



阅读 60分钟

写作 45分钟

听力 40分钟(左右)

口语 14分钟





















BEC属专门用途英语考试。目前国内规模较大的英语水平考试如大学四、六级考试,主要是对大学公共英语教学的考核。BEC考试则主要考查考生在商务方面的英语实际运用能力。BEC1为初级语言水平考试,难度相当于我国大学英语四级,就剑桥英语考试系列来说,它介于入门英语考试(Key English Test)和初级英语考试(Preliminary English Te st)之间;BEC2介于我国大学英语四、六级之间,相当于剑桥第一证书英语考试(First Certificate in English);BEC3介于我国大学英语六级和英语专业八级之间,相当于剑桥熟练英语证书考试(Certificate of Proficiency in English)。以中国学生学英语的程度来参照,凡系统学习过基础英语,象《许国璋英语》1、2册或《新概念英语》1、2册者均可达到BEC1的语言应试要求;BEC2和BEC3语言水平要求更高,报考者至少应具有中级英语水平(相当于大学四级以上的水平)或学完《许国璋英语》四册或《新概念英语》四册的水平。


考试答题卡由各考点汇集后寄教育部考试中心海外考试处,由海外考试处召集经英方培训的专家根据标准答案评卷。评卷结果经计算机录入,将各项成绩报英国剑桥大学地方考试委员会,该委员会评出成绩(一级笔试分A、B、C、D、F四等,口试分1、2、3等;二级笔试分A、B、C、N、F五等,口试分1、2、3等;三级笔试分A、B、C 、N、F五等,口试分1、2、3等),由海外考试处打印成绩通知单(包括不及格的N、F、口试的3等),剑桥大学地方考试委员会印发成绩合格证书,由教育部考试中心寄各考点向考生颁发。













听力部分 考试总时间:40分钟(包括10分钟填写答题卡时间) 第一项:单词填空 实用技巧: 1.力争在第一遍就完成80%以上的缺口,在第二遍时完成并校对所有缺口。 2.缺口顺序完全按照行文顺序。 3.在听力开始之前仔细阅读第一项文字部分,尤其是缺口部分前的字句,理解其意思,因为不要指望说话人会在提及缺口内容之前说出与缺口部分前的字句完全一致的字句。说话人往往说出与缺口部分前字句意思相同的其他表达,包括使用近义词,近义句等。 4.缺口部分包括:单个名词或形容词(通常词形比较复杂);两个名词构成的结构;一个形容词和一个名词构成的结构;动词加名词的结构;数词 5.缺口是名词(或名词结构)的标志是:缺口前有介词的出现。 6.缺口是形容词的标志是:缺口后有名词的出现。 7.缺口是动词(或动词结构)的标志是:缺口后有介词的出现。 8.缺口是数词(或数词结构)的标志是:缺口前后有number、percentage等提示词的出现。 9.当缺口处单词(或结构)过长时,可以在第一遍时进行速记,第二遍时完成。 10.当确实掌握了缺口处单词的中文意思但又想不出英文时可以用同义词代替。 第二项:多项匹配(令万千考生泪洒考场,痛不欲生!!) 实用技巧: 1.掌握每一选项的中文意思,想象在每一选项表达或描述的情况下说话人可能使用的字句。2.若听到文中内容与某选项完全一致,一般大胆排除该选项。 3.正确选项中的表述与文中某部分内容存在同义关系。(某部分内容或者只是一个单词或词组;或者是一个句子) 4.注意说话人语气。(该方法尤其适用于判断说话人的态度) 5.考生在平时要多了解各种商业场合的语言运用。 第三项:多项选择 实用技巧: 1.所有问题均按照行文的先后顺序进行提问。 2.对于每一个问题,说话人都有明确的提示性的阐述,所以解题的关键是发现和听懂这些提示。 3.提示性词语的使用。一般说话人所使用的提示词有:but;but I think;real…;fact is


