



Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.


Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on society. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.


Letter in the Centerville College News

The administration has plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose this plan. The university’s poor financial condition led it to increase the price for campus housing and tuition by 15% this past year. Surely then it is no financial position to purchase such an expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture: several 60-foot ling steel plates, jutting out of the earth at odd angles! It’s so large, it’ll take up all the green space in front of the campus center! This is public space that should be reserved for students to use.

Explain why the woman disagrees with the reasons expressed in the letter.



One process by which groups may make bad or irrational decisions is known as groupthink. Individual members of a group attempt to conform their opinions to what they believe to be the group consensus even though the result may be negative. There are many reasons why groupthink happens. These include the desire to be liked, fear of losing a job, or even not wanting to be the one employee delaying a decision that seem s inevitable. These kinds of implicit pressures to conform lead group members to ultimately make decisions that each, by himself or herself, might normally not make.

Explain groupthink and its effects using example of the computer company.


The speak ers discuss two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which should solution you recommend and explain why.


Using the research described by the professor, explain what scientists have learned about the mathematical abilities of babies.



Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important. Please include specific details in explanation.


Some college students choose to take courses in a variety subject area in order to get a broad education. Others choose to focus on in order to have a deeper understanding

of that area. Which approach to course selection do you think is better for students and why?


Bus Service Elimination Planned

The university has decided to discontinue its free bus service for students. The reason given for this decision is that few students ride the buses and the buses are expensive to operate. Currently, the buses run from the center of campus past university buildings and through some of the neighborhoods surrounding the campus. The money saved by eliminating the bus service will be used to expand the overcrowded student parking lots.

The man expresses his opinion of the university’s plan to eliminate the bus service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


Social Interaction

People deal with each other every day. This interaction is at the heart of social life. The study of social interaction is concerned with the influence people hav e over one another’s behavior. People take each other into account in their daily behavior and in fact, the very presence of others can affect behavior. For example, one principle of social interaction, audience effects, suggests that individuals’ work is affected by their knowledge that they are visible to others, that the presence of others tends to alter the way people behave or perform an activity.

Explain how the examples of tying shoes and learning to type demonstrate the principle of audience effects.


The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then explain what you think the woman should do and why.


Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two definitions of money presented by the professor.



What characteristics do you think make someone a good parent? Explain why these characteristics are important to you.


Some students prefer to work on class assignments by themselves. Other believe it is better to work in group. Which do you prefer?


Hot Breakfasts Eliminated

Beginning next month, Dining Services will no longer serve hot breakfast foods at university dining halls. Instead, students will be offered a wide assortment of cold breakfast items in the morning. These cold breakfast foods, such as breads, fruit, and yogurt, are healthier than many of the hot breakfast items that we will stop serving, so health-conscious students should welcome this change. Students will benefit in another way as well, because limiting the breakfast selection to cold food items will save money and allow us to keep our meal plans affordable.

The woman expresses her opinion of the change that has been announced. State her opinion and explain her reasons for holding that opinion.


Cognitive Dissonance

Individuals sometimes experience a contradiction between their actions and their beliefs-between what they are doing and what they believe they should be doing. These contradictions can cause a kind of mental discomfort known as cognitive dissonance. People experiencing cognitive dissonance often do not want to change the way they are acting, so they resolve the contradictory situation in another way, they change their interpretation of the situation in a way that minimizes the contradiction between what they are doing and what they believe should be doing.

Using the example discussed by the professor, explain what cognitive dissonance is and how people often deal with it.


The speakers discuss two poss ible solutions to the woman’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which of the solutions you recommend and explain why.


Using the examples from the talk, explain how persuasive strategies are used in advertising.



Which do you miss most about your home when you are away? Use specific details in you explanation.


Many universities now offer academic courses over the internet. However, some people still prefer learning in traditional classrooms. Which do you think is better? Explain why.


Evening Computer Classes May Be Added

The computer department is considering offering evening classes in the fall. The proposal to add the classes is a response to student complaints that daytime computer classes have become increasingly overcrowded and there are no longer enough computers available. The department has decided that despite some added expense, the most cost-effective way of addressing this problem is by adding computer classes in the evening. It is hoped that this change will decrease the number of students enrolled in day classes and thus guarantee individual access to computers for all students in computer classes.

The computer department is considering a scheduling change. Explain the man's opinion of the change and the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

When we speak with other people face-to-face the nonverbal signals we give—our facial expressions, hand gestures, body movements, and tone of voice—often communicate as much as, or more than, the words we utter. When our nonverbal signals, which we often produce unconsciously, agree with our verbal message, the verbal message is enhanced and supported,

made more convincing. But when they conflict with the verbal message, we may be communicating an entirely different and more accurate message than what we intend.

Explain how the examples from the professor's lecture illustrate the relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication.


The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the man's problem. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why.


Using points and examples from the lecture, explain the importance of visual elements in painting.



Talk about a place you enjoyed going to or visiting when you were a child. Describe the place. Explain why you enjoyed it.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Why or why not? Use details and examples to explain your answer. It is more important to study math or science than it is to study art or literature.


Campus Dining Club Announced

Starting this year, the university dining hall will be transformed into The Campus Dining Club for one week at the end of each semester. During the last week of each semester, the dining hall will feature special meals prepared by the university's culinary arts students. The school feels that this will give students who are studying cooking and food preparation valuable experience that will help them later, when they pursue careers. The university has announced that it will charge a small additional fee for these dinners in order to pay for the special gourmet food ingredients that will be required.

The man expresses his opinion about the university's plan. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


Target Marketing

Advertisers in the past have used radio and television in an attempt to provide information about their products to large, general audiences; it was once thought that the best way to sell a product was to advertise it to as many people as possible. However, more recent trends in advertising have turned toward target marketing. Target marketing is the strategy of advertising to smaller, very specific audiences— audiences that have been determined to have the greatest need or desire for the product being marketed. Target marketing has proved to be very effective in reaching potential customers.

