






























































最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.360docs.net/doc/8e18790908.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) [范文9] importance of education the prosperity of a nation depends on the development of education. throughout the world whatever advance has been made in science and technology is due to education, which brings forth by scientists and inventors. it is never overdone no matter how one emphasizes the importance of education. there is no doubt that countries with undeveloped education will remain poor. education is as vital to the development of an individual as it is to that of a nation. of all the elements of success in our careers none is more vital than education. it is not the genius that makes the difference between success and failure. education is the driving power. in fact, most of the famous people in our times spent many years in studies. can you name any great men you admire who are not educated persons? yet some people are still ignorant of its importance. some parents, especially in the countryside, think that it is unnecessary to send their children to school. some other parents are so selfish that they have their children work for money. in consideration of the situation, compulsory education must be enforced to ensure that there will be enough educated young people for the future of our country. [范文10] the importance of self education self education brings success. though we students have teachers to help us, still we should pay more attention to self study. here are some suggestions. first, read outside our class. every new book one reads will benefit him in one way or another. the more we read, the more we are benefited. as life is short and knowledge is infinite, we should try to read as many books as we can. second, improve our memory and reasoning powers. if we read more and more, we can make our memory and reasoning powers improve to some degree. moreover, we shall be able to write more clearly and correctly. third, develop our character. when we have formed the habit of reading, we can put into practice what they have taught and build up a good character. in a word, if we want to educate ourselves, the most important thing for us to do is to read not only our textbooks, but also any other books that are within our reach. 五、图表、信函及其他 [范文1] should women have equal job opportunities with men? this table shows the different opinions about whether women should have equal job opportunities in the following three countries, china, the u.s.a. and japan. as can be seen in the table, the people who agree with this point exceed those who disagree, especially in china. however, there are still some people in the three countries, especially in japan who are against women’s equal job opportunities with men.


2018届湛江一模作文解析 原题回放 四、写作(60)分 22.阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。(60)分 自铁道部门推出12306网络订票以来,网购车票已经逐步成为人们购票的主流方式,高峰期比例甚至超过90%。一位老人想买票去女儿家过春节,但由于不会上网购票且不想麻烦自己的女儿,多次跑火车站买票,每次都早早而来,却失望而归。当他第6趟来火车站排队买票时,工作人员表示,2月7日连高铁的二等座也已经没有了,“我这里只卖到7日,你要去网上看8日、9日的票”。工作人员还提出帮助老人购买高铁票或长途汽车票多种建议,但老人未予接受。后在与执勤民警交谈过程中,这位老人突然做出下跪行为。 这件事引发了网友们的热烈讨论。有不少网友表示,网上订票着实难为了许多老人;也有人认为,身处网络时代,如果不跟进学习,被淘汰是必然的;还有人对铁路部门的管理提出了质疑。 针对这一事件,你有怎样的看法?请联系自己的生活经历和思考写一篇文章。 要求:选好角度,明确文体,自拟题目,不要套作,不得抄袭,不少于800字。 作文解析 这是一道事例型材料的作文题,说的还是“一票难求”的故事。但事例的内容比较复杂,准确地概括出事例的主要内容,有点难度。 材料第一句话说是一个背景,网购火车票已经成了购票的主要方式。 材料第二句话意思的是,老人想到女儿家过春节,因不懂网上购票且不想麻烦自己女儿,自己多次跑火车站购票,无果。 材料第三句话意思很明显,第6次去车站购票的老人,得到的依然是无票的结果。 材料第四句话,老人未能接受工作人员的建议和帮助,也没有购票高铁票或长途汽车票。 材料第五句话,与民警交谈中,老人突然下跪。 事例涉及的主体有老人、工作人员和民警。这三者中,老人无疑是关键的人物。因此,我们可以把老人作为主语,对事例进行概括。 “想到女儿家过春节的老人,因不懂网上购票且不愿麻烦女儿,自己多次跑车站都未能买到票。同时,又未接受工作人员的建议,以致,在与民警的交谈中,突然下跪。”


