇,同时引出本单元的语法重点:一般现在时。

教学难点 行为动词have的一般现在时的句子结构,使用do和does引导的一般现在时态的一般疑问句的构成和使用,含有be动词和行为动词的一般现在事态的区别。 教 学 方 法 任务型教学法,多媒体辅助教学法等。 单元课时安排№单元教学内容(课题)课时数起止时间1 Section A (1a-2d) 1 2 Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 1 3 Section B (1a-2c) 1 4 Section B (3a-Self Check) 1 合 计

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? The First Period (Section A, 1a–2d) 1.Teaching aims (教学目标) 1) 能掌握下列词汇:do (does), have, tennis, ball, ping-pong, bat, soccer, soccer ball, basketball, let, us, let's go, we, late, has, get 2) 学会用have对物品的所属进行提问以及应答,学会使用do和does引导的一般疑问句: https://www.360docs.net/doc/6316627314.html,nguage points (语言点) 学会用have对物品的所属进行提问以及应答,学会使用do和does引导的一般疑问句: ①—Do you have a baseball? —Yes, I do. No, I don't. ②—Does she/he have a tennis ball? —Yes, she/he does. No, she/he doesn't. ③—Do they have a soccer ball? —Yes, they do./ No, they don't. 学会用Let’s…提建议。 3.Difficulties (教学难点) 1)通过运用have对物品的所属进行提问以及应答,来掌握一些运动项目的词汇。 2) 在询问对方是否有某物的对话中学会使用do和does引导的一般疑问句。 3)学会用祈使句来向对方提出建议。 4.Teaching methods (教学方法) 引导法合作探究法 5.课型、课时: 新授、一课时

新职业英语 职业综合英语1 Unit 5 Trade 电子教案

Unit 5 Trade Warming-up Task 1 Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner and match slogans A-H with pictures 1-8. Objective: Ss can identify the slogans of some famous companies. Steps: 1. Ss read warming-up task 1. 2. Go through slogans a-h with Ss. 3. Ask Ss to match the slogans with the pictures.

4. Give the key. 5. Time permitting, encourage Ss to brainstorm more slogans. Background information 1. What is a slogan? A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a political, commercial, religious and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose. Slogans in advertising are claimed to be the most effective means of drawing attention to one or more aspects of a product. 2. Company introduction Nike Inc. is a major publicly-traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. it is the world’s leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel(服装) and a major manufacturer of sports equipment . Apple Inc., is an American multinational corporation with a focus on designing and manufacturing consumer electronics and software products. Panasonic is an international brand name for Japanese electric products manufacturer Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Under this brand Matsushita sells plasma(等离子)and LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)panels, DVD recorders and players, telephones, microwave ovens, shavers, projectors, digital cameras, batteries, laptop computers, etc. All of these are marketed under their slogan “Ideas for Life”. Maxwell House is a brand of coffee manufactured by a like-named division of Kraft Foods Seven-- up is the brand of a soft drink. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd, shortened to Nissan, is a multinational automaker headquartered in Japan. Currently it is the third largest Japanese car manufacturer. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V., usually known as Philips, is one of the largest electronics companies in the world, founded and headquartered in the Netherlands. The products include consumer electronics, domestic appliances, lighting and medical systems. Task 2Work in pairs. Please tell where you have seen or heard the above slogans. Discuss with your partner and list three places. Objective: Ss can identify several kinds of advertisement media. Steps: 1. Ss read warming-up Task 2 2. Ask Ss to work in pairs and list places where they have seen or heard the slogans in Task 1 3. Get some Ss to give their answers. 4. Ask the class to add more if necessary. 5. Summarize the various media used for advertising. Suggested Answers: Poster, newspaper, TV commercial, outdoor signs, etc. Study of Reading A Objectives: 1.Grasp the main idea
