教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 8-叶兴国

教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 8-叶兴国
教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 8-叶兴国

Unit 8

Teaching Objectives:

1. To learn how to live and how to plan our life;

2. To learn how to beat retirement blues;

3. To know about the memorial methods to help students remember words;

4. To deal with the language points in Text A and Text B.

5. To remember and use new words and expressions;


1. To learn how to live and how to plan our life;

2. To learn how to beat retirement blues;

3. To know about the memorial methods to help students remember words;


How to help students remember words by knowing about the memorial methods.

Teaching Time:2 periods.

Teaching Procedures:

Part I Pre-reading Questions

It can be used as lead-in questions. For students, they can discuss with each other and will have free answers. Part II Extensive Reading

In this part, there are two texts and their relevant exercises. By reading the texts in limited time, Teacher helps students understand the contents and the reading methods to build reading abilities gradually.

Text A How Long Will You Live?

a. Let the students read Text A as quickly as they can for the first time to get the general idea;

b. Ask students to tell others the general idea of the text;

c. Then use some basic reading skills to read through the text again to find the answers to Exercises I;

d. Check the answers to Exercises I;

e. Analyze the language points in the text:

1. 1-year-olds: 一岁的小孩。合成词变成复数,如果该合成词有主干词,则在主干词后面加-s:

brother-in-law→brothers-in-law, looker-on→lookers-on; 如果该合成词没有主干词,则在最后一个词的词尾加-s:grow-up→grow-ups, forget-me-not→forget-me-nots; 若合成词中有man或woman的话,复数形式则要求其构成部分也要作相应变化:a woman doctor→women doctors, a man cook→men cooks。

2. hypothetical [or synthetic] cohort:假定或综合队列,实验样本的一种方式。cohort:在人口统计学、

统计学或市场调查中定义的一代人。如:The cohort of people aged 30 to 39 are more conservative. 年龄在30岁到39岁的一群人更加保守。

3. If your retirement plan assumes you’ll live to 81, you probably won’t hit it right on the button. 如果你


4. By the way, while the odds are heavily against his reaching 95, if he should happen to make it, he then

faces a 22% chance of getting to 100. 顺便说说,虽然他活到95岁的可能性很小,但是如果他能的话,那么他就有22%的机会活到100岁。

5. Trouble is, the science behind them can be squishy. 麻烦在于这些做法的科学基础可能是脆弱的。

behind: 作为……的基础、支持。如:Behind your every action is self-interest. 你的每一个行动都是出于个人私利。

f. Assign Exercises II and III as their homework.

Text B Plan Ahead to Beat Retirement Blues

a. Several minutes for students to use some basic reading skills to read the text only once, then ask them to do Exercise I;

b. Check the answers to Exercise I;

c. Point out some language points:

1. retirement blues: 退休引起的忧郁。blues: 常作the blues,非正式用法,表示“忧郁”、“悲伤”等。如: She’s got the blues. 她变得忧郁了。

2. With no plan for organizing their time and no ability to develop a new ways of identity, they often sink into depression. 他们没有组织时间的计划,也没有能力去开发一个新的自我,于是就沉溺于抑郁的情绪中。

3. It’s often necessary to renegotiate your relationship and invent new ways of being together. 重新商定你们的关系并创造新的相处方式常常是很有必要的。

4. For people with spiritual inclinations, this is a time to nurture and reflect on that aspect of their personality. 对那些带着精神倾向的人来说,发展和思考他们个性的这个方面正是时候。

5. As we finish our careers, we tend to move into areas that reaffirm and reintegrate early impulses. 当职业生涯结束时,我们常回过头去重新确认最初的动力,并使之更加完整。

d. Assign Exercises II and III as their homework.

Part III Reading Skills

Before dealing with Text A and Text B, ask students to read through the whole passage of reading skill, to lead them to understand the details about memory methods, especially asking them to pay special attention to the examples.

Part IV Supplementary Reading: Over 60 and Overlooked

Ask students to read it in a limited time after class, and then write a summary.

Part V Test Yourself

Ask students to do it and check the answers by themselves.

