

Exam Tickets

●1Two memorable events in your own life/in the history of your country.

Answer:One of the memorable thing is last year’s postgraduate examination.Because it changed my life.Another memorable thing is my

best friend’s wedding which is held in October this year.The wedding

brought me a lot of touch.

●2What do you notice most about a person when you meet them for the first

time? Do you go by first impressions when you meet new people?

Answer:When I meet a person for the first time,I would notice most about his or her eyes.Because the eyes are the windows of the soul.I think first

impression is important,but not all of a person’s judgment standard.So I

won’t go by first impressions.

●3Who is your favorite female singer/male singer/band?Why do you like


Answer:My favorite celebrity is a singer named Eason.His songs can always bring me a lot of memories and moved.When I’m in a bad mood,I will always

listen to his songs to regulate emotions.

●4Speak about a person that made a big impression on you.

Explain the following words:trendy/casual.

Answer:Trendy means somebody whose dress alway keep up with the trend.Casual means somebody’s clothes is very ordinary.

●5Note down items of clothing that have the following parts.

A)a belt B) a buckle C) buttons D) sleeves E) zip

●6Explain the meanings of the phrases: calm down,you are so annoying,easy

to wind up,it can't be her.

●7What kind of image do you find most/least appealing?

Answer:I find that a person whose dress is trendy and tidy would most appealing.On the contrary, I think wearing sloppy and unfit would least appealing.

●8Think of important life events associated with each stage in life.

Answer:When I was a primary school student,I went to a military summer camp.In the summer camp,I leaned how to shoot with a gun.

I took the College entrance examination at the age of 18 years old.Then I

Spent 4 years of time to learn my major.

After I graduated from college,I took the Postgraduate examination.Now,I am so luck to study here.

●9Decide which is the best age or stage to learn a foreign language.

Answer:I think the best age to learn a foreign language is 2-10 years old. Because in that age the children begin to touch the external environment. For example,

the language ,the storybook, the computer and TV. They imitate the voice of

people, they interested in the language in that age.

●10What are the advantages and disadvantages of school exchanges or study

trips abroad?

Answer:Advantages: increase one’s knowledge, learn independent living, It is good for learning a foreign language.

Disadvantages: spend a lot of money, Different living habits and customs make students missing hometown and feel lonely. Is not good at their development

●11Explain the meaning of the saying“Blood is thicker than water ”.Give an


Answer: “Blood is thicker than water” means that the relationship among relatives are more close than others.So family is more important than everything.

During the days of the college entrance examination,I felt so nervous and

tired.But I know my parents were more tired than me.Every day, I was sitting

in the examination room,meanwhile,my father was waitting for me outside

the classroom in the blistering sun and my mother was preparing the meal at

home.It is my parents who give me the strength and confidence.

●12What is “Generation Gap”? Give some examples

Answer: Generation gap must contribute to different generations different tastes.

Because of these different tastes, people hold different hobbies, so in many

aspacts, parents may have conflicts with child. People’s understanding of life

can change as people getting older. On ce people’s understanding of life

changes, the generation gap will appear. Such as on buy cloths, older think

buy the cheap one, but the children think the cheap of poor quality.

●13Which points do you think parents would consider important/not important

in their son or daughter’s future partner?

Answer: I think the parents consider their children future partner’s height ,health ,education background , even their wealth because on the

one hand parents always willing their children have a rich life in the future

on the other hand they think about their grandchildren have high quality


●14Explain the meaning “There is no such thing as a free lunch”.Give an


Aanswer:I think this sentence is to say "no pain, no gain." Only their own efforts to do one thing, be possible to harvest what you want in return.

The second is when someone gives you benefits, he himself should

first think about the benefits of accepting other people need to do

things for others.

●15Describe an embarrassing situation that you or others have experienced

Answer: when I was in High school, one afternoon after school, I just met the students and a man stood together, I looked at the man’s age,

casually said “ your grandfather to pick you up ? “And she told me angry

that was his father, how embarrassing.(这道题最好自己发挥,每个人遇


●16Imagine someone is going to meet their girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s parents

for the first time. What advice would you give?

