


时间:2010-03-12 20:33:13 来源:VOA英语网















时间:2010-03-11 20:30:29 来源:VOA英语网

新概念英语第三册名为"Developing Skills",译为"培养技能"。所谓"技能",就是指在理解、口语、阅读、写作方面的应用能力。同时,新概念三册也为听、说、写的练习提供了适合的材料。使学员能在英语的使用上大大提高。













新概念英语第三册重点语法总结:定语从句 导读:本文新概念英语第三册重点语法总结:定语从句,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 1. 定语从句:由关系代词who, whom, whose, that, which; 关系副词when, where, why 引导。 1. The death notices tell us about people who have died during the week. 2. The man (whom) you spoke to just now is my friend. 3. The building whose lights are on is beautiful. 4. Please find a place which we can have a private talk in. 5. The knee is the joint where the thighbone meets the large bone of the lower leg. 6. He still remembers the day when he went to school. 7. It is no need telling us the reason why you didn't finish it in time. 8. He has three sons, two of whom died in the war. 9. Mr. Smith, whose wife is a clerk, teaches us English. 10. In the Sunday paper there are comics, which children enjoy. 2. 只能用that和who引导的定语从句 A.all, nothing, anything, a few, one做先行词指物时


裕兴新概念英语第三册笔记第三课课文讲解 老猴子咬菜根学习交流 Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神 Some time ago, and interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century . until Roman times. In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century . It's missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century . This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity. 1. Some time ago, and interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. 不久之前,在爱琴海的基亚岛上,考古工作者有一项有趣的发现。 make a discovery 做出发现 make a name for oneself 出名 make history 创造历史 make a noise 名噪一时 eg. Ben Laden really made a noise by . 本·拉登通过事件名噪一时。make a dent: to make a first step towards success in something 取得初步的、有效的进展;奏效 eg. Chinese open-up policy has made a dent. 中国的改革开放政策已经初见成效。 Aegean [i:'d?i:?n] n.爱琴海(地中海的一部分,在希腊同土耳其之间)The Aegean sea lies between Greece and Turkey, part of Mediterranean Sea.主题句:为典型的记叙文开头句 记叙文的文体特点:时间、地点、人物、事件。并按事件发生的时间、空间顺序描写,把握住其特征,就能轻松应对文章的理解。 Time: some time ago


新概念英语第一册(1-144课)期末测试试卷 (1) 数词冠词介词动词时态变化比较级和最高级 一写出复数 1. radio 2. knife 3. glass 4. shelf 5. boss 6. dress 7. housewife 8.postman 9. leaf 10. church 11. mouth 12. family 13. tie 14. tomato 15. piano 16. baby 17. tooth 18. country 19. key 20 potato 某车间生产零件2000个,前3天生产240个零件。照这样这计算,一共需要多少天才能完成 21. match 22. box 23. hour 24. hero 二用冠词a an the 或some any 填空如果不需要则用/ 代替. 1. Alice is ____ air-hostess. Her father is ____ engineer and her mother is _____ housewife. They all play ______ tennis very well. 2. He has ____ uncle and his uncle lives in ____ United Kindom. He first saw him in ____ autumn of 1978. 7. We need _____ ink is there _____ left? 3. It is better to tell ______ truth than to tell _______ lies. 4. Will you have ______ more tea? There’s plenty in the pot. 5. There is ___university near my home. Every Saturday evening___ students hold ____ party. ___ are dancing ____ are singing. They make a lot of noise. 6. Get me ________ cigarettes please. ______ kind will do. 三用适当介词填空. 1. Can you see the words written ________ the blackboard? (in on by with)


新概念英语第三册课后题答案Lesson 1 1-5 d a c c d 6-10 b d d c b 11-12 b a Lesson 2 1-5 d b c b d 6-10 b c a b a 11-12 a c Lesson 3 1-5 d d a d b 6-10 c b b a d 11-12 b b | Lesson 4 1-5 a c d b d 6-10 c b c d b 11 -12 c a Lesson 5 1-5 c b a b c 6-10 d b c c b

11-12 d d Lesson 6 1-5 b a c d b 6-10 a a d a a 11-12 b c Lesson 7 ) 1-5 b d b a c 6-10 b c a a d 11-12 b b Lesson 8 1-5 c c d d a 6-10 a c c b a 11-15 d c Lesson 9 1-5 a d a c b 6-10 d b a b c 11-12 c a Lesson 10 1-5 d c a b d 6-10 d b d a c

