



–“Doing things right”

–Getting the most output for the least inputs ?Effectiveness 效果

–“Doing the right things”

–Attaining organizational goals

The Manager: P44

Omnipotent or Symbolic?

Omnipotent View of Management管理万能论

- the view that managers are directly responsible for an organization’s success or failure.认为经理直接负责组织的成功或失败

Symbolic view of Management管理象征论- the view that much of an organization’s success or failure is due to external forces outside managers’ control.认为一个组织的成功或失败大部分是由管理者控制之外的外部力量所造成的观点

What’s Your Global Perspective?全球观(全球视角)P71

Parochialism狭隘主义- viewing the world solely through your own perspectives, leading to an inability to recognize differences between people.

Ethnocentric Attitude民族中心论- the parochialistic belief that the best work approaches and practices are those of the home country.本国取向

Polycentric Attitude多国论- the view that the managers in the host country know the best work approaches and practices

for running their business.东道国取向

Geocentric Attitude全球中心论–a world-oriented view that focuses on using the best approaches and people from around the globe.全球取向

Multinational Corporation (MNC)跨国公司- a broad term that refers to any and all types of international companies that maintain operations in multiple countries. 任一或所有类型的在多国维持经营的国际性公司。

The Decision Making Process决策制定过程P179 ?Identifying a problem识别决策问题

Identifying decision criteria 确认决策标准

Allocating weights to the criteria为决策标准分配权重

Developing alternatives开发备选方案

Analyzing alternatives分析备选方案

Selecting an alternative确定实施方案

Implementing the alternatives实施方案

Evaluating decision effectiveness评估决策结果Problem问题- an obstacle(障碍) that makes it difficult to achieve a desired goal or purpose.

Why Do Managers Plan?为什么管理者要制定计划?Purposes of Planning计划的目的

–Provides direction给出方向

–Reduces uncertainty降低不确定性

–Minimizes waste and redundancy减少重复和浪费

–Sets the standards for controlling便于控制


a statement of the purpose of an organization对组织目的的声明

The scope of its products and services其产品和服务的范围

Organizational Design - a process involving

decisions about six key elements:组织结构设计的六大基本要素P265

Work specialization工作专门化


Chain of command指挥链

Span of control管理跨度

Centralization and decentralization集权与分权?Formalization 正规化

What Is Communication?P405

Communication沟通- the transfer and understanding of meaning.意义的传递和理解

Transfer means the message was received in a

form that can be interpreted by the receiver.

Understanding the message is not the same

as the receiver agreeing with the message. ?Interpersonal Communication人际沟通-communication between two or more people.主要指存在于两人或多人之间的沟通;

Organizational Communication组织沟通- all the

patterns, networks, and systems ofcommunications

within an organization.主要指组织中沟通的各种方式、网络


What Is Motivation? 什么是动机P430

Motivation动机- the process by which a person’s efforts are energized, directed, and sustained toward attaining a goal.个体为实现目标而付出努力的强度、方向和坚持性

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory马斯洛的需要层次理论: Hierarchy of needs theory需要层次理论- Maslow’s theory that human needs —physiological生理需要, safety安全需要, social社交需要, esteem尊重需要, and self-actualization自我实现需要— form a sort of hierarchy。?五种需要可以分为低级和高级两






Management skills管理技能P13

Technical skills技术技能

–Knowledge and proficiency in a specific field ?Human skills 人际技能

–The ability to work well with other people ?Conceptual skills 概念技能

–The ability to think and conceptualize about

abstract and complex situations concerning the


Stakeholders利益相关者P50 - any constituencies in the organization’s environment that are affected by an

organization’s decisions and actions.

Organizational Culture组织文化P52 - The shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that

influence the way organizational members act.组织成员


Strong Cultures强文化- Organizational cultures in

which key values are intensely held and widely shared.重点价值被强烈拥有和广泛共享的组织文化

Social responsibility社会责任P125 - A bussiness’s intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations,to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society企业的是一种意图:它超


escalation of commitment承诺升级P184

An increased commitment to a previous decision despite evidence it may have been wrong.一种在过去决策基础上不断增加承诺和投入的现象,哪怕有证据表明已经作出的决策是错误的。

Types of Problems P186

Structured Problems结构化问题-straightforward, familiar, and easily defined problems.