Using the professor's examples, explain the advertising technique of target marketing.


Briefly summarize the woman's problem. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two types of motivation.



Talk about a photograph or painting you have seen that was memorable. Explain what you liked or disliked about it.


Some people have one career throughout their lives. Other people do different kinds of work at different points in their lives. Which do you think is better? Explain why.


History Seminars Should Be Shorter

Currently, all of the seminar classes in the history department are three hours long. I would like to propose that history seminars be shortened to two hours. I make this proposal for two reasons. First, most students just cannot concentrate for three hours straight. I myself have taken these three-hour seminars and found them tiring and sometimes boring. Also, when a seminar lasts that long, people stop concentrating and stop learning, so the third hour of a three-hour seminar is a waste of everyone‘s time. Two-hour seminars would be much more efficient.

The woman expresses her opinion about the proposal that her friend Tim made in his letter to the newspaper. State her opinion about his proposal and explain the reasons she gives for her opinion.


Explicit Memories and Implicit Memories

In everyday life, when people speak of memory, they are almost always speaking about what psychologists would call explicit memories. An explicit memory is a conscious or intentional recollection, usually of facts, names, events, or other things that a person can state or declare. There is another kind of memory that is not conscious. Memories of this kind are called implicit memories. An individual can have an experience that he or she cannot consciously recall yet still display reactions that indicate the experience has been somehow recorded in his or her brain. Using the example of the car advertisement, explain what is meant by implicit memory.


The professor proposes two solutions to the problem the woman describes. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why.


Using points and examples from the talk, explain the difference between active and passive attention.



If friends from another country were going to spend time in your country, what city or place would you suggest they visit? Using details and examples, explain why. task2

State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons, using specific details in your explanation.

Learning through online courses is more effective than learning in the traditional classroom setting.


Sculpture Courses to Be Discontinued

University administrators announced yesterday that the sculpture program, a division of the art department, will be eliminated. "The main reason is a lack of student interest," reported one administrator. "Although the number of art students has increased, fewer and fewer art majors are taking sculpture classes." Furthermore, the department's only sculpture professor is retiring this year. "Given the art department's limited budget,'' the administrator explained, "it just doesn't make sense to hire a new full-time professor to teach sculpture for only a handful of students."

The woman expresses her opinion of the university's plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


Behavior Modification

Individuals often modify their behavior based on what they have learned about the possible consequences of their actions When an individual learns through experience that a certain behavior results in pleasant consequences, that behavior is likely to be repeated. An unpleasant consequence, on the other hand, discourages further repetition of the behavior. While behavior modification can be observed in experiments, it also occurs frequently in everyday settings, when individuals change their behavior based on what they have learned about the consequences of that behavior.

Using the example from the lecture, explain what behavior modification is and how it works. task5

The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the woman‘s problem. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why.


Using points and examples from the lecture, explain the two major factors of product quality and how their role in consumer decision making has changed.



Talk about a time when a friend or gamily member helped you in the past. Describe how the person helped you. Then explain why this was important to you.


Some people enjoy taking risks and trying new things. Other are not adventurous: they are cautious and prefer to avoid danger. Which behavior do you think is better? Explain why.


Music Coming to Cafeterias

Mary Dixon, Director of the Student Life Committee, announced yesterday that beginning next semester university cafeterias will broadcast classical music during mealtimes. “Music will foster

a more relaxed atmosphere.” said Dixon, "Students' lives are hectic, and mealtimes provide important opportunities to take a break and catch up with friends before moving on to the next class or assignment." Added Dixon. "We're also hoping that, if we provide the music, students will unplug their personal music devices—their walkmans and mp3 players or whatever—and will spend more time talking to each other. When students have their headphones on. they're not connecting with each other."

The man expresses his opinion of the universi ty‘s plan. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


Revealing Coloration

Many animals use coloration to protect themselves from predators. One defensive strategy involving the use of coloration is what is known as revealing coloration. Animals employing this strategy have an area of bright color on some part of their body; this bright color is usually hidden from predators' view. When approached by a predator, the animal suddenly reveals the area of bright color; this unexpected display of color startles or confuses the predator and provides the would-be prey with an opportunity to escape.

Using the examples of the peanut bug and the morpho butterfly, explain the concept of revealing coloration.


Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain the two pricing strategies described by the professor.



Talk about an important experience that you recently had. Describe what happened and explain why it was important to you.


Some people think that family members are the most important influence on young adults. Other believes that friends are the most important influence. Which do you agree with? Explain why.


Required Work Experience

The business studies department at State University will now require all students enrolled in its program to complete one semester of work experience in a local corporation or small business. It is felt that students will benefit from this work experience by developing leadership and organizational skills that would not normally be learned in a classroom or campus setting. Furthermore, the relationships that students establish with the company that they work for may help them to secure permanent employment with that company once they have completed the program and graduated.

The woman expresses her opinion of the university's new policy. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


The Establishing Shot

Film directors use different types of camera shots for specific purposes. An establishing shot is an image shown briefly at the beginning of a scene, usually taken from far away, that is used to provide context for the rest of the scene. One purpose of the establishing shot is to communicate background information to the viewer, such as the setting—where and when the rest of the scene will occur. It also establishes the mood or feeling of the scene. Due to the context that the establishing shot provides, the characters and events that are shown next are better understood by the viewer.

Using the professor's example, explain what an establishing shot is and how it is used.


Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


Using points from the lecture, explain how the passion plant and the potato plant defend themselves from insects.



Talk about a time when you accomplished something you did not think you could do. What did you accomplish? Why did you think you could not do it?