~ 11-12 b a Lesson 11 1c 2c 3a 4d 5c 6b 7a 8a 9c 10a 11d 12b Lesson 12 1c 2d 3a 4b 5d 6c 7b 8c 9b 10d 11d 12a Lesson 13 1d 2c 3c 4b 5d 6b 7b 8c 9a 10d 11a 12b Lesson 14 1b 2b 3a 4a 5c 6b 7a 8c 9b 10d 11d 12c Lesson 15 1c 2d 3a 4b 5b 6d 7a 8c 9a 10c 11b 12b Lesson 16 1c 2b 3b 4d 5d 6c 7d 8b 9a 10b 11c 12a Lesson 17 1d 2a 3a 4a 5a 6b 7d 8d 9a 10c 11c 12d Lesson 18 1a 2c 3d 4c 5c 6b 7a 8d 9d 10a 11b 12c Lesson 19 1a 2b 3a 4b 5d 6a 7b 8d 9d 10b 11c 12a * Lesson 20 1c 2b 3b 4c 5a 6c 7d 8a 9c 10d 11a 12d Lesson 21 1b 2d 3c 4a 5a 6b 7b 8a 9c 10a 11a 12d Lesson 22 1a 2c 3c 4c 5a 6c 7c 8a 9d 10d 11b 12c Lesson 23 1d 2a 3d 4a 5b 6c 7a 8c 9d 10d 11b 12b


1. 关系副词eweek. 2. A. B which. C. D ? 3.as as A “as...as” 例如: B.as ??? as 例如: (二): . (三): 从句)gthecase. 就是that不做任 ,doubt,suggestion explanation truth,knowledge 或whether that不做 that做定

2 3 4 nity. VII. 1. 句话说) 2.括) 关系。 3. (四): 1. should might 2. er. 3. ? 4. ● 词原形,(建议) ??? ●(should oposal. arty. ●I wroteit) 通常用于动词: 属静态 被省 句子,seldom,等。

7 ???? oblem. ???? 注意:不用was 找他。 答案词, 不能说 8 ???( ????? ( 定义:特点等。 ● ● 所属等。 1 2 smell, remain 3 面) poorly(身 ) ,usually ,below 等 ,perfectly, 注意

式地)(以前) 10.free freely (九):前,an 如: I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12 13 民 II 1. 2 3 4 5 (十): 1 “willyou”,如:

1 assroom. 2 3 ??? 别力。 (十三): 1.rise, ?“rise”提高”。 “arise”其语义为“义为“ https://www.360docs.net/doc/8910038152.html,y, “lay” “lie” “lie” 3.sit, “sit” “seat” 4. “affect” “effect”dy. 5.hang 当hang 而当hang 6. 7.take :? 8. 9.fit, “fit”指“ 10.搭配


裕兴新概念英语第一册笔记完整版 ?1)v. 原谅 ?eg. Excuse me. 请原谅,劳驾。 2)n. 借口 ?eg. It?s an excuse. ?me pron. 我(宾格:用来做宾语的。) ?eg. He loves me. 他爱我. ?eg. She cheats me. 他骗我. ?eg. Please tell me. 他告诉我. Excuse me 的用法 这个短语经常被译作―对不起‖,但它并不表示你有什么过错,而是说你要打搅别人,所以常被译作―劳驾‖。1)为了要引起别人的注意 ?eg. Excuse me. Is this you handbag? 2)要打扰某人或要打断别人话 ?eg. Excuse me . May I ask you a question? 3) 向陌生人问路 ?eg. Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to the railway station? 4) 向某人借东西 ?eg. Excuse me. Can I bor row your pen? 5) 需要从别人身边挤过或让别人给自己让路 ?eg. Excuse me. Could you please make some room for me? 6) 要求在宴席或会议中途中离开一会儿 eg. Excuse me. May I lease for a little while? ?sorry 用于当你做错事而向别人道歉的时候,表示―对不起‖。 1)请问几点了? ?eg. Excuse me. What time is it? 2) 不小心把水弄到了别人的身上。 ?eg. Sorry. 或者I?m sorry! 3) 对不起,我先失陪一下 ?eg. Excuse me. 4) 误解了别人的意思 ?eg. Sorry. ?yes 1)adv. 是的(对一般疑问句的肯定回答) ?eg. Are you mad? --Yes, I am. 2)经常用于应答,表示―什么事‖。 ?eg. Excuse me? 请问/劳驾? ---Yes? 什么事?

