


This is Bruce Brown. 61 is 13 years old. He is in 62 School. Is he in 63 Three, Grade 64 ? Yes, he is. There are 65 people in his family. Anna Brown is his grandmother. She is 61. She is a 66 . Her favorite animals are 67 . And his father’s name is Mike Brown. He is 39. He is a doctor. His favorite food is 68 . Her mother is Jenny Brown. She is 37. Her favorite color is 69 . Who is Emma Brown? Bruce’s sister. She is only 7. Her favorite animals are 70 . It’s a happy family.

61. __________ 62. __________ 63. __________ 64. __________ 65. __________ 66. __________ 67. __________ 68. __________ 69. __________ 70. __________ 答案:61. He 62. Beijing Re n’ai International63. Class 64. Seven

65. five 66. farmer 67. monkeys 68. meat 69. green 70. cats



On Sunday morning, Bruce goes out 51 a picnic 52 his classmates. They take some food there. Diana wants Bruce 53 sing a song with her, 54 he has no time. He 55 to cook. Frank and Clark 56 like to fly a kite, but they 57 to bring it. Wendy is a nice girl. She 58 water for them. 59 about Helen? She calls their teacher, Miss Li. She asks 60 to come here.

51. _________ 52. _________ 53. _________ 54. _________ 55. _________ 56. _________ 57. _________ 58. _________ 59. _________ 60. _________

答案:51. for 52. with 53. to 54. but 55. has 56. would/both

57. forget 58. carries 59. How/What 60.her


My name is Tom. I’m an American boy. I study at No.2 Junior High School. I 51 at six o’clock in the morning today. I 52 at six fifty. I 53 at seven fifteen. School begins(开始) at eight o five. I have lunch 54 . I go to the old man’s home and help him carry water at 55 in the afternoon. I 56 at three fifty. I go to Miss Li’s home at

57 in the afternoon. I go home at 58 . I 59 at seven ten in the evening. I often 60 at half past eight. I go to bed at nine forty.

51. _________ 52. _________ 53. _________ 54. _________ 55. _________ 56. _________ 57. _________ 58. _________ 59. _________ 60. _________


It is Sunday. My father 16 me goes to the zoo. “Look, Dad, what’s this?” I say. “This is 17 animal.” “18 is it?” I ask. “It’s black and white.” my father says, “It’s a panda from China. The people 19 like it. It’s very lovely(可爱的).”“Oh, I know. Thanks, Dad.” I say, “20 what’s that?” “It’s a lion.” 21 my father. “I see, too. Let’s go there.” I say. “22 ” says my father. Some monkeys are 23 the trees. And two of them have 24 . They are very cute.

25 we see lions, elephants and tigers. They are all very cute. What a nice day!

( )16. A. and B. of C. with D. for

( )17. A. the B. a C. / D. an

( )18. A. What B. What color C. Color D. Where

( )19. A. both B. many C. some D. all

( )20. A. And B. But C. Then D. Or

( )21. A. asks B. speaks C. says D. tells

( )22. A. Sorry. B. All right. C. You’re right. D. Good.

( )23. A. in B. at C. on D. of

( )24. A. eyes B. ears C. babies D. bananas

( )25. A. Then B. And C. Or D. But

16. C 本题考查with的用法。因为选项后面是me, 所以此空不能用并列连词and, 而只能


17. D 本题考查冠词的应用。此空表示有一个动物, 而且animal是以元音音素开头的, 所


18. B 问颜色应用what color, 故选B。

19. D 本题通过语境考查both与all的应用。all指(三者或三者以上的)“全部都”, both


20. A 根据上下文语境, 此处表示顺承关系, 所以选A。

21. C “某人说…… ”用say, ask表示“问、请”, “讲某种语言, 打电话”用speak , “告诉,

讲述”用tell。又因上下文之中有多处提到I say, says my father,故选C。

22. B 本句用来应答上句Let’s go there. 而且下文有对猴子的描述, 说明爸爸同意“去那

儿”, 因此用表示肯定的应答All right。

23. A 本题根据上下文语境考查“在树上”的表达方式。外物在树上常用in the tree;树上

长的东西常用on the tree。此处表示树上有一些猴子,故选A。

24. C 本题考查学生根据上下文的推理判断能力。two of them指许多猴子中的“两个”,

have在此表示“有,生育”, 所以A、B、D选项可排除,故选C。

25. A 本题根据上下文考查学生语言逻辑能力。“我们先看了熊猫又看了猴子, 然后我们

看了……。”所以此处表示的是时间上的先后顺序, 用then。


On Sunday morning, it’s fine. My friends Li Dong, Wang Lei, Robert and I would like to

