


Lesson 1 英语词汇的基本构成音节make 单音节ugly 双音节beautiful 多音节

1.象形M- 山mountain - man - male - match- watch -major

H - 高high - happy - hail 欢呼- height - hill- head - hat

W-水water - wave - wine- well 井- woman-wife-widow寡妇-weep眼泪-wage - 薪水

L-长long - lace necklace 项链- leg - line - log 原木,日志

整个单词的象形:eye - see - peep 偷窥旦



自然界的声音:wheel车轮/whirl急转,旋转/ click 点击鼠标的声音

模仿动物的声音:cock鸡叫,公鸡hen 母鸡,her 、wolf狼mammal 哺乳动物mum 妈妈

模仿人类的声音:thrill毛骨悚然,兴奋/chill N寒冷adj chilly /giggle 咯咯的笑/gay高兴的- 同性恋/ sip 吸/ soup 汤/ supper 晚饭dinner 正餐

2>外来语的音译:sofa 沙发/ coffee 咖啡/ cheese芝士、起司/ chocolate巧克力/ salad 沙拉/ calorie 卡路

里/ 太极Taiji shadow boxing /豆腐toufu

3> 谐音联想exhaust “一个早死的”- 筋疲力尽

curse “克死”- 诅咒reluctant = unwilling “驴拉个坦克”-- 不情愿的


1.> 直接合成: sea-dog;hard - working; warm-hearted; outgoing外向的; easygoing 随和的; highlight 高

光- 强调,重点; smog = smoke + fog 烟雾; brunch = breakfast + lunch早午餐; ice- cream 冰激凌

2.> 词根词缀:英语的前缀和词根相当于汉字的偏旁部首

从- 休人淼-- 沐水Prometheus 普罗米修斯先知- pro-/pre-/pri- 在前面

Promote(move)晋升,促销/ preface 前言forehead 额头/ primary 首要的

3.> 词性转换后缀

加后缀转换词形:act - actor- actress - action - active 爱动的,活跃的- activate 激活- activity 活

动- actual 事实上的- actually Wait - waiter - waitress

Lesson 2


1.副词后缀-ly:slight - slightly;happy- happily;careful - carefully;immediate - immediately make +ing =making

以-ly 结尾的单词绝大多数是副词,只有friendly, lonely, lovely, lively, deadly 致命的, likely,可能的silly, early, daily, 等少数几个是形容词。


-y: luck - lucky; health - healthy; keep sb healthy wealth - wealthy;

- ful - full : color - colorful; wonder n奇迹v 想知道- wonderful; fruit - fruitful; pain - painful

-ous: fame n 名声- famous; danger - dangerous; anxiety - anxious; vary v变化- various 多样的- variety n 多样性

-al: nature - natural ; nation - national; history - historical ; economy - economic al 经济实惠的

-ive: act - active; sense - sensitive 敏感的;

-able : accept - acceptable; rely - reliable sensible

区分:respectable 值得尊重的- respectful 对。。充满敬意的

-less: 唯一一个否定后缀hope - hopeless; price - priceless 无价的value +able = valuable valueless


-er/-or : 动作的发出者(不一定是人)cook - cooker厨具; employ - employer 雇主; sail - sailor

-ee : 动作的承受者:examine - examinee 考生;examiner 考官;employee 雇员

-ist :专家artist 艺术家;chemist 化学家;typist 打字员;capitalist 资本家

-ion/-ation/-ment/-ness/-ure/ -ance/-ence/-ancy/-ency (抽象名词后缀):impress - impression;agree - agreement ; state

- statement

busy - business; fail - failure; press - pressure ; ill -illness;

-ity/ -dom /-ship spaceship 宇宙飞船(抽象名词后缀):real- reality; free - freedom; wise - wisdom; pure- purity, friend - friendship ; hard - hardship;

-ant/-ent :adj 或..人: attendant 服务员,侍者;accountant 会计, important - importance, patient n 病人

Adj 耐心的- patience


-en :en无论加在前面还是后面,都是把原来的单词变成相应的东西short- shorten; long - length - lengthen; broad - broaden, light - lighten ,large - enlarge 扩大

-ify : class - classify 分类; clear - clarify - clarity; beautiful - beautify v 美化

Lesson 3



1. un-(not): un + adj “不...的”believe - unbelievable 难以置信的;able - unable 不能够的;

un + 动词== 反义词fold 折叠- unfold 展开

2. dis-(not):agree - disagree 不同意;advantage 优点- disadvantage 缺点 dis approve ing 不支持的Dislike 不喜欢VS unlike 不像; disable 使。。。残疾VS unable adj

3. im/ir/il/ixx (not): impossible 不可能的;illegal 非法的;ir regular不规律的;

4. non- : nonsense 胡扯八道;nonstop 不停的


5. re- (back 往回): return 回来;react 反应;reflect 反映response 回应

(again 再次):repeat 重复;recycle 回收;rebuild 重建;restore 恢复,还原 rewrite 重写

6. co-/con-/com- (共同,一起): cooperate 合作;co-worker 工友,同事;

7. sub-(下面,次级):subway 地铁;= underground

subtitle 副标题subordinate 次级的

8. super-(上面,超级):superhero superficial 表面的- 肤浅的;superior 高级的,be superior to 优于

9. ex-(out): exit n. 出口;except 除了 VS expect 期望;ex clude (close)排除include 包含conclude 总结

Cat mouse - mouth

10. pre- (静态的在前面): preface 前言;preview 预习;- review 复习predict 预言;foresee 预见precious 珍贵的

11. Pro- 动态的向前:promote 提拔,促销;progress 进步;process v 列队前进n 过程

12. Pri- 主要的:primary 主要的,初级的;prior 优先的,在前的;be prior to 先于.... prime 最好/高级的

13. Anti-(相反): arctic 北极Antarctic 南极;antivirus 反病毒;antivirus software 杀毒软件antibody 抗体;,


Lesson 4 (细节题题干)

according to 根据except 除了expect 期望

passage 文章

paragraph 段落

sentence 句子

line 行,线条

author 作者

mention 提到,提及

following 以下的,接下来的

statement 陈述,表达

underline 下划线

true = correct = right 正确的

reason = factor = cause 原因,理由

翻译:1. which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

2. which of the following is the author’s suggestion?

3. the last sentence of the first paragraph implies_____.

4. which of the following statements is true except_______.

5. As is mentioned in the passage, the guide dogs will do the following except for _____

6. according to the last paragraph, the solution to the problem of post-80s couples is that______ Lesson 5 (推理题题干)

discuss v 讨论;discussion n 讨论

mean v 意思是;meaning n 意思

proper 合适的

replace 替代

tip = advice = suggestion 建议

infer = imply 暗示suggest 建议,暗示;conclude 总结,推论----- 推理题标志词

learn 学习,了解

lesson 课程,教训


1.It can be inferred from the passage that _____

2.The passage implies/suggests that _______

3.It can be concluded from that last paragraph that _____

4.Which of the following might be discussed after the passage?

5.The sentence “...” in paragraph x can be best replaced by _____

6.In this passage, the expression “ walk in the shoes of” is similar in meaning to ____.

Lesson 6 (标题题题干)

major 主要的;大部分的;n 专业;v 主修

major point 要点

majority 大多数;minority 少数;少数民族

title 标题focus 聚焦,中心= center

purpose 目的

describe 描述

topic 话题

example 例子

show 展示

fact 事实;in fact = as a matter of fact 事实上(写作文的万能句)

main 主要的;main idea 大意;mainly 主要地

view = opinion 观点,看法


1.The main idea/ major point discussed in the second paragraph is _____

2.The best title for the passage would be ___

3.The author’s purpose in writing the passage is ____

4.What does the passage focus on?