Unstructured Problems非结构化问题- problems that are new or unusual and for which information is ambiguous or incomplete

Strategic Plans战略计划P207

-Plans that apply to the entIre organization and

e stablish the organization’s overall goals适用于整


Core competencies核心能力P228

- the organization’s major value-creating capabilities that determine its competitive weapons.组织的主要的创造价值的,决定它的竞争武器的能力


Contingency Factors in Planning影响计划工作的权变因素:P211

Manager’s level in the organization组织的层次?Degree of environmental uncertainty环境的不确定性?Length of future commitments计划工作的时间框架

Contingency Factors affecting structural choice影响组织选择的权变因素P274

Strategy and Structure策略

Size and Structure规模

Technology and Structure技术

Environmental Uncertainty and Structure环境不确定性

Mechanistic organizational structures tend to be most effective in stable and simple environments.


The flexibility of organic organizational

structures is better suited for dynamic and complex environments. 有机式组织

Characteristics of effective teams有效团队的特征Clear goals 目标明确,unified commitment一致的承

诺,appropriate leadership合适领导力,relevant skills相关技能,mutual trust相互信赖,good communication良好的沟通能力, negotiating skills谈判技能,internal and external support内外在支持

Understanding Social Networks P363 ?Communication process contains 7 elements P422

First,a sender(发送者) has a message.A message(信息) is a purpose to be conveyed.Encoding converts a

message into symbols.A channel is the medium(媒介)

a message travels along.Decoding(解码) happens

when the receiver(接受者) retranslates a sender’s

message.Finally,feedback(反馈) occurs.

Who Are Leaders and

What Is Leadership?谁是领导者,什么是领导P460 ?Leader领导者- Someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority. 能够影响他人并拥有职权的人。

Leadership领导- What leaders do; the process of influencing a group to achieve goals. 影响群体实现目标的过程





Ideally, all managers should be leaders. 管理者应该是领导者What Is Controlling?P486

Controlling控制- the process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting work performance监视各项活动以保证它们按计划进行并纠正各种重要偏差的过程。

Planning-Controlling Link




一.Who Are Managers? 1.定义:Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that organizational goals can be accomplished.协调和监督其他人的工作以使组织的目标可以完成的人。 2.First-line Managers Managers at the lowest level of the organization that manage the work of non-managerial employees。在组织最低层的管理者,负责管理非管理人员。 Top Managers Managers at or near the upper levels of the organization structure who are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization.在组织结构上或接近上层组织的管理者,他们负责组织广泛的决策,并制定影响整个组织的计划和目标。 Middle Managers Managers between the lowest level and the top level of the organization who manage the work of first-line managers.(All managers between the first-line level and the top level of the organization) 3.Where do manager work? Organization:A deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose (that individuals independently could not accomplish alone). 不是翻译,组织就是由两个或两个以上的个人,为了实现共同的目标。而结合起来协调行动的有机整体。 二.What Is Management? 1.coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others so that their activities are completed efficiently and effectively.协调和监督他人的工作活动,使其活动高效、有效地完成。 2.Managerial Concerns Effectiveness (效果):“Doing the right things”Attaining organizational goals Efficiency(效率):“Doing things right”Getting the most output for the least inputs 三.What Do Managers Do?