四级写作范文必背经典 大学英语四级范文背诵(01) COLLEGE STUDENTS SHOULD ATTEND PHYSICAL EXERCISE Physical exercise is a necessary part of college life. However, still some college students do not like to attend sports activities, they think those activities waste their time and influence their study. Indeed, it is very unwise for college students to keep distance from physical exercise because physical exercise is not harmful but good to them. College students can benefit a lot from physical exercise. First of all, attending physical sports can help students build a strong body, and keep abounding energy. Moreover, physical exercise is an effective way to relief pressure and keep a pleasant move. Besides, by attending physical activities, students can have chances to contact and communicate with others which can help them improve their social skills. Nowadays, all colleges and universities have provided many sports facilities for students to do physical exercises, students can chose freely according to their interests and needs. As for me, I am keen on all kinds of ball games, especially football and basketball. From these games, I have gained a lot, and enjoined great pleasure. To conclude, physical exercise is beneficial to every college students, and therefore do not hesitate to attend sports activities. 大学英语四级范文背诵(02) Online games As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. Many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self discipline on too much indulge in these games. So that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents. However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train their ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly. Form my point of view, online games are wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once, but if you have enough self control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them. 大学英语四级范文背诵(03) Certificates Craze on Campus In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly, ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear? There are two mainly reasons behind this phenomenon. First, it is the employments pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of


大学英语四级作文范文:朋友 请以朋友为话题,说说自己的想法。 参考例文一: With rapid development of computer technology, making friends online has become a hotspot among people, and people’s views about it vary from individual to individual. As for me,I would like to make friends in the real life rather than make friends online.Firstly,it is a waste of time to spend too much time in chatting online, and we have no enough time in studying. What’s worse,it does great harm to our health.Secondly the Internet is virtual,and there are all kinds of people in the virtual world.We are likely to be cheated.As a consequence,it will do damage to our property and https://www.360docs.net/doc/8e18790908.html,st but not the least,the over-reliance on it will bring about psychological problems.For one thing,we will ignore our real parents and friends. Actually,we are becoming lonely. For another,we may avoid facing the fact. In a word,I don’t think that it is wise to make friends online. As an old saying goes great minds think alike,friends are the people who share happy and sorrow with you,not only chat. 参考例文二:


2017湛江二模作文写作指导与范文 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(60分) 某大学“纸质图书发烧友”协会通过走访、问卷调查以及深入城市社区观察,对实体书店进行了广泛而深入的调查研究,他们发现:由于网络书店和电子图书的冲击,近半实体书店关闭或转行:一部分书店改变经营模式,满足读者多元化需求,如“24小时书店”设有供“背包客”借住的小房间,“老书虫”书店每周举办朗诵会、读书会、艺术电影欣赏等文化活动:极少数书店坚守传统经营模式,走特色书店、专业书店道路,如那美书店精心打造中国最全电影文字书库,蒲蒲兰绘本馆专注经营儿童绘本…… 结合材料的内容和含意,写一篇文章,表明你对“实体书店的困境与出路”的态度和看法,并阐述由此引发的更多思考。要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体。自拟标题,不要套作,不得抄袭。 【试题分析】 这是一则任务驱动型事实(社会现象)类材料作文。材料主要内容为“实体书店摆脱闲境的出路”,材料含意可理解为“传统行业(或传统文明)摆脱困境的方式(途径)”。“实体书店的困境与出路”的限定了此次写作的范围和立意的出发点;“表明你对‘实体书店的困境与出路’的态度和看法,并阐述由此引发的更多思考”,限定了写作的思维一一由“就事论事”至“因事议理”,这是任务驱动型作文的一个基本(合理)的写作思维。没有完成“阐述由此引发的更多思考”这个任务的文章,可视为思想缺少厚度(建议评分不超过50分)。 【立意说明】 可以从材料内容的角度立意,也可以从材料含意的角度立意。立意的多元选择主要体现在“出路(方式或途径)”上,在这一点上,材料体现出一定的矛盾冲突,但末尾的“省略号”淡化了这种冲突。材料对列举的三种“出路(方式或途径)"只是客观叙述,没有任何倾向,因此可褒可贬,同时也允许考生提出更多的“出路(方式或途径)”。 立意大忌:撇开材料的内容与含意泛谈坚守、与时俱进、创新、变通、舍弃等(建议评分不超过35分)。 立意参考一一 内容层面的立意 (1)适应时代潮流,实体书店转行实为明智之举。(实体书店关张,并非识时务之举。) (2)为实体书店改变经营模式点赞。(实体:书店改变经营模式,走出了困境,却失去了纯粹,淡化了书香。) (3)坚守传统经营模式,为纸质图书发烧友留一方净土。(固守一种与时代脱节的经营模式,非智者所为。) (4)实体书店要走出困境不妨和网络书店“联姻”。 含意层面的立意 (1)优秀传统行业(文化)岂能轻言退出。(不妨为传统行业的自然消亡唱一曲挽歌。) (2)与时俱进,传统行业方能脱胎换骨,焕发生机。(传统行业融入现代元素不能以失去自我为代价。) (3)坚守自我,走出困境,传统行业应有文化自信。(穷则变,变则通,通则久。) 3.关于立意的层级 第一层:本材料内容范畴内,实体书店摆脱困境的出路; 第二层:文化学范畴,传统行业(或传统文明)摆脱困境的方式(途径);