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use details and examples to explain your answer. All children should be required to learn a second language in school.


Student Art Display

The university currently considering possible locations on campus fir displaying paintings and other artwork by students. I think the lobby at the student center would be a great location. Since many students pass through the Student center every day, artwork displayed in the lobby would be viewed by hundreds of people. Also, because the whole front of the building is made of glass window, the lobby is filled with natural light. This makes it perfect for displaying artwork, which should have plenty of light to be seen and appreciated.

Sincerely yours, Paul Sands.

Briefly summarize the proposal in the student’s letter. Then state her opinion about the proposal and explain the reason s she gives for holding that opinion.


Entertainment Merchandising

An effective, widely used marketing practice in the entertainment industry is entertainment merchandising. Entertainment merchandising is a form of marketing in which the brand or image from one product is also used to sell another. The practice of entertainment merchandising often occurs in connection with movies and television shows, especially those associated with children. For example, the success of a

popular children’s television show may result in the marketing of toys that are designed to look like characters in the show. Or the situation may be reversed when a children’s television show is written to include characters that are based on already-popular toys.

using the example from the lecture, explain the concept of entertainment merchandising.


Briefly summarize the woman’s problem. Then state which solution you would recommend and explain the reasons for your recommendation.


Using points from the lecture, explain why researchers think that babies may feel empathy.



Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.


Some people think that children should be allowed to watch whatever television programs they choose to. Others think that parents should exercise control over the television programs their children watch. Which do you agree with? Explain why. task3

Housing Renovations Planned

Over the last ten years, the number of Central College students living on campus in dormitories has decreased by twenty percent. In an effort to counteract the trend, the college has announced a plan to renovate its on-campus housing. The renovations will take two years, and they will include improvements to the bathrooms, lighting, and heating in the dormitories. "A lot of people are moving off campus because the dorms aren‘t in great shape," ex plained the college president. "By renovating the dorms, we can make them more appealing than off-campus housing, and more students will choose to remain on campus."

The woman expresses her opinion about the university' s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


Outsider Art

Outsider Art is a term used to describe art that is made by people who choose to live and work outside society. The artists who produce this kind of art-Outsider Artists-work in isolation from other artists and have little or no formal artistic training. Because they do not learn conventional artistic techniques from teachers or other artists. Outsider Artists must invent their own ways of doing things. As a result of the unconventional methods that Outsider Artists often use, their work can look strange and not at all like traditional art to the observer.

Explain why Henry Darger is considered an Outsider Artist.


The students discuss a problem and two possible solutions. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.


Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain what unity and contrast are, and how they make interior design more effective.



What is the most efficient type of transportation in your country? Explain why you think it is efficient. Include specific reasons and examples.


Some people believe it’s essential for a person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument. Others don’s believe music education is important. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.


College Radio Station to Undergo Major Changes?

The university is considering making major changes to the college radio station. Changes would include an expansion of the station's broadcasting range, which would allow the radio's programming to reach nearby towns. One goal of the plan is to attract more students to apply to its communications program. Another goal is to provide the university with an extra source of revenue. University officials expect the enhanced radio station to significantly increase the number of listeners, which will in turn encourage businesses to place commercials on the radio. The woman supports the proposal described in the article. Explain why she thinks it will achieve the university's goals.


Subliminal Perception

Humans are constantly perceiving visual and auditory stimuli. Sometimes our perception of these stimuli occurs consciously: we are aware of a stimulus and know that we are perceiving it. But our perception of a stimulus can also occur without our awareness: an image might appear and disappear before our eyes too quickly for us to notice that we saw it, or a sound might be too faint for us to realize that we heard it. This phenomenon—the perception of a stimulus just below the threshold of conscious awareness—is called subliminal perception. Experiments have shown that subliminally perceived stimuli can influence people's thoughts and attitudes. Describe what subliminal perception is and explain how the experiment discussed by the professor illustrates this phenomenon.


The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the woman's problem. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which of the solutions you recommend and explain why.


Using the points and examples from the talk, explain how substitute goods and complement goods influence demand for a particular product。



Talk about a game, sport or other group activity that is played in your country. Explain why you think the activity is enjoyable.


When looking for information for a research project, some students prefer to get their information mainly from the Internet. Others prefer to mainly use printed materials such as books and academic journals. Which do you prefer, and why?


New Stadium

A university official announced plans to spend $2 million to build a new athletic stadium, commenting that a new stadium would help the university achieve its goal of attracting more top students. The official also said that, additionally, building a new stadium would allow the university to strengthen its relationship with the town since a new and larger stadium would have the space to seat not only students, parents, and alumni, but members of the local community as well.

The woman expresses her opinion about the university' s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


Perceptual Constancy

How an object affects our senses depends in part on external conditions, and these conditions are always changing. An object viewed from one angle presents a different shape to our eye than when viewed from another angle; similarly, as the distance from which we view an object changes, the object will appear larger or smaller. In spite of this, even as conditions change and we see objects differently, we still recognize that they remain the same. This is what is known as perceptual constancy. If not for perceptual constancy, we might have difficulty recognizing familiar objects if we viewed them in a new and different context.

Explain what is meant by "perceptual constancy, " using the examples provided by the professor.


Th e speakers discuss two possible solutions to the man‘s problem. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why.


Using the examples of the leafy sea dragon and the cuttlefish, describe two kinds of camouflage and the benefits they provide.



People enjoy reading many different types of books such as mystery, biography, romance, etc. Of all the different types of books that there are, which type do you most enjoy?


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the best ways to learn is by making mistakes. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion. task3

University Should Allow Eating in Class

Currently, there is a university-wide policy that prohibits eating in the classroom.