新概念英语第一册 解析

第一册新概念英语解析 Lesson 1 Excuse me! 对不起! 振振有“词” 1house,family和home house:房子,一般指独立的院落,更具体的指房子的建筑; family:侧重家庭的成员; home:抽象的家的概念。 说“文”解“字” 1Excuse me! 对不起。 通常在说或做可能令人不悦的事情之前或要吸引别人注意时使用。它的意思相当于中文里的“劳驾”,“对不起”,“打扰了”,“借光”,“请原谅”等等。 2Yes? 什么事? Yes后如果是问号,通常读升调,意思是“什么事?”“怎么了?”或者“干吗?”也可以表示谈话过程中期待对方说下去。 3Pardon? 原谅,请再说一遍。 口语中,当我们没有听清楚对方的话,希望对方再说一遍时就可以使用这一表达方式。较为正式的说法是:I beg your pardon? 或Pardon me? 它们在汉语中的意思相当于“对不起,请再说一遍。”或“对不起,请再说一遍好吗?”,读时一般用升调。 现身说“法” 人称代词:主格,宾格,形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词 主格:一般作主语,放在句首; 宾格:动词或者介词之后,做宾语; 形容词性物主代词:具有形容词的修饰限定作用,不能单独使用,一般放在名词之前; 名词性物主代词:只能单独使用。 2be动词:am,is,are表示“是”,通常放在句子中做谓语,用于不同的人称。 is:用于单数名词或单数第三人称代词; am:只能跟在第一人称的单数I后面; are:搭配y ou,不管是单数还是复数。

3含有be动词的陈述句,否定句和一般疑问句 英语中句子通常分为四种类型:陈述句,疑问句,祈使句和感叹句。疑问句又被分为:一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问句和反义疑问句。 含有be动词的任何句子,否定句就是在be动词(系动词)后面加“not”,如果变为一般疑问句就把be动词(系动词)提到句子的前面。 Lesson 3 Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。 振振有“词” 1称呼语: Mr.:英语中对所有男性的普通称呼,一般放在姓名的前面或者只放在姓氏的前面,不能单独使用; Miss:小姐,对所有未婚女性的常用称呼,使用习惯与Mr.相同; Mrs.:夫人,对所有已婚女性的称呼,后面加上丈夫的姓氏,使用习惯与Mr.相同; Madam:女士,夫人,表示对女性的尊称,对有职位女性的称呼; sir :可以单独使用,是对上级,长着,或者陌生男子的尊称。sir后面不能加姓氏。 2sorry与excuse me的使用区别: excuse me通常用于说或者做可能令人不悦的事情之前使用;sorry是在说或者做这种事情之后使用,表示歉意。 3and:表示“和”,是连词,连接两个并列成分,位置可以互换。 说“文”解“字” 1My coat and my umbrella, please. 请把我的大衣和雨伞拿给我。 英语口语中,如果希望别人给自己“出示”什么东西时,通常是“要什么直接说什么”。 2No, it isn’t. 不,不是。 如果一般疑问句的主语是this,that,回答时主语通常改成it。 现身说“法” 1give sb sth 把某物给某人 sb.是somebody的缩写,表示“某人”;sth.是something的缩写,表示“某物”。 2否定句 陈述句通常分为两种类型,表示肯定意义的陈述句叫做肯定陈述句;表示否定意义的陈述句叫做否定陈述句。否定句与肯定句相反,它表示“否定”,并含有一个如not之类的否定词。一个含有be动词的陈述句,在其后面加not,以构成否定句。 3缩略形式常用在口语中,在正式的书面语中通常不缩写。 4代词的功能 在英语中,如果同一个名词在句子中再次出现的时候,我们通常用相应的代词将其代替,以避免同一个名词的反复使用。 5副词 副词分为:时间副词,地点副词,程度副词,频率副词和方式副词。英语中,时间副词和地点副词前不能加介词,方式