16 to the West Hill. We plan to have a 17 . Li Dong wants to buy a bag of salt and

18 vegetables. Wang Lei wants to buy four 19 milk and some hamburgers. I have no many cups. I want to buy some 20 in the shop. Wh at about Robert? He’s new here. He

21 from Canada. He has a big nose and two big blue eyes. His hair is light brown. He likes to go 22 on Saturday(星期六) with his mother. Now he isn’t at home. So I call Robert with my cell phone, “23 forge t to take the guitar.” Of course, he doesn’t forget 24 his white dog. He likes the pet. We like 25 kites on the hill. I think it’s fun.

( ) 16.A. go B. going C. to go

( ) 17.A. party B. picnic C. meeting

( ) 18.A. any B. some C. a little

( ) 19.A. bottle B. bottles C. bottles of

( ) 20.A. knives B. cakes C. cups

( ) 21.A. come B. comes C. are

( ) 22.A. shop B. shopping C. swim

( ) 23.A. Doesn’t B. Don’t C. Isn’t

( ) 24.A. takes B. take C. to take

( ) 25.A. flies B. flying C. playing

16-20 ABBCC 21-25 BBBCB


根据图片和提示词,写一篇题为Tom’s Day的短文,不少于50个词。

提示词:get up, go to school, have classes(上课), have lunch, sing songs, go home, study English 书面表达。

参考范文:Tom’s Day

Tom gets up at twenty to seven every day. He goes to school at a quarter past seven after breakfast. He has classes at eight. He has lunch at twelve at home. He sings songs with classmates at half past three in the afternoon. He helps old people and carries water for them at twenty past four in the afternoon. He goes home at a quarter to eight. He studies English at five to eight.


请根据下面的提示词, 以My Cat为题写一篇50词左右的小短文。

提示词: a white cat, eyes, mouth, clever, play games with ... (和……一起做游戏)


My Cat

I like animals very much. I have a white cat. She has two round eyes and a small mouth. She is very clever and cute. I often play games with her after school. I love her very much. She is my favorite animal.


下面图表里是Lily和Jack两个人的资料, 请根据图表所列的信息, 写一篇小短文, 介绍

Lily is an English girl. She likes pink very much. Jiaozi is her favorite food. Her favorite animals are pandas. In the morning, she gets up at 6:30 and in the evening she often goes to bed at 9:30. Jack is from Canada. His favorite color is blue. He says hamburgers are his favorite food. He likes lions very much. He often gets up at 6:40 in the morning and goes to bed at 9:50 in the evening. Lily and Jack are both in Class One. They are good friends.


书面表达。根据下面的提示写一篇对话, 要求60词左右。

提示:Kate早上给Susan打电话, 想约她上午去野餐。Susan想去但今天没空, 她想明天去。最后定在明天早晨出发。Kate带相机(camera), 一些鱼肉和苹果, 并告诉Susan别忘了带些果汁。


Susan: Hello!

Kate: Hello! This is Kate. Who’s speaking?

Susan: This is Susan.

Kate: Would you like to go for a picnic with me this morning?

Susan: Yes, I’d love to, but I’m afraid I have no time today. What about tomorrow morning?

Kate: OK! Let’s meet tomorrow morning. I’ll bring a camera, some fish and some apples.

Please don’t forget to bring some juice.

Susan: OK. Goodbye!

Kate: Bye!




Dear May,

I’m David. I’m from England. I want to tell you about my family. There are four people in my family. They’re my mother, my father, my sister and I. My father is an English teacher. He likes fish very much. My mother is a doctor. She likes cooking. Chicken is her favorite food. My sister Julia and I are in the same school. We don’t li ke eating vegetables. But my parents tell us to eat more vegetables, it is helpful to us. Look, we have a happy family.