罗宾斯《管理学》第11版知识点总结 第一章管理与组织导论 管理者之所以重要,是因为:时代的不确定性需要管理者的管理技能和能力;管理者对工 作的顺利完成至关重要;管理者对组织举足轻重。 管理者通过协调和监管其他人的活动以达到组织目标. 基层—中层—高层管理者 组织是对人员的一种精心安排,以实现某个特定目标。 管理是协调和监管其他人的工作活动,从而使他们有效率,有效果地完成工作. 效率是指以尽可能少的投入获得尽可能多的产出。(正确地做事) 效果是指完成工作活动以实现组织的目标。(做正确的事) 三种描述管理者做什么的方法:职能、角色、技能。 管理职能: 亨利。法约尔——计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制 当今本教材-—计划、组织、领导、控制 明茨伯格的管理角色: 人际关系角色(挂名首脑、领导者、联络者)、信息传递角色(监听者、传播者、发言人)、决策制定角色(企业家、混乱驾驭者、资源分配者、谈判者) 卡茨关于管理技能的理论: 技术技能、人际技能、概念技能 管理者面临的变化:数字化、对组织和管理伦理的更多强调、更激烈的竞争、不断变化的安 全威胁;顾客重要性的提升、创新重要性的提升、可持续性重要性的提升。 为什么学管理?管理的普遍性;工作的现实;管理者的回报。 附加模块——管理史 亚当.斯密在1776年出版的《国富论》中提出了劳动分工/工作专业化。 管理方法的四个时期:古典方法(科学管理,一般管理)——定量方法—-行为方法(早期 倡导者,霍桑研究,组织行为)—-当代方法(系统方法,权变方法) 科学管理——弗雷德里克。泰勒以及弗兰克.吉尔布雷斯和莉莲。吉尔布雷斯 科学管理——使用科学的方法来确定一种完成工作的“最佳方法”。 泰勒——生铁块搬运实验,砌砖实验 吉尔布雷斯夫妇——测微计时表的发明 一般管理理论——更多地关注管理者做什么以及什么构成了良好的管理行为. 法约尔—-管理职能,14条管理原则 马克思.韦伯——德国社会学家,认为理想的组织类型是官僚行政组织——一种以劳动分工、定义清晰的等级制、详细的规章制度以及非个人的关系为特征的组织形式。 组织行为学—-对工作中的人的行为进行研究的研究领域。 早期倡导者(人是企业最重要的资产):罗伯特.欧文、雨果.芒斯特博格、玛丽.福莱特、 切斯特。巴纳德。 霍桑实验—-社会规范或群体标准是个体工作行为的主要决定因素。提出了人在组织中的作用。 定量管理—-采用定量技术来改进决策。(管理科学) 定量方法——统计学、优化模型、信息模型和计算机模拟运用于管理活动. 全面质量管理——专注于持续改进以及对顾客的希望和需求作出回应。 系统——封闭系统和开放系统。当管理者协调自己组织中各个部分的工作活动时,他们需 要确保所有这些部分都在共同努力,以使组织的目标得以实现.系统方法意味着组织的某个 部分的决策和行为将会影响组织的其他部分。系统方法认识到组织并不是自给自足的。


●组织行为学 行为:人们的活动 组织行为学:研究人们在工作中的活动 ●组织行为学的目标 组织行为学的目标是解释、预测和影响行为。 在解释、预测和影响行为时,我们尤其关注六种重要行为: ·员工生产率:效率和效果的一种绩效测量工具。 ·缺勤:没有在工作岗位上工作。 ·离职:自愿或非自愿地永远退出某个组织。 ·组织公民行为:一种并不属于员工正式工作要求但可以促进组织有效运行的自愿行为。 ·工作满意度:员工对自己工作所持的总体态度。 ·工作场所不当行为:员工实施的可能会对组织或组织成员产生产生伤害的故意行为。 ●态度和工作绩效 态度:对物体、人物或事件的评价性陈述。 ·态度由三种成分构成:认知成分、感情成分、行为成分。 认识成分:个体所持有的信念、观点、知识或信息。 情感成分:态度中的情绪或感受部分。 行为成分:个体以某种特定方式对某人或某事采取行动的意向。 ●工作投入和组织承诺 工作投入:员工认同自己的工作、积极参与工作以及重视工作绩效的程度。 组织承诺:员工认同所在组织及其目标并愿意留在该组织中的程度。 组织支持感:员工对组织多么重视他们的贡献并关心他们切身利益的总体看法。 ●员工敬业度 员工敬业度:员工关心和热情对待自己的工作,并且对工作感到满意的程度。 敬业度高的员工对自己的工作满怀激情,而且工作具有非常密切的联系。 ●认知失调理论 认知失调:态度之间或者态度与行为之间的不协调或不一致。 该理论指出,我们为减少失调而付出的努力程度取决于三件事情:

(1)造成这次失调的那些因素的重要性 (2)个体认为自己对这些因素的影响程度 (3)这次失调所包含的奖赏 ●态度调查 态度调查:向员工提出一系列陈述或问题来了解员工如何看待自己的工作、工作群体、上司或组织。 ●人格 人格:个体情感模式、思维模式和行为模式的独特组合。这些模式会影响该个体如何应对各种情况以及其他人互动。 两种最著名的方法: (1)迈尔斯—布瑞格斯类型指标 ·外向型(E)vs内向型(I) ·领悟型(S)vs直觉型(F) ·思维型(T)vs情感型(F) ·判断型(J)vs感知型(P) (2)五大人格模型 ①外倾性:个体喜爱交际、健谈、果断以及善于和他人相处的程度。 ②随和性:个体性情随和、乐于合作和值得信任的程度。 ③尽责性:个体值得信赖、承担责任、言行一致和以成就为导向的程度。 ④情绪稳定性:个体平静、热情、有安全感(积极的)或者紧张、焦虑、沮丧和缺乏安全感(消极的)的程度。 ⑤开放性:个体聪明、兴趣广泛、富有想象力和好奇心以及具有艺术敏感性的程度。 ●其他有关人格的见解 控制点:内控型—这些人认为自己掌控自己的命运;外控型—这些人认为自己的生活是由外部因素控制的 马基雅维利主义:在马基雅维利主义维度上得分高的个体注重实效,于他人保持情感距离,而且认为结果可以证明手段的正当性。 自尊:人们喜爱或不喜爱自己的程度各有不同。 自我监控:根据外部情境因素调整自己行为的能力。 冒险:在承担会规避风险方面,人们有着不同的倾向性,而这种差异会影响到管理者花多长时间来制定一项决策以及在做出选择之前需要获得多少信息。 ●其他一些人格特质 主动型人格:他们能够发现机会、表现出主动性以及采取行动,直到发生有意义的变化。 心理弹性:个体克服挑战并将之转化为机遇的能力。 ●情绪和情绪智力 情绪:是对某人或某事的强烈感受。


《管理学》 第11版 罗宾斯


我是2014年参加的浙财会计学学硕考试,在考研的路上,也经过了许多波折坎坷,但总是告诉自己,前面就是光明。时间在不断流逝,我们的心是否还依旧平稳,不管如何,希望大家一定要坚持下去,不要让自己后悔,有一段话,献给在考研路上努力奋斗着的童鞋们:贵在主动,重在过程,有心有序,有度有恒,求实求真,躬身力行。我希望在你们挥汗奋斗的日子里,我能够带给你们一定的光明和正能量,相信自己,坚强地走下去。加油! A Blueprint for Achievement Practice while others are complaining. Believe while others are doubting. Plan while others are playing. Study while others are sleeping. Decide while others are delaying. Prepare while others are daydreaming. Begin while others are procrastinating. Work while others are waiting.

Save while others are wasting. Listen while others are talking. Smile while others are frowning. Compliment while others are criticizing. Persist while others are quitting. Progress while others are lagging behind. Then, you will succeed while others are failing.


斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯《管理学》笔记 第Ⅰ篇绪论 第1章管理者与组织导论 第1节谁是管理者 (1)管理者:通过协调其他人的活动达到与别人一起或者通过别人实现组织目标的目的。(2)操作者:非管理人员,他们直接从事某项工作或任务,不具有监督别人工作的责任。(3)团队:是由来自不同部门的人甚至包括来自组织外部的人组成。 (4)管理者分类:基层管理者中层管理者高层管理者。 *不同层次的管理者职责不同 第2节什么是管理 管理的定义: (1)管理:同别人一起或通过别人使活动完成得更有效的过程。这一过程体现在计划、组织、领导和控制的职能或基本活动中。 (2)效率:以尽可能少的投入获得尽可能多地产出(方法) *理解—节约和有效利用资源,通常指“正确的做事”,即不浪费资源 效果:指实现组织目标的程度(结果) *理解—通常指“做正确的事”,即所从事的工作和活动有助于组织达到目标 两者关系:管理不仅关系到使活动达到目标,而且要做得尽可能有效率。低水平管理绝大多数是由于无效率和无效果,或者是通过牺牲效率来取得效果。 图解: 效率(方式)效果(结果) 低浪费高达成 第3节管理者做什么 (一)、管理的职能和过程: 1、亨利·法约尔:计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制 2、计划、组织、领导、控制 (1)计划:定义目标,制定战略,以及开发分计划以协调活动。 (2)组织:决定需要做什么,怎么做,由谁去做。