Answer:First, the dress should be simple and decent。

Second, they should give their parents , including other family buy a


Third, to help their parents do some housework

Fourth, do not be too casual with your boyfriend

Fifth, to give her boyfriend face

●17Explain the meaning of the saying “Home is where the heart is”.Give an


Answer:Where is the heart, where home is

If a family does not have warm and peaceful coexistence, then there

would not have home feeling

Home is the people's ultimate destination

●18Choose (make ,take or have): a fortune/advice/duty/responsibility/sense

Answer:I have never escaped from my responsibility.

It makes sense to buy the most up-to-date version

●19Choose (make ,take or have): a living/a guess/office/ a risk/

Answer:It is take a risk to go out in bad weather.

Tom make a living selling folwers

He tugged all his life to make a living.

The new president take office next month

Your little child have a guess and figure out what is it.

●20Choose (make ,take or have): way/a word/action/a start

Answer:Who must take action before it is too late.

You have thirty seconds to make a word.

What we can do now is to make a start on the correspondence.

●21Choose (make ,take or have): a profit/a loss/a laugh/ a right

●22When was the last time you splashed out on something?

Answer:It was last summer I and my brother splash out on a holiday.We went to Guangzhou and traveled many famous places.And the soup there is


●23Does it matter if a wife earns more than a husband?

Answer:I would feel like a failure if my wife earned more than I did.it’s a man’s job to earn a living,and a women’s place is in the home. I believe I will be

good husband and earn more than my wife.

●24If you were given 100000 RMB to save, spend or invest, what would you


Answer:Um,the sensible thing to do would be to save it for a rainy day.So I will save half of the money.But I have nerver see so much money,I will

splash out the rest of money on shoping,traveling and helping others.

●25Complete the sentences to make them true for you:

a)If I’d been born a member of the opposite sex,….

b)If I’d had famous parents,….

c)If I'd been born in a different country…

Answer:If I’d been born a member of the opposite sex,I wouldn’t spent much money on buying clothes and cosmetics.

If I’d had famous parents,I would like to be a actor.

●26For what reasons might somebody want to sell their life and then start a

new one?

Answer:If a person think life is meaningless,he will choose to sell

his owe life and start a new life.As for a man,I think the biggest reason may

be having a bad day at work.Such as lost his job,or his company went


●27If you were selling your whole life, what would be the one possession you

would try to keep?

Answer:Death,of course.no matter how rich we are ,how happy or sorrowful we feel,the only one road is lending to death.

●28Talk about your most treasured possession

Answer:Many of my most cherished it, the most important is his life, followed by the most love their parents, and once again is among the best sister's feelings.

There is joy and happiness to those who, managers and painful memories.

●29Talk about a time when you did something challenging.

Answer:You stand tall, smiling face of the sun, rises inside a satisfaction of pleasure.

At this time, some people will cheer for you ahead, someone will give you

clap, someone will tell you erected thumb.

●30If you are asked to make a project to raise money for the poor, what would

you do?

Answer:Raise funds through several methods. One is planning auctions, charity event to raise funds. The second is to encourage enterprise, legal returns to

the community. There are carefully crafted fundraising brand, the

implementation of special recruitment.

●31Give advice for the following ailments: difficulty sleeping/a twisted ankle

Answer:Difficulty sleeping:Need to relax, between half an hour to one hour before going to bed, not thinking or reading, should make appropriate physical

activity, avoid stressful mental activity.

a twisted ankle: Should immediately stop their activities, but to find ways to

elevate the foot injury, But also with an ice pack or cold towel on the wound.

●32Give advice for the following ailments: sunburn/a splitting headache

Answer: Sunburn:Apply a cold compress to the skin to relieve the swelling and pain

a splitting headache: Rubbing temples: double palm roots affixed to the

temples, eyes naturally closed for clear slow peaceful Roudong.

●33Give advice for the following ailments: sore throat/hay fever

Answe r: I will sugest that he or she should go to see the doctor firsly,then he or she can search some useful ideas through computer or mobile phone,for

example he or she can drink much water ,not be nervous,let himself or

herself have a break.If it is serious,you must take measures of doctor.

●34Tell about your own rituals or the rituals of people you know.

Answer:If I want to go out for an interview,I will have my hair cut,wash my hair and I will brush my hair neatly,with smile on my face.

●35Do you know anybody who is very attached to their car(or bike,or

computer,or mobile phone?