大学英语四级作文范文(5篇) 大学英语四级作文范文篇一 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象 2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性 3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做 Attend Your Classes Regularly Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers. In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a


高考漫画类材料作文审题 【写作指导】 漫画式材料是材料作文中一种非常重要的形式,在十几年来的高考作文中屡见不鲜。如1991年的“三南”作文试题《妈妈爱吃鱼头》,1996年全国卷《给六指做手术》、《截错了》,2007年全国Ⅰ卷《摔了一跤》,2008年江西卷《助鼠为患》等等。 何为漫画? 漫画是一种具有讽刺性或幽默性的绘画。漫画歌颂真善美,抨击假丑恶,是针砭时弊的锐利思想武器。 著名漫画理论家方成说:“漫画也是一种语言形式,漫画就是画思想。”漫画就是在简单的构图中承载着深刻的思想内涵。漫画多从生活现象中取材,通过夸张、比喻、象征、寓意等手法,表现为幽默、诙谐的画面,借以讽刺、批评(多以讽刺为主)或歌颂某些人和事,启迪人们领悟深奥的道理(寓意)。 漫画常见的种类有:讽刺漫画、新闻漫画、歌颂漫画、抒情漫画、哲理漫画、寓言漫画、幽默漫画等。 漫画既然属于材料作文之列,那么在审题立意方面还要遵循材料作文的基本规律。但漫画式作文毕竟不同于文字阅读,它有自身的特点,因此审题立意时要遵循其规律特点: 1、掌握分析漫画的方法。 仔细观察画中的人(服饰、表情、

动作及人物间相互关系)、物、景的特点,特别是细节内容,进而 不能遗漏了画面中的文字和标题。 ②人的认识规律是依序而行的,观察画面也要按照恰当的顺序,或由上而下,或由左而右,或由里而外,或由前而后,或与上面完全相反。 2、要看文字,文字有交代背景,比如时间、地点、环境等作用,包括读懂漫画标题,说明性文字或人物语言。 从中概括内容,揭示主旨。单一画面根据内容找关系,即画面内部人与人、人与物、物与物之间的关系,找出它们之间的某种联系,从中分析主旨,提炼中心。多幅画面要做比较,看变化,把握事物的变化趋势。 3、写作形式可以有记叙、说明、议论等方式,一定要审清题意,明确要求,选准角度。 其中要注意通过联想想象把漫画内容故事化、情节化,把画面中的内容与现实生活相结合。如侧重说明,则要明确要素之间的方位关系,如上下、左右、内外等,通过分析来概括主旨。往往漫画的主旨就是作文的主旨。 4、漫画说明类文章:宜实,传其形,重方位交代。 漫画描写议论类文章:宜虚,传其神,抓主旨,可以有想像。但要把握一点:分析画面,摸清绘画者的绘画意图,漫画材料的论点是根据漫画原作精神主旨来确立的,是从绘画原作中产生的,