Questions for Discussion and Reflection:

1. How will you plan your retirement life? Why?

2. What should you do to take care of the aged in your family?


1. Write a short summary of about 50 words to express the main idea of Supplementary Reading;

2. Finish all exercises in this unit.



国际商务英语阅读1 (1)

第2单元 出口、进口与对等贸易 辨认出口机会 出口面临的一个最大障碍就是信息的匮乏。通常一个公司的产品会有许多需求市场,不过由于许多需求市场都不在本国,基于文化、语言、距离以及时间的不同,公司很难找到这些需求市场。事实上全世界有180多个国家,各个国家之间又有很大的文化差异,这些使得辨认出口机会更加困难了。面对这样复杂以及多样化的市场,企业很多时候在寻找出口伙伴时显得优柔寡断也就不足为奇了。 国际比较 克服出口信息不对称的办法就是尽可能的搜集信息。我们先以德国为例。德国有一些贸易协会、政府代理商以及商业银行为企业牵线搭桥,帮一些小公司寻找出口机会。日本也有类似这样的商业机构,譬如日本国际工商业会社,总是积极地帮出口商寻找出口机会。此外,日本许多公司都是综合商社的分公司。综合商社是日本特有的综合贸易公司,由于办事处遍布全世界,它能够积极不断地为大大小小的分公司提供各种出口信息。日本、德国公司的一个最大优势就是能够为他们的出口企业搜集到世界各地的技术经验、出口信息以及其他资源。 与德国、日本那些竞争对手相比,美国的许多企业在寻找出口机会时就显得有些盲目,在信息搜集上处于劣势。这种差异一部分是历史上的原因。长期以来日本、德国都把对外贸易作为支柱产业,而美国一直到近期还是一个相对自给型的国家,对外贸易在美国经济当中只占据很小的一部分。虽然近两年美国对外贸易在国内经济当中的分量比20年前重了许多,然而美国依然没有一个类似于日本或者德国那样的商业机构帮助出口企业搜集信息。 信息来源 尽管美国处于劣势,美国企业也在不断提高搜寻出口机会的意识。美国商务部及其在全国各地的办公室是美国最大的出口信息源,其下属的两个独立机构——国际贸易局、美国对外商业服务中心都致力于为企业提供智力援助并且积极地帮助企业拓展海外市场。 他们为潜在出口商提供一份“光辉前程”名单,名单上列出了某种行业海外市场潜在经销商的名称、地址及联系方式。此外,美国商务部专门成立了一个针对海外14个主要出口市场的“比较购物服务”中心。企业缴纳很少的费用就可以获得一份某产品目标市场的顾客调查报告,报告不仅提供该产品海外市场的可销售性,而且对竞争者、比较价格、营销渠道以及可能的销售代表人员都作了详尽的描述。调查报告是由美国商务部的官员进行实地考察而得出的。 商务部还会组织一些贸易活动帮助潜在出口商与外界接触,拓展海外市场。在一些大城市举办的国际贸易展览会上,美国商务部也会组织出口企业参展。另外,美国

九年级英语Unit8 教案

九年级英语Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks教案 The First Period Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give out, volunteer, food, bank (2) Target Language I’d like to work outside. You could give out food at a food bank. 2. Ability Objects (1) Train the students to express offering to help with the target language. (2) Train the students’ listening skill. 3. Moral Object Offer help to the others as much as possible. Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points 1. Key Vocabulary :clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give up 2. Target Language How to express offering to help with target language. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points 1. Teach the students how to use the new phrasal verbs.


Lesson 1 Importer’s Self-introduction 译文 信件一进口商自我介绍 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 美国纽约劳顿大街58号 福建鞋业进出口公司 中国福建福州保定大街45号 送交:销售部吴刚先生 敬启者: 我们从伏特威廉公司得知贵司商号与地址,特此来函,希望能同贵司发展商务关系。 多年来,本公司经营休闲鞋类进口生意,目前想扩展业务范围。请惠寄商品目录与报价单。 如贵司产品价格有竞争力,本公司必定向你方试订。 恭候回音。 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 (签名) 麦克. 伊万 经理 谨上 2010年4月20日 信件二回信 福建鞋业进出口公司 中国福建福州保定大街45号 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 美国纽约劳顿大街58号 敬启者: 感谢贵公司四月二十日的来函,我们非常渴望与贵公司建立商务关系。 我们鞋厂致力于设计和生产各种传统和时尚男女鞋产品。我们已开发和上市了室内拖鞋,棉拖鞋,新款刺绣拖鞋;童鞋和棉鞋。可以满足国内外不同市场需求。 谨遵要求另函奉上最新的出口商品目录及报价单,涵括目前可供的出口商品。 如你方对任何一款感兴趣,请让我方知道。期盼你方具体询盘。 福建鞋业进出口公司 (签名) 吴刚 经理 谨上 2010年5月10日 习题答案 I. Basic Training Translate the following expressions into Chinese. 报价一流的进口商