新人教版英语七年级上册综合填空练习 用所给单词的适当形式填空: (一) Xiao Pei is my cousin. She is my (uncle) daughter . My uncle likes (read) books. He (have) many books. Xiao Pei likes sports, but she (not) like books. She thinks (book) are boring. She plays sports every day. Her friend Fangfang (like) sports, too. They (play) volleyball together. I like both books and sports. Xiao Pei , Fangfang and I (be) in our school sports club . We are very _________ (health). Do you like sports ? Join ______ (we) please. 答案: 1. uncle’s 2. reading 3. has 4. doesn’t 5. books 6. likes 7. play 8. are 9. healthy 10. us (二) My friend is John Smith. He is twelve (year) old. He does n’t ______ (have) any brothers. He lives with his (parent) and grandma in a small house in Chesterfield in the north(北部)of England. There are lots of things to do there. His friends and he ____(go)to the cinema(电影院) or go to the zoo on Saturday. But on Sunday he _____ (have)to stay at home to do ____ (he) homework. He likes football. He plays soccer with his classmates after school. He can (play) it very _____ (good). He wants (be) a football player. His favorite team is Manchester United. He likes (watch) them play on TV. 答案: 1. years 2. have 3. parents 4. go 5. has 6. play 7. his 8. well 9. to be 10. watching (三) My friend is Frank. He's an American boy. He lives in China now. He's a middle school student. Do you want to know about his school life(生活)in China? He ______(go) to school from Monday to Friday. The ______ (one)


1、在某方面帮助(某人) 2、n.中心;中央 3、说英语 4、擅长于… 5、结交朋友 6、v.跳舞;n.舞蹈16、n.鼓31、 17、v.参加;加入32、 18、弹钢琴33、 19、v.教;讲授| |34、 20、v.说(某种语言);说话35、 21、(在)周末36、 adv.在今天 n.国际象棋 n.钢琴 conj.或者;也不(用于否定句) 7、v.唱;唱歌22、n.家;活动本部;adv.到家;在家37 、 n.音乐家 8、n.人;人们23、敲鼓38 、 拉小提琴 9、善于应付……的对……有办法24、n.演出;节目;v.给…看;展示39 、 adv.也;而且 10、n.俱乐部社团25、v.使成为制造 11、v.n.说话交谈26、n.故事;小说 12、v.讲述;告诉27、跟……说 13、v.画28、n.(中国)功 夫 14、v.n.游泳29、n.吉他 15、n.周末30、v.写作;写字 初中英语

1、洗淋浴18、a dv.有时35、穿上衣服 2、广播电台19、v.n.刷涮净;刷子36、n.v.行走;步行 3、prep.晚于;过(时间);adj.过去的20、起床;站起37、adj. 奇怪的;滑稽好笑的 4、要么…要么…;或者…或者… 21 、 adj.adv.最好的;最好地;最 38、adv.或者;也(用在否定词组 后) 5、v.n.工作22、v跑;奔39、adv通常地一般地 6、pron. 大量;许多23、n.电(视)台;车站40、n.pron. 一半;半数 7、n. 一刻钟;四分之一24、a dv向上41、n.工作;职业 8、adv.从不;绝不25、大量;许多42、v.n.锻炼;练习 9、n. (pl. lives /la ?/z/)生活;生命26、n um.四十 10、n .v.淋浴;淋浴器(间)27、n.(pl. teeth /ti: 0 /)牙齿 11、n.晚上;夜晚28、a dv.adj.早(的) 12、v打扫弄干净;adj.干净的29、v.n.穿衣服;连衣裙 13 、(在)周末30、n组;群 14、n.家庭作业 31 、v.有…的味道 ;品尝;n.味道;滋味 15、散步;走一走32、a dv很快地 16、int.(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀33、做作业 17、adv.(表示整点).. 点钟34、n um. 五十 初中英语


仁爱英语七年级下册综合填空 It’ssevenfortyinthemorni;MissGaois7_________behin;Letme1______ ____yousomet;U6T1;Hello! ;isagaragenexttoth ehouse.;U6T2;Kathyismy1_______neighbo;U6T3;Johnisan1______ It’s seven forty in the morning . The 1________ are coming into the classroom . A girl is 2__________ the windows. Some are laughing and 3________ . Some are 4_______ pictures . Some are 5_______ books . Some are 6__________ their homework . Miss Gao is 7_________ behind the teacher’s desk . She is 8_____ ____ on the blackboard . Sue and Han Mei are wearing their new dresse s today . Ann is 9________ her desk . Mike is helping her . They all look 10________ . U5T3 Let me 1 __________ you something about our school 2__________ in China. We don’t have a school bus. We always go to schoo l on foot o r by bike. Classes 3___________at about half past seven, so we often 4__________ up very ha ve four 6___________in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have 7__________, Chinese and English lessons ever y day. We also 8__________art, politics, biology music and computer. We always have a lot of 9__________,so we don’t have much time 10___ _______outdoor activities.


