新概念二Lesson 22教案

新概念二Lesson 22教案
新概念二Lesson 22教案


新概念英语二lesson22课后短语练习答案Page 97-99 Supply the missing words( or, from, in or on). 1. I withdrew a lot of money from the bank yesterday. 2. I refuse to comment on his work. 3. The waiter’s tip is included in the bill. 4. He congratulated me on having got engaged. 5. This warm coat will protect you from the cold. 6. Did anything emerge from your discussion? 7. I dreamt of you last night. 8. You can never rely on him to be punctual. 9. Nothing will prevent him from succeeding. 10. Are you interested in music? 11. I suppose I can count on you for help in this matter? 12. Beware of the dog. 13. He persisted in asking questions. 14. I insist on your telling me the truth. 15. It took me a long time to get rid of him. 16. Do you mean to say you have never heard of Beethoven? 17. I separated them from each other because they were fighting? 18. They can only cure him of his illness if they operate on him. 19. You can depend on me. 20. I haven’t accused him of anything, but I suspect him of having taken it. 21. Whatever made you think of such a thing? 22. We expect a great deal of you, Smith. 23. My hands smell of soap. 24. They differ from each other so much. 25. He invested a lot of money in shipping. 26. The film was based on a novel by Dickens. 27. Don’t lean on that shelf! You’ll regret it. 28. She often suffers from colds. 29. We have embarked on a new house. 30. I believe in taking my time. 31. Jones was dismissed from the firm. 32. They began by experimenting on rats. 33. Please concentrate on what you are doing. 34. She prides herself on her clean house. 35. The climber failed in his attempt to reach the summit. 36. Many people escaped from prisons during the last five years. 37. We must economize on fuel. 38. He's never done any work. He lives on his mother. 39. He was employed in a factory before he joined the army. 40. Any what does this horrible drink consist of? 41. I shall certainly act on your advice. 42. Don't write on the desk!


Lesson7Toolate为时太晚本课重点:过去进行时,一般过去时 New words and expressions: 1. detectiven.侦探 detective story/novel侦探小说 detective film侦探片 After a while he was tired of reading detective stories.过了一会儿,他对看侦探小说也感到厌倦了。 2. airportn.机场 airfieldn.飞机起落的场地 port港口;airport航空港 fieldxx;airfield停机坪 at the airport on the airfield The plane circled the airport before landing.飞机着陆以前在机场上空盘旋。 We are to meet him at the airport.我们要到飞机场去接他。 An airfield is a place where aircraft can take off or land.飞机场是飞机可以起飞或降落的地方。 The firm decided to bid on the new airfield.该公司决定投标争取承建新机场。 3. expect:/ik'spekt/ v.期待,等待/except除……之外 expectdo sth.期待某人做某事: I expect you to write back. We expect him to carry out his promises.我们期待他履行诺言。

We expect you to finish it in time.我们希望你及时把它完成。 expect sb. / sth.及物动词:I expect your letter. Do not expect me.不要期待我来。 I expect so.我希望如此[口语]/ I think so. expect to do sth.预料,预期,估计,预计 We expect to have a supply this Friday.估计本星期五就会到货。 She expects to fail the exam.她预料无法通过考试。 比较:wait for sth./wait for sb.不及物动词 expect:心理上的等待 wait for:动作上的等待 I am waiting for my mother. I expect my mother to come back. 习惯用语: as one might expect正如人们所预料的 be expecting怀孕了 expect sb. to be期望某人成为... expect sth. of sb.对...的期望[要求] 4.valuable: adj. (1)贵重的,珍贵的,值钱的,名贵的,指“由于有价值很值钱而价格高的”He has a valuable collection of stamps.他收藏了很有价值的邮票。 (2)xx的,有价值的,极有用的


Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck New Expressions: 1 luck [l?k] n.运气,幸运 2 captain ['k?pt?n] n.船长 3 sail [seil] v.航行 4 harbour ['ha:b?] n.港口 5 proud [praud] a.自豪 6 important [im'p?:t?nt] a.重要的 Notes: 1. luck: 运气,幸运 bad [hard, ill, tough] luck 不幸, 倒霉 good luck 幸运 We wish you luck. 祝你好运。 Good luck to you! 祝你成功! He came to Beijing to try his luck. 他来到北京,想碰碰运气。 You never know your luck. 你也许会走运的。 联想:(1) lucky: 幸运的,运气好的 a lucky dog 幸运儿 a lucky day 吉日 He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运的家伙。 You are lucky to be alive after being in that accident. 你真幸运,经过那场车祸还能生还。 (2) unlucky: 不幸的 Friday is believed to be an unlucky day. 星期五被认为是不吉利的日子。 You were just unlucky. 你只是运气不好。 She was unlucky to catch a cold on the first day of her holiday. 她太倒霉了,休假第一天就感冒了。 It's considered unlucky to walk under a ladder. 从梯子下面走过被认为是不吉利的。 2. sail: 航行 Can you sail a boat? 你会驾驶船只吗? The ship sails for Shanghai tomorrow. 这船明天开往上海。 This ship sails for New York on Monday. 这船将于星期一开往纽约。 The fleecy clouds sailed across the sky. 白云飘过天空。 The duchess sailed into the room. 公爵夫人轻盈地走进了房间。 He sailed through his exams. 他顺利地通过了考试。 3. harbour: 港口 This harbour is a natural harbour. 这个港口是天然港。 They brought the boat into the harbour and dropped (the) anchor. 他们把船开进海港下锚


新概念英语第二册全 册教案

§ Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 【New words and expressions】生词和短语 ★private adj.私人的 如果妈妈想看你的信, 你可以说: It's my private letter. 如果陌生人想进你的房子, 你可以说: It's my private house. private life 私生活 由此引申出privacy n.隐私: private life 私生活 It’s privacy.这是我的隐私!(不愿让别人知道的) private school(私立学校), 与此相反, 公立学校是public school.所以, private的反义词是public. eg.public 公众; public letter 公开信; public place 公共场所 private还有一个值得注意的意思:普通的. 如: private citizen 普通公民:I’m a private citizen. private soldier 大兵; 我们熟悉的《拯救大兵瑞恩》就是《Private Ryan》 ★conversation n.谈话 subject of conversation :话题(天气是英国人最喜爱的话题) 几种谈话: 1、talk 内容可正式可不正式, 也可以私人:Let’s have a talk. 2、conversation 一般用于正式文体中, 内容上往往不正式: They are having a conversation.


Lesson Plan Name 罗玲段姗姗虞佳 Grade NCE2 Times Date Place Ⅰ Lesson Type: New Lesson Ⅱ Contents & Purposes: Lesson 22 a glass envelope Ⅲ key structures and key words: 介词的用法 Ⅳ Teaching procedure: Step1 Greeting, Step 2 :Lead-in 1)T: In what way can we make friends? Ss: talk about how to make friends: talking on phone, chatting online( QQ, MSN, Skype),. T: Today I’ll tell you another way of making friends. T: Take out some bottles, and ask to Ss to write a letter to make friends, and put their letters into bottles. T: Put all the bottles into a bag. And let the Ss to choose one of them and read out the letter and find the friends and exchange their stickers. 2) Let’s listen to the story today. And let’s see how Jane make friends. Step 3 Listen again and answer more Qs: (Summary writing) Step 4) words: Dream: T ask: What do you dream of? I dream of receiving a …on my birthday? What about you? Ss: I dream of receiving…/being… Age: of one’s own age T ask S1 of 12: How old are you? And then ask another S2 of the same age So S1 is of S2’s own age. Let Ss ask others’ age and find out who is of their own age and tell the others: ….is of my own age. Channel: show pics of some famous channels. Intro the biggest channel in the world..