I disagree with this policy. I think students should be allowed to eat in class. This change would be good for two reasons. For one thing, students were permitted to eat, they would be able to concentrate better, because students often get hungry during long classes, and hunger makes it difficult to concentrate. Also, if food were allowed in classrooms, it would be possible for us to have in-class parties on the last day of class---with snack foods and beverages---to celebrate the end of each semester.

The man expresses her opinion about the proposal in the newspaper. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


Comfort Zone Bias

Psychologists have found that when people make important decision, they often choose to stay in their “Comfort Zone”; that is, they prefer remaining in comfortable, familiar situations, rather than entering into new, unfamiliar ones. This tendency is often referred to as the comfort zone bias. When people are reasonably content, they often decide not to pursue a new opportunity, even if it attracts them and offers more advantages. Psychologists believe that the comfort zone bias exists not only because we have a natural preference for what we already know, but also because we want to avoid taking risks.

Using the example from the lecture, explain the comfort zone bias.


Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend and explain the reasons for your recommendation.


Using the examples of the eel and angler fish, explain two types of adaptations that help animals survive in the deepest parts of the ocean.



People make friends in many different ways. What do you think is a good way to make new friends? Use specific details and examples in your response.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to remember and learn from the past. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.


University Should Pave Running Trails

The university has about three miles of unpaved dirt running trails that pass through the forest near campus. I think these trails should be paved with cement. One reason for paving the trails would be to increase their safety. When it rains, the dirt turns to mud and becomes very slippery, so the runners who use them can slip and fall. Pavement would solve this problem. Also, paving would make the trails look

nicer, which would encourage students to use them. Bumps in trial would be smoothed out and weeds would be paved over, making the trail more attractive to runners. Sincerely Sally Jacobs

The man expresses his opinion about the proposal in the student’s letter. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state her opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


Experiment Effect

One objective of any experiment is, of course, to obtain accurate results. Sometimes, however, problems occur that lead to inaccurate results. One such problem is the experimenter effect. The experimenter effect occurs when a researcher’s expectations affect the outcome of the experiment. The researcher expects a particular result from the experiment, and expectation causes the researcher to act in ways that influence the behavior of the experiment participants, thereby invalidating the result of the experiment.

Explain how the example from the professor’s lecture illustrates the experiment effect.


Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend and explain the reasons for your recommendation.


Using the examples in the lecture, explain how the position of birds’eyes is critical to their survival.



If you could have any job or career you wanted, which would you choose and why? Give specific details to explain response.


Some people who unexpectedly receive a large amount of money spend it on practical things, while others spend it for pleasure only. Which do you think is better and why?


Student Health Services Need Improvement

The situation at the health center is unacceptable: you sit in a crowded waiting room for hours waiting to get treatment for minor ailments. Then when it’s your turn, you get about three minutes with an overworked doctor. I have two suggestions. First, the health center needs to hire more doctors so that each patient receives quality treatment. And as far as the wait time issue is concerned, the health center is currently open only Monday through Fridays, which means that people who get sick over the weekend wait until the following week to get treatment. So, opening the health center on weekends should solve that problem too.

The man expresses her opinion about the student’s suggestions that are made in the letter. Then state his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


Social loafing

When people work in groups to perform a task, individual group members may feel less motivated to contribute, since no one person is held directly responsible for completing the task. The result is that people may not work as hard, or accomplish as much, as they would if they were working alone and their individual output were being measured. This decrease in personal efforts, especially on a simple group task, is known as social loafing. While it is not a deliberate behavior, the consequence of social loafing is less personal efficiency when working in groups than when working on one’s own.

Using the example from the lecture, explain what social loafing is and how it affects people’s behavior.


The students discuss two possible solutions to the man’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which solution you would recommend and explain the reasons for your recommendation.


Using the points and examples from the talk, explain internal and external locus of control.



Talk about a special opportunity that was given to you. Explain why the opportunity was important.


State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons, using specific details in your explanation. Students should not be allowed to bring cell phones into the classroom.


New Library Workspaces

Say good-bye to the big, multi-person study tables in Turner Library. This summer, the tables will be exchanged for new personal study cubicles---small, one-person desks enclosed by walls. These new units will allow students to have privacy and work in isolation and will therefore eliminate noise in the library so students can concentrate. Additionally, the cubicles will enable the library to accommodate the recent increase in the number of students attending our university. Although the current tables seat six students each, they make poor use of the available floor space. The cubicles, on the other hand, are designed for maximum space efficiency, and the library can therefore add 50 new seats.

The woman expresses her opinion about the upcoming change. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.



Sociobiogists believe that some communicative behavior in animals is developed through a process called ritualization. In this process, the purpose of a give behavior changes over time—a behavior that originally had a practical purpose develops into one that communicates a specific message. For example, a certain movement or physical feature might evolve to serve as a signal or a warning that other animals will understand. Once a behavior is ritualized, it becomes a form of communication; therefore, if an animal engages in this behavior, other animals will be able to interpret the meaning of the behavior quickly and respond appropriately. Explain the concept of ritualization, using the example of dogs discussed by the professor.


The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the man’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which solution you would recommend and explain the reasons for your recommendation.


Using the points and examples from the talk, explain the concept of diffusion.



Imagine your life ten years in the future. Talk about one way you think your life will be different in ten years than it is now. Use details to explain your answer. task2

Do you agree of disagree with the following statement? It is important to learn about other cultures.


University Choir to Enter Off-Campus Singing Competitions

Currently, the university choir gives singing concerts only on campus. Next year, however, the choir will add competitive events at other locations to its schedule. The choir’s new director feels that entering singing competitions will make the quality of the choir’s performance even better than it is now. “Competitions will motivate students in the choir to pursue a higher standard of excellence in singing.”He said. In addition, it is hoped that getting the choir off campus and out in the public will strengthen the reputation of the university’s music program. This in turn will help the program grow.