(3)领导:指导和激励所有参与者以及解决冲突。 (4)控制:对活动进行监控以确保其按计划完成。 3、管理过程:是一组进行中的决策和工作活动,在这个过程中管理者从事计划、组织、领导和控制(连续地过程地管理) (二)管理者角色(亨利·明茨伯格): 1、管理者角色:特定的管理行为范畴 ①人际关系:挂名首脑、领导者、联络者 ②信息传递:监听者、传播者、发言人 ③决策制定:企业家、混乱驾御者、资源分配者、谈判者 2、管理者角色与传统管理职能理论的关系: ①职能方法仍然代表着将管理者的工作概念化的最有效方法。 ②管理者角色实质上与四种职能是一致的。 资源分配角色是计划职能的一部分,企业家角色和所有的三个人际关系角色是领导职能的一部分 3、企业家角色:寻求组织和环境中的机会,制定“改进方案”以发起变革 (三)管理技能(罗伯特·卡茨) 1、技术技能:熟悉和精通某种特定专业领域的知识 2、人际技能:沟通、激励、引导和鼓舞 3、概念技能:是管理者对复杂情况进行抽象和概念化的技能 高层管理者 中层管理者 低层管理者 (四)管理系统 1、系统:是一组相互关联和相互依赖的组成部分,它们共同构成一个统一的整体。 2、封闭系统:不与所处的环境发生作用,不受环境的影响 3、开放系统:动态地与它所处的环境发生作用 4、管理者应该—内:协调组织中各个部分的活动,确保所有的相互依存的部分能够在一起工作实现组织目标 外:理解和认识外部各种因素的影响 (五)在不同的和变化的情境中进行管理 1、权变观点(情境方式):组织不同,面对的情境不同,要求不同的管理方式 强调不存在简单的和普遍使用的管理原则 2、普遍的权变变量:组织规模、任务技术的例行程度、环境的不确定性、个体差异(六)关于管理者工作的多种观点的总结 职能观点、过程观点、角色观点、基本技能观点、系统观点、权变观点 *有效的管理者与成功的管理者(弗雷德·卢森斯) 成功的管理者(提升最快的管理者)强调网络关系活动; 而有效的管理者(绩效最佳的管理者)强调沟通。 ② 两者关系的意义:这个结果指出社交和政治技巧对于在组织中晋升是重要的 第4节什么是组织 1、组织是对人员的一种精心安排,以实现某些特定的目的


罗宾斯《管理学》内容概要 第一篇导论 1章管理者和管理 1、组织 组织(organization)的定义:对完成特定使命的人们的系统性安排 组织的层次:操作者(operatives)和管理者(基层、中层、高层) 2、管理者和管理 管理者(managers)的定义:指挥别人活动的人 管理(management)的定义:同别人一起或者通过别人使活动完成得更有效的过程。 管理追求效率(efficiency)和效果(effectiveness) 管理职能(management functions):计划(planning)、组织(organizing)、领导(leading)、控制(controlling) 管理者角色(management roles):人际关系角色(interpersonal roles)、信息角色(information roles)、决策角色(decision roles) 成功的管理者和有效的管理者并不等同,在活动时间上,有效的管理者花费了大量的时间用于沟通,而网络联系(社交等)占据了成功的管理者很大部分时间。 管理者在不同的组织中进行着不同的工作。组织的国别、组织的类型、组织的规模以及管理者在组织中的不同层次决定了管理者的角色扮演、工作内容以及职能和作用。 2章管理的演进 1、20世纪以前的管理: 亚当·斯密的劳动分工理论(division of labor)