仙庵中学七年英语期末复习题 This is Bruce Brown. 61 is 13 years old. He is in 62 School. Is he in 63 Three, Grade 64 ? Yes, he is. There are 65 people in his family. Anna Brown is his grandmother. She is 61. She is a 66 . Her favorite animals are 67 . And his father’s name is Mike Brown. He is 39. He is a doctor. His favorite food is 68 . Her mother is Jenny Brown. She is 37. Her favorite color is 69 . Who is Emma Brown? Bruce’s sister. She is only 7. Her favorite animals are 70 . It’s a happy family. 61. __________ 62. __________ 63. __________ 64. __________ 65. __________ 66. __________ 67. __________ 68. __________ 69. __________ 70. __________ 答案:61. He 62. Beijing Re n’ai International63. Class 64. Seven 65. five 66. farmer 67. monkeys 68. meat 69. green 70. cats 综合填空。 根据上下文意思补全短文,每空一词。 On Sunday morning, Bruce goes out 51 a picnic 52 his classmates. They take some food there. Diana wants Bruce 53 sing a song with her, 54 he has no time. He 55 to cook. Frank and Clark 56 like to fly a kite, but they 57 to bring it. Wendy is a nice girl. She 58 water for them. 59 about Helen? She calls their teacher, Miss Li. She asks 60 to come here. 51. _________ 52. _________ 53. _________ 54. _________ 55. _________ 56. _________ 57. _________ 58. _________ 59. _________ 60. _________ 答案:51. for 52. with 53. to 54. but 55. has 56. would/both 57. forget 58. carries 59. How/What 60.her .综合填空。


Unit 1 (一)Li li, look 1 the picture. It’s 2 pi cture of our cl assroom. In the picture, you can see some desks 3 chairs. 4 the blackboard, you can see two black and white cats. A map is 5 the door. It’s a map 6 B eijing. Under the 7 desk is a ball, but you can’t see it. The gi rl in the hat is my good friend Kate. She i s a new student. She i s 8 English girl. She looks 9 Lucy . But they aren’t10 . ( )1.A. in B. at C. to D. on ( )2.A.a B. an C. the D./ ( )3.A.or B. but C. and D. there ( )4.A. In B. Of C. At D. On ( )5.A.at B. in C. under D. behind ( )6.A. of B. on C. in D. for ( )7.A. teacher B. teacher’s C. teachers’ D. of teacher ( )8.A. / B. the C. an D. a ( )9.A.at B. after C. like D. the same ( )10.A. boys B. girl s C. twins D. students Unit 2 Jim and Tom are 1 .They look 2 same. They are 3 . They’re twelve. They are in No. 14 Middl e 4 . They’re in the same 5 .B ut they 6 in the same room. Jim is in 7 301 and Tom is in Room 302 . 8 classmates all look 9 them. Now they are good 10 . ( )1.A. twin si ster B. twins si sters C. twin brothers D. twins brothers ( )2.A. a B. an C. the D. × ( )3.A. new B. new student C. a new student D. a new ( )4.A. school B. School C. schools D. Schools ( )5.A. class B. Class C. classes D. Classes ( )6.A. i s B. i sn’t C. are D. aren’t ( )7.A. room B. Room C. rooms D. Rooms ( )8.A. He B. His C. They D. Thei r ( )9.A. at B. like C. after D. to ( )10.A. friend B. friends C. student D. students I 1 a pi cture . It’s a picture 2 a school. 3 the pi cture you can see a school and some trees. Y ou can see some boys and girl s. They are 4 the trees. The school is a middle school . Look 5 these two boys. 6 they good friends 7 brothers? 8 i s thei r teacher? Oh, sorry, I 9 10 . ( )1.A. i s B. am C. are D. have ( )2.A. to B. or C. of D. and ( )3.A. In B. To C. On D. At ( )4.A. in B. on C. under D. behind ( )5.A. at B. of C. to D. like ( )6.A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Be ( )7.A. but B. of C. or D. and ( )8.A. How B. Who C. What D. Whi ch ( )9.A. i sn’t B. don’t C. am not D. aren’t Unit 3 (一)My name i s Li Hua . I’m thi rteen. I’m a middle school student . I am 1 Class Five, Grade One. My English teacher 2 Mr Lin. He i s 3 ol d teacher. I 4 a pen, a ruler and two 5 i n my pencil-box. I have a bike, 6 . Liu Ping i s in my class. She i s a gi rl. We 7 good friends . She i s not 8 today. I think she i s at home, Look ! Here is a 9 .But it i s not my book, I think i t is 10 book.