BEC商务英语初级口语考试短语 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家BEC商务英语初级口语考试短语,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 1. We’d like to express out desire to establish business relations with you on the basis of equally, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods. 我方希望能在平等、互利、互通有无的基础上与贵司建立业务关系。 2. In order to extend our export business to your country, we wish to enter into direct business relations with you. 为了能在贵国拓宽我方的出口业务,我们希望能与你们直接建立业务关系。 3. Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us. 我们希望双方能建立互惠的贸易关系。

4. We look forward to a further extension of pleasant business relations. 希望我们之间友好的业务关系得到进一步的发展。 5. It’s our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you. 我方希望能够继续同贵方保持大量的业务往来。 6. We look forward to receiving your quotation very soon. 我方期待着尽快收到贵方的报价。 7. I hope you’ll see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost. 希望贵方能从这一降价中看出我方真的在尽最大的努力。 8. We hope to discuss business with you at your earliest convenience.


BEC中级口语考试:基础篇 1.1第一部分考试形式 (Test format of Part 1) 在第一部分考试中,考官就考生的个人情况或工作、学习情况向其提问,考生作答。然后考官再提问,考生再作答。考官一般会对每个考生进行两轮提问,每一轮三至四个问题,随后转向另一名考生,在两名考生间交替进行,直到规定时满为止,一般大约3 分钟。 这部分考试的特点是:话题涵盖的范围一般比较简单、浅显,不会超出日常会话的范畴,而且大部分话题都比较类似,是由主考官从剑桥大学考试委员会印发的Question List上随机挑选的。考前的充分准备足以保证考生应付大多数问题。而且在第一部分考核过程中,考官提问的问句大部分都是简单句,一般不超过15个单词,清晰易懂。 1.2应试建议 (Tips on how to cope with Part 1) (1)Greet upon entering the exam room. 进入考场后,考生应当充满自信,自然大方地向考官问候致意。话不需多,但自然、新切的问候语,可以给考官留下良好的第一印象。常用的问候语包括: Good morning, sir / miss / madam. Good afternoon, sir / miss / madam. Nice to meet you. (注:有两位男老师在场,可以称呼gentlemen. 有两位女老师在场,可以称呼misses. 有一位男老师和一位女老师在场,可以干脆免去后面的敬呼语,或直接采纳上面第三种问候方式,以免去敬呼语太长、太繁琐的尴尬。Madam 一般用于明显很年长的女教师,否则改用miss,因为女性对年龄认可度比较敏感。) (2)Relax yourself, yet do avoid over relaxing yourself. 大部分考生都有过这样的经历:平时跟同伴一起练口语的时候说得挺流畅的,但一到课堂上回答老师问题时,或是一进入口语考试房间时,所有头脑中的思路都不翼而飞,头脑一片空白。因此,在很多情况下,口语考试表现不好并不是口语水平问题,而是过分紧张导致的发挥失常。因此,平时试着让自己多练练紧张时放松的能力,对于克服进入考场后突然情绪紧张导致的发挥失常很有帮助。 (3)Familiarize yourself with the pronunciation and intonation of the interlocutor and the other candidate. 由于考生来自不同的地域,很多方音重的考生在说英语的时候也同样如此,这在很大程度上会影响其他同一考场的考生的理解和反应。考官尽管发音准确,但因为不熟悉他(她)的语音语调,也有可能造成误解。因此,进入考场后,要尽快熟悉他们的语音语调及语速,以免由于误听导致反应错误。 (4)Be precise in understanding the questions. 考官的提问也好,同伴的问题也好,没听清的情况下切不可盲目作答,一定要问清楚问题是什么。考生要清楚的一点是,BEC口语考试是“口语”考试,而非听力考试,也许没听清对方的问题会影响你的分数,而在没听清问题的情况下盲目作答而导致答非所问,更会真正丢分。在以往的考试中,有些考生由于事先针对第一部分做了充分的准备,因此在考官提问的时候没有全神贯注,而是凭着准备过的问题想当然,背诵事先准备好的答案。这种错误是极不应该的,不仅会给考官留下作弊(cheating )的不良印象,还会由于听力水平不佳而被扣分。要求对方重述问题的常用句型包括: Pardon, please? I beg your pardon? Sorry, could you please say that again? I’m sorry, but I didn’t quite catch you. Would you please repeat what you’ve


