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出口产品范围定单 广泛的联系具体询盘 最新目录有竞争力的价格 Choose the best answer. 1) b 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) d 6) b 7) c 8) c 9) b II. Improving Training Translate the following sentence into English. 1) We would like to introduce our business range. 2) We obtained your name and address from Mr. Smith, who have done business with us for many years. 3) We shall appreciate it if you could tell us the goods you are interested in. 4) We have received many enquiries from abroad. 5)They used to import machines from UK, but now they would like to establish business relations with us. 6) We are the leading importer of electronic products in Lagos. 7) If your price is competitive, we would like to place with you an order for 500 electric bicycles. III. Letter-writing Practice 1. Finish the following letter by translating the expressions given. 1) obtained your name and address 2) establish business relations /enter into business relations 3) leading importers 4) We appreciate your catalogue and quotations. 5) If your prices are competitive 2. Write a letter Dear sirs, We are one of the leading importers of electric goods in this city and shall be pleased to establish business relations with your firm. At present we are interested in your electric fans, details according to our Enquiry Note No. 1345 enclosed, and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible. We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable, we shall place an order with you immediately. Your early reply will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, Lesson 2 Exporter’s Self-introduction 译文 信件一出口商来信 敬启者: 承蒙东京工商会的介绍,我们获悉你方是贵国最大的纺织品进口商之一。由于此货属于我们的经营范围, 特写信给你方希望建立业务关系。 我们专营中国纺织品出口, 产品包括女士, 男式, 儿童和青年的针织衫以及运动服和牛仔裤, 我们还设计和生产用于纺织品生产的设备和机器。我们的产品品质优良价格合理。 为使你方了解我们的经营业务, 随函附上出口清单一份, 包括目前可以供应的主要商品。如你方对任何一款感兴趣,请与我们联系。

商务英语阅读(第二版)参考译文 王关富编

Chapter 1 Why China Works 中国是今年唯一呈现出重大发展的主要经济体(economy),由于它通常是唯一敢于打破经济教科书中每一条例的经济体。事实上,中国不像其他五大经济体那样发展缓慢的主要原因是,它宏观调控的能力(its capacity for macro-economic control)。 为什么中国市场经济体系奏效?(market economic system)目前,欧美等国正通过银行及汽车业国有化及金融业实施新的有力规定(regulations),走向宏观调控。但问题更加紧迫(the question has a new urgency)。中国看上去最能驾驭(navigate)七十年内最糟的经济滑坡(downturn)。 在危机中,中国官员既能吸取像西方同行(counterparts)的传统市场工具,也能吸取中国市场经济体系的积累经验(arsenal)。去年早期,由于房地产市场(housing market)过热,中国官员仅命令银行削减房贷(cut back on housing loans),然后随着房屋销售量下降(fall),他们提供类似更低的房屋购置税(lower taxes on home purchases)。最近几周,他们展开类似西方的经济救援行动(launch economic rescue efforts),其中包括价值6000亿的大计划以增加政府开支和大幅利率削减(ramp up government spending)(big interests cuts)。但同时,他们也发布在西方国家眼里是不合理的干涉的命令,例如,上周中国官员召集包括钢铁建筑等行业的国有行业并购(buy up)国内外新资产(at home and abroad)以积极(actively)发挥在经济中的作用。 曾把中国宏观调控视为不成熟经济的弊病(immature economy),现在是稳定的保障(bulwark of stability)。CLSA经济学家AR说,”政府对大多数资本密集型产业的控制,让我看好中国的未来。政府会对这些领域的公司说,继续花吧,不要由于你们的投资计划“。尽管最大的出口及股票市场出现下滑,中国经济在09年看上去增加7%多,虽比近些年两位数(double-digit)增速有所下滑,但与其他国家相比仍然坚挺。随着国有银行放松信贷(loose credit),企业贷款率切实(actually)增加。摩根斯坦利的亚洲首席SR说,在一个投资支持可持续发展,并占GDP的40%的国家,政府再次增加投资以抵抗对增长的威胁。他又说,在危机时期,中国的指挥控制系统切实比其他市场基础系统有效。