Starter 动词填空专项练习(用所给动词的适当形式填空) 1. What time _________ your father _________ (go) to work every day ? He _________ (go) to work at about eight after _________ (have) breakfast . 2. _________ they ________ (have ) lunch at school ? Yes . What ________ they _________ (have ) for lunch ? They often _________ (eat ) some rice . 3. Would you like _________ (go ) __________ ( shop) with me ? OK , I’d like ___________ (go) with you . What do you __________ (want ) __________ (buy ) ? I want __________ ( buy ) some milk . My dauthter _________ (enjoy) __________ ( drink ) milk . 4. Lily ___________ (like ) ___________ ( run ) in the morning , but she ___________ ( not like ) ____________ (run ) this morning . 5. How many students in your class often __________ ( take ) a bus to school ? Only one ___________ ( go ) to school by bus . The others _________ (ride ) bikes . 6. ___________ Nick often ___________ (do ) aome __________ (read ) in the library ? No , he ___________ ( not read ) there . 7. Can you _______ (use ) a computer ? Yes , I can _______ (use ) it ______ (look ) for things on the Internet and ________ (chat ) with my friends . 8. _________ (not shout ) in class . ________ (listen ) to the teacher carefully. 9. My parents often tell me ____________ ( not play ) computer games and ____________ ( study ) hard . 10. What about __________ (sit ) here ? OK , let me _________ (sit ) here. 11. He is a very good , let him _______ (help ) you _______(water ) the trees. 12. _____________ all the students ______________ ( get ) the books ? Yes, every student ____________( get ) a book. 13. Can he ____________( park ) his car here? No , he mustn’t __________ (park ) his car here . ___________ (look ) at the sign “ NO parkin 14. How much water ____________ (be ) there on the table ? How many bottles of orange ____________ (be) there on it? 15. He ________________ (not want ) ____________ (be ) late for school, so he ___________ (get ) up early every morning. 16. Tomorrow ___________ (be) my birthday. I want ___________ ( have ) a birthday party . Would you ___________ (come ) to my party? 17. __________ I __________ (need ) __________ (share ) it with him ? Yes, You must ___________ (share ) it with him. 18. How __________ the girl in black trousers ______________ ( feel ) today? She __________ (feel ) very happy.


仙庵中学七年英语期末复习题 This is Bruce Brow n. 61 is 13 years old. He is in 62 School. Is he in 63 Three, Grade 64 ? Yes, he is. There are 65 people in his family. Anna Brow n is his grandmother. She is 61. She is a 66 . Her favorite animals are 67 . And his father ' s name is Mike Brown. He is 39. He is a doctor. His favorite food is 68 . Her mother is Jenny Brown. She is 37. Her favorite color is 69 . Who is Emma Brown? Bruce ' s sister. 65. five 66. farmer 67. mon keys 68. meat 69. green 70. cats 综合填空。 根据上下文意思补全短文,每空一词。 On Sun day morni ng, Bruce goes out 51 a picnic 52 his classmates. They take some food there. Diana wants Bruce 53 sing a song with her, 54 he has no time. He 55 to cook. Frank and Clark 56 like to fly a kite, but they 57 to bring it. Wendy is a nice girl. She 58 water for them. 59 about Hele n? She calls their teacher, Miss Li. She asks 60 to come here. 52. _________ 53. _____________ 54. _____________ 55. 57. _________ 58. _____________ 59. _____________ 60. 52. with 53. to 54. but 55. has 56. would/both 57. forget 58. carries 59. How/What 60.her .综合填空。 m an American boy. I study at No.2 Junior High School. I 51 at six o ' clockn the morning today. I 52 at six fifty. I 53 at seven fifteen. School begins(开始)at eight o five. I have lunch 54 . I go to the old man ' s home and help him She is only 7. Her favorite ani mals are 61. _________ 62. _____________ 66. _________ 67. _____________ 70 . It ' 63. _________ 68. _________ 答案:61. He 62. Beijing Ren ' ai International s a happy family. 64. __________ 65. ____________ 69. __________ 70. ____________ 63. Class 64. Seve n 51. ________ 56. ________ 答案:51. for