Lesson 7 (态度题)

态度题题干:attitude/ tone / feeling


1.客观类:objective 客观的;impartial 不偏袒的,公正的


2.主观类:subjective 主观的,想当然的;indifferent 漠不关心的;partial ;puzzling 令人困惑的;uninterested 不感兴趣的(这些通常为干扰项,可直接排除)

3.积极类:positive 积极的,正面的;encouraging = inspiring 鼓舞人心的; optimistic 乐观的;enthusiastic 热情的;pleasing 令人愉快的

4.消极类:negative 负面的;pessimistic 悲观的

5.支持类:support 支持= favor = in favor of = approve;defensive 自卫的,防御用的

Supportive = favorable = approving adj 支持的

6.反对类:disapprove v 反对;disapproving adj 反对的;critic 批评;disgusting 令人恶心的;doubtful = suspicious 怀疑的;oppose = object 反对;protest 抗议

7.中立类:neutral 中立的;(注意区分迷惑选项natural 自然的)

Ex: The author’s attitude towards gift giving is _____ (2014.70) 【不用看文章,直接选C】


B. protesting

C. objective

D. supportive

Lesson 8 (社会生活类)

advertise v 做广告;advertisement (缩写成ad或ads)n 广告;boarder 寄宿生

suicide 自杀;crime 犯罪;psychology 心理学;depression 抑郁;unemployment 失业

Disaster 灾难;study = research 研究;survey 调查;critic 批评;traffic accident 交通事故

Divorce n 离婚;marriage 婚姻;drug 毒品;alcohol 酒精;generation gap 代沟

Sympathy 同情;charity 慈善;volunteer 志愿者;racial discrimination 种族歧视

Illegal 非法的;tendency 趋势;grow-up 成年人;adventure 冒险;security 安全

refer to 指的是;infer 暗示;prefer A to B 比起B更喜欢A

solve v 解决;solution n 解决办法;mental 精神上的,心理上的;physical 身体上的

advantage 优势;disadvantage 缺点,劣势;burden 负担

take measures 采取措施;victim 牺牲品,受害者;burglary 盗窃;

cause v 引起;n 原因= reason = factor ;obesity 肥胖;pedestrians 行人,路人

report 报道household 家庭的;history 历史;future 将来;culture 文化

concern 担心;be concerned about... ;background 背景

Lesson 9 (教育科技类)

indicate 暗示,表明;experiment 实验;experience 经验,经历;curiosity 好奇心;cheating 作弊

activity 活动;miserable 不幸的,可怜的;digital 数字的;gadget 电子产品;piracy 盗版

organize v 组织;organization n 组织;diligence = industry 勤奋;intelligence 智力;talent = gift天赋Discipline 纪律;drop off 辍学;statistics 统计;forum 论坛; annually;每年一次地;

teenager 青少年;adult 成年人;dorm 学生宿舍;library 图书馆;lab 实验室

college 大学;burden 负担

campus 校园;education 教育university 大学college 学院

graduate 毕业;post- graduate 研究生;English major 英语专业的学生

rule v 统治,n 规则;ruler n 尺子,统治者;regulation 规则

primary 首要的;primary/ elementary school 小学

technology 技术information 信息;hi-tech 高技术

Lesson 10 (经济医学类)

financial 经济的,财政的;interest 利息,利率,利益;profit 利润;consumer 消费者

merchandise 商品;purchase 购买,retailer 零售商;overtime 加班;credit 信用,学分

Economy 经济;economic 经济(学)的;economical 节约的,节俭的;domestic 国内的

definition 定义;define v 给。。下定义;classification 分类;dementia 老年痴呆

Cancer 癌症;heart disease 心脏病;stroke 中风;aging 老龄化;pet 宠物

parent 父母;patient 病人;耐心的;patience n 耐心

program 项目,节目,活动; brand 品牌;fashion 时尚

analyze v 分析;analysis n 分析result 结果;

real adj 真实的;really adv;realize v 实现,意识到;reality n 现实

media 媒体;multimedia 多媒体

truth = fact 事实

communication 交流;trade 贸易;contract 合同

manage v 管理;manager n 经理

Flu 流感;fever 发烧;cold 感冒


Lesson 11 核心名词辨析(一)

access VS excess: access 入口(跟to搭配);excess过量

place VS position:position 岗位;place 地方; condition 条件,情况

instrument 乐器;instruction 说明,指导;equipment设备;tool 工具

application 申请,应用;(app 应用软件)appliance 器具(electrical appliance 电器)

catch sight of 看见;view take notice of = pay attention to 注意

commitment 承诺;commission 委托,授权;任务;affairs 事物,foreign affairs 外交事务source 来源;resource 资源;origin起源,源头,根源。

effect n 效果,影响;(side effect 副作用)affect v 影响;effective 有效果的;efficient 高效率的mess 混乱;mass 大量;majority 大多数;minority 少数

people 人们;person 个人;population 人口数量;popularity 流行性


1.The people living in these apartments have free ____ to that swimming pool.


B. excess

C. excursion

D. recreation

2.I took the medicine, but it didn’t have any______ on me.


B. relation

C. touch

D. affect

3.Although it’s tough finding a job these days, Henry got a ____in a famous company.


B. Position

C. post

D. patch

4.Many people complain of the rapid ______ of modern life.


B. pace

C. speed

D. growth

5.We discussed this problem for several days, but could not come to a(n)



B. end

C. conclusion

D. judgement Lesson 12 核心名词辨析(二)

benefit n. 好处;v. 受益benefit from。。。从。。。中受益

reward v. 回报;award 奖品,奖励Academy Award 奥斯卡金像奖,学院奖;awkward 笨拙的,尴尬的length n 长度;width 宽度;weight 重量;height 高度

wealth n 财富--- wealthy adj 富有的

health n 健康--- healthy adj 健康的

conflict n 冲突;crisis n 危机;critic n 批评

accident 事故(traffic accident 交通事故);incident 主观事件

event 重大的事件或活动

change 改变,零钱;chance 机会= opportunity;challenge 挑战

Bench 长凳;branch 树枝,分支机构


1.We develop trade with that company for our shared ______.


B. reward

C. benefit

D. prize

2.Your brother is very tall. What is his exact _____?


B. length


D. breadth

3.These opinions are now out of _____.


B. form

C. mood

D. fashion

4.Our English professor is a man of French _____.


B. origin

C. source

D. breed brood

Lesson 13 核心名词辨析(三)

contact 接触,联系

contract 合同

contrast 对比,对照by contrast 相反

tension 紧张;intention 意图,打算;relaxation 放松

attitude 态度

altitude 海拔,高度

gratitude 感激,感谢;devotion (to)献身,奉献

Profession 专业,职业;career 职业生涯;employment 雇佣

Plan 计划;plane 飞机;schedule 时间表

Progress 进步;purpose 目的

fault 错误固定搭配find fault 找茬;err = mistake 错误

Burden 负担,load 装载;bother 麻烦;brother 兄弟


1.It wasn’t an accident. He did it on _______.


B. intention

C. purpose

D. Determination

2.The airplane arrived one hour behind ______.


B. date

C. time

D. schedule

3.Harry and Sam both denied that the fight was their _______.


B. criticism

C. cause

D. fault

Lesson 14 核心动词辨析(一)

transfer 转移,调动;transport 交通,运输;transform 变形(transformer 变形金刚)

transplant 移植;transmit 传播,传输

interfere (with)干预,干涉;interrupt 打断,中断;disturb 打扰

bother 打扰,brother 兄弟

prefer A to B 比起B更喜欢A;refer to 提及;infer 暗示

recognize 认出,再认; illustrate 说明,解释

remind sb of sth 提醒某人做某Inform sb of sth 通知某人做某事

rob sb of sth 抢劫了某人的某物

press v 按,压--- pressure n 压力Impress v 给。。。留下印象; impression n 印象

express v 表达;expression n 表达,表情

push 推;pull 拉;rush 冲

ensure 保障,确保;insure 保险


1.The football player is hoping to ______ another team soon.