The man expresses his opinion about the change described in the article. Briefly summarize the change. Then state her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


Relict Behavior

In general, animals act in ways that help them to survive within their specific habits. However, sometimes an animal species may display a behavior that no longer serves a clear purpose. The original purpose for the behavior may have disappeared long

ago, even thousands of years before. These behaviors, known as relict behaviors, were useful to animal when the species’ habitat was different: but now, because of changed conditions, the behavior no longer serves its original purpose. Left over from an earlier time, the behavior remains as relict, or remnant, long after the environmental circumstance that influenced its evolution has vanished.

Using the example of the pronghorn and lion, explain the concept of a relict behavior.


Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend and explain the reasons for your recommendation.


Using points and examples from the lecture, explain how the characteristics of target customers influence marketing strategy for products.



Talk about a skill or ability that you consider especially important for a student to have. Use details and examples to explain your answer.


More and more people are buying items on the internet and from magazines or catalogs. Other people prefer shopping in a store. Which do you prefer and why?


Fee Increase for Recreation Center Use

The university administration today announced a $25 increase in the student fee for using the campus recreation center. The higher fee, which all students are required to pay, will provide funds to upgrade the facility and provide newer, more modern exercise equipment at the center. “We expect the improvements to increase student use of the facility.” explained David Smith, director of the student activities office. Mr. Smith also noted that the decision was approved because “We feel that $25 is a reasonable increase that will be affordable for individual students.”The man expresses his opinion about the university’s plan. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


Social Learning

One way people learn is by watching the behavior of others. Sometimes called social learning, this type of learning involves the process of learning to copy---or not copy---the action of another. By observing the results, or consequences, of another’s behavior, people tend to imitate the behavior of another when they see that it leads to a desirable consequence---hoping to repeat it for themselves. Of course, the opposite is also true---people tend to avoid imitating the behavior of another when they see it result in an undesirable consequence.

Use the examples from the lecture to explain concept of social learning.


Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend and explain the reasons for your recommendation.


Using the examples of the albatross and the fulmar, explain two special adaptations that have developed to help seabirds find food.



Choose a quality you think makes someone a valuable member of a team. Explain why you think it is an important quality for a team or group member to have.


Some people enjoy spending their free time alone in activities such as reading, thinking, or writing. Others enjoy spending their free time in shared activities with other people. Which do you prefer and why?


Energy costs reach sky-high levels

Heating prices, and the university‘s heating bills, reached record-high levels this year. In an effort to reduce heating costs, the university plans to lower the temperature in all classroom building on weekends and on weekdays after five pm, when the day’s classes have officially ended. Because classes will not be in session at these times, the reduced heat should have no negative impact on students and their studies. The university considers it essential that the cost-saving measures not interfere with student activities.

The woman expresses her opinion about the plan described in the article. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding the opinion.



Many popular and well-known business chains, such as fast food restaurants, use a practice known as franchising. In franchising, someone who wants to open a store or restaurant pays an established company for the right to use the company’s name and sell the company’s products. Selling an established, in-demand product that has immediate name recognition benefits the new business by reducing the risk that the business will fail. In exchange, the new business agrees to follow all of the standard practices of the company with the name it want to use.

Using the example given by the professor, explain how franchising works.


Briefly summarize the woman’s problem, then sate which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


Using points and examples from the talk, describe the two defense mechanisms mentioned by the professor.



Talk about an important news event that happened recently in your country. Describe the event and explain why it was important.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your friends are the most important influence in your life. Use details and examples to explain your opinion. task3

Daily E-Mail with Campus Activities

The university will now send all students a daily e-mail containing information about campus events and activities. Rather than getting information about activities once a week in the campus newspaper, students will get the information every day, thus ensuring that it is always up-to-date. According to the university spokesperson who announced the plan, “For all of us now, e-mail is part of our daily lives. Students in particular have become used to relying on e-mail and the Internet for most communication, so this is a logical change that will benefit everyone.

The woman expresses her opinion about the university’s plan. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


Questioning Awareness of Effect

When a student engages in disruptive behavior in the classroom, it negatively impacts both the teacher’s ability to teach and other students’ ability to learn. One way a teacher can correct disruptive behavior is by questioning awareness of effect. With this technique, when a student disrupts the class, the teacher asks the student a question that draws attention to the negative effect of the student’s behavior. The teacher then does not wait for an answer, but immediately continues teaching. By thus simply drawing attention to the effect of the student’s behavior, the teacher can often lead the student to discontinue the behavior.

Explain how the example from the lecture illustrates the technique of questioning awareness of effect.


Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


Using points and examples from the talk, describe two changes that occurred after machines began to be used for manufacturing goods.



Talk about one you’re your personality has changed since you were a https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d18530537.html,e examples and details to explain your answe r.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children should be required to learn practical skills in school, such as cooking or personal, in addition to academic subjects.


University Announces Change in Campus Tour Guides

T r aditionally,staff members from the admissions office have led the campus tours for secondary-school students who are considering attending the university.Beginning next s e mester,however,current students will lead these guided walks around the campus instead. The staff of the admissions office no longer has time to lead the campus tours.We need to focus our resources on our other responsibilities?Explains Christine Tanner,the director of admissions. Furthermore,we feel that current students will offer unique and valuable insight to our visitors during these campus tours.

The woman expresses her opinion about the university’s plan.Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


Irrational Commitment

When people have devoted time or resources to a certain project,they generally want to see it succeed.However,they may grow so attached to the idea of a successful outcome that even if it starts to look like the project will fail,and the disadvantages are outweighing the benefits,they will nevertheless increase their commitment to the project rather than give up.This is known as irrational commitment.This tendency to continue with a project when it would make better sense to quit can be especially strong when people feel they may be judged by others for their eventual success or failure with the project.