七年级英语上册综合填空题2 6份 (1) 1.__________the photo of my family. 2.Nice_____________you . 3.My father____________TV in the evening. 4._____your cousin______a basketball? 5.I want___________a good teacher. 6.Please________David at 685-6034. 7.I lost my school ID card.I must________it. (2) have,play,sound,be,talk about,not like,be 1.My brother and I___________in the same school. 2.My sister Mary___________a tennis racket. 3.Sarah____________sports every day. 4.Let’s____________the animals in pairs. 5.That __________very interesting. 6.How much________the clothes? 7.My father__________bananas or apples. (3) 1.How do you________ “pen”? 2.Gina’s books ___________everywhere.

3.It’s difficult for me_________English well. 4.Thank you for _________me with my English. 5.It’s time______________now. 6.Let’s __________a meeting. 7.Please ________me at No,202,Xingqing Road. (4) 1.What about________lunch at school? 2.Let’s ______computer games together. 3.My mother ________me a gift for my birthday every year . 4.Sports_______good for you,for all of us. 5.My classes_________at 1:50,but after I have an art lesson for two hours. 6.Your parents can_________to our school. 7.We have some________and fun things for you this term. (5) 1.They want us________to their party. 2.Classes__________at 9 o’clock. 3.Let’s_________hamburgers for lunch.Is this OK with you? 4.Now,Class,please_______your books to Lesson 9. 5.Your coat_____________very nice. 6.I need my schoolbag.Can you ________it to school? https://www.360docs.net/doc/8c10597845.html,e and________your clothes at our great sale!


仙庵中学七年英语期末复习题 综合填空。 Name: Bruce Brown Age: 13 Class: 3 School: Beijing Ren’ ai International School Grade:7 Family Name Age Job Favorite members Color Food Animal Grandmother Anna Brown61Farmer blue bread monkey Father Mike Brown39Doctor brown meat tiger Mother Jenny Brown37Teacher green chicken dog Sister Emma Brown7Student red fish cat 根据表格信息完成短文。 This is Bruce Brown.61is 13 years old. He is in62School. Is he in63 Three, Grade64? Yes, he is. There are65people in his family. Anna Brown is his grandmother. She is 61. She is a66. Her favorite animals are67. And his father’ s name is Mike Brown. He is 39. He is a doctor. His favorite food is68. Her mother is Jenny Brown. She is 37. Her favorite color is69. Who is Emma Brown? Bruce’ s sister. She is only 7. Her favorite animals are70. It’ s a happy family. 61. __________62. __________63. __________64. __________65. __________ 66. __________67. __________68. __________69. __________70. __________ 答案: 61. He62. Beijing Re n’ai International63. Class64. Seven 65. five66. farmer67. monkeys68. meat69. green70. cats 综合填空。 根据上下文意思补全短文,每空一词。 On Sunday morning, Bruce goes out51 a picnic52his classmates. They take some food there. Diana wants Bruce53sing a song with her,54he has no time. He55to cook. Frank and Clark56like to fly a kite, but they57to bring it. Wendy is a nice girl. She58water for them.59about Helen? She calls their teacher, Miss Li. She asks60to come here. 51. _________52. _________53._________54. _________55. _________ 56. _________57. _________58._________59. _________60. _________ 答案: 51. for52. with53. to54. but55. has56. would/both 57. forget58. carries59.How/What60.her .综合填空。 请按汤姆某一天的作息时间表,在短文后的空格处填上恰当的词。 Timetable ( 时间表 ) 6:00起床15:50去动物园 6:50早餐17:30去李老师家 7:15上学18:45回家 8:05上课19:10晚餐 12:00午餐20:30唱歌 14:15去老人家帮忙21:40睡觉