产业革命(industrial revolution) 2、多样化时期(20世纪): 科学管理(scientific management):弗雷德里克·泰勒 一般行政管理理论(general administrative theory):亨利·法约尔(principles of management)、马克斯·韦伯(bureaucracy) 人力资源方法(human resources approach):权威的接受观点(acceptance view of authority),霍桑研究,人际关系运动(卡内基、马斯洛),行为科学理论家(behavioral science theorists) 定量方法(quantitative approach) 3、近年来的趋势(20世纪后期):趋向一体化 过程方法(process approach) 系统方法(systems approach):封闭系统和开放系统(closed systems) 权变方法(contingency approach):一般性的权变变量包括组织规模、任务技术的例常性、环境的不确定性、个人差异 4、当前的趋势和问题(21世纪):变化中的管理实践 全球化(globalization) 工作人员多样化(work force diversity) 道德(morality) 激励创新(innovations)和变革(changes) 全面质量管理(total quality management, TQM):由顾客需要和期望驱动的管理哲学授权(delegation) 工作人员的两极化(bi-modal work force)


Two Management Yesterday and Today 1. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF MANAGEMENT. There are many examples from past history that illustrate how management has been practiced for thousands of years. The Egyptian pyramids and the Great Wall of China are good examples of projects of tremendous scope and magnitude that employed tens of thousands of people. How was it possible for these projects to be completed? The answer is management. Regardless of what managers were called at the time, someone had to plan what was to be done, organize people and material, lead and direct the workers, and impose controls to ensure that things were done as planned. Other examples of early management practices can be seen at the Arsenal of Venice. For instance, assembly lines, accounting systems, and personnel functions are just a few of the processes and activities in organizations at that time that are also common to today’s organizations. Organizations and managers have been around for thousands of years. Adam Smith, author of the classical economics doctrine, The Wealth of Nations, argued brilliantly about the economic advantages that division of labor (the breakdown of jobs into narrow, repetitive tasks) would bring to organizations and society. The Industrial Revolution can be thought of as possibly the most important pre-twentieth-century influence on management. The introduction of machine powers, combined with the division of labor, made large, efficient factories possible. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling became necessary. Exhibit 2.1 presents six major approaches to management. 2. SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. Scientific management is defined as the use of the scientific method to define the “one best way” for a job to be done. A. Important Contributions Frederick W. Taylor is known as the “father” of scientific management. Taylor’s work at the Midvale and Bethlehem Steel companies motivated his interest in improving efficiency. a. Taylor sought to create a mental revolution among both workers and managers by defining clear guidelines for improving production efficiency. He defined four principles of management (Exhibit2.2). b. His “pig iron” experiment is probably the most widely cited example of scientific management. c. Using his principles of scientific management, Taylor was able to define the one best way for doing each job. d. Overall, Taylor achieved consistent improvements in productivity in the range of 200 percent. He affirmed the role of managers to plan and control and of workers to perform as they were instructed.


第一部分 ?Efficiency效率P8 –“Doing things right” –Getting the most output for the least inputs ?Effectiveness效果 –“Doing the right things” –Attaining organizational goals The Manager: P44 Omnipotent or Symbolic? ?Omnipotent View of Management管理万能论 - the view that managers are directly responsible for an organization’s success or failure.认为经理直接负责组织的成功或失败 ?Symbolic view of Management管理象征论- the view that much of an organization’s success or failure is due to external forces outside managers’ control.认为一个组织的成功或失败大部分是由管理者控制之外的外部力量所造成的观点 ?What’s Your Global Perspective?全球观(全球视角)P71

?Parochialism狭隘主义- viewing the world solely through your own perspectives, leading to an inability to recognize differences between people. ?Ethnocentric Attitude民族中心论- the parochialistic belief that the best work approaches and practices are those of the home country.本国取向 ?Polycentric Attitude多国论- the view that the managers in the host country know the best work approaches and practices for running their business.东道国取向 ?Geocentric Attitude全球中心论–a world-oriented view that focuses on using the best approaches and people from around the globe.全球取向 ?Multinational Corporation (MNC)跨国公司- a broad term that refers to any and all types of international companies that maintain operations in multiple countries. 任一或所有类型的在多国维持经营的国际性公司。 ?The Decision Making Process决策制定过程P179 ?Identifying a problem识别决策问题 ?Identifying decision criteria 确认决策标准 ?Allocating weights to the criteria为决策标准分配权重


一What Is Social Responsibility? 1 Two Views of Social Responsibility ·The Classical View:Management’s only social responsibility is to maximize profits (create a financial return) by operating the business in the best interests of the stockholders (owners of the corporation).管理的唯一的社会责任是经营业务的股东(公司的所有者)的最佳利益,以最大限度地利润(创造一个财务回报)。 ·The Socioeconomic View:Management’s social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving society’s welfare.管理的社会责任是超越利润,包括保护和改善社会的福利。 2 From Obligation to Responsiveness to Responsibility Social Obligation (社会契约/社会义务):The obligation of a business to meet its economic and legal responsibilities and nothing more. 一个企业的义务,以满足其经济和法律责任,并没有更多的。 Social Responsiveness (社会响应):When a firm engages in social actions in response to some popular social need. 当一个企业在社会行动中从事一些社会的需求。 Social Responsibility(社会责任):A business’s intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society. 一个企业的意图,超越它的法律和经济责任,做正确的事情,并采取行动的方式,对社会有益。 3 Should Organizations be Socially Involved?


一Workplace diversity and its importance工作场所的多样性及其重要性 1 Workforce Diversity 劳动力多样化-the ways in which people in an organization are different from and similar to one another. ·Levels of Diversity Surface-level diversity表面层次多样性:Easily perceived differences that may trigger certain stereotypes, but do not necessarily reflect the ways people think or feel. Deep-level diversity深层次的多样性:Differences in values, personality, and work preferences. 2 Why is Workforce Diversity so Important? 二The Changing Workplace变化的工作场所 1 Characteristics of the US Population美国人口特征 2 What about Global Workforce Changes Growing number of population of the world:From 7 billion (2010) (CIA)To 9 billion in 2050 世界人口的增长:从70亿(2010)()到90亿(2050) An aging population:Population aged 80 is projected to increase 233% from 2008 to 2040 人口老龄化:80岁的人口将从233%上升到2040 3 Characteristics of China ·One child of each family ·Aging ·Declined growth rate of workforce migrants 三Types of Workplace Diversity工作场所多样性的类型 1 Age -Both Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 prohibit age discrimination.1964和1967禁止年龄歧视的劳动法第七条民事权利法第七条和年龄歧视法。 2 Gender - Women (49.8%) and men (50.2%) now each make up almost half of the workforce.女性(49.8%)和男性(50.2%)现在每个人几乎占了一半的劳动力。 3 Disability/Abilities - The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities.美国残疾人法案1990禁止歧视残疾人。 4 Religion - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion.民


《管理学罗宾斯第11版》是一本经典的管 理学教材,涵盖了管理学的基本概念、经典 理论、实践案例等内容。本书共分为16章,包括管理与组织、领导、决策等多个方面。 在本书中,作者通过丰富的案例分析和实践 经验,使得读者可以更好地理解和应用管理 学中的知识。 一、管理学的基本概念 本书首先介绍了管理学的基本概念,包括管理、组织、领导等。其中,管理被定义为计划、组织、领导和控制组织中的人和其他资产,以达到所确定的目标。组织则被定义为 为实现特定目标而组合在一起的人员和资源 的集合体。领导则是指通过影响和激励员工

来达到组织目标的过程。这些基本概念的理解是管理学学习的基石。 二、领导的重要性和类型 领导在组织中起着至关重要的作用。本书介绍了领导的概念、重要性以及各种类型的领导。针对不同的组织环境和文化,领导的类型也不同。本书主要介绍了传统领导、情境领导、认知领导等类型,并对这些类型的特点进行了详细介绍。同时,作者还通过各种案例分析和实践经验,帮助读者更好地理解和应用领导理论。 三、企业决策 企业决策是组织中最重要的任务之一。本书