商务英语阅读(第二版) 王关富 Unit 6 Goodbye, Free Trade 课后答案

Unit 6 Goodbye, Free Trade? Exercises 1.Answer the questions on the text. 1) What was the result when the House of Representatives passed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act in 1930? The economic recession in the United States became even worse. 2) According to the author, what happens when a currency appreciates? It diminishes the export advantage of the country and makes it difficult to increase exports or even maintain the status quo. 3) How did American politicians take advantage of the public’s strong anti-free-trade sentiment in the United States? They created a talking point in charges of unfair trade so that they thought they could benefit in the mid-term elections. 4) What did American politicians and economists agree and disagree over the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act? Almost all of them agreed that it was a bad law, but they disagreed whether it triggered the Great Depression in the 1930s. 5) What did Milton Friedman think were the more important reasons for the Great Depression? The malfunctioning gold standard system and inept monetary policy of the Federal Reserve. 6) What was the foreign reaction unexpected by the American lawmakers after the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act was enacted? The trading partners were angered and imposed discriminatory tariffs on American goods. Canada in particular, as the largest export market for the US, reacted fiercely and handed its market over to the British competitors. 7) Why is it unlikely for the US to adopt another Smoot-Hawley today in the eye of the author? (1)The US is much more integrated into the world economy today than it was in the 1930s. (2)Import restrictions seldom achieve their intended goals, instead, often end up hurting American industries and consumers. (3)The Americans have learned to consider the possible strong foreign retaliation against US exporters. 8) What were the respective results for those countries withdrawing from the gold standard and those clinging to it during the 1930s according to the author?


摘要 商务英语信函在国际贸易中起着重要的作用。本文首先通过介绍商务英语信函的特点,然后遵循商务英语的翻译准则,从商务英语信函的用词,中长句的处理以及语气特点三方面着手探讨商务英语信函的翻译技巧。为了提高商务英语信函的翻译质量,翻译者必须了解商务英语信函的特点及商务英语信函的翻译准则及技巧。通过举例和比较,本文详细地分析了商务英语信函的特点并总结出翻译商务英语信函的标准和方法及商务英语信函翻译中应注意的问题。 关键词:商务英语信函;翻译;特点;翻译技巧

ABSTRACT Business English letter plays an important role in international trade.This thesis first introduces the features of business English letter with 7Cs. Then following the translation principles of business English letter, from the words, long sentences and manner of speaking aspects, it discusses the translation skills. In order to obtain good quality translation of business English letter, translators must understand the features of business English letter and the translation principles and skills. By analying the examples and making the contrastive study, this thesis gives a detailed analysis of the features of business English letter and figures out the basic principles and methods applicable to the translation of this specific genre and some problems a translator should pay attention to during the translation of business English letter. Keywords:business English letter; translation; feature; translation skills


课程名称:商务英语阅读( Business English Reading ) 《商务英语阅读》教学大纲 一、课程说明 《商务英语阅读》课程是英语专业(国际商务)的专业课程,是学生在进行英语基础课程学习后,涉及商务英语知识学习,商务英语语言学习的重要课程,旨在有系统、有步骤地训练和培养学生用英语表达与国际商务活动有关的术语名称、机构名称、协议并具备将文章译成正确流畅的汉语能力。 本课程是在英语专业(国际商务)的学生进行英语基础课程学习后开设的课程,有助于今后商务课程的学习。 本课程的教学时间安排是:每周4学时,计划教学周数 19周,总课时数76学时,其中实践学时数为34学时,主要内容是阅读商务类动态国际新闻时事并讨论。 本课程总学分数:4学分 二、学时分配表 三、教学目的与要求 本课程的教学目的:《商务英语阅读》是英语专业(国际商务)的一门主要课程,着重通过对当前热门的商务英语文章进行精讲,分析,使学生能够系统的学习。增加商务英语的基本词汇、掌握商务的基本理论和语言交际的基本技能,为培养适合现代经济、文化和社会发展需要服务。学生通过学习能够成为从事国内外商务活动的外语复合型人才和商贸英语翻译人才。 本课程各章的教学要求和知识考核点如下:

第一章中国模式为何奏效 通过本课程的学习使学生了解中国与欧美国家自由市场经济不同的经济模式—计划经济与市场经济并存所取得的成效,了解中国领导人进行市场改革开放以来的作为与成就,成功的因素,以及与西方经济模式对比之下的不同之处。 本章的主要知识点是:计划市场经济、自由市场经济及中国改革开放。 难点是:课文生词应用,white goods白色家电,如冰箱,洗衣机,微波炉,消毒碗柜等,premium brands高档品牌的商品。 第二章全球现状新解 本章通过了解第三世界国家新兴市场的观点和论说,并从历史的角度帮助学生体会对经济规模和管理的发展趋势。 本章的主要知识点是:供应链、库存周转率、规模经济、产业调整等。 难点是:课文生词应用,存款准备金率、主权债务危机、自由贸易等 第三章该重新获得平衡了 本章介绍了美国经济在多年贸易赤字下不平衡贸易、消费与生产出口方面的变化对经济发展的影响,指出美国经济应该进行转型。 本章的主要知识点是:贸易平衡、消费、与国内经济发展。 难点是:课文生词应用,如bemoan one's sad fate 自叹命苦;bemoan the shortage of funds for research 抱怨研究经费不足 第四章难以置信—欧洲在沉沦 本章介绍了全球金融危机年至今的欧元区经济的衰退和恢复情况。 本章的主要知识点是:2008年至今的欧元区经济的衰退和恢复 难点是:课文生词应用,如mayhem:There was absolute mayhem when the cow got into the village hall. 那牛闯进村会议厅, 造成一片混乱。 第六章自由贸易终结? 本章介绍了全球化、市场经济、自由贸易、贸易保护主义等问题的争论,和对世界经济的未来及发展介绍。 本章的主要知识点是:贸易壁垒、自由贸易区、进口替代、公司福利、世贸组织中的争端解决机制等。 难点是:掌握相关的贸易术语 第七章底特律的辉煌还有机会再现吗 本章介绍了美国底特律汽车城的兴衰以及,分析了美国汽车工业的困境,展望了汽车工业的未来。 本章的主要知识点是:汽车行业市场变化。 难点是:汽车类名词,行业优劣势的分析 第八章乔布斯的十年 本章介绍了乔布斯,苹果公司前首席执行官乔布斯如何通过发挥他的创新特质、独特个人魅力,研发新产品的观念和手段成功地领导影响全球生活方式的苹果公司。


参考译文 Unit 1 参考译文 国际商务的范围 国际商务是指任何类型的跨国商务活动。它可以分为4种类型: 对外贸易、服务贸易、有价证券投资和直接投资。在对外贸易中,国与国之间从事有形货物或商品的进出口业务。进出口贸易构成了世界上大多数国家最基本的国际商务活动。除货物和商品进出口贸易外,国家之间还进行服务贸易,如保险、金融、饭店、咨询、旅游及运输。跨国公司就因在别国提供服务而得到报酬。 国际有价证券投资指在别国进行的金融投资。投资者购买企业股票和长期债券,无非是为了谋求投资回报。有价证券投资者的目标不是控制一个企业,他们随时可按市场行情兑现他们所投的资金。海外直接投资是指在国外建厂或建立销售网络。投资者可购买外国公司现有的全部或部分资产,以控制或部分控制该公司的销售、生产、科研和发展。 从历史的角度来看,国际商务并非新鲜事物。它已有上千年的历史,尽管其形式、方法及重要性在不断演变。在古代,希腊人就在地中海地区从事贸易活动。在历史的长河中,随着复杂的商务技巧不断出现,商业持续不断的发展,从而促进了货物、资源、资金在国家间的流动。工业革命提供了大规模生产方法和大规模市场,从而进一步促进了国际商务的发展。随着工业化水平的提高,对供给、原料、劳动力和运输的需求也日益增大。 20 世纪以来,事实证明,广泛的商务关系覆盖全球。由于商务实体越来越认识到它们的市场是全球性的,而不仅仅在国内,所以产品、资本和人员比以往任何时候都更紧密地联系在一起。随着商务活动的范围跨出国界,银行和金融机构接踵而至,以满足商务活动为世界性的投资和经营所需要的资金。金融市场之间的联系也变得非常纷繁复杂。美国股市的走向和变化会直接影响到世界上其他地区的产权投资市场。 如今,只有目光短浅的商人才会相信,一个企业在本国市场范围内完全可以实现发展和繁荣。国内商界起码必须认识到市场竞争的国际根源,因为竞争的根源一直存在,并且日益成为国内商界的威胁。在世界市场和经济的动态中,这些变化的根源就是世界范围寻求的国际商务活动。 Unit 2 参考译文 维萨卡在中国的发展史 15 年前,中国没有一个人持有维萨卡。今天,中国有三千多万人持有维萨卡。 1993 年我们率先成立了维萨卡北京办事处。此后,我们与中国的金卡工程和其他机构合作,帮助改进中国的银行卡支付系统。为了建设中国第一个电子支付网络,维萨卡国际组织在其运行、构架、技术设备等方面提供了必要的支持和建议,我们对此感到尤为自豪。