Rita-新概念英语教案 第二册 8

2010-05-01/02 初三、初四 【前10分钟】检查笔记、检查作业、背诵课文、听写单词。10’ Lesson 8 - The best and the worst 一、教学重点 1、词汇:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。 2、词汇:跟every相关的复合不定代词。 二、教学步骤 【第一节课】Array 1、引入话题(详见右框)。2’ 2、听一遍音频,掌握大意。3’ ①How is Joe’s garden? ②Who else has a fine garden? ③What prize does the writer always win? 3、生词解读,纠正发音。5’ 4、提问:Why is Joe’s garden the most beautiful one in the town? 看一遍视频,解答问题。3’ 5、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。20’ 6、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。2’ 7、学生自己大声朗读。5’ 【第二节课】 1、做43页的两道选择理解题。5’ 2、朗读课文。10’ 3、找出课文中的比较级和最高级。5’ 4、详细讲解形容词和副词的比较级和最高级(详见下文)。10’ 5、做41页的练习。15’ 6、听一首英文歌曲。5’ 【第三节课】 1、跟every相关的复合不定代词。5’ 2、做42页的练习。10’ 3、听写单词,记忆法指点。5’ 4、读绕口令游戏。8’ 5、看图背课文比赛。20’ 6、总结本课重点,让学生标注(详见上文)。1’ 7、布置作业:摘要写作,43页的选择题,背课文和单词。1’ 三、精讲课文 1、Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful;【多音节词】【the + 形容词的最高级】 2、Nearly everybody enters for 'The Nicest Garden Competition' each year, but Joe wins every time. nice-nicer-the nicest;【单音节词】【the + 形容词的最高级】 nearly = almost 几乎。everybody 看作三单。each = every 每一个。every time 每次。 enter for 报名参加。例句:He entered for marathon last year. She’ll enter for a beauty contest. 3、Bill Frith's garden is larger than Joe's (garden). large-larger-the largest;【单音节词】【形容词的比较级+ than】


Lesson 22 A glass envelope 玻璃信封 Text How did Jane receive a letter from a stranger? My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to use the post office. Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel faster. New words and expressions 生词和短语 Dream [dri:m] v. 做梦,梦想 age [e?d?] n. 年龄 channel [?t??nl] n. 海峡 throw [θr??] v. 扔,抛★dream v. 做梦, 梦想 Have a good/sweat dream!祝你做个好梦! She is daydreaming.她做白日梦 daydream : 思想开小差 dream of doing something : 梦想 I dreamed of flying in the sky. I dreamed of finding the gold. / I dream of be a good teacher. ★age n. 年龄 teengager : 十几岁的人 adolenscent n.青春期(一般指成年以前由13至15的发育期) ★channel n. 海峡 ★throw v. 扔, 抛(threw,thrown)throw away 扔掉 参考译文: 我的女儿简从未想过会接到荷兰一位同龄姑娘的来信。去年,当我们横渡英吉利海峡时,简把写有她姓名和住址的一张纸条装进了一只瓶子,又将瓶子扔进了大海。此后她就再没去想那只瓶子。但10个月以后,她收到了荷兰一位姑娘的来信。现在这两位姑娘定期通信了。然而她们还是决定利用邮局。这样会稍微多花点钱,但肯定是快得多了。

新概念英语第二册14课 英文教案

湖南农业大学教育实习教案 教案内容:Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 学院:外国语学院班级:09英语1班 姓名:赵纯学号:200941327117 Lesson 14 Do you speak English? Teaching Aims and demands: 1.Review the usage of General Question. 2.Master the usage of past perfect , and the word “except”. 3.Grasp the following words and phrases: amusing, experience, village, wave, lift, reply, reach, language, journey, drive on to, wave to sb., ask for a lift, apart from, neither of , not at all, on the way, as soon as.