涵盖了关于企业决策的多个主题,包括决策 过程、决策者的行为和决策风险等。在决策 过程中,作者介绍了决策者所面临的各种选 择和决策过程中的障碍。同时,本书还强调 了科学决策在企业中的重要性,包括运用数 据分析和模型预测等方法。 四、人力资源管理 人力资源是组织中最重要的资源之一。本书 涵盖了人力资源管理的多个方面,包括招聘、培训、绩效管理、员工关系等。在这些方面,作者提供了许多实践经验和案例分析,帮助 读者更好地理解和应用人力资源管理理论。


14 Foundations of Behavior 1. INTRODUCTION. This chapter looks at a number of factors that influence employee behavior and what the implications are for managers. 2. WHY LOOK AT INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR? Behavior is defined as the actions of people. Organizational behavior is the study of the actions of people at work. One of the challenges in OB is understanding issues that aren’t obvious because the organization is like an iceberg with its hidden aspects. (See Exhibit14.1) A. Focus of Organizational Behavior. Organizational behavior focuses on two major areas. 1. Individual behavior 2. Group behavior B. The goals of OB are to explain, predict, and influence behavior. 3. ATTITUDES. Attitudes are defined as evaluative statements concerning objects, people, or events. A. There are three components of attitudes. 1. The cognitive component of an attitude is the beliefs, opinions, knowledge, or information held by a person. 2. The affective component of an attitude is the emotional or feeling segment of an attitude. 3. The behavioral component of an attitude is an intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something. B. Managers are particularly interested in job-related attitudes that employees have. Job-related attitudes include the following. 1. Job satisfaction is a person’s general attitude toward his or her job. 2. Job involvement is the degree to which an employee identifies with his or her job, actively participates in it, and considers his or her job performance important to his or her self-worth. 3. Organizational commitment is an employee’s orientation toward the organization in terms of his or her loyalty to, identification with, and involvement in the organization. 4. A fourth job-related concept is organizational citizenship behavior, which is the discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements, but promotes the effective functioning of the organization. C. Attitudes and Consistency. Research has generally shown that people seek consistency among their attitudes and between their attitudes and their behavior. D. Does the consistency principle mean that we can predict an individual’s behavior if we know his or her attitude on a subject? The answer depends.


一.What’s Your Global Perspective? 1 Parochialism (狭隘主义) Is viewing the world solely through its own eyes and perspectives. Is not recognizing that others have different ways of living and working. Is a significant obstacle for managers working in a global business world. Is falling into the trap of ignoring others’values and customs and rigidly applying an attitude of “ours is better than theirs”to foreign cultures. 只是透过自己的眼睛和观点看世界。不承认其他人有不同的生活方式和工作方式。是管理者在全球商业世界中工作的一个重大障碍.被忽视他人的价值观和风俗习惯的陷阱,严格地运用“我们的态度比他们的”对外国文化更为好。 2 Adopting a Global Perspective Ethnocentric Attitude (民族中心论):The parochialistic belief that the best work approaches and practices are those of the home country. Polycentric Attitude (多国中心论):The view that the managers in the host country know the best work approaches and practices for running their business. Geocentric Attitude (全球中心论):A world-oriented view that focuses on using the best approaches and people from around the globe. 种族中心主义的态度:那最好的工作方式和惯例是国内parochialistic信仰。多中心的态度:认为东道国的管理人员知道的最好的工作方式和实践运行他们的业务。地心的态度:一个面向世界的观点,以最好的方法和来自世界各地的人们。 二.Understanding the Global Environment 1 Regional Trading Agreements区域贸易协定 ·The European Union (EU)欧盟 ·Economic and monetary union经济和货币联盟(Euro欧元) ·North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)北美自由贸易协定 ·U.S.-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)美国中部的美国自由贸易协定 ·Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)美洲自由贸易区 ·Southern Cone Common Market南锥共同市场(Mercosur) ·Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN)东南亚国家联盟-东盟 ·African Union(AU)非洲联盟 ·South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)南亚区域合作协会 ·East African Community(EAC)东非共同体 2 Global Trade Mechanisms全球贸易机制