BEC中级口试全真试题Part Ⅱ 1.What is important when planning a presentation? Finding out about the audience Researching the topic 2.What is important when aiming to improve customer service? Staff Training Customer Satisfaction Surveys 3.What is important when managing a project? Encouraging Teamwork Keeping to schedule 4.What is important when motivating staff? Financial benefits Career development Opportunities 5.What is important when dealing with competition? Pricing policies Advertising strategies 6.What is important when planning health and safety training? Selecting topics Selecting staff to attend 7:What is important when choosing new office equipment? Prices and discounts Brand names 8.What is important when entertaining foreign business clients? Venue for entertainment Cultural Differences 9.What is important when aiming to reach new markets? Market research Advertising 10.What is important when choosing a management training course to attend? Program Contents Length of course 11.What is important when relocating a business? Local workforce available Location of site 12.What is important when advertising a new product? Target markets Choice of media 13.What is important when starting a new job? Knowledge of company procedures Help from company staff 14.What is important when selecting staff for marketing trips abroad? Position in the company Previous experience of other countries


口语考试分为三部分: 第一阶段:考官和考生交流,时间大约3分钟 1.Q:What’s your name? A:My name is (Kate) (注:括号内的为参考答案) 2 .Q:Where are you from? A:I come from (JiangSu Province) 3. Q:Are you a student or worker? A:I am a (student/worker) 4.如果你是学生: Q :What do you like most about your study? A:这个要你回答最喜欢的一门课 Q:And why? Q:What do you like most about your work? Q:And why? 5.What do you wear when you go to college? (如果你是学生,需要准备) 6.How do you normal dress for job? (如果你是非学生,需要准备) 7.The company has a dress code for their em ployee, what’s you viewpoint? (如果你是非学生,需要准备) 8.Do you think businessman have enough time to relax themselves? And why? 9. About free time or to relax work Should the company offer leisure facility to employee? And why? Matter people free time or money more? And why? Is employee encouraged to work overtime? And why? 10. About Business news What kind of business news is most interesting? And why? How do you keep up with business news? Is it important for business people read business news? And why? 11.About organizing time Do you think you are good at organizing the work? And why? Is it important to be well organized in the work? And why? Do you think people will work more efficiently if they take a regular breaks? And why? 12.About conference How useful for business people to go to conferences? What makes a conference interesting? And why? Do you think pay for staff to come to the conference in other country? And why? a business magazine,which is more important? Cost Content Aiming to increase sales of a product, which is more important? Cutting price Advertisement Choosing software, which is more important? Potential benefit


剑桥商务英语(BEC)中级口语考试试题 口语考试分为三部分: 第一阶段:考官和考生交流,时间大约3分钟Example 1.Q:What’s your name? A:My name is (Kate) (注:括号内的为参考答案) 2 .Q:Where are you from? A:I come from (JiangSu Province) 3. Q:Are you a student or worker? A:I am a (student/worker) 要点::以上问题,只要你简单阐述就行了,不要长篇大论,而且老师问什么,你回答什么,千万不要拖泥带水。 Exercise:(每人问两个问题和答两个问题) 1、What is your major? 2、Which course do you like best? 3、Why do you study English? 4、Do you like doing business? Why? 第二阶段:时间大概6分钟,每个考生分别发给一张带有三个不同题目的卡片,每个考生的题目都是不同的。考生需要从三个题目中选择一个题目,准备一分种,然后根据题目的要求他和提示作一分种的简短发言。 Exercise :(以下问题三选一,每人陈述一分钟,并把你要讲的内容写在作业本上。) 1、Selecting a business magazine,which is more important? Cost Content 2、Choosing software, which is more important? Potential benefit