新概念英语第三册课后题答案 答案具体的解释可以参考外研社的《新概念英语练习详解3》(注:外研社的参考答案个别有误,请以这里的答案为准。)答案错误的个别题我会在课上讲解。 Lesson 1 1d 2a 3c 4c 5d 6b 7d 8d 9c 10b 11b 12a Lesson 2 1d 2b 3c 4b 5d 6b 7c 8a 9b 10a 11a 12c Lesson 3 1d 2d 3a 4d 5b 6c 7b 8b 9a 10d 11b 12b Lesson 4 1a 2c 3d 4b 5d 6c 7b 8c 9d 10b 11c 12a Lesson 5 1c 2b 3a 4b 5c 6d 7b 8c 9c 10b 11d 12d Lesson 6 1b 2a 3c 4d 5b 6a 7a 8d 9a 10a 11b 12c Lesson 7 1b 2d 3b 4a 5c 6b 7c 8a 9a 10d 11b 12b Lesson 8 1c 2c 3d 4d 5a 6a 7c 8c 9b 10a 11d 12c Lesson 9 1a 2d 3a 4c 5b 6d 7b 8a 9b 10c 11c 12a Lesson 10 1d 2c 3a 4b 5d 6d 7b 8d 9a 10c 11b 12a Lesson 11 1c 2c 3a 4d 5c 6b 7a 8a 9c 10a 11d 12b Lesson 12 1c 2d 3a 4b 5d 6c 7b 8c 9b 10d 11d 12a Lesson 13 1d 2c 3c 4b 5d 6b 7b 8c 9a 10d 11a 12b Lesson 14 1b 2b 3a 4a 5c 6b 7a 8c 9b 10d 11d 12c Lesson 15 1c 2d 3a 4b 5b 6d 7a 8c 9a 10c 11b 12b Lesson 16 1c 2b 3b 4d 5d 6c 7d 8b 9a 10b 11c 12a Lesson 17 1d 2a 3a 4a 5a 6b 7d 8d 9a 10c 11c 12d Lesson 18 1a 2c 3d 4c 5c 6b 7a 8d 9d 10a 11b 12c Lesson 19 1a 2b 3a 4b 5d 6a 7b 8d 9d 10b 11c 12a Lesson 20 1c 2b 3b 4c 5a 6c 7d 8a 9c 10d 11a 12d Lesson 21 1b 2d 3c 4a 5a 6b 7b 8a 9c 10a 11a 12d Lesson 22 1a 2c 3c 4c 5a 6c 7c 8a 9d 10d 11b 12c Lesson 23 1d 2a 3d 4a 5b 6c 7a 8c 9d 10d 11b 12b Lesson 24 1a 2c 3a 4a 5d 6b 7c 8b 9d 10a 11d 12a Lesson 25 1c 2a 3d 4c 5b 6d 7a 8d 9b 10a 11a 12c Lesson 26 1d 2a 3c 4c 5b 6a 7c 8d 9c 10d 11b 12a Lesson 27 1a 2d 3b 4b 5b 6b 7d 8c 9c 10a 11b 12c Lesson 28 1b 2c 3b 4d 5c 6a 7d 8c 9c 10b 11b 12a Lesson 29 1c 2b 3a 4a 5a 6a 7b 8c 9d 10d 11c 12b Lesson 30 1d 2a 3d 4b 5c 6b 7a 8a 9c 10b 11d 12a Lesson 31 1b 2b 3d 4b 5b 6a 7a 8a 9d 10d 11c 12d Lesson 32 1a 2b 3a 4c 5b 6d 7c 8c 9d 10b 11c 12a Lesson 33 1c 2b 3a 4b 5d 6a 7a 8c 9c 10b 11a 12d Lesson 34 1b 2b 3c 4b 5d 6c 7a 8d 9c 10b 11a 12c Lesson 35 1c 2b 3b 4d 5c 6d 7c 8c 9a 10d 11b 12d Lesson 36 1d 2c 3c 4b 5d 6a 7b 8b 9d 10c 11a 12d Lesson 37 1b 2c 3a 4b 5c 6a 7d 8c 9d 10d 11b 12a Lesson 38 1b 2d 3a 4d 5c 6b 7c 8b 9a 10a 11c 12a Lesson 39 1c 2a 3a 4d 5a 6d 7b 8c 9a 10c 11b 12c Lesson 40 1a 2c 3c 4d 5a 6d 7c 8c 9b 10a 11d 12a Lesson 41 1d 2b 3a 4c 5a 6c 7b 8b 9a 10b 11b 12a