Answer:In my dormitory ,there is a lazy boy .If he receives an express delivery SMS,which remember he to fatch the package he bought on the Internet,he

will ride his bike to fatch it.

●36Explain the meaning and give an example:

a)Have a go at something.

b)Give something a go

Answer:It is the first time I try to ride a bike because it is time for me to go to middle school to study.One night my mother teach me how to ride a bike.At the

beginning,it is so difficult for me,the bike is not stabilize.I fall over myself.My

hands bleed,but I don’t give up.I try again and again,the last I can ride the

bike skilled.

●37Explain the meaning and give an example:

a)Have a go on something

b)On the go

Answer: I think the A is that somebody wants to do something but it is only a plan. The B is that somebody wants to do sth and he does it right now. For example,my math

teacher will exam our homework tomorrow afternoon. I know I must do it before

the math class, but I will do my homework in the night or tomorrow forenoon, I

even want to do it before the math exam. That situation is A. If I do it right now, it

is B.

●38Explain the meaning and give examples:

a)make a go of something

b)in one go

●39Describe your morning routines

Answer: I get up on seven clock usually. then I will set in bed a few minutes, then I get to my desk drink a battle of water, after this I will go to the toilet later, I wash my face

and my teeth, I wash my hair every two days, then I will go to the mess and have

my breakfast, on eight clock must get to classroom for my first class.

●40Describe a Chinese wedding you have ever attended

Answer:.I come from ※※Province, I have attended my brother s wedding three years ago. Bridegroom doesn’t sleep all night. The room will be full of balloon and

cards with red word XI that means happiness. the bridegroom s parents will be

painted as a traditional Chinese opera actor. They will set off firecrackers all day.

When meeting the bride, bridegroom needs to find her shoes and give some

money to her friends. The bridegroom should hold bride cross the salver that full

of fire.

●41What do you know about weddings in the UK/USA?

Answer: Once the two sides established a dating relationship, the woman gave the man to engagement rings and held a ceremony.

England held in the church wedding ceremony.When a priest asked whether the couple would be willing to do each other's wives or husbands, whether mutual respect and remain live after the bride and groom to wear a ring on my ring finger.It symbolizes a husband to his wife of pure love, while his wife also accepted and be faithful to this love.

Married to British costume; The bride dressed in white, football, wearing a white garlands, but also cast a long white, carrying white flowers.

Held once married, the bride and groom from the church by the time, people would like to congratulate the couple, not on kissing and hugging and shaking hands, but they scattered to the colorful confetti.

Honeymoon is married British youth around one of the important contents.

●42Do you think you are romantic?

Answer:I think I was never really the romantic type,because I think I am not humorous and I can’t do that will “surprise”my lover.Moreover,I can not say what

speak sugared words.Many people said the life is light and colorless .Mine is.

And I am an ordinary person,just want to live a simple life,like a nine-to-five job.

●43Explain the follo wing funny quote: “A man in love is incomplete until he is

married. Then he is finished”.

Answer:Usually,lover is blind,that is, love can be all inclusive and he or she can forgive all your ill temper,In the eyes of lovers,they are perfectly designed for each

other.But the one is too sad,because premarital in lovers’eyes,the one is not

beauty,marriage naturally more miserable,just as the old saying “marriage is

the grave of love”.

●44How to be romantic? Do…../Don’t….

Answer:I think we should do the following things to be a romantic person.

You should bring them a heat of the cold granule when one have got flu.

You should make a mix tape/CD to create a happy atmosphere.

You should write a love note or a love poem.

You should give her/him a surprise for your anniversary.

And you can’t be too stingy and too dull.

The most important thing is that each other should not consider yourself,regardless of what others think or feel.

●45Talk about all the people and things that annoy you? How do you handle


Answer :I hate the people who is lying, also hates people who like to shirk responsibility,this people made me fell annoyed, I usually don't make

friends with such people ; when I go shopping in the mall, the salesman is

always recommend their products to me that let me feel very annoyed.I

usually say “sorry” to them and go away

●46Talk about most common gestures that people do in a restaurant.

Answer :In the restaurant , people put his hand up and palm back hook means that they need help ; When the waiter asked if customer need something,

customer wave, means that don't need .