第一部分:personal information 常用语句: 1.I beg your pardon? / I am sorry, but I didn’t quite catch you. Would you please repeat what you’ve just said? 2. 常见问题: 1. Can you tell me something about youself? (自我介绍) Good afternoon! My name is Jolin Chow. I graduated from National University of Defense Technology with a master's degree in Engineering. I am a National Registered First-Class Construction Engineer, and work in Guangsha Construction Group Cooperation Limited. 2.What kind of person would you say you are? I think I am an out-going person with a strong will and I am confident and positive, always working hard and sparing no effort to achieve my goals. But sometimes I am impulsive, not calm enough, which is one of my major drawbacks. 3.Can you tell me something about your friends? I have a large circle of friends. They are all open-minded, diligent and smart. We have a lot of common interests and help each other in times of difficulties. 4. Could you introduce your work in detail? Do you like your current job? My main job is to coordinate the interests of all parties, and check the progress and quality of the project in order to carry out the plan. I like my current job very much, because this work allows me to enlarge my knowledge as well as my eyes. . 5. What has been your most valuable experience? As regards my most valuable experience, I suppose it should be that I I got the certificate of National Registered First-Class Construction Engineer last year. At that time, I really felt that hard work pays off. 6. How important is it to you to have opportunities for promotion in your career? No one would prefer to stay in one position for the whole life. Certainly I am not exception. Promotion is of vital importance to me, for I want to realize the value of life. 7. Is it better for your career to stay in one company or to work for a number of companies? As I see it, the proverb “a rolling stone gathers no moss” really holds water. So I prefer to stay in one company and grow with the company. 8. How important is English in business life in your company? In fact, English is playing an important role in China’s business life; it is an essential skill for those who are engaged in foreign trade. I know that I'm not proficient in English, so I study English hard. And I hope to improve my English to go


BEC考试的口试形式及评分标准 第一阶段:采取考官与考生交流的方式,时间约为4—5分钟。 考生应对考官的问题做出回答或对考官提出的要求做出反应。考官所题问题主要针对商务交往的具体内容。 第二阶段:采取考生与考生交流的方式,时间约为3—4分钟。 每组考生抽去两组卡片,每组卡片为两张,一张卡片上描述具体内容,另一张卡片由针对其内容的问题。考生可得到一张卡片上描述具体内容和另一考生卡片相关问题卡片,有足够时间阅读卡片,交流的内容局限于这两组卡片。 评分标准测试依据发音、准确性、流利程度以及交流能力四个部分判定3个等级。分数分别为3分、2分、1分。具体标准如下: 1.发音(包括声音大小、重音、语调、语气) 3分,尽管有些读音错误,并且有受母语影响的迹象,但比较容易听懂且抑扬顿挫较流畅。

2分,由于发音受母语影响使某些词不易听懂,由一些读音错误,受母语影响严重。 1分,考生的发音很难听懂。经常出现读音错误,受母语影响明显,语调不对且断断续续,给听者造成麻烦。 2.准确性(包括语法、用词及说话方式) 3分,尽管有错误,但基本上能把意思表达清楚。所采用的句子结构规范,但处理复杂句子比较困难。对所熟习的话题语汇较充分,但表达有欠缺。 2分,有的意思表达不清。所采用的句子结构多为基本句式且有语法及用词错误,对所熟习的话题有一定词汇描述能力。 1分,表达令人费解,基本句子结构出现错误,缺乏用于交流的词汇。 3.流利程度(包括语速、长短句搭配) 3分,听者感觉不错,但尽管有停顿,较流利,能组织语言,用较长的句子表达,但有些句子不够完整。