B. transport

C. transplant

D. transact

2.I am sorry to have _____ you with so many questions on such an occasion.


B. offended

C. impressed


3.The engineer tried to ______ the problem with several drawings.


B. impress

C. illustrate

D. identify ID

4.It is wise to ______ your property against storm damage.


B. assure

C. reassure

D. ensure

Lesson 15 核心动词辨析(二)

convey 传递,表达;Confront 面对,正视;confront with 使面临。。,使面对。。。。

cost 主语是物或it,花钱;n. 代价,成本

take 主语是物或it,花时间ex: It takes me 2 hours to get to the station.

spend 主语是人,花钱或时间;spend sth on sth; spend sth (in) doing...

pay 主语是人;pay ... for ...

reject = refuse 拒绝;object to 。。。反对/抗议。。。

arrive in/at = get to = reach 到达reach an agreement/conclusion 达成协议/ 得出结论

out of reach = without reach 够不着;within reach 够得着

divide A into B 把A 分割成B;separate A from B 把A 跟B 分开

match 配对,搭配;suit with = fit for 适合。。。

approach n 方法,途径approach to... 。。。的方法/途径v. 靠近,接近


1.Careless driving may _____ your life.

A.Cost 代价

B. pay

C. spend

D. buy

2.I’d like to _____ my parents’ greetings to you and your family.


B. display

C. consult

D. convey

3.No agreement was ______ in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other.


B. obtained

C. reached

D. gained

Lesson 16 核心动词辨析(三)

depend on = rely on 依赖,依靠;independent 独立的;reliable 可靠的

explain 解释;explanation n 解释;complain v 抱怨;complaint n 抱怨

contribute to 有助于。。。;contribution n 贡献

attribute to 归功于。。。;distribute v 分配

search sb 对某人搜身;search for sb /sth 搜索。。。;research 研究

spoil 溺爱,宠坏;hurt 泛指身体/精神受伤;wound 刀/枪伤,n 伤口;

destroy 摧毁;injure受伤

follow v 跟随;fellow n 伙伴儿

strike (struck,struck)打击,袭击,罢工

knock 敲门


1.The car was badly smashed up, but the driver got away without serious_____.

A.damage destroy

B. wound

C. pain

D. injury

2.The color of the skirt does not ____ that of the coat.


B. match

C. suit

D. accord

3.The boy is eager to _____ knowledge in different fields.


B. absorb

C. arrange

D. approach

Lesson 17 核心动词辨析(四)

rise vi.(不及物动词)上升;具体概念ex:The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起

arise vi (不及物动词)升起;抽象概念ex:A lot of questions arise in my mind.

raise vt(及物动词)提高;筹集;养育;升起;具体概念ex:Why did they raise prices?

arouse vt 唤起;抽象概念ex:I like the song because it can arouse my feeling.

adapt VS adopt: adapt (to) 适应,改编;adopt 收养,采纳

acquire 获得;require 要求;request 请求;inquire 询问

happen = occur = take place 发生

happen to do 碰巧。。。;it occurs to sb that。。。某人突然想到。。。

seat vt 使。。坐下,故主语是人一律用被动;容纳

dress vt 给。。。穿上。。Ex: The girl was dressed in red. 这个女孩儿穿着红衣服


1.Finding it difficult to ______ to the climate in the city, he decided to move to the north.


B. adopt

C. suit

D. adapt

2.He _____ a knowledge of this language by careful study.


B. required

C. inquired

D. requested

3.Our hope ______ at the first sight of the doctor.


B. raised

C. rose

D. aroused

4.This hall can _____ 1000 people. You can ____ where you like.

A.hold, seat

B. be seated; seated

C. seat; be seated

D. hold; seating seat vt 使。。。坐下seat sb sit 坐下容纳

Lesson 18 核心动词辨析(五)

discover 发现;recover 恢复;cover 覆盖,报道;uncover v 揭开,揭露

forbid = ban 禁止;prevent/stop... from... 阻止....免于....

promise 承诺;promote 促进,促销,晋升; proceed 前进;继续进行

tend to 。。倾向于。;往往;tendency n 倾向;intend to 打算;attend 参加,出席;pretend 假装

adjust to 调整,适应;add to 添加;belong to 属于。。;stick to... 坚持;devote..to.. 奉献

seem 似乎,好像;appear 好像,出现;appearance 外貌;disappear 消失

tame v 驯化;tamed adj. 驯化的,温顺的;

cure 治愈;treat 治疗, 对待,请客;


1.If you take this medicine twice a day, it should _____ your cold.


B. cure

C. treat

D. recover

2.I have to _____ my expenditure to my income.


B. adjust

C. direct

D. add

3.Which door does this key ______ to?


B. fit

C. become

D. belong

Lesson 19 核心动词辨析(六)

include 包括在内;exclude 排除;conclude 总结,得出结论;

involve (in)卷入。。。之中

concentrate on。。= focus on 聚焦,以。。为中心;focus 焦点,中心

attract 吸引;attractive 有吸引力的;attraction 吸引力,名胜;contract 合同

range n 范围;v 在。。之间变化;range from A to B 在A 和B 之间变化

survive 幸免于。。。;suffer (from)遭受。。的痛苦

contain 包含;maintain 维持;remain 保持,剩余

preserve 保存,保护;reserve 预定;observe 观察,遵守

inhibit 抑制,禁止;inherit 继承,遗传到

perform 表演,表现;inform 通知;form 形式,表格


1.She was so _____ in the computer games that she forgot to have class.


B. concentrated

C. involved

D. drawn

2.The color ____ from yellow through green to black.


B. constitutes

C. composes

D. consists

3.The restaurant is busy on Sundays, so I’ll phone up today and ____ a table.


B. reserve

C. observe

D. deserve

Lesson 20 核心动词短语(一)

come up with 提出= put forward

put up with 忍受;put off 推迟= postpone;call off 取消= cancel

keep/catch up with 跟上,保持

come over 过来;come across 偶遇= run into = encounter;come about 发生

bring up 抚养;bring about 引起,导致

call on 拜访,号召;call back 回电话;call for 需求,要求;call off 取消

break down 出故障;break up (关系)破裂;break through 突破;break out 爆发;

break into 破门而入


1.The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Peter ____ a good answer.

A.came up to

B. came up for

C. came up with

D.came up against

2.It is very expensive to _____ the fashion.

A.get along with

B. get on with

C. keep up with

D.carry on with

3.If you get into difficulties, don’t hesitate to _____ help.

A.ask about

B. ask after

C. ask for

D. ask in

4.The football match was _____ on account of rain.

A.called up

B. called on

C. called off

D. called for

Lesson 21 核心动词短语(二)

look at 看;look out 小心;look for 寻找;look after 照顾;look up 抬头看,查(字典)

look through 浏览;look into 调查

put aside 储存,流出;put on 穿上,put off 推迟(take off 脱下,起飞);put into use 使用;put up 搭建,张贴;

put away 把。。。收起,放好,put forward 提出

make up 组成,编造,弥补; make one’s mind 下定决心;make out 弄清楚

set back 推迟,延缓;set aside 留出;set off 出发;set up 建立

set about doing 开始/着手做某事= get down to doing 开始认真做某事

give in 屈服,投降;give up 放弃;give away 泄露;give/hand out 分发

get over 克服;get rid of 摆脱;;get up 起床;get through 接通

get on/along with... 与。。。相处;name after... 以。。命名


1.The bad weather _____ the building program by several weeks.