●47What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming vegetarian?

Answer :Vegetables contain many minerals and vitamins , these elements are essential for human body .and if we eat less meat, wo can protect the

animals ,the advantage of becoming vegetarian is to have a good health

body and protect animals ,while the human body also needs protein and fat,

the vegetables can’t prodive it, so the disadvantage of becoming

vegetarian is will result in malnutrition (营养不良)

48Which is the best restaurant and the worst restaurant you have ever known?

Answer:I like in a quiet place to eat, so I have a higher requirements on restaurant’s environmental ,so I think the best restaurant in my view is a plac named fubaoge in zhongglou. This restaurant is very quiet and clean,also the food is very delicious. Around our school,there are many restaurant,but the environment is very bad,so maybe there are the worst .


A;Which person do you admire most? B:I admire my mother most. A:could you tell me some reasons that why you adire her most? B:she is very kind,she always encourage me to overcome difficults in my lifetime,an she ca n support me no matter how dark the world around me becomes,when I gain several accomplish ment,she wil come to congratulate to me.And you. ...... (二)性别歧视insexism gender inequality Gender inequality is a long_standing historical and global problem.,in ancient times,many count aries in the world existed such concept,but the practice of feminist movement have not never sto pped, Nowadays,people all over the countary advocate the equality between man and woman,a nd the situation is going to better to better.but some still hold this idea. In my opinion,the concept is wrong,there are many out_standing woman whe play an importan t role in the world and the enterprises. (三)出国留学 Nowadays,an increasing number of students are going to abroad yo study,like everything going t o abroad has favorable and unfavorable aspects,the favorable aspects can be listed as follow,firstl y,studing abroad not only learn many professional knowledge,but also know several culture and c ustoms of foreign nations.secondly,they can take advantage of this opportunity to study foreign la nguage thirdly, they can meet many different people and different experiene,which can enrich ou r view and broaden our mind. But we are just looking at the positive side,there are still some drawbacks as well,they may feel l onely,and the cost is very high. Basing on the anaiysis obove,I think the advantage is outweigh dis advantage. (六)最喜欢的品质 1、诚信credit loyalty thrust Credit play an important role in any individuals development of chracter and competence,withou t credit no one can get thrust from others,let alone gian help from others and cooperate with oth ers. As the old saying is that thoesty is the best policy. 2、坚持perseverance We must the remember the Yugong’s story,an old foolish man who have the quality of persevera nce,finally moving the big mountian infront of his house.It the pereverance rather than genius an d any other extraordinary capacity,that can inspire us to cope with any arduous tasks.with persev erance,the goals we intend can be reached and so can the hard nut be cracked. (八)曾经的旅游经历 On summer holiday,my parents took me to climb the mount huangshan,As we all know,huangsha n is a famous scenic spor,located in Anhui province.they are many beautifull scenary like strange pines,absurd stones and sea of cloud.The pines can be seen every corner of the mount.I was ama zed by their thrength and vigor.The stones look like human_being,animals and other object.At su nrise or sunset,the cloud assume every colour from red to purple.I like to see them very much,Alt hough,I am very tired along way,the days on the mount is a worthwhile period in my life time.I ha ve a wonderful time .


1.Traveling alone Please talk about traveling alone according to the following hints 1) Describing traveling alone 2) Advantages of traveling alone 3) How to prepare for a solo travel Nowadays,traveling alone is not uncommon, most people love traveling alone becaus e of the feeling on their roads.Traveling alone can open you up to unique personal ex perience in new place. If you love freedom,Traveling alone is your best choice.When you are traveling alone, your time and budget(预 算) are your own! It's all up to you how much time to spend someplace, what your daily modes(方 式) of travelwill be! And it's easier to make friends with the locals. Solo travel can be a great opportunity for reflection and moving at an individual pace. Traveling by y ourself, you only have to please yourself. But you should prepare for your solo travel ,too.Without a thoughtful preparation,your traveling won’t be so successfully. You ha ve to prepare all your need before setting off.Like medicine,ID card,passport,camera and so on.A solo travel means you may be lonely and bored,so bring some interesting magizines to make your travel more funny. And the last,do what you want! Teacher’s Questions: 1)Would you like to travel in a group or alone? (Why or Why not?) Yes.Because it’s an unusual experience for me to learn how to be more independent,and I also enj oy the unconstraint. 2) What places are your ideal destinations if you are traveling solo? Why do you t hink so? HaiNan island.Because the scenery there is very charming and I can eat bananas and coconut as many as I can. 2. Staying Healthy The following are ways some people try to stay healthy. Please offer your comments. 1) Regular exercise 2) Balanced diet 3) Good living habit Health is the most precious(珍贵 的) wealth we have,so it is important to take good care of our health,here are some advice to help you to stay healthy. There is an old saying says:An apple a day keep doctor away.A balance diet is import