2分,听者需要耐心,尽管有停顿但基本流利,句子比较短。 1分,听者需要非常耐心。经常中断且间隔较长。 4.交流能力(包括独立性、灵活性以及对谈话方式的把握) 3分,基本具有独立性。只是有时需要在其它考生的帮助或提示下表达。在与其它考生的交流中占主导地位,回答其它考生所提问题较迅速。 2分,有时需要依靠别人的帮助完成表达。在交流中有不妥之处,不能很快回答其它考生所提问题。 1分,需要经常依靠别人的帮助才能完成表达。掌握了一些句式但使用不当,对其它考生的提问,反应慢,甚至没有反应。 模板,内容仅供参考


BEC口语总结 一.商务旅行/差旅 (1)前期准备preparation 1.accommodation:book a hotel(hall 等)with adequate working facilities (such as fax machine,internet access,computers等) 2.transportation :choose a convenient (suitable)means of transportation (2)费用:hotel bills,traveling expenses,public transportation fares,fax or telephone charges, client entertainment expenses (3)考虑因素: 文化差异cultural differences:

different thought patterns;working style; ways of decision-making; shopping habits;ways of seeing the world 如何应对: 1.p romote the global mindset 2.b ecome sensitive to the cultural difference/be open-minded 3.r espect for native culture 4.c onsider cultural taboos 5.t he staff should acquaint with differences in language,laws and social customs 6.r elocate the employee to work


Part 1 Invitation S: Mr. Li, it’s so nice talking with you about your business. I really hope we can have a chance to do business together. L: I hope so. Look, we are having a small dinner for some of our clients. Please come and join us. S:That’s very kind of you. I’ll be glad to come. But I have my associate with me. She is visiting one of our important clients in the city. I’m afraid she has some arrangements foe me. Anyway, I’ll just check with her. L: How is it? S: I’m free tonight. L: Sounds great! Your associate is most welcome to join us too. S: Thank you. Unfortunately she has another engagement. L: Well. What a pity! S: I’m sorry for that, but thank you just the same. Where and when shall we meet? L: How about the lounge bar here? At about six? S:OK.. (During the dinner, Li Yan invited Susan to visit his factory in China.) L: If you’d like, we’d be delighted to see you at our workshop. S: It’s very kind of you. My associate and I would be interested in visiting your factory. L: How long will you be in China? When is OK with you? S: We’ll be here for another three weeks, for other business of course. We want to visit next week, how about November 1st. L: That’s all right. Could you give me your email address? I’ll arrange your tour and email the schedule to you. S: Thanks. My email address is Susan@https://www.360docs.net/doc/6815253385.html,. L: I’ve got it. I am looking forward to seeing you. Part 2 Visiting a Plant L: Hello, Susan. Nice to meet you and welcome to Boyi. S: Hello. Nice to meet you , too. L: Let me show you around our factory. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. S: OK. Could you give me a general idea of your factory before we see the workshops? L: Certainly. There are three parts: the production area, the processing area and the dispatch area. S: How large is the factory? L: It covers an area of 50,000 square meters. S: It is much larger than I expected. When was the factory set up? L: In the early 1970s. S: How many employees do you have now? L: About 2,000. That is our office block. We have all the administrative departments there. Down there is the research and development section. S: How much do you spend on development every year? L: About 5-6% of the gross sales. S: What’s that building opposite to us?