Explain how the example from the professor’s lecture illustrates irrational commitment. task5

Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing.Then state which solution you would recommend.Explain the reasonsyou’re your recommendation.


Using the example of the mole,explain two different types of underground adaptation



There can be several advantages to spending time living in another country. Talk about one advantage and explain how living in another country provides that advantage. Use details and examples in your response.


Some people enjoy spending their free time alone in activities such as reading, thinking, or writing. Others enjoy spending their free time in shared activities with other people. Which do you prefer and why?


No more international news

For the past few years, the daily campus newspaper has included a one-page international news section covering a few of the major stories in world news. Starting next month, the section will be eliminated. One of the reasons the newspaper editors gave for the decision to cut the section is that other news sources are better able to provide wider and more up-to-date international news coverage. The editors

also noted that the change would create space for a new calendar page that will list events and activities around campus.

The woman expresses her opinion about the plan announced in the article. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


Reference Group

Our thinking and behavior are often influenced by other people. When we admire and respect someone, we naturally try to imitate their behavior and attitudes. Groups of people whom we admire and whose behavior and attitudes we tend to imitate are known as reference groups. Reference groups provide a model—a frame of reference—that can shape how we think and behave. Over the course of a life time, we may be influenced by many different reference groups. As we grow older, or encounter new circumstances, our reference groups may change, and our attitudes and behavior may change accordingly.

Using the example from the lecture, explain how people’s behavior is affected by reference groups.


Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


Using the examples of the Venus flytrap and the sundew, describe two ways that carnivorous plants get their nutrients.



Talk about a popular gathering place in your town where people like to go. Describe the place and explain why people enjoy going there. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


Students benefit more from classes with a large number of students than they do from smaller classes. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion


Close the Campus Coffee house

I propose that the university close the campus coffeehouse. Coffeehouses are great, if people actually use them, like to socialize with friends, while enjoying a cup of coffee and a snack. But students are not using our campus coffeehouse. There are usually lots of empty tables when I pass by the place It is just a waste of space that could be used for other things. Also, the fo od at the coffeehouse is not very good. The last time I was there, the cakes and muffins my friends and I ordered were dry and didn’t have much flavor.

Sincerely, Greg Smith

The woman expresses her opinion about the student’s proposal. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.



小编下面给考生们带来了托福TPO17口语文本,希望大家有针对性的有计划的规划备考。托福口语TPO 17 Task1 Talk about a special opportunity that was given to you. Explain why the opportunity was important. Task2 State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons, using specific details in your explanation. Students should not be allowed to bring cell phones into the classroom. Task3 New Library Workspaces Say good-bye to the big, multi person study tables in Turner Library. This summer, the tables will be exchanged for new personal study cubicles---small, one-person desks enclosed by walls. These new units will allow students to have privacy and work in isolation and will therefore eliminate noise in the library so students can concentrate. Additionally, the cubicles will enable the library to accommodate the recent increase in the number of students attending our university. Although the current tables seat six students each, they make poor use of the available floor space. The cubicles, on the other hand, are designed for maximum space efficiency, and the library can therefore add 50 new seats. The man expresses her opinion about the upcoming change. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. Task4


小编下面给考生们带来了托福TPO47口语文本,六个task,希望大家有针对性的有计划的规划备考。多做题,多积累、多研究,实现自我的不断提升,加油!向着梦想前进。 托福TPO47口语task1题目: Which one of the following means of transportation do you consider to be the most enjoyable? 1. bicycle 2. automobile 3. train Explain why you enjoy it. 托福口语task2题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the future, people will read fewer books than they do toady. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion. 托福口语Task 3 Professor Evaluations The university requires students to complete written evaluations of their professors at the end of each course taught during the semester. But current system is private, since only the professors actually read the evaluations once the student submit them. I suggest that the university publish these evaluation online for everyone to read. Both professors and students would benefit from having these evaluation published. Professor would feel more motivated to improve their teaching if they knew that their evaluations were publicly available to all students. In addition, prospective students could read the


口语第一题(16套) 2009.1.10 Q1 Which of the following features do you think is the most important in friendship: honesty, loyalty or humor? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. Sample answer I think the most important quality in friendship is loyalty. Loyalty means always being honest to your friends and staying right beside them when they feel down. I'd love to talk about Tom. We've been good friends since we were kids. Once I forgot to bring my lunch to school, Tom immediately took out his lunch and gave it to me. Besides, he is always the first one to point out my weakness directly. Thanks to his straightforwardness, I made quite a progress. I really appreciate his loyalty and treat him as my lifelong friend. 2009.2.14 Q1 Which important skill do you think a student should learn? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. Sample answer I think students need to learn communication skills. It is impossible to overstate the importance of good communication skills. In today's society we have to work cooperatively with others. A good communicator finds it easier to put forth his ideas clearly. In this way, there will be fewer misunderstandings. In addition, a person with good communication skills is a good mediator and negotiator. He or she can play a valuable role in resolving disputes and enhancing cooperation. This means that a good communicator is often a natural leader. 2009.3.29 Q1 Describe a day that you enjoy the most or is the most special for you. Include reasons and details to support your response. Sample answer The day I enjoyed the most was my eighteen-year-old birthday. On that day, I expressed my gratitude to my parents and my teachers in my own way. That morning, I arrived at the school early and cleaned the classroom thoroughly. Then, I went to my