北京英语口语考试试题(中级) 第一部分 Introduction and General Conversation (about 3 - 4 minutes) Good morning/afternoon! Sit down, please. (Take a seat, please./Please be seated.) What's your name? (Could you tell me your name?) * My name is Chai Qinghua . And what is your registration number (准考证号)? * My registration number is… Right. Can you hand me your mark sheet, please? (登分卡) (Can you give me the mark sheet, please?) * Here you are. Thank you. Now we are ready for the test. (Let’s begin our test.) First of all, I'd like to know something about you. Could you tell me sth. about you family (friends, work, study, hobby)? * Yes,of course. Where are you from? * I’m from Chao Yang District. How did you get here? Did it take long? * I came here by bus. It took me about an hour. Where is your hometown? (Are you from Beijing? Which part of Beijing are you from? Tell me something about your hometown. How do you like your hometown?) * Well, Beijing is my hometown. Beijing is the capital of China. It is both an ancient city and a modern city. It is also an international city. It is developing very fast. I like Beijing very much. There are many foreign companies in Beijing. So in the near future, if I want to have a job in these companies, I have to be good at English. How long have you lived in Beijing? (Have you been living in Beijing for many years?) * For about 18 years. Are you working or studying? (Are you a student? What is your job?) *I ‘am a college student . What is the name of your college? The Tongzhou college of Beijing university of technology . When did you begin to study in your present school? * I began to study here in September 2012. Is English an important course in your school? * Of course, it is a very important course in our school. Both teachers and students pay great attention to this course, because English is very important. How do you usually learn English on your own? * I often listen to English programs over the radio. * I often review what I have learnt in my English classes. What is your major(专业)? Do you like your major? Is it difficult to you? * I major is the Business Administration Management. I like my major very much. It is very interesting and practical. Some courses are easy to learn, but some are difficult.


Topics for Oral test 1. 2. Which great leader do you admire most? What qualities did/does he/she have? bill gates 3. Which do you cherish more, your friendship with a good friend or your romantic relationship? obviously, friend is easy to make, but lover is kind of hard to seek for. Since relationship between friends might be not that close compared to romantic relationship, I will probably take it serious and cherish this sweet relationship. Also, I believe that my friends will support me and ou r relationship won’t be tense and freezing because of this. As the Chinese saying goes, once you got a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you may leave your friends out of your mind. I partly agree this, and when I fall in love, especially at the very beginning, I think I will cherish it more than friendship. 4. 5. What factors would you consider first if you were to find a job (even a part-time job)? I will first consider whether this company and the offered position is high potential. I think high potential is a quality that is vital for the company’s future development and its personnel’s self improvement. Every one need a room to promote and realize one’s self-value. Another factor I concern is—its location. I’d like to work an d live in big cities because big cities offer so many opportunities and a higher salary while small cities can’t.