新概念英语第三册语法解析:类比法、夸张法、排比法 类比法(Analogy)是一种词义修辞格,把两种本质上不相同的事物就其某方面的共同 点进行比较,通过比喻说明某种道理或描绘某种复杂情况。例如,Lesson 27的第一句, “It has been said that everyone lives by selling something.” 作者把人们生活工作的方式类比成销 售货物的方式,每个人都是一定意义上的推售员,抽象的为谋生而付出的努力被比喻成具体的可供售卖的货物。通过这样的类比,读者找到了联系的线索,加深对句子的理解并引起共鸣。假如我们要借助类比描绘英语的作用,我们就可以说,“What English means to a student is what weapons mean to the soldiers who fight in the battlefield.” 或“If we obtain English proficien cy, we obtain the key which leads us to more knowledge and opportunities.” 夸张法(hyperbole)也是词义修辞,刻意地夸大或缩小把事物的特征,在数量,形状和 程度上加以渲染,“言过其实”地使事物的本质特征更好地呈现出来,给人强烈的印象。Lesson 49, 作者谈到阿姨家的仆人数量时提及”an army of servants (仆人大军)” and “the shifting population(流动人口)”, 把Bessie导致布丁砸在桌上的小意外说成“catastrophe (大 灾难)”, 不难看出这些都是夸张的例子。如果我们的朋友多不胜数,我们也可以自豪地说,“I have an army of friends.”, 但是如果他们都是“the shifting population who just come and go into my life without even a hello or goodbye (他们只是连招呼不打就来来去去的流动人口)”,那么这样的友情带来的只是一个“catastrophe”, 因为没有得到真正的知己。 排比法(Parallelism),属于结构修辞,以语法结构对称来突出意义,增添气势。Lesson 51,阐述Bagrid预测计算机的功能, 文中出现了连续四个排比,充分证明了Bagrid非凡的 眼光,“Bagrid foresaw a time when computers would be small enough to hold in the hand, when they would be capable of providing information about traffic jams…, when they would be used in hospital…, when they would relieve office workers and accountants of dull, repetitive clerical work..”排比是最常用的修辞之一,排比项通常以三项为起点,控制于五项之内。 结合一个写大学教育的主题,以下的排比句跃然纸上, “University is the place where we absorb the most comprehensive knowledge, where we encounter friends of lifetime, where we cultivate our characters and personalities, where we create the most impressive part of our life.

裕兴新概念英语第一册笔记:Lesson 68 What's the time

Lesson 68 What's the time? New words and expressions: church n. 教堂 dairy n. 乳品店 baker n. 面包师傅 grocer n. 食品杂货商 church n.教堂 temple 寺庙、神殿 dairy n. 乳制品贩卖店 baker n.面包商、面包师傅 at the baker's (shop) 在面包店里 bakery 面包店、面包厂 grocer n.食品杂货商人、杂货店店主 at the grocer's 在食品店里 grocery 食品杂货店 Exercise A: 1.I was at / church on Sunday. 2. I was at the office on Monday. 3.My son was at / school on Tuesday.

4. My wife was at the butcher's on Wednesday. 5. She was at the grocer's on Thursday. 6. My daughter was in the country on Friday. 7.I was at / home on Saturday. Exercise B: he / church / Sunday When was he at church? He was at church on Sunday. 1. Tom/ the hairdresser's / Thursday When was Tom at the hairdresser's? He was at the hairdresser's on Thursday. 2. Mrs. Jones / the butcher's/ Wednesday When was Mrs. Jones at the butcher's? She was at the butcher's on Wednesday. 3. he / home / Sunday When was he at home? He was at home on Sunday. 4. Penny/ the baker's / Friday When was Penny at the baker's? She was at the baker's on Friday. 5. Mrs. Williams / the grocer's / Monday When was Mrs. Williams at the grocer's?


新概念英语第一册课 文

$课文1 对不起! 1. Excuse me! 对不起 2. Yes? 什么事? 3. Is this your handbag? 这是您的手提包吗? 4. Pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍。 5. Is this your handbag? 这是您的手提包吗? 6. Yes, it is. 是的,是我的。 7. Thank you very much. 非常感谢! $课文3 对不起,先生。 8. My coat and my umbrella please. 请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。 9. Here is my ticket. 这是我(寄存东西)的牌子。 10. Thank you, sir. 谢谢,先生。 11. Number five. 是5号。 12. Here's your umbrella and your coat. 这是您的伞和大衣 13. This is not my umbrella. 这不是我的伞。 14. Sorry sir. 对不起,先生。 15. Is this your umbrella?