全日制英语学习,选择尚语国际语言村, 随着全球商务活动日益频繁,互联网迅猛发展,商务信函成为国际贸易中客户沟通的主要方式,广泛运用于外贸、海外资本运营、国际货运等商务活动。它涵盖询问、洽谈、答复,涉及到询盘、报盘、发盘、还盘、交易达成、支付方式、装运等业务细节,是商务活动中不可或缺的沟通媒介,高质量的商务英语信函翻译对国际商务活动的重要性不言而喻。 一、商务信函的语言特点 与其他文体相比,商务信函具有商务文体正式、简洁、专业、礼貌等特点。 (一)正式。商务信函是公文性质函件,用词布局上比普通信函讲究,较多使用书面语。如请您给我发送一份申请表格,在此表示感谢。一般使用We would be grateful if you could send me an application form。而不使用Could you send me an application form? Thank you!。文体布局上商务信函也比一般信函严谨规范,有其特定布局结构。如道歉信通常开头致歉(We must apologize for …/We apologize for…),接下来解释事情发生的原因,寻求对方谅解(this is owing to…),在结尾处再次致歉(We hope that this has not caused you any inconvenience./With apologies once again.)一般道歉信都会遵循这样层层递进的规范布局,翻译时也要注意符合其布局。 (二)简洁。商务人士求实重效率。商务信函必须言简意赅,目的突出,层次分明。一般信件开头就说明来意,如:We are writing to enquire about the prices of your cabinets/ we are writing in connection with the advertisement in the newspaper yesterday. 如果开头东拉西扯,会使繁忙的商务人士无暇向下,不明所以。此外信件中措辞也较少使用冗繁的词语句式。例:Please contact us whenever we can be helpful. (如需帮助请告知)而一般不会使用Whenever there is anything we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us。 (三)专业。商务信函用于业内往来,广泛使用商业术语和缩略语,包括外贸业务术语、公司名称及单证等,规范程度很高。常见如外贸术语CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight) 成本、运费加保险价,FCA(Free carrier)货交承运人,B/L(Bill of Loading)运输单等在信函中都大量使用。此外商务信函也常使用here,where, there 与in, by, with, after 等构成复合词如hereafter(after this),wherein (in which) therefrom (from that)。如:Seller is bound to reimburse Buyer for any loss sustained therefrom. 长期的商务书信交流中逐步形成了商务英语信函句式的套语和行话。如:收到对方询盘的套话:Thank you for your letter of 23 July, asking if we sell photocopiers.希望得到对方回函、订单时的套话:Looking forward to your favorable /early reply. (四)礼貌。西方人交往中非常重视态度,商务信函应礼貌友好,礼貌可以使对方阅读后心生好感,从而保持友好贸易关系。在信函中采用“You attitude”,从对方角度考虑问题,较多使用第二人称,较少使用