初一英语任意词填空 1 Swimming is very popular in summer. people like swimming in summer,because water makes people f___ cool.If you like swimming and swim in a w___ place,it may not be safe.These years some people die when they are e___ themselves in the water,and most of them are students.But some people are still not c___ in swimming.They often thinkthey swim so w___ that nothing can happen to them in water.Summer is here a___.If you go swimming in summer,don't forget that some better s___ died in water when you are alone.If there is a"No swimming"s___ near water,you m___get into water.If you remember these,swimming will be safer. 2 Can you make animals w___ for us?Some scientists think that one day we can teach a___ to do a lot of work for people.Then say that in a f___ or on TV,you may see elephants,monkeys,tigers or some other animals always have a little f___ to eat after they do something.Scientists say that people can teach m___ different animals to do some of the work when they know they will get something to e___.We all k___ elephants can carry large things,and d___ can look after houses.And we can teach animals to work in factories.In America,for example,people t___ apes to make cards,and scientists think that those b___ monkeys may drive trains one day. 1 work 2 animals 3 feture 4 food 5 many 6 eat 7 know 8 dogs 9 teach 10 black 3 All the students at the beach party were members of the English Club. Before they began to swim or to play games, Miss Green wanted them to learn some new w__1__. She taught them how to s__2__ beach, sea and waves(波浪) in English. The students read the new words again and again. A__3__ the English lesson, the students started playing volleyball. Miss Green helped them to keep scores in English. The students made some mistakes, but they enjoyed p__4__ their numbers in English. At a later time, they swam in the sea. Most of them didn't swim far because it could be d__5__ to do so. Miss Green watched them very c__6__. When it was time for l__7__, everyone had a good m__8__. While they were eating, Miss Green asked each member of the club a question in English. They were all glad to a__9__ the question. Everyone thought it was interesting to learn English and they thanked Miss Green for being s__10__ a 4 Do you know Beijing?would you like to go to Beijing,the capital of our country?It's f___ away from Guangzhou,a southern city in China.It's 2313 lilometres from Guangzhou to Beijing.It's cold in winter there.But it's hot in summer.If you want to travel from Guangzhou to Beijing,you will find it very i_____ and fast enough to fly from Guangzhou to Brijing.It only t_____ you about four hours and you will get there e_____ and safely.But t____ by train is quite different.You h____ to stay on the train for more than thirty hours to a_____ in Beijing.But they can enjoy the different scenery t____ the windows.


必备英语七年级英语完形填空试题和答案 一、七年级英语完形填空 1.完形填空 My name is Zhang Jing. I have a happy 1 . We are from China. Now my parents and I 2 in America. In the morning, we have 3 at home. We have bread, milk and eggs. 4 lunch, we don't eat at home. In the evening, we 5 a big dinner at home. We 6 dumplings, chicken, rice and vegetables. My favourite 7 is dumplings. I like apples too. I eat 8 apple(s) a day, one in the morning and the other(另一个) in 9 afternoon. My father's favourite food is carrots and chicken. What about 10 mother? Oh, her favourite food is rice. We all eat healthy food. 1. A. family B. school C. class D. friend 2. A. be B. am C. is D. are 3. A. breakfast B. lunch C. rice D. noodles 4. A. To B. For C. Of D. With 5. A. play B. have C. draw D. see 6. A. know B. drink C. see D. like 7. A. sport B. colour C. food D. drink 8. A. one B. two C. three D. four 9. A. the B. a C. an D. / 10. A. my B. your C. his D. her 【答案】(1)A;(2)D;(3)A;(4)B;(5)B;(6)D;(7)C;(8)B;(9)A;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】主要讲了作者张静一家现在美国的生活及一家人的喜好。 (1)句意:我有一个快乐的家庭。A.家庭;B.学校;C.班级;D.朋友。根据后文讲的是父 母和自己,所以是家庭,故选A。 (2)句意:现在我的父母和我在美国。主语parents and I是复数,所以be用are,故选D。 (3)句意:我们在家吃早饭。A.早饭;B.午饭;C.大米;D.面条。根据后文lunch午饭、dinner晚饭,可知这里是早饭,breakfast,故选A。 (4)句意:午饭,我们不在家吃。三餐前用介词for,故选B。 (5)句意:在晚上我们在家吃大餐。A.玩耍;B.吃;C.画画;D.看见。have a big dinner吃 丰盛的晚饭,故选B。 (6)句意:我们喜欢水饺、鸡肉、米饭和蔬菜。A.知道;B.喝;C.看见;D.喜欢。我们喜 欢吃水饺、鸡肉、米饭和蔬菜,故选D。 (7)句意:我最喜爱的食物是水饺。A.运动;B.颜色;C.食物;D.饮料。水饺是食物,故 选C。 (8)句意:我每天早上吃一个苹果,下午吃另一个苹果。A.1;B.2;C.3;D.4。后文提到 早上吃一个苹果,下午吃一个苹果,可知每天吃两个,故选B。