A.went on

B. put on

C. set back

D. built up

2.When they had finished playing, the children were made to ____ all the toys they had taken out

A.put off

B.put up

C. put out

D. put away

3.He has planned to ____ some money every month so that he can buy a house in the future.

A.set aside

B. set up

C. set in

D. set along

Lesson 22 核心动词短语(三)

take apart 拆开;take away 带走;take in 吸引,领会;take over 接管,接替;take up 占用,从事。。。

turn on 打开;turn off 关掉;turn down 调低,拒绝;turn up 调高,出现;

turn out 结果是,证明是。。;turn over 移交,翻阅,把。。。弄翻

check in 开房,check out 退房

figure out 弄清楚;find out 调查;work out 算出,解决

carry on 继续开展;carry out 实行,实施;

come across 偶遇;go ahead 去吧;go after/for 追求;go over 复习,检查

keep in mind 记住;keep from 阻止

lay off 解雇;die out 灭绝


1.Please ____ the water tap when you have finished your washing.

A.turn on

B. turn off

C. turn out

D. turn over

2.He rarely goes to the cinema as his work _____ almost all his time.

A.takes away

B. takes over

C. takes up

D. takes in

3.I finally _____ to study much harder in the future.


B. made up my mind

C. worked out

D. made out

Lesson 23 核心形容词/副词辨析(一)

late adj/adv 晚,迟到的; lately/recently adv 最近;later 后来; the latter 后者,(the former 前者); latest 最新的

A is similar to

B A和B类似

sb is familiar with sth 某人对某物熟悉

sth is familiar to sb 某物对于某人来说眼熟

formal 正式的;informal 非正式的;former前者,以前的,原来的

greedy 贪婪的;be greedy with...

guilty 内疚的;be guilty of ....

sorry 遗憾的; be sorry for...

be popular with... 受......欢迎

likely 可能的;lovely 可爱的;lively 活泼的,有生机的;lonely 孤独的;friendly 友好的;daily 日常的;deadly 致命的

alive 活着的(常做表语,做定语要后置,类似的还有asleep, alike, alone等they look alike = they look the same. 他们看起来像)ex: the fish is alive. 这是一条活鱼= this is a living fish.

He is the greatest artist alive. 他是活着的最伟大的艺术家。live 现场的,直播的


1.The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its _____ size.


B. former

C. latter

D. later

2.These two pictures are so _____ that it’s difficult to tell them apart.


B. familiar

C. likely


3.The world-cup football match will be televised______ to the world.


B. living

C. live

D. lively

4.Little John caught a(n)_____ fish this morning.


B. alone

C. lonely

D. living

Lesson 24 核心形容词/副词辨析(二)

available 可获得的,空闲的;acceptable 可接受的;applicable 可应用的,合适的;

advisable 明智的;reasonable 合理的;reliable 可靠的;liable for.. 对。。负有责任的

single 单独的,单身的single dog 单身狗;simple 简单的,朴素的(sample 样本)

unique 独一无二的;special 特殊的;specific 专门的,具体的;especially 尤其;

peculiar 特殊的,古怪的;be particular with 对。。。挑剔

Sole 唯一的;(个人/集团)专有的sole right 独家代理权;peculiar adj 特殊的,怪异的;n 癖好

sense n/v 感觉;ex: a sense of humor/ honor/smell... 幽默感/荣誉感/嗅觉

sensible 明智的;sensitive 敏感的; sentimental 多愁善感的;be able to = be capable of 能够

be fond of 喜欢;be proud of = take pride in 为。。。感到骄傲;brave 勇敢的;bravery n 勇敢

in addition (to)此外,除了;additional 额外的;occasional 偶尔的

worth (doing)sth = be worthy of (doing)sth 值得。。。


1.All those are matters ______ attention.

A.is worthy

B. worthy

C. worthy of

D. which is worthy of

2.She is very _____ to his ugly appearance.


B. sensitive

C. sense

D. sentimental

3.If I have a good sleep I’ll be ______ to work out the problem.


B. able

C. capable

D. reasonable

Lesson 25 核心形容词/副词辨析(三)

Poor 贫穷的,可怜的;poverty n 贫穷;timid 胆怯的;nervous 紧张的

panic n/v/adj 恐慌,害怕;= frightened = afraid害怕的;strong adj 强壮的,strength n 力量

foreign 国外的;foreigner 外国人;native 本土的;local 当地的

practice v 实践,练习;practical 实际的,实用的;precious 珍贵的;previous 之前的priceless 无价的,珍贵的valuable 有价值的;valueless =worthless不值钱的;volunteer 志愿者,voluntary 自愿的

racial 种族的,radical 激进的,根本的,彻底的;radioactive 放射性的

nervous 紧张的;anxious 焦虑的;worried 担忧的;relaxed 放松的;amazed / astonished惊讶的

cautious 小心的,谨慎的;conscious 意识到的,清醒的;ignorant 无知的;innocent无辜的,天真无邪的too... to... 太。。。以至于不能。。。


1.You idea seems to be good but it isn’t _____.


B. possible

C. plentiful

D. precious

2.He has a ____ habit of biting his lips when he is puzzled.


B. specific

C. peculiar

D. general

3.The students are encouraged to provide _____ service to the poor students.


B. volcano

C. voluntary

D. voyage

Lesson 26 核心形容词/副词辨析(四)

depend (on)v 依靠(= rely on/ count on);dependent 依赖的;independent 独立的;

relate v 跟。。。相关;relation n 关系;relative n 亲戚;relevant adj 相关的= related

equal 平等的;racial equality n 种族平等;equivalent 等同于;equipment 设备;instrument 乐器

respect v 尊敬;respectable 值得尊敬的;respectful(对别人)充满敬意的

respective 分别的,各自的;respected 受尊敬的,德高望重的;

effect n 效果;affect v 影响;efficient 高效率的;effective 有效果的

famous 著名的;favorable 支持的;favorite 最喜爱的;in favor of 支持,喜爱

willing 愿意的;unwilling 不情愿的= reluctant;grave 沉重的,坟墓;gloomy = depressed 抑郁的,沮丧的consider v 考虑,认为;considerable 大量的;considerate 体贴的;consistent 一致/贯的

Constant 永恒的= eternal = invariable = permanent;instant 瞬间的,速溶的;instant noodle 方便面


1.It is our ___ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.


B. considerate

C. continual

D. continuous

2.He wanted to become a cleaner, but his father didn’t think it was a ____ profession.


B. respective

C. respecting

D. respectable

3.Although he is talkative, he is _____ to tell us anything about his family.


B. reluctant

C. alert

D. complacent

Lesson 27 核心形容词/副词辨析(五)

awkward 笨拙的;strange 奇怪的;stranger 陌生人;current 目前的,当前的

fashionable 时尚的;past 过去的;last 最后;过去的v. 持续;last week 上周

common 共同的;ordinary 普通的;average 平均;

regular 规律的;regular bus 班车;irregular 不规律的;

normal 正常的;abnormal 不正常的,变态的

usual 通常的,as usual 像往常一样

thoroughly 彻底地;though = although 尽管

absolutely 绝对;immediately 立即,马上;typical 典型的(type 种类)

sometimes 有时;some times 几次;sometime 某个时候;some time 一段时间

hard adj 艰苦的;adv 努力;hardly 几乎不

merely 仅仅;nearly 几乎= almost ;slightly 稍微,轻微;consequently 结果

obviously 明显地;grateful感激的; be superior/ prior to优于; be inferior to 次于


1.His knowledge of English literature is ______ mine.

A.superior than

B. superior to

C. superior more than

D. superior better to

2.It was only a ____ injury, not all that serious.


B. special

C. similar

D. substantial

3.It is ____ impossible to work with this noise around.