商务英语阅读 第二版 王关富 unit 1 Why China Works

商务英语阅读第二版王关富unit 1 Why China Works

Unit 1 Why China Works Exercises 1. Answer the questions on the text: 1) How does the author view the Chinese economy? It is the most important bright spot in the world economy under the global recession, the only major economy that is likely to show significant growth this year, and the only one that routinely breaks every rule in the economic textbook. 2) According to the author, why can the Chinese economy perform so well? Because of: (1) the capacity for state control by the Chinese government. (2) its rejection of exotic financial innovations that are the melting core of the global credit crisis. (3) the integration of its economic policies between traditional market tools and state control measures. 3) In what way does the author imply that western economists are erroneous in their bias toward “China’s market economic system”? The United States and Europe are moving toward state control by nationalizing their banking and car industries, and imposing heavy new regulation on the financial industry. 4) What is the view of Stephen Roach on the Chinese economy system? Investment is the backbone of sustainable growth in the Chinese economy, which works more effectively than other market based systems in times of economic stress. 5) Why can China work in the eye of the author? It has followed a radical pragmatism focusing on a slow but steady shift toward freer markets. 6) What is regarded as the strategic thinking of the Chinese leaders in market reforms? They understand even under the serious financial crisis that it can stabilize the Chinese market and economy to introduce more sophisticated forms of securitization, including stock index funds, corporate bonds and other debt products. They also realize that, in the course of doing this, they should learn from the mistakes the westerners have made. 7) What is the example given to illustrate the steadiness of the Chinese leaders in their policy execution? They continue to allow the value of yuan to rise despite of the American charges and the need for export competitiveness by their own enterprises. 8) What is “shock therapy”?

商务英语阅读第二版chapter 5 Japan Goes from Dynamic to Disheartened 课文翻译 王关富

1.日本,大阪——像许多日本中产阶级一样,小企业主正人华20年前享有的富裕生活为 世人所艳羡。他购买了一套价值50万美元的公寓,时常去夏威夷度假,其座驾是一辆老款的奔驰轿车。 2.但慢慢地,他的生活水平随同日本的整体经济状况一道,逐渐走向崩溃。刚开始时,他 被迫减少了去国外旅行的次数,后来就彻底不去了。随后,他卖掉了奔驰,换了一款更便宜的国产轿车。去年,他卖掉了他的公寓——售价仅为17年前购房款的三分之一,还不及依然背负的按揭贷款。 3.“过去的日本,光鲜且乐观,而现如今的人们不得不静悄悄地压低生活质量,紧缩度日,” 49岁的正人华说。在接受采访时,他要求记者不要披露其全名,因为他依然无力偿付拖欠的11万美元按揭贷款。 4.在近代史中,没有几个国家的经济财富像日本这样,经历了如此惊人的扭转。上世纪 80年代,借助位居史上最大规模之列的股市投机及房产泡沫,日本一举成为第一个挑战西方长期霸权的亚洲国家,谱写了一曲源自亚洲的成功故事。 5.但这些泡沫最终于80年代晚期和90年代初期爆裂,日本旋即陷入了一个缓慢但不间断 的衰落进程,庞大的预算赤字和海量流动性的涌入都无法扭转这一趋势。在迄今差不多一代人的时间里,这个国家一直深陷通货紧缩泥沼(低增长,物价螺旋式下落),不能自拔。在此过程中,这只昔日的经济猛兽已雄风不再,失去了在全球经济中的傲人地位。 6.如今,随着美国和其他西方国家正竭力摆脱债务及其自身的房产泡沫,越来越多的经济 学家将日本当下的黯淡处境视为上述国家的未来走向。甚至在美联储主席伯南克酝酿新一轮非常规措施,以刺激经济之际,对美国和许多欧洲经济体的忧虑依然与日俱增。许多人担心,这些经济体将面临长期的低增长,甚至有可能出现持续的通货紧缩——这是自大萧条以来,在日本之外的主要经济体中所从未见过的一幕。 7.许多经济学家依然颇具信心地认为,美国将避免日本式停滞,这主要是因为美国的政治 制度具有更强的反应性,美国人对于资本主义的创造性破坏具有更大的容忍度。日本领导人先是不愿承认问题的严重性,尔后又花费巨资,修建旨在创造就业的公共工程项目,进而推迟了痛苦但必不可少的结构调整,经济学家说。 8.“美国不是日本,”斯坦福大学经济学教授罗伯特·霍尔(Robert E. Hall)说。“美国 的盘算依然是,我们总能找到促使人们再次支出和投资的办法。” 9.然而,随着减少联邦支出和预算赤字的政治压力日益增强,其他经济学家正在发出警告: 美国需慎防“日本化(Japanification)”——消费者拒绝消费、公司抑制投资,银行坐拥巨额资金,进而导致需求崩溃,驱使经济坠入通缩陷阱,最终演变为一个自我强化的恶性循环:随着物价不断下跌,以及就业机会的消失,消费者进一步收紧了钱袋,公司削减开支,并推迟扩张计划。 10.“美国、英国、西班牙和爱尔兰都在经历日本大约10年前所经历的一幕,”野村证券首 席经济学家辜朝明(RichardKoo)说道。他最近撰写了一本书,谈论日本给予世界各国