这把伞是您的吗? 16. No, it isn't. 不,不是! 17. Is this it? 这把是吗? 18. Yes, it is. 是,是这把 19. Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 $课文5 很高兴见到你。 20. Good morning. 早上好。 21. Good morning, Mr. Blake. 早上好,布莱克先生。 22. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. 这位是索菲娅.杜邦小姐。23. Sophie is a new student. 索菲娅是个新学生。 24. She is French. 她是法国人。 25. Sophie, this is Hans. 索菲娅,这位是汉斯。 26. He is German. 他是德国人。 27. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 28. And this is Naoko. 这位是直子。 29. She's Japanese. 她是日本人。 30. Nice to meet you.


新概念英语第三册选择题答案Lesson 1. (d),(a),(c),(c),(d),(b),(d),(d),(c),(b),(b),(a) Lesson 2. (d),(b),(c),(b),(d),(b),(c),(a),(b),(a),(a),(c) Lesson 3. (d),(d),(a),(d),(b),(c),(b),(b),(a),(d),(b),(b) Lesson 4. (a),(c),(d),(b),(d),(c),(b),(c),(d),(b),(c),(a) Lesson 5. (c),(b),(a),(b),(c),(d),(b),(c),(c),(b),(d),(d) Lesson 6. (b),(a),(c),(c),(b),(a),(a),(d),(a),(a),(b),(c) Lesson 7. (b),(d),(b),(a),(c),(b),(c),(b),(a),(d),(b),(a) Lesson 8. (c),(c),(d),(d),(a),(a),(c),(c),(b),(a),(d),(c) Lesson 9. (a),(d),(c),(a),(b),(d),(a),(a),(b),(b),(b),(d) Lesson 10. (d),(c),(a),(b),(d),(d),(b),(d),(a),(c),(b),(a) Lesson 11. (c),(c),(a),(d),(c),(b),(a),(a),(d),(a),(d),(b) Lesson 12. (c),(d),(a),(b),(d),(c),(b),(c),(b),(d),(d),(a) Lesson 13. (d),(c),(c),(c),(b),(b),(b),(c),(a),(d),(a),(b) Lesson 14. (b),(b),(a),(a),(c),(b),(a),(c),(b),(d),(d),(c) Lesson 15. (c),(d),(a),(b),(b),(d),(a),(c),(a),(c),(b),(b) Lesson 16. (c),(b),(b),(d),(d),(c),(d),(b),(a),(b),(c),(a) Lesson 17. (d),(a),(c),(a),(a),(b),(d),(d),(a),(c),(c),(d) Lesson 18. (a),(c),(d),(c),(c),(b),(a),(d),(d),(a),(b),(c) Lesson 19. (a),(b),(a),(b),(d),(a),(b),(d),(d),(b),(c),(a) Lesson 20. (c),(b),(b),(c),(a),(c),(d),(a),(c),(d),(a),(d) Lesson 21. (b),(d),(c),(a),(a),(b),(d),(b),(a),(c),(a),(d) Lesson 22. (a),(b),(c),(c),(a),(c),(c),(a),(b),(d),(b),(c) Lesson 23. (d),(a),(d),(a),(b),(c),(a),(c),(d),(d),(b),(b) Lesson 24. (a),(c),(a),(a),(d),(b),(c),(b),(d),(a),(d),(a) Lesson 25. (c),(a),(d),(c),(b),(d),(a),(d),(b),(a),(a),(c) Lesson 26. (d),(a),(c),(c),(b),(a),(c),(d),(c),(d),(b),(a) Lesson 27. (a),(d),(b),(b),(b),(b),(d),(c),(c),(a),(b),(c) Lesson 28. (b),(c),(b),(d),(c),(a),(d),(a),(c),(c),(b),(d) Lesson 29. (c),(b),(a),(a),(c),(a),(b),(c),(d),(d),(c),(b) Lesson 30. (d),(a),(d),(b),(c),(b),(a),(a),(c),(b),(d),(a) Lesson 31. (b),(b),(d),(b),(c),(b),(a),(a),(d),(d),(c),(d) Lesson 32. (a),(b),(a),(c),(b),(d),(c),(c),(d),(b),(c),(a) Lesson 33. (c),(b),(a),(b),(d),(a),(a),(c),(c),(d),(a),(b) Lesson 34. (a),(b),(b),(b),(d),(c),(a),(d),(c),(b),(a),(c) Lesson 35. (c),(b),(b),(d),(c),(d),(c),(c),(a),(d),(b),(d) Lesson 36. (d),(c),(c),(b),(d),(a),(b),(b),(d),(c),(a),(d) Lesson 37. (b),(c),(a),(b),(c),(a),(d),(c),(d),(d),(b),(a) Lesson 38. (c),(d),(a),(d),(c),(d),(b),(c),(b),(a),(a),(b) Lesson 39. (c),(a),(a),(d),(d),(a),(d),(b),(a),(a),(b),(c) Lesson 40. (a),(c),(c),(d),(a),(d),(b),(c),(b),(a),(d),(a) Lesson 41. (d),(b),(a),(c),(a),(c),(b),(b),(a),(b),(b),(a)