B. absolutely

C. unreasonable

D. unusually


Lesson 28 虚拟语气的11个词





这11个词后面的that 从句中,动词要使用should + do(动词原型)的结构,其中,should 可以省略。

Ex:My advice is that she _____ to apologize to him.


B. went

C. goes

D. has gone

这里advice 是虚拟语气的标志,再看到后面的that 从句,我们可以确定答案应该是should + do 其中should 可以省略,故正确答案是A。这里最有迷惑性的是C选项,主语she是第三人称单数,很多人觉得应该选C,但那是正常语气,虚拟语气中应该是should +动词原形,should 可以省略。


1.I don’t think it advisable that Tom _____ to the job since he has no experience.

A.is assigned

B. will be assigned

C. be assigned

D.has been assigned

2.He asks that he _____ an opportunity to explain why he’s refused to go there.

A.is given

B. must give

C. should give

D. be given

3.We are all for the proposal that the discussion _____.

A.be put off

B. was put off

C. will be put off

D. should put off Lesson 29 专升本常考的后+doing的词(记熟直接选答案)

介词(in, on, from, at, for, of, with, without等)后+ doing

be/get used to doing 习惯于= be accustomed to....

look forward to 期望.... devote to 献身于。。。;奉献于。。。

lead to... 导致。。。confess to ... 坦白。。。

make contribution to。。。对。。。做出贡献

have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth 做某事有困难

avoid + doing 避免。。。appreciate + doing 感激/ 欣赏。。。

spend。。。(in)doing 花费时间/金钱做某事

enjoy + doing 享受。。;suggest doing 建议做;

It is no use/good doing 做某事是没有用的/没有好处的

(It is no use crying over spilt milk. 谚语:覆水难收)

mind + doing 介意做某事;practice doing 练习做;

allow + doing 允许做某事;allow sb to do。。。允许某人做某事

imagine + doing 想象;risk doing冒险做;miss doing 错过。。

worth + doing值得被做(这里doing主动表被动,因此不用being done)

1.What a lovely party! It is worth ______ all my life.


B. to remember

C. to be remembered

D. being remembered

2.I really appreciate __ to help me, but I am sure that I will be able to manage it by myself.

A.You to offer

B. that you offer

C. your offering

D. you to have offered

3. Today is September the tenth. Happy Teachers’ Day to you. Thank you for teach us so well.


Lesson 30 后面既可以+doing,也可以+ to do,但意思不同的单词

forget +doing 忘记已经做过的事;forget + to do 忘了要去做某事

remember doing 想起已经做过的事;remember to do 想起来要去做某事

regret doing 后悔做过某事;regret to do 很遗憾要去做某事

be used to do 被用来做某事;used to do 过去常常做某事;be/get used to doing 习惯于做某事mean to do 打算做某事;mean doing 意味着做某事

stop to do 停下来去做另一件事;stop doing 停止正在做的事

go on doing 继续做正在做的事;go on to doing 继续去做另一件事

try doing 尝试做某事;try to do 努力做某事

Want to do 想要,want doing(主表被)需要;need/require + doing = + to be done 需要

1.I used ____ on the left in England, but I soon got used ____on the right in China.

A.to driving; to drive

B. to drive; to driving

C. to drive; to drive

D. to driving; to driving

2. I vaguely remember _____ something like that.

A. That he had said

B. him having said

C. his saying

D. him to say

3. Your children must stop ___ me by asking for candy all day long. I am ____ every day by the slow bus service in this town.

A. Annoyed; annoying

B. to annoy; annoying

C. annoying; annoying

D. annoying; annoyed

4. After finishing her course, Rachel went on ______ a well-known lawyer.

A. To become

B. becoming

C. to becoming

D. become

Lesson31 .后跟to do做宾语的动词

be supposed to do = should do 应该做某事

would like/love to do 愿意做某事(feel like doing 愿意做某事)

pretend to do 假装。。。

want/hope/wish/ expect to do 。。。想要/期望。。。(expect VS except)

intend/plan to do 打算;tend to do 倾向于。。。;往往。。

attempt to do 尝试。。。

afford to do 负担得起。。。

offer to do 主动提出。。。

be said/reported.... to do

decide/determine to do 决定。。。

desire(渴望)/fail(失败)/promise(承诺)/refuse(拒绝)to do。。


1.I was now in a relaxed mood and had no desire __ the man make a fool of himself.


B. to see

C. seeing

D. seen

2.The teacher doesn’t allow his students _____ on the exam.


B. cheating

C. cheat

D. to cheat

3.I couldn’t understand why he pretended____ in the garden.

A.Not to see me

B. not see me

C. to see me not D to see not me

Lesson32. 动词的不规则变化(AAA型)

cost cost cost

cut cut cut

put put put

let let let

set set set

hurt hurt hurt

read read read

hit hit hit

must must must


Anyone may borrow books, and it cost nothing to borrow them.


Lesson33 动词的不规则变化(ABA型)

come came come

become became become

run ran run


build -- built -- built buy-- bought-- bought

bring -- brought -- brought catch -- caught -- caught

feel -- felt -- felt

hold -- held -- held

have -- had -- had

hear -- heard -- heard

say -- said -- said

sell -- sold -- sold

send -- sent -- sent

spend -- spent -- spent

sit -- sat -- sat

sleep -- slept -- slept

stand -- stood -- stood (understand -- understood -- understood)

teach -- taught -- taught

win -- won -- won


1.We can lie on the grass for a rest, or sat by the lake listening to music.


2.I remember that you once tell me you were eager to graduate.


3.I hold my lunch-box in my hand when I was going to school. The smell from it was very good.


Lesson 34 动词的不规则变化(ABC型)

begin began begun drink drank drunk choose chose chosen fall fell fallen

eat ate eaten write wrote wrote

drive drove driven

fly flew flown

grow grew grown

Know knew known

Forget forgot forgotten

Forbid forbade forbidden

lie lay lain 躺

lie lied lied 撒谎

lay laid laid 放置,下蛋

wake woke waken

rise rose risen

arise arose arisen


1. He bought a lot of books, none of which he has ever read.


2.John always gets up very late, and never had enough time for breakfast.


3.After they had chose the books they wished to read, the instructor told them the


principal points he wanted them to note.


Lesson 35 英语中主语是人用ed,主语是物用ing 的动词

A.Exciting; exciting

B. exciting; excited

C. excited; exciting

D. excited; excited

2.We are all ____ at the way her husband treated her.


B. disgusted

C. disgustful

D. disgust

3.All the students were ____ by the _____ speech given by the headmaster.

A.Inspired; inspired

B. Inspiring; inspiring

C. inspired; inspiring

D. Inspiring; inspiring

4. The professor’s lecture on grammar was three hours long and Sam felt very boring.


5.When he found he hadn’t enough money to pay for the meal, he was very embarrassing.

A B C D Lesson 36. 代词


1.____ idea of ____ sounds much better than Clare’s.

A.The; hers

B. That; her

C. T hat; her’s

D. One; her

2.I made this myself but it was _____ who taught me.


B. him

C. himself

D. by him

3.Surprisingly, Susan’s beautiful hair reached below her knees and made ___ almost an overcoat for her.