Unit 1~2 Mercantilism 重商主义 Neomeicantilist 新重商主义者 Trade surplus 贸易顺差 Quota and tariff 配额和关税 Government intervention 政府干预 Zero-sum game 零和博弈 Positive-sum game 常和博弈 The theory of absolute advantage 绝对优势理论 The theory of comparative advantage 比较优势理论 Factor endowments 要素禀赋理论 Product life cycle 产品生命周期(+theory ……理论) Economies of scale 规模经济 Diminishing returns 收益递减规律 Green revolution 绿色革命 Voluntary restriction 自动出口限制 Deposit 佣金 First mover advantage 先占优势 Barrier to entry 进入(市场)壁垒 Porter’s diamond theory 波特的钻石理论 National competitive advantage 国家竞争优势 The department of commerce 商务部 Letter of credit 信用证 Draft /bill of exchange 汇票 bill of lading B/L 提单 Sight draft 即期汇票 Time draft 远期汇票 Banker ‘s acceptance 银行承兑(+bill …汇票) Trade acceptance 商业承兑汇票 Countertrade 对等贸易 Barter 易货贸易 Switch trading 转手贸易 Offset 抵消 Counter purchase 互购贸易 Compensation trade 补偿贸易 Mercantilism suggests that it is in a country’s best interest to maintain a trade surplus -- to export more than it imports(重商主义就是保持贸易顺差以实现一国的最大利益---出口超过进口) Mercantilism advocates government intervention(介入) to achieve a surplus in the balance of trade (重商主义主张政府介入以便实现对外贸易顺差) It views trade as a zero-sum game - one in which a gain by one country results in a loss by another (将贸易看成零和博弈,一个国家收益一个国家受损) Absolute Advantage 绝对优势 Adam Smith argued that a country has an absolute advantage in the production of a product when it is more efficient than any other country in producing it 亚当斯密认为一个国家生产一种商品比其他任何国家效率都高时存在绝对优势 According to Smith, countries should specialize in the production of goods for which they have an absolute advantage and then trade these goods for the goods produced by other countries 按照亚当斯密的说法,各国应该专门生产具有绝对优势的商品,然后用他们交换其他国家生产的商品 The Benefit(好处) of Absolute Advantage and Free Trade The Principle for International Division of Labor–Absolute Advantage 国际分工的原则---绝对优势 The Consequence(结果) of Division of Labor and Free Trade 分工的结果和自由贸易 1. To Production: the Flow of the Factor of Production 生产要素的流动; the Efficiency of Factor Distribution 要素分配效率;the Quantity of Production 产品质量。 2. To Consumer: Welfare from Free Trade自由贸易福利: low price of imports and more consumption 低价格的进口更多的消费 Comparative Advantage比较优势 Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage suggests that countries should specialize in the production of those goods they produce most efficiently and buy goods that they produce less efficiently from other countries, even if this means buying goods from other countries that they could produce more efficiently at home李嘉图的比较优势理论认为一个国家分工生产最有效率的产品,而从别国购买自己生产效率相对较低的产品,