2018考研复试英语口语万能句型及复试 话题 考研复试英语口语的考察除了考生准备的自我介绍外,老师还会随机的问一些问题,各个院校的口语形式略有不同,有的院校会给提供几份报纸,先让学生读,然后就文章来提问题,那么根据历年考研英语口语问题的收集,老师给考生整理了经常会问到的问题及如何回答: 1.人物相关的问题 如果老师问到人物方面的问题,考生可以介绍父母,老师等。 Parents: my mother is the person whom I admire most due to her so many personalities like talented, tolerant, and most of all, her spirit of dedication. First of all, she much a talented person who not only has great achievements in her work, but also can cook delicious food for my dad and me. Further, since she is well-educated, she can tolerate different opinions from varied people. And the most beautiful thing about her is that she has beautiful mind. Thirty as she is in the daily life, she saves the money and donates all of them to the people who may need them. The way she does and thinks make me want to be the person like she is. That is why I think my mother is the person I admire most. Teacher, a good teacher should have following personalities. First of all, a good teacher makes herself available to all students. She should know which students need extra assistance. Furthermore, a good teacher is an effective communicator, who knows when she needs to change her communicating techniques to be sure students can grasp instructional concepts. Just like an old saying "Give me a fish and I eat for a day, teach me to fish and eat for a life time." This must be a philosophy of every good teacher. 2.事情相关的问题 老师可能问到事务问题,考生可以从以下几个方面介绍:休闲娱乐(看书,听音乐,户外活动)。 When I have time, I read books. My favorite book is the old man and sea which is written by Ernest Hemingway, one of the greatest American writers. The book told us a story about an old man called Diego who did fishing in Cuba. Though he came across lots of difficulties on the sea and came back without a single fish, he has optimistic and still held the hope. Diego is the like mirror which reflects what (Hemingway) wanted to tell all of us: never give up and the final success will come right after the last try. Music: My favorite music is …which is sung by…The reasons why I love that song are based on following aspects: 1. It reflexes my mind. 2. I always have a greater efficiency after


Oral Test for Grade 2013 (Band 1) Topic 1: Campus Love Directions: Some students say one of their wishes at college is to develop a romantic relationship with someone they love. Are you one of them? Create a conversation with your partner(s) and exchange your personal views on campus love. Topic 2: Communication Problems Directions: Misunderstandings are very common in our daily lives. As a Chinese saying goes, understanding a girl’s mind is as hard as searching a needle under the sea. Do you think so? Do you agree that men and women speak in different styles? Are there any examples in your daily life that support your point of view? Create a conversation with your partner(s) and exchange your opinions on misunderstandings between men and women. Topic 3: Winning and Success Directions: Have a discussion with your partner(s) about winners in your eyes. Do you have your personal hero? What accounts for his/her success?


考研复试英语口语要求及评分标准 对于考研复试,英语口语是最令考生头疼的,备考也无所适从。以下是2014考研复试英语口语要求及评分标准,希望对你的备考有所帮助。 一、考研复试中的英语口语要求 1、评价标准: (1)语言准确性(语法和用词的准确性、语法结构的复杂性、词汇的丰富程度、发音的准确性) (2)话语的长短和连贯性(内容的连贯性、寻找合适词语而造成的停顿频率及长短、表达思想的语言长短等) (3)语言的灵活性和适合性(语言表达是否灵活、自然,话语是否得体,语言能否与语境、动能和目的相适应) 2、口语测试一般包含如下两部分: 第一部分:考查学生理解并回答有关日常生活、家庭、工作、学习等问题的能力(3--5分钟) 第二部分:考查学生连续表达的能力。考生从所给的问题中选择一个话题,就此话题表达自己的看法(7--10分钟)。 3、评价成绩一般为: a优秀--能用外语就指定的话题进行口头交流,基本没有困难 b良好--能用外语就指定的题材进行口头交流,虽有些困难,但不影响交流 c及格--能用外语就指定的话题进行简单的口头交流 d不及格--不具有口头表达能力 二、考研英语复试口语常见问题总结 1. Where do you come from? 2. What kind of landscapesurrounds your hometown? 3. What do you do duringthe Spring Festival? 4. Tell me something aboutthe customs of your hometown。 5. Could you tell mesomething about your family? 6. What socialresponsibilities should a post-graduate take? 7. Which kind of professordo you like best?