B. her

C. itself

D. herself


1. There is no ____to the street through that door. A) access B) avenue C) exposure D) edge (have) access to 1. enter 进入 2. possess 拥有接近 assess 评价评估,evaluate 评价评估,estimate 预计(at a rough estimate粗略估计) asset 资产(fixed asset 固定资产) property 财产 avenue 大路 path 小径 route 路线 shortcut 捷径(cut across 超近道) edge 边缘 margin 边毛利,利润 verge 边(on the verge of ) exposure 暴露揭露 be exposed to 暴露在……之下 2. Good students who need money can usually get money for education. There are special sources of money, special education ______ from their governments, other agencies, and organizations. A) cash B) finances C) funds D) income Cash现金 finance 财政金融 financial a.财政的 funds 基金 income 收入 revenue 税收 Salary/wage 薪水 pension 养老金 allowance 津贴补贴 tuition 学费 fee 费用 Commission 佣金提成 kickback 回扣 fine 罚款 bonus 奖金 tip 小费 capital 资本首都 3. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _________ . A) intention B) attempt C) purpose D) desire Intention 目的意图(intent to do) attempt 尝试 Purpose 目的结果 on purpose=deliberately 故意地 destination 目的地 destiny=fate命运 Desire 渴望希望( desire to do , desire of doing) Long for sth 渴望得到 4. The teacher wrote his comments in the ________ of the student’s paper. A) margin B) bulletin C) edition D) bargain margin 边毛利,利润 bulletin 公告公示 edition 版本 editor 编辑 bargain v.讨价还价 n 物美价廉的商品 5. Because there is great _______ in the quality of diamonds, stones of the same size may not cost the same price. A) similarity B) agreement C) change D) variation similarity n 相似 be similar to 和……相似 familiar 熟悉的 be familiar with 对……熟悉 agree with同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 agree to同意或接受某事,尤其指别人提出的某事,有时可能是自己不喜欢的事 agree on主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议 Variation 差异 vary 变化(vary from a to b ) Variety n 多样性 a variety of=various 多种多样的各种各样的 6. As a result of their _________the three small independent countries felt less afraid of their powerful neighbor . A) alliance B) combination C) partnership D) union Alliance n 联盟 ally v 联盟 combination n 组合 combine v 组合 independent 独立 depend on=-rely on 依靠依赖 the student union 学生会 labor union 工会 on strike 罢工


2010年临床医学专升本考试大纲 2010年临床医学、医学检验、护理学、药学(专升本)考试大纲 《人体解剖学》考试大纲 一、骨学 1.掌握全身骨的分部、骨的形态、构造和功能 2.了解椎骨一般形态,掌握各部椎骨的形态特征 3.掌握胸骨角的概念和意义 4.掌握颅的组成和功能;翼点的概念及其临床意义;颅底主要孔裂的名称及其穿经结构 5.了解新生儿颅的形态特征及其出生后的变化 6.了解上肢骨的组成和分部 7.了解下肢骨的组成和分部 二、关节学 1.掌握关节的基本结构及辅助装置 2.掌握椎间盘的形态、结构特点及其临床意义 3.掌握脊柱整体的形态、生理性弯曲及其运动 4.了解胸廓的组成及其功能 5.掌握肩关节、肘关节的构成、结构特点及其运动 6.掌握骨盆的构成、形态及其分部,了解男、女性骨盆的区别 7.掌握髋关节、膝关节的构成、结构特点和运动

三、肌学 1.骨骼肌的形态、构造 2.了解背肌浅、深层各肌的名称、位置及其主要功能 3.了解胸上肢肌、胸固有肌的名称、位置和功能 4.掌握膈的形态、分部、裂孔的名称及其穿经结构 5.了解腹前外侧壁各肌的名称、位置、排列关系和作用,掌握腹直肌鞘、腹股沟管的组成和内容 6.了解胸锁乳突肌的形态、起止和功能,掌握斜角肌间隙构成及其穿经的内容 7.了解上肢肌的配布、名称及各肌群的主要作用 8.了解下肢肌的配布、名称及各肌群的主要作用 四、神经系统 1.了解神经系统的组成、神经元的分类,掌握神经系统的主要常用术语 (一)中枢神经系统 1.掌握脊髓的位置、形态和脊髓节段的概念;了解脊髓内部结构概况 2.掌握脑干的分部,了解外形和脑干的内部结构概况 3.掌握小脑的位置、分叶和功能 4.了解间脑的分部、各部的外形及间脑的内部结构概况 5.了解大脑半球的分叶、重要沟回及其功能;掌握脑基底核的组成及其功能,掌握内囊的位置和分部;掌握大脑皮质的主要功能

英语专升本考试重点复习内部资料 (专升本英语语法,词汇,阅读理解、翻译)

语法七大语法考试重点 一独立主格 (一):独立主格结构的构成: 名词(代词)+现在分词、过去分词; 名词(代词)+形容词; 名词(代词)+副词; 名词(代词)+不定式; 名词(代词) +介词短语构成。 (二)独立主格结构的特点: 1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。 2)名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词等是主谓关系。 3)独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。 举例: The test finished, we began our holiday. = When the test was finished, we began our holiday. The president assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. = After the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. This done, we went home. The meeting gone over, everyone tired to go home earlier. He came into the room, his ears red with cold. He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. 二过去完成时 1)概念:表示过去的过去其构成是had +过去分词构成。 2)用法 a.在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris. b. 状语从句 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。 When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. c. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示"原本…,未能…" We had hoped that you would come, but you didn t. 3)过去完成时的时间状语before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。 He said that he had learned some English before. By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.


第一章英语 英语整体上看试卷一共分为六道大题,一是单项选择题共计20道20分;二是完型填空10道10分;三是阅读,分三个篇章,每个篇章5道选择,各2分,总计30分;四是用词的适当形式填空,10道10分;五是翻译(汉译英),5道20分;六是写作10分;总计100分。 试题分析 一单项选择:20’ 1.A A is helpful in looking for a job,but it doesn’t mean a job. A.certificate B.grade C.record D.debt 2.This book gives all kinds of useful C on how to repair bikes. A.sense B.saving C.imformation https://www.360docs.net/doc/681622421.html,fort 3.I loved you the A I saw you . A.moment B.point C.heart D.face 4.My father B me by saying that I could win in the speech contest ,so I took part in it. A.discouraged B.encouraged C.courage D.asked 5.His new book A to the top as the bestseller. A.rocketed B.raised C.stayed D.reached 6.The president was invited to address the audience at the opening A Of the Olympic Games. A.ceremony B.speech C.meeting D.celebration


安徽省2002年普通高等学校专升本招生考试 英语试题 I Vocabulary and Structure (1pointeach;35points in all ) Directions:or each of the following blank1,four choices are given. You are required to choosethe mostappropriate one and put the corresponding letter in the bracket before eachsentence. 1.I won’t pay them _______they work harder. A.if B.in case C.unless D.lest 2. They succeeded at last after adoptingan_______method. A.effect B.affect C.effective D.efficient . 3.My problems are very ________to yours. A.like B same C.paid D.exact 4. He demanded that I_______ the bill byFriday at the latest. A.must pay B.pay C.paid D.to paid 5. The population of China is bigger than_______. A.India B. India’s C. the one of India D .to paid 6. When I was a child ,I_______ice cream,but I don’to like it now A. used to like B,wasliking C. use to like D. used to liking 7. The movie _______us of the pains broughtby World War II. A .was thought of B.kept C .reminded D .remembered 8.New problems will_______as theconstruction is under way . A. rise B.arise C. arouse D .rouse 9.He would rather_______his opportunity tostudy abroad tan leave the research unfinished. A, .made up B .takeup C .give up D. carry out 10.I paid a visit to him last night .We hada chat _______coffee. A .make up B in C. over D. by 11.David makes about $2,00a month as an engineer in a company .Besides ,he has another _______of income by writing technical books in his spare time . A. resource B.source C. course D. result 12.Hats in this style are_______ with theyoung people this year. A. widespread B.welcomed C. popular D .close 13.It was believed there was no limit_______the energy resources onour earth. A. for B .off C .to D .on 14.His parents asked him to buy_______books he found useful and necessary for his study . A .whichever B.whatever C. whenever D. however 15.Which is your_______way to travel,by plane,by ship or by car? A. favor B .favored C .favorite D. favorable https://www.360docs.net/doc/681622421.html,puters can solve manydifficult_______. A. files B.questions C. query D .issue 17.He has _______his purpose with the helpof his friends. A. files B.finished C. accomplished D. completed 18.Television can be a _______for spreadinginformation. A .middle B.medium C. media :D. ,mere