Lesson 1 Importer’s Self-introduction 译文 信件一进口商自我介绍 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 美国纽约劳顿大街58号 福建鞋业进出口公司 中国福建福州保定大街45号 送交:销售部吴刚先生 敬启者: 我们从伏特威廉公司得知贵司商号与地址,特此来函,希望能同贵司发展商务关系。 多年来,本公司经营休闲鞋类进口生意,目前想扩展业务范围。请惠寄商品目录与报价单。 如贵司产品价格有竞争力,本公司必定向你方试订。 恭候回音。

克唐那和伊万有限公司 签名) 克. 伊万 理 上 010年4月20日 信件二回信 福建鞋业进出口公司 中国福建福州保定大街45号 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 美国纽约劳顿大街58号 敬启者:

感谢贵公司四月二十日的来函,我们非常渴 望与贵公司建立商务关系。 我们鞋厂致力于设计和生产各种传统和时尚男女鞋产品。我们已开发和上市了室内拖鞋,棉拖鞋,新款刺绣拖鞋;童鞋和棉鞋。可以满足国内外不同市场需求。 谨遵要求另函奉上最新的出口商品目录及报价单,涵括目前可供的出口商品。 如你方对任何一款感兴趣,请让我方知道。期盼你方具体询盘。 建鞋业进出口公司 签名) 刚 理 上

010年5月10日 习题答案 I. Basic Training 1.Translate the following expressions into Chinese. 报价一流的进口商 出口产品范围定单 广泛的联系具体询盘 最新目录有竞争力的价格 2.Choose the best answer. 1) b 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) d 6) b 7) c 8) c 9) b II. Improving Training Translate the following sentence into English. 1) We would like to introduce our business range.


Unit 13 The Business of Making Money Exercises 1. Questions on the text: 1)What are the latest developments in private equity in recent years Compared to the 1980s, the targets of today’s private equity groups are much bigger in size. In recent years, the private equity industry has raised record money and its share of mergers and acquisitions has grown massively. The industry has also become a byword for money-making skills but its wealth has also brought many enemies. 2)According to the article, what are the main inconveniences for a company to be a publicly quoted company The main inconveniences for a publicly quoted company include: its executives have to face intrusive media coverage; it has to obey strict and long corporate-governance codes; it also has to face the threats of activist investors and short sellers and the scrutiny by some politicians. 3)What are the main reasons for a company to get listed on a stockmarket Traditionally there are three main reasons to get a company’s share listed on a stockmarket. The first is to raise capital, either to expand the business or to allow the founders to realise their wealth. The second is to help retain staff, who can be offered share options as an incentive to stay and work hard. The third involves prestige; customers, suppliers and potential employees may be reassured (and attracted) by the apparent seal of approval given by a public listing. Meanwhile, being publicly listed gives a company better access to fund investors and retail investors. 4)Why are companies in the Anglo-Saxon economies reluctant to borrow from banks Companies in the Anglo-Saxon economies were reluctant to borrow from banks because their often felt nervous about the possibility of the sudden withdrawal of credit from the banks, due to a change in lending policy, new management or an economic downturn. 5)According to the article, what are the main sources for today’s companies to raise money (including equity capital and debt) Nowadays the main sources for companies to raise money are: first, equity market; second, banks, though much less important than they used to be; third, bond market; fourth, private equity. 6)How do private-equity firms respond to the problems identified by Professor Jensen with regard to public companies Professor Jensen argued that the structure of a public company creates an inherent conflict between investors and the managers they hire to run the business, particularly with regard to the use of free cash flow. He also argued