小编给考生们带来了托福TPO46口语文本,希望大家多做题,多积累、多研究,有针对性的规划考试。 托福TPO46口语task1题目: Talk about one way in which you have benefited from using the Internet. Use specific examples and details in your response. 托福TPO46口语task2题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People today have healthier lifestyles than people did 100 years https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d18530537.html,e specific examples and details to support your opinion. 托福TPO46口语Task3阅读:No More Posters Outside the Student Center Reading Time No More Posters Outside the Student Center Traditionally, students have been permitted to put up posters advertising events, clubs, and activities on the concrete wall outside the main entrance to the student center Beginning next semester, however, students will no longer be allowed to attach anything to the front of the building According to a university official, the new policy is part of an effort to improve the campus’s appearance. “The posters on the wall make the building unattractive," he said, "so they have to come down." He added that posters can instead be displayed in the dining hall: "Students can use the bulletin board in the dining hall for posters, so the policy change should not be a problem. The woman expresses her opinion about the new policy. Briefly describe the policy. Then state the woman’s opinion about the policy, and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


小编下面给考生们带来了托福TPO45口语文本,六个task,希望大家有针对性的有计划的规划备考。多做题,多积累、多研究,实现自我的不断提升,加油!向着梦想前进。 ? 托福TPO45口语task1题目: Which of the following qualities do you think is the most important for a university student to be successful? 1. Highly motivated 2. Hard-working 3. Intelligent Choose one of these qualities and explain why it is important. 托福TPO45口语task2题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Artists and musicians are important to a society. Use details and examples to explain your answer. 托福口语TPO45 Task3(听力+阅读+题目):Close the Coffeehouse Reading Part: Like many people, I was happy when the universityopened a coffeehouse. A good coffeehouse is aperfect place to meet people or to study while havinga coffee. Unfortunately, our coffeehouse usuallyempty, so it is not a good place to meet people. Andthe lighting there is very poor, so it is not a good place to study, either. A coffeehouse seemedlike a great idea, but it just has not worked out, and the time has come for the university toclose it. Listening : W : I disagree with this idea.


小编给考生们带来了托福TPO1口语文本,希望大家多做题,多积累、多研究,有针对性的规划考试。 托福口语TPO 01 Task1 Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer. Task2 Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on society. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion. Task3 Letter in the Centerville College News The administration has announced plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose this plan. The university’s financial pool financial condition led it to increase the price for campus housing and tuition by 15% this past year. Surely then it is in no financial position to purchase such an expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture: several 60-foot long steel plates, jutting out of the earth at odd angles. It ’s so large; it’ll take up all the green space in front of the campus center! This is public space that should be reserved for students to use. Explain why the woman disagrees with the reasons expressed in the letter. Task4


小编下面给考生们带来了托福TPO15口语文本,六个task,希望大家有针对性的有计划的规划备考。多做题,多积累、多研究,实现自我的不断提升,加油!向着梦想前进。 Task1 People make friends in many different ways. What do you think is a good way to make new friends? Use specific details and examples in your response. Task2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to remember and learn from the past. Use details and examples to explain your opinion. Task3 University Should Pave Running Trails The university has about three miles of unpaved dirt running trails that pass through the forest near campus. I think these trails should be paved with cement. One reason for paving the trails would be to increase their safety. When it rains, the dirt turns to mud and becomes very slippery, so the runners who use them can slip and fall. Pavement would solve this problem. Also, paving would make the trails look nicer, which would encourage students to use them. Bumps in the trial would be smoothed out and weeds would be paved over, making the trail more attractive to runners. Sincerely Sally Jacobs. The man expresses his opinion about the proposal in the student’s letter. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state her opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. Task4 Experiment Effect


小编给考生们带来了托福TPO18口语文本,希望大家多做题,多积累、多研究,有针对性的规划考试。 Task1 Imagine your life ten years in the future. Talk about one way you think your life will be different in ten years than it is now. Use details to explain your answer. Task2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to learn about other cultures. Task3 University Choir to Enter Off-Campus Singing Competitions Currently, the university choir gives singing concerts only on campus. Next year, however, the choir will add competitive events at other locations to its schedule. The choir ’s new director feels that entering singing competitions will make the quality of the choir ’s performance even better than it is now. “Competitions will motivate students in the choir to pursue a higher standard of excellence in singing.” He said. In addition, it is hoped that getting the choir off campus and out in the public will strengthen the reputation of the university ’s music program. This in turn will help the program grow. The man expresses her opinion about the change described in the article. Briefly summarize the change. Then state her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. Task4 Relict Behavior


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO35口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO35口语Task4阅读文本: Integrated Farming Many farmers keep animals and raise crops at the same time. While some farmers treat the cultivation of their animals and plants as two separate activities, others integrate the two so that they work together. This is called integrated farming. Integrated farming uses the natural behavior of animals in a way that helps to keep both animals and crops healthy and thriving. By integrating a particular animal with a specific crop, farmers create a system in which both animals and plants provide for each other’s needs. 托福TPO35口语Task4听力文本: Now listen to part of the lecture from an environmental science class. Okay, so an example of this is when chickens are used to prepare a field for planting. Farmers who do this have a special kind of little house that they keep their chickens in. This little house has four walls and a roof but it doesn't have any floor. And it has wheels attached to it so it can easily be moved from one location to another. So farmers move this little house to a field where something is going to be planted. Say, bean plants. And then the chickens are placed inside the house, now remember there is no floor in this house and what the chickens do is they walk around inside the house and peck up the soil and eat any weeds or wild plants that they find. And then when the chickens are done eating the weeds in that location, the farmers move the house to the next section of the field. And again the chickens peck up the soil and eat the weeds. So the chickens get to eat a lot of weeds which are good for them. Now this activity is also good for the bean plants that'll be growing in the field, because when the chickens eat the weeds they're improving the quality of the soil. Thanks to the chickens when the bean plants start to grow there won't be any weeds there to compete with them for crucial resources, like sunlight and water. 托福TPO35口语Task4题目: Explain how the example from the lecture illustrate the concept of integrated farming. 托福TPO35口语Task4满分范文: Integrated farming means farmers treat the cultivation of the animals and the plants together in order to create a system in which both animals and plants provide