4.Learn a kind of word—adverb “-ly”. 5.Practice oral English with the topic “An amusing experience you have at shool”. Teaching Content: Text ; Exercises (from V ocabulary to Writing) Teaching Key points and difficult points: 1.the usage of past perfect. 2.amusing, experience, ask for a lift, apart from, on the way Teaching Periods: 6 periods Teaching Procedures: Period 1-2: Ⅰ. Introduction to the text by asking some questions. Questions: 1.Do you remember the first English word you can speak? “Yes”“No”? 2.Do you think speaking English is difficult? Why? 3.Who is the first person you spoke to in English? Your teacher or your classmate? 4.What did you talk about when you spoke English at the first time? 5.How many years have you been learning English? 6.How do you think your oral English now? 7.Do you often make mistakes when you speak English? What are they? 8.Have you ever talked with foreigners in English? When and where? 9.Do you know how to greet when you meet foreigners? 10.Can you recognize a person who is an English or French? Ⅱ.Ask students to go through the text and finish the pre-class work to get the main idea of the text. Then analyze the text the general idea . Ⅲ. Explain the text in details. 1. amusing adj. causing laughter or smiles; enjoyable; funny and entertaining e.g. * an amusing story/anecdote/incident * Our visits to the theatre made the holiday more amusing. a highly amusing (=very amusing) film mildly/vaguely amusing (=a little amusing , but not very ) a mildly amusing spectacle -amusingly adv. ※Amusing/amused Amused adj. e.g. If you are amused by something, you think it is funny and you smile or laugh.. amused at / by Ellen seemed amused by the whole situation. I could see she was highly amused (=very amused). The man looked a little amused.


【前10分钟】检查笔记、检查作业、听写单词。10’ Lesson 2 - Breakfast or lunch? 一、教学重点 1、代词:it 做虚主语时的用法。 2、时态:一般现在时VS 现在进行时。 3、副词:频率副词的排序和位置。 二、教学步骤 【第一节课】 1、引入话题(详见右框)。2’ 2、听一遍音频,掌握大意。2’ ① What was the weather like last Sunday? ② Who was coming to see the writer? ③ What time was it then? 3、生词解读,纠正发音(详见课本)。4’ 4、提问:Why was the writer ’s aunt surprised? 看一遍视频,解答问题。2’ 5、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。30’ 【第二节课】 1、文化背景。3’ 2、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。3’ 3、做19页的两道选择理解题(详见课本)。4’ 4、检查朗读,一起朗读。10’ 5、总结it 做虚主语时的用法。1’ 6、总结本课中出现的四种时态。2’ 7、辨析一般现在时和现在进行时(详见下文)。7’ 8、做17页的关于时态的练习题(详见课本)。15’ 9、读绕口令游戏。5’ 【第三节课】 1、总结频率副词的排序和位置(详见下文)。5’ 2、做18页关于频率副词的练习(详见课本)。10’ 3、听写单词,记忆法指点。5’ 4、听一首英文歌曲。7’ 5、背课文、讲故事比赛。20’ 6、总结本课重点,让学生标注(详见上文)。2’ 7、布置作业:摘要写作,19页的选择题,背课文和单词。1’ 三、精讲课文 1、It was Sunday. 这里的it 是虚主语,可以指代时间、天气、温度、距离等多种事物,也可以指代某个不确定的人。接下来课文中还会出现很多个it ,让我们来一起看看它到底指代什么。 2、I never get up on Sundays. 这是在说我一直以来的习惯,所以用了一般现在时。 never 从来不、绝对不。频率副词,可以用在多种时态中。 例句:-Have you loved me? -Never. -Will you marry me? -Never. 太绝情了! on Sundays 在每一个星期天。 on 用在具体的某一天之前,例如 on March 21st ,on Monday ,on Monday morning


新概念第二册第22 课词组复习题 1 I withdrew a lot of money ____ the bank yesterday. ( from ) 2 I refuse to comment ____ his work. (on) 3 The waiter ' s tip is included ______ the bill. (in) 4 He congratulated me ___ having got engaged. (on) 5 This warm coat will protect you ____ the cold.(from) 6 Did anything emerge ___________ your discussion?(from) 7 I dream _____ you last night.(of) 8 You can never rely ____ him to be punctual.(on) 9 Nothing will prevent him succeeding.(from) 10 Are you interested ____ music?(in) 11 I suppose I can count _____ you for help ____ this matter.(on)(in) 12 Beware ____ the dog.(of)

13 He persisted ___________ asking questions.(on /in) 14 I insist ____ your telling me the truth. (on) 15 It took mea long time to get rid __________ him.(of) 16 Do you mean to say you have never heard ____ Beethoven? (of) 17 I separated them ________ each other because they were fighting.(from) 18 They can only cure him __________ his illness if they operate ____________________ him.(of)(on) 19 You can depend ____ me. (on) rely on/count on/live on 20 I haven' t accused him ______ anything, but I suspect him ______ having taken it. (of) (of) 21 Whatever made you think ____ such a thing.(about) 22 We expect a great deal ___ you, Smith. (of) amount/number/deal 23 My hands smell ___ soap. (of) 24 They differ _______ each other so much. (from) 25 He invested a lot of money ____________