2008~2009学年度第一学期期末考试八年级 英语口语模拟试题(1) (一)模仿朗读听录音,用正确的语音语调模仿朗读以下内容。(计25分)One day Mrs Simpon invited many people to her house. She wanted to cook them a good dinner of meat and soup. She had five daughters. They were all busy. Mrs Simpon was busy, too. She forgot to put any salt into the soup. So she asked Mary, one of her daughter, to help her. “I can’t, Mum. I’m busy now,”said Mary. She asked the other girls, but got the same answer. So she did it herself. Now, Mary thought she should help her mother. She put some salt into the soup. One by one, the other girl did the same thing. Mrs simpon put the soup on the table. The friends took a little soup and their eyes opened wide. She took the soup, then she asked, “Which of you put salt into the soup?”“I did, Mum,” all the five said together. (二)回答问题根据实际情况回答下列问题。(共5小题,计25分) 1.电脑:What is the second largest island in China? 学生:Hainan Island. 2.电脑:Where do you want to go first when you get to Beijing? 学生:I want to go to the Great Wall first. 3.电脑:How is the weather in winter in Hainan? 学生:It is very warm. 4.电脑:What do you usually eat for lunch every day? 学生:I eat some rice, vegetables and meat. 5.电脑:How often do you have computer lessons? 学生:Twice a week. (三)传达信息请听一段信息,从所听信息中筛选信息,回答所提问题。(计25分)录音内容: M:How many languages are there in the world, Kate? W:More than 5000. M:Which language do you think is the most important? W:English, of course. M:Why do you say so? W:Because it is used all over the world.


考研复试英语口语经典问题汇总(一) 考研英语面试中,在自我介绍完结束后,老师就会开始问你问题。在回答过程中要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回答的问题和整个的自我介绍融为一个整体。 在每一年的面试中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常,却有很多陷阱,一不小心就会被考官抓主“小辫子”了。回答这些常见的看起来很平常的问题,是很有艺术的。考研教育网编辑将历年中常见的问题进行搜集、整理,供考生参考! 一、传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions) 1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?) In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important,but for me,it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best. 分析:这一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话。这是一个必问的问题。考官并不希望你大谈你的个人历史。是在寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索。 答案译文:在高中我参加各种竞争性体育活动,并一直努力提高各项运动的成绩。大学期间,我曾在一家服装店打工,我发现我能轻而易举地将东西推销出去。销售固然重要,但对我来说,更重要的是要确信顾客能够满意。不久便有顾客返回那家服装店点名让我为他们服务。我很有竞争意识,力求完美对我很重要。 2.What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?) I hope to do my best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager,I am planning on that also. 分析:你要清楚你实际上能胜任什么。 答案译文:我希望能在我的职位上尽力做好工作,由于在同一领域工作的许多人都被提为区域负责人,所以我亦有此打算。 3. What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?) I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I'd planned. I've set some high goals for myself. For example,I want to graduate with highest distinction.


以下为爱麟霖/(Curlylin)倾情奉献,需要的朋友可以参考一下 7. Friendship (Listening and Speaking Course, Unit 3; Integrated Course, Unit 2) 1) Do you have many friends? What kind of people do you want to make friends with? Why? Yes. I’d like to make friends with loyal people. In my opinion,a friend is a person who can share his/hers happiness with you, who can lend you a shoulder when you cry,who can give you a hand when you are in trouble without asking for anything in return. In a word,a friend in need is a friend indeed, I think a loyal people can do the things which were mentioned above for his/hers true friend. So I prefer to make friends with loyal people, and I also believe I am a loyal people who you can make friends with. 2) How do you make friends? Please comment on “a friend you buy isn’t worth the price”. First,I’d like to talk to him to find out whether we have the same interest with each other. If the answer is YES,then we have the foundation to develop a friendship. The next days, all we need to do is to treat each other by heart and soul. 3) How valuable is friendship in a person’s life? How can we keep friendship alive? As for me, I regard friendship as a very important part in my life.Just imagine a life,there’s no one to be your friend. What life could be if you had no friend to talk to , no friend to comfore you and cheer you up when you were having a hard time,no friend to lend you a hand when you needed help …… Life without friends is unthinkable ... We have to do hard work to build up and sustain our friendship. First, let your friends know that you really care about them.It’s important to give some cues to your friends. Be sure your friend knows that she is cared about.Second,try to be with your friends when they are in trouble when they need you. Keeping friendship alive is not only to say some sweet words,but need some real action. 4) What does friendship mean to you? What kind of friends do you think are true friends? It's a fantastic experience in whole of my life. Friendship to me is what water to fish.I can't live without a real friend. 2问见(1) 5) How can we get along well with other people? To begin with, we need to be honest with others and always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. After all,honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble enough. If we are proud in public, we can hardly win other's respect, not to mention "friendship" . Finally, we must not be selfish. We should learn how to show concern for others. As long as we abide[?'ba?d] by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.