新概念英语第三册重点语法总结:名词性从句 王牌要点:通常由 that或疑问词导出。 1. How some mammals came to live in the sea is not know.(主语从句) 2. The attorney told his client that they had little chance of winning the case.(宾语从句) 3. The problem is what we'll do next.(表语从句) 4. We have no idea that he has come back.(同位语从句) 同位语(Appositive): 同位语是英语语法的重点内容,也是各类考试中的一个考点,同时,在写作中正确运用同位语可以使你的句型更加简洁得体。 《新概念英语》第三册第一课有这样一个句子: When reports came into London zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.

(当伦敦动物园接到报告说,在伦敦以南45英里处发现一只美洲狮时,这些报告并没 有受到重视。) 在这里,a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London就是同位语从句,它本来应该放在“reports”后面,这里却被放在了谓语成分 came into London zoo的后面, 目的是让句型显得更为稳重。 I.简单记忆:同位语从句,就是对某些名词做进一步的解释的句子。 I was greatly shocked when I heard the news that his father died yesterday. (that 引导的句子解释了news的内容,注意:that不做任何成分) We have to face the fact that the weather is unexpectedly bad. (that 引导的句子解释了fact的内容) II.联想记忆: 能接同位词从句的名词有:belief(信仰),fact,idea,doubt,rumor(谣言), evidence(证据),conclusion(结论),suggestion(建议),problem,order,answer, discovery(发现)explanation(解释),principle(原则),possibility(可能性),truth,promise(承诺),report(报告),statement(声明),knowledge(知识),opinion(观点),likelihood(可能性) [大声朗读三遍,背下即可。]

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第39课

Lesson 39 Am I all right? 我是否痊愈? Why did Mr. Gilbert telephone Dr. Millington? While John Gilbert was in hospital, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refused to do so. The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. When he was alone, he telephoned the hospital exchange and asked for Doctor Millington. When the doctor answered the phone, Mr. Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr. John Gilbert. He asked if Mr. Gilbert's operation had been successful and the doctor told him that it had been. He then asked when Mr. Gilbert would be allowed to go home and the doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks. Then Dr. Millington asked the caller if he was a relative of the patient. 'No,' the patient answered, 'I am Mr. John Gilbert.' 参考译文 当约翰.吉尔伯特住院的时候,他问医生他的手术是否成功,但医生拒绝告诉他。第二天,这位病人要了一部床头电话。当房里只剩他一个人时,他挂通了医院的交换台,要求与米灵顿医生讲话。当这位医生接过电话时,吉尔伯特先生说他想询问一个病人的情况,是一位名叫约翰.吉尔伯特的先生。他问吉尔伯特先生的手术中否成功,医生告诉他手术很成功。然后他又问吉尔伯特先生什么时候可以回家,医生说他在医院还必须再住上两个星期。之后,米灵顿医生问打电话的人是否是病人的亲属。“不是,”病人回答说,“我就是约翰.吉尔伯特先生。” 一、New words and expressions 生词和短语 operate V. 1)操作,操纵(机器等),运作,运转( control,run) operate a machine操纵一台机器 operate the lift开电梯 例:This sewing machine doesn't operate properly. 这台缝纫机不太好用了。 2)经营,管理(run, manage) operate a company经营一家公司 例: The company operate ten factories. 这家公司管理十个厂子。 The business operate in various counties.