最新专升本英语统考必须掌握的核心词汇 交际用语 1. find[faind]vt.找到,发现,发觉,感到,认为 例:I can’t find the book you asked for. 译:我没找到你要的那本书。 2. blame[bleim]vt.指责,责怪,归咎于 例:Don’t blame me. 译:别责怪我。 3. trouble ['tr?bl]n.困难,忧虑,困境,险境 例:Sorry to give you so much trouble! 译:对不起给您添了这么多的麻烦! 4. matter['m?t?]n.物质,物体,内容,事情 例:It doesn’t matter. 译:没关系。 5. forgive [f?'ɡiv]vt. & vi.原谅,饶恕,对不起,请原谅 例:I didn’t mean to do that. Please forgive me. 译:我不是有意那样做的,请原谅我。 6. brake [breik]n.制动器,刹车,阻力,障碍vt. & vi.刹(车) 例:I am sorry I broke your glasses. 译:对不起我弄坏了你的眼镜。

7. welcome['welk?m]vt.欢迎,乐于接受,希望有;adj.受欢迎的,可喜的,来得正好的 例:You are welcome. 译:[用于礼貌地回答别人的感谢]别客气,不用谢。 8. care [k??]vt. & vi.关心,担心,在乎,介意n.照顾,小心,注意 例:Take care of youself. 译:照顾好你自己。 9. wait[weit] vt. & vi.等候,等待 例:Sorry for having kept you waiting for so long. 译:很抱歉让你等了这么长时间。 10. wrong [r??]adj.不道德的,不正当的,不正确的 例:What’s wrong with you? 译:你怎么啦? 11. apologize [?'p?l?d?aiz]vt. & vi.道歉,谢罪 例:I should apologize for my rudeness last night. 译:对于昨晚的粗鲁我向你道歉。 12. rude [ru:d]adj.粗鲁的,不礼貌的 例:He is a rude person. 译:他是一个粗鲁的人。 13. fault [f?:lt]n.缺点,缺陷,过失


2010年陕西省普通高等教育专升本招生考试(样题) 高等数学 一、 单项选择题:本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分。 1.设函数 x x f 12 12)(+= ,则0=x 是 )(x f 的 A 连续点 B 无穷间断点 C 跳跃间断点 D 可取间断点 2.设x x sin 为函数)(x f 的一个原函数,则不定积分dx x f x )(?'等于 A C x x +sin B C x x x +-sin 2cos C C x +cos D C x x x +-sin cos 3.设31 lim =+∞ →n n n a a ,则级数 121 +∞ =∑ n n n x a 的收敛半径R 为 A R=3 B R=1 C R= 3 D R= 3 1 4.设函数{0 ,0)(0 ,sin )(==≠=x x f x x x x f λ 在X=0处可导,则λ的取值范围是 A 1=λ B 1<λ C 10<<λ D 0≤λ 5.设平面12:=+-z y x π与直线L : { 326 =+=-z y y x ,则π与L 的夹角为

A 6π B 4π C 3π D 2 π 二、 填空题:本题共5小题,每题5分,共25分。 6.已知函数y x y x xye e y x f --=+4),(,则函数_______),(=y x f 7.已知极限4)1(lim =+∞ →x x x k ,则______=k 8设)(0x f '存在,则极限h h x f h x f n ) ()2(00lim --+∞ →等于_______ 9曲面0222=-+++z y x e y x 在(0,0,1)处的切平面方程_______ 10.设积分区域}2,0|),{(22x y x x y y x D ≤+≤≤=,则二重积分dxdy y x D ??+2 2等于_____ 三、计算题:本题共10小题,每小题8分,共80分。计算题要有计算过程。 11.求极限)cot sin )1ln(( lim x x x x dx x x x ++?→ 12.设参数方程? += =2 1arct an t u du y t x 确定函数)(x y y =,求2 2dx y d 13.试问a 为何值时,函数 x x a x f 3sin 31 sin )(+=在3π=x 处取得极值,它是极大值还是极小值?并求出此极值。 14.设函数),(y x e f z y x +=,其中),(v u f 具有二阶连续偏导数,求22,x z x z ???? 15.设函数)(x f 在()∞+∞-,内具有二阶偏导数,且0)0()0(='=f f ,0 ,0)(0 ,) ()(==≠= x x g x x x f x g ,求)0(g '


英语 注意事项: 1.试卷共8页,用钢笔或圆珠笔将答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上一律无效。 2. 答题前将答题纸上密封线内的项目填写清楚。 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (1 point each. 30 points in all) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences. You arc required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. l. Jane hadn't been to London before. had her husband. A. Neither B. Either C. So D. Or 2. No sooner had he arrived in Rome he heard of the good news. A. when B. than C. then D.until 3. Mr. Cook has not commented these reports. A. in B. of C. with D.on 4.It is to stare directly at the sun. A. harmful B.harmless https://www.360docs.net/doc/681622421.html,fortable D.safe 5. It's no use with a drunken man. A. argue B.to argue C.arguing D.being argued 6. The program on education is watching. A. worthy B.worthily C.worthiness D.worth 7. the garden, the old man went to have a rest. A. Having been watered B. Watering C. Having watered D. Being watered 8.Her to the job left her with very little free time. A. devotion B.faith C.trust D.interest 9. The children have been since their father left. A.out of style B.under control C.out of control D.in style 10. It is reported great changes have been made. A.which B. that C. while D.what 11. The manager promised to keep me of how the project was going on. A. be informed B. informed C. inform https://www.360docs.net/doc/681622421.html,rming 12. He announced that the company had been transferred to city. A. another B. others C. the other D.one another 13. A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught of the hero. A. vision B. view C. sight D.glance 14. Physics my favorite subject when I studied in the university. A. were B.was C.is D.are 15. we can succeed or not depends on how well we cooperate. A. Then B. Thus C. What D. Whether 16. I will lend you the book you return it to me in time. A. on condition that B. in case C. in order that D. so that 17. Mr.Brown is supposed to for Italy last month.


