

Unit1 Changes at home


feed the baby, take the baby for a walk, read st ories to the baby,bath the baby,

take photos of the baby, dress the baby, teach the baby rhymes,

share my toys with the baby, another, excitedly, learn, plan , practise,

make the beds,clean the windows,make some new

friends, drink tea with him,

play chess with him move home,,get a new dog,

have a new helper,live with Grandpa,teach her Chin


eat some snacks,share my room with my sister,watc

h a film,

play football every Monday, call my friend,


take care of him, write a letter, send email to my friends,

read a book, give her a bunch of flowers , take a taxi, wash her hair,

bath , cot, e-mail, move , rhyme , share, teach


I am going to have a new brother or sister.

What are you going to do? We are going to…

What is Bill going to do? He is going to…

What is she / he going to do? She is going to…

What are Lucy and Linda going to do?

What are they going to do? They are going to

Unit 2 Turning over a new leaf


win the swimming competition,keep fit,learn Japa nese,

get high marks,put on weigh,improve my English , make more friends,draw well, play more sport,

practise swimming harder,take a Japanese course, work hard,

eat more,read more English books,join the Cubs, j oin the Art Club,


sick,tired,fat, leave,get , birthday ,

pass the exam,work harder,lose weight,eat less,joi n some activity ,

stop eating snacks,give her a present,go to bed ear ly,see the doctor,

get off the bus one stop early,walk home,prepare my lessons,

take part,pay attention,look up,find out the meani ng,


What are you going to do?

I want to…so I’m going to …

You want to…so you are going to …

They want to… so they are going to …