出口产品范围定单 广泛的联系具体询盘 最新目录有竞争力的价格 Choose the best answer. 1) b 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) d 6) b 7) c 8) c 9) b II. Improving Training Translate the following sentence into English. 1) We would like to introduce our business range. 2) We obtained your name and address from Mr. Smith, who have done business with us for many years. 3) We shall appreciate it if you could tell us the goods you are interested in. 4) We have received many enquiries from abroad. 5)They used to import machines from UK, but now they would like to establish business relations with us. 6) We are the leading importer of electronic products in Lagos. 7) If your price is competitive, we would like to place with you an order for 500 electric bicycles. III. Letter-writing Practice 1. Finish the following letter by translating the expressions given. 1) obtained your name and address 2) establish business relations /enter into business relations 3) leading importers 4) We appreciate your catalogue and quotations. 5) If your prices are competitive 2. Write a letter Dear sirs, We are one of the leading importers of electric goods in this city and shall be pleased to establish business relations with your firm. At present we are interested in your electric fans, details according to our Enquiry Note No. 1345 enclosed, and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible. We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable, we shall place an order with you immediately. Your early reply will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, Lesson 2 Exporter’s Self-introduction 译文 信件一出口商来信 敬启者: 承蒙东京工商会的介绍,我们获悉你方是贵国最大的纺织品进口商之一。由于此货属于我们的经营范围, 特写信给你方希望建立业务关系。 我们专营中国纺织品出口, 产品包括女士, 男式, 儿童和青年的针织衫以及运动服和牛仔裤, 我们还设计和生产用于纺织品生产的设备和机器。我们的产品品质优良价格合理。 为使你方了解我们的经营业务, 随函附上出口清单一份, 包括目前可以供应的主要商品。如你方对任何一款感兴趣,请与我们联系。

英语人教版九年级全册unit8 教案

Teaching Plan for 9 Unit8 Section B Reading Stonehenge-Can Anyone Explain Why It is There? Designed by Cao Chunxia From Ping Yao No. 1 Middle School Learning Objectives: 1.To understand some new words by listening, free talking, guessing and finishing tasks. 2.To understand the passage’s main idea, the structure and the different opinions by using some reading strategies, such as skimming, scanning, identifying the linking words or phrases etc. 3. To get moral education: Learn to question and hold the spirit of exploring the mysteries. Important Points: 1. must, might, could and can’t for making inferences 2. Identifying the conjunctions or phrases that link ideas together Difficult Points: The suitable usage of the linking words or phrases Teaching Aids: Multi-media Teaching Procedure:

商务英语函电 参考答案

Reference Keys Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 学学练练 I. 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. h 6. f 7. e 8. g II. 1.供你方参考 2. 期望,盼望 3. 供应中 4. in the hope of/that 5. establish business relations 6. fall within the scope of III. 1. desirous to 2. in the line of 3.give you a general idea 4. covering 5. in the market 6.refer to 7.be informed IV. 1. appreciate 2. in, for 3.upon 4. to 5. informed 6. with 7.enclosed 8. in 9. desire 10. for 实操练习 I. 1.Through the courtesy of ABC company, we have your name and address. 2. We would like to inform you that we could supply various types of men’s leather shoes. 3. We have established business relations with more than 50 countries in the world, on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods。 4. Specializing in the export of Chinese bicycles, we express our desire to trade with you in this line. 5. In order to promote business between us, we shall airmail you some samples for your reference. 6. We enclose a copy of catalog and a sampl e and are sure that you will be satisfied


Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section A Reading 教案授课教师:授课日期: 一. Teaching aims and demands Master the language points. 二.Teaching important and difficult points The phrases such as have fun doing and so on 三.Teaching methods Discussion method, discovery learning. 四.Teaching aids An English textbook,papers. 五.Teaching designs Lead-in :review the contents of the last class. Step 1设问导读 1.However, these days, something unusual is happening in our town. happen为不及物动词,指事情的发生带有一定的偶然性或不能预料。sth happen to sb. sb happen to do sth. e.g. What (happen) you last night? I happened (meet) one of my good friends in the street. 2. interview v. 面试,采访,会见 Interview n. 面试,采访。Interviewer n. 记者,见面者,会见者Our teacher _______________ (interview) by the reporter yesterday. 3.There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it? 一定有什么造访了我们社区的家庭,但是它是什么呢? There be句型中,当主语后的非谓语动词所表示的动作是由主语发出的时候,该动词要用现在分词形式,即构成There be sb./sth. doing sth.句型,表示“”。 e.g. There is someone (wait) for you at the door. There are a lot of birds (sing) in the tree. 4.have fun相当于 have a good time /enjoy oneself玩的开心


Business English A Reading course(整理版) 商务英语阅读的主要内容: 商务英语阅读主要包括世界经济形势、经济全球化、国际贸易与投资、金融风险与管理、商业文化、企业管理等。这些阅读材料不但传递最新的世界经济和国际商务信息,开阔学生的视野,还提供最新、最典型的商务语言和词汇,有助于学生熟悉并掌握商务英语文章的典型语言用法、语言风格及语言特点等。 1)阿迪达斯Impossible Is Nothing. 没有什么是不可能 2)香奈儿Fashion passes, style remains. 流行稍纵即逝,风格永存 3)飞利浦Let us make things better. 让我们做得更好 4)麦氏咖啡Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽 This Bill of exchange shall be accepted first and then can be honored by the acceptor. (该汇票应先承兑,然后由承兑方进行支付) Words & expressions: Transnational road warriors 从事跨国商务活动的人 Faculty and alumni Performance-review process 绩效考核过程 Make an assessment of sb 对某人作出评价 In a group setting 公共场合 Have a one-on-one session with sb 进行单独会话 Tone down 缓和语气 Career progression 事业发展 Cultural gulf 文化鸿沟 In the arena of international commerce 在国际商务的平台上 Common ground 共同点 At the institutional level 制度层面 Fall short 结果,后果 Ongoing cross-pollination 不断学习他国先进事物 Trait 特征 Be customer-centric 以客户为本 Implement 实施 Commonality 共性 The integration of the global economy 全球经济一体化 See local context ad integral 本土文化语境知识 一些跨国公司英文名称: Procter & Gamble Company 宝洁公司 Johnson & Johnson Ltd. 强生公司 Carrefour China Inc. 家乐福 Bayerische Motor en Werhe AG宝马公司


Dear Sirs, We obtain your name and address from the internet, and we are writing you in the hope of establishing direct business relations with you. We’re one of the importers of Beddings with years’of experience in this line. At present, we’ll be pleased to get the samples for your bed-sheets. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours sincerely, \\ 2 Dear Sirs, Your company has been introduced to us by FMC Company, Sydney, Australia, who has informend us that you are interested in electric goods . As we have been in this line for years, we are writing you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. In order to give you a rough idea of our products available for export at present, we are sending you under separate cover the latest catalogues. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully Dear Sirs, We learn from the internet that you are in urgent need of a large quantity of Children’s Sport Shoes. We’re writing you in the hope of entering into long-term business relations with you. We have been handling the export of various kinds of textiles and shoes for many years, and our products are very popular in the American and European markets for their good quality and reasonable prices. We also have kept close connections with the local shoe manufacturers, and can ensure the steady source and quality. In order to give you a rough idea of our products, we are sending you our latest catalogues and price lists for Children’s Sport Shoes for your reference. If you are interested in any of the items, please let us know. We await your early reply. Yours faithfully,