小编给考生们带来了托福TPO23口语文本,希望大家多做题,多积累、多研究,有针对性的规划考试。 Task 1 There can be several advantages to spending time living in another country. Talk about one advantage and explain how living in another country provides that advantages. Use details and examples in your response. Task 2 Some people enjoy spending their free time alone in activities such as reading, thinking, or writing. Others enjoy spending their free time in shared activities with other people. Which do you prefer and why? Task 3 No More International News For the past few years, the daily campus newspaper has included a one-page international news section covering a few of the major stories in world news. Starting next month, the section will be eliminated. One of the reasons the newspaper editors gave for the decision to cut the section is that other news sources are better able to provide wider and more up-to-date international news coverage. The editors also noted that the change would create space for a new calendar page that will list events and activities around campus. The woman expresses her opinion about the plan announced in the article. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. Task4 Reference Groups


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO53口语Task6听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO53口语Task6听力文本: Everyone knows food can become spoiled, go bad and become inedible. Usually the cause is harmful bacteria that grow naturally in food. So one of the best ways to prevent food from spoiling is to slow down bacteria growth. But how do you do that? Well, what influences how fast bacteria grow? Mainly it's temperature and moisture. So if you want to prevent food spoilage, you need to slow bacteria growth by controlling these factors. Why is controlling temperatureso important? Because the bacteria that cause food spoilage grow fast at warm temperatures, and more slowly at cooler temperatures. When your food is kept cool, it lasts longer right? For example, fresh fish left out in the sun on a warm day will spoil in a few hours, but if you freeze the fish, it will keep for months and months, right? That’s because low temperatures drastically slow down bacteria growth. Now I said that moisture is another factor you need to control, and every living thing needs moisture, and bacteria are no exception. Food that’s high in water content provides the moisture that bacteria need to grow. Let’s …uh let’s compare two different kinds of milk, ok? Let’s compare regular liquid milk with dry powdered milk. Regular milk spoils quickly right? But milk in powder form can be stored quite a long time, in fact, for years. Of course, bacteria are present in powdered milk too, but what’s different between powdered and regular milk is the water content. Powdered milk has had the water, the moisture removed. And without moisture, bacteria can’t grow. And this isn’t truth just for milk, just about any fresh food will spoil more quickly than the dried food. 托福TPO53口语Task6题目: Using points and the examples from the talk, explain two ways of preventing food spoilage and why they are effective. 托福TPO53口语Task6满分范文: Food spoilage is caused by bacteria and the two key factors to prevent food from going bad is temperature and moisture. First, controlling the temperature can slow down the growth of bacteria, so food can be stored for longer time in cooler environment. For example, the fresh fish can be kept for months if being frozen, but they will go bad very quickly under the sun in warm days. Because the low temperature drastically slows down the growth of bacteria. Plus, moisture is another factor to control. Food high in water content will go


小编给考生们带来了托福TPO20口语文本,希望大家多做题,多积累、多研究,有针对性的规划考试。 Task 1 Choose a quality you think makes someone a valuable member of a team. Explain why you think it is an important quality for a team or group member to have. Task 2 Some people prefer to learn about current events from watching television news progrms.Others prefer to read about current events in newspapers or on the internet. Which dou you think is better:watching the news or reading the news?Explain why. Task 3 Energy costs reach sky-high levels Heating prices, and university’s heating bills, reached record-high levels this year. In an effort to reduce heating costs, the university plans to lower the temperature in all classroom buildings on weekends and on weekdays after five P.M., when the day’s classes have officially ended. Because classes will not be in session at these times, the reduced hest should have no negative impact on students and their studies. The university considers it essential that the cost-saving measures not interfere with student activities. The woman expresses her opinion about the plan described in the article Sate her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding the opinion. Task 4 Franchising


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO39口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO39口语Task4阅读文本: Signaling Customers are often willing to pay higher prices for high-quality products, however, without specialized knowledge, it can be difficult to evaluate whether certain items are highly quality. When customers are unsure whether an item is high quality, ad worth the prize, they are less likely to purchase it. This problem can be solved through signaling. The seller of a product finds a way to signal, or demonstrate, to the buyer that the product is high quality. One common signaling strategy is to have a person or company that is not involved in the sale provide an objective, unbiased judgment about the quality of a product. 托福TPO39口语Task4听力文本: Now listen to part of a lecture from a business class. So OK here's a good example. A friend of mine owns a small jewelry store where she sells jewelry. And the jewelry she sells, watches, rings, necklaces, is very expensive, thousands of dollars, because it's all real gold, real diamonds, and other precious gemstones. So of course, when customers come into her store, well, if they are considering spending that much money on a piece of jewelry, they want to make sure it's authentic, that the gold is real, the gemstones are real, and not just pieces of glass. But most customers don't actually know how to tell the difference on their own. So in order to reassure her customers, what my friend did is, she had a jewelry expert come in and look at all the jewelry in her store. This expert had, like, twenty years of experience in examining jewelry, so he knew a lot about it. And the expert examined all the precious gemstones and certified that they were authentic, real. And then my friend put up a sign in the store saying that all the jewelry in the store had been certified as authentic by a leading expert. So her customers would see the sign and know that all the jewelry in the store was real. And since the expert didn't work for my friend's store, it didn't matter to him if the jewelry got sold or not. So customers were likely to trust his opinion. The expert was therefore able to provide evidence that the jewelry was worth the high prices. 托福TPO39口语Task4题目: Explain how the example used in the lecture illustrates the concept of signaling. 托福TPO39口语Task4满分范文:
