

Taking its medicine.自尝苦果。

A drug giant coughs up to settle bribery charges.


IN AMERICA, it was once common for drug firms to offer doctors "perks" to encourage them to prescr ibe theirpills. Regulators now frown on such iffy sales techniques, and drug firms have more or less st opped using them.But in emerging markets, it is a different story, as a settlement on August 7th betw een America's Department ofJustice and Pfizer, a big American drug firm, made clear.

在美国,制药公司给医生"回扣"鼓励他们开处方时使用该公司生产的药物曾是很常见的事。现在相关管理部门开始禁止这样不规范的销售技巧,因此一些制药公司也或多或少不再使用这种技巧。 8月7日,美国大型制药公司辉瑞就海外贿赂行为与美国司法部达成了和解,此事正好表明新兴市场的情况与美国的有所不同。

In China Pfizer established a "club" that provided "high-prescribing" doctors with all kinds of entertain mentunder the guise of attending conferences. In Kazakhstan Pfizer awarded an exclusive distribution deal to a local firmafter it was told there was no other way to secure government approval for a Pfize r product.


Unfortunately for Pfizer, such acts violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), an American law thatcriminalises bribery abroad. Doctors in many of the countries in question are state employees, m aking the giftsbribes to government officials. This week Pfizer agreed to pay a fine to settle corruption charges and to disgorgerelated illegally earned profits to the Securities and Exchange Commission. T he settlement, which will cost it $60mor so, covers similar offences committed by Wyeth, another dru g firm, before it was acquired by Pfizer in 2009.


Johnson & Johnson, another big drugmaker, paid $70m last year to settle civil and criminal bribery ch arges. OnAugust 6th Teva, an Israeli firm that is the world's largest generic drugmaker, said it was co -operating with SECinvestigators. Indeed, eight of the world's ten biggest drug firms have warned of potential costs related to chargesof corruption in markets abroad, according to Reuters. So Pfizer's be haviour seems to have been normal for theindustry, not an aberration.

去年,另一家大型制药公司强生因民事和刑事行贿受到指控,并为达成和解花费了七千万美元。今年8月6日,世界上最大的学名药(通用名药)生产公司以色列梯瓦制药工业有限公司称,它正在协助美国证券交易委员会调查员的调查工作。据路透社报道,事实上,世界上十大制药公司中有八家公司都在警惕因受控海外贪污可能造成的潜在开支。所以这样看来,辉瑞公司的行为在这个行业里并非异常。Citing the settlement, regulators will crow that the FCPA is being enforced more vigorously than at an y timesince it became law in 1977. They will also hope that it is evidence that their new carrot-and-sti ck approach isstarting to work. Most successful prosecutions in the past have been the result of whistl e-blowing or a lucky break;regulators have long suspected that many companies have publicly suppor ted the law while privately turning ablind eye to dodgy activities abroad, doubtless assuming that the

y would never be caught. The new approach isdesigned to encourage companies to police themselves , by punishing them only lightly when they turn themselvesin.


The relatively small fine imposed on Pfizer was the Justice Department's way of showing that firms th at co-operate will be treated leniently, says Ben Heineman of Harvard's Kennedy School of Governme nt. Pfizer has goneout of its way to placate prosecutors: it has been co-operating on the case since 2 004, helping to identify illegalpractices throughout its industry. It also oversaw the process that uncov ered the misbehaviour at Wyeth.

哈佛肯尼迪政治学院的Ben Heineman称,此次美国司法部门对辉瑞公司罚款力度相对较轻就是为了表明会对那些协助调查的公司宽大处理。辉瑞公司早就开始煞费苦心地讨好检察官:从2004年起辉瑞就开始协助调查员调查此案,帮助其调查全行业的非法行为。辉瑞还监督了一项揭发惠氏不法行为的调查。The regulators have accepted Pfizer's claim that the offences were committed by local staff acting wit hout theknowledge of head office in America. This follows April's decision by the SEC to charge a seni or executive atMorgan Stanley, a bank, with corrupt activity in Shanghai, but not to impose legal pen alties on the bank, whichtipped off regulators about its rogue employee. A few more examples of suc h regulatory forbearance and perhapsbusiness will get the message.


ooks and Arts; Book Review;


The political waning of America;




Every Nation For Itself: Winners and Losers in a G-Zero World. By Ian Bremmer.


Brazil and Turkey, once reliable backers of America's geostrategic goals, conspicuously went their ow n way in2010 when they sought to broker a deal with Iran over its nuclear programme, even as Amer ica pushed for newsanctions. Their new-found assertiveness was a product of both their growing eco nomic weight and America'sdiminished clout.


This is an example of what is in store for the world, predicts Ian Bremmer in “Every Nation For Itself”. Countrieslike Brazil and Turkey want the status of a bigger global role. But they “balk at assuming th e risks and burdens”that global leadership entails. Ideally a web of multilateral institutions and laws w ould impose order and holdwayward countries in line. But with America unable to afford, or unwilling

to exercise, global leadership, and Chinastill not ready to assume its responsibilities, there is no one t o enforce these rules.


In the 1960s President Lyndon Johnson could divert a fifth of America's wheat crop to alleviate starva tion inIndia. That could not happen now, when biofuels are aggravating food shortages and exporters hoard supplies fortheir own people. Global warming, nuclear proliferation and internet regulation are all harder to address, with the G7and G20 supplanted by what the author calls the “G-Zero”.


Mr Bremmer, founder of Eurasia Group, a political-risk consultancy, specialises in big thoughts. His pr eviousbooks tackled the path that developing countries travel from autocracy to democracy, and the growth of state-sponsored capitalism. “Every Nation For Itself” enters a more crowded field. Innumer able books and essays havealready plumbed the consequences of America's loss, or possible loss, of global leadership, with the best providingeither fresh insight or original reporting. Unfortunately, “Every Nation For Itself” does neither. It devotes endlesspages to describing disparate arenas of glob al conflict, from cyberspace to water shortages, but these are largely arehash of headlines and conve ntional wisdom. Their only purpose is to provide Mr Bremmer with repeatedopportunities to assert tha t “in a G-Zero world” such conflicts can no longer be solved from above.


Mr Bremmer is certainly right that a world without America's global leadership is a more dangerous pl ace, but heoverstates his case. Even when it stood alone as the world's superpower, America struggle d to impose its will. In1993 it pulled its troops out of Somalia when murderous warlords foiled its atte mpts to deliver food relief to thestarving country. The global groups that Mr Bremmer imagines once ran the world were seldom that effective. TheG7 occasionally influenced the direction of the dollar or the relations between rich countries and the emergingmarkets, but more often it issued anodyne, for gettable communiqués.

当然,布雷默认为一个失去美国领导的世界将会更加危险,在这一点上他是正确的,但是关于这一点他却有所夸大了。即使美国独霸世界,美国也很难强制执行它的意志。 1993年,当时残忍的军阀阻止美国将粮食救援输送到饥饿的国家时,美国将军队撤出了索马里。可见布雷默所认为的曾经掌控全球的各个团体事实上并没有那么有效。 G7峰会偶尔会影响美元的方向或者富裕国家与新兴市场之间的关系,但是更多情况下,它只是发布一些类似于止痛剂一样的公告,那些公告也很快就被会被人们抛诸脑后。

Neither America nor the multilateral institutions are as impotent today as Mr Bremmer claims. Brazil a nd Turkeyfailed in their negotiation over Iran's nuclear programme. The fact that Iran has been dragg ed back to thenegotiating table and Myanmar is veering back towards democracy contradict Mr Brem mer's thesis that sanctionsare becoming ever less effective. He is right that the World Bank and the I nternational Monetary Fund have beenweakened by China's growing power. But the opposite is true f or the World Trade Organisation, whose clout hasbeen enhanced significantly by the fact that both A merica and China abide by its rulings. “Every Nation For Itself”is a useful summary of current events. But as a guide to a complex world, it falls short.


IN DENVER four years ago, an inspiring presidential candidate announced that he would change America. Barack Obama promised to put aside partisan differences, restore hope to those without jobs, begin the process of saving the planet from global warming, and make America proud again.


Next week Mr Obama will address his fellow Democrats at their convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, with little of this hopeful agenda completed. Three million more Americans are out of work than four years ago, and the national debt is $5 trillion bigger. Partisan gridlock is worse than ever: health-care reform, a genuinely impressive achievement, has become a prime source of rancour. Businessfolk are split over whether he dislikes capitalism or is merely indifferent to it. His global-warming efforts have evaporated. America?s standing in the Muslim world is no higher than it was under George W. Bush, Iran remains dangerous, Russia and China are still prickly despite the promised resets, and the prison in Guantánamo remains open.


So far, so underwhelming


The defence of Mr Obama?s record comes down to one phrase: it could all have been a lot worse. He inherited an economy in free fall thanks to the banking crash and the fiscal profligacy that occurred under his predecessor; his stimulus measures and his saving of Detroit carmakers helped avert a

second Depression; overall, he deserves decent if patchy grades on the economy (see article). Confronted by obstructionist Republicans in Congress, he did well to get anything through at all. Abroad he has sensibly recalibrated American foreign policy. And there have been individual triumphs, such as the killing of Osama bin Laden.


But this does not amount to a compelling case for re-election, in the view of either this paper or the American people. More than 60% of voters believe their country to be on the wrong track. Mr Obama?s approval ratings are well under 50%; almost two-thirds of voters are unimpressed (however harshly) by how he has handled the economy. Worn down by the difficulties of office, the great reformer has become a cautious man, surrounded by an insular group of advisers. The candidate who promised bold solutions to the country?s gravest problems turned into the president who failed even to back his own commission?s plans for cutting the deficit.


Were he facing a more charismatic candidate than Mitt Romney or a less extremist bunch than the Republicans, Mr Obama would already be staring at defeat. The fact that the president has had to “go negative” so early and so relentlessly shows how badly he needs the election to be about Mr Romney?s weaknesses rather than his own achievements. A man who four years ago epitomised hope will arrive in Charlotte with a campaign that thus far has been about invoking fear.


Mr Obama must offer more than this, for three reasons. First, a negative campaign may well fail. The Republicans are a rum bunch with a wooden leader; but Mr Romney?s record as an executive and governor is impressive, and his running-mate, Paul Ryan, is a fount of bold ideas. Mr Obama?s strategy of blaming everything on Republican obstructionism will strike many voters as demeaning.



Second, even if negative campaigning works, a re-elected Mr Obama will need the strength that comes from a convincing agenda. Otherwise the Republicans, who will control the House and possibly the Senate too, will make mincemeat of him. And, third, it is not just Mr Obama who needs a plan. America does too. Its finances and its government require a drastic overhaul. Surely this charismatic, thoughtful man has more ideas about what must be done than he has so far let on?


A tempting option will be to galvanise his party base, with talk of more health reform and threats of higher taxes on business and the rich. Rather than redesigning government, he could suck up to the public-sector unions by promising that jobs will not be cut. Rather than cutting entitlement programmes, he could reassure the elderly that America can actually afford them.


Such an approach would fit the pattern of too much of his presidency, and his campaign so far; but it would do America a disservice, and it might not help Mr Obama either. His victory in 2008 relied on reaching beyond the groups that traditionally vote Democratic and bringing in young voters and wealthier whites. Many of them are centrists who are suspicious of Mr Romney, but since they have to foot the bill for government profligacy, they will not vote for a president who promises more of the same.


Reach for the radical centre


Appealing to the centre is not easy for Mr Obama. His allies on the left are powerful and, in a country so polarised, the middle ground can be a dangerous place. But there are plenty of things that many on both sides of the political aisle could agree on, including tax and immigration reform, investment in schools and aid to businesses that are creating jobs. Crucially, Mr Obama could explain how he intends to cut the still-soaring debt without pretending that taxing only the rich will help in any meaningful way.


Mr Obama has a strong belief in social justice. It drove his health-care reform. But he needs to distinguish between a creditable desire to help the weak and a dangerous preference for the public over the private sector. The jobs that poor Americans need will be created by companies. Smothering firms in red tape is not the way to help them; Mr Obama should vow to stop adding to it, and to start cutting some of it away. The party faithful in Charlotte might not like centrist ideas much. But they would appeal to the voters Mr Obama needs to win over and, should he be re-elected, they will strengthen him in his dealings with the Republicans in Congress.


Incumbents tend to win presidential elections, but second-term presidents tend to be disappointing. Mr Obama?s first-term record suggests that, if re-elected, he could be the lamest of ducks. That?s why he needs a good answer to the big question: just what would you do with another four years?


Business books quarterly; Book Review;


The success of hedge funds




Two books analyse what makes hedge-fund managers great—and reach very different conclusions.


The Alpha Masters: Unlocking the Genius of the World's Top Hedge Funds. By Maneet Ahuja.

阿尔法(注)大师:揭秘世界顶尖对冲基金的智慧,Maneet Ahuja著。

The Hedge Fund Mirage: The Illusion of Big Money and Why It's Too Good To Be True. By Simon Lac k.

对冲基金的海市蜃楼:巨资的幻象及其难以置信的原因,Simon Lack著。

Forget the one percent denounced by the Occupy Wall Street protesters. Hedge-fund managers have madeso much money for themselves that they are in the top percent of the one percent. The billions

they have rakedin make bankers' bonuses look titchy. Their vaunted success trading stocks, bonds an d other instruments hashelped to transform a cottage industry into a behemoth; today hedge funds o versee more than $2.1 trillion. Aclass of moneymen who once only managed funds for buccaneering, rich families now count the world's largestpublic pension funds and endowments as clients.


Have hedge funds succeeded because of their investment genius, or their crafty marketing? Two new booksdisagree on whether the hedge-fund managers' golden chalice is half-full or half-empty. Manee t Ahuja, a CNBCproducer who worked briefly on Wall Street before taking a job at the Wall Street Jou rnal, has written a homageto hedgies. She was in awe of Wall Street already when she was an intern at Citigroup (“I left the building with anoffer for a semester internship in hand, convinced I had found my calling with the good guys—good guys withnice shoes”). She has never shed it. “The Alpha Maste rs” profiles 11 of the industry's best-known bosses, andlooks at their investment philosophies and thei r famous trades. John Paulson made billions predicting the burstingof America's housing bubble; Jam es Chanos, a short-seller, disrobed Enron; and Ray Dalio, the boss ofBridgewater, the world's largest hedge fund, makes a killing for his investors and keeps calm doing transcendentalmeditation.


基金经理们的金杯里究竟是半桶水还是半桶空气的问题上产生异见。曾短暂任职于华尔街而后加入华尔街日报的CNBC制片人Maneet Ahuja,向对冲这帮家伙写了篇致敬。在她在花旗实习的时候就十分敬畏华尔街("当我拿着一学期实习的录取通知书离开大楼的时候,这让我确信自己找到了一群好人——穿着名牌鞋的一群好人")。她至今没有改变这一印象。《阿尔法大师》列举了11位业界最知名的总裁,并分析他们投资哲学和经典案例。约翰?保尔森因预测到美国房地产泡沫而赚了几十亿美元;卖空家James Chanos剥光了安然公司;世界上最大的对冲基金Bridgewater总裁Ray Dalio,为其投资者抓住猎杀机会而通过冥思竟作来保持冷静。

Throughout her book Ms Ahuja seems to be in a trance herself, in thrall to the glamour of her subject s. Shenever questions the judgment of her alpha-men and always gives them the last word. She devo tes dozens ofpages to Mr Paulson's rise in the hedge-fund industry, but glosses over his poor perform ance in 2011. His resultshave led some to speculate that he may have the unfortunate record of both earning and losing the most moneyin hedge-fund history. She quotes one of his 2011 letters to invest ors asserting that bank stocks—whosestruggles pulled down his funds' performance—would rebound when the economy improves, never criticising whathe did or pointing out that investors will have to w ait ages to claw back such massive losses. Nor does she grasp atbigger themes or the many common factors that hedge-fund managers share. Is it ego, courage, good networksor charisma that has brou ght them more success than their fellow financiers?


“The Hedge Fund Mirage” attacks the Wall Street worshippers' blind adulation. Simon Lack, who spen t 23 yearsat JPMorgan, an investment bank, selecting hedge funds to invest in, grew tired of the free hand that investors alltoo often gave managers. He has written a provocative book questioning a cent ral tenet of the hedge-fundindustry: its performance is always worth paying for. The promise of super ior performance is wrong, he says. Ofcourse some investors make a killing, but on average hedge fun ds have underperformed even risk-free Treasurybills. This is because the bulk of investors' capital has flooded in over the past ten years, whereas hedge fundsperformed best when the industry was small er than it is now. What is more, it is hard to know how hedge fundsactually fare, since indices that tra ck industry performance tend to overstate the returns. Funds that do badly orimplode are not usually included in the indices at all.


工作23年的Simon Lack,当时的任务是分配在对冲基金的投资,后来厌倦了投资者常常给予管理者过多的自由。他写了本具有挑衅性的书来质疑对冲基金的核心:它的业绩是物有所值的。他写道,这些对优秀业绩的承诺是错误的。当然一部分投资者是会有所猎获的,但平均来说对冲基金的表现连无风险的美国国债都不如。这是因为大部分投资者的资金都是最近这十年才涌入的,而对冲基金表现最佳的时候是比现在小的时候。更有问题的是不知道对冲基金的表现究竟如何,因为追踪业界表现的的指数通常夸大回报。那些表现很差或破产了的通常都不包括在这些指数里。

Why would any client continue to pay for such mediocre returns? One reason is that hedge-fund man agersare incredibly good salesmen. In addition, industry insiders who are all too aware of hedge fund s' shortcomingschoose not to expose them, Mr Lack argues. Moreover, the common fee structure, in which hedge-fundmanagers keep 2% of assets as a “management” fee to cover expenses and 20% o f profits generated byperformance, has made many managers rich, but not their clients. Mr Lack calc ulates that hedge-fund managershave kept around 84% of profits generated, with investors only getti ng 16% since 1998. “Where are thecustomers' yachts?” is the title of one chapter. What is worse, the disastrous dive of equity markets in 2008 mayhave wiped out all the profits that hedge funds have e ver generated for investors.


售人员。同时Lack认为,非常了解对冲基金软肋的业内人士选择不披露它们。再加上通用的费用结构使得许多经理变得富裕,而非他们的客户,这些费用包括对冲基金经理每年保留总资产的2%作为支付开销的"管理费"和盈利业绩的20%。 Lack计算自1998年起,对冲基金经理大约保留了84%的总利润,而投资者只拿到了16%。 "客户的游艇去哪里?"是第一章的标题。更可恶的是2008股票市场灾难性跳水可能已经把对冲基金为投资者赚的所有利润都抹杀掉了。

Mr Lack places a good deal of the blame for this on investors who fail to ask tough enough questions and havenot grasped that they “want yesterday's returns without yesterday's risk”. They invest mone y with the biggest,best-known funds “that look nothing like those whose aggregate performance” the y want to emulate. Insteadinvestors should stand up to managers, negotiate more favourable terms a nd put their money into smaller funds,which tend to perform better.


Mr Lack points out that large institutional investors always like to invest in bigger hedge funds. That way theyneed not worry about being the bulk of a small fund's investor-base. But he offers no solutio n for these largeinvestors, who cannot put big sums into the small, nimble funds that he touts. Nor d

oes he analyse how hedge-fund performance compares with other asset classes, such as private equit y. As a result, the reader is left with anagging unanswered question: would investors do better to avo id hedge funds altogether and, if so, where shouldthey put their money in future?


In his conclusion Mr Lack argues that most hedge-fund books are written by their “proponents”. His a mbitionwas to spark debate and help to change the industry. Whether he succeeds or not remains to be seen. Hedge-fund executives have already reacted angrily to “The Hedge Fund Mirage”, which sug gests that looking into themirror may be painful. They rightly worry the days of easy praise are over. 在他的总结里他写道,大多数关于对冲基金的书都是由它的"拥护者"写的。他的野心在于将这场辩论点燃,并寄希望于此以改变整个行业。至于他在这一点上是否成功了,还有待考证。对冲基金总裁们已经对《对冲基金的海市蜃楼》一书表示愤怒,这显示了要面对镜子里的自己是痛苦的。他们担心民众对其慷慨赞美的日子已经终结,这倒不是杞人忧天。

THE new headquarters of Citigroup India are nearly finished. The lobby walls are made of stone sculpted by lasers, the lifts are from Finland and there is delirious talk of a London pizza chain setting up shop there. The building cost over $300m, including land. Citi, as an anchor tenant, will have paid a big chunk of that. The rumour—unverified—is that Vikram Pandit, Citi?s boss, who was born in India, has bought a luxury pad nearby.


The aura is one of exclusivity and solidity, which is not a bad description of Citi?s business in In dia, as well as that of Standard Chartered and HSBC, the two other big foreign banks there. All cater mainly to investors, businesses and wealthy consumers in cities; they have combined pre-tax profits of $2.2 billion. Yes, there have been mistakes—both Citi and HSBC had ill-advised forays into consumer finance. But the Indian arms of these firms are among their best businesses. And they punch above their weight, with 0.3% of the Indian banking industry?s branches and perhaps 5% of all loans, but a meaty 11% of profits.


Imagine, then, the three firms? horror at the prospect of being forced to venture into India?s countryside, where, in the words of V.S. Naipaul, every tiny turbulence of dust betrays a peasant. Such a

requirement already applies to local banks. On top of being forced to hold about a quarter of their deposits in government bonds, which helps the state to finance its deficit, they must direct 40% of all loans to “priority” sectors, mainly farming and very small businesses. These loans default more than average and can be subject to political meddling. A rule of thumb is that priority lending cuts bank profits by a fifth.


Although foreign banks must also hold big slugs of bonds, they had more lenient priority-lending rules until now. The target was only 32%, and unlike local banks they could meet most of it by making export loans, often to quality firms involved in trade. Now the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the regulator, wants local rules to apply to foreign banks with over 20 branches in India. In practice that means the big three. One bigwig says the rules will make India a harder place to operate in than China.


It is easy to sympathise with the foreigners. They know nothing about the price of ploughs. Foreign banks have just 21 ATMs in rural India, home to 830m people. But the RBI?s stance is understandable, too. Why should big foreign banks be treated differently when 70% of farming households have no access to formal finance?


The trickier question is whether priority lending works. It diverts credit from infrastructure and manufacturing, sectors which create jobs and are far too puny. Having been around since the late 1960s priority lending has a lacklustre record in reducing poverty. For now, though, the authorities are wedded to it. The hope must be that innovations—such as electronic identity cards, the use of mobile devices and more credit bureaux—can make the system work better for banks and the poor. Something to chew over, along with pizzas, in flash offices in Mumbai.



iPhone, uCopy, iSue


Not every innovation deserves a patent. Not every copycat deserves a punishment


WHEN Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone in 2007, he changed an industry. Apple?s brilliant new device was a huge advance on the mobile phones that had gone before: it looked different and it worked better. The iPhone represented innovation at its finest, making it the top-selling smartphone soon after it came out and helping to turn Apple into the world?s most valuable company, with a market capitalisation that now exceeds $630 billion.


Apple?s achievement spawned a raft of imitators. Many smartphone manufacturers now boast touch-screens and colourful icons. Among them is Samsung, the world?s biggest technology manufacturer, whose gadgets are the iPhone?s nearest rivals and closest lookalikes. The competition and the similarities were close enough for Apple to sue Samsung for patent infringement in several countries, spurring the South Korean firm to counterclaim that it had been ripped off by Apple as well. On August 24th an American jury found that Samsung had infringed six patents and ordered it to pay Apple more than $1 billion in damages, one of the steepest awards yet seen in a patent case (see article).


Some see thinly disguised protectionism in this decision. That does the jury a disservice: its members seem to have stuck to the job of working out whether patent infringements had occurred. The much bigger questions raised by this case are whether all Apple?s innovations should have been granted a patent in the first place; and the degree to which technology stalwarts and start-ups alike should be able to base their designs on the breakthroughs of others.


It is useful to recall why patents exist. The system was established as a trade-off that provides a public

benefit: the state agrees to grant a limited monopoly to an inventor in return for disclosing how the technology works. To qualify, an innovation must be novel, useful and non-obvious, which earns the inventor 20 years of exclusivity. “Design patents”, which cover appearances and are granted after a simpler review process, are valid for 14 years.


The dispute between Apple and Samsung is less over how the devices work and more over their look and feel. At issue are features like the ability to zoom into an image with a double finger tap, pinching gestures, and the visual “rubber band” effect when you scroll to the end of a page. The case even extends to whether the device and its on-screen icons are allowed to have rounded corners. To be sure, some of these things were terrific improvements over what existed before the iPhone?s arrival, but to award a monopoly right to finger gestures and rounded rectangles is to stretch the definition of “novel” and “non-obvious” to breaking-point.


A proliferation of patents harms the public in three ways. First, it means that technology companies will compete more at the courtroom than in the marketplace—precisely what seems to be happening. Second, it hampers follow-on improvements by firms that implement an existing technology but build upon it as well. Third, it fuels many of the American patent system?s broader problems, such as patent trolls (speculative lawsuits by patent-holders who have no intention of actually making anything); defensive patenting (acquiring patents mainly to pre-empt the risk of litigation, which raises business costs); and “innovation gridlock” (the difficulty of combining multiple technologies to create a single new product because too many small patents are spread among too many players).


Some basic reforms would alleviate many of the problems exemplified by the iPhone lawsuit. The existing criteria for a patent should be applied with greater vigour. Specialised courts for patent disputes should be established, with technically minded judges in charge: the inflated patent-damage awards of recent years are largely the result of jury trials. And if patents are infringed, judges should favour

monetary penalties over injunctions that ban the sale of offending products and thereby reduce consumer choice.


Pinch and bloom


A world of fewer but more robust patents, combined with a more efficient method of settling disputes, would not just serve the interests of the public but also help innovators like Apple. The company is rumoured to be considering an iPad with a smaller screen, a format which Samsung already sells. What if its plans were blocked by a specious patent? Apple?s own early successes were founded on enhancing the best technologies that it saw, notably the graphical interface and mouse that were first invented at Xerox?s Palo Alto Research Centre. “It comes down to trying to expose your self to the best things that humans have done—and then try to bring those things in to what you?re doing,” said Jobs in a television documentary, “Triumph of the Nerds”, in 1996. “And we have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.”


Have yuan, will travel


China’s new middle class goes farther for its holidays


YANG RONGLIN, a teacher, usually spends his summer holidays in China. This year Mr Yang, who is 50, decided to venture abroad for the first time, booking a two-week coach tour of America. Mr Yang joins a multitude of Chinese tourists venturing overseas. In the first half of this year 38m Chinese took international trips, 18% more than in the same period last year. In 2011 they spent $73 billion while travelling abroad, third only to Germans and Americans.


Holidaying abroad is a recent luxury. Not until the early 1990s did the government approve foreign countries as holiday destinations, and a passport was hard for ordinary people to obtain. Now applying for a passport is easier and 140 countries are on the approved list.


Competition to lure Chinese tourists has become fierce, says Andrew McEvoy, managing director of T ourism Australia. To give them an edge, Australian hotels have introduced Chinese television channels and congee on the breakfast menu. In July, America announced that it had processed a million tourist visa applications from China since October 2011, an increase of 43% on the same period a year earlier. Foreign governments know that Chinese tourists like to splurge: they spend about $6,000 per trip to America, according to the US Travel Association, a third more than the average outlay of other visitors. 澳大利亚旅游局局长安德鲁?麦伊沃说,各国争相招揽中国游客,现在竞争日趋白热化。为胜人一筹,澳洲各酒店引进中国电视频道,早餐中也增加了粥类。今年7月,美国称,自2011年10月起,该国处理的中国游客旅行签证申请已达百万,比2010年同期增长43%。外国政府了解中国游客热衷败金挥霍的嗜好,据美国旅游协会统计,赴美中国游客每次出行约消费6000美元,较其他国家游客平均消费高出三分之一。

Some countries, such as Britain, have been slow to capitalise. Last year only 147,000 Chinese tourists visited Britain compared with 1.2m who went to France. So the British have launched a campaign to triple the number of Chinese visitors by 2015. They have also pledged to improve Britain?s onerous visa process. While the Schengen visa system allows holders to visit multiple European countries, Britain requires a separate visa.


The way Chinese tourists are travelling is changing too: wearing matching caps and following a guide with a flag are becoming less popular. Younger Chinese tourists are seeking a deeper experience of travel, says Lou Jiajun, a tourism scholar. Even middle-aged travellers want to be more independent. Mr Yang, the teacher, plans next year to hire a car in Belgium. Besides tasting the beer, he says he will take lots of photos. His elderly parents have never been abroad, and they like to see pictures of their son making the most of his freedom.


B?r’s leap


A Swiss bank bets on emerging markets


WHO would want to be a Swiss private banker right now? This summer many of them were advised to

holiday within Swiss borders rather than risk arrest or other forms of harassment by American and European tax authorities. In some cases their own bosses have been pressed into sending employee details to America?s Department of Justice, which is investigating 11 Swiss banks for encouraging tax evasion by American residents. Although consolidation is needed, few banks are interested in buying each other at the moment, mainly for fear of inheriting some horrible lawsuit in America. There is trouble closer to home, too: German politicians are threatening to tear up a treaty designed to head off attacks on Swiss banking secrecy.


But at least one Swiss private banker is willing to stick his head above the parapet. Earlier this month Boris Collardi (pictured), the boss of Julius B?r, cemented the bank?s position as the country?s third-biggest wealth manager, still some way behind UBS and Credit Suisse (see chart), in a deal that should also double the bank?s presence in growing markets such as Asia and South America. Julius B?r is buying the non-American business of Merrill Lynch?s International Wealth Management (IWM) division, which manages $84 billion of clients? money. The seller is Bank of America, whic h picked up Merrill during the worst of the 2008 financial crisis and will take a SFr240m ($249m) stake in Julius B?r as part of the deal.


Mr Collardi, still only 38, has been changing the face of the once rather staid, family-dominated B?r since he took over in 2009. Last year he bought into GPS, a Brazilian wealth-management firm, and beefed up B?r?s workforce in Germany. More recently he has struck co-operation agreements with Macquarie, an Australian investment bank, and Bank of China. (In the interim, an attempt to buy Sarasin, a private Swiss bank owned by Rabobank of the Netherlands, came to nothing.) The aim is to have 50% of his business in emerging markets by 2015. The IWM deal may help him achieve that goal sooner than planned. B?r already has foreign offices in 29 cities, including Moscow, Cairo and Jakarta. IWM overlaps with some of those but will add eight others, and around 300 extra people in London. 在2009年接管宝盛银行以来,年仅38岁的科拉德不断地改变着这家一度十分保守、家族化经营的银行的面貌。去年,他入股巴西理财公司GPS并增加了德国办事处的人手。最近,他与澳大利亚投资银行麦格里集团及中国银行达成了合作协议。(在这期间他曾试图收购荷兰拉博银行所有的一家私营银行——嘉盛莱宝银行,但以失败告终。)科拉德的目标是到2015年宝盛银行的业务有一半在新兴市场。与IWM 的交易可能会助他提前达成目标。宝盛银行已在29个城市设有办事处,其中包括莫斯科、开罗和雅加达。


Stock analysts fear Mr Collardi may have bitten off more than he can chew. B?r?s share price plummeted once the IWM deal became public; to alleviate shareholder concerns about dilution, on August 20th B?r reduced the size of a planned rights issue. IWM is overstaffed and loss-making, according to analysts? calculations. B?r will have to cut staff, reconcile two clunky IT systems and force a new culture on the Merrill bankers: they are rewarded deal by deal, whereas B?r?s bonuses depend on the bank?s overall performance. B?r is putting aside SFr400m for “restructuring” costs, including payments to retain staff; Bank of America is also chucking in $125m to keep people in place. B?r will pay only for the assets that are successfully transferred—it anticipates that at least SFr10 billion will be withdrawn by IWM clients.


It will take time to judge whether B?r?s leap has been successful. Critics wonder whether Mr Collardi?s youthful ambition is leading him to risk a solid franchise for an uncertain future. But his boldness has logic. UBS and Credit Suisse, the two giants of Swiss banking, still have to convince wealth-management clients that their investment-banking arms will not cause them more trouble; the IWM deal consolidates B?r?s status as the biggest “pure play” wealth manager in S witzerland.


And the industry can no longer rely on Swiss banking secrecy to attract assets. The Department of Justice will not be placated; tax treaties with Britain, Germany and Austria that preserve bank secrecy may well be torpedoed by Swiss citizens in a referendum planned for November. Even some Swiss bankers are now calling for Switzerland to fall into line with the Eu ropean Union?s savings directive, which requires cross-border exchange of information. Hans B?r, who ran the bank from 1975 to 1993, shocked the Swiss when he wrote in 2004 that banking secrecy “makes us fat, but impotent”. His latest successor is right to seek out new sources of growth.




Sticking together团结一致,绝不分拆

Breaking up universal banks is a bad idea. There are better ways to make them safer


SURGERY is an appealingly radical way of dealing with a diseased organ, but it can have a damaging effect on the rest of the body. That?s one reason why separating the investment and commercial wings of large “universal” banks is the wrong way of going about protecting taxpayers from reckless bankers.


The debate about splitting up universal banks has been rumbling since the start of the crisis, when behemoths such as Citigroup and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) nearly collapsed, but has reignited recently. Sandy Weill was the man who stitched Citigroup together in the 1990s and in the process helped bury the Glass-Steagall act, a Depression-era law separating retail and investment banking. Last month he performed a perfect pivot: he now wants regulators to undo his previous work. The idea is also on European minds. Wolfgang Sch?uble, Germany?s finance minister, says he would “not exclude”

a division of this kind. And Vince Cable, Br itain?s business secretary, fancies carving up RBS.


Bashers of universal banks have three sticks with which to beat them. The first is based on the idea that there something rotten about inv estment banking, a cultural miasma that infects the “good” bits of the banks where companies and individuals get loans and place deposits. The second is that they are a threat to financial stability, because universal banks tend to be bigger and more complex than more focused peers. And the third is that universal banks are a dreadful deal for investors. Mr Weill?s former bank has lost 94% of its value in the past five years; RBS is down by a regal 96%.


None of these criticisms, however, would justify a full-scale break-up. The idea that all finance?s problems stem from the investment-banking “casino” is a misdiagnosis. At its heart the crisis was a problem of too much debt, much of it secured against property. It is true that the wholesale market played an important role in the build-up of this debt, but it was propelled by bad lending to individuals and developers from retail and commercial banks. And with these credit channels now blocked up, investment-banking activities such as helping companies to issue debt and equity are a crucial way of channelling savings to businesses with good ideas.


The stability argument is dubious, too. Because they are diversified, universal banks spread their risks. During the crisis, for example, banks such as JPMorgan Chase saw a sudden slump in investment banking offset by their retail-banking income, and vice versa. Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns had no such hedge—and imploded. Many firms are now choosing to issue bonds rather than take out bank loans. This means pure retail banks lose out, but those with wholesale arms boost profits by taking firms to the bond market.


The notion that universal banks are worse for shareholders than other banks is also open to question. Poorly as they have performed, they are grabbing market share from pure investment banks in areas such as bonds, currencies and commodities (see article). Finally, though it is easy to call for banks to be carved up, it would be hellishly difficult in practice.Disentangling which shareholders and bondholders should own which bit of a divided bank would be a nightmare.


Better medicine


Change is certainly needed to protect taxpayers from having again to fork out billions to save the

banking system from the consequences of its own mistakes. The very size of universal banks makes them dangerous, for they know the state will bail them out if things go bad. But most are so large that simply slicing them in two would not solve the problem. The effect of splitting up banks like Citigroup, RBS and Deutsche Bank, all of which have assets well over $1 trillion, would be to create six systemically important banks instead of three.


More effective medicine is already on offer. The British government is set to adopt the recommendations of an independent commission in Britain, which include the adoption of a “ring fence” that would force the retail and investment-banking armsof universal banks to have their own capital buffers, shielding depositors from losses in the investment bank but retaining some diversification benefits. Add in new rules requiring all types of banks to hold more capital, and (crucially) efforts to impose losses on private creditors of a failing institution, and the case for radical surgery is blunted. 现在已经有人为银行分拆问题提供了更好的方法。英国一个独立委员会提出了一些建议,包括采用“围栏”来强制全能银行的零售银行部门与投资银行部门建立起自己的资本缓冲区,保护存款人免遭投资银行带来的损失,但与此同时保留一些多样化的收益。而英国政府也打算采纳这些建议。如果能再增加一些方法,如要求各类银行持有更多资金这样的新条例,以及(关键的是)努力让私人债权人来承担这个破产的机构带来的损失,这样,一次彻底的外科手术带来的伤害就不会如此严重了。


Selective memory


A timely meditation on shaping narratives of the past


AS THE ghosts of the Pacific war judder back to life in Asia, it seems appropriate to consider how nation states remember, and misremember, the p ast. Japan?s current tiffs with its neighbours, China and South Korea, are rooted in the march to war and its undigested aftermath, more than 75 years ago. They are inflamed, however, by different narratives of history, and by national media coverage that is often parochial and amnesiac.


Conflict and memory are the themes that animate this new collection of essays by John Dower, author of the Pulitzer prize-winning “Embracing Defeat” (1999), which looked at Japan after the second world war. Mr Dower is particularly interested in Japan?s sanitisation of its military past, but also the way