叩官初中英语八年级下活页备课 撰稿:李乃红定稿:张王丁周次:十一课时1234 导学一 一、教学课题:Section A 二、教学目标:Words: comment, album, personal, special, receive,gave, guy Phrases: get sb for sth, how about, give…….to, what about Sentenses: 1)What should I get my sister、 2)Why don’t you get my si ster? 3)How about / What about some tennis balls? 三、教学重难点:1)enough的用法。 2)情态动词should+动词原形表达征求意见,以及运用Why don't you---? How/What about---?等句型结构来表示提建议。 四、教学过程: 自主学习:写出下列单词及短语 1 私人的,个人的2特别的,专门的3收到,接受4有创造力的5字典 6照相机7便宜的_8昂贵的9无聊的,乏味的10有趣的 2)⑴What's up?含义:____________________同义句:_____________\ No way如何翻译?____________________. 合作交流 1)What's the best gift Joe has ever received? 例如:我曾经见过那个小男孩。________________. 2)Who gave it to him?give sth.to sb.=give sb. sth. 例如:请把那支钢笔给我。_____________________________________. 3)What a lucky guy!如何用how来替换:_________________________________. 例如:多么有趣的故事啊!___________________________/___________ 典型例题 1)Why not --------- to the movie with us? A.going B. go C.goes D.to go 【解析】:Why not 是Why don’t you 的简写故应选B 2)I’m really busy because I have homework to do at the moment. A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too 【解析】:too much 加不可数名词,too many 加名词复数.much too 加形容词或者副词,故应选C. 中考链接。 1.(2008,北京).—My brother’s ill in hospital. —I’m sorry _____ that. A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. to hear 2.(2008,芜湖).The child is ______ young to go to sch001 . A.enough B.very C.so D.too 3. (08河北)Chinese can sing English songs as ______ as native speakers . A.good B.well C.better D.best Step7、小结回扣: Let students read and memorize the important words and sentences.Then the teacher can explain the difficult points if nccessary. 【当堂达标】 一.单项选择。 ( )1.Some old people think they get _______ gifts. A.too much B.much too C.too many D.many too ( )2.I remember ___ the key in the box under the bed.But I cannot find it now! A.put B.to put C.putting D.put away ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/6617817012.html,ter,the same gift may _______ away to someone else . A.give B.be give C.given D.be given ( )4.It is a good way to help learners have ______ with English. A.fun B.funs C.a fun D.funny ( )5.Chinese can sing English songs as ______ as native speakers .A.good B.well C.better D.best ( )6.--Whose car is this? Is it yours? --No,it isn’t mine.It must be ___. A.other someone B.someone else C.someone’s D.someone else’s ( )7.The number of tourists _____ to our country recently. A.have come B.has increased C.comes D.have increasing ( )8.--I’d like to get you roses for your birthday. --It sounds good,but it is not ______ enough. A.common B.special C.big D.difficult ( )9.I think old people should keep a dog as a _____ when their children are working in other parts. A.pet B.cat C.child D.care ( )10.Little child may give his mother leaves ______ a tree. A.from B.of C. for D.in 导学二 一、教学课题:Section B 二、教学目标:Words: spider, mouse, snake, hamster, turtle, child, pot-bellied, advantage, trendy, perfect, rabbit, clean, company, Phrases: take care of, too……..to

商务英语函电 王维平 Chapter 8参考译文及课后答案

Chapter 8 Learning Aims 学完本章,学生应能: 1.识别装船指示和装船通知; 2.熟悉一些模具产品名称; 3.掌握装运方面信件的结构以及相关术语和表达方式; 4.学会案例分析,并撰写与装运相关的信函。 Background Information 在国际贸易中,在装运前,买方通常把他们的装运需求发送给卖方,告知他们包装和标志,运输方式等,此为装运指示。 卖方在装运货物后应立即向买方发送装船通知,告知他们装运情况。装船通知通常包含以下内容: (1)预计出发时间;预计到达时间 (2)装船货物 (3)船名 (4)集装箱号 (5)铅封号 (6)所附单证 装运当事人有三方,即货主,承运人和收货人。 提单可被看作为货物收据、运输合同证明和物权凭证。 Letter 1