实用文档 裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记第二十二课单词学习 dream dream---dreamed---dreamed / dreamt---dreamt---dreamt 区别: 在英式英语中用不规则变化;在美式英语中用规则变化。 1) n. 梦,梦想 eg. Have a good dream. 祝你做个好梦。 / Have a sweet dream. Have a bad dream. 做恶梦。 eg. Life is a dream. 人生如梦,世事无常。 eg. He realized his dream at last. 他终于实现了自己的梦想。 eg. His dream was realized at last. 他的梦想终于实现了。 /His dream came true at last. dream-boat 梦中情人(梦寐以求的东西) Mr. Right 白马王子 2) n. (口)美好的事物,美丽的东西(梦一般的) eg. Your dress is a perfect dream. 你的裙子真美啊。 perfect[?p??f?kt; (for v.) p??fekt] adj. 完美的;最好的; 3) v. 做梦,幻想,梦想 dream of sth 梦想得到某物 dream of doing sth 梦想做某事 /dream about sth /dream about doing sth eg. I never promised to lend you my car, you must be dreaming. 我从来没答应过把车借给你,你一定在做梦。 eg. He dreamed of becoming president one day. 他梦想有一天会成为总统。president['prez?d(?)nt] n. 总统;董事长;校长 eg. I never dreamed of receiving a rise. 我从来没有想过会涨工资。eg. She is daydreaming. 她在做白日梦。/开小差。 daydreaming['de,drim??]做白日梦(daydream的ing形式) Dream on! 做梦去吧! eg. So you want that girl? Dream on! 你想追那个女孩?做梦去吧! “I have a dream.” 文案大全


§Lesson 3 Please Send Me a Card 请给我寄张明信片 【New words and expressions】生词和短语 ★send v. 寄, 送 寄信: send a letter 用法: send sth to sb/send sb sth 类似的用法还有give,take,pass,read,sell... send/take children to school 区别: take : 强调某人亲自送; take flowers to his wife 自己送 send则是通过第三人去送, 如美国的校车send flowers to his wife 叫店里的人送postcard n. 明信片 [注意]/t/和/k/前者失去爆破音 send him a card 简写为card, 由此引申出: namecard/visiting card : 名片 Here is my namecard.(口语常用, 同时伴随着递出的动作) ID card:身份证; ID : 身分, 身份(identification, identity) credit card:信用卡 cash card 现金卡, 储蓄卡, 工资卡(不能透支的那种) ★spoil(spoiled or spoilt) v. 使索然无味, 损坏(重点词) 几种破坏: break: 打破; break the windows 打破玻璃 damage: 破坏, 程度不一定很重 destroy : 破坏, 彻底摧毁 以上三个是指物理上的破坏, 而spoil主要指精神上 spoil: 把东西的质量变得不好; 生活中不顺心的事;宠坏, 溺爱 1、宠坏His parents spoiled the boy. 2、毁了某人心情. This spoiled my day. What you said spoiled me. His arrival spoiled my hoilday. ★museum n. 博物馆 Palace Museum:故宫 ★public adj. 公共的 这个词我们在第一课见过了, 基本用法和private一起记. 下面再说两点: public house简称pub : 酒吧; public place 公共场所 in public:公开的; in private:私下里的(介词短语在英语中往往充当状语) Let’s have a conversation in private.让我们私下谈谈? Why not have a conversation in public? 为什么不公开谈呢?(当面说呢?)


裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记第二十二课单词学习 dream dream---dreamed---dreamed / dreamt---dreamt---dreamt 区别: 在英式英语中用不规则变化;在美式英语中用规则变化。 1) n. 梦,梦想 eg. Have a good dream. 祝你做个好梦。 / Have a sweet dream. Have a bad dream. 做恶梦。 eg. Life is a dream. 人生如梦,世事无常。 eg. He realized his dream at last. 他终于实现了自己的梦想。 eg. His dream was realized at last. 他的梦想终于实现了。 /His dream came true at last. dream-boat 梦中情人(梦寐以求的东西) Mr. Right 白马王子 2) n. (口)美好的事物,美丽的东西(梦一般的) eg. Your dress is a perfect dream. 你的裙子真美啊。 perfect[?p??f?kt; (for v.) p??fekt] adj. 完美的;最好的; 3) v. 做梦,幻想,梦想 dream of sth 梦想得到某物 dream of doing sth 梦想做某事 /dream about sth /dream about doing sth eg. I never promised to lend you my car, you must be dreaming. 我从来没答应过把车借给你,你一定在做梦。 eg. He dreamed of becoming president one day. 他梦想有一天会成为总统。president ['prez?d(?)nt] n. 总统;董事长;校长 eg. I never dreamed of receiving a rise. 我从来没有想过会涨工资。 eg. She is daydreaming. 她在做白日梦。/开小差。 daydreaming['de,drim??]做白日梦(daydream的ing形式) Dream on! 做梦去吧! eg. So you want that girl? Dream on! 你想追那个女孩?做梦去吧! “I have a dream.”

新概念英语第二册 第二十二课:new concept English 22

教师:学生:时间:年月日段 一、授课目的与考点分析: 二、授课内容:new concept English Book 2. lesson 22 第22课 Book II Lesson 22 A glass envelope My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to use the post-office. Letters will cost a litt1e more, but they will certainly travel faster. 一。词汇 1 dream n. have a dream/dream a dream 做梦 Have a good/sweat dream (口语)祝你好梦 v. She is daydreaming. 白日梦;思想开小差 dream of doing sth. 梦想 think of 考虑 eg. I dreamed of flying in the sky. I dreamed of being a teacher. dream on! (口语)别做梦了! dream boat 梦中情人;梦寐以求的(东西) eg. Life is a dream. 人生如梦,世事无常。 eg. He realized his dream at last. 他终于实现了自己的梦想。 eg. His dream was realized at last. 他的梦想终于实现了。 /His dream came true at last. Mr. Right 白马王子 prince charming 2 throw away 扔掉 throw---threw---thrown throw the bottle into the sea 把瓶子扔进海里


§ Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 【New words and expressions】生词和短语 ★private adj.私人的 如果妈妈想看你的信, 你可以说:It's my private letter. 如果陌生人想进你的房子, 你可以说:It's my private house. private life 私生活 由此引申出privacy n.隐私:private life 私生活 It’s privacy.这是我的隐私!(不愿让别人知道的) private school(私立学校), 与此相反, 公立学校是public school.所以, private的反义词是public. eg.public 公众; public letter 公开信; public place 公共场所 private还有一个值得注意的意思:普通的. 如:private citizen 普通公民:I’m a private citizen. private soldier 大兵; 我们熟悉的《拯救大兵瑞恩》就是《Private Ryan》 ★conversation n.谈话 subject of conversation :话题(天气是英国人最喜爱的话题) 几种谈话: 1、talk 内容可正式可不正式, 也可以私人:Let’s have a talk. 2、conversation 一般用于正式文体中, 内容上往往不正式:They are having a conversation. 3、dialogue 对话, 可以指正式国家与国家会谈:China and Korea are having a dialogue. 4、chat 闲聊, 就是北京人说的“侃” , 说的是无关紧要的事. 5、gossip 嚼舌头, 说长道短 have a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip 名词变动词 ★theatre n.剧场, 戏剧 cinema:电影院 ★seat n.座位 这个词很重要, 考试常考. have a good seat,这里的seat指place(指地点不错), 而不是chair. take a seat/take your seat 坐下来, 就坐 下面这个句子在口语、电影里很常见:Is the seat taken?(这个位置有人吗?) 请坐的3种说法: Sit down,please.(命令性) take your seat,please. Be seated,please.(更礼貌) 考点:作为动词的seat与sit的区别 sit--vi; seat—vt eg:He is sitting there.他住在那儿. You seat him.你给他找个位置. seat sb 让某人就坐,后面会加人