The Most Impressing Course in My College Life During the two years of college life, I have attended many special courses, among which the most impressed one is psychology. I still remembered the days when I was fed up with my major Math, which frustrated me so much. Till I fortunately select one of the most fascinating optional courses lectured by Professor Wang. Time gone back to the first class of Mr. Wang, I found a little old man came in the classroom with a thick book of psychology. Mysteriously, I first unveiled and explored the myth within it by the vivid demonstration of Mr. Wang, and became fascinated with this course. In the following days, it Mr. Wang's lectures give us an insight into psychological phenomenons reflected in ordinary people’s daily lives by illustrating examples in reality. To be frank, it is the psychology class that enlightens my soul of exploring the unknown world and stimulate my desire to learn. Undoubtedly, psychology is the most impressing course for me in college. WeChat, also called Weixin in Chinese, is a social mobile application with voice and text messaging communication services. The app of WeChat is available on Android and iPhone phones covering people from more than 100 countries. WeChat has become increasingly popular among people of all ages, especially in China, because of its instant messaging and multifunctions. WeChat provides some basic functions, including various ways of instant messaging, such as text messages, voice messages, walkie talkies and free stickers. Users can also send pictures, videos, namecards, coupons and lucky money packages to anyone in the contact lists. Besides, WeChat enables group chat, free call, video call, moments sharing and so on. As WeChat supports wifi and 3G network, users can make some free calls or video calls easily by pressing the specified button, which just costs a little. In addition, WeChat holds many other attractive functions. For instance, the user can pay via WeChat. Wechat supports users to register as a public accounts. In China, WeChat public accounts have become a common service or promotion platform for the government, news media and companies. Specific public account subscribers utilize the platforms for different aspects, like hospital preregistration and credit card service, etc. Combining convenient multifunctions and low cost, WeChat seems to seize the chance to get great popularity throughout the world. As it keeps the ability of creativity and updates the functions periodically, more and more people are likely to become WeChat users, and that makes the earth becomes a much smaller world. As a humorous saying goes “Quitting smoke is the easiest thing in the world, I have done it hundreds of times”. It reminds me that a strong will plays a significant role in our life. I firmly believe that “Where there is a will, there is a way”. In terms of the academic performance, a strong will exerts a great influence on student’s academic performances. A strong will of acquiring the knowledge and resisting the temptation of entertainment motivates students to try their best in order to pursue the academic excellence. When it comes to the musical mastery, it is well known that the key to acquiring proficiency in musical instrument is a strong will of repetition. For example, the famous pianist Lang Lang plays the piano from 5am


漫画类材料作文审题立意 漫画类作文作为新材料作文的一种,高考出现的频率并不高,2007年以来仅出现了三次,2007年“摔了一跤”,2010年“有鱼吃还捉老鼠”,2016年“奖惩之后”。正是因为考查的不多,大家在平时备考时都有所忽视,以致于2016年高考作文公布之后引起一片哗然,大家都惊呼出乎意料,考生也都感觉猝不及防。

这也启示我们,高考作文备考,一定要全面,形式多样化,注重学生基本写作能力的提升,而非心存侥幸,盲目地功利化地训练热点作文题型。 漫画类作文有别于其他材料作文的一个重要特点是,它以图形而非文字的形式呈现,考查的是学生的读图能力,能不能全面仔细的理解画面,把握画面的核心内涵与深刻寓意,将直接决定考生的审题与立意。 漫画类材料作文审题时要做到: 1 第一,理解漫画特点。 漫画,是一种用简单而夸张的手法来描绘生活或时事的艺术形式。取材于社会现实或热点问题,一般运用变形、比喻、象征、暗示、影射等方法,构成幽默诙谐的画面或画面组,来讽刺、批评或颂扬某些人或事,具有很强的时代感与社会性,常常能引人开怀、发人深思、启人心智。 2 第二,审读漫画内容。

首先看漫画的标题,标题是漫画的眼睛,透过这个“眼睛”,可以发现整幅漫画的内容和指向。其次,品读漫画上的文字,这些文字言简意赅,或是提示,或是交代,或是观点,常常是点睛之笔,透过它们,往往可以洞察出漫画的主题或作者的思想倾向。比如 这幅漫画的文字就清楚明白地交代了一只小鸡喊出“我想去看大海”的语境,即到了晚上该回鸡窝睡觉的时间,小鸡却有了异于常“鸡”的举动。这种举动该如何解读,将直接决定考生立意的方向和观点。 再次,全面理解漫画内容,不放过每一个细节。 细节主要包括画面中人物的形体、相貌、服饰、表情、动作等,可以从中弄清人物的性别、年龄、身份,推测人物的思想面貌、心理动态以及行为取向。此外还有周围环境,事件发生的时间、地点以及和事件有关的物品。 考生要弄清事情的主次,谁是背景,谁是主要人物;如果有多个人物,哪个是主要人物;多种情节,哪个更有意义、更典型。比如上幅漫画,细节在于一只小鸡和一群鸡各在一边,区别明显,



2013年12月英语四级作文题目一 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short easy on the picture below. You should start your easy with a brief account of the increasing use of the mobile phone in people’s life and then explain the consequences of overusing it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. People are crossing the street looking at their cell phones and using sticks in order to see. 例文1 The Overusing of Cell Phones