Letter 2 Letter 3 Letter 4

Letter 5 Letter 6

Exercises I.Fill in the following blanks. 1. importance; urgent; advance; co-operation 2. circumstances; compelled; an alternative/alternatives; 3. extended; expired 4. pleasure; informing 5. in duplicate II.Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.我们很高兴在此通知,贵方所订的车灯模具已由“魅力”号货轮发出,将于5月15号抵达宁波。 2.我们很奇怪至今尚未收到于8月1号所订的螺钉,我方客户要求予以解释,因为他们急需此批货物。 3.由于交货长期延误,给我们带来不便。我们要求立即发货,否则,我们将不得不按合同规定取消订单。 4.请尽快安排装运我方所订的货物。 5.这艘货船将于7月20号左右驶往上海。 III.Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Upon receipt of the L/C, please effect shipment of the goods booked by us as soon as possible. 2. We are informed by ABC shipping company that S.S. “Beauty” is due to sail from your city to our port on or about 6th this month. 3. We are very much obliged for your kind cooperation. 4. We hope that these goods will reach you in time and turn out to your entire satisfaction. 5. We are in urgent need of the goods and have to request you to ship them without any further delay.


人教版初中九年级英语Unit8 SectionA(Grammar Focus-4c)优质课教案I.Material analysis The reading material is an article about the strange noises in a town.Activity 3a asks Ss to read the article and choose the appropriate title According to the content of the article. Activity 3b requires the Ss to find the appropriate transfer according to the definition and to grasp the different expressions of the language. Activity 3c leads the Ss to pay more attention to the details of the text and find out the speculations of many characters in the article about the strange noises. II. Student analysis Section A focuses on learning the four modal verbs to indicate the different usages of making inferences and learning to use different sentence patterns to express the ownership of the object. The difficulty in this part is to master the usage of the modal verb must, could, can, can’t to make inferences. Ss need to experience and practice in a large number of languages to use them correctly and skillfully. III. Language knowledge goals: 1) New words: policeman, noise, wolf, happening, uneasy 2) Read the article and get relevant information as required; 3)Improve students’ reading ability through reading training; 4) Learn to use modal verbs to make inferences. IV. Emotional attitude value goals: In the face of temporary unexplained phenomena around us, reasonable conjecture is made on the basis of the available evidence. Do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors. V.Teaching important and difficult points 1.Read the article and get relevant information: 1) Master the new words and phrases in this part to achieve the goal of proficiency. 2) Read the article and get relevant information. Improve Ss’ reading ability by reading exercises. 2. Difficult points:


启头句: 1)We have (take) pleasure in informing you that../ We have the pleasure of informing you that../ We are pleased (glad) to inform you that..兹欣告你方.... 16) Refering to your letter of ......we are pleased to .关于你方...月...日来信,我们很高兴... 19) We wish to refer to your letter of ...concerning 现复你方...月...日关于...的来信 20) In compliance with the request in your letter of ... we...按你方...月...日来函要求,我方... 37) We thank you for your letter of https://www.360docs.net/doc/6617817012.html,rming us that..我们感激贵方...月...日的来函,惠告... 21) In connection with the question of supplying you with ..., we are pleased to say that...关于向你方供应...的问题,欣告你方... 29) We owe your address to ..我方从...获得你方地址。 36) In replay to your letter of ...concerning...we are glad to be able to /story to have tell you that...兹复贵方...月...日有关...的来函,很高兴/抱歉告知贵方... 41)We must apologize for the delay in replying to your letter of...迟复贵方...月...日函,甚歉! 43)In reply to your letter/inquiry of ... , we wish to inform you that...兹复贵方...月...日函/询盘,我们愿意告诉贵方... 77)As requested/ In accordance with your wishes we are sending you... 按你方的要求,现奉上.. 商业信函常用开头语 3.惠请告知某某事项等 1)Please inform me that (of) ;13)We shall be pleased to have your information regarding (on, as to; about) 6.特回答贵公司某月某日函所叙述有关事项等7)In response to your letter of l0th May, I wish to say that; 10)In reply to your letter of February 8th, I inform you that (of) ; 7.非常遗憾,我们奉告您关于,等。 l)We regret to inform/say/advise you that (of) ; 9.我们对于您某月某日来函的询价,深表谢意等。2)I thank you for your inquiry of the 10th May ; 10.兹函附某某,请查收,等。 1)Enclosed please find ;3)We enclose herewith ;7)We are pleased to enclose herewith 11.遵照某月某日来函指示,等。2)According to the directions contained in yours of the 6th May ; 4)In conformity with (to) your instructions of the l0th ult. 12.关于详情,下次叙述,等。 2)Particulars will be related in the following. 3)I will relate further details in the following. 13. 如下列所记,如附件所述,1)As stated below, 10)As already mentioned,