1. able/ability/enable/unable/disable/disabled/dis ability able的同根词用法一致,后接不定式。 比较:be able to do sth. / be capable of (doing) sth. 2. 动词词缀:en-+ adj./n.或adj./n.+/-en enable/enlarge/enrich/encourage/brighten/wid en/worsen/sharpen/strengthen/heighten/length en 3. abandon vt. 放弃,抛弃,放纵abandon oneself to 纵情于,沉溺于(=be addicted to) 4. aboard adv. 在船(车)上,上船abroad adv. 在国外,到国外 board n. 木板on board 在船上 broad adj. 宽的,宽阔的 5. absent adj. 不在的, 缺席的(反:present) 6. absolute adj. 完全的, 绝对的 7. absorb vt. 吸收, 吸引 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 8. abundant adj. 丰富的,大量的(=plentiful) 9. access n. 通路, 接近,入门 have access to 接近,有权使用 e.g. Citizens may have free access to the public library. 10. accident n. 意外事件, 事故 by accident 偶然(=by chance)(on purpose 故意) 11. accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同 12. accomplish vt. 完成, 达到, 实现~ the task accomplishment n. 成就 13. account n. 计算, 帐目, 说明,解释 on account of 由于 take... into account 考虑到(= take…into consideration) account for 解释,说明 14. accuse vt. 指责,控告 accuse sb. of sh. 因某事控告某人 (同:charge sb. with sth. 因某事控告某人) e.g. He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in jail. His mother charged him with being lazy. 15. achieve vt. 完成, 达到 achievement n. 成就, 功绩 16. action n. 动作, 行动, 举动 take action to do sth. 采取行动做某事(同:take measures to do sth.) 17. actor n. 男演员→actress n. 女演员 类似:waitress(女侍者,女服务生), hostess(女主人), princess(公主,王妃)18. adapt vt. 使适应, 改编 adapt oneself to sth. 适应(= adjust oneself to sth.) e.g. He adapted/adjusted himself very quickly to the weather in the country. 比较:adopt vt. 采用, 收养 19. advance n. 前进, 提升v. 前进, 提前 in advance 预先,提前 20. advantage n. 优势, 有利条件(反:disadvantage n. 不利条件, 缺点)have an advantage over 胜过,占优势 take advantage of 利用 21. advertise v. 为…做广告 advertisement/ad n. 广告 22. advise vt. 劝告, 忠告 advise sb. to do sth. 劝说(强调动作) persuade sb. to do sth. 说服(强调结果)注意:advise的宾语从句或It is advised that结构的主语从句,需使用should型虚拟语气。 advice n. 忠告, 建议 23. afford vt. 买得起, 负担得起 ~ sth. (a new car, vacation, etc.) ~ to do sth. 24. agree vi. 同意, 赞成 agree with sb. agree on sth. (经过讨论后)就…达成一致 agree to sth. (plan, proposal, etc.)


数学试题(一) 一、选择题:本大题共10个小题,每小题4分,共40分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1.设)(lim 3)(1 3 x f x x x f x →-+=,则)(x f 等于 ( ) A. 433 -+x x B. 333 -+x x C. 233 -+x x D. 133 -+x x 2. 已知a 为常数,a x f 2)(=,则h x f h x f h ) ()(lim -+→等于 ( ) A.h 2 B.1 2 -?a a C.2ln 2a D. 0 3. 已知222e x y x ++=,则y '等于 ( ) A.2 22e x x ++ B. e x x x 22ln 2++ C. x x 22ln 2+ D. x x x 22 1 +?- 4. 已知x e x g x x x f =+=)(,ln )(,则 )]([x g f dx d 等于( ) A. x e 11+ B. x e +1 C. x x e e 1+ D. x x e e 1- 5. 已知2sin )(x x f =,则?? ? ??'3πf 等于 ( ) A. 4 3 B. 4 1 C. 2 1 D. 3 6. 设)(x f 的一个原函数为)1ln(+x x ,则下列等式成立的是 ( ) A. C x x dx x f ++=?)1ln()( B. C x x dx x f +'+=?])1ln([)( C. C x f dx x x +=+?)()1ln( D. C x f dx x x +='+?)(])1ln([ 7. 设)(x f 为连续函数,则dx x f ??? ? ??'1 2等于 ( ) A. )0(21f f -?? ? ?? B. ?? ????-?? ? ??)0(212f f


安徽省普通高等学校专升本考试2008年真题 PartI V ocabularyand Structure(1 pointeach,30points inall ) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences.Youarerequired tocompleteeach oneby decidingon themostappropriate wordor wordsfr om the 4 choices marked A,B, C andD,then write thecorresponding let ter on the Answer Sheet. 1.Itwas thedoctor's carelessness that_______the serious accident. A.resultedfrom B. resulted in C.brought up D. brought in 2.Heregretted _______toomuch time oncomputer games. A.to cost B. costing C. tospend D. spending 3.Chinese culture and Japaneseculturehave alot_________ A.infact B. insight C.in commonD.in touch 4.The smallvillage is said_____in a battleduring World War II. A.to have been destroyed B.to be destroyed C.todestroy D. to have destroyed 5.The government has taken effective measures to ______itself to the changingworld. A.settle B. adopt C.change D.adjust 6.______a word,this moviecanbe ratedas a successfuldomes ticfilm. A.Of B.At C.In D. By 7.Many a customer______about thepoorquality ofthe washingmachines. https://www.360docs.net/doc/681622421.html,plains B.complain C.are complainingD.have complained 8.Itis reported thatsome scientistsin the United States havefounda new _______forcancer. A.way B. answerC.approach D. cure 9.Hemade students think for themselves,_______tellingthem wha tto think.


; 专升本英语必背527个核心词汇 1. able/ability/enable/unable/disable/disabled/disability able的同根词用法一致,后接不定式。 比较:be able to do sth. / be capable of (doing) sth. 2. 动词词缀:en-+ adj./n.或adj./n.+/-en enable/enlarge/enrich/encourage/brighten/widen/worsen/sharpen/strengthen/height en/lengthen 3. abandon vt. 放弃,抛弃,放纵 abandon oneself to 纵情于,沉溺于 (=be addicted to) ( 4. aboard adv. 在船(车)上,上船 abroad adv. 在国外,到国外 board n. 木板 on board 在船上 broad adj. 宽的,宽阔的 5. absent adj. 不在的, 缺席的(反:present) 6. absolute adj. 完全的, 绝对的 7. absorb vt. 吸收, 吸引 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 & 8. abundant adj. 丰富的,大量的(=plentiful) 9. access n. 通路, 接近,入门 have access to 接近,有权使用 . Citizens may have free access to the public library. 10. accident n. 意外事件, 事故 by accident 偶然(=by chance)(on purpose 故意) 11. accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同 12. accomplish vt. 完成, 达到, 实现 ~ the task — accomplishment n. 成就 13. account n. 计算, 帐目, 说明,解释 on account of 由于 take... into account 考虑到(= take… into consideration) account for 解释,说明 14. accuse vt. 指责,控告 accuse sb. of sh. 因某事控告某人 (同:charge sb. with sth. 因某事控告某 — 人) . He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in jail. His mother charged him with being lazy. 15. achieve vt. 完成, 达到


2010年专升本英语历年真题归类汇编2 Ⅱ.句子类型(按结构分类) 重点:复合句,尤其是主语从句、宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句的构成及其常用关联词:状语从句、定语从句的种类。 主语从句 1. ______ we will do next is still under discussion. A. That B. When C. Where D. What 2. (老师为我所做的)when I was in difficulty changed my life. [What my teacher did for me] 3. was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality. A. That B. Which C. Who D. What 4. you say now can’t make up for what you’ve done. A. No matter B. Whatever C. However D. That 5. ______ books you borrow from the library should be returned in two weeks’ time. A. Whatever B. Which C. No matter what D. What 6.(那个国王埋葬的地点)is still unknown. [Where the king was buried] 7. ______ she will be given this job is still under discussion. A. Although B. Whether C. If D. What 8. It won’t make much ______ whether you leave to day or tomorrow. A. different B. difference C. differently D. differences 9. It isn’t quite ______ that he will be present at the meeting. A. certain B. sure C. right D. exact 同位语从句 1. He was overcome by the fear ______ he had lung cancer. A. which B. what C. that D. of 2. So far there is no proof ______ spaceships from other planets do exist. A. which B. that C. how D. what 3. The belief that the children of working mothers usually suffer is ______by most scientists. A. rejected B. refused C. resisted D. reduced 宾语从句 1.I hope ______ my letter. A. her to answer B. that she should answer C. that she will answer D. her answering 2. 我认为他们不会推迟这次旅行的。[I don’t think that they will put off the trip.] 3. Although I expected something different, I was still surprised by which he said. 4. He found at last ______ he had been looking for. A. that B. what C. where D. which 5. Do you know ______ the best drink is? A. that B. when C. where D. what 6. They held a conference to decide to meet the emergency. A. how B. what C. that D. which 7. Historians can’t tell us when or where or ______ the first food was cooked. A. who B. which C. how D. what 8. The old man asked me______.