As the drawing presents(描述图画内容), there is a man walking across the street absorbedly focusing on his cell phone without noticing the surroundings. This sort of phenomenon is not uncommon and rare in some metropolis, especially among the youngsters. What the picture illustrates is the prevailing situation that has long existed in today's China.That is the mobile phone obsession. With the advent of information age, people are becoming increasingly fascinated on the electronic products, especially the cell phones. Not surprisingly, you could easily notice that most of us are obsessed in sending messages, playing online games with their mobile phones. It cannot be denied that this phenomenon may negatively impact the relationship among


xx湛江一模语文作文题目及范文 阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。(60分) 中国长安集团的总裁,在接受《东方之子》采访的时候说,一个企业的失败往往是因为他曾经的成功。做企业第一次成功相对比较容易,但第二次却不容易,第三第四次更难,原因是不能归零。正如一部电视剧有句道白:“生活就是不断的重新再来。”但重新开始,一切归零,对于成功者尤其不易。 对上面材料,你有怎样的思考和体验?请写一篇文章来表达。 注意:(1)立意自定,上面的材料考生文中可用也可以不用;(2)题目自拟;(3)除外,文体自选;(4)不少于800字。 有人觉得成功遥不可及,有人认为成功唾手可得,其实这只是认识上的偏差。笔者【宋小飞】认为:小成功其实很简单,真正的大成不容易。 那么什么是“小成功”呢?笔者【宋小飞】认为:就是一个人活着并穷其一生所创造的一切。比如:一个人健康(心理和生理的平衡)的活着,这是最根本的成功;一家人幸福快乐的生活在一起就是基本的成功;有一份喜欢的.工作,并不断为之付出努力,谁说不是一种成

功呢?不要认为地位显赫,腰缠万贯就很成功,也许他正为众叛亲离而伤感;不要以为有房子车子票子就很成功,也许他正为妻离子散而伤心;也不要以为学富五车、才高八斗就很成功,也许他正为无用武之地而伤怀…… 人生是很奇妙的过程,用太多的时间和精力拼命获取,来满足无法填平的欲望沟壑。忘了一路灿烂的风光,最终发现自己为之奋斗一生的财富却是羁绊自己获得真正意义上的自由、快乐、幸福的根源,更苦恼的是:你什么都带不走,什么也没有留下!你就像一颗流星就在一瞬间划过人生的天际,你留下了太多遗憾,只留下了延续你家族的血脉……真正意义上的成功就是那些名垂千史的人们,他们的伟大不是个人获得什么,而是为世界、为人类带来了什么,为后人留下了什么精神、什么思想。这是一种很难企及的高度,这是人人应该为之奋斗的人生。 所以,历史上太多富可敌国的商人,他们过着极其奢华的人生,他们或是幸福或是不幸的故事只有他们知道,我们一无所知。比尔盖茨、李嘉诚等世界级优秀的商人为什转身慈善事业呢?因为物质的财富对他们来讲犹如粪土,他们希望在各自生活的时间和空间流芳百世而已。可是刘胡兰、雷锋、江姐等等人民的英雄,在物质上是一无所有的,但是他们永远活在人民的心里。这种成功是像比尔盖茨、李嘉诚这样优秀的弄潮儿也无法企及的。也许再过五百年,大家依然熟知


【题目一】 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one is to take a job in a company and the other to go to a graduate school. You are to make a choice between the two. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 【题目一参考范文】 For undergraduates college students, deciding what to do upon graduation can be a tough decision to say the least. From my point of view, I prefer to pursuing postgraduate students. My choice can be attributed to the following two driving forces. For one thing, I want to continue my studies for their own sake because I love what I am doing. In fact, having a passion for my subject is possibly the best reason to go into postgraduate education. For another thing, entering into a postgraduate school, I can improve my job prospects. Specializing at postgraduate level can make you a stronger job applicant. Actually, when in comes time for university graduates to decide their next step in life, there is no on right or wrong choice for everyone. Rather, each students must reach his or her own conclusion. 【参考译文】 对于本科生来说,决定毕业工作之后做什么毫不夸张的说是一个艰难的决定。从我个人而言,我更喜欢读研。以下两点原因可以解释我的选择。 一方面,我是为了想学习而打算继续学业因为我热爱正在做的事情。事实上,热爱学科可能是读研最好的理由。另一方面,通过读研,我们可以提高就业前景。研究生层次的专业学习可以增强你的技能,使你成为强有力的求职者。 事实上,大学毕业之际,每个人在决定人生中的下一步时无所谓对和错。更恰当的说,每个学生都必须做出自己的选择。 【范文解析】 一、写作思路:这次的四级作文再次考了和大学生生活极为紧密的话题——大学毕业后的选择:工作还是读研,这是每个大学毕业生都会面临的选择题。构思本题可以从以下思路