课程名称:商务英语阅读( Business English Reading ) 《商务英语阅读》教学大纲 一、课程说明 《商务英语阅读》课程是英语专业(国际商务)的专业课程,是学生在进行英语基础课程学习后,涉及商务英语知识学习,商务英语语言学习的重要课程,旨在有系统、有步骤地训练和培养学生用英语表达与国际商务活动有关的术语名称、机构名称、协议并具备将文章译成正确流畅的汉语能力。 本课程是在英语专业(国际商务)的学生进行英语基础课程学习后开设的课程,有助于今后商务课程的学习。 本课程的教学时间安排是:每周4学时,计划教学周数 19周,总课时数76学时,其中实践学时数为34学时,主要内容是阅读商务类动态国际新闻时事并讨论。 本课程总学分数:4学分 二、学时分配表 三、教学目的与要求 本课程的教学目的:《商务英语阅读》是英语专业(国际商务)的一门主要课程,着重通过对当前热门的商务英语文章进行精讲,分析,使学生能够系统的学习。增加商务英语的基本词汇、掌握商务的基本理论和语言交际的基本技能,为培养适合现代经济、文化和社会发展需要服务。学生通过学习能够成为从事国内外商务活动的外语复合型人才和商贸英语翻译人才。 本课程各章的教学要求和知识考核点如下:

第一章中国模式为何奏效 通过本课程的学习使学生了解中国与欧美国家自由市场经济不同的经济模式—计划经济与市场经济并存所取得的成效,了解中国领导人进行市场改革开放以来的作为与成就,成功的因素,以及与西方经济模式对比之下的不同之处。 本章的主要知识点是:计划市场经济、自由市场经济及中国改革开放。 难点是:课文生词应用,white goods白色家电,如冰箱,洗衣机,微波炉,消毒碗柜等,premium brands高档品牌的商品。 第二章全球现状新解 本章通过了解第三世界国家新兴市场的观点和论说,并从历史的角度帮助学生体会对经济规模和管理的发展趋势。 本章的主要知识点是:供应链、库存周转率、规模经济、产业调整等。 难点是:课文生词应用,存款准备金率、主权债务危机、自由贸易等 第三章该重新获得平衡了 本章介绍了美国经济在多年贸易赤字下不平衡贸易、消费与生产出口方面的变化对经济发展的影响,指出美国经济应该进行转型。 本章的主要知识点是:贸易平衡、消费、与国内经济发展。 难点是:课文生词应用,如bemoan one's sad fate 自叹命苦;bemoan the shortage of funds for research 抱怨研究经费不足 第四章难以置信—欧洲在沉沦 本章介绍了全球金融危机年至今的欧元区经济的衰退和恢复情况。 本章的主要知识点是:2008年至今的欧元区经济的衰退和恢复 难点是:课文生词应用,如mayhem:There was absolute mayhem when the cow got into the village hall. 那牛闯进村会议厅, 造成一片混乱。 第六章自由贸易终结? 本章介绍了全球化、市场经济、自由贸易、贸易保护主义等问题的争论,和对世界经济的未来及发展介绍。 本章的主要知识点是:贸易壁垒、自由贸易区、进口替代、公司福利、世贸组织中的争端解决机制等。 难点是:掌握相关的贸易术语 第七章底特律的辉煌还有机会再现吗 本章介绍了美国底特律汽车城的兴衰以及,分析了美国汽车工业的困境,展望了汽车工业的未来。 本章的主要知识点是:汽车行业市场变化。 难点是:汽车类名词,行业优劣势的分析 第八章乔布斯的十年 本章介绍了乔布斯,苹果公司前首席执行官乔布斯如何通过发挥他的创新特质、独特个人魅力,研发新产品的观念和手段成功地领导影响全球生活方式的苹果公司。