BEC口语常用句子汇总 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理BEC 口语练习,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 BEC口语常用句子汇总(1) 1 Ive come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant on 我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。 2 Youre going out of your way for us, I believe. 我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。 3 Its just the matter of the schedule ,that is ,if it is convenient for you right now. 如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。 4 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now. 我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。

5 If he wants to make any changes ,minor alternations can be made then. 如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。 6 Is there any way of ensuring well have enough time for our talks? 我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判? 7 So our evenings will be quite full then? 那么我们的活动在晚上也安排满了吗? 8 Well leave some evenings free ,that is ,if it is all right with you. 如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。 9 Wed have to compare notes on what weve discussed during the day. 我们想用点时间来研究讨论一下白天谈判的情况。 10 Thatll put us both in the picture. 这样双方都能了解全面的情况。 BEC口语常用句子汇总(2) 1 Then wed have some ideas of what youll be needing 那么我们就会心中有点儿数,知道你们需要什么了。

BEC中级口语考试part 3 模板

Spoken part 3 A: 陈述现象 B:Yeah,that’s sounds exciting/ interesting,since we’re never done that before.We need to have a good preparation.To this topic,different people have different ideas. A:You are right. And there is a problem to us.Could you please tell me what do you think of.....(第一问)? B:(对一问进行回答)As for me ,I think .......What about your opinion on this problem? A:Firstly,i agree with what you said. Furthermore,i want to say......However,there is an other problem can not be neglected,that is ......(第二问)what is your opinion about it? B:OK,I think it is a difficult question for me,and for my perspective,i think.... Whatever,i want to know more advice/answer about the problem,So,would you mind telling me something about it?


Conversation Topics 1 Asking about personal views. 1 Why do you study English? 2 Why do you want to study business? 3 What do you think of some modern methods of payment (credit cards, cheques, bank transfers)? 4 What role does the computer play in modern business? 5 What are some necessary steps for preparing a business trip overseas? 6 Which kind of office would you prefer to work in, cellular or an open-plan office? 7 What do you think of international trade? 8 How to deal with customer enquires on the phone? 9 Transportation: (What is your usual means of transportation? Compare the various means of transportation) 10 Health and safety in the workplace (How to ensure a healthy working environment for employees? What are some health hazards in the office/factory shop? What safety measures should be adopted in the workplace?) 11 How to keep a balance between growth and environment protection? 12 Radio and TV (What are your favorite/TV programs? Why?)

BEC 口语考试资料 job sharing

Job-sharing There are a number of points to consider when arranging job-sharing. The first thing is to find someone you like. Because the person is your partner who coorperate with you in the same job in the different work time. The second thing is to organize and plan how you share the work. This can eliminate the confusion of the work while maintaining productivity, The third thing is to arrange a fixed time to communicate. Because you and your partner will do the same job in the different time so that you need a good communication and plan to improve efficiency. In addition(To sum up), job-sharing allows the employee to work part-time in order to spend more time with their families, attend school, or pursue other personal interests when we obey the rule of the job-sharing. Freelance There are a number of points to consider if you are a freelancer. The first thing is to own the ability of working independently. Some people can do little alone but working in the group. This kind of people can’t do a good freelancer. The second thing is to organize and plan how you arrange the job of different company. Because you sell your work or services to a number of different companies, you must deal with the relationship of different jobs. The third is a good resource. That is for the company which you are working for can’t offer you enough resource for a freelancer. In addition(To sum up), Working independently and on temporary contracts rather than for a long-term employer. (Notes: take the high road=do things in an ethical way) You sell your work or services to a number of different companies. Hotdesking More productive use of office space; often involves, to a greater or lesser extent, eliminating personal ownership of desks. It is a method of sharing desks, with workers who are usually working elsewhere booking space to work. This has been made easier by the use of laptops and just being able to plug these straight into docking points at every desk. This allows workers to carry out their tasks anywhere when they are working from their own laptop. Advantages: Cost saving in furniture and overheads such as electricity, phone bills, computer maintenance, rent, air-conditioning, etc. Disadvantage: no personal territory or privacy. You don’t have a perma nent place or office to work at, but you find a place to work when you arrive. Shift Work Work that is broken into chunks of time, e.g. the day shift may be 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; the night shift midnight to 8 a.m., etc. Related Term: OT (overtime pay) You work during different parts of the day (eg. nights). Teleworking
